Volume 10 Issue 43

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

"Rebellion is as witchcraft"

This week I  take  an extract from the writings of my sister Thankam.

 “So, Samuel said, Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of God? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice. And to heed than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because You have rejected the Word of the Lord, He has rejected you from being King” 1 Sam 15:22-23.

These verses make a very interesting point that obedience is better than sacrifice, though sometimes obedience may seem like sacrifice. As in, most of the hardships, we go through are a result of following our own selfish agenda/plans instead of His voice/ plan.

Isaiah 30:1-3 – “Woe to the obstinate children, declares the Lord to those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming alliance, but not by My Spirit, heaping sin upon sin, who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to pharaoh’s protection; to Egypt’s shade for refuge. But Pharaoh’s protection will be your shame. Egypt’s shade will bring you disgrace.”

Why does God so strongly compare the sin of rebellion to witchcraft? You see there are times when we disobey God, the differentiating   factor here is whether that disobedience was intentional or unintentional. If God has made Himself clear to you and you willingly chose to disobey, then you are in rebellion. Likewise, if you did not know at the time the wrong was done but He has since given you an opportunity to know the truth through correction, confirmation and conviction; yet in your pride, you have chosen not to submit and repent, but rather cling to the wrong, then you are in rebellion.

 “Remember, too, that knowing what is right to do and then not doing it is sin.”James 4:17.

In Hebrew, the word “rebellion” is “qecem”, which can either mean witchcraft or divination. So, at its root rebellion is nothing more than willfully choosing to be led of another spirit. It’s choosing to do the will and work of the enemy in direct opposition to that of God’s.

This part is further clarified as it goes on to say that stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. What is stubbornness, but refusing correction and repentance. What is iniquity, but sin and wickedness, and what is idolatry, but choosing to give your service, obedience and allegiance to another god. Looking at it from a spiritual point of view, which is God’s point of view, we can begin to see the severity of the sin of rebellion as God sees it.

Sr. Angelica AOJ


Praise the Lord Brothers and Sisters, the Lord has revealed a plan to transform North Chennai into a clean and developed constituency. The program is to train 100 valiant soldiers for north Chennai constituency.

Under this program

  1. Skill training will be held every Saturday at Dr A C Aruldas Hospital BFF Center from 11 am to 4 pm.
  2. Each skill training will be a six months program that is 24 sessions or 48 classes.
  3. The skill training class will be conducted by Dr A C Aruldas Vocational Training Center (A Unit of Arul Institute). https://dracavtc.aruldashospital.com
  4. All the spiritual Activity will be conducted by AOJ TN North Zone.
  5. The students who enrol for Skill Courses will attend Troop Church from 11 am to 1 pm, afternoon lunch will be provided for them (simple food). Troop Church attendance is compulsory with 80% attendance.
  6. The students who enrol for Skill Courses will attend Morning Prayer on zoom. Morning Prayer on zoom compulsory with 80% attendance.
  7. Those students who are interested in obtaining the certificate for their training from National Council of Vocational and Research Training (NCVRT) – New Delhi will have to pay a sum of Rs 2500 as one time charges (admission fee) towards application, examination, certificate and affiliation.  https://www.ncvrtindia.org
  8. Tuition fee of 2000 /month (Rs12000) will be sponsored by Dr A C Aruldas Hospital and others.
  9. I request all the AOJ members to refer valiant and deserving students for this skill course. Last date for admission 10.11.2022 . Kindly use the link to enrol.


Courses offered under this Program

  1. Diploma in Computer Hardware & Networking – 6 Months – Eligibility 10 std pass
  2. Diploma in Computer Science – 6 Months – Eligibility 10 std pass
  3. Certificate in Vegetable Production –   6 Months – Eligibility 8 std pass


  • North region conducted a teacher training program on 6 Sept 22 from 6.00- 9.30PM.
  • The trainee teachers were divided into 3 groups.
  • 3 panels of judges were formed.
  • All 3 groups were held simultaneously on 3 different zoom links.
  • Total 21 soldiers participated in this teacher training programme.


Shadow parli meeting was conducted in Haryana on 09/09/2022 from 12:00Pm to 01:30Pm.


  • Sol.Bimla: I am from Bhiwani.I saw a vision of my son.He was kneeling and praying to the Lord.
  • Sol.Sangeeta Michael: I could induct two new soldiers in to the Haryana team of AOJ.




  • Sol.Neeta: I saw a lush green tree for Sister Hemlata.
  • Sol.Mohini: I saw a light for Brother Dinesh
  • Sol.Nirmala: I saw light coming through windows for Sol.Rajwati.
  • Sol.Hemlata: I saw tears for Sol.Babli which was conveyed to her for cancelation.
  • Sol.Babli: I saw a green fruitful tree for Sol.Hemlata.
  • Sol.Kusum lata: I saw a green field and a house for Sol.Neeta.
  • Sol.Neeta: I saw big stone rolling down the mountain for Sol.Hemlata.
  • Sol.Nirmala: I felt anointing over my head.
  • Sol.Neeta: I also felt the anointing.


English BFF was conducted in Chennai.


Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.

 Worship the LORD with gladness;

come before him with joyful songs.

Know that the LORD is God.

 It is he who made us, and we are his;

we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

PSALM 100:1-3

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme ) TESTIMONIES

  • Sol.Preeti Gupta: My son had fever and was worried about him. But thank the Lord that when you were anointed, my son's fever went down.The Lord has healed him
  • Sol.Sudha’s Didi’s: There was a lot of pain in the pit. When anointed, the Lord freed me, now I am happy.
  • Sol.Sangeeta: I had pain in my right hand but when the anointing took place, the Lord healed my hand pain. Thanks be to the Lord, the man and the fire appeared to be burning. But people like you burn, it was the same, but it did no harm. Light was visible all around amen


The very first people on earth formed a family. From the beginning, God blessed and encouraged families, commanding Adam and Eve to “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth”

Genesis 1:28


As per the revelation received from God,we conducted a night prayer on 15th Oct 2022, Saturday.It was a Physical Night Prayer in Chennai,Tamilnadu and it was also telecasted in the online platform "Zoom".The Lord Jesus has invited us to fight against the devil's plan, and to see the light shining from our constituency above all.


 Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined.

Titus 1:8


  • Sol.Hemlata: I leamt from this class how to get mental healing.
  • Sol.Kusum lata: My test reports were normal after attending this class.
  • Sol.Rajwati:I got healed without medicine after attending this class.
  • Sol.Nirmala: I got healed.
  • Sol.Usha Sharma: I learnt about the curse, disease come from satan and I learnt through this class how to get healed from it.


Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, NOTE

making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV


  • Sol.Selvaraj: I learnt how to prophesy and I loved the heavenly court class very much.
  • Sol.Jayaraj:For a long time I had pain in my hip and because of that I couldn't even wake up early.When we have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,he changes everything.By God's grace I didn't have any pain in my hip during the prophecy class.The whole day I didn't have any pain.I learnt how to prophesy.


“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

3 John 1:4


“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation!”

Psalm 68:19

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


1 BFF batch 691 7th-14th Palavakkam,TN Sol.Thilagam Roseline
2 BFF batch 692 8th-14th Punjab Sol.Pradeek
3 BFF batch 693 16th-23 rd Manaparai,TN Sol.Robert
4 BFF batch 694      8th-14th Aurangabad ,Maharashtra  
5 BFF batch 695 23-30 th Mumbai Sol.Anand Kalunkate


6 BFF batch 696   Jharkhand Sol.Tulika Barla



Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 37,087 slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)



People believe in the Bible to varying degrees. Some of us see it as the unerring word of God while others see it as an account of history, wisdom and standards. Still others see it as sprinkled with both wisdom and folly. Then we have those who see no value in it at all. For the most part, one of the common threads that all who know something about the Bible seem to share is the belief that it speaks of God’s wrath and apocalyptic events. While these are true perceptions of the Bible, they are by no means a complete picture. How can we know what the "End Times” are and when they start? What kinds of things happen during these times? Is there any tangible proof of the End Times that can establish the credibility of Bible prophecy to the skeptic? Where do we start with all of this?

We live in the End Times

We know this because of prophecies from the Bible. Now, many would say that Bible prophecy can be easily misinterpreted. It does often speak in symbolic terms about some nebulous future time and proclaims some event that is hard to understand. So, we can see where such skepticism comes from.  Yet, we know that Bible prophecy is sound. What if there were some prophecies that were able to be understood because the facts of our day support them? What if these prophecies could be accepted not because they are from the Bible, but because they are obvious and in plain sight?

There are such prophecies!

In the 12th chapter of Daniel, he is prophesying about the End Times.  We all know that according to the Bible, the End Times are a time of significant change. Daniel’s prophecy includes the statement that humanity will be “running to and fro and knowledge will be increased.”

These ideas can be perceived as over-generalized conjecture until we look at the facts. In his book Critical Path, (1982) Buckminster Fuller coined the phrase “Knowledge Doubling Curve.” He reported that worldwide knowledge was thought to have doubled once every century until 1900. By the end of World War II, it was thought to be doubling every 25 years. Now it is thought to double every 13 months! Surely, anyone viewing these facts must admit we live in a unique time of increasing knowledge never before experienced!

As dramatic as this factual confirmation of prophecy is, there is even stronger and more compelling evidence that biblically proves where we are in the stream of time. Check out our July 12, 2021 podcast, “Are We Living in the 'End Times'?" for more. We lay out numerous details of the Daniel 12 prophecy already mentioned. We carefully examine another crystal clear and often-repeated biblical prophecy that points to the present time as well. Ours is a remarkable time in history as we witness Bible prophecy unfolding. Join us and see for yourself what historical specifics we should know about and what current events we should be watching.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
  David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
  Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing Sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 10 Issue 42

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

1Ki:1:29-30 "And the king swore, and said, As Jehovah lives, who has redeemed my soul out of all distress, surely as I swore to you by Jehovah, the God of Israel, saying Surely Solomon your son shall reign ofter me and he shall sit on my throne in my place, even so I will do today."

David in his old age was unaware of what was happening in the administration of his kingdom There was the danger of the ruling authority and power slipping out of his hands and without his knowledge, going to the wrong person who was not of his choice. Look at the quick response of the king,when Nathan reminded David of his promise to Bathsheba.

"Surely as I swore to you by Jehovah... he shall sit on my throne in my place, even so I will do today."

The decision had immediate effect "even today". So Solomon was made king the same day, There might be the need of taking emergency decisions, taking up emergency travels, etc. Let the prophet's heart and soul be alert and sensitive to all the situations.Every time if they miss it, it might cause great dangers to the nation.

Nathan, the prophet of king David sensed this danger which is about to come in the political scenario of the nation intervened at the right time and cleverly handled the situation with heavenly wisdom. He approached Bathsheba and requested her to go to the king.

1Ki 1:11-12 "And Nathan spoke to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, saying Have you not heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith reigns, and David our lord does not know? And now come please let me give you counsel, and save your own life and the life of your son Solomon."Upon his inspiration she goes to the king and by using her influence as the wife of David, saved the situation and the destiny of her son and of the nation.

One of the main duty of a prophet is to see the nation's government goes to the right person and the nation gets the proper rulers.

If anything goes wrong in the political administration, or in any area or department of the nation, it is the duty of the prophets to identify it, take immediate action and save the nation from peril.

In the book of Esther we see the righteous man who did the above and saved the life of the king.

Est 6:2 "And it was found written that Mordecal had told of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's eunuchs, the keepers of the door who tried to lay a hand on King Ahasuerus."

It is the duty of the believers to pray for the rulers of the nations.Even if they are  non believers and enemies of God's children ,we have to pray for them.Daniel did it by serving in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar.Joseph did it while working for Pharaoh the King.The Lord anoints a prophet to safeguard the nation, its rulers and its people. Since he is the mouthpiece of God, the Lord speaks through him.

In the New Testament, we know that all the believers have received this gift.All of them have to use it for the welfare of the nation.If they realize and take up this responsibility, they can arrest wrong leaders coming to power and all its adverse consequences.

I know one pastor who received a message from the Lord about the election result when the election propaganda was going on, but far ahead of the election date. He also received a command to go and inform the Prime Minister about it. Even though there was hardly any chance of his party winning the election, miraculously it happened and he came to the same post again .

Sr. Angelica AOJ

Tamil Nadu’s growth 2022

Horticulture and agriculture colleges

  •  Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin virtually inaugurated a Horticulture College and Research Centre at Jeevur in Krishnagiri district.
  • He inaugurated Agriculture College and Research Centres in Karur and at Kilvelur in Nagapattinam district and Chettinadu in Sivaganga district.
  • Stalin virtually inaugurated a research centre for turmeric at Bhavanisagar in Erode district.
  • Chief Minister M.K. Stalin also inaugurated Nammazhvar Organic Farming Research Centre at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
  • K. Stalin launched the Kalaignar’s All Village Integrated Agriculture Development Project in the districts of Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri and Erode.
  • Under the programme, the schemes implemented by more than 15 departments including agriculture, horticulture and agricultural engineering will be focused on the villages.
  • The government is planning to cover all the panchayats in the district in a few years.


ART OF TEACHING COURSE was conducted on 6th & 7th Sept 22 from 6:00 to 9:30 PM.There were 2 Classes Conducted on each day by Sr Angelica & Sr Leema Rose.Language of Course was English with Hindi translation.More than 100 Participants joined for this course from North Region as well as form other States.

LIVE STREAMING WAS DONE ON YOUTUBE for those who could not join the Zoom link.

AIM of the Course was to raise Powerful Teachers to undertake the Noble task of Teaching God's Word & making them Disciples.




SMP Meeting held on 2nd Aug 2022 . Around 38 members participated. Next SMP meeting was scheduled on 25th Sept 2022.



  • Sol.Hemalatha:When I prayed to God he healed  my daughter from blood cancer.
  • Sol.Mohini: By God's grace my husband had kept some books like Ramayana which was torn by the pet dog.
  • On the day of anointing Sol.Neeta felt that the Lord has touched my right hand and blessed me.
  • Sol.Kusumlata: I felt that the Lord has wiped my tears and blessed me.
  • Sol.Rajwati: My son in law was saved from an accident by the Lord.I thank the almighty God


  • Sol.Dipal :Daniel 12:3 was given by God for Gayatri Sister.
  • Sol.Hemlata:God showed me clouds for Sis. Jasmine
  • Sol.Nirmala: I saw one village and one gate with black and while adulatory sign for Sol.Rajwati
  • Sol.Gayatri :I saw a tunnel for Sol.Rajwati.
  • Sol.Nirmala: I saw Sol.Sanjeet sister's mother getting healed.


  • Every Sunday at 5.30am, prayer is held for BFF Coordinators, all ministries of AOJ and BFF Training School.
  • From 10 days before the start of BFF to the last day of BFF, 12 hours/ 24 hours Worship (4 Zone wise/ directly with people who participated in BFF) PRAYER SLOT and PRAYER POINTS are offered. Every Sunday at 5.30 am Coordinator (Co- Ordinator) prayer takes place.


Sol. Stephen Joshua : I didn't like the first day I came, the 2nd day was the Shekinah Glory class. Then ,I felt that the Shekinah glory was with me. I could feel myself becoming spiritual during the next class. That very night I decided to live a life pleasing to the Lord and then I started enjoying and savoring Jesus. I had a dream today. After that, I could see the glory of God. I felt the touch of the Spirit while doing the lesson on seed. Praise the Lord!



Psalm 150:6

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)TESTIMONIES

  • Sol.Raju: By attending this FRP class touched my heart and also it strengthened my heart, very useful to me. After attending this class in BFF, In my family, my brother’s wife hurt me a lot and I did not speak to her for a long time. But I went and asked to forgive and solved the things. All Glory to God.
  • Sol.Clara Mary: Even though I go to church, I do not know many verses regarding FRP. But I have learnt many things in FRP and I liked this class very much. Changed my heart and desires through this class. How to deliver the person in prison and deliver myself in this class. Glory to God.
  • Sol.Durga: I am attending two days class only. But I have learnt many things. In anointing session Sis.Ruba revealed many things about my situation and what God has revealed me. Praise be to God.
  • Sol Saraswati : I have learnt many things in this FRP class. I have learnt how the believers should be in this world and exercise their authority .  Also I have learnt how we should be in the places in and around us. Glory to be God.
  • Sol Lavanya: I have understood how satan attacks the believer from "Can evil spirit class". And we have to be aware about so many things happening in our life. I have learned about the symptoms in us when satan enters in our life. Praise God.


"The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, And in the night His song shall be with me- A prayer to the God of my life"

 Psalms 42:8


Sol. Promila Ben: I am from Varanasi.God spoke through his words and I learnt how to attend to the guests coming to our house and how to behave with others.


  • Sol Aarai:The Lord spoke with me and he blessed me.The Prophecy classes were really useful.After attending this class I could feel the inner healing.
  • Sol Arokiya Mary: Through these classes I could feel the happiness that God has given me.
  • Sol Fathima Rani: The classes were really a blessing.I learnt how to prophesy using Jesus name.


But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.

1 Corinthians 11:3


Children are a heritage from the Lord,

offspring a reward from him.

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior

 are children born in one's youth.

Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

They will not be put to shame

when they contend with their opponents in court.

Psalm 127:3-5


Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, NOTE

making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 37,003  slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Are Natural Disasters Sending Us a Message?

Are Natural Disasters Sending Us a Message?

As time goes on, many of us will look back at 2017 and remember it as a year of storms. We have had storms of political division and unrest, storms of tragic events ranging from terrorism to the senseless taking of innocent lives. We have also had literal storms - specifically three major hurricanes that came back to back-to-back and left a wake of devastation, homelessness loss and death. It is the hurricanes, the natural disasters we will focus on today. Are these events a coded message from God? Is God punishing us for our blatant sin or is He telling us to mend our foolish ways? If you don’t believe in God, could these natural disasters be a coded message from “Mother Earth”? Have we have messed with her precious and vital ecosystem for too long? Are there lessons here for us to learn?

Are these events messages from God?

After witnessing the destruction of our present hurricane season, one of the inevitable conclusions drawn by many well-meaning and sincere Christians is that these things are messages. They say God IS, by way of magnitude and location of storms, warning us to back off of and away from sinful ways. These sincere and well-meaning Christians will look at current events from specific locations and essentially say that it was no accident that they were hit by such destructive power. My question to these well meaning ones is simple – how do you KNOW that?  How do you know for sure?

Just how would you go about deciphering any messages from God sent by way of storms or earthquakes or volcanic eruptions? What would constitute a message and what would constitute a mere event? Is there a pattern that God would use to do such things? The answer is yes. In the Bible, we can see where God did use natural events for specific purposes. The logical thing to do would be to observe when He used these natural events, who He used them with and why He used them.  Finding the answers to these qualifying factors would give us a reasonable basis to look for a identifying a continued pattern from God with His messages.

What did Jesus say?

One Bible message regarding weather that is loud and clear was spoken by Jesus himself. While teaching us about loving our enemies in Matthew 5, Jesus said that God brings rain down upon the just and the unjust. So, our first message is one of equity – God does not arbitrarily “shut off the faucet” when it comes to those who are out of harmony with Him. Having said that, we also know that he DID one time withhold rain for 3 1/2 years. He did use an earthquake to destroy some evil people. He did destroy Sodom and Gomorrah with “fire from heaven.” How and why did these specific things happen?

They all happened in conjunction with God’s established patterns for using natural events. What was that pattern? Check out our October 9, 2017 podcast, “Are Natural Disasters Sending Us a Message?” and find out. Follow along with us as we identify the whys and the wherefores of God and His use of natural elements in the Bible.  Knowing why He did things then can really help to answer questions about what He is or is not doing now.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
  David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
  Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing Sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 10 Issue 41

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

The seed

Joel 1:17 The seed is rotten under their clods; the storage bins are laid waste; the barns are broken down, for the grain has dried up.

A farmer while cultivating the land has two expectations.

  • Producing food
  • Producing seed

Food is for immediate consumption while seed is for future cultivation. A farmer should appropriate both these blessings of God through cultivating the land.

Our Lord Jesus Christ used the parable of food and seed many times in His teaching.

In 2 Cor 9:8 Apostle Paul said,

2 Co 9:10  Now He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for eating, may He supply and multiply your seed, and increase the fruits of your righteousness.

Isa 55:10 For as the rain comes down, and the snow from the heavens, and does not return there, but waters the earth, and makes it bring out and bud, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater;

In the verse Joel 1:17, the prophet laments over one thing.  The grain for both food and seed are wasted.

The Lord shows this as a symbol for believers.

When the Word of God is sown into the hearts of people, if they accept it by allowing their heart to be a good ground for its growing, it will certainly lead them to salvation.

After accepting the Word what usually happens is, they are led into a Church. Where they grow by eating the Word of God regularly. And by worshipping the Lord, they get the infilling of the Holy Spirit also. They get the satisfaction of fellowship. Enriched by all this, they love to remain there life long.

But this can happen only at the detriment of neglecting the most important duty of the Great Commission.

Unfortunately the Church neglected this duty and made the seeds stagnate in the Church which became an institution.

Joel 1:17 The seed is rotten under their clods; the storage bins are laid waste; the barns are broken down, for the grain has dried up.

The seeds are rotten under its clods. Clods here are the institutional bondages. We all know that seeds are to be collected and procured at the right time or they will get rotten. Indian Church which is 2000 years old should have produced millions of tonnes of seeds by now and should have supplied it across the world. But we failed to do it.

Hence they are all rotten since they went under clods. Now what we can do is to dig and dig and bring out the fresh seeds. What all are gone deeper are lost forever. At least we can save the seeds of recent years.

Even the food grains which are produced in all the Churches should be collected and allowed to mature. The new believers should be given training in warfare. They should not be treated like milk fed babies, but allowed to use their gifts of deliverance and healing! (Mat 10:1, Lk 9:1)

Their spiritual eyes and ears should be opened. Their hearts should long for the prophecy gift through which they can communicate with their Heavenly Father and can be used by Him as His spokesmen on earth.

Prayer: Lord let the promise given for India in the year 2006  IN “ ENHF India Vision 2020”  be fulfilled.

Joel 2:24 And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil.

Sr. Angelica AOJ


By God’s grace the north zone was able to conduct shadow Parli with 8 smps who attended physically and 1 attended on zoom. It was an amazing time of fellowship / worship.2 bills were passed. Heavenly court appeal for securing secular status of India was done.God is good.


 Batch No. NSA/883/TA/2022 NSA/885/TA/2022
Coordinator Dr.Benedict Aruldas - 9840544151 Sol Mergit Ephrame - 9487658984
Date 10/07/2022 - 14/07/2022 16/07/2022 - 17/07/2022
Time 06:00Hrs - 07:00Hrs 09:00Hrs - 16:30Hrs
Language Tamil Tamil


School of Administration was conducted on July 16th and 17th 2022 at Kanyakumari.Around 6 members participated.

Outcomes and Planning:

  • 6 teachers were raised.
  • To conduct NSA at Kanyakumari.
  • Discussed to organize BFF.

Tamil nadu’s growth 2022


  • Cadaveric liver transplant ϖ In a span of two weeks, the Government Stanley Medical College Hospital in Chennai performed the second cadaveric liver transplantation.
  • According to officials of the Transplant Authority of Tamil Nadu, this was the first cadaveric donation at Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai.

Siddha Medical University

  • The Tamil Nadu Assembly passed a bill to establish a Siddha Medical University in the state.
  • Chief Minister MK Stalin will be its Chancellor. ϖ In his capacity as Chancellor of the varsity, the Chief Minister will appoint the Vice-Chancellor from a list of three names shortlisted by the search committee.
  • Health and Family Welfare Minister will be the Pro-Chancellor, as per the Tamil Nadu Siddha Medical University Act, 2022.

 and I will bring my people Israel back from exile.“They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit.

Amos 9:14


  • On 2nd Oct Fellowship meet was planned at Karjat, Maharashtra.
  • Decided to conducted a BFF at Aurangabad (residential).
  • To conduct Children's BFF at
  • Hospital visits to start once again (group wise)
  • 3 Days of fasting and prayer was done for the state of Maharashtra.
  • Residential BFF to start in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
  • Teacher Orientation at Karjat, Maharashtra.


ZECHARIAH TROOP CHURCH was conducted by Sol.Kusum Lata from 03/09/2022 to 14/09/2022.Around 14 members participated.


  • Sol.Neeta:The Lord has touched me.
  • Sol.Nirmala: I thank God for strengthening my daughter for taking message in her sickness.
  • Sol.Mohini: Almighty God has filled me with his presence.
  • Sol.Hemalata:In my prayer,I saw a vision of a green field for Sol.Neeta.
  • Sol.Nirmala:I saw a white coloured wall and a white flying bird.


  • Sol.Premalatha: I came to BFF with lots of difficulties. I am happy and excited here.I am anointed. I had a vision, a vision of the cross. I learned about hereditary curses. I decided to start Troop Church. I learned to read the Bible and to live a successful life.
  • Sol.K. Immanuel: I was filled with a spirit of great fear. In the BFF classes I learnt about Destroying the Walls, Since sin had been the wall that I have inside me. I felt anger and emptiness inside me. Then, I realized and asked God for forgiveness.

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation) TESTIMONIES

  • Sol.Gita: I thank the Lord that when the consecration took place, a huge forest appeared. There was a huge fire in me and in the forest.I was standing in the middle of it and with that fire the Lord told me and he appeared to me in white clothes.
  • Sol.Preeti : The Lord talked to me and touched me.I felt the Lord's presence.


Bethesda school of Healing was conducted and 3 Teachers were  raised

  • Sol.Rani from Salem..Her mother called Sakuthala had ulcer problem and breast tumor - left side. After prayer, suddenly relieved from tumor side. Glory to Jesus.
  • Sol.Baby Father name: Sol.Velmurugan, he had spinal cord injury for 5 years. After prayer, he got the energy and tried to walk and sit, in Jesus name. He could later stand also.
  • Sol.Suriya:Relieved from throat pain.
  • Sol.Joshuva praba Relieved from knee pain.


“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”.

Psalm 133:1


Martha School of Hospitality was conducted by Sol.Mini Shibi from  01/09/2022 to 07/09/2022 in Uttar Pradesh.Around 15 members participated.


  • Sol.Sunita Zambre: In hospitality class. God spoke through his Words and I learnt how to deal and how to behave with others.
  • Sol.Nita:I learnt how to behave in my house and to have a healthy relationships with others and the society.


The last days, says God, I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity

  1.  Your sons and your daughters will prophesy
  2. Your young men will see visions
  3. Your old men will dream dreams Acts 2:17


Spiritual Growth:

  • To develop every Constituency
  • Development of the Core Team (SMP/SEC/COORD/SMLAs)
  • To train the soldiers of the constituency to grow in Christ.

Future plan:

  • Once the participants number increases individual SMPS /SMLAs can conduct separately Morning
  • Morning Worship stared from 7th June 2021.


"Stand up and praise the LORD your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise."

Nehemiah 9:5


Night prayer was conducted on 18/09/22 at Santacruz, North Mumbai Constituency by Sol.lndira and organized by Sol.Shashikala.


"Train up a child in the way he should go: even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22.6


And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good

2 Corinthians 9:8

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 36,919  slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Earthquake Shakes Mexico on Anniversary of 2 Major Temblors

Earthquake Shakes Mexico on Anniversary of 2 Major Temblors

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, killing at least two people, damaging thousands of structures and setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes.

The quake hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey. It said the quake was centered 23 miles southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states at a depth of 9.4 miles.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said via Twitter that the secretary of the navy had told him that one person was killed in the port city of Manzanillo, Colima, when a wall at a mall collapsed.

Later, a woman also died in Manzanillo after being severely injured when a wall collapsed, Laura Velázquez, head of federal Civil Protection, local news outlets reported on Tuesday. Nine others were injured in Colima, and 26 received hospital care in Coahuayana, a municipality in the neighboring state of Michoacán.

In Coalcomán, Michoacan, near the quake’s epicenter, buildings were damaged, including a hospital, according to local residents, but there were no immediate reports of injuries.

Mexico City’s mayor, Claudia Sheinbaum, tweeted that there were no reports of damage in the capital, but power was out in parts of the city, including stoplights, snarling the capital’s traffic.

Alarms for the new quake came less than an hour after quake alarms warbled in a nationwide earthquake simulation marking major, deadly quakes that struck on the same date in 1985 and 2017.

“This is a coincidence,” that this is the third Sept. 19 earthquake, said U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Paul Earle. “There’s no physical reason or statistical bias toward earthquakes in any given month in Mexico.”

Humberto Garza stood outside a restaurant in Mexico City’s Roma neighborhood holding his 3-year-old son. Like many milling about outside after the earthquake, Mr. Garza said that the real earthquake alarm sounded so soon after the annual simulation that he was not sure it was genuine.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
  David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
  Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing Sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 10 Issue 40

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

           Willingness to be slaves - Sign of curse

The Lord always wanted His children to enjoy full freedom and to be independent.  He never wanted them to be under Kings or Rulers who suppressed them and treated them as slaves. He wanted them to be only under Him, so that they can be His children and He will be an affectionate, loving Father to them.  He can nourish them, establish them, and lead them to the fullness of life.

In all the generations, God’s problem in dealing with man was this. They wanted to be under a human leader who will exploit them, manipulate them and treat them like slaves.

They enjoyed serving human Kings and leaders even at the detriment of their health, wealth and everything. It was not a problem for them. But it was a problem for God. He could not see His children to be exploited by somebody. All the incidents of intervention by God in human history either in the Old Testament or the New Testament can be related to this fact. The reason is He is a righteous God and He wants to see justice and righteousness be meted out to everyone.

Sr. Angelica AOJ


Youth meeting for girls held on 4th Sept 2022 at Karjat, Maharashtra. Around 27 members participated. By the grace of God they had a wonderful fellowship with the Lord and with one another. All were stirred to start Troop Church and grow spiritually.


  • Coordinators meeting was held by Maharashtra Core Team to encourage, edify and motivate the AOJO team members.
  • This is a very good initiative taken by the Core team to have a fellowship and connect the team members with all the other team members.
  • These meetings were held in August as well as September 2022.


Six troop churches are going on in Jharkhand.


  • Jehovah Shalom Troop church by Sol.Manohar
  • Jehovah Nishi Troop church by Sol.Manohar
  • Jehovah Raffa Troop church by Sol.Manohar
  • Yusuf Troop church by Sol.Jarwa.
  • Kudamusa ek me troop church by Sol. Eliayas.
  • Elohim Troop church by Sol. Philicita.


  • Sol.Kavitha Raj: I learned more about the greatness and depth of the Bible and experienced joy and peace.
  • Sol.Mariya Jancy: To reach BFF there were many obstacles. The Lord made the way.I came worried. The words of the Lord strengthened me. I have a desire to rise up and serve the Lord. The hospital ministry was very exciting and gave me a new experience. I want to spend more time with God.
  • Sol.M.Jeya Raj: I got a new lease of life.Since I came to BFF ,a courage came in me and I surrendered my life to Jesus. I decided to devote time for God.

FRP LEVEL -1 (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)


  • Participants testified that they have never heard such teaching before.
  • Many experienced healing and deliverance after they forgave.
  • One sister had pain in her body since many years; however after the practical she was completely healed.
  • Another sister was delivered from the addiction of tobacco.

Tearing down strongholds – practical


Bethseda School of Healing Level - 1 was conducted in Delhi from 12/09/2022 to 19/09/2022.Around 20 Members participated.


  • Sol.Neelam Soni:Praise be to the Lord.I have learnt the inner healing through these classes.
  • Sol.Pushpa Khan:I joined from Mumbai for the first time and I was very impressed with the knowledge of Bible verses and appreciated the classes.
  • Sol.Gayatri Pandey:I was enthusiastic to learn about how to heal the diseases through these healing classes.
  • Sol.Nirmala Sharma added a new sister and that sister appreciated the classes very much.
  • Sol.Nita: I thank the Lord and I was very happy to know about the type of healing through these classes.


Gift school of Hospitality was conducted on 21st Aug 2022 at Kalwa, Maharashtra in Hindi. Around 10 members participated.Co-ordinated by Sol.Asha.


For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

2 Peter 1:21


David school of worship was conducted on 1st and 3rd October in Manaparai.


Fasting prayer was conducted on 19.9.22 in Jharkhand.


Night prayer was held at Ghatkopar, South Mumbai on 09/09/22. It was conducted by Sol. Indira and organized by Sol. Rani.


When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.

Psalm 27:2


  • Sol.Kishore: He got sick for almost a week. But praise God and by prayer he is fine now.
  • All the students passed their Annual exams and got admission to next class

All glory be to Jesus! who loves and cares for children.


Financial Discipline Gift School was held on 14th August 2022 at Raigad in Hindi. Around 20 members’ participated. Gift school was organized by Sol.Hiralal

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 36,835  slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Dozens dead from Hurricane Ian, fourth costliest hurricane in U.S. history

Dozens dead from Hurricane Ian, fourth costliest hurricane in U.S. history

Rescuers searched for survivors among the ruins of Florida's flooded homes from Hurricane Ian while authorities in South Carolina waited for daylight to assess damage from its strike there as the remnants of one of the strongest and costliest hurricanes to ever hit the U.S. continued to push north.

The powerful storm terrorised millions of people for most of the week, battering western Cuba before raking across Florida from the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean, where it mustered enough strength for a final assault on South Carolina.

Now weakened to a post-tropical cyclone, Ian was expected to move across central North Carolina on Saturday morning and reach south-central Virginia by the afternoon.

At least 30 people were confirmed dead, including 27 people in Florida mostly from drowning but others from the storm's tragic aftereffects. An elderly couple died after their oxygen machines shut off when they lost power, authorities said.

Meanwhile, distraught residents waded through knee-high water Friday, salvaging what possessions they could from their flooded homes and loading them onto rafts and canoes.

“I want to sit in the corner and cry. I don't know what else to do,” Stevie Scuderi said after shuffling through her mostly destroyed Fort Myers apartment, the mud in her kitchen clinging to her purple sandals.

In South Carolina, Ian's center came ashore near Georgetown, a small community along the Winyah Bay about 60 miles (95 kilometers) north of historic Charleston. The storm washed away parts of four piers along the coast, including two connected to the popular tourist town of Myrtle Beach.

The storm's winds were much weaker Friday than during Ian's landfall on Florida's Gulf Coast earlier in the week. Authorities and volunteers there were still assessing the damage as shocked residents tried to make sense of what they just lived through.

Anthony Rivera, 25, said he had to climb through the window of his first floor apartment during the storm to carry his grandmother and girlfriend to the second floor. As they hurried to escape the rising water, the storm surge had washed a boat right up next to his apartment.

“That's the scariest thing in the world because I can't stop no boat,” he said. “I'm not Superman.”

Even though Ian has long passed over to Florida, new problems continued to arise. A 14-mile (22-kilometer) stretch of Interstate 75 was closed late Friday in both directions in the Port Charlotte area because of the massive amount of water swelling the Myakka River.

The official death toll climbed throughout the day on Friday, with authorities warning it would likely rise much higher once crews made a more comprehensive sweep of the damage. Searches were aimed at emergency rescues and initial assessments, Florida Division of Emergency Management Director Kevin Guthrie said. He described one submerged home as an example.

“The water was up over the rooftop, right, but we had a Coast Guard rescue swimmer swim down into it and he could identify that it appeared to be human remains. We do not know exactly how many,” Guthrie said.

The dead included a 68-year-old woman swept into the ocean by a wave and a 67-year-old man who who fell into rising water inside his home while awaiting rescue.

Authorities also said a 22-year-old woman died after an ATV rollover from a road washout and a 71-year-old man suffered a fatal fall from a rooftop while putting up rain shutters. Another three people died in Cuba earlier in the week.

Hurricane Ian has likely caused “well over $100 billion'' in damage, including $63 billion in privately insured losses, according to the disaster modeling firm Karen Clark & Co., which regularly issues flash catastrophe estimates. If those numbers are borne out, that would make Ian at least the fourth costliest hurricane in US history.

In the Sarasota suburb of North Point, Florida, residents of the Country Club Ridge subdivision waded through waterlogged streets Friday. John Chihil solemnly towed a canoe and another small boat through the ankle-deep water.

“There's really not much to feel. It's an act of God, you know?” he said. "I mean, that's all you can do is pray and hope for a better day tomorrow.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
  David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
  Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing Sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 10 Issue 39

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ


 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Gen 12:3

Family – the word appears here for the first time in the Bible which refers to human family.

The blessing given to man in the Bible is to rule over his enemies.

 “Judah, your brothers shall praise you; your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; your father's sons shall bow down before you.

Gen 49:8

Judah is given the blessing of ruling over his own brothers’ generations.

Even King David praises the Lord for making him triumph over the enemies and giving him authority over the enemies.

 You made my enemies turn their backs to me, and those who hated me I destroyed.   They cried for help, but there was none to save; they cried to the LORD, but he did not answer them.   I beat them fine as dust before the wind; I cast them out like the mire of the streets.   You delivered me from strife with the people; you made me the head of the nations; people whom I had not known served me.

Psa18:40 -43

Sr. Angelica AOJ


Teacher training practice is going in Maharashtra within the teams. Once they are ready final orientation will be held for each one of them. A group of sisters took the initiative and held a fellowship in their house where they practiced teacher training and helped one another


In Chennai Central smla meeting the prayer request was raised and God fulfilled it.


Free blood test and medical camp took place in K.K nagar, Trichy on 24.9.2023.About 70 people benefitted.



  • Troop church is being conducted in various places.
  • One sister who had done BFF in 2018 from Vasai, suddenly came in contact with us.She asked about Troop Church and took the details for starting it. She has started a new Troop Church with her family members who are from Roman Catholic background, and she testified that the Holy Spirit is leading her how and what to say to her family members and involve them in weekly Troop Church.



  • BFF Batch held @Aurangabad, Maharashtra from 1st to 8th Sept 2022
  • No of participants – 5
  • No of participants took Baptism – 3
  • Language – Hindi

 Hospital Practical

4 members were baptized

FRP LEVEL (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)

FRP was organized  Sol. Mangal Kalunke and coordinated  Sol. Kavita Ingle. Sol. Abhishek, Sol. Vicky, and Sol. Payal did their volunteership.Sol. Meera and Sol. Kavita Kalunke were under the Kitchen Team.Around 20 members participated.All of them together arranged this FRP meeting successfully.


New team for Healing gift school formed in the month of September 2022 in Maharashtra.They are meeting regularly for praying and planning.Gift school will be conducted in the month of October 2022.


Gift school of hospitality was conducted from 6th to 8th August 2022 via Zoom app.The gift school was co-ordinated by Sol. Asha.Around 19 members participated.The medium Language was Hindi.


Jeremiah school of prophecy was conducted in Thirunelveli on 16th September to 18th September.


Gift School of Worship is scheduled for 25th of September @Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.The gift school was organized by Sol. Mangal and co-ordinated bySol. Babu Sharma.


24 Hours online worship is co-ordinated by Sol. Simran.

List of worshippers from Maharashtra 

Name Timing
Sol. Vicky Kalunke 02:00 am to 03:00 am
Sol. Priti/Praveen 03:00 am to 04:00 am
Sol. Kavita Ingle 05:00 am to 06:00 am
Sol. Vaishali Ghanbadur 06:00 am to 07:00 am
Sol. Kalpana Shinde 07:00 am to 08:00 am
Sol. Bina 08:00 am to 09:00 am

09:00 am to 10:00 pm

Sol. Vijaya kavi 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Sol. Jitali 11:00 am to 12:00 am



Night Prayer held at Kalyan,Hingoli on 6th August 2022.Conducted by Sol Pratik.F.Dand organized by Sol.Anushka.D.Around 20 members Participated.


Gift school of family building is planned for the month of October 2022 @Navi Mumbai



  • Sol.Kishore: He got sick for almost a week. But praise God and by prayer he is fine now.
  • All students passed their Annual exams and got admission to next class

All glory be to Jesus! who loves and cares for children.


  • Daniel oversees translating and correcting the existing notes and other training materials from English to Hindi
  • We are glad to announce that we have all the BFF notes, PPT’s in hindi language.
  • Similarly, we are planning to translate all the gift school notes too into Hindi language soon.


Financial Discipline Gift School held at Ghatkopar on 6th Aug 2022.Organized by Sol. Chandrakala and coordinated by Sol.Indira.Medium is Hindi.Around 22 members Participated.4 members were raised as Teachers

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 36,751   slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Iran unveils missile it says can strike all of Middle East and parts of Europe

Iran unveils missile it says can strike all of Middle East and parts of Europe

Iran reportedly has around 20 types of ballistic missiles, some of which are copies of missiles developed in North Korea, or have origins in Russian and Chinese missiles.

Iran held a military parade on Thursday and unveiled what it claimed to be a new ballistic missile.

The missile is a medium-range ballistic rocket capable of traveling around 1,400km, according to Iranian media. Images of the missile were also shown in Iranian media. Called “Rezvan”, the missile was shown during a parade that marks Iran’s victory over Iraq in the 1980-1988 war.

With a range of 1,400 km, the missile would be capable of striking anywhere in the Middle East as well as in parts of Europe.

“It’s a precision ballistic missile,” the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Major General Hossein Salami, said, according to Iran’s IRNA. Iran has increased both the precision and range of its missiles in recent years and it has been increasing its abilities to launch satellites and manufacture drones. Iran has reportedly provided Russia with Shahed-136 drones.

The Rezvan missile is a single-stage liquid-fueled ballistic missile. Iran says it can launch from a variety of mobile and fixed platforms. This means it could be transported to Iraq or Syria. In contrast, the Kheiber-Shekan missile is a solid fueled missile. It appears the showcasing of the missiles is tied to comments by Iran’s Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces warning the Gulf states against cooperation with the US and Israel. In recent weeks Iran has been increasing its rhetoric against the Gulf states. This is believed to be a kind of warning to Bahrain and the UAE.

In addition, Iranian technology enabled the Houthis in Yemen to increase the range of their ballistic missiles. Iran also supplies Hezbollah with missiles and precision-guided munitions which are considered a threat to Israel and to the wider region.

Iran has used its ballistic missiles to target US forces in 2020 and its Fateh series of missiles to attack Kurdish dissidents in Iraq in 2018. In addition, it used cruise missiles and drones to attack Saudi Arabia in 2019 and it used a drone to attack a ship in the Gulf of Oman in 2021.

Iran's stash of missiles

Iran reportedly has around 20 types of ballistic missiles, some of which are replicates of missiles developed in North Korea, or have origins in Russian and Chinese missiles. Iran has sought to improve all of these older varieties of missiles in recent years, to improve their precision. Iran’s media has also mentioned that Iran has improved its Kheibar Shekan missile, which is also supposedly able to fly 1,450km.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
  David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
  Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing Sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 10 Issue 38

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Jesus Christ’s Government and authority

Isa 9:7 Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end.

When Jesus Christ came to this world to establish a Government, except Lucifer nobody, who lived in his time seems to be bothered about it.  Because human beings in their fallen nature, had not understood its value or meaning. But Lucifer who was with the Lord, who knew the greatness and character of God, in his tremendous wisdom tested Jesus and found out that “this is the King who came to establish his Kingdom here on earth by ‘bruising his head’. Jesus accomplished it. He restored the dominion of Adam and his descendants on earth and enabled them exercise their power of subduing everything on earth.

Any king who wants to establish a kingdom will first start making himself strong on this earth by accumulating

  • Wealth,
  • Properties,
  • Gold,
  • Palaces,
  • Military forces etc.

Then he will start expanding his earthly territory.

Jesus’ Government is entirely different

It is established in human hearts. He delivers people from the lies and deceptions of satan, breaks the strongholds, which satan has built in their minds and release them from darkness. Their eyes are opened to see the truth. Their fear, inhibitions, anxieties, disappointments, rejections, everything vanishes and they see themselves as rulers of the earth. They start ruling the earth, the sky and the ocean. (Gen 1:28)

The capital of Jesus’ Government is human heart. When a person accepts Jesus Christ and commits himself to regularize his life by obeying His commandments, one gets deliverance. All the yokes of manmade traditions (even that of denominational Churches) religion, Caste, Creed, everything is broken. They enter into a new order of the Spirit, a new world, and become new creations with a new nature and characteristics. This is contagious, spreads from heart to heart, life to life.  Those who taste it cannot resist the compulsion of sharing it with others.

This process of establishing Jesus Government in human hearts commenced on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured from heaven around 2019 years ago.  It spread from Jerusalem to Antioch, to Rome, to Greece and to other countries, and is continuing, all over the world, till today.  Lucifer tried to stop it in many ways. But wherever he tried, it burst out all the more powerfully. It spreads from person to person, house to house, family to family, city to city, country to country etc. It is ever on the increase and never on the decrease. It crosses over all the financial, cultural, religious, social and political barriers.

Like leaven hidden in a trough of flour, when it is hidden, just like in India now, it works more powerfully.  Among those who wanted to put an end to the Government of Jesus, the first one was the Roman Empire the land of which covered the whole earth at that time. The Roman Empire fell miserably in the 3rd century A.D. and gave way to the Government of Jesus. Rome accepted Jesus as the head of their Government.

What is the secret of this increase? 

When a person becomes the citizen in Jesus Government, peace starts ruling his heart. The peace which surpasses all knowledge, human intelligence, inventions and technical advancements, that surpasses even the planet earth and the world itself, starts ruling over one’s heart. Nothing of this world or the other can remove this peace.

There is no end for the growth of Jesus’ Government and the peace that brings along with it.  When it covers the whole earth, and when all the people (chosen ones) are brought under this Government, heaven itself comes down and the New Heaven and New Earth will be established. Yes, His Government will have no end. It will be ever on the increase.

Here is our calling. To bring Jesus Government into the hearts of all the citizens in our land and Constituencies.  Each one of them should be delivered from all the lies and deceptions of Satan and enjoy the peace which Jesus gives.

We have started breaking all the strongholds from the minds and hearts of the people. Let’s continue doing it till it covers the whole territory given to you. The Holy Spirit will take up the work of bringing them under His Government.


Sr. Angelica AOJ


The best SMPs were honored with awards for their service in bringing down Heavenly rule in their constituencies through their untiring works.


Overall in Tamil Nadu

SMP: Sol. Dr Petricia

Place: Pondicherry


  • Within a very short span of taking over Pondicherry Union Territory, God gave her the power to establish Jesus government in the
  • More of branching the SMP constituency in Pondicherry.
  • Morning Worship was started.
  • Visiting the constituencies monthly.
  • Conducting offline, online prayer meets and worship for the development of the constituencies.
  • Conducting SMP, SLA meetings.
  • Starting Troop Churches in the Constituency.
  • Conducting physical Shadow Parli & gift schools.
  • Never gave up building the kingdom of God.

Award given by: Sol.Jaison




Sol.Innareddy: I am from Telangana.While presenting the appeal in the heavenly court in the wing meet by Sol.Dr Pradeep about the flaws in our judiciary system, southern region on 24- 08-2022, Wednesday. I strongly felt that the appealing system in the court of heaven is the strongest weapon which all the smps & smlas can use  against satan  for every personal, family, state/constituency/nation/ global problems to be solved.

In a secular world to get justice, the final authority is the court,But very often it is delayed,Bridury and corruption spoils the justice . But in the court of heaven there is no partiality. Legal impediments are cancelled by the blood of Jesus.Hence a strong urge was there, that all the smps & smlas,and all the soldiers should be trained, in how to make appeal in the court of heaven.

All praise & Glory to God.


Smla meeting was conducted in Chennai North Constituency.


Tamil Nadu NSA/926/TA/2022

And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating , and various kinds of tongues..

1 Corinthians 12:28

  • What is Administration?
  • Is administration a Gift of the Holy Spirit?
  • Who exercised this skill in the Bible?
  • Authority inherent in Administration.
  • Believers as administrators of the world!

Administrators of the world & administrators of the Lord, Come, let's learn about Administration!

Date: Sep 19 to 22, 2022

Time: 3 - 5 pm

Language: Tamil

Join us through Zoom

Join group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EQp4xBrXAvm8GiXN1MK4lL

Registration: http://giftschool.in/registrationnew.php?sid=926&tid=14&bno=NSA/926/TA/2022


Sol. Sasikala - +91 9865908994

Sol .Aphirancy - +91 9487052435


Troop Leader – Sol. Hardeep

  • Started Yohanna Troop Church in Malout, Punjab with 05 Members.
  • Started Patras Troop Church in Abul Kurana, Punjab with 06 Members.
  • Started Yakoob Troop Church in Malkovi Dabwali, Punjab with 02 Members.


Around 10 participants from BFF 687th Batch are today made into war horses and were elected as SMLAs and SMPs.



SMPS & SMLAs raised out of BFF 685 candidates

S. No Name of the candidate Status SMP/SMLA
SMLA/TALUK (SMT)Constituency Constituency
1. Stephen Joshua Valparai Smla Pollachi
2. Punitha Pollachi Smla Pollachi
3. Kavitha Raj Singanallur Smla Coimbatore
4. Mariya Jancy Karur Smla Karur
5.  G.Rajan Andrew Thi Vi Ka. Nagar North Chennai
6. N.Gnanadas Perambur North Chennai
7. S.Lilly Gnanadas Kolathur North Chennai
8. M.Jeyaraj Banglore Central Smp Banglore Central
9. Immanuel K.    
10 K.Premalatha Maduravoyal Sriperumbudur

FRP LEVEL (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)


  • Planned to conduct FRP Level 1 in Nilgiris Online. Contacted Sol.Hemalatha Devi
  • Planned to conduct FRP Level 1 In Chennai North and South zone through online
  • Planned to conduct FRP level 1 Physically in Pollachi, Nilgiris, Trichy and Tanjore.
  • Team will be splitted and work independently
  • More coordinators will be raised.
  • Constituency approach has planned.
  • Physical classes have been planned.


"...You restored me to health and let me live. Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back."

Isaiah 38:16-17



  • To have the GS at West zone constituencies – Planned to conduct the school by October.
  • In prayer have initiated the steps to conduct the gift school at local places in Puducherry and also to form troop churches.


Jeremiah school of prophecy was conducted in Manapparai on 13th and 14th September. Around 40 members participated.



  • To conduct Worship schools physically at Trichy.
  • As a team to plan and to take forward the school to all the zones of  Tamil Nadu, both by zoom and at local places


 Overall in TN  
North Zone ▪          Chennai North (Perumbudur, Kanchipruan, Aarakkonam, Arani) 

▪          Chennai Central (Thiruvannamalai, Vellore, Villupuram, Thiruvallur)

▪          Chennai South

East Zone  ▪          Perambalur

▪          Trichy

▪          Puducherry

West Zone ▪          Coimbatore,

▪          Pollachi,

▪          Erode,

▪          Tiruppur, Dharmapurai, Krishnagiri

▪          Salem, Namakkal, Kallakurichi

▪          Sulur

▪          Jeeva Malai

South Zone ▪          Thirunelveli

▪          Theni, Kanyakumari

▪          Tenkasi



  • Night prayer was conducted in all the zones.


 NSFB School ▪          Every month 2 schools ( 2th week and 4th week of the month)


▪          Raising coordinators in each Constituency( Eg .North zone – we need 4 leader)

Core team prayer meet  Every week Saturday 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM ( for Core team)
Fellowship meet


 Monthly Last Saturday 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM (for all teachers and coordinators)
Teaching practice Monthly once



  • From September 2022 CBS classes will continue.
  • Plan to meet more students.
  • Plan to continue 12-Hrs Chain Prayer for CBS Principal, Teachers and Students.

EMB (Enlarge My Border)

Enlarge My Border meeting was conducted on 03.09.2022, Saturday.



Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 36,667   slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Deadly flood-water ‘tsunami’ sweeps through Italian towns

Deadly flood-water ‘tsunami’ sweeps through Italian towns

At least nine people have died and four are missing after dramatic storms provoked severe flooding in Italy’s central Marche region, forcing politicians to finally raise the topic of the climate crisis a week before general elections.

Dozens of others are reported to have saved themselves by climbing on to rooftops and trees, in scenes described as being akin to an “apocalypse”. Fifty people are being treated in hospital.

Heavy rain began to lash the region on Thursday afternoon, with streets turning into rivers and 420mm of rain falling in the worst-hit town, Cantiano, within a few hours, half the amount that fell on the town throughout the whole of 2021, Corriere della Sera reported.

Mario Tozzi, a geologist, told La Presse that six months’ worth of rain had fallen across the region within three hours.

The regional capital of Ancona and areas surrounding it were also badly affected.

“It’s a tragedy,” said Manuela Bora, a local councillor with the centre-left Democratic party. “But there was no warning, which leaves us speechless – we weren’t prepared for such intense rain. It started yesterday and by about 9pm I was receiving videos where you could see the disaster the storms were causing. It’s a bit more under control now in Ancona city but in some towns it is very serious, like an apocalypse.”

Carlo Manfredi, the mayor of Castelleone di Suasa, told Rai News on Friday morning that rescuers were still searching for an eight-year-old boy.

“Last night we found his mother alive,” he said. “She was in her car when she saw the water coming and she got out with the child in other arms. But then they got dragged away.”

A 17-year-old girl and her mother are believed to have been swept away by flood waters near the town of Senigallia as they tried to flee the area by car.

Francesco Acquaroli, the governor of Marche, which is led by the far-right Brothers of Italy, the party on the verge of national power after elections on 25 September, said he had received calls of solidarity from President Sergio Mattarella and the prime minister, Mario Draghi. “The pain over what has happened is deep, but the Marche community is strong and will know how to react,” he said.

Giorgia Meloni, the Brothers of Italy leader who could become Italy’s prime minister, offered “full solidarity” to those affected.

The climate crisis has been largely absent from the debate in the run-up to the elections, despite scientists launching a petition in August that was signed by more than 120,000 people urging politicians to make the issue a priority.

Enrico Letta, the leader of the centre-left Democratic party, announced on Friday that he was suspending campaigning over the tragedy, adding that he was “stunned and speechless”.

“How can you think that the fight against climate change is not the first priority?” he said.

Francesco Rocca, the president of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, wrote on Twitter that he was “very concerned by the growth of extreme weather events”.

Italy’s longest river, the Po, this year suffered its worst drought in seven decades. In early July, 11 people were killed when a huge mass of ice from a glacier on the north side of the Marmolada mountain in the Dolomites broke away, causing a fatal avalanche.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
  David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
  Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing Sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 10 Issue 37

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

 God makes us sit on Thrones

In the Bible losing authority is considered to be a curse and sitting on a throne is considered to be a blessing.

Throne – sign of Ruling

1Sa_2:8  He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor.

Even when leaders or kings  sinned and went against God, the Lord wanted to make them realize that it is He and He alone can lift them  from their cursed stage (dust)  and restore them to  their authority.

1Ki 16:2  “Since I exalted you out of the dust and made you leader over my people Israel, and you have walked in the way of Jeroboam and have made my people Israel to sin, provoking me to anger with their sins.....,

Dan 4:34 -36  At the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and praised and honored him who lives forever, for his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation; all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, “What have you done?” At the same time my reason returned to me, and for the glory of my kingdom, my majesty and splendor returned to me. My counselors and my lords sought me, and I was established in my kingdom, and still more greatness was added to me.

The whole process of the Bible can be  condensed in “Changing man’s  “dust status” to Throne status”.

Sr. Angelica AOJ


North Zone

SMP : Sol.Dr Albert

Place: Chennai Central


  • A vibrant Man of God who never misses opportunity to speak about Jesus
  • A good motivator to his SMLAs and to his peer SMPS
  • Ready to accept what is ordained by God in ministry.
  • No negative confessions.
  • Enthusiastic in Troop churches and raising many testimonies

East Zone

SMP :Sol.Dr.Petricia

Place :Pondicherry


  • Never gives up in building the UT assigned.
  • Within a very short span of taking over this Pondy UT, God put a burden on her heart and worsks to establish the His kingdom.
  • More of Troop church branching for the SMP constituency in Pondy UT.
  • Having physical Shadow Parli & gift schools in their UT
  • Visiting the UT monthly.

West Zone

SMP :Sol.Dr Benedict

Place: Nilgiris


  • An active Shadow Parli initiator & participant.A great initiator to get all the activities and archives online through portal to have a central view
  • A visionary getting plans from God's presence & implementing it as He instructs.

South Zone

SMP :Sol Dr Vijayaragavan

Place :Madurai


  • Prophecy team coordinator
  • Good initiator of Troop church
  • Practicing healing in walk of life Translation initiation
  • As an SMP initiated coordinating and getting everyone together,
  • Night Prayer involved
  • All Shadow Parli participant. A good teacher across BFF & GS.


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14


Kalloori Kanavu

Chief Minister MK Stalin launched the Kalloori Kanavu (College Dreams) programme.It was inaugurated under the 'Naan Mudhalvan programme. It will offer higher-education guidance to students who have cleared Class 12.The Naan Mudhalvan programme is a plan to further refine this and make Tamil Nadu the best in education

Breakfast scheme

Tamil Nadu government on July 27 issued an Order to implement the first phase of the 'Chief Minister's Breakfast Scheme'.This is to be a "first-of-its-kind' in the country.Every student is to be provided a cooked meal of 150-500-gram breakfast with sambar with vegetables.

TN college rank NIRF

The Indian Institute of Technology Madras has been ranked the best higher education institution in the country in the overall category.As many as 38 institutions from the State feature among the top 200 institutions in the overall category.Presidency College reclaimed its position as the third best college.Loyola College is ranked fourth

Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. Hosea 6:1



Rooth troop church was conducted by Sol.Prasanna. They started this Troop Church at Sol.Prasanna 's house,  Mandaveli. This meeting was a real Blessing for all . God did miracles for me as well as for Mary Juliana.


  1. Sol. Prasanna  Kumari :After this Troop Church began, I fell sick and was hospitalised for 10 days, due to severe Fever, Body pain, Headache and Vomiting. God delivered me miraculously. My financial needs, food supply and other necessities were super naturally met. Glory to God. Thank you Jesus, who really took care of me like my Father.
  2. Sol. Mary Juliana: Before the completion of our troop church (8 days), Juliana fell down from a Chair while cleaning her house. Her head back side and Spinal cord were hurt. She was not even able to get up from the floor and had severe pain. By the grace of God, She was taken to hospital. The Scan report said that there was no major injury.She had only severe pain and was asked to be on bed for rest. She was healed amazingly. God touched her and healed her. Thank you Jesus for this miracle.


  • Yohanna Troop Church is started in Malout with 05 Members.
  • Patras Troop Church is started in Abul Kurana with 06 Members.
  • Yakoob Troop Church is started in Malkovi Dabwali with 02 Members by Sol.Hardeep.


 And there was a certain Disciple at Damascus named Ananias and to him said the Lord in a vision. Ananias, and he said behold I am here , Lord

ACTS 9:10


What would have happened if God would’ve called Ananias and he was in such a state such as cares of his life, deceitful of riches, the lust of other things were choking the word of God and he hadn’t been able to listen to God?

It’s possible that God would have raised someone else to minister to Saul. I am not sure how it would have played out, but I am sure we wouldn’t have been talking about Anania today.

How many of you has God spoken to and tried to keep you from making a mistake and tried to change your life and try to do things in your life but you weren’t there because you were too busy and you are watching social media?

The word of God is very important . If we are going to take the instructions of God we have to start spending time with him. The word of God will focus our attention on the things of God. If you are going to take the commands of God and begin to experience his best in our life we are going to have to start unplugging from this world and putting our mind with God.

Let’s think about the number of Saul's the Lord is giving us to minister in our Troop Churches .What is God telling about him / her to you, how do you want your troop members to be delivered or healed or to be in peace. It's up to you to be there and hear what the Lord tells you. If you are there where God wants you to be and tell what God wants you to tell , I am sure many Saul's will become Paul's in India many Bharani/ Saravanan/ Hameed will become Peter /Timothy /John /Stephen in India. So let’s not underestimate the one talent( troop member)  God has given you ( Mathew 25:14 onwards). God knows you more than you know you . Believe in God he has given Troop members according to your ability, and the anointing abides in you. Just be there for God and he will keep you in rest and get the best out of you


speaker TN



  • Sol.Deva Sundari: Lord made me attend BFF. The Holy Spirit was poured on me without measure. He prophesied. I will serve from now on.
  • Sol.Karthikeyan: I got peace of mind and got uncontrollable joy and got knowledge about Him. Received spiritual gifts. The experience of praying for one another is great. I will proclaim the good news of God.
  • Sol.John Elijah: The experience that touched me the most, I was able to go to the hospital and pray and believe and pray that I can deliver many people. I am going to continue to work. Even though I am studying, I serve the Lord whenever I have time. I rejoice in the Lord as I remember being in God's community all last week.
  • Sol.Jeya Mary: 'I am with you' said the Lord. Forgiveness touched me. I have forgiven others and agree to live according to God's will. I read the Bible till this day but after coming here I learned the greatness of the Bible every day.
  • Sol.Dwight: I won in faith. I had the experience of talking with God. I learned how we should be in the world. I learned how God "speaks." I learned about prophecy, vision, and prophetic process. Lord made many changes in me.

FRP LEVEL (Forgiveness and Reconciliation) TESTIMONIES

A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

Dan 7:10



How it all began...

When sister prayed to the Lord on certain issues which were not resolved, the Lord revealed new revelations about Heavenly Court. The Lord also visualized a few examples from the Bible and how conflicts are resolved by approaching the Heavenly court of God. So FRP Level II program inaugurated in January 2021 in English to Hindi translation.


 And it shall be when he is guilty in one of these, he shall confess that in which he has sinned



Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

James 1:27


For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

2 Peter 1:21


  • Sol.Sujithra:I am attending the worship class for the first time. Initially I thought the classes would be difficult. But it was totally different. It taught me ,how we can worship the Lord in spirit. It made me more energetic and I learnt about the holy place ,most holy place and about the musical instruments , to write songs. Whether I could write a song or not was a great question inside me. Even now if I think about song writing ,it make me feel marvelous. Whenever I think about the word "Worship" I used to remember the worship classes. That much the class has made an impact on me. The teachers were really sweet. Even if I get another chance to attend these classes I would.
  • Sol.Tamilselvi: I thank God for showering his grace upon me. The worship classes were really useful. It gave me an insight about how to worship the Lord .Through these classes God made me realise that I could even worship the Lord. It gave me an enthusiasm.


  • Sol.Krystal:I gave my name for worship in the morning worship but my throat was in a bad condition. I prayed to the Lord to heal me and the Lord took all the pain and I did my worship. All glory to God!
  • Sol.Gomathi: As it is in 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come". The Lord renews me everyday with his presence. Each day's mana is received through this morning worship.


"But if someone doesn't provide for their own family, and especially for a member of their household, they have denied the faith. They are worse than those who have no faith."



“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.“

Matthew 18:10


“I have commanded you, ‘Be strong and courageous! Don’t tremble or be terrified, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ ”

Joshua 1:9

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 36,583   slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Uganda’s climate-linked landslides kill dozens annually


Triggered by heavy rains, landslides in eastern Uganda have recently washed gardens away, swept up bridges, and buried homes under tidal waves of mud.

The mudslides raced down hills, leaving trails of destruction and killing dozens, while many remain unaccounted for around the Mount Elgon region where they occurred.

Mount Elgon is a massive solitary volcano near the East African nation's Kenyan border. One of the largest extinct volcanos in the world, it first became active 24 million years ago and erupted 14 million years later. Many locals make their living by growing potatoes, onions, bananas, and coffee in the fertile volcanic soils it has produced

However, the region is also prone to disasters. Over the past decade alone, more than 1,000 people have been killed by multiple landslides in the area. Reports say the figure could actually be higher as some of the victims have never been found.

Martin Owor, a commissioner in Uganda's Department of Relief, Disaster Preparedness, and Management, told Anadolu Agency that local people were advised to plant trees with deep roots to help prevent erosion. However, few people preferred to plant crops that grow and sell quickly, despite their shallow roots.

Francis Ogwang, a soil scientist who has worked in the Mount Elgon area to reduce the occurrence of climate-related disasters, said the high population density in the area has led to overuse of the land for agriculture, making the soil looser and prone to landslides.

"Volcanic soils are younger, softer, and this combined with overuse of the land for agriculture increases the risk of landslides," he explained.

Volcanic soils most fertile

Katongole Hadija, a university lecturer on environment-related subjects, told Anadolu Agency that although people living on the slopes of Mount Elgon understand the danger it poses to their lives, they have decided to take the risk in favor of the productive farmland.

"Volcanic ash soils are among the world's most fertile, productive soils. The ash expelled during volcanic eruptions is perfect fertilizer, containing an abundance of vital nutrients for growing plants, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphate."

"They're also great at sucking carbon out of the atmosphere and putting it into the soil. So, the people here have weighed the pros and cons and believe staying for the fertile ground is worth it," she said.

She pointed to Indonesia as a country with some of the world's most active volcanoes, where people can get up to three harvests per year of rice, a staple food that supports its massive 279 million-strong population.

"It's therefore important for the government to pay attention to initiatives intended to improve the stability of soils in landslide-prone areas, as well as the installation of early warning systems for landslides to mitigate the loss of lives and property during such disasters," she said.

Climate change

The country's National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) confirmed that the landslides in eastern Uganda resulted from climate change "being manifested more severely now than ever before."

Changes in temperatures due to climate change have increased evaporation rates and the amount of moisture in the atmosphere, it explained in a statement.

This has resulted in "fast rainfall formation characterized by flash floods," as in the Elgon region, NEMA added, with atmospheric moisture increasing by 7% for every 1C (1.8F) change in temperature.

While excess rains and flash floods have hit wet areas, dry regions are becoming drier as a consequence of the expedited loss of water amid high evaporation rates, it said.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Richa Jain 7071003174
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 10 Issue 36

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Iron stands for authority -Clay for Curse

We already saw that words like clay, dust etc.  depicts the cursed stage of man on earth..

The authority which man lost reflected in all the spheres of his life. He lost  authority over himself,  his family, his possessions, and all that is around him. Others could exercise authority over him and start ruling over him.

This can be proved by the following verses. Bible clearly says that when we violate the commandments of God, people  will go into captivity.

Deu 28:29 ….. And you shall be only oppressed and robbed continually, and there shall be no one to help you. 

In the Bible whenever people sin, the Lord’s immediate punishment is captivity.

You will go to captivity

Deu 28:41  You shall father sons and daughters, but they shall not be yours, for they shall go into captivity.

Even if they  beget children, they will go into captivity

Eze 12:11  Say, ‘I am a sign for you: as I have done, so shall it be done to them. They shall go into exile, into captivity.’

Eze 39:23  And the nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity, because they dealt so treacherously with me that I hid my face from them and gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they all fell by the sword.

Any kind of captivity, whether in  mind, body or in  spirit  is a curse. We should not allow it. Once we realise that we are oppressed either in body, soul or spirit, immediately we should come out of it.

Being a slave, or wanting to be in slavery is a curse

Resist the devil . It will flee. Never give  place for any kind of oppressive spirit even for one minute.

Sr. Angelica AOJ


“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight".

Ephesians 1:4 NIV

God has already destined us to be holy and blameless

You cannot go wrong in sharing the This is the most needed gift at the moment for this earth.All the people need the gospel.Without Gospel they are liable for Satan's attack all their life.

Today the gospel is given to us (Army of Jesus and believers). The Lord wants us to show how the Lord is active and alive through the word of God. This can be done only if you have a blameless attitude/ holy attitude because this is what you are and you have in the spirit. The Spirit of God is dwelling inside you. Can you deny it???

If you are holy and blameless in spirit don’t let your body accept what the world tells about you, like,

            1.You are not ready to tell the gospel

  1. You are not ready to start Troop Church
  2. If you call no one will come to Troop Church

            4.You have to finish the full bible before you preach the gospel

            5.If you pray people will not be delivered or healed,                         

These are some examples how you can limit the holy of the holiest, the blameless Holy Spirit who is living inside you to manifest in the physical realm.  Let’s break the barriers ,Allow the living waters to flow through you to reach out the people around you. May the of experience the deliverance the healing the peace prosperity the rest ,the FREEDOM in Jesus Christ in their lives. This is HIS GOOD WILL FOR YOU TO BE BLAMELESS AND HOLY.

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—”Ephesians 1:4-5 NIV

Speaker TN



Sol.Felix:Recently, I prayed over the upliftment of Narikurava community. Now God has given the result. Let it happen in all 543 constituencies of India. Amen!


Shadow Parli was conducted on 23.8.22.Around 4 members joined and we passed 4 Bills. They are

  1. The 70 new idols which were kept ready to place in different places of Puducherry should not be kept . The plan should be abolished.
  2. The idols on the Villuppuram Puducherry highways hindering the roads should be removed .
  3. Drinking should be prohibited in all college campuses in Puducherry. More than one Lakh students are coming to study from various places of the country.
  4. The amount sanctioned ( 10 thousand crores ) from central government should reach the poor and beneficiaries properly.

While passing the bills & finishing the prayer there was big thunder with lightning in Puducherry. The Lord showed the verse Lk 10 : 18

I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.


  1. The amount 10 thousand crores was sanctioned from central government to Puducherry on hearing our appeal in the night prayer.
  2. The roads are getting repaired and new bridges are getting built to avoid accidents in Puducherry roads.

Praise the Lord


  • Yohanna Troop Church is started in Malout with 05 Members.
  • Patras Troop Church is started in Abul Kurana with 06 Members.
  • Yakoob Troop Church is started in Malkovi Dabwali with 02 Members by Sol.Hardeep.


Monthly worship can be watched through the link mentioned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL3Z2-liVd8


-AOJ Worship Team


Glory to Lord Jesus.

My name is Anand Samuel. I was infected in May during the second wave of Corona. It was very difficult to get a hospital at that time. So I was admitted to a private hospital. I was treated in the intensive care unit for 10 days and was charged a very high amount for the treatment in that hospital. Total Rs 7,16 000. This is a huge amount for my family. So I made a complaint in the Chief Minister website. I filed my application in June 2021 as the hospital was charging high fees and to get my money back . Everyone said that this is never possible and that the government would not accept the demands of an individual. No action even after a year. There was a delay. By God's grace I attended the last BFF class in June 2022. Mother Lima Rose gave a class on  making appleas in the Heavenly Court. With that faith I took my application to the Divine presence.

I made an appeal and committed to God that I will receive this amount by this June.Glory to God, I got 2, 21,000 refunds. By the end of June, the hospital called me and gave me the cheque. It is a great miracle. I praise God for this.

FRP LEVEL (Forgiveness and Reconciliation) TESTIMONIES

  • Sol.Sunita: Filled with the Holy Spirit during anointing. Healed from pain in hands.
  • Sol.Kirti: Her son was healed from stomach pain during prayer.
  • Sol.Seema: Started reading the Bible. Mother’s nature changed, stopped murmuring.


Level 1 Classes

  1.   Finished work of healing at the CROSS
  2. Four reasons for sickness and their remedies
  3. Biblical basis of healing
  4.  Breaking generational curse
  5. Inner healing
  6. Three Types of healing and does God heal everyone

Level 2 Classes

  1.   Spirit soul body  (part 1)
  2.   Spirit soul body (Part 2)
  3. Spirit soul body  (Part 3)
  4.  Healing of the land
  5.  Our identity in CHRIST
  6.  Healing our image in CHRIST


“You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”

Leviticus 19:34


Steps to Heavenly Appeals (Heb 12:22-24)

  • Worship
  • Angel introducing us to God, the judge of all
  • The Lord agrees to receive the appeal
  • Person representing the group makes the appeal to God the Judge in prayer addressing God with reverence and humility.
  • Enumerate the probable accusations that satan would bring against  the appeal. Accept all the accusations as true with humility and repentance.
  • Repentance and forgiveness prayer
  • Jesus blood pleads with to judge in our favour.It is so powerful that the Judge cannot reject it.Blood of martyrs agree with this voice.The whole heavenly host agrees write the voice and pleads for us. Now satan's accusation is cancelled and he is made silent
  • God forgives us.Satan’s accusation list is nailed to the cross.The Judge passes the verdict (Col 2:13-15)
  • Pray to the Holy Spirit for revelation of the Judgment in silence. Hear God's voice, receive vision, receive Rhema word from the scriptures.
  • Revelations are shared in the group.
  • Thanks giving prayer
  • They commit themselves to bring the verdict and implement it on earth.
  • Commitment prayer.
  • They resolve to resist the devil preventing its implementation.
  • They rely on the Holy Spirit for power with authority, plunges into action and be victorious


Outcome of the class

  • 14 SMLA Constituencies were filled after telling them what is the significance of these positions and how to inherit the land.
  • People committed to take this David School of Worship Class-1 further to their people. So almost all came forward as organizers and teachers.
  • PPTs will be given to soldiers there for translation in Punjabi for better understanding and for preparing teachers.
  • Further discussion and planning on organizing BFF took place. Just dates need to be decided prayerfully now by the organisers.


Sol. JOAN from God's Love Morning worship Group

Praise & thank our Lord & Saviour Lord Jesus Christ for the wonderful way He is moving in the earth & changing the hearts of people. Every year during this pagan revelry that goes on in front of my building, they would have a grand celebration to this deity & as they go around there would be the clashing of loud cymbals where even after shutting my almost sound proof windows, they would rattle & cause so much nuisance. But this year, Praise God there is not a sound here. We command the hearts & minds of the people on this land & all the other lands God has given us to inherit to come directly under the rule & reign of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen, Hallelujah.


This school is a fruit of model church vision.A school which consecrates the church.

Committed Moses –asked the zealous Levites to take the sword!

For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves to day to

the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon

his brother; that he may bestow upon you

a blessing this day. - Exo 32:29

  • Take the Sword-the Word
  • Go to the neighbouring church
  • Go to the Church in other countries
  • Clean up the Churches –make it Jehovah’s dwelling place!
  • No abomination should be seen inside!


He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

Mark 9:36-37


By his own will he brought us into being through the  word of truth, so that we should have first place  among all his creatures.

James 1:18

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 36,499  slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Over one-third of Pakistan underwater, overflowing Indus creates long lake

More than 1,100 people have died from the floods since mid-June, nearly 400 of them children, while millions have been displaced, according to Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).

More than a third of Pakistan is now underwater due to what the United Nations chief called “monsoon on steroids”. The flood-ravaged country has received ten times heavier rainfall than usual since mid-June. The satellite images shared by the European Space Agency show the extent of the flood that has claimed more than 1,100 lives and affected over 33 million people in Pakistan. Houses, agricultural lands, and infrastructure have been washed away in one of the worst floods in the country’s history.

An overflowing Indus River has effectively created a long lake, tens of kilometres wide, according to satellite images. The blue to black colours in the image shared by ESA after mapping the data captured from space by Copernicus Sentinel-1 show where the land is submerged.

Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, who recently took over the reins after ousting Imran Khan over the economic crisis, said it will cost at least $10 billion to repair damaged infrastructure. Pakistan is facing twin crises of food and health due to the unprecedented floods.

"Our priority right now is to help save and protect lives as waters continue to rise. The scale of these floods has caused a shocking level of destruction -- crops have been swept away and livestock killed across huge swathes of the country, which means hunger will follow," said Saleh Saeed, chief executive of the Disasters Emergency Committee, a United Kingdom-based aid coalition.

The World Health Organization has classified the flood as an emergency of "the highest level," warning of a rapid spread of disease due to the lack of access to medical assistance.

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the flooding has led to new outbreaks of diarrheal diseases, skin infections, respiratory tract infections, malaria, and dengue, warning that the loss of crops and livestock will have a significant impact on the nutrition and health of many communities who depend on these resources.




FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Richa Jain 7071003174
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 10 Issue 35

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ


Dan 2:43  And as you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mix themselves with the seed of man. But they shall not cling to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. 

Miry clay,  - Clay, seed of serpent,

Iron – The strong seed of Man

Rom_9:21  Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel to honor and another to dishonor?

Rev 2:26  And he who overcomes and keeps My works to the end, to him I will give power over the nations. 

Rev 2:27  And he will rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of a potter they will be broken to pieces, even as I received from My Father. 

With Iron rod he will rule. Every Christian should have the strength of iron. They will rule with iron ( Rev.  19:15) And break the clay with pots = Governing  the earth with the authority given by God and destroying the authority of clay pots (seed of serpent human beings)

Sr. Angelica AOJ


Sol. G.Catherine fell asleep in the Lord.

"The demise of a saint is beautiful in His sight"

An elderly member of AOJ, beloved sister Catherine, who worked tirelessly for God, passed away in the Lord on 8-8-22 at 11.40 pm at the age of 75.

She was born on 05.12.1947 as the eldest daughter to her parents Mrs.Stella Kanthie and Mr.Gratio Dharmaraj. She leaves behind a sister Sol.Christi and a brother Mr.David. She spent her last days with her sister in Trichy. Sol.Christi looked after her with love and affection. Trained as a teacher at a young age, she worked as Headmistress in a municipal middle school Thiruvottiyur and received the best teacher award. Her parents got her maternal uncle married to her at the age of 19. He was working as a Supervisor in the Chennai Port trust. She had a happy married life with him for 39 years, got three children, brought them up in God's way, got them married, and got five grandchildren also. Thus she has received the blessing of our Lord “You will see your children's children”. It is note worthy that her elder daughter's family is doing ministry to God.

Her work and witnesses

After the demise of her husband at the age of 68, she secluded herself and spent seven years in prayer, saying "My job is to pray". God blessed her with that grace. This is not possible for many christians. She was a blessed daughter to our nation. Daily from 4-6 pm she was praying for AOJ's Troop churches, Gift schools, Morning prayers, BFF trainings and other AOJ work. It was also customary for her to pray for other ministries.

Her testimony in that regard in her words: "Once I opened my house to start a gift school and God blessed me greatly. When there was a shortage of water in the whole area, we installed a borewell in our flat where I was staying. God helped us to get the most delicious and good water in abundance. This is a great miracle," She said.

As instructed by the AOJ, she earnestly expressed her desire to be a good soldier of AOJ by holding a post. She was offered to be responsible for Thambaram (SMLA). As an SMLA, She prayed ernestly for Thambaram and Mr. Raja, who was the MLA of that place. One day she had gone to see him along with one Sol. Rosy. They were carrying fruits for him and prayed.  He said, "You elders have come to see me ". Respectfully he stood up from his seat and thanked them. He gave them apples also. Within a month of their inauguration,  Thambaram has become a corporation.

In 2015, Thambaram was hit hard by heavy rains. There were casualties. But last year in 2021, when the rains came, our sister prayed and prayed, and the Lord protected Thambaram without  much damage. She witnessed this with great joy. Praise be to God.

Even during the second week of July 22, she took the names of the participants of BFF and prayed for them. In prayer, she was Queen Esther. On battlefield she was a Deborah. Even when there were guests in her house, she would seclude herself and pray. She had given God's messages in many a Troop churches with His Power.

She was overjoyed when her sister joined in AOJ because of her efforts. She also shared the good news that her sister was conducting Troop church meetings. She said, "I am praying for my brother also to join AOJ".

While working as the headmistress of the school, she herself ensured that the food items sent under the noon meal scheme were fully utilized for the children only. Because of this, some teachers and nutrition workers were unhappy and were angry with her.

Our loss of this soldier is great not only to AOJ, but also to our Church and to our Nation.It's because she was a prayer warrior. God sent an angel named Nathan to strengthen her in her last days.  She had seen angels all around her. She said, "I see a troop of angels holding  trumpets. I am ready. Only the sound of the trumpets should be heard. I will hear soon and I will go to stay with Jesus". We are sure that now she is with God. It also confirms her belief that she has attained eternal life. May God Himself comfort and console the hearts of all her children, their families, nieces, nephews, brother, sister and their families, relatives, neighbours and the AOJ family. Glory be to God! Amen.

Sol. Christy

Sol. Gerard from Goa

A Verdict passed by the Heavenly Court with reference to the Appeal filed on 25th February 2022 at the shadow PARLI MEET

“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever for wisdom and might are His”

Presenting Appeals in the Heavenly Court

An Appeal was presented in the Heavenly Court on 25th February 2022 for anti-defection Bill, on behalf of voters, before counting of votes (on 10th March 2022) of the last assembly election results, in the North and South Constituencies of the Western State of Goa. Below is a copy of the “Presenting Appeal in the heavenly Court”.

Thanks, praise, and glory to God Almighty, the Goa BJP government’s botched attempt to frantically split 11 members Congress MLAs was struck down by the “Heaven Court’s Verdict”; reference our Appeal dated 25th February 2022.



Sl.No Item  
1 Name of Appellant On behalf of voters of Goa Legislative Assembly.
2 Date of Petition 25th February 2022.
3 Subject Anti-defection bill
4  Name of Appellee satan
5 Petition concerning

SMLA Constituency, SMP Constituency, (Goa – North & South District. Country – India – Asia - Planet – Earth.

Petition concerning: the evil of political defection in LA & Parliament that has become a matter of national concern.
6 No. of Beneficiaries of petition  Republic of India
7 Verdict sought A LA member or an MP who switches party affiliation for monetary gain or other kinds of greed, such as executive office pledge, should not only be excluded from the LA of Goa or Parliament but also barred from entering the elections for a definite period of time.
8 Description of the matter


1. The reasons in priority order for submitting this petition.


The results of the election held in Goa will be declared on March 10, 2022.


2.Biblical base for the Petition

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Mat. 19:26). The Holy Spirit, our advocate. “Present your case”, “Bring forth your strong reasons.” Says King of Jacob (Isaiah 41:21)


3. Proofs to validate your petition is in accordance with the commands & statues of the eternal Judge

The 10 Congress MLAs who in 2019 defected in rank breach of the people’s mandate might have today escaped the brunt of the Court, when the votes are counted on March 10, 2022, it is expected at least 7 of them will have to swallow the public anger and the better their votes.  Let on the counting day the voice of voters is supreme.


4. Who is your appeal –satan


5. What are the schemes, tactics of the enemy used against - The corrupt practices, greed.


6. What are the claims the enemy has brought against you - Not applicable personally.


7. Are they valid? – NA


8. What are your responses to it? Etc.

To appeal to Heavenly Court.

9 Time (deadline) of the verdict expected 10th March 2022.

NEWS 18 – Report – last updated on July 11, 2022

An extract of the press report

“All India Congress Committee Goa in charge Dinesh Gundu Rao has called BJP’s attempt to lure two-thirds of the Congress MLAs to their fold a “flop operation Kamala”

“In the process, we know who our loyal men are and who the defectors are” said Rao while adding that the BJP once again tried to pull a fast one but failed miserably.

Rao told News 18 channel, exclusively about Digambar Kamat and Michael Lobo, the two MLAs who are said to have been leading the rebellion within Congress, have been conspiring and trying to convince other Congress MLAs to defect.

“Despite all pressure, our young and newly elected first MLAs have stuck together.  This conspiracy has been going on for a month now, but our legislators have held on their own,” he said.

Exclusive: Operation Kamala a Flop. Dinesh Gundu Rao says BJP tried to do a Maharashtra with Goa Congress but failed.



  • Sol.Mini Shibi: My husband was going somewhere in the car and suddenly smoke arose and filled the car. Husband called me and we prayed together. God answered our prayer by sending a mechanic immediately and saved him from major disaster. Praise d Lord.
  • One sister prayed over in the troop for she was not able to pay the school fee of Rs.17000/- owing to her husband’s medical expenses. God made a way out of the impossible and the school showed compassion on the family by reducing the fees. Praise d Lord.


Be Formed and Form (BFF) Batch – 688 was conducted in Gurugram, Haryana from 15.08.2022 to 21.08.2022



Lunch Time:

Managing Staff


BFF participants inherited the following areas

1. Pooja Emmanuel 9958086534 Karawal Nagar
2. Priyanka Gautam 8587913980/ 9625871023 Bawana
3. Sakshi 8448220847/ 9310957526 Narela




FRP LEVEL (Forgiveness and Reconciliation) TESTIMONIES

  • Sol.Rajkumar: Learned duties of a solider, how to grow, praise, worship etc. Encouraged to grow spiritually.
  • Sol.Pooja: Learned to use authority practically.
  • Sol.Sushikala: Got healing.


Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so  that all may see your  progress.

1 Timothy 4:15  

  1. Sickness?
  2. Anxiety, pain, agony, fear of death...struggle because of illness?
  3. Is there a need for inner happiness?
  4. Is inheritance a curse?
  5. Want to know the cause of the disease?
  6. Want an answer based on scripture?
  7. Wasting money for disease?
    Healing school helps us to get perfect healing free of charge by the power of Jesus Christ, the true God who made heaven and earth...



1 PETER 4:10


  • Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 pm, the coordination team members used to come together in oneness to pray and plan for the advancements of the Prophecy school.
  • Prayer fellowship at 10 pm, we gather in oneness and pray for 30 mins, weekly twice and also monthly twice to plan for progress.


Sol.Kamlesh Kalra: I was invited to pray over for a family where an evil spirit was manifested. But by God’s grace the person’s mother got delivered.



  • I am Amrita from Himachal was going regularly to church for the last 20 years but  I could not learn anything because whatever I had heard there I left there itself so it did not bear any fruit. Now after joining AOJ, I learnt the power of God’s Word.
  • Sol.Febina: I was very depressed and discouraged. After the worship class I got delivered. The Spirit of the Lord filled me with strength and vitality.


Praise the Lord! With all my heart I will thank the Lord  in the assembly of his people.

Psalms 111:1


But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly

Hebrews 12:22

Is there a place where I am worshipped 24/7 ?

You are invited to Join the joyful assembly of angels in Worshiping the Lord 24 * 7 * 365


Bear with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” –

Colossians 3:13

Families are learning:

  • To give first place to God.
  • To train Children.
  • Non-believers spouses are experiencing God’s love.
  • Power of submission.
  • Honoring Parents.


"And He took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them." -

Mark 10:16


But seek First first the kingdom of God and his Righteousness. and all these things will be added to you.

Matthew 6:33


This troop church has been launched by employees of textile industries in Trippur. This is the second troop church by ETB team Tamilnadu.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 36,415  slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Mossad Head: New Iran Deal ‘Built on Lies,’ ‘Very Bad for Israel’

Mossad Head: New Iran Deal 'Built on Lies,' 'Very Bad for Israel'

Mossad Director David Barnea called the new nuclear deal negotiated between Iran and the West "a strategic disaster" that is "very bad for Israel" on Thursday, The Times of Israel reported.

Barnea emphasized that the emerging deal, mainly resulting from talks between Iran and the United States, is "ultimately built on lies" as he implored international leaders not to rush into signing on.

The Israeli intelligence leader said of the possibility that Iran obtains nuclear weapons that Mossad "is preparing and knows how to remove that threat."

"If we don't take action, Israel will be in danger," he added.

Barnea's strong statement comes as the U.S. and Iran inch close to implementing a form of the original Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) passed under former U.S. President Barack Obama.

European Union Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell recently said that the U.S. could respond as soon as this week to a final draft proposal that would restore a form of the 2015 JCPOA accord.

"I hope that this response allows us to end the negotiations," Borrell declared. "That's my hope, but I cannot assure you that this will happen."

U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price signaled similar optimism to the E.U. on Monday but acknowledged that "there are still some outstanding issues that must be resolved."

Meanwhile, former Israeli Prime Minister and current leader of the opposition, Benjamin Netanyahu, joined Barnea in condemning the new nuclear deal as "even worse" than the previous one.

"They're going to get hundreds of billions of dollars in short order, and that's going to help them finance their various proxies," Netanyahu told Al Arabiya on Wednesday.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol.Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Richa Jain 7071003174
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)

Volume 10 Issue 34

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Changing of clay to a well designed  vessel – slavery to Authority

In the Bible clay also is a simile used to describe the cursed condition of man.

Potter is God, the one who gives shape to a vessel.

Isa 29:16  You turn things upside down! Shall the potter be regarded as the clay, that the thing made should say of its maker, “He did not make me”; or the thing formed say of him who formed it, “He has no understanding”?

Isa 45:9  “Woe to him who strives with him who formed him, a pot among earthen pots! Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ or ‘Your work has no handles’?

Jer 18:6  “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the LORD. Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.

When sin took man far away from God, he  wanted to come out of the authority of God.  He wanted to establish a Kingdom of his own, instigated by satan. Through Nimrod, he also accomplished it.Those who refuse to come under the authority of God, still remain in the “Clay Stage”.

When people returned to God and humbled themselves they admitted the fact that they are clay and wanted to return to the authority of God and submit.

Isa 64:8  But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Jer 18:4  And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.

Dan 2:33  its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.

In Nimrod’s hierarchical world where there is suppression, exploitation, discrimination, disunity, division, looking down upon certain sections, hatred, bitterness, abuse, haughtiness,prevail

Those who  remain under  the authority of God come into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.There is perfect submission to authority, unconditional love, gentleness, equality, unity,sacrificial love,service mindedness, etc.


These are the  Kingdoms Jesus mentioned when He said,

Joh 18:36  Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world.But now My kingdom is not from here.  

Sr. Angelica AOJ


Sol.Benedict: On 27th and 28.8.2022 Enlarge my Border program was held at Joe Beach Resort, Chennai, TN, India. During the program the Lord through revelation and prophecy confirmed that he will open the storehouses in India to the world, all the countries will come to India in search of spiritual food.

This prophecy was confirmed during the EMB Progressing meeting on 31.7.22.On 5.8.22 two foreign nationals from South Africa came to my hospital for treatment, one of them had flu symptoms and hence their visit. When I enquired about their visit to India they said they have come for ministry. Then I talked with them about the many doings of God in India and Model Church revelation, they became very interested and hence I invited them to my house for a longer conversation.

On 7.8.22 afternoon Pastor Roelof Grove, Sis Jeanie Strauss and Bro Willem Scholtz came to my house. We started to converse, when I told Pastor Roelof Grove the vision about seven years of abundance and famine he was shocked, he had received the same revelation from God in the year 2006 and 2014 respectively but was not able to interpret it hence he just made a note of these revelations, he also read out the note he had taken in the year 2014 as confirmation. He was also amazed to hear that this vision about India was given in the year 2006.

I gave him the explanation for this revelation and the Model Church, I said that this abundance and famine is not financial but spiritual in nature. He was also greatly interested when I gave him an overview about inheriting and taking authority over the land, he was again amazed as he had stuck the map of his town in his office and did not know how to proceed further. He had done this after he received an inspiration from God.

Pastor Roelof Grove out of great odds has come to India, he gave his testimony on how he visited India when he had very little chance. He acknowledged that our meeting was a godly appointment and he was sent here by God only to receive this spiritual Food.

He and his team has shown the willingness to be in fellowship with AOJ and gain more understanding on how to proceed further in the ministry. He said that this meeting is a take home testimony and praised God.Glory to God

Pastor Roelof Grove, note on seven years of abundance and famine (African language) – year 2014


Shadow Parli of Tamil Nadu was conducted on 13.08.2012 at Palakkadu.



  1. Sol. Khushi got revelation for anointing through oil and water for herself.
  2. Sol. Babli Uttarakhand Isaiah 50:4 revelation.
  3. Sol. Khushi got revelation of Isaiah 66:7 for Sol. Kusum Lata.
  4. Sol. Nirmala Sharma got a revelation of healing of the hand of  Priyanka, daughter of Sunita through Job 5:18.
  5. Sol. Hemlata prayed over Sol. Sanjita and Sol. Gayatri Pandey got the Word Jeremiah 33:3.
  6. Sol. Gayatri Pandey prayed over Sol. Babli Nagar and Sol. Hemlata saw a vision darkness spread on the right & left side getting removed.
  7. Sol. Neelam Soni got the Word Galatians 5:10-12.
  8. Sol. Gayatri Pandey learnt a lot through these classes and is blessed. God enabled her to attend these classes regularly.
  9. When Sol. Nimisha prayed for  Sol. Kiran Bala got the Word Deuteronomy 28:1-13.

Praise the Lord !


  • Sol.Kamlesh Kalr: I enrolled myself for attending BFF classes held in Greater Noida in the month of July but since my elder son Sandeep was admitted in hospital in serious condition and doctor had given up on him God miraculously healed him though unfortunately I could not continue with the classes. All Glory to God for healing my son.
  • Sol.Thilagam:The Lord intervened with me these days. I will pour water on the thirsty. / I bore your sin on the cross./ You will see more than this. / I have come to know you by doing good deeds./I will treat you. He spoke. When I agreed to be baptized, he made me realise what was the obstacle.praise the Lord.He gave me a vision  like crushing the snake's head and he said " Here I am doing something new"." Fulfilling all the rules is ideal".He gave me  life when my soul was dead. He spoke many times about righteousness. The anointing basket was placed in my hands at the time of anointing.The word is given to save the seed.  He gave the names Lebanon, Cherubin, and Shalom for the troop church. The Lord also helped me to know the deep truths of the gospel through this training.Now by God's grace, he has made me a Co-ordinator for the Physical BFF, Cuddalore SMP and Puducherry Deputy Speaker. Glory be to God.

FRP LEVEL (Forgiveness and Reconciliation) TESTIMONIES

The event that gave a light on forgiveness and reconciliation to the villagers in Kondam area of ​​Tiruvannamalai district was held very peacefully in the holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Within 5 days of appointment  of  SMP, the Lord enabled to arrange an FRP in the Constituency Thiruvannamalai.


  • Sol.Salome: I came to attend today's healing school since my children were having cough and cold and I have received an inner peace . I also feel assured of my generational curses being broken in Jesus's name. Sister's son , Riyan also saw Lord Jesus during the inner healing prayer.Sister has asked to conduct troop church in her house from this month end.All glory to Jesus!
  • Sol.Rani: I received inner peace after breaking generational curses in Jesus's name.After attending troop church for a month, I see changes in my husband.His use of foul language has reduced.  Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
  • Sol.Bala: I was able to forgive the bitterness I had against my father during breaking generational curses in Jesus's name.
  • Sol.Robin: I felt a heavy load lifted off and set free during the inner healing class after forgiving a friend who backstabbed me.

Thank you Lord Jesus for healing your people and delivering them.We give You all the praise and glory!Hallelujah


"Conduct yourselves with all humility, gentleness, and patience. Accept each other with love, and make an effort to preserve the unity of the Spirit with the peace that ties you together."



Prayer request: Sol.Dinesh Sharma requested a prayer for restoring his marriage and reuniting with his estranged wife.

Visions Received During Prophecy Level -1

  1. Sol. Gayatri Pandey got Isaiah 48:10 for Sol. Mohini and she got Isaiah 60:8.
  2. Sol. Poonam Sister got Psalm91 for Sol. Usha Sister.
  3. Sol. Neelam Sister got Zechariah 2:5 for Sol. Asha.and she got Isaiah 41:10 for sol.Neelam.
  4. Sol. Kusumlata got Psalm 118 for Sol. Meena.
  5. Sol. Dinesh got a vision of  Jesus and it comforted him .




  1. Sol.Stephan and Sol. Catherene: They were the ones who organized DSW-1 and they testified that are really blessed by all the classes. They thanked God for choosing them to glorify His name among their people.
  2. Sol.Pinki & Sol. Jyoti : They both testified that the classes were a real blessing to them and they didn't want to miss a single minute of all the classes.In breaking the barriers in Worship class, the strongholds, unforgiveness which was there for years got broken. People cried and asked forgiveness from each other. Thank God for everything.
  3. Sol.Jasmine: True meaning of worship established that it something amazing and heavenly when things fall into place in Gods sight. All unforgiveness bitterness washed away by the Blood of Christ and Spirit of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 6:11 confirmed. Amen
  4. Sol.Ajay: It was his absolute privilege to take worship classes in Punjab on 1st day. Although no confirmed tickets, daughter's birthday and so many mountains were there before him but the prompting of the Holy Spirit was so strong that every mountain fell away. God used him mightily in taking the classes there and he thanked God for everything.
  5. Sol.Neha: This was my first ever outreach offline class. What I never thought I could do, God enabled me to do. God only mended this broken vessel and making it usable.

I thank God for His enabling divine grace to share His word and explain what is His true Worship. All glory and honour, praise and thanks to Lord Jesus Christ. Amen


  • Night Prayer: Night prayer was conducted in Harayana on 08-07-2022 to 22-07-2022.Around 6 Members of a family from SIRSA (HARYANA) have joined in prayer though they do not have a smartphone. Praise the Lord !
  • Daily prayer is done by the  core team in Harayana for 10 minutes after morning worship


  1. Sol.Hemlata saw light on the right side and darkness on the left​
  2. Sol.Chandrawati felt lighter after the class.​
  3. Sol.Rajwati got a revelation to became the salt of the earth.​
  4. Sol.Nirmala Sharma God spoke through Proverb 28:13.​
  5. Sol.Kusumlata felt the presence of the Holy Spirit.​
  6. Sol.Bharat Raikwar felt God's presence during worship time and felt that he was flying in the Air.​
  7. ​Sol.Kiran Bala got a revelation of a lady standing on earth and so fire burning under her.
  8. Sol.Babli Nagar learned about the value of Family Relationship through these classes.


Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.

Psalm 127:4


No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Hebrews 12:11


Ecc 36th Batch Talents Day

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mt : 19:14

ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 for both old and new students*.

Classes : 1std - 12th std

ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.









Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 36,331  slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – “They Shall Come again from the land of the Enemy”

“They Shall Come again from the land of the Enemy”

“A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. Thus saith the LORD; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears… they shall come again from the land of the enemy.”

— Jeremiah 31:15, 16

The U.S. has witnessed over 250 mass shootings since the start of 2022. We are all sickened and frustrated by the reality of this horrible statistic — each of us sympathizing with the painful grip of tragedy and the heartbreaking sting of death, especially as it affects innocent children.

As images of violence and injustice are brought before the public eye as never before, we long for the end of suffering and sorrow. Through our tears, we call out to God: “When will you put a stop to the killing?”

human selfishness is at the root of much of the sorrow brought about by deadly criminal acts. This is compounded by over six thousand years of inherited sin and weakness since Adam and Eve first disobeyed God. Yes, the consequence of Satan’s first lie — “Ye shall not surely die” — was the beginning of sorrows.

The most disturbing cause of soul sickness is the influence of Satan and his demon host upon the more prideful and selfish of mankind — religious rulers, financial giants, government autocrats, and the covetous and rebellious throughout society. Powerful wicked spirits find these individuals an easy prey, enticing the proud and self-seeking to disregard the lives and interests of others.

While fallen man is much to blame for the acts of violence, “wicked spirits” also seek to influence the thoughts and actions of the criminally insane, suggesting hideous acts of violence. Add into this alcohol and other drugs, and the result is a total lack of compassion for the innocent. The Scriptures describe in detail such incidents and the misery caused by evil spirit influence. Ephesians 6:12; Matthew 8:16; Mark 5:15; Luke 4:41; Luke 22:3

The time is coming when the lives of Satan and all evil beings will be extinguished forever — never to hurt nor deceive the world again. (Revelation 20:2, 3, 10) Then, the love of God will abundantly bestow blessings of life, peace and happiness upon all. Yes, God assures us that most all of “the inhabitants of the earth will learn righteousness” when the “knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the deep.” (Isaiah 26:9; 11:9) The influence of God’s benevolent Kingdom will have a vastly opposite effect to that of Satan’s influence. Truth and righteousness will have a positive, transformative impact on the hearts of humanity.  “...and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh: That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God.” Ezekiel 11:19-20

It is the severity and hopelessness of the world’s problems that mark us at the threshold of these promised Kingdom blessings. Just as the tragic events of today were prophesied, so is the profound hope that “The desire of all nations shall come.” (Haggai 2:7) But first, just like their Master, Jesus’ followers must learn obedience by the things which they suffer — proving worthy to receive glory and honor in heaven. (Hebrews 5:8-10) Their faith must be tested and their characters developed, for they are being prepared to reign with Christ in his Kingdom. From heaven, they will dispense blessings to the poor groaning creation on earth — teaching righteousness and bringing healing to a world which has been oppressed by sin. See 1 Peter 1:7; Roman 8:14-17; Revelation 2:10; 2 Timothy 2:12.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

National Coordinators for July-December 2022 of AOJ Operations

SI.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Person Responsible  Mobile No.
1 Troop Church Sol.Olivia  9894229271
2 BFF Sol.Dr.Benedict  9840544151
3 Worship Sol Raymond 9725107874
  Online International Worship Sol Theodore 9840154775
  David School of Worship Sol. Camilia 9940471819
4 Deliverance Sol. Prabhu 9865265306
  Deliverance Level 1 Sol Benjamin 9003021979
  Deliverance Level 2 Sol Joyce 9842514163
5 Healing Sol Poonam Batra  
  Healing  Level 1

Healing  Level 2





6 Prophecy

Prophecy Level 1

Prophecy Level 2

Sol . Amala

Sol Shankar

Sol Gerard







Family Building Sol Dr Mamta



Marriage preparation classes


Sol.Pratheep L.



9 Matrimony Sol.Leslie 9444907772
10 Hospitality Sol .Kamlin Viji 9443391031
11 Morning Worship Sol. Usha Dutta 9654744683
12 CBS Sol . Pratibha 9426760783
13 BeryL Wing (Communication )

Kingdom Gazette


Sol Rajilin

Sol. Gesha

Sol Victy




14 Evangelism through Business Sol Rajan 9047444377
15 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol. Gigi Jacob 9008293700
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac  9361197303
20 IT Wing Sol. Leo 9940245790
21 Training for Translators Sol. Victy Mithula 9551022652
22 Night Prayer Sol. Sunil Babu  



Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)