Volume 11 Issue 11

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

John 2:24-25 (UKJV) But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,

And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.

If you enquire the servants of God who are in the ministry they will tell us that the severest pain and suffering involved is the trust issue; betrayal of fellow  servants.

They would have trusted certain people and shared everything with them including their God experiences, shortcomings, weaknesses, failures etc.

At the time, when they become weak in spiritual life, the enemy will take advantage of it, betray them blackmail them and get them to turn against the servant of God. Because they were  in close association with them, they would have shared all their secrets and trusted them fully.

In one's weak moment, satan tries to find a doorway to enter into these whom the servants trusted ,twist their heart and mind against their leader/ mentor.

He starts accusing him, finds fault with him by becoming a slanderer and gossiper. He sows the seeds of hatred and enmity   among his close associates.

For a normal man, to learn a lesson from this kind of human attributes and tendencies by experience it takes almost 25-30 years of human life.

It is said in John 2:24-25 that Jesus did not commit himself unto any human being.

Jesus did not trust any human being. Since he had such a close relationship with his Heavenly Father, he had the wisdom to discern what is in the hearts human beings. He knew all men and their innermost beings. Nobody needed to tell him of anyone.

"He need not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man". John 2:25

His life was open to everyone. Jesus could testify before Pilate,

John 18:20 (UKJV) ........ "I spoke openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, where the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.

We, the believers need the gift of discerning human hearts. It does not mean that you restrict your circle of ministry or movements within certain limits. Judas' betrayal of Jesus speaks volumes in this regard.

Jesus went on His ways as He was led by the Holy Spirit. Let us also follow Him.

Sr. Angelica AOJ

SHADOW PARLI, Rajapalayam

TN Shadow Parli was conducted in Rajapalayam on 4th March 2023.On behalf of "All India Christian People Rights Movement" PR. Christopher,  Secretary joined our meeting. They are regularly going to the Police station, fighting for the rights which the constitution grants to Indian Citizens. They have done a lot in & around their constituency to equip Christians for the freedom struggle mentioned in our ENHF Vision. It is a blessing that they attended the Shadow Parli. We have learnt many things from them & taught them about AOJ Strategies.

Task force has visited Karur parliamentary constituency in Tamilnadu from 1st March. Target for Tamilnadu and Pondicherry for Jan-march: 300.troop churches. Task force is visiting all assembly segments of Karur parliamentary constituency to pray for the sick, aged people ,orphans and for the disabled. Prayer meeting was conducted for aged people in a home in Karur.


If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, - James 2: 15

and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?  - James 2: 16

Then they said to one another, “We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. If we wait until morning light, some punishment will come upon us. Now therefore, come, let us go and tell the king’s household.”  - 2 Kings 7: 9

Then the people went out and plundered the tents of the Syrians. So, a search of fine flour was sold for a shekel, and two searches of barley for a shekel, according to the word of the Lord. - 2 Kings 7: 16

Let’s not remain silent. It’s the year of plundering. We have to raise more organizers and student coordinators and those who announce the availability of food grains.

  • Let the heavenly plan be implemented.
  • Let’s fill India with Gift schools.
  • Let God help us to equip and build the church.

How to work

Gift schools should be nationalized. Teachers should be dispersed and utilized wherever needed with the help of translators.

  • Plan for 3 teachers/ class.
  • Register every school- offline & online.
  • As far as feasible apply different methods.
  • As per our policy, out of the participants, 50% should be raised as teachers. The other 50% should be organizers (or in the organizing team – sharing the responsibilities of JSFD in the way they can)

How to set Target for GS & AOJO for a month (Sample)

For example: Total target set for Deliverance Department - August -100 schools whole India.How to conduct 100 Deliverance Schools in a month.It is the duty of the deliverance department coordinator to set the target for that month and inform the others their quota in it. Kindly see this model. You will learn how to achieve the target of starting 100 schools with the help of morning worships, former students of deliverance schools, teachers etc. Inform this target as early as possible to all the coordinators of deliverance school and get the target achieved.


I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,

so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

 And I pray that you,

being rooted and established in love,

Ephesians 3:16-17


And Israel will possess what is left of Edom and

all the nations I have called to be mine.

Amos 9:12 

By joining David School of Worship, we gain a lifetime experience of being with God in the most holy place, seeing him face to face, worshiping Him in spirit and in truth, and the true blessing of living with Jesus. David school of worship was conducted from 13-03-23 to 18-03-23 from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM through zoom.


Now after this the Lord appointed seventy others,

 and sent them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come.

Luke 10:1


School of hospitality was conducted on 11th March 2023 at Dr A C Aruldas Hospital.

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme)

FRP level 1 classes were conducted in Udumalypet on Feb 27 and 28, 2023.


“My son, give attention to my words;

incline your ear to my sayings.

Do not let them depart from your eyes;

 keep them in the midst of your heart;

 for they are life to those who find them,

and health to all their flesh.”

Proverbs 4:20-22


These commandments that I give you today

are to be on your hearts.

Impress them on your children.

 Talk about them when you sit at home and

when you walk along the road,

when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7


He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame,

 but whoever heeds correction is honored

Proverbs 13:18

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 7 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,599 slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)



The ongoing economic crisis in Pakistan has reportedly led to a food shortage in army messes, putting one of the country's most important institutions, the Pakistan Army, at risk. Field commanders have reportedly written letters to the Quarter Master General's office, highlighting a cut in food supply to soldiers in all army messes. The military officers have discussed the food supply and logistics issues with the Chief of Logistic Staff and the Director General Military Operations, raising the issue with Army Chief General Asim Munir.

According to a report by News 18, the army is not able to feed soldiers “two times properly" amid rising inflation and cut in special funds. The top military commanders — QMG, CLS & DG MO — also raised the concerns regarding the food supply issues with Army Chief General Asim Munir, and briefed him about the security situation and ongoing military operations in the country.

The army is reportedly not in a position to afford more cuts in logistics and supplies that may halt its operations in border areas against militants, including the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).
“We have already cut the soldiers’ food fund, which was doubled and approved by General Raheel Sharif during the Operation Zarb-e-Azb in 2014," the source close to New 18 added.

In a bid to address the economic crisis in the country, Pakistan is preparing to implement several austerity measures. These include cutting the salaries of government employees, reducing the number of foreign missions, and capping grants and secret service funds of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Intelligence Bureau (IB). These measures may have a severe impact on the functioning of the government and its ability to provide essential services to its citizens.

Meanwhile, consumer prices rose significantly in the outgoing week on the back of onions, chicken, eggs, rice, cigarettes and fuel, official data showed on Friday, driving the weekly inflation to over 40% for the first time in over five months, the Dawn reported.

Though week-on-week inflation eased slightly, it still remained high as bananas, chicken, sugar, cooking oil, gas and cigarettes became costlier, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) reported.





FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop


National Coordinator : Sol.Dr.Sujatha

S. No Name of Gift Schools and AOJ Operations Coordinator

Mob. No

1 Troop Church Sol. Subramanian 7708831082
2 BFF Sol. Paulose 8921159458
3 Worship Sol. Theodore 9840154775
  Online Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  David School of Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Monthly Worship Sol. Neha 9560058874
  IWC Sol. Samson Paul 9445693626
  SU Academic course Sol.Paulose 8921159458
  Registering the school batches in the Web Link Sol. Vidya Antony 9443699565
4 Deliverance Sol. Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 3 Sol.Benjamin 9003021979
5 Healing Sol.Deepthi 8973682161
  Healing Level 1

Healing Level 2

Sol. Poonam Batra







Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol. Amala (Sol.Shankar)

Sol Gerard

Sol Gerard





  Decree writing Sol. Manoj 9448686080
  Appointing prophets for states and constituencies Sol.Richa Jain 7071003174
7 Financial Discipline Sol. Grishma 7048741274



Family Building Dr. Petricia 6380817938
9 Matrimony Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
10 Marriage preparation classes Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
11 Hospitality Sol. Rekha John 8178972343
12 School of Administration Sol. Anita (UP) 9094921714
13 Morning Worship Sol Usha Dutta 9654744683
14 CBS Sol.Prathiba 9426760783
15 Beryl Wing (Communication)

Kingdom Gazette



Sol. Gesha







16 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
17 ECC Sol. Shadrac 9361197303
18 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
19 IT Wing


Sol Pinta 8105991968
20 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
21 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  
22 TC for Trades Sol. Dr. Albert 9840577293
23 International Troop Church Sol Paulose 8921159458
24 Funeral service Sol.Laxmi 6479179480


SUNDAY North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
MONDAY Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

TUESDAY West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

WEDNESDAY East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
THURSDAY Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
FRIDAY Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

SATURDAY Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 11 Issue 10

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

John 4:15-16 (UKJV) The woman says unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come here to draw.

Jesus says unto her, Go, call your husband, and come here.

This is a beautiful scene where the Samaritan woman requesting Jesus to give her "this water".

When Jesus spoke to her about a different kind of water.

John 4:14 (UKJV) But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

It looks she grasped the first part of what Jesus said.

About one type of water that Jesus can give, which will quench the thirst of human body forever. About a kind of water, who drinks of it will never thirst.

Immediately she requests Jesus to give that water. She thought if she gets that water, she will not have to come here all the way to draw water every day. Look at the reason she shows for demanding it.

'That I thirst not, neither come here to draw'.

The moment she asked of it, Jesus puts forth one condition i.e. to bring her husband to Him.

Jesus was well aware that she did not get the spiritual meaning of what He said. But still Jesus was ready to grant her request. But before that her life should be set right and reconciled with God.

For that she needs the permission and cooperation of her husband. That is why Jesus asked her to bring her husband so that Jesus can cleanse both their lives, make their dirty vessels holy, and then give them the water. First, they should be cleansed of the viles they are in. First, she should become a clean vessel to hold the water which Jesus gives. She should repent, change her lifestyle and become a holy vessel. After that only Jesus’ words will go into her heart. Then the heart will suck all that Jesus says. As her heart absorbs Jesus' words, it will become soaked in it, and eventually will become a fountain of life giving water.

Even at the very first sight, this lady recognised that the one who talks with her is the Messiah and even came forward to proclaim it to others. Even after 3 full years of testing, assessing, and analysing Jesus' teaching, life and words, the Pharisees and elders failed to find out who Jesus was. But this lady in a few seconds, identified him and found out that He is the Messiah expected by all the Jews for centuries.

Sr. Angelica AJ


Roles and Responsibilities of National team

  1. Conduct weekly prayer fellowship meetings with all the state teams in the list (Gather together to worship God, pray for upcoming schools, make Heavenly Appeals etc)
  2. Appoint at least one state representative as soon as possible for those state where GS coordinator is not available.
  3. Conduct one National level gift school by experienced teachers
  4. Start planning for Yearly physical fellowship meeting.
  5. Update syllabus and ppt of GS, create orientation and training manual (to be done by overall leader and approved by AOJ sisters)
  6. Create a repository of approved teachers for each gift school in each language. Encourage state teams to conduct 2 level teacher training ( L1 - at state level, L2- at National level with National team and sisters) and update teachers list now and then.
  7. Make a list of regional translators-English to regional/ Hindi to regional
  8. Create a regional level plan/ calendar
  9. Collect monthly reports from each state in the following format and document it. Collect testimonies- written, voice video testimonies and present it in the monthly meetings.


  • The most scared part of my life disappeared like mist when I prayed in the troop church.

  • Praise be to the Lord. He healed me from the sickness.

  • I got a new friend, when I prayed in the troop church.

I lost my badge and it was retrieved by the angels. When I prophesied in the troop church.

  • In the troop church, I knew about the authority over sickness which is given by God to the believers. I used my authority over my son and he was healed in the name of Jesus.

My Son’s marriage got fixed after a long time, I prayed in the troop church and the Lord answered.


“I will extol you, my God and King,

and bless your name forever and ever.

Every day I will bless you

and praise your name forever and ever.

Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised,

and his greatness is unsearchable.”

Psalm 145:1–3


“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others."

2 Timothy 2:2


“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.”

Luke 6:35

FRP LEVEL -3 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme) TESTIMONIES

  • Sol Arvind Dias: It was Beneficial. I learned a lot of things. By small unintentional sins we can lose big things. Worship is sacrifice and in Romans 12:1,2 as a command of God. In sacrifice there is power you don't spiritually lose anything but gain strength, boldness & hope to live in problems. God loves us so much that he wants us to restore all the blessings on us, on our family, state and the entire universe. These classes urged me to become a teacher.
  • Sol Sudha: I knew about some Bible information how devil attracts us. I learnt how important Worship is. After attending these classes, I am inspired to become a teacher.


Here are few testimonies from healing school conducted in Coimbatore -Erode on 24th and 25th of February under the coordination of Sol.Kavitha.

  • A little kid couldn’t eat any food, whenever she eats anything, she used to vomit. Before coming to this class, she prayed to God that she must be cured. Everyone in the meeting prayed for her. When she ate the food which was provided in the class,she didn’t vomit.
  • An old woman who was suffering from blood clotting for about 40 years due to an accident,couldn’t eat anything, whenever she eats anything, she used to get vomit with blood. When she heard about this class,she didn’t have the heart to attend it and she started groaning and thought of going to the market. Suddenly,the Lord spoke to her that “Stop groaning and attend the class”. Then she came to the class and got completely healed.

Praise the Lord! All glory to Jesus!


"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling."

1 Peter 4:8-11


“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

John 10:10


National level Nehemiah School of Administration will be conducted on 15- 16 March 2023 from 7-10PM.Which is organised by the Central Region.

  • This course is for students from all states and for orientation of teachers.
  • Sisters will be taking the Classes in English with Hindi translation.
  • Please pass the information to your respective states.
  • Keep the list of participants ready and forward to Sol Mini +91 93063 99335 at least 1 week before commencement of the course.
  • All the state core team & interested participants are requested to join the WhatsApp group by link given below.

Open this link to join my WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kw4h155gVwq6XdqhpcrPKD

Further information of the Course will be available in the group.

Praise the Lord!

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 7 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,515  slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS -UK economy to fare worse than any other country in developed world in 2023: IMF

UK economy to fare worse than any other country in developed world in 2023: IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said that UK's economy would fare worse than any other country in the developed world - including Russia, in the latest update of its economic forecasts. UK's gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to contract by 0.6% in 2023, IMF predicted while noting that the broader global economy was doing better than expected.

UK economy would face a downgrade “reflecting tighter fiscal and monetary policies and financial conditions and still-high energy retail prices weighing on household budgets”, IMF noted. The country had previously been forecast to grow by 0.3% this year and 0.6% next year which the IMF said that it expects -0.6% this year and 0.9% growth in 2024.

“On the downside, severe health outcomes in China could hold back the recovery, Russia's war in Ukraine could escalate, and tighter global financing conditions could worsen debt distress,” IMF said.

IMF upgraded its growth projections for Italy and Germany which implies that both the countries will now grow more than the UK in 2023.

“The governor of the Bank of England recently said that any UK recession this year is likely to be shallower than previously predicted, however these figures confirm we are not immune to the pressures hitting nearly all advanced economies,” UK finance minister Jeremy Hunt said.

“Short-term challenges should not obscure our long-term prospects - the UK outperformed many forecasts last year, and if we stick to our plan to halve inflation, the UK is still predicted to grow faster than Germany and Japan over the coming years,” he added.




FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop


National Coordinator : Sol.Dr.Sujatha

S. No Name of Gift Schools and AOJ Operations Coordinator

Mob. No

1 Troop Church Sol. Subramanian 7708831082
2 BFF Sol. Paulose 8921159458
3 Worship Sol. Theodore 9840154775
  Online Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  David School of Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Monthly Worship Sol. Neha 9560058874
  IWC Sol. Samson Paul 9445693626
  SU Academic course Sol.Paulose 8921159458
  Registering the school batches in the Web Link Sol. Vidya Antony 9443699565
4 Deliverance Sol. Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 3 Sol.Benjamin 9003021979
5 Healing Sol.Deepthi 8973682161
  Healing Level 1

Healing Level 2

Sol. Poonam Batra







Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol. Amala (Sol.Shankar)

Sol Gerard

Sol Gerard





  Decree writing Sol. Manoj 9448686080
  Appointing prophets for states and constituencies Sol.Richa Jain 7071003174
7 Financial Discipline Sol. Grishma 7048741274



Family Building Dr. Petricia 6380817938
9 Matrimony Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
10 Marriage preparation classes Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
11 Hospitality Sol. Rekha John 8178972343
12 School of Administration Sol. Anita (UP) 9094921714
13 Morning Worship Sol Usha Dutta 9654744683
14 CBS Sol.Prathiba 9426760783
15 Beryl Wing (Communication)

Kingdom Gazette



Sol. Gesha







16 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
17 ECC Sol. Shadrac 9361197303
18 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
19 IT Wing


Sol Pinta 8105991968
20 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
21 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  
22 TC for Trades Sol. Dr. Albert 9840577293
23 International Troop Church Sol Paulose 8921159458
24 Funeral service Sol.Laxmi 6479179480


SUNDAY North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
MONDAY Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

TUESDAY West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

WEDNESDAY East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
THURSDAY Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
FRIDAY Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

SATURDAY Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 11 Issue 09

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Psalms 106:41-42 (UKJV) And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them.

Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.

This is the situation of Indian Church today. The Indian Church is given to the hand of those who hate them. India is ruled by those who hate Christians. Their enemies oppress them:

Whatever the Indian Church adopt there is no way to come out of this subjection: Because this is the work of the Lord.

What is the solution?

  1. Repent
  2. Come back to the original source
  3. Look back to the warnings the Lord gave in 2006, 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2022 Dec 29.

All this tells about

  1. Splitting the Church into small cells
  2. Equipping every believer
  3. Converting Churches into house Churches
  4. No full time Pastors
  5. Churches not to be organizations Etc.

It is the will of God that

  1. Indian Churches supply seeds to the other nations.
  2. All those believers who have gone out of India become Evangelists in their workplaces & become light to the nation where they are rooted.

Until the Indian Church learns and exectutes this, the persecution will continue.

This is the message the Lord gives to His Church. In the Psalm we see

Psalms 106:43-44 (UKJV) "Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity.

Nevertheless, he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry": Whenever the people of Israel murmured against the Lord, against the leaders He appointed, about the food the Lord gave, the inconveniences they had to undergo in the desert, they provoked Him.

It is said that, "they provoked Him with their counsel” Human counsel will work against heavenly counsel because human nature is corrupt.

Jeremiah 17:9 (UKJV) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Human heart (unless it is made into a new creation through baptism & continuous walk with the Lord) always works against the counsel of the Lord. It tries to overthrow the plans of God totally.

So, the Israelites together started working against the plans & counsel of the Lord.

The result?

"They were brought low for their iniquity". Whenever we rise against God in our hearts, we are brought low,

  1. From our position (spiritual or secular)
  2. From our physical, spiritual, economic status
  3. From our command and authority

Whenever this happens in our lives, we should make a self-analysis in the presence of the Lord and find out where we went wrong.

It is said in the Psalm "Nevertheless, he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry": Even now the Indian Church can look upto heaven and plead mercy for our sins, our ancestors' sins and the sins committed by our Church. If we repent and turn to God, He will be merciful to us.He will remove our subjection and deliver us from our enemies who are ruling over us.

Sr. Angelica AJ


For since, in the wisdom of God,

 the world did not know God through wisdom,

 it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.

1 Corinthians 1:21


Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and

under the earth and on the sea,

 and all that is in them, saying:

 “To him who sits on the throne and

to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power,

for ever and ever!”

Revelation 5:13


BFF batch 724 was conducted from 19/2/2023 to 26/2/2023 in Manapparai.


For you were called to freedom, brothers.

Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh,

 but through love serve one another.

Galatians 5:13

FRP LEVEL -3 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme) TESTIMONY

Sol. Neha Goyal:

  • These two days will be memorial days to me, as I learnt the intricacies of spiritual drive practically learned to trade on God's trading platform right from the first class to last not even a single class was there when the Holy Spirit did not speak on share the traits I made and even making now with Satan.
  • In the first-class sister’s testimony of destruction in prayer because of the melodious song reminded me all the distractions, I faced while praying to God and immediately after the class I went to prayer room and bound all those evil spirits and asked forgiveness from God and felt immense peace.
  • If the class time can be extended to two and a half hours everything can be explained that is written in the PPT.
  • 100% I volunteered to do the coordination, when I heard about FRP level 3. Every time when I used to do announcement in WW or original meeting. I felt like asking Benjamin brother can I be in your team today you only ask me you can be a coordinator that's how God fulfils my every desire. I am willing and will take it to all the people I know. Praise the Lord!


6 days classes were completed by God's grace.On 28th January we are conducting Teacher assessment class. That day four teachers raising in that class. Below is the raised teachers details.

  • Sol Annal - Four reasons of sickness. (Tamil, English)
  • Sol Princy -Finished Work of healing on the cross (Tamil)
  • Sol Angel - Generational curse breaking (Tamil)
  • Sol Carlin -Four reasons of sickness. (Tamil)

These things happened by the presence of the Lord. Thank you Jesus.


"I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord,

urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to

which you have been called,

with all humility and gentleness,

with patience, bearing with one another in love,

eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."


Be not one of those who give pledges

Proverbs 14:23

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 7 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,431  slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS -India lets banks use face recognition, iris scan for some transactions: Sources

India lets banks use face recognition, iris scan for some transactions: Sources

The Indian government is allowing banks to verify individual transactions that exceed a certain annual limit using facial recognition and an iris scan in some cases, in a bid to reduce fraud and tax evasion, three sources told Reuters.A few large private and public banks have begun using the option, said one of the sources, a banker, who declined to name the banks. The advisory allowing the verification is not public and has not previously been reported.

The verification is not mandatory and is intended for cases where another government identification card used for tax purposes, the Permanent Account Number (PAN) card, is not shared with banks.

The prospect of banks using facial recognition has concerned some privacy experts.

"This raises substantial privacy concerns especially when India lacks a dedicated law on privacy, cybersecurity and facial recognition," said Pavan Duggal, an advocate and cyber law expert.

The government has said it is targeting parliamentary approval of a new privacy law by early 2023.

The new measures can be used to verify identities of individuals making deposits and withdrawals exceeding 2 million rupees ($24,478.61) in a financial year, where the Aadhaar identity card is shared as proof of identify, said two government officials, who asked not to be named because the information is not public.

The Aadhaar card has a unique number tied to an individual's fingerprints, face and eye scan.

India's finance ministry in December asked banks to take "necessary action" on a letter by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which suggested verification should be done through facial recognition and iris scanning, especially where fingerprint authentication of an individual fails.

The letter from the UIDAI, which is responsible for Aadhaar card issuance, makes no mention of a consent framework for the verification. Nor does it say that banks can take any action if a customer refuses.

Responding to Reuters’ queries, a UIDAI spokesperson said Aadhaar verification and authentication happens only with the explicit consent of the user. Use of Aadhaar-based biometric authentication helps in guarding against possible misuse, he said.

“UIDAI regularly advises all authentication and verification entities to use face or iris authentications to cater to residents whose fingerprint authentication fails.” He added that authentication and verification does not mean storing of data.




FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop


National Coordinator : Sol.Dr.Sujatha

S. No Name of Gift Schools and AOJ Operations Coordinator

Mob. No

1 Troop Church Sol. Subramanian 7708831082
2 BFF Sol. Paulose 8921159458
3 Worship Sol. Theodore 9840154775
  Online Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  David School of Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Monthly Worship Sol. Neha 9560058874
  IWC Sol. Samson Paul 9445693626
  SU Academic course Sol.Paulose 8921159458
  Registering the school batches in the Web Link Sol. Vidya Antony 9443699565
4 Deliverance Sol. Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 3 Sol.Benjamin 9003021979
5 Healing Sol.Deepthi 8973682161
  Healing Level 1

Healing Level 2

Sol. Poonam Batra







Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol. Amala (Sol.Shankar)

Sol Gerard

Sol Gerard





  Decree writing Sol. Manoj 9448686080
  Appointing prophets for states and constituencies Sol.Richa Jain 7071003174
7 Financial Discipline Sol. Grishma 7048741274



Family Building Dr. Petricia 6380817938
9 Matrimony Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
10 Marriage preparation classes Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
11 Hospitality Sol. Rekha John 8178972343
12 School of Administration Sol. Anita (UP) 9094921714
13 Morning Worship Sol Usha Dutta 9654744683
14 CBS Sol.Prathiba 9426760783
15 Beryl Wing (Communication)

Kingdom Gazette



Sol. Gesha







16 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
17 ECC Sol. Shadrac 9361197303
18 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
19 IT Wing


Sol Pinta 8105991968
20 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
21 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  
22 TC for Trades Sol. Dr. Albert 9840577293
23 International Troop Church Sol Paulose 8921159458
24 Funeral service Sol.Laxmi 6479179480


SUNDAY North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
MONDAY Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

TUESDAY West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

WEDNESDAY East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
THURSDAY Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
FRIDAY Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

SATURDAY Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 11 Issue 08

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.1 Samuel 30:6 (UKJV) 

We see David again in distress here. This time the adversaries are not from outside, but from inside, his own men were about to stone him. They were grieved because of their sons and daughters who were taken as captives.

Let's look into this situation. What was the reason for this grief?

The wrong decision David had taken.

In the previous chapter we see David taking a wrong decision to go and join the Philistines. Without consulting the Lord, he came to the wrong decision.

And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: there is nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so, shall I escape out of his hand.1 Samuel 27:1-3 (UKJV) 

David was anointed as a king of Israel. Satan wanted to disqualify him for this destiny which was written in his book. Satan here is at his last effort to take him to the enemy's land and destroy him there.

"And David arose, and he passed over with the six hundred men that were with him unto Achish, the son of Maoch, king of Gath.

And David dwelt with Achish at Gath, he and his men, every man with his household, even David with his two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the Carmelitess, Nabal's wife."

David who was supernaturally guarded by divine protection, all of a sudden fell into the natural realm of human reasoning. Satan took advantage of that. In the enemy's land there was no protection for him.

He was sent back from the army by Achish the king of Gath. When he came back, he saw everything stolen.

 "So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, were taken captives.1 Samuel 30:3-4 (UKJV)

Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep."

When the leaders take wrong decisions, the whole people of the land will have to reap the results.

Here David in one second was given to human reasoning & took a wrong decision in a major issue without consulting the Lord.

The consequence was very bad. The enemy traded away whatever blessings David had left with.

His own family members, wives, sons and daughters, and not only David's, but all his people lost their family members were stolen by the enemy.

A warning to those who are in leadership and to all those in charge of taking decisions!

May God save us all from taking wrong decisions! May His Spirit sustain us in the divine wisdom and good counselling!

Sr. Angelica AJ


Permanent ramp at Marina Beach Chennai

After years of struggle, differently abled people can now visit Marina Beach whenever they want just like anybody else as greater Chennai Corporation on Sunday has put a ramp.It is built of Brazilian wood. It is 263-metre-long ramp stretched upto the shore.




Two are better than one,

because they have a good return for their work:

 If one falls down, his friend can help him up.

But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.

But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

 A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12


So That They May Possess The Remnant Of Edom And All The Nations That Bear My Name, " Declares The Lord , Who Will Do These Things.

Amos 9:12

May each one of you gain the true blessing of living with Jesus by visiting God's Holy place and the most holy place.A lifetime experience of worshiping him in spirit and in truth.Join this David School of Worship.

Date: from 18-02-23(Saturday) to 24-02-23 till Friday

Timings: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

To join the meeting on Zoom:



“My mouth is filled with your praise,

and with your glory all the day.”

Psalm 71:8


“You did not choose me,

but I chose you and appointed you

so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and

so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you."

John 15:16


For you were called to freedom, brothers.

Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh,

 but through love serve one another.

Galatians 5:13

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme)

FRP Level 3 class was conducted in Mumbai.


Bethastha Healing school classes were conducted from 18th January to 24th January 2023 in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Sol Hemalatha: I was affected by the spinal bone injury for the past  2 years.I can't walk ,sit and not able to do anything.I was lying in the bed for the past 2 years.After prayering I was healed in the name of Jesus.Now I am able to walk and sit on the bed. Thank you Jesus.
  • Sol Soniya: I had nasal block allergy.By God's grace it was completely healed.Praise the Lord!



  • The classes were really useful.There clear explanation was given about "curse".How to destroy the curse and how to receive the Lord's blessings.
  • This class cleared all my confusions and made me get closer to God.Now I am happy with my family.God gave me deliverance through these classes.


“Therefore if you have not been faithful in the  use of  unrighteous wealth, who will entrust the true  riches  to you?

Luke 16:11

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 7 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,347  slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)



Tens of thousands of New Zealanders were shaken by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake centred near Wellington last night - described by some as “massive” and “scary”.

The quake started with a large jolt followed by at least 30 seconds of moderate shaking.

GeoNet says the quake took place at 7.38pm around 50km northwest of Paraparaumu at a depth of 48km. It classed the shaking as strong.

More than 60,000 Kiwis reported feeling the quake with the official GeoNet site, including in Auckland and Christchurch. One resident of the Garden City described it as a rolling sensation as opposed to “jolty”.

The National Emergency Management Agency has advised there is no tsunami threat.

The Wellington Region Emergency Management Office said aftershocks should be expected.

A short time later another earthquake, this one magnitude 4.0, hit 45km southwest of Taumarunui and at a depth of 78km.

“It was like a freight train hurtling past our house,” said David Haxton, who lives in Raumati Beach, of the first quake.

”My wife, our two kids, and I quickly gathered under a doorway and waited for the shaking to subside.

”It felt like it lasted for about 30 seconds. Everyone’s heartbeats were racing.

”The family dog was more interested in the food on our dinner plates as we scarpered to the doorway.”

Nelson’s Jan McCallum said the quake started with gentle shaking, then “big jolts”.

”The whole two-storied house shook fiercely!”

Newstalk ZB’s chief political reporter Aaron Dahmen, in Wellington, said he felt “a big bump, and then the whole house shook aggressively for about 30 seconds, before swaying. A steady rumble followed for some time.”

ZB’s Nick James, also in the capital, said it “shook all the items in my flat quite badly — swayed my apartment building from side to side for a good 30 seconds”.

Taranaki’s Ilona Hanne said her house was shaking and rolling for quite a while.

One Wellingtonian told the Herald the rumble was strong enough for her son to take action and dive under their desk.

Another from Christchurch said they “felt it strong”, thinking it must have been nearby before being told it struck north of Wellington.

At least one flight from Auckland had to hold off on its descent into Wellington following the quake.

“As if a cyclone wasn’t enough, Wellington has now been struck by a moderate quake,” the captain told passengers while they were in the air.

He said the runway was being checked for any damage so they would have to circle while those inspections were carried out. The flight has since landed.

Tonight’s quake comes after a “moderate” 4.4 magnitude earthquake shuddered Gisborne residents amid the onslaught of Cyclone Gabrielle on Monday night.

That quake struck 25km west of the city at a depth of 25km at 7.45pm and was felt by at least 1154 people, some as far as Taupō.

”As if heavy rain and wind isn’t enough,” one Gisborne resident told the Herald.

On February 4, more than 11,000 people felt a magnitude 4.8 quake that struck near Te Aroha.




FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop


S. No Name of Gift Schools and AOJ Operations Coordinator Mob. No
1 Troop Church Sol. Subramanian 7708831082
2 BFF Sol. Paulose 8921159458
3 Worship Sol. Theodore 9840154775
  Online International Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  David School of Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Monthly Worship Sol. Neha 9560058874
  IWC Sol. Samson Paul 9445693626
  SU Academic course Sol.Paulose 8921159458
  Registering the school batches in the Web Link Sol. Vidya Antony 9443699565
4 Deliverance Sol. Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 3 Sol.Benjamin 9003021979
5 Healing Sol.Deepthi 8973682161
  Healing Level 1

Healing Level 2

Sol. Poonam Batra







Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol. Amala (Sol.Shankar)

Sol Gerard

Sol Gerard





  Decree writing Sol. Manoj 9448686080
  Appointing prophets for states and constituencies Sol.Richa Jain 7071003174
7 Financial Discipline Sol. Grishma 7048741274



Family Building Dr. Petricia 6380817938
9 Matrimony Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
10 Marriage preparation classes Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
11 Hospitality Sol. Rekha John 8178972343
12 School of Administration Sol. Anita (UP) 9094921714
13 Morning Worship Sol Usha Dutta 9654744683
14 CBS Sol.Prathiba 9426760783
15 Beryl Wing (Communication)

Kingdom Gazette




Sol. Gesha






16 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
17 ECC Sol. Shadrac 9361197303
18 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
19 IT Wing


Sol Pinta 8105991968
20 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
21 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  
22 TC for Trades Sol. Dr. Albert 9840577293
23 International Troop Church Sol Paulose 8921159458
24 Funeral service Sol.Laxmi 6479179480


SUNDAY North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
MONDAY Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

TUESDAY West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

WEDNESDAY East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
THURSDAY Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
FRIDAY Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

SATURDAY Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 11 Issue 07

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

    Draw some out now, and take it to the Master of the Feast

Jesus said to them, "Fill the water pots with water." And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, "Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast." And they took it. When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him, "Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!".

In John 2:1-11, we see the miracle at the wedding of Cana of Galilee. The Bible calls this the first miracle of Jesus at least  in this region.

Jesus stepped onto the trading floors of Heaven frequently in His ministry. He understood this dimension. In fact, this was one of the realms He functioned in to perform His miracles. However, in these miracles from the trading floors of Heaven, we can see principles we too are to function in. In the miracles are contained secrets to seeing things shift in the natural. For instance, trading was involved in the turning of the water into wine.

Jesus  tells the servants to fill up the water pots." There are six water pots that hold 20 to 30 gallons a piece. These are huge vessels. This means their combined capacity is 120 to 180 gallons of liquid. To fill these water pots is a major ordeal. There is no running water. To fill the pots will require drawing water from a well, up to 180 gallons of it. This is major work. Yet the servants do as Jesus commanded. Their obedience is absolutely complete. Jesus then commands them to draw the water and give it to the master of the feast. Whereas filling the water pots was just hard work, presenting this water is a step of faith. They are moving now into the faith realm. As they do, the supernatural happens. Somewhere in this process, the miracle occurs. The water becomes wine. It is such good wine that the master of the feast comments on the excellence of it. He declares, "The best has been saved until last." But how did this miracle really occur?

It happened because a trade was made. The servants took that which was natural, their effort, and exchanged it in the spirit realm. When they chose to obey Jesus, they stepped with Jesus onto the trading floors of Heaven. They stepped into the spirit world and traded their natural efforts for something supernatural. They also by faith presented the water to the master of the feast as wine. Hard work and faith became a trade in the spirit realm. The result was water becoming wine. They traded what they had in the natural realm to produce something supernatural. This is also how we gmake our trades.

Sr. Angelica AJ


  • Kelambakkam bus terminus.
  • Parandur Airport.
  • 6 way highway – Chennai Chengalpattu.
  • New bustands in Mahabalipuram and Thirukazlukundram .
  • Chess Competition – Mahabalipuram.
  • ECR – Road Widening in Progress.


  • The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently gave nod for the inclusion of 12 tribes of five states in the Scheduled Tribes (ST) category.
  • Other communities that were recently granted ST status were Gond along with their five sub-castes in Bhadohi District of Uttar Pradesh, Betta-Kuruba community in Karnataka, Binjhia in Chhattisgarh and Narikuravan and Kuruvikaran in Tamil Nadu.
  • The Narikuravans and Kuruvikarans in Tamil Nadu have been demanding ST status since 1965 based on the recommendations by the Lokur Panel. They were earlier recognized as the Most Backward Community.
  • This community is mostly involved in traditional occupation of hunter-gathering and selling of bead necklaces.

Reference: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/tamil-nadu-chief-minister-mk-stalin-urges-pm-modi-to-add-narikuravars-on-st-list/articleshow/90327025.cms


Yehovah Yireh troop church testimonies:

  • Sol Saraswathi: By God’s grace I shared the message in the troop church. I couldn’t believe how it happened. I was filled with the Holy Spirit. Praise be to the Lord!
  • Sol Agnes: The Lord is protecting and leading me in every situation. Praise be to the Lord


“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.

 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

John 4:21-24


Be Formed and Form batch – 723 was conducted in Palavakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu from 01-Feb-2023 to 08-Feb-2023.

Worship time

Practical class on

  • Deliverance
  • Healing
  • Prophecy



Cleaning Work





“Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:

That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God,

even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wherefore receive ye one another,

as Christ also received us to the glory of God.”

Romans 15:5-7


"LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress."

 Isaiah 33:2

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme)

FRP level 1 was conducted in north Chennai constituency.


"But for you who fear My name,

 the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.

You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall."

Malachi 4:2


It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray,

and He spent the whole night in prayer to God

Luke 6:12



  • Sol Joshua: Classes were really interesting. I learnt a lot through these classes. I realized how important is the family bonding. I learnt about generational curse through this FRP class. My favourite class was about how we have to build the family in Christ.
  • Sol Vijayajothi: Classes were really useful. Through this FRP class God made me realise that how wrong I was. He gave me the patience to understand the life. Now I would live my life peacefully with my husband. One important thing that the Lord made me realise is that never ever give a space to the devil in the life.


"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you;

that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things,  

may abound to every good work.

" Whenever we need money or possessions,

prayer is the answer.Look to the Lord,

because He will provide it-according to His will.

2 Corinthians 9:8 

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 7 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,347 slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)



Back-to-back earthquakes have struck the people of Turkey and Syria. In less than 24 hours, quakes of magnitude 7.8, 7.7 and 6.0 have shaken the Turkish city of Gaziantep. We don’t even know how much death and destruction have been caused so far, but we know that thousands are dead. International organizations expect to find thousands and thousands more lifeless bodies.

All because of nothing more than the fact that, at 4:15 this morning, local time, some layers of rock shifted.

Why should this happen? Why should millions of people be shaken and terrified, their homes, schools and businesses destroyed, their neighborhoods turned to rubble? Why should thousands upon thousands upon thousands of fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, grandparents and grandchildren be crushed to death?

Why is our world so full of tragedy that is so senseless? Is there a God? If so, why does He allow such suffering?

Many people believe in God. They are taught that He is all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful. But if that is true, He knows about the suffering. And if He loves those people and He has the power to stop that suffering, why doesn’t He?

People have theories about why God allows suffering. But at times like these, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Jewish or otherwise, they struggle to find an explanation that rings true.

There is a God. And He gives us the clear, true answer in His Word. And that answer precisely contradicts what many religious people teach, assume and believe!

God is not the god of this world.

Have you been taught that? The Bible states that the devil is real. Not only that, but he has also deceived the whole world. And not only that, but he is the god of this world.

This understanding comes straight from the Bible! (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Does the world around you begin to make a little more sense when you realize that the god of this world is actually the devil?

The Bible describes the age we live in as “this present evil world” (Galatians 1:4). That is exactly what it is, and this evil world has an evil god.

Ezekiel 28 describes a magnificent archangel who was “full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty” (verse 12). Isaiah 14 tells us God gave this angel authority to rule the Earth. But then this angel turned to evil, and tried to seize God’s throne. This angel’s name was Lucifer. After he rebelled, God changed his name to Satan. And notice: God cast him back down to Earth (Ezekiel 28:16; Revelation 12:9,12).

Satan hates human beings. But God loves them, and if He has the power to cast down Satan and confine him to Earth, He has the power to protect people from disasters.

Why is God allowing these disasters? He is teaching us something.

The sadness, the misery, the tragedy that surrounds us is not something to try ever more desperately to ignore. It’s something we must face up to—and learn from.

Jesus Christ faced these facts. In His day, a building collapsed, tragically crushing 18 people. He said, “Think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:4-5).

Jesus Christ Himself directly discussed the exact kind of aftermath that millions of Turks and Syrians are sifting through right now. He acknowledged that some human beings suffer and die in seemingly senseless tragedies, and the reason put forward by some that they were more sinful than those who continue to live is not true.

But if these victims did not commit greater sins to deserve greater punishment, then why are they suffering?

We have all been influenced by “the ruler of this world” who “deceives the whole world.” Romans 3:23 says that all human beings are guilty of sin. Ecclesiastes 9:11 says that time and chance happen to everyone. Jesus said that, one way or another, we will “all likewise perish”—unless we repent!

Repenting means giving up your entire way of life—and submitting to God’s way of life. It means turning to the true God and allowing Him to rule you.

Jesus showed that the disasters people are suffering are warnings to those who believe in God. One way or another, your brief existence will end—unless you repent of your sins and turn to God. This is what these images from Turkey are teaching us, if we will recognize the lesson. The most fundamental lesson a human being can learn is to face the truth of his own helplessness apart from God.

But what about those who died? You might think they can’t learn any lessons from their own deaths. But what does the Bible say?

Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you,

 and ye shall live. Ezekiel 37:5

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God.

Revelation 20:12

The plain truth of the Bible is that all those who have died will live again! They will be resurrected to physical life. At that time, the ruler of this world will no longer be Satan: It will be Jesus Christ!

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain ….

—Revelation 21:4




FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop


S. No Name of Gift Schools and AOJ Operations Coordinator Mob. No
1 Troop Church Sol. Subramanian 7708831082
2 BFF Sol. Paulose 8921159458
3 Worship Sol. Theodore 9840154775
  Online International Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  David School of Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Monthly Worship Sol. Neha 9560058874
  IWC Sol. Samson Paul 9445693626
  SU Academic course Sol.Paulose 8921159458
  Registering the school batches in the Web Link Sol. Vidya Antony 9443699565
4 Deliverance Sol. Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol. Roseline Johnson 9750784733
  Deliverance Level 3 Sol.Benjamin 9003021979
5 Healing Sol.Deepthi 8973682161
  Healing Level 1

Healing Level 2

Sol. Poonam Batra







Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol. Amala (Sol.Shankar)

Sol Gerard

Sol Gerard





  Decree writing Sol. Manoj 9448686080
  Appointing prophets for states and constituencies Sol.Richa Jain 7071003174
7 Financial Discipline Sol. Grishma 7048741274



Family Building Dr. Petricia 6380817938
9 Matrimony Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
10 Marriage preparation classes Sol. Laxmi  6479179480
11 Hospitality Sol. Rekha John 8178972343
12 School of Administration Sol. Anita (UP) 9094921714
13 Morning Worship Sol Usha Dutta 9654744683
14 CBS Sol.Prathiba 9426760783
15 Beryl Wing (Communication)

Kingdom Gazette




Sol. Gesha






16 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
17 ECC Sol. Shadrac 9361197303
18 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
19 IT Wing


Sol Pinta 8105991968
20 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
21 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  
22 TC for Trades Sol. Dr. Albert 9840577293
23 International Troop Church Sol Paulose 8921159458
24 Funeral service Sol.Laxmi 6479179480


SUNDAY North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
MONDAY Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

TUESDAY West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

WEDNESDAY East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
THURSDAY Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
FRIDAY Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

SATURDAY Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 11 Issue 06

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ


Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service.

In every religion we see people erecting altars for worshipping God. Throughout history and across all cultures, the concept and use of altars has been well understood and practiced. Altars are known as places of exchange, communication, and influence. They are physical locations that have been set apart or marked for interactions between the spirit world and the earthy realm.

ALTARS ARE PORTALS: Altars are dedicated places on the earth where a person would specifically go to bring worship and sacrifices to their god. Physical altars are portals to the realm of the spirit. They are places of communication between spirit beings and human beings. Altars are physical locations where a "door" can be opened between the spiritual and the natural realms.

This is why, Abram built an altar to the Lord at the terebinth tree of Morch in Shechem (see Gen. 12:6-7). It was here that God appeared to him and told him that He would give the land to his descendants. Abram knew that altars depicted places where the gods communicated with human beings. So, immediately after God appeared to him, he built an altar to mark the spot as sacred and set apart to his God. He wanted everyone to know that his God also speaks! But more than that, I think he understood that the principle of building an altar to the deity you serve was one that he could use to talk with God. Remember, both times that God spoke to him it was God who initiated the conversation. But Abram also wanted to talk with God. How do I know this? Well, at the next place that he pitched his tent, he built an altar. Why? Genesis 12:8 tells us:

And he moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel, and he pitched his tent with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east; there be built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord.

Abram wanted to stay in communion with God. He knew that altars were the place that gods communed with man, so he built an altar to the Lord so that he could call on the Lord.

In the New Testament, it is our spirit where we worship the Lord. The human spirit is the portal where we meet with the Almighty God. Collectively we meet in the house Church where we gather to worship the Lord. There the Lord appears to answer our prayer, to give us revelations, to comfort us, to counsel us and to exhort us etc.

Sr. Angelica AJ


  • Bills were Passed in the Shadow Parli
  • Youth [18 to 35 of ages] to get rid of all Bad habits and Illegal Activities. They Should get good Employment

FRUITFUL RESULT: Puducherry Government has called for the Recruitment of 1000 posts, So that youth will get opportunities and they would work hard and receive it.



Nearly 20 years this constituency people suffered from drainage System. After taking in-charge of this SMLA constituency, I prayed regularly for this poor drainage facility. God answered our prayers.


  • Sol Rubini (SMLA Embalam Constituency):

I don’t know to read and write. But after participating in AOJ prayers, one day the Lord spoke to me and give Jeremiah 4 th chapter to read. I approached my neighbor to read this, God spoke to me through verse 22.I prayed for my people and the Lord is doing mighty things. GLORY TO JESUS.


Yehova Nissi troop church:

The troop was started on December 30th (Saturday) through google meet. Around 7 members participated. 5th week of the troop was conducted offline in Sol.Lucy’s house. Starting with the prayer and pledge. During the worship everyone was filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit and the message made everyone to think more about the will of God. The Lord's supper was also included. The prayer ended with joy and happiness in God.



Sing to the LORD, all the earth;

proclaim his salvation day after day.

1 Chronicles 16:23



Sol.Anant: I am joining the Puducherry morning worship regularly. Due to my carelessness my kitchen got fired. I kept the milk in the stove and I forget to put the stove off. I had a work to go out, so I left my children at home and went. Milk spilled over the flame and the gas went off. After reaching my home only, I saw everything and I turned off the nob of the stove and opened the windows. By God’s grace nothing happened to my children and me. Generally, when I go out to a shop it takes a lot of time but on that day by God’s grace I came early. He protected us throughout this scenario. Praise be to the Lord!


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8


For you were called to freedom, brothers.

Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh,

 but through love serve one another.

Galatians 5:13

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme) TESTIMONIES

“For I will forgive their wickedness and

will remember their sins no more.”

Hebrews 8:12


"He gives power to the weak,

and to those who have no might He increases strength.

Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength;

 they shall mount up with wings like eagles,

they shall run and not be weary,

they shall walk and not faint."

 Isaiah 40:29,31



  • An amount of 10,000 crores was sanctioned from the central government for Puducherry hearing our appeal in the night prayer.
  • Roads are getting repaired and new bridges are built to avoid accidents that took place in Puducherry road so long. Praise the Lord!


 Ascribe to the LORD, all you families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.

1 Chronicles 16:28


  • Sol Helen Kamala: It was really useful for me. I realised how Jesus loves the family.One thing that pinched my heart was when we pray for the families to turn towards God and obey him,we will be filled with God’s blessings. God gave me the fire to spread the about family building. He gave me a thirst to become a teacher in this school.
  • Sol Suseela: These classes were really awesome, where I learnt about generational curse and a lot related to it. Self-bondages were my favourite class. This class should be conducted everywhere so that people will know more about family building.


In the House of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.

Proverbs 21:20

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 7 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

FRP Level 3 Program

So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come.’ Luke 19:13

AoJ is inviting you to two days FRP Level 3 Program on "Spiritual Trading"

Eligibility: Those who have completed Frp level 1 and Frp Level 2.

Date : Feb 11,12 (Saturday and Sunday)

Time : 9 AM to 5 PM

Language: English and Hindi

Venue Details : Basera Bungalow ,Vaigyanik Niwas Society, Gaondevi Usarli, Vichumbe, New Panvel.

Near by Railway Station: Panvel.

For participation, please click the link below and enter the details.



Sol. Jagdish  - 9930804564

Sol. Benjamin - 9003021979

The Army of Jesus


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,263 slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)



Harsh winters with heavy snowfalls beginning in December itself, covering Shimla in a white mantle of snow till March-end or even early April have become a thing of the past now.

The Himachal Pradesh capital, which used to be draped in white and attract tourists from all over, now mostly presents a brownish look with dry grass covering the hills.

There is growing concern among environmentalists and locals over the rising temperatures and depleting snow cover that the snow line is moving upwards and the "Queen of Hills" gradually losing her winter charm. Its effect now is more visible than ever in the hill city's dwindling winter tourist inflow and drying water sources.

According to climate experts, the snow line is receding and Shimla's adjoining tourist towns Kufri and Narkanda, popular skiing destinations, too are experiencing scanty snowfall.

The state capital's tourism industry is taking a hit due to the falling numbers and there is a dire need to find more tourist spots and activities in and around the city, Tourism Industry Stakeholders Association president M K Seth said.

Tourism contributes about 7.5 per cent of the hill state's GDP.

Snow also plays a vital role in replenishing the city's perennial sources of water such as springs, streams and rivulets. Scanty snowfall means the water sources dry up and the towns face scarcity.

In 2018, the problem of water shortage had risen to such alarming levels that water supply had to be restricted to every fifth or sixth day, severely denting the inflow of tourists during the peak summer season.

As per meteorological department data, the snowfall from November to March in Shimla in 1989-90 was 556.7 cm while the figure stood at just 105.2 cm in the corresponding period of 2008-09.

Old-timers recall that a record snowfall of 360 cm to 450 cm was witnessed in 1945 in Shimla in a single spell, which had brought normal life to a standstill and even the railway station had collapsed under heavy snow.

"There is an erratic pattern of precipitation as climate change is being witnessed due to global warming. Extreme weather events are being witnessed and a gradual decrease is being seen in the number of snow days," the director of the local meteorological office in Shimla Surender Paul told PTI.

Recalling his experience during winters, octogenarian O P Sood said, "Plaintive monkeys used to wail down the trees in search of food and raid houses and shops with more than usual daring, and most of the residents used to migrate to the plains during winters. But things have changed now."

Reckless cutting of hills, construction of multi-storey concrete buildings, manifold increase in population and increasing human activity have become the bane of Shimla and the town is now warmer than plains during winters, climate experts said.

A joint study by the State Centre on Climate Change (SCCC), Himachal Pradesh, and the Ahmedabad-based Space Applications Centre of ISRO using Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) satellite data map revealed that the state witnessed 18.5 per cent decrease in snow cover in 2020-21.

As per the SCCC, the rise in temperature in the north western Himalayan region was about 1.6 degrees Celsius in the last century but the warming rate of Shimla was higher than Leh and Srinagar during 1991-2002 as compared to the earlier decades. The gross rise in the mean air temperature during 1980-2002 in the north western Himalayas as a whole was about 2.2 degrees, it showed.

Apple growers in the upper Shimla region are now deprived of "white manure" (snow), and are adopting new varieties and techniques to sustain.

"Temperatures are low in December and January but adequate moisture is not available due to scanty snowfall. As a result, the cropping pattern is changing with apple growers taking to high density apple plantation," Special Secretary, Horticulture, Sudesh Mokta said.




FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 11 Issue 05

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

1 Samuel 26:19 (UKJV) Now therefore, I pray you, let my lord the king hear the words of his servant. If the LORD have stirred you up against me, let him accept an offering: but if they be the children of men, cursed be they before the LORD; for they have driven me out this day from abiding in the inheritance of the LORD, saying, Go, serve other gods.

My heart was touched deeply when I read this verse.

This was the last test given to David before the Lord raised him up to the throne of Israel.

He came to the last stage of emptying himself.

Saul was hunting for his life. There is no hope left in him. The only way left for survival was renouncing his inheritance with the children of Israel & joining with the gentiles.

When he thought of that, his heart broke but even at this stage he humbled himself before the authorities, King Saul.

Instead of taking revenge, David forgave Saul and surrendered himself as a humble citizen of his kingdom.

Let's meditate on the words David uttered,

"If the LORD have stirred you up against me, let him accept an offering:"

If the Lord has allowed David to be fallen by the hands of Saul, he offers his life as a willing sacrifice.

This is the perfect attitude of a God servant.

2 Timothy 4:6-7 (UKJV) For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

Philippians 2:7-8 (UKJV) But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

And being found in the fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

The last punishment an Israelite could be given was to make him renounce of his birth right to be an Israelite.

"They have driven me out this day from abiding in the inheritance of the LORD, saying, Go, serve other gods."

What was the intention of Saul in doing this?

Nothing but just to retain his position as king and leave it to his son Jonathan; to bring Jonathan as his successor.

David was a barrier in fulfilling this desire.

So, he wanted to kill him.

David didn't have any malignancy against Saul. It is very clear in his words.

Today even among Christians the same thing is happening.

Ministry started in a humble way, when it becomes organized and grown, becomes the target of the enemy. If the leader does not walk in the anointing of the Lord, will be tempted by the devil to leave it with his son, relative or any unanointed person. The called, anointed ones will be thrown out.

May the Lord lead and guide us in every decision taken.

Sr. Angelica AJ

Tamilnadu Development

Health care

  • TN health and family welfare dept has ranked state run healthcare institution
  • Mmr and imr and out patient treatment included.
  • First time the state has ranked PHC, health sub centres, District headquaters hospitals and medical college hospitals.
  • Kancheepuram, Namakkal, Thootukudi performed best




  • We appealed a case to the heavenly court about the growth and the almighty God has answered is on 1st December 2022.

  • We appealed a case that the Paddy production should be increased and the Lord has answered our prayer.


Sol.Subramanian: I am the SMP for Nammakal district. By the grace of God

  • On 1st September 2022, six troop churches were launched. After completion of 8 weeks, two new troop churches have been launched in two assembly segments. New troop churches will be launched in other assembly segments before the end of the month.
  • Online morning worship and night prayer are conducted jointly with other constituencies.
  • Mentally retarded people are taken care of by Sol.Sendamangalam(SMLA).
  • A Marriage bureau is functioning for members of all churches.
  • FRP was conducted in Paramathy by Sol.Johnny. Another FRP will be conducted on 26th this month in Namakkal.
  • Teaching about troop churches is being done daily in Facebook.


234 SLA – 234 TC’s

  • Urgent message from the Lord !
  • Call for battle!- 26/6/22

The Lord Of hosts is calling out all the princes of provinces (smlas) to declare a war in their provinces.

  • Here provinces are SMLAs. It  equals approximately the no. 232.
  • We urge the Speakers (TN & zonal) & SMPs to take steps to conduct Troop Churches in all the SMLA Constituencies immediately. At least one Troop Church in all the 232 MLA Constituencies. Let's start a campaign for this.
  • "Today" the word  important.

The Lord has entrusted them to our custody today. Core Team & Zonal Speakers are to accept this & order the battle today and take this message to all smlas today itself before 11:59 pm

Time period: 

Conveying this message : Today *26.08.2022 before 11.59 pm

Starting Troop Church in all constituencies: within 2 weeks from  this day.

The battle starts when each SMLA start a Troop Church in their SMLA constituency. The victory is already declared but battle is to be pronounced by starting Troop Church.



“Sing to God, sing praises to his name;

lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts;

his name is the Lord;

exult before him!

Father of the fatherless and protector of widows

is God in his holy habitation.”

Psalm 68:4-5


“‘You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.’”

John 15:16


The native people showed us unusual kindness, for they kindled a fire and welcomed us all, because it had begun to rain and was cold.

Acts 28:2

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme) TESTIMONIES

“Come now, let us settle the matter,”

says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet,

they shall be as white as snow;

though they are red as crimson,

they shall be like wool.'”

Isaiah 1: 18


"You restored me to health and let me live. Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back."

 Isaiah 38:16-17


“The heavens declare the glory of God,

and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Day to day pours out speech,

and night to night reveals knowledge.”

Psalm 19:1-2


He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.

Acts 10:2


I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

 Isaiah 45:3

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,179 slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS -Bible Prophecy and the Current Political Divide

Bible Prophecy and the Current Political Divide

As history hurtles toward the Last Days, we find ourselves trying to navigate through an increasingly hostile world. Politics are dividing our country and even our churches. People are becoming more cold-hearted, selfish, and angry. We are experiencing a breakdown that feels irreversible. Our problems do not have simple solutions, but we can find guidance in Scripture.

How Can I Know the Difference Between Turning the Other Cheek and Taking a Stand for What Is Right?

America was originally founded on Christian principles, but this foundational premise began to erode after World War II. Today momentum for the downward trend is building. The government, the educational system, the entertainment industry, and the media no longer share our values, which means faithful Christians are becoming alienated from the dominant forces in society. Christianity is now a religious subculture, increasingly demonized, ridiculed, and marginalized.

Persecution is not too strong a word to describe what is happening to Christians in America today. To be persecuted for righteousness' sake means that we are hated or opposed or suffer solely for following Christ and living for God. In our nation, we are experiencing five stages of religious suppression: stereotyping, marginalizing, threatening, intimidating, and litigating. I think America is a long way from the kind of persecution that involves torture and death, as Christians endured in the New Testament and now endure in other countries. But one never knows what may lurk around the corner. In my younger days, I never in my wildest nightmares dreamed that Christianity would be under fire as it now is in the United States.

How should Christians in the United States react to persecution? The first response might naturally be anger. But the New Testament gives us a more constructive response. The early Christians suffered much more severe persecution than anything we presently face, and we never find them responding in anger. In fact, they found positive benefits in suffering. They discovered suffering promotes character (Romans 5:3-5), provokes courage (Acts 4:19-20; Philippians 1:20-21), proves godliness (2 Timothy 3:12; Hebrews 12:6; 1 Peter 5:10), produces joy (Acts 16:25; 5:41), and provides rewards (Hebrews 11:24-26).

There are three decisions we can make: determine to stand for truth, draw support from one another, and derive your security from the Lord.

When we view the current political climate in light of God's eternal plan, there are decisions we can make and steps we can take in advance to steel ourselves for that moment when persecution comes. Let's look at three things we can do to prepare for that moment.

  1. Determine to stand for truth. It is imperative that fear of rejection, criticism, or loss does not cower us into hiding our light. To live worthy of the Gospel is to stand for God's truth without bending. As Paul urged the Corinthians, we are to "watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love" (1 Corinthians 16:13-14).
  2. Draw support from one another. We cannot be Christians alone. We need the company of others like ourselves with whom we can share encouragement, struggles, and victories. It is easy for us to feel alone and discouraged, but in the company of fellow believers, we draw strength, discipline, knowledge, encouragement, support, and love from one another. A courageous example can spur any one of us to say, "If he or she can do it, by God's grace so can I."

Derive your security from the Lord. The key to standing firm in the face of persecution is to remember whom we belong to and where we are going. We belong to Christ, and He secures us in His hand. Thus, we need not fear danger to our reputations, our jobs, our finances, or even our physical lives. As He said, "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it" (Matthew 16:25).




FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 11 Issue 04

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Multiply your seed sown

2 Corinthians 9:10 (UKJV)  Now he that ministers seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown , and increase the fruits of your righteousness;

The farmer every year, from every crop, procures seed  from the best portion of the harvest, for future use. He rest he uses for food or selling.

Paul uses this simile for ministry. It is God who gives food and seed to the Church to make it grow and  spread until it reaches the ends of the earth.

We should make provision for producing  seeds every day. I have heard certain servants of God narrating the testimony of their father or grand father who suffered persecution to spread the Kingdom of God. They are standing and surviving on somebody else’s testimony, instead of  producing their own seeds (souls) and multiplying them.

Every day, every minute, people are dying and   souls are perishing. The Lord has not asked us to be a member of a Church and sit in the Church attending Sunday Service every week. He asked us to go and  make disciples. Disciples are the fruits of our ministry. Jesus mentioned about this in John chapter 15.

Every Church should specifically compartmentalize seeds at regular frequency; say  once a  year or twice even thrice in a year. Otherwise unintentionally we might slip & fall into the  dangerous pit of consuming the seeds also, which might result in  famine in the land.

It is high time the Church  in India makes an analytical study of the following

  1. Do we have a system of separating a certain percentage of the  harvest (of souls)  at regular frequency, find out their calling, train them up ; & sending them  to the  places (non evangelized areas)  of our land.
  2. If such a practice  is not there, can we give a thought to it  now so that there will be a spontaneous and  continuous flow of saints  to the non evangelized areas from all Churches until the Gospel reaches the ends of the earth?
  3.  Can we make Indian Church be a model to the world  in this?

Sr.Angelica AOJ

So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come.’ Luke 19:13

AoJ is inviting you to two days FRP Level 3 Program on "Spiritual Trading"

Eligibility: Those who have completed Frp level 1 and Frp Level 2.

Date : Feb 11,12 (Saturday and Sunday)

Time : 9 AM to 5 PM

Language: English and Hindi

Venue Details : Basera Bungalow ,Vaigyanik Niwas Society, Gaondevi Usarli, Vichumbe, New Panvel.

Near by Railway Station: Panvel.

For participation, please click the link below and enter the details.



Sol. Jagdish  - 9930804564

Sol. Benjamin - 9003021979

The Army of Jesus


  • We made an appealed of a few cases in the Heavenly court on November 2022.
  • In this Shadow Parli the following bills were passed.
  1. No of Bars to be reduced to 50 %.
  2. To Improve the  revenue various  steps to be taken in the field of Tourism  etc.
  3. Revelations : Cloud surrounding Pondicherry


Puducherry shadow Parli was conducted on 27th Nov 22. About 21 members (SMLA,SMP) attended.

Badge distribution


  • 2 offline Troop churches started in Pondicherry.
  • ELSHADAI Troop church anointing session over.
  • 4 troop churches planned from that .


  • Everybody loved the class Tabernacle was very useful and informative about the Holy and Holies places of it.
  • All the participants realized the value of Worship in the Class of Seven stages of Worship and Worship the Lord in Holiness. They submitted themselves fully in this worship class and worshipped.
  • All eagerly learnt the Basic music and Song writing classes. And dedicated themselves to the Lord and tried to write songs. This class was very interesting to them. All Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.


And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.

Luke 9:23–24


He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house.

Hebrews 3:2

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme) TESTIMONIES

  • Sis Elizabeth: I could forgive all as Jesus forgave my sins enormously like a distance between earth and sky and east and west. I learned to forgive others to this extend. God has given me the heart of forgiveness in this class.
  • Sis Sharmi : Even though I can justify my reason for not forgiving others, I learned to forgive them through this FRP and this is really a blessing for me.


1.Sol.Annamal: Two days classes were really a blessing for me.The Lord has broken and destroyed all the Generational curses. I got peace from this class.All glory be to the lord.

2.Sol.Angelin: I felt the blessing through this classes I gave importance to the body but not the soul. After attending these classes I realised how important is the soul. I realised I need a healing in my soul and I got healed. During the prayer for each other session I was praying for somebody else but I got healed from my leg pain. Glory be to the Lord


28 “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

Joel 2:28, 29


  1. Many of the teachers conducted exams for the children and they had done very well .
  2. We had started 12 hours chain prayer offline in Tamil Nadu  zones.
  3. Two teachers has volunteered for CBS.


Night prayer was conducted in the North zone.


"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

Matthew 5:9


  • To strengthen the team gathering through prayer fellowship.
  • Openings for GS at local places with adequate facilities – planned to conduct gift school physically there.

ECC (Eshcol Counselling Course)

Batch 36 started on 14th July 2022 and finished on 11 August 2022 by the grace of God ECC batch 36 ended well. God did great things in this batch. Seven students attended this batch but one of them left after 15 days because of some personal reason.Before batches of ECC found it very hard to pass the days but this batch went smoothly by God's grace and they realised their  mistakes .Roll No:1 Mr Sudhagar was transformed and realised his mistakes.He accepted Jesus as his saviour. After the course also he visited ECC classes because of Jesus love.Roll No: 2,3,4 were young. Initially they didn't know what mistake they have done in their life, but after coming to ECC class they felt bad about what they have done in their life and also they admitted that whatever the behaviour that was inside them was the flaw.Roll.No: 5 and 6 were family man.They realised reality and they promised that they will take care of their family in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.On 11th August we conducted the talent day distributed the certificates by the chief guest and we also initiated 2 hours worship session and retreat program.We see it as a useful one and everybody was happy to see a new person being filled with happiness.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,095 slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS -‘They have no fear and no mercy’: gang rule engulfs Haitian capital

‘They have no fear and no mercy’: gang rule engulfs Haitian capital

Violence has spread from the poorest slums to the city center as up to 200 gangs carve up Port-au-Prince

Jean Michel thought his neighborhood in the north of Port-au-Prince, far from the capital’s infamous slums, would shield his family from the violence engulfing the Haitian capital.

But in May young men started coming into town on motorcycles, armed with assault rifles. By June, they were seizing control of the area. And in July the bandits had become the de facto authority, snatching up children to join their ranks and raping any women who took their fancy.

“They take what they want now,” said the construction worker, who fled his home with his wife and two boys once the gangs took over. “They have no fear and they have no mercy.”

Violence, natural disasters and political instability have plagued Haiti for decades but in recent months, the country has descended yet deeper into socioeconomic and political chaos as armed gangs have ramped up their turf wars.

Cité Soleil, a lawless haven for many of the capital’s gangs, has been a hotspot. In the 10 days between 8 and 17 July the UN says 209 people were killed there as the rival G9 and G-Pèp factions battled for control of the sprawling slum with machine guns and machetes.

Now the violence is rippling out across the capital, reaching once-peaceful provinces, and displacing thousands of families.

“I know this is Haiti and I have heard of the security issues elsewhere in places like Cité Soleil. But my neighbourhood was peaceful. I never thought I would one day be forced out of my home by the gangs,” said Michel, who asked not to use his real name for fear of reprisals.

With state forces outnumbered and overpowered, the gangs have pushed into the administrative centre of the capital. Deadly street skirmishes broke out streets away from the presidential palace.

Most of those killed are innocent civilians either caught in the crossfire or deliberately targeted by the bandits.

Women and children as young as one year old have been killed and their bodies burned in the recent wave of violence, a UN report found last month.

Teenagers accused of spying for rival gangs have been shot in public executions and young women and girls have been raped as a form of warfare.

Thousands of families like Michel’s now live far from their homes or shelter in makeshift camps set up by NGOs such as Mercy Corps.

“My sons are eight and 12 years old. My biggest fear was that they would be recruited by the gangs,” he said.

The 5 Seconds gang – which seized control of the country’s supreme court in June – are increasingly training minors in the use of military-grade weapons, observers report.

The violence spreading through Port-au-Prince is exacerbating an already desperate humanitarian crisis, says Annalisa Constanzo, who was sent to the city by the AVSI foundation to manage food and medical aid programmes.

An estimated 1 million people in the capital are going hungry due to the fallout of the conflict and basic healthcare is often unavailable.

Violent protests have broken out in recent weeks as soaring food prices and gas shortages have compounded the misery of growing insecurity.

“Haitians don’t have a lot,” Constanzo says. “But now what little they do have, they are losing.”

Videos appear to show state forces confronting the gangs in pitched street battles but with the reconstituted national forces numbering about 500 soldiers, they are vastly outnumbered.

And most of the skirmishes are theatre, says Nicole Philips, legal director at Haitian Bridge, which provides support for refugees fleeing the Caribbean country.

Paramilitary groups sprang up when Haiti’s army disbanded in 1995 and have grown in power as governments lost control of the country.

Haiti has not held presidential elections since November 2016. The assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 added to the country’s woes, causing a surge in violence.

As the government has grown weaker its reliance on the gangs to maintain order has increased, said Philips. What appears to be state resistance is often a show intended to mask that many of the gangs are collaborating with the government.

“Any skirmishes are symbolic. The reason the gangs are being allowed to proliferate is because elections are coming up,” she said.

While some gangs enrich themselves from arms and drug trafficking or kidnapping, others like the G9 are used to exert political power.

In areas such as Cite Soleil, gangs are reportedly withholding food and water in order to subjugate the local population.

If ongoing protests gain momentum the government could also turn to the gangs to violently quell the unrest as it’s the only option they have left.

“I’m not even angry at the gangs,” said Michel, who is unable to find work and is relying on handouts from Mercy Corps to support his family. “I’m angry at the state. They have not taken their responsibility. Now we’re in God’s hands.”




FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 11 Issue 03

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ


After 2020, this is the time of taking possession of the land of India as per the inheritances given to each family.  Let’s see how Joshua divided the land among the tribes of Israel.

The sons of Israel were 12 in number. Among them, Levi was not given any inheritance because.

Jos 13:33  But to the tribe of Levi Moses gave no inheritance. Jehovah, the God of Israel was their inheritance, as He said to them.

Out of the 11 tribes, Joseph received two shares.

Jos 14:4  For the sons of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim.They were considered as two tribes.

Jos 14:2  Their inheritance was by lot, as Jehovah commanded by the hand of Moses, for the nine tribes, and for the half tribe.

Nine and a half tribes only received their inheritances because Moses had already given inheritances to two and a half tribes, before they crossed the Jordan

Jos 14:3  For Moses had given the inheritance of two tribes and a half tribe on the other side of Jordan.

Jos 21:45  Not a word failed from any good thing which Jehovah had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.

The Lord fulfilled every single promise  which He gave regarding giving the land of Canaan to the Israelites.

But we have to note here one thing-  very important thing. They had  to go, fight and take possession of the land. The Lord did not ask them to simply sit at home. All the Pattas (sale deed) will not fall into the laps  automatically.

So also the land of India should be taken possession by those who inherited the Constituencies.

Let’s see how the Israelites did it.

They believed the promise given to them

Jos 23:10  One man of you shall chase a thousand. For Jehovah your God is He who fights for you, as He has promised you.

Did the Israelites try their maximum to take authority in their hands and get rid of the inhabitants of the land as per the command of the Lord in Numbers 33:51-56 ? No.

Jos 15:63  As for the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the sons of Judah could not drive them out. But the Jebusites live with the sons of Judah at Jerusalem to this day.

In Jos 16:10;17:12-13, Jdg 1:19;1:21;1:27, 29, 30-33 We see how the following tribes of Israel failed to cast out the enemies and inherit the land. Rather they allowed the enemies to stay with them and made them tributaries.

Ephraimites, did not drive out the Canaanites who lived in Gezer.

The sons of Manasseh were not able to occupy these cities, but the Canaanites wanted to live in that land.

Judah took possession of the mountain. But he could not drive out those who lived in the valley,

And the sons of Benjamin did not expel the Jebusites who lived in Jerusalem.

And Manasseh had not taken possession of Beth-shean and its daughter-villages,

And Zebulun did not expel those who lived in Kitron, nor those who lived in Nahalol.

Asher did not expel those who lived in Accho, and the inhabitants of Sidon, and Ahlab, and Achzib, and Helbah, and Aphik, and Rehob.

Asherites lived among the Canaanites, those who lived in the land, for they did not expel them.

Naphtali did not expel those who lived in Beth-shemesh, and the inhabitants of Beth-anath

Let’s see the result of the sluggishness of Israelites in taking possession of the land. Their generations are struggling till today.

Jdg 2:1  And the Angel of Jehovah came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said, I made you go up out of Egypt, and have brought you into the land which I swore to your fathers. And I said, I will never break My covenant with you.

Jdg 2:2  And you shall make no treaty with those who live in this land. You shall throw down their altars. But you have not obeyed My voice. What is this that you have done?

Jdg 2:3  And I also said, I will not drive them out from before you, but they shall be thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare to you.

Jdg 2:4  And it happened when the Angel of Jehovah spoke these words to all the sons of Israel, the people lifted up their voices and wept.

Jdg 2:5 And they called the name of that place "The Place of Weeping". And they sacrificed there to Jehovah.

Let this be a warning for us. In the history of India, the Lord God gave this promise to us, not to the people who lived before or after us. We are indebted to God & to our generations who are ever going to live in this land.  This is the time given to India to take possession of the land.

Sr. Angelica AOJ


  • We appealed a case to seek healing for the new born baby with a kidney problem. Baby has undergone for a scan test and the result came . No symptom of kidney problem was traced. Everything is normal.
  • We made an appeal of the case to seek healing for a child aged 5 who had swelling in his testes due to some injury. Doctors advised the parent to do some small surgery. The child under went several tests to diagnose about the infection in his testes. Within five days, Jesus Christ healed him. The testes return to their normal size without any surgery. He was healed.




Sol.John : My friend who was an Agnostic was feeling pain in his body, then he told me “if you pray and my pain leaves, I might start to believe in God again” then I prayed for him (without letting him know) and I asked God to heal him.A few seconds after I prayed for him he said “bro out of nowhere, I feel better” then I celebrated and thanked God!then my friend told me that it was the first time he experienced a miracle!

All Glory to God


Sol. Elizabeth: I am the SMP of Dharmapuri. I am working as a nurse in Saudi Arabia. The Lord has revealed his army. "Destiny, help person"was the message, God kept on inspiring me to get through that topic for some time, and my spiritual mentor was telling me that I will lead many people and connect many people in the Spiritual realm. The Lord spoke to the army and it is showing about the army always, after that only I joined the AOJ through Manimegalai. I took this constituency responsibility after this amount of assurance from the Holy Spirit. I enjoyed a lot in the presence of God through morning worship & gift schools. After taking the responsibility of this constituency, The Lord is guiding me to do the Heavenly court appeal for my constituency. I do worship and always have a feel and going through the real time in Heavenly court, I am going through this responsibility a lot.The Lord is guiding me a lot and conducting a weekly meeting with SMLA, I pray and believe the Lord will guide me a lot to guide this constituency to build the Kingdom of God.

Prophecy: In this constituency, Lord has kept this ladder over this. Amen.

I thank God for giving this responsibility. Amen.


  • Sol Felix and sol Rajilin have started a troop in ICF south The troop church named"Esther Troop".
  • A troop church was started in Thondiarpet at 1.00 PM.After covid 19 this is the first troop arranged. So far only over phone we conducted. One more over the phone.
  • Annnal troop church started on 12.2022
  • Started Rehoboth Troop Church in Gkm colony near Kolathur in Esther's residence.
  • Madan smla of Thiruthani is starting TC in his relatives house (Aminjikarai)
  • 3 Troop Churches by BFF Students one in East Zone Trichy and 2 in South Zone Tirunelveli.
  • One troop started in Mayiladudurai in East zone
  • New troop planned to start in Theni, Kanyakumari,Nagarkovil,Thenkasi,Sathur and Ramanathapuram.


For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.

Romans 11:36


John 13:34-35

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”


“When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme )

So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, And then come and offer your gift.

 Matthew 5:23-24


"Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."

 Isaiah 53:4-5


Night prayer was conducted for central Chennai at A59/2, 5th street ,Periyar Nagar, Chennai 82 on 7/1/23, Saturday from  10:30 pm to 1 am.

“Arise, cry aloud in the night

At the beginning of the night watches;

Pour out your heart like water

Before the presence of the Lord;

Lift up your hands to Him

For the life of your little ones

Who are faint because of hunger

At the head of every street.”

Lamentations 2:19


He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

Mark 9:36-37



       1. God's purpose for families

  1. Settling symbiotic disorder
  2. Bible defines a good Christian family.
  3. Vision about India
  4. Restoring godly order
  5. Troop Church Class
  6. Failure families & the hope we have in Christ
  7. Curse breaking & sanctification


Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

1 Timothy 6:17-19

ECC ( Eshcol Counselling Course)

Troop church was conducted in ECC for the students

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,011 slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS -Shivering snow in Kodaikanal: People’s normal life is affected

Shivering snow in Kodaikanal: People's normal life is affected

Kodaikanal usually has snow season from December to February. This time the freezing season started in last November itself. Already 15 degree to 18 degree Celsius during the day and less than 7 degree to 10 degree Celsius at night.

In this case, the temperature has dropped drastically for the last 2 days and there is heavy frost. The meadows are white with snow.

Tourists are suffering due to extreme cold. Pleasant sunshine till 3 pm. After that the increasing cold is enough to freeze in the middle of the night.

Citizens and tourists are keeping warm by lighting fires. If the same situation persists, there is a possibility of minus degree Celsius temperature for a few days.

Horticulturists protect plants by covering them with shade netting in Bryant Park and the Rose Garden. On the other hand, in the agricultural lands, the plants are scorched by the snowfall. So the farmers are worried.




FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools and AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing Sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu



Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 11 Issue 02

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ


 1Sa 18:5  And David went out wherever Saul sent him, behaving himself wisely. And Saul set him over the men of war, and it was good in the sight of all the people, and also in the sight of Saul's servants. 

This chapter, 1 Samuel 18 mentions four times about the wisdom David displayed repeatedly.

David had a close walk with God and God has  already revealed all His thoughts to  David, He would have known what is going  to happen to Saul and his dynasty. This would be one of the reasons why he acted  wisely. The revealed things were very precious to his heart.

Psa 139:17-18  How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more than the sand; when I awake, I am still with You.

1Sa 18:14  And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways. And Jehovah was with him.

Human wisdom is futile. But Jehovah’s ways only will prevail eventually. When Jehovah;s Spirit is with you, you  will have the divine wisdom and will be able to guard your steps everywhere.

Isa 11:1-3  And a Shoot goes out from the stump of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. And the Spirit of Jehovah shall rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Jehovah. And He is made to breathe in the fear of Jehovah. And He shall not judge according to the sight of His eyes, nor decide by the hearing of His ears. 

Even though this verse depicts Jesus Christ who rose from the tribe of Judah and Jesse, literally it means David also who was the son of Jesse.

1Sa 18:15  And when Saul saw that he behaved himself very wisely, he was afraid of him.

When Saul saw David acting wisely in everything, Saul was afraid of him.

Believers are the light of the world. We have heard people complaining about their bosses, workplaces and companions. Instead of complaining, you have to release the prophetic power of your tongue and bless the place, bind the spirits, break the strongholds and make a way to establish the Kingdom of God there. That is the will of God. That is why you are sent specifically to that place, city, town or family.

1Sa 18:30  And the rulers of the Philistines came out. And it happened as often as they came out, David acted more wisely than all the servants of Saul, so that his name was very precious.  

This young new lad David manifested so much of  wisdom that even the servants of king Saul respected him. The reason was that the Spirit of God was with him.

God’s children should be wise in their behaviour, talks, contacts, activities, communications so that they will make an impact wherever they go and work.

Sr. Angelica AOJ


  • We appealed a case to the heavenly court about the growth and the almighty God has answered on 1st December 2022.

  • We appealed a case that the Paddy production should be increased and the Lord has answered our prayer.



Sol.Subramanian: I am the smp for Nammakal district.By the grace of God

  • On 1st September 2022, six troop churches were launched.After completion of 8 weeks,two new troop churches have been launched in two assembly segments.New troop churches will be launched in other assembly segments before the end of the month.
  • Online morning worship and night prayer are conducted jointly with other constituencies.
  • Mentally retarded people are taken care of by Sol.Sendamangalam(SMLA).
  • A Marriage bureau is functioning for members of all churches .
  • FRP was conducted in paramathy by Sol.Johnny.Another FRP will be conducted on 26th this month in Namakkal.
  • Teaching about troop churches is being done daily in Facebook.


Free Computer course was started  for single parent children in  Arul Institute.Where three  students  accepted Christ and took baptism.


  • Troop church was conducted in Nilgiris by Sol.Stephen.
  • 6 Troop churches were conducted in Namakkal.
  • Hepzibah troop church was conducted in Kanmalaikuruchi.
  • Deborah troop church was conducted by Sol.Surya in Thirupur.
  • Hepsibha- Beulah troop church was conducted in Sendamangalam.
  • Sirushtigar troop church was conducted in Coimbatore.


David School of Worship was conducted in Manapparai


  • Sol Kavitha : In this Worship classes I felt the presence of God and I felt the touching of the Lord on me. It’s boundless Presence.
  • Sol Beulah : I saw the Walk of our Lord and see the vision that everyone was touched, blessed and glorified by Lord.
  • All has felt the presence of our Lord in the classes and they have anointing in 7 stages of worship class.All Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.



How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?

 And how can they believe in the one of

whom they have not heard?

And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?

As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of

those who bring good news!”

Romans 10:14-15


The old man said, “Peace to you.

Only let me take care of all your needs;

 however, do not spend the night in the open square.

Judges 19:20

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme )

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves,

and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,

 then I will hear from heaven and

will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14


“But for you who fear My name,

 the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.

 You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.”

Malachi 4:2


  • Sol Sahaya Mary: Jeremiah school of prophecy was really useful.I learnt how to use the gift of prophecy.Heavenly court was my favourite class.How to speak with God and obey his commands.
  • Sol Sharon Rose:I really felt good after attending this classes.
  • Sol Jansirani: I really loved the classes.It felt like I was sitting in heaven.As a widow I have suffered a lot;After coming to this class I felt really happy and I got free from the pain and suffering which was bothering me so long.






CLASS 4/12/22 11/12/22 18/12/22 25/12/22
1. I - - - -
2. II - - - -
3. III 8 7 - -
4. IV - - - -
5. V 1 1 - -
6. VI 1 - - -
7. VII - - - -
8. VIII 2 - - -
9. IX 2 - - -
10. X - - - -


Be strong, all you people of the land,'

 declares the LORD, 'and work.

For I am with you,' declares the LORD Almighty.

Haggai 2:4

ECC ( Eshcol Counselling Course)

Therapies undergone

  • CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
  • DBT(Dialectial Behavioral Therapy)
  • Art Therapy.
  • Play Therapy.
  • Group Therapy.
  • Mindfulness based Therapy.
  • Solution Focused Brief Therapy.
  • Virutual Therapy.
  • Emotion Foucused Therapy.
  • Rational Emotive Therapy.
  • Humanistic Therapy.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47


No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: +91 81489 13271

Praise God for the successful completion of  38,011 slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS -Major storm leaves trail of destruction as it barrels across Central US with powerful tornadoes, flooding and heavy snow

Major storm leaves trail of destruction as it barrels across Central US with powerful tornadoes, flooding and heavy snow

A major, multi-hazard storm is leaving a trail of destruction as it barrels across the country on Tuesday and continues to bring the risk of strong tornadoes and flooding to the South, and ice and snow to the Plains and Upper Midwest.

The storm, which triggered deadly floods in California over the weekend, has tracked east and is pulling moisture from the Gulf of Mexico into the South, where above-normal temperatures have set the stage for severe thunderstorms.

Nearly 30 million people are under some sort of severe weather threat in the South, with the highest risk near the Gulf Coast. Southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi and Alabama were under a level 3 out of 5 "enhanced" risk of severe weather. Places like Baton Rouge, Montgomery and Gulfport could all see strong storms. A level 2 out of 5 "slight" risk of severe weather covered Nashville, New Orleans and Atlanta

The National Weather Service began issuing tornado watches Tuesday morning for millions of people from Louisiana to Tennessee as temperatures warmed and conditions became more favorable for violent storms. Multiple waves of severe weather are possible in this region through the day, the Storm Prediction Center warned, "with the risk expected to persist well into the night across much of the area."

Track the storm: Radar, weather alerts, travel delays and more

Strong tornadoes, large hail and wind gusts topping 70 mph are possible in the most extreme thunderstorms.

"Severe convection with all three modes (tornadoes, hail and damaging winds) is likely," the National Weather Service office in Mobile warned.

Heavy rainfall associated with these thunderstorms could also trigger significant flash flooding across the South. Southeastern Alabama and Southwest Georgia are under a level 3 out of 4 "moderate" risk of excessive rainfall. Portions of Southeast Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia are also under a level 2 out of 4 "slight" risk of excessive rainfall.

Rainfall totals could reach 2 to 4 inches across the South through Wednesday, while some areas could see up to 6 inches.

Since Monday night there have already been several tornado reports. One of the tornadoes that was reported was in Jonesboro, Louisiana, where large trees were knocked downed and damaged. The other was reported in Haywood, Tennessee.

Damage was also reported after a possible tornado in Jessieville, Arkansas, according to Garland County officials.

"Damage was sustained to areas of (a) school due to trees, and power lines. The school was currently in session at the time, however all students have been accounted for and reports of no injury," the Garland County Sheriff's Office said in a release.

In Jackson Parish, Louisiana, residents were told to stay off the roads as the severe weather toppled trees and covered roadways with water. Jackson Parish Sheriff's Department said tarps will be given out to those whose homes are damaged.

"We are trying to work to get to houses that are damaged and clear roads," the Sheriff's Department said.

As the risk persists, forecasters have been concerned about tornadoes forming at night, according to Brad Bryant of the National Weather Service office in Shreveport, Louisiana.

"You can't see them coming. A lot of the time, people are asleep and not paying attention to the weather," Bryant said. "Many areas around here don't have good cell phone coverage and storm alerts are not as effective in those areas, especially once people are asleep."

Anyone in areas at risk of tornadoes should seek safe shelter immediately, Bryant said.

"If you wait around for a warning to be issued, it is too late," Bryant said Monday. "You need to have a safe shelter plan in place in advance of these storms."

Damage reports were also coming from across northern Louisiana, including several transmission highline towers being damaged in the Haile community in Marion. One of the towers was knocked over and several others are damaged, according to the National Weather Service in Shreveport.

A wind gust of 81 mph was reported in Adair, Oklahoma -- a gust equivalent to a Category 1 hurricane.

Heavy snow, freezing rain to the north

As the South braces for floods and tornadoes, the storm continues to bring heavy snow, sleet and freezing rain across the Plains and Upper Midwest on Tuesday, significantly impacting travel.

Over 15 million people are under winter weather alerts from the Plains to the Great Lakes.

Residents in parts of Nebraska, South Dakota and Minnesota are likely to see intense snow rates of 1 to 3 inches per hour.

Blowing and drifting snow on Tuesday may result in snow-covered roads and make it "hazardous, if not impossible" to travel, the weather service warned.

Road conditions were already deteriorating Monday night in northwestern Iowa, northern Nebraska and eastern South Dakota, according to the weather service in Omaha. Portions of northern Nebraska have already reported nearly a foot of snow and could get an additional 12 to 18 inches on Tuesday, according to the weather service.

Roughly 200 miles of eastbound Interstate 80 in Wyoming, from Evanston to Rawlins, are closed due to the ongoing impacts of the storm, according to the Wyoming Department of Transportation. The department said westbound traffic is further blocked from the Rawlins section of I-80 to the Interstate-25 junction in Cheyenne, which covers more than 120 miles.

"Snow (and) blowing snow to impact Wyoming roads into tonight," an agency Facebook post read. "A high wind event will then create blowing (and) drifting snow, poor visibility and possible whiteout conditions Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday afternoon for sections of I-80, I-25, South Pass and various secondary roads!"

"If you can, please stay home. If you must travel, ensure you have an emergency kit in your car," the weather service in Sioux Falls told residents, saying travel will become difficult to impossible by Tuesday morning.

A vehicle winter emergency kit includes snacks and water, a battery-powered weather radio, flashlights and batteries, a first aid kit, a shovel and ice scraper, a jumper cable and other items.

Significant ice accumulations from freezing rain are expected, possibly over a quarter inch, from northeastern Nebraska through northwestern Iowa into southern Minnesota.

The freezing rain poses a significant hazard to those on foot. Even a light glaze can make for slippery sidewalks and driveways. Accumulations more than 0.25 inches can cause scattered power outages and break tree limbs, the weather service says.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  
Postal address Bro. Leslie

No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools and AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing Sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu



Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)