Volume 10 Issue 23

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Ruling in the midst of your enemies

A time will come when Jehovah put down all his enemies under the feet of Jesus Christ.

Psa 110:1  Jehovah said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand until I place Your enemies as Your footstool.

Until that time the Bride of Christ only will rule over the earth and the earthly  systems.

The believers who are chosen to be the bride of Christ will attain authority over everything on this earth. They might undergo suffering like  starvation, lack of everything as any other human beings. But nothing will overcome them. They will overcome everything. Stamping upon everything, step by step they will progress. In everything they will ever rejoice in the Lord. The Bride of Christ will live and rule in the midst of Jesus Christ’s enemies while it is in the world. .

Psa_110:2  Jehovah shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion; rule in the midst of Your enemies.

She will diligently safeguard herself away from all the iniquities of this world, and  keep herself holy from all worldliness. This will be her prayer every day.

Psa_119:133  Order my steps in Your Word; and do not let any iniquity rule over me.

The children of God are given dominion in this world. When you are given dominion you should get the wisdom to sustain it also. Otherwise it will be stolen away by the enemy and you will lose it. King Hezekiah exhibited folly and lost his possessions and authority because of his unwise actions.

2Ki_20:13  And Hezekiah listened to them, and showed them all the house of his precious things, the silver and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and the house of his armor, and all that was found in his treasures. There was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion which Hezekiah did not show them.

Under Jesus Christ’s rule Authority is given – not taken

But in worldly leaders’ case authority is taken.

Mat_20:25  But Jesus called them and said, You know that the rulers of the nations exercise dominion over them, and they who are great exercise authority over them.

Believers, the disciples of Jesus should not exercise authority over others, not even over the  faith of others

2Co_1:24  Not that we have dominion over your faith, but we are helpers of your joy; for by faith you stand.

May the Lord teach us and give us the wisdom to live in this world as children of God taking authority over everything and rule in the midst of His enemies.

Sr. Angelica AOJ



  1. Brother sairam was having severe stomach pain first his wife but he was not healed but after both of them Started worshiping the lord And then he was complete healed even he was no need to go to Doctor. All Glory to Jesus Christ
  2. Brother shankar Salary was reduced during lockdown But in 2021 it was made normal And from Jan 2022 20% of salary was increased. All Glory to Jesus Christ
  3. Sister Sejal Prayer over her Son as he was having Toothache and he was healed instantly and sleep Full night without disturbing all glory to Jesus Christ

Shadow parliament report of Gujarat

On 23th of May, 2022 SMPs of Gujarat met together for Shadow Parliament prayer meeting at 9.00 pm. Around 12 participants joined in the assembly. It stared with opening prayer, Sol.Uma said the opening prayer. Sol. Alpha said the pledge. Sol. Anita led us beautifully in worship. After that Sol. Dr. Mohan Parmar gave the message. In his message he explained about the Operation Thunder Bolt. Also he said that we the AOJ members are the chosen by our heavenly Father to rescue the people who are in bondage. We have to loose the chains of injustice. We have to break every yoke and to set the oppressed free. As the Israel army rescued the people. Our Lord has given us authority. We need to utilize it. We have to free the people from the clutches of the devil. After the message Sol. Esther read out the previous month's shadow parliament report. Three points were planned for discussion but due to time limit only two points were taken for discussion. First point of unemployment presented by Sol Geetaben. Second point of corruption was presented by Sol. Grishma. Both the points were discussed very elaborately. All the members gave their views & took part in discussion. Then verbal voting was taken. Both the points were passed with majority in favour of passing it to heavenly court. Sol. Grishma said the prayer over the points and passed it. Concluding payer & slogan was done by Sol. Geetaben. Sol. Dr. Mohan Parmar organised and coordinated the meeting. It ended at 10.30pm. It was a successful meeting.


Praise the Lord! By God's grace we conducted troop church in a Church yesterday May 29th in Omalur, Salem. Around 20 believers attended the Church. The pastor of this church passed away 10 days ago. They contacted sister and we got an opening here. Please pray for them earnestly so that they should not get diverted. May the Lord open wide doors for us in this town.


Night prayer was Conducted online via Zoom App for west Zone in Tamilnadu. The night prayer was conducted on 28th May 2022, from to 9.30  to 1.00 AM.


 Isaiah 58:6 “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?

In operation thunderbolt we the speakers are going to do the same thing as given in the above verse that is

to loose the chains of injustice

untie the cords of the yoke

to set the oppressed free

break every yoke

The operation has a time limit that is 45 days from today (15.5.2022), will end on 30th June.

Things to be done in this project.  ( Plan )

Speakers meet will be held every day from today for half an hour from 6 am to 6.30 am except on Wednesday, Saturday.  Only half an hour.

The meeting schedule is

Opening Prayer - 1 minPledge - 1 min

Worship - 3 min

Discussion on News of National, State Interest -15 min

Praying for the selected State - 5 min

Discussion on the progresses of the selected state - 4 min

Closing Prayer and slogan  - 1 min

Speakers , Deputy Speakers, core team members and other valiant soldiers are requested to participate.

 Speakers and deputy speakers are requested to read and collect news from news paper every day and bring in points for discussion.

 The discussed point will we drafted in a proper way and passed in shadow parli

Smp and smla list will be updated

 Every day one state to be chosen for prayer and discussion.

 Shadowparli training , multilevel shadow parli to be held

  Common shadow parli schedule to be finalised after discussion.

 Work to be shared among speaker to reduce workload, outrace team to be set up.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 35,326  slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Bible prophecy: Preacher warns of war in the Middle East in bizarre Blood Moon claim

Bible prophecy: Preacher warns of war in the Middle East in bizarre Blood Moon claim

A BIBLE expert has bizarrely warned of conflict in the Middle East, citing passages from the Bible that are supposedly linked to an upcoming Blood Moon eclipse.

Conspiracy theorists and niche Christian groups believe biblical prophecy is unfolding as coronavirus sweeps across the globe, locust swarms invade the Middle East and eclipses appear in the skies. Pastor Paul Begley, a prominent doomsday preacher and Christian evangelist from Indiana, US, is a chief purveyor of claims dark times are looking ahead. Speaking to an online audience through his YouTube channel, pastor Begley announced this week the Middle East stands on the brink of war.

The preacher linked his bizarre claims to Blood Moon prophecies and passages found in Psalms 83.

Pastor Begley, who has a numerous track-record of unfulfilled doomsday predictions, told his followers to expect war.

He said: "Are you serious? Guys we are on the brink of war in the Middle East. We are literally on the brink of war.

"The United States has just now sent a ton of F-35 fighter jets to the Middle East, due to the fact of this July 1 deadline now, where Israel is talking about taking the Jordan Valley and annexing it.

It's not going over well with the Palestinians, it's not at all going over well with the Iranians.

Pastor Begley, who is the host of The Coming Apocalypse evangelist TV show, went on to link the US move to passages in the Bible.

He suggested there has been a build-up of tensions in the region for some time now, with country's like Russia, Syria and Turkey all joining the fray.

On the brink of a Blood Moon, just before a deep, deep ring of fire eclipse over the Middle East for six hours, coming up next weekend on June 21."

Psalms 83 is the 83rd psalm in the Old Testament's Book of Psalms.

The psalm deals with fears related to an invasion of Israel by neighbouring powers.

According to pastor Begley, many people are not aware of the biblical woes that await the Middle East.

Psalms 83 reads: "O God, do not keep silent; be not quiet, O God, be not still.

"See how your enemies are astir, how your foes rear their heads.

"With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish.

"'Come,' they say, 'let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more'."

According to the US Air Force, a squadron of F-35 fighter jets was deployed to the Al Dhafra Air Base in the United Arab Emirates.

However, the Air Force said the jets were deployed to "support the United States Air Force Central Command mission in the region".

According to a report by Fox News, the jets will likely bolster training exercises, ship escorts and deterrence in the region - not a war as pastor Begley suggested.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
  Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela  
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha  
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta  
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)


Volume 10 Issue 22

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Give light to the eyes!


Psalm 19:8  The precepts of the LORD are upright, making the heart rejoice. The commandment of the LORD is pure, giving light to the eyes.

I remember a boy Pannerselvam who came to attend one of our trainings. He was the worshipper of hundreds of gods and goddesses. During the festival season,  he used to pierce his body making holes to pull the chariot carrying the deity. He showed me the scars all over his body.  As he heard the Bible verses, his inner eyes were opened. He accepted the true God and Savior Jesus Christ. He was  not much educated. But from the notebook given, he tore down a paper and wrote a story of a blind man and brought it to me. A beautiful narration of a blind man’s life. When I appreciated him for his writing talents, he asked me,

“Sister you know who this blind man is”.?

“Me” pointing fingers to himself, he said. “I was blind. My eyes are opened now”. He could not express his joy. Even after the training, he didn’t want to leave the place. He will find some reason to tell his parents to come to the training center. He will help in cooking and other works. The day he took the name Daniel, the Lord showed his calling for Jammu & Kashmir.

Nobody prayed for him. Nobody conducted any deliverance service for him. Just  sitting in the class and listening to the “Truth” i.e. the Word of God, did this miracle. It changed his whole life. Following are some of the works the “Word of God” can do in your life.

The Law of the LORD (Word of God) is perfect  - It restores life. Psalm 19:7 

The testimony of the LORD (Word of God) is steadfast  - It makes  foolish people wise. Psalm 19:7 

The precepts of the LORD (Word of God) are upright  - It makes  the heart rejoice. Psalm 19:8

The commandment of the LORD (Word of God)is pure  - It gives  light to the eyes. Psalm 19:8 

The fear of the LORD that comes out of the Word of God is clean – It  stands  forever. Psalm 19:9

The judgments of the LORD (Word of God) are true -  They are altogether righteous. Psalm 19:9 

The Word of God is more desirable than gold, even much fine gold - They are sweeter than honey, even the drippings from a honeycomb. Psalm 19:10 

How blessed we are to carry such a precious treasure to the people?  The Word of God  does all the above works in you and me! Any amount of time can be spent in  reading and meditating the Word of God. It washes you, cleanses you, warns you, makes you wise, restores you, makes you rejoice, etc.

There should not be a day in your life in which you have not spent time, on the “Meditation of the Word of God”. For meditation you may take the New Testament,  5 verses a day.

Allot one hour daily for the meditation of the Word of God. Select a secluded place, take your Bible, diary and pen with you.  Let your family members know this so that they will cooperate with you, without disturbing you. (We have made a chart of daily verses for meditation. Those who want can get it). After a small prayer, surrendering your body, soul and spirit to the Lord, read the verses carefully, slowly with full concentration. Transfer yourselves to the  place where Jesus is in the incident. Be with Jesus, watch carefully the surroundings, people involved, what all are taking place there, how Jesus reacts with people, situations. Talk to Jesus. Ask him questions. He is your friend.  Spend one hour with Him. Sit by his side, walk along with Him. Feel His presence. He will share His inner feelings, ambitions, plans with you.

Go on doing this . Check your life after one week, one month, one year. You will be surprised!

A “change in your attitude” would have happened. Last week, a father brought a young boy to me. The last words he said was, “His attitude towards life should change”.

This is what everybody wants everyday in our life!

Paul says,

Php 2:5  Have the same attitude among yourselves that was also in the Messiah Jesus.

Your attitude towards your family, children, wife, husband, mother, father, friends, world, your enemies, other people, other religion, attitude towards work, nature, animals, etc. will change.

Nothing in this world can bring this “attitude change”  except the Word of God.

Let all the people of our nation have this “attitude change” towards our brethren, superiors, subordinates, employees, employers, people of other religion, caste, language etc. They are all children created in the image of God.

Sr. Angelica AOJ






What is Troop Church?

There is an earnest search among the believers across the world for a real Church where a person can commune with God and related to his fellow brethren. After trials and experiments the Indian Church is forming "Troop Church". The Army of Jesus was experimenting with the "Troop Church" for the past 17 years. Started in the year 1998, it has so far registered 19,088 troops . The experiment with Troop Church has been successful.

  1. It has 19,088 independent first line Troop Churches. Second, third line numbers of Troop Churches are not known.
  2. It has raised many leaders, pastors, prophets, counselors and other ministers and gospel workers.
  3. It has no visible leader or hierarchical structure
  4. It has no office, no full timer, no paid worker etc.
  5. No organizational (hierarchical) set up.
  6. No money collection or transaction.
  7. No election, board, Committee etc.
  8. Every Troop Church trains up believers in their gifts like worshipping, preaching, prophecy etc.
  9. Since the mother troop disperses and starts new troops after 2 months, there is no stagnancy.
  10. No pollution or corruption with money or power.
  11. The two wings of Troop Church are Decentralisation and Multiplication .



Christ Jesus said,

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"

John 8:32.


8th anniversary of International Worship Centre was celebrated on 14.05.2022, Wishall, Chennai.



Psalm 147:3. "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Hearing that God has the power to clear up wounds and mend a broken heart could resonate with your loved one.


Hospitality school classes scheduled from 09.05.2022 to 12.05.2022 in Pondicherry Zoom. 20 to 25 participants attended this gift school.


Jeremiah school of prophecy level 1 was conducted from 21.04.2022 to 23.04.2022 in Pondicherry Zoom everyday. By God’s grace 25 participants attended this gift school.


John 4:22-24 “You worship what you do not know… But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."



1.Brother Sairam was having severe stomach pain starting first with his wife. After both of them started worshiping the Lord and then he was

completely healed even he was no need to go to Doctor. All Glory to Jesus


2.Brother Shankar’s Salary was reduced during lockdown But in 2021 it was

made normal And from Jan 2022 20% of salary was increased. All Glory to

Jesus Christ

3.Sister Sejal prayed over her son as he was having toothache and he was

healed instantly and slept Full night without disturbance.  All glory to Jesus



Colossians 4:2-4

2.Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;

3. meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains,

4.that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.


Family building program was organised from 28.04.2022 to 30.04.2022 in Pondicherry  Zoom. Nearly 30 to 40 students participated in the class. 11 teachers  were raised.


These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7


Evangelism through business was conducted in Pondicherry on 13.05.2022


Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 35,326  slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – China banned Bible and Quran apps in brutal crackdown on Christianity and Islam

China banned Bible and Quran apps in brutal crackdown on Christianity and Islam

CHINA previously banned a bible app and a Quran app as the country continued its assault on freedom of religion.

The Chinese Communist Party has intensified its persecution against religious minorities in recent years. This was perhaps best demonstrated last year when Apple removed a Bible and Quran app from its Chinese version of its app store at the request of Chinese officials. Apple appeared to justify its move by pointing media outlets to its small print. When asked by the BBC, it offered a statement from its Human Rights policy, which reads: "We're required to comply with local laws, and at times there are complex issues about which we may disagree with governments and other stakeholders on the right path forward "

The Quraan Majeed app was reported to have over five million downloads on the Google Play Store at the time while the Bible app by Olive Tree has just over one million.

The developer of the Quran Majeed app told Insider: "According to Apple, our app Quran Majeed has been removed from the China App Store because it includes content that is illegal in China as determined by the CAC, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

"We are trying to get in touch with CAC and relevant Chinese authorities to get this issue resolved as we had close to a million users for our app in China that have been impacted."

Two months after the apps were banned, new regulations came into place in China banning all foreign organisations or individuals from spreading religious content online unless they have a licence from China’s religious regulator.

Lian Xi, a professor at Duke University in North Carolina, told the Observer at the time: “The government has orchestrated a campaign to ‘sinicise’ Christianity, to turn Christianity into a fully domesticated religion that would do the bidding of the party."

President Xi Jinping is trying to establish a new order on religion, suppressing its blistering development. [The government] aims to regulate the ‘religious market’ as a whole.”

Last month, the US imposed travel bans on Chinese officials as punishment for the country's ongoing religious discrimination.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
  Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela  
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha  
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta  
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)


Volume 10 Issue 21

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Isa 54:17  No weapon that is formed against you shall be blessed; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn. This is the inheritance of the servants of Jehovah.

Many of us take  this verse for a  blessing,  raising our collar, pointing out to our enemies, “Look, one day you will come to me, will fall at my feet, then everybody will see I was right”.

The above attitude is wrong. It is not Christian. When we have an enemy, I have to take the initiative to reconcile with him.

“This is the inheritance of the servants of Jehovah”.

If the inheritance of Jehovah is to come to you, we have to take the initiative to reconcile with  our enemies.

That is why it is said, when we reconcile with Jehovah, our enemies come to live in peace with us.  Enemies can be  messengers  God sends to us to inform us that Jehovah is not pleased with us.

Pro16:7  When a man's ways please Jehovah, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

When our ways do not  please Jehovah, He will raise enemies against us.

When enemies rise up in our lives, what are we  to do?

  1. Let us realize that the enemy has been sent to us by the Lord.
  2. Find out what message of God, the enemy is bringing  to you.
  3. Accept it and humble yourselves. Confess your sins.  Make a sincere effort to search yourself and find out where you have gone wrong.  Ask Holy Spirit’s help.

The enemy in his  rage,  would have accused you of something. Don’t neglect the word/words just because it pierced your heart like a dagger.  Perhaps that can be the exact message.

2Sa 12:7  And Nathan said to David, ‘You are the man!

If it is not, it can be for his/her salvation the Lord has sent your enemy to you. He might be living under God’s wrath. Even then, method is the same. You have to plead for him before the throne of God and  bring him to the knowledge of Truth. Realizing the magnitude of wrath expressed, we can understand the urgency of the need of his salvation.

When a person sin against God, in order to correct him, the Lord raises an enemy to him.

When a family sins against God, the Lord raises another family against them.

When a nation rebels against God, the Lord raises another nation which is of equal or more strength.

Let us teach the people, this method of operation of God and  make them love their enemies and solve their problems by getting reconciled with God.                                

                                                                                                                                                                              Sr. Angelica AOJ



We appealed the case of land grabbing in Tiruvallur and to make the way for rivers and ponds to collect and save the rainwater.

  • In Valliyammapuram 2.25 acres land recovered by the revenue department.
  • Near Poonamallee Rs 5 crore worth pond has been reclaimed.
  • Chennai corporation mayor Priya Rajan has taken action against the rainwater harvesting work. She insisted the contractors to complete the rainwater  harvesting and  drainage works before the onset of monsoon.
  • Removal of 31 encroachments from Mankadu Sembarambakkam Lake.
  • Occupancies in government lands in Pralayambakkam panchayat are being rehabilitated.
  • Tamil Nadu drinking water and Drainage Board Management of Sewerage Project which is ongoing is booked into by the officials.
  • Municipality in Kooduvancheri has taken an action against the occupation of the Lake.


In Hingoli, Plastic campaign in Jaleshwar Lake area; A joint venture between various self-help groups and organizations and the Municipal Council.


Spiritual refreshment program was conducted in Madurai for 2 days. Where SMPs ,SMLAs  and coordinators took part in the program with their family members.

Children program in Spiritual Refreshment Program



  • LUKE TROOP CHURCH: Co-ordinated by Sol.Mahesh from 13th March, 2022 and Continues every Sunday from 5:30 am to 7am. 15 members are attending.
  • AASHISH TROOP CHURCH:Co-ordinated by Sol. Meena from 1st April to 9th April, 2022 everyday from 6:00 pm to 7 pm,. 10+ members participated.
  • EMMANUEL TROOP CHURCH: Co-ordinated by Sol. Lissy from 6th April to 13th April, 2022 everyday from 10 am to 11:30 a. 8 members participated.
  • ESTHER TROOP CHURCH: Co-ordinated by Sol. Mohini from 22nd April to 30th April, 2022 everyday from 2 pm to 4 pm. 19 + members participated.


BFF 677 conducted in Palakkad from May 1st to 8th, 2022. 15 students came from Uttarakhand . 6 Pastors & 9 believers. Bro.Koshy P.M. organized it in Kerala.



  1. Sol.Sonali: after the training there is a complete ‘U’ - turn in my life. I was thinking that I am a very good believer but during the training I realized that I was empty. The Lord filled me completely. I had only one request to the Lord. Lord, I want to see you. I have to see you and there is no option for you. The only option is you have to reveal yourself to me. While the anointing was going on, the Lord appeared to me and He smiled at me. I spoke to the Lord saying, are you not coming near me because I am unholy. The scripture says that I am made holy by your blood. The Lord came near me and I got an electric shock. I was completely enveloped in this experience. Praise be to God. I am a new person today, my perspectives got changed, my thinking, living everything got changed. All I can say is that I am a new person.
  2. Sol.Akil: I never knew that God will speak to me, even though I have read the Word of God.  After attending the class I came to know that God will speak to us. I used to hear many voices but was unable to decide which one was God’s. But during the classes God did speak to me many times. There were many questions about ‘Troop Church’ before I came here, but now I got clarification for all my doubts. I was not filled with the Word of God. After the training I can say that I am filled with the Word of God, Thank you for satisfying us with God’s Words. Ps 63:1, Is 52:7 – The Lord spoke to me through these verses.
  3. Sol.Khurbi: God spoke to me that “I will not leave you orphaned.” I received peace and joy during this training. For the first two days I was finding it difficult to sit and attend the class. But from the third day onwards it became easy for me and there was no problem. I thank God for blessing me with peace and comfort to know him more closely. During the classes I was blessed physically and spiritually.
  4. Sol.Satyender: For the first two days I was completely uncomfortable, I even murmured against the organizers. But God spoke to me that I am murmuring not against the organizers but against God who brought me here. After this I stopped complaining. The Lord blessed through the classes. The Lord spoke to me through Mt 28:19. The Lord is telling me that He will use me amidst the upper caste people to build His kingdom.
  5. Sol.Akash Masih: I am from Uttarakhand.I saw a vision about Sr. Angelica. She has a pipe and she is watering the tree which is already dried up. But after watering, the tree began to move in the air and new shoots started coming out of the tree, the leaves turned into green.
  6. Sol.Vipin: I saw a vision before the class. I saw so many young people were in white clothes and they were all smiling at me. They were moving here and there in the hall.
  7. Sol.Peter: In the coming year India is going to be filled with House Churches as in China.
  8. Sol.Anchal : I was unable to stand in front of others and talk boldly but after the training, The Lord has given me the courage to do so. I thank the Lord for this. I have three kids and I have left them at home with my mother and came to attend this BFF training. I was very much worried when the phone was taken from us. But as days passed by we never bothered about my kids. They were all doing fine. Praise be to God.
  9. Sol.Chandrakala: when I came here, I was puzzled and confused about so many things in my personal life. I was wondering whether God will answer all the questions that I have in my mind. I thank God for giving me peace through this training. I also had a dream. I am standing in front of a man and he hands over me a book and instructs me that I should go and tell everyone about this book. I prayed and asked for the meaning. The Lord told me that the Book is the Bible and I must preach the Good news.
  10. Sol.Gita: when I was waiting for the class, I was thinking that teacher should not ask me to pray, because basically I am a shy person. But at that time there was a voice from within that the “Almighty God is within you, So don’t fear”. I am going from here as a Soldier of the Lord’s Army.

Praise the Lord

FRP (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)

Bear with each other and forgive one another

if any of you has a grievance against someone.

Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

-Colossians 3:13


Level 1: Bethesda school of healing was conducted from 28th March to 3rd April, 2022 in Hindi from 3-5 pm.Sol. Mini organized and Sol. Menka & Minie Co-ordinated

Level 2: Organized by Sol. Mini and coordinated by Sol. Mini & Menka from 6th April to 13th April, 2022 from 3-5 pm in Hindi.


Sol. Rajesh: During anointing, I saw a vision from God and saw an arrow in a bow. I thank God for the wonderful anointing.


Classes were scheduled from  09.05.2022 to 12.05.2022 in Pondicherry Zoom. Nearly 20 to 25 members participated.


  • Sol.Gomathi: Today's hospitality class was fantastic. No one has ever seen each other face to face in this batch and I have to say this is also a treat. All we have to say is that the Lord treats everyone with unenimity, unity, and peace.All I have to say is that God qualifies us to listen, no matter how much you teach. It is difficult to take classes like this in this afternoon but the Lord has been training us even when we are in the home. May the name of the Lord be glorified.
  • Sol.Chandini:This is the first time I have attended this class and heard about this message. It was a great blessing that the Lord humbled himself. God humbled himself and gave food to everyone no matter how far away. There is so much joy in the heart when I  think of this. We need to be humble like Jesus. God has encouraged and inspirited me to humble myself. Praise be to God.


Prophesy school level 1 classes scheduled from  21.04.2022 to 23.04.2022 in Pondicherry  Zoom. Nearly 25 members participated.


  • Sol.Jayaprabha:Praise be to the Holy Name of the Lord. I attended the prophecy class for the first time because Arakkonam smp told me. At first I did not understand anything. When he told me to prophesy and I could visualize. But the sister said that the prophetic words would come out as soon as I tried to prophesy. The brother prophesied to me, "Arise, shine, and your light will come on, and the glory of the Lord will come upon you.
  • Sol.Joshua Prada: Praise be to the Holy Name of the Lord. At the end of these classes they told me to listen to what the Lord is saying about me. The Lord showed me a scene where I saw myself when I was in my mother's womb and secondly I saw God opened the book of life. To God be the glory.


Organized by Sol. Neha and coordinated by Sol. Amrita, Sol. Fabina on 12th April till 18th April, 2022from 7-9 pm in Hindi. Sol. Fabina and Sol. Amrita volunteered as Teachers.


  • Sol.Fabina: She testified that she liked all the classes. She was very much afraid of attending the last class of songwriting but since she was the coordinator she had to attend and when the teacher called her name at first for songwriting, she was baffled completely. Praise God that all her fears went away the moment she started singing the 2 lines she wrote and testified that God is really great and the Holy Spirit removed all her fears. She also testified that the classes confirmed her that the Holy Spirit gives word while worshipping and now she feels confident in worshipping the Lord. Praise God.
  • Sol.Laxmi:She attended worship class for the first time and was really blessed. She testified that the Holy Spirit helped her to understand all the classes and also she was able to write a song and sing too which she only used to croon and hum all these days but first time she was able to write and sing the song. All Glory to Jesus!
  • Sol.Amrita: She testified that Tabernacle of David class really touched her and she volunteered for teaching as well. She thanked the Lord for the songwriting class as well as she testified that she never understood the music pattern which she was taught in her vocal class but in the songwriting class, she very well understood this concept. After a long time, she wrote and composed a song in the songwriting class as well.


8th Anniversary Celebration of National Worship Centre, 14.05.2022 , Kolathur, Chennai.



Sol.Sairam: Two days back I emptied the tank and filled the tank with fresh water when I went to pump the water the pump was not working I called the plumber and he said that he will come the next day but he did not come and was not answering my call. On the second day I prayed and gave the plumber in the Lord's hand and then called him he answered my call and he came and repaired the pump All glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

One of my neighbor lady was complaining of shoulder pain.We prayed using the scripture 1 Peter 2:24 and she was healed instantly.All glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

On 19 I had a very bad sore throat and had to give morning message on 20th Jan. I prepared for the message but I was not able to speak. I prayed continually that I should be able to speak clearly the next day.The whole night I was not able to sleep thinking about my voice and had ginger and honey repeatedly and prayed continuously on 20th morning my voice was cleared and I was able to give the message very clearly.

All glory to Lord Jesus Christ.


Night prayer was Conducted online via Zoom App for all 4 Zones in Maharashtra. It was organized by Sol. Amol and Kavita Ingle in Hindi. For whole of Maharashtra,night prayer will be conducted on 31st Mar 2022, from 9 to 11 PM.


Family Building school  classes scheduled from  28.04.2022 to 30.04.2022 in Pondicherry  Zoom.Nearly  30 to 40 members participated.


  • Sol.Parasuraman Laxmi: I just joined this class through Zoom. I believe that he Lord Himself spoke to me today. If someone is not saved in your home, pray constantly that the Lord will make them realise the truth. This is what they said when I joined the class through Zoom. It gave me hope and has increased my faith. I have been praying for my husband's salvation for 25 years. Thank you Lord for speaking to me through these classes, that surely the Lord will save my husband soon and that my sufferings will have an end. To God be the glory.
  • Sol.Kavitha Raj: Praise the Lord. I have two children, there are many days I was thinking about my children but after knowing God, I gave the children into the hands of God. I have no worries or fears about the children.God has beautifully led my children and today both are in a good job. I will tell everyone that I have given my children into the hands of God and all these happy moments happened. I thank my God for confirming even the same thing through  this classes.


Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Luke 18:16-17


He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich



Students handwork time

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 35,242 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)



ARTIFICIAL intelligence is feared by many to be a future threat to humanity's independence - but does the Bible have anything to say about the rise of AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is often at the heart of big blockbusters, as evidenced by the popularity of The Matrix and Terminator franchises. The Hollywood films typically envision scenarios in which sentient machines rise against their human masters. And though scientists are yet to develop machines that can truly think for themselves, many fear science-fiction could one day become science-reality.

Paul Begley, a Christian evangelist from West Lafayette in Indiana, US, believes fears of artificial intelligence can be addressed by reading the Bible.

Pastor Begley is the host of The Coming Apocalypse, a programme linking modern-day events to biblical scripture that is broadcast on some US TV channels.

During his latest broadcast, the preacher has bizarrely claimed AI technology is linked to biblical prophecies of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

He said: "Today we're going to be looking at AI technology; how it's becoming part of the biblical narrative; how that in the last days AI technology will be used to judge and convict, and maybe even execute the human race.

"Given the power to the computer, to the electronics, to the all-seeing eye, are you serious? "Although the Bible was penned long before the advent of electricity, pastor Begley is certain clues about the rise of AI are found in scripture.

He said humans are placing their confidence in machines rather than God, arguing the world has drastically changed.

Pastor Begley then read from the Bible, quoting a prophetic dream by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. The prophetic passage in question can be found in Daniel 2:31.

Daniel 2 reads: "Your Majesty looked, and there before you stood a large statue—an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance.

"The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay.

"While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them

"Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer.

"The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth."

In pastor Begley's opinion, the dream is a prophecy of changing technology and a blending of human and machine.

The evangelist then linked the prophecy to the Book of Revelation - the final chapters of the Bible that describe the end of the world.

Pastor Begley said: "We notice in the Book of Revelation it talks about an image, just like Nebuchadnezzar saw an image of the coming empires that would eventually fall - it was an image - so does John see an image of the beast of the Antichrist, and the Beast Kingdom that will also fall."

Revelation 13 reads: "Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth.

It ordered them to set up an image in honour of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived."

Pastor Begley said: "I don't need to be counterbalanced by technology when we've got what's called the Holy Spirit.

"We have the Word of God, we have the truth, we're told the things we should do, and the things we shouldn't do - it's pretty easy.

"And if you listen to your conscience, and you understand the Word, and you're being led by the Holy Ghost, you don't need to be monitored."

Most experts, however, will agree the Bible does not reference the rise of artificial intelligence in scripture.

Engineering student Bruce Gutman wrote on Quora: "If you twist interpretation to suit the propoganda then you can find everything in it."



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
  Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela  
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha  
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta  
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)


Volume 10 Issue 20

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Useless servants

Luke 17:10 (UKJV)  So likewise all of you, when all of you shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are useless servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.

We all have the experience of being servants or having appointed servants.

One who serve others is a "servant". Servants have only limited freedom and  are restricted in exercising their freedom.  As the name depicts, they are expected to serve others".

Jesus here gives an example and  shows that a believer  always should have the attitude of a servant who has no authority to question anyone at any time for anything, but always have a humble attitude to obey his Master . He never has any  claim or right than receiving the wages from His Master.

While in ministry a believer  has to use the authority which  he has received from the Lord in casting out demons and  healing sicknesses. But for himself he should not claim anything with authority.

After a tiresome ministry when you come back  home, if you see a lot of things in mess, you have to be patient.

After casting out a few demons, when you come home , if you see a person at home  behave like demon possessed, you have no right to complaint.

A servant's duty is always to serve and  serve, serve his Master.

Jesus by His death and  resurrection  has made us His Father's  rightful  sons.

But we should always have the humble attitude of serving our Master.

Jesus demonstrates this with an example of the landlord and  His servant.

A servant of Jesus should do all that is commanded to him .

For that we should learn the commandments of Old and New Testaments and practice them in their life and  then consider  themselves as "Useless servants".

Even when  you will have to wait for your basic needs like  food, drink and shelter,  wait patiently.

In Mark  we read that Jesus gave authority to His servants.

Mar 13:34  As a man going away, leaving his house, and giving authority to his servants, and each man's work to him, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 

This authority should be exercised on His behalf in managing His household (the earth). But our attitude towards the Master should always be Luke 17:10.

Once I was taken to a Government servant’s house for prayer. I was surprised to see the respect and reverence  the driver had for his Master.  The way he rushed and came to open the door of the car after stopping the engine.  Even he did the same to us because we were his guests. How much more humble  we should be in front of the Almighty God who gave us everything including our very life.  For everything  we possess in our life, we owe to Him! He can stop our breath any moment!

Sr. Angelica AOJ



Thus all the tithe of the land, of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord’s; it is holy to the Lord.

Leviticus 27:30

Troop churches were conducted in various parts of Gujarat online. List of the troop churches started:

  1. Grace troop church: Troop is conducted every Sunday from 9pm to 11 pm.
  2. Joshua troop church: Troop is conducted every Wednesday from 1:30pm to 3 pm.
  3. Sharon troop church: Troop is conducted every Sunday from 9pm to 10:30 pm.
  4. Bethany troop church: Troop is conducted every Sunday from 4:30pm to 6:30 pm.
  5. David troop Church: Troop is conducted every Sunday from 6.30pm to 8.30 pm.



B F F 675 Batch was held at Palakkad Training Center by the grace of God. 6 members attended this training. The training took place from April 5 to 12.Sol.Matthew acted as training coordinator. Sr. Angelica, Mother Leema Rose and teachers from various parts of Kerala conducted the lessons. All the students were totally liberated and transformed.


  1. Sol.Kusala:I am from Trivandrum. My husband and children in my family do not know Jesus. By attending troop church meetings with Rosie nearly for 6 months, I came to know Jesus and accept Him as my Savior. I could not eat any normal food for many years and I lived by drinking only coconut water.When I came to the training also I couldn't eat anything. On the 2nd day Sr. Angelica prayed for me and told me that from today you eat all the food in faith, nothing will harm you. I believed and obeyed,no harm came to me.Jesus healed me.All the glory to the Almighty Father. I dedicated myself to God. On 1st May 2022, I started a troop church   where 10 members participated. This is the first troop church which I have started to glorify the name of God. Praise the Lord!
  2. Sol.Leela:I could not speak. My tongue was clenched, As I listened to the verses during the class, words came from my mouth and the pronunciation was clear. I started talking little by little. By his grace He will make me speak without trumbling. Praise The Lord.!
  3. Sol.Bryson: I am from Gothamangalam.When I came to this class I was totally lost. Despite being a Christian, the problem at my home made me weak and sad. My wife and child are living apart from me. In this class I dedicated myself to Jesus to listen to the scriptures. Got the grace  from him to forgive others. I dedicated myself to work as a volunteer. Got a lot of peace. Glory to God.

4. Sol.Mathew: I am from Angamaly,Kerala.On the 1st day God helped me to prepare myself for the training that had begun.                 God has graciously taught me many things and as a coordinator how I can effectively work .May the name of God be glorified


School of Deliverance was conducted from 13th to 19th March 2022.Sol.Alpha was the coordinator and Sol. Pratibha, Sol. Grishma, Sol. Shibi, Sol. Hasmukh were the teachers.


  • Sol.Mahima: I praise and thank God for his love and blessings that he showered upon me through the gift school of deliverance. I learnt to forgive others and to explore many bible verses. The most important thing is that my life has changed.
  • Sol.Asha: I want to thank and praise God. This is the first time I am attending a meeting like this. I learnt about the strong holds and bondages in my personal life and family. I thank God for teaching me these things, and that’s why I could forgive and break all the strongholds.

Praise the Lord!

FRP (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)

  1. Sol.Pushpa Latha : I attended this FRP Level 1 for the first time. God touched me and now I know what are the evil things in me. And I felt delivered from those evils. All glory to God
  2. Sol.Menaka : I have realized and touched by the key of Forgiveness by this FRP classes. I really felt free. Praise be to God
  3. Sol.Sofia : After attending  the class of Can evil spirits live in a believer God revealed me to know the reason for my husband’s behavior. I committed to fast and pray for my husband's deliverance. All glory to God
  4. After attending class I recognized my fear as the strong hold and learned how to overcome this. Praise be to God


Bethesda school of Healing level 1 was conducted in the state of Bihar through the morning worship team.


  • Sol.Deepak: I testify that I felt better than before in my family life. I got a great relief from the anxiety. Praise the Lord!
  • In Bihar Morning Worship Group – By Healing Level 1 classes, healing related prayer requests have become less than before. Praise God that through these classes, soldiers learned the scriptures and have started claiming the gift of healing in their lives.


For they have gone out for the sake of the name,

 accepting nothing from the Gentiles.

Therefore we ought to support people like these,

that we may be fellow workers for the truth.

3 John 7-8


Jeremiah school of prophecy was conducted from 7th to 15th of April, 2022. Average of 18 students participated everyday. By God’s grace 7 teachers were raised from this gift school.


  1. Sol. Mahima: I learnt to obey the Lord’s commandment. During the anointing prayer, I felt that the Lord has touched me.
  2. Sol.Asha: I learnt so many new things from this class. During anointing prayer I saw a light coming between the mountains.
  3. Sol.Pushpa: I felt that I have received lots of blessings. I learnt a lot from the classes. During anointing prayer I knelt down and I felt that the Lord told me that HE is going to use me for His kingdom.
  4. Sol.Baban: I was amazed to learn that everyone can get the gift of prophecy. The Lord has touched and blessed me.
  5. Sol. Rakesh: During anointing prayer my head was moving round and round. I held my head so tight after that also it was moving. I felt that the Lord has touched and blessed me.
  6. Sol. Nisha: I learnt so many good things from all the classes. During anointing prayer I felt that I was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.


David Worship School was conducted so that each one may first-hand experience of worshiping God, meet Him face to face in the Most Holy Place, worship Him spiritually and truly, and receive true blessing of living with Jesus.

Worship school was conducted in Pondicherry zone. Classes were scheduled from 24.04.2022 to 26.04.2022 in Zoom. Nearly 30 to 35 members participated.


  1. Sol.Jayam: It was a excuburating experience to be taken into the glory of God in the first class. At the same time, I learnt about how to worship the Lord. They said about the disturbance that happens during the worship. Whatever things that they said in the class,  were preventing me from going into complete glory during worship. In the end the worship continued as it was and was very happy to be in the presence of God. Praise the Lord!
  2. Sol.Shekina :A question was raised from the trainers "What is the Holy Spirit?" and I said some answer but it was wrong . But, I learned the correct answer to that in this class. I also learned how to be holy and how to live holy?. Praise the Lord
  3. Sol.Vimala Grace: 7 Stages of Worship ,the experience of living, the experience of forgiveness, the experience of healing, the experience of holiness, the words were anointing. Life was full. On the whole I realized how everything would be if the Lord was with us.He has removed all the obstacles. Praise The Lord.


Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.

Worship the LORD with gladness;

come before him with joyful songs.

Know that the LORD is God.

It is he who made us, and we are his;

we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

PSALM 100:1-3



  1. Sol.Sunanda: One of our rooms was vacant for many months. Two days back some men came and occupied the room and said they will stay for two months and they were ready to pay a good amount. Praise God!
  2. Sol.Sairam: On 11th January, I had a court hearing and so on 10th I called the advocate who said that the case has been postponed on 11th .Again I called the advocate he told me that the case is not on the list. Then I started praying that the case should come up for hearing and should not be postponed, then God told me in a vision that I should go to the court at Valpoi. I left and reached at 12 noon and went to see if my case is there they told me that my case is up for special hearing and it will be in the afternoon session. I thank God that he gave me wisdom to go to the court in spite of the advocate telling me that the case has been postponed. Another testimony, I was getting a call from the electrician whom I told to come on Sunday. So he said that he will not be able to come as his brother is not well. The next day when he came to do my work I asked him how is his brother. He said that he is perfectly fine, A doctor in the private hospital said that he is very serious and was referred to GMC and after we prayed for him with the scripture 1 Peter 2:24 in GMC he was given good treatment and he was discharged after a few days. All glory to God for listening to our prayers!
  3. Sol Gerard: I received Luke 12:2 when praying for muscle power and money power during the elections.


By day the LORD directs his love,

 at night his song is with me a prayer to the God of my life.

Psalm 42:8


Family building program was organized from 02/03/2022 to 11/03/2022.Average of 15 students participated in the class. Everyday there was one class from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm. 3 organizers were raised.


  1. Sol. Pushpa: learnt new things, how to raise children in Christ, how children imitate their parents, duties of husband and wife etc.
  2. Sol.Rakeshbhai: I understood the bible verses deeply, how to live life, learnt to be like Jesus.
  3. Sol.Bhoomita: I learnt the necessity to repent, accept our faults and ask for forgiveness, importance of a family.
  4. Sol.Tejram: I learnt how husband and wife should respect each other, take care of family needs, and have to be a model for others like Jesus.


Children bible school was conducted in Telangana. It was started this month. CBS-Children started seeing visions and revelations.


Matthew 25:14-30

Make a profit out of What You're Given


  • The lord has helped to practice the word of God in the work place. All the staff were given the gospel.Atleast 3 patients per day are given gospel in the hospital.


Daniel Academy   2

Towards the  end of 2021 Sr. Angelica got  Revelation of  Psalm 68:11"Lord gave the word and great was the company of those that published it ''.

Just like prophets there are writers.DA2 started on January  1st  2022. Each writer was given a bible verse and a clue. They wrote  their testimonies  in connection  with that verse and gave plantation of the verse  with similar passages in the Bible.Those vision Sr. Angelica got in 2013 is fulfilled in 2022,after 9 years.

DA2 also have a core team to review the writings.Sr Angelica, Sol.Gigi Jacob,Sol.Dr.Gita,Sol.Jannet ,Sol.Leo are the team members. After review and correction, it is sent for posting and archived. The publishers are Sol.Pinta and Sol.Leo

The soldiers are getting experience in writing and how to meditate on the word. Now we have completed nearly 115 messages which were archived. Through the Link everybody can read the messages. The aim is to publish it as a book at the end of 365 days.so we need more writers. You all can write and make others also to write. From April onwards the writers are allowed to choose any verse from NT in connection with their testimony

For  getting more writers  we connected the coordinators from each state and by prayer chose the co-ordinators.so they can connect the writers to us.Now the state coordinators inspired by the Holy Spirit are helping us.All glory to God. May His name be exalted

National coordinator of DA

Sol.Gigi Jacob


By the grace of the  Lord Jesus, we were able to organize the wedding of Atul and Sandhya on 24th Mar 2022.Sol. Arvind Dias solemnized the marriage.Dr. Sujatha and Sol. Paul Hudson organized a pre-marriage counselling session for them. This is the first marriage organized by Maharashtra Team of AOJ.

Bride and Groom


Future plans

  • Necessary steps has been taken in implementing the 20 point operations.
  • At present, reports and testimonies are being collected from WhatsApp groups.
  • We are planning to collect the reports and AOJ happenings of all the States.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 35,158  slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Jesus coming to the earth again

Jesus coming to the earth again

God sent angels to Jesus’s original Apostles to declare, “This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11).

The Savior will one day come again in power and glory to claim His kingdom and judge all people. This day is known as the Second Coming. Prophets have spoken of it from the beginning.

In the Old Testament, Zechariah prophesied that on that day “the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one” (Zechariah 14:9).

The exact timing of Jesus’s coming is unknown. Jesus said, “Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Matthew 24:36). But we do know through prophets that the return of Jesus will mark the culmination of God’s plan and will be marvelous to those who have waited for Him. “Every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10–11). Then, “God will wipe away tears from off all faces” (Isaiah 25:8) and the righteous shall enjoy their eternal reward.



FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
  Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela  
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha  
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta  
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)


Volume 10 Issue 19

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ


Luke 5:39 No one who has been drinking old wine wants new wine, because he says, "The old wine is good enough!"

In Jesus time, the Jewish religion was saturated with the Old Testament Bible teaching. “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth". But Jesus brought a new code of teaching. It brought a paradigm shift in the latter of the two main commandments. ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself’.

But the Jewish leaders could not digest this. The old teaching seemed to be good enough for them because the new teaching required an upside down change in their customs and systems.

In the Jewish class there were two categories; the oppressor and the oppressed.

The religious leaders were the oppressing class and the ordinary Jews were the oppressed. The Jewish religion was following the hierarchical system which was introduced into human history by Nimrod. All the religions, institutions in this world follow this system which divides the society into two categories. Jesus brought a revolutionary change  by breaking this system.

He asked water from a low caste woman and when she refused Jesus made her understand who He was. The Samaritans of a whole village believed in Jesus and He stayed with them for two days. Through preaching the Good Samaritan parable, Jesus presented God having a soft corner for the Samaritans, the less privileged class.

He favoured the tax collector Levi and went to his house for a dinner. In the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector, the latter was heard and went back righteous.

All those kings provoked the Pharisees. They preferred the “old wine” i.e. their system to continue. The less privileged heard the preaching of Jesus and valued it. But the oppressive class, with their political and religious power made them silent.

This Jesus is still alive and is still continuing the same work through the generations.

Dearly beloved, you are called to bring Jesus’ Kingdom into this world.  The political, religious, cultural system which exists in your surroundings, in your Constituency should be brought in direct alignment with the principles of Jesus Kingdom.

Identify the oppressed class of the society in your Constituency. Caste, Religion, Colour, Education, tradition, money, muscle strength, anything can be the discriminating factor. Join the oppressed class. God is always with the poor and oppressed. When you make visits, enter into any house of the poor and needy, pray with them, seal them in the name of Jesus. They will taste the “New Wine” and say, ‘this is good’.

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good! How blessed is the person who trusts in him! Once they taste, they will start liking the new wine! Make them taste it! That’s your challenge!

Sr. Angelica AOJ


  • Appealed for the agricultural budget 2022-23.God has answered it by introducing a digital agriculture in Tamil Nadu at a cost of Rs.8 crore.





  • Most Indians agree on the view that 'the wife should obey the husband' as reported in the polling conducted in New Delhi.



James 1:12 God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation

In Sengaon illegally seizing of sand was going on, So we prayed to God about this issue. God has answered our prayer. In Sengaon illegal sand seized on Adol-Jamdaya road and  a case was filed with the taluka police.



By the grace of God March 26th South zone fellowship was conducted. It started at 11O'clock in the morning and ended at evening 4.Around 40 members participated in the fellowship. Starting prayer was said by mother .Every soldier took his flag happily and came for a procession. After that worship started. Everyone felt the presence of God. The message was about restoration and the one who was conveying the message told many testimonies related to it.After that the Lord's supper took place.Sol.Margret and Sol.Madhan's two years old baby was blessed and prayed by one of the soldiers in the fellowship. In the afternoon children programme was conducted , everyone enjoyed it and the prize winners were rewarded with their Gifts. Praise the Lord.


Ark of Noah troop church

  • Ark of Noah troop church was conducted by Dr.Petricia and it got over with anointing session on 05.04.2022.About 15 participants participated.
  • About 12 troop churches are planned and prayed for the future.
  • Gift schools are planned between 2 pm –5pm

Balm of Gilad troop church

  • Balm of Gilad troop church has conducted 7 weeks.
  • About 14 smlas were chosen from Balm of Gilad troop church and to be appointed.14 troop members volunteered to be smlas in Puducherry. All glory to Jesus.


BFF-674 was conducted from 27.03.2022 to 03.04.2022 in Perambur BFF center, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.About 9 members Participated. 9 SMP's and SMLA's has been raised, One Coordinator/Organizer and 9 teachers has been raised. Everybody who attended this BFF classes, received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. All Glory, Honor and Praises be to our Lord Jesus Christ.All the coordinators were conducting prayer during night time between 9:30 pm - 10:00 pm.Morning prayers was also conducted by the coordinators on Sunday between 5:30 am - 6:00 am.All SMPs and SMLAs were conducting prayers daily between 11:00 am - 11:30 am regularly. Previously BFF was conducted for 5 days. But from last batch it was changed as 7 days programme. Additional spiritual lessons and practices are added from last batch. Everyday, after morning prayer, 15 minutes is allotted for spiritual exercise, which helps them mould themselves.


  • I am S.P. Jayapradeep Pandian from Kolathur, Chennai. Through BFF classes, I submitted to God and was saved and God also helped me to receive Baptism and He strengthened me to participate in God’s ministries. Praise be to God.


  • My name is Suriya.S, Bangalore. After attending BFF classes, I was able to reconcile with my husband and now I’m united as a family to serve the Lord. Glory to God.

  • I am Shekina from Bangalore.With God’s grace, me and my mother attended BFF classes together and after that, I received the gift of prophecy and anointing from above. Glory to God.

  • I’m T. Rajan from Coimbatore after attending BFF classes, I received the in depth knowledge of Christ and was able to comprehend the scriptures well. Glory to God

BFF group in Aruldas Hospital ,Perambur BFF center.



  • BFF trained soldiers were made new SMLAs:Basic information is given about the constituency to enable their choice as per God's will .
  • Sol Kamalini from Krishnagiri,Lakshmi working in BSNL Bengalore ,Sol.Stella Dass working in IT Pune,Sol.Caroline from Chennai ,Sol.Vimmi George was a worship leader in her own church, Trichy and Sol.Vimala Pannerselvam from Chennai. Above 6 soldiers have participated and out of it 5 members took the role of SMP and SMLA.

FRP (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)

FRP class was organized by Sol. Mini and coordinated by Sol. Mini & Menka from 14th April to 22nd April, 2022 in Hindi.


●        Sol. Menka: During anointing, I got a verse from the book of 1 Corinthians 15:57,” But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”. After getting this verse, whatever financial, physical and household problems I had, God has given us victory in that. I thank God for sustaining us through all the difficulties in life and enabling us to overcome every problem. God healed my husband and solved financial problems. All glory to Jesus!

●        Sol.Rumma : I am from West Bengal. It has been a very enlightening and enriching experience attending the FRP classes . We are truly blessed to be able to have access to this plethora of knowledge and wisdom. Even though I have been born and brought up in a Christian environment, there is so much of new and wonderful understanding I have received through the morning fellowship and these classes. Listening to these classes I felt as though the scales of spiritual blindness were falling off my eyes and I could truly see clearly for the first time . I have read the Bible regularly but the meaning of the words are able to resonate deeply within me now. Only when we forgive we will be forgiven , is such a powerful message- this struck me deeply .

This spiritual manna that I have received should awaken me from the spiritual slumber and help me walk in the way of the Lord.

May the Lord Almighty work within each and everyone of us and help us to seek him diligently everyday and do his will in our lives.I want to thank each and every teacher who guided us towards greater understanding through the word of God.


Healing school was held through Zoom App from 8th to 11th Mar 2022 in Hindi. It was organized by Sol.Sushma and coordinated by Sol.Krishna.15 members participated. Healing school was conducted in Delhi and it was organized by Sol.Neelam Sharma ,Co-ordinated by Sol.Mohini and Sol.Kusumlata from April 1, 2022 to April 9, 2022 from 2 pm to 4 pm.


  • Sol.Kusumlata: Myself and my daughter Suhani got baptized on 6th April when the classes were going on. We were really blessed by all the classes.
  • Sol.Neelam Sharma and Sol. Babli Nagar was touched by the Holy Spirit during the anointing.


Planning to conduct Martha school of hospitality in the month of may in Karnataka.


We have conducted 4 online Gift schools on JSP Level-1 in all the regions of the Morning worship and  we have covered 13 regions as well.Level 2 also have been conducted for the attendees who have completed the Prophecy level 1.Planning in the expansion of raising Prophets in all the constituencies. God’s guidance lead us whole session of those classes. The Holy Spirit’s anointing was poured on  all of our participants. We thank God for our AOJ sisters guidelines, which was more helpful to achieve this. We thank God for our new core team members and leaders prayer support and all of our coordinator's and teacher's sincere efforts to fulfill this target. They are all in one spirit are anointed and committed.All  the participants were filled with God’s anointing. Many testimonies were raised.All the participants were blessed. We are awaiting for teachers assessment.We will expect that more than 20 new teachers will be raised. We will expect new coordinators and new SMLAs will be raised.


Gift school was conducted on 30th March to 5th April, 2022 from  2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. It was organized by Sol. Neha and Coordinated by Sol. Sangeeta. Sol. Rekha and Sol. Usha Volunteered.


  • Sol.Rekha:I loved all the worship classes and was very much encouraged to worship God with the right mindset. Praise God!
  • Sol.Akshay : I attended worship classes for the first time and I am blessed by all the Worship classes.
  • Sol.Vanita: I was blessed with all the classes.


Psalm 95:6 Come, let us bow down in worship, Let us kneel before the Lord Our Maker

Online worship was coordinated by Sol. Ajay.Online Worship is continuing in Delhi also along with all the 9 States of North Zone every Sunday.



  • Soldier Helen: On 10th January 2022 I had a prayer request for a Muslim lady who had a stroke and is paralyzed. After prayer she is better but still not able to eat and has to be fed by rules tube so let us all pray for her to be healed and that they should accept Jesus Christ as the savior.
  • Soldier Sejal: Myself and my husband and my sons had cold and fever and after all your prayers we are all healed. All Glory to Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Soldiers Sairam: I had gone for a marriage to the registration office at 12 noon I went late and realized that they needed witnesses since they were from out of Goa and they needed three witnesses and there were only two witnesses it was already 1.30pm so they said it will not be done today. In the name of Jesus. I went and spoke to the authorities and they accepted two witnesses and got the marriage conducted.
  • Soldier Helen testified that after prayer on 11th January there was a lot of improvement in Kusumbi.


On 18th Mar 2022, Friday from 10:00pm to 01:00am,night prayer was conducted in the Chennai south constituency.


  • Sol Arvind :With this ruling Govt. we could experience more religious freedom. All glory to Religious freedom being safe guarded in TN is a testimony.
  • Sol Senthil (Sholinganallur):Wife had a heart problem and we all got Covid +ve due to which could not travel back to work in Abu Dhabi, but God gave me more time with family and to be in the presence of God. Now by God's grace i have returned to my work in Abu Dhabi.
  • Sol Malar (Abu Dhabi, Perungudi): When I was in Perungudi, God enabled me to attend many classes & Troop in person. It was a blessing for me and family was Blessed because of breaking curses. My son got his hurdles lifted and went to study his masters.
  • Sr Angelica: For North Zone, we prayed for Vellore, SMP & Speaker were praying for SMLA meeting. The next day, from Vellore Sol Pandian called and offered for serving God's work in Vellore along with Sol Karthik.
  • Sr Anitta:There were no exclusive Night prayer in South Chennai. Now God enabled it today. Praise be to God.
  • Sol Pratheep:God lifted me to South Chennai as residence and appointed as SMP. God showed good signs/lead in recent SMLA meeting & now in night p He has a purpose for me in this constituency.


Psalm 127:1-"unless the Lord builds a house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain."

Nazerath family building school was organized in Jammu and Kashmir by Sol. Neelam and coordinated by Sol. Jasmine & Sol. Sneha on 27th March to 23rd April, 2022.Every Saturday from 5 pm to 6 pm it is conducted.



  1. On Sunday, the 24th of April, our kindergarten and first standard students shall exhibit their talents to glorify God.
  2. In the month of May we've planned to organize a memory verse contest for our children.Scripture portions will vary according to their age like, the ten Commandments, Beatitudes, the Shepherd's song and the New Testament commandments.


Joseph School of Financial Discipline is conducted in the Puducherry zone from 02.05.22 to 05.05.22 through Zoom. Sol.Shanthini Ebenezer and Sol.Renet Clemence were the incharges.The first session started from 2.15 Pm to 3.30 Pm and the second session from 3.30 Pm to 4.45. Many felt the presence of God and were filled with the wisdom and knowledge that God gave through this class. Finally the anointing was done by Sol.Sundar Raj.



Daniel Academy  1

DA1's journey  started on 7th April 2021 and ended on June 5th (90days).The national coordinator  for DA 1 was Sol.Jagedesh and the speakers  coordinator was Sol.Gigi Jacob. We had a team of soldiers to review. They were Sr.Angelica,Sol.Jevika,Sol.Shebe,Sol.Louiz,Sol.Dr.Gita,Sol.Jannet to view the rehearsal and correction. Also the sound modulation, electronic gadgets handling, checking the time  etc. The speakers were proclaiming the wonderful work God  had done in their lives. The rehearsal of coordinators and the presentations were done with translators. The translators were Sol.Jagedesh, Sol.Jevika , Sol.Jannet and Sol.Shakespeare.

The testimonies  influenced  many and we got  messages from different  parts of India saying how they were comforted, changed their life, more knowledge of the word and how to face difficult situations.

It was due to the presence of God and His plan and His grace upon the team it went well and was able to finish without any disruption of a single day.All the 90 days messages were archived.

On the 91st day (06/07/21) Sr.Leema Rose gave her revelation to the speakers  from 1 Cor 15:28 and Romans 8:14.God has put confidence in you. The speakers are led by the Holy Spirit. We are His sons and daughters. According to Galatians 4:14 we all become like Jesus Christ. Jesus did all,Father desired of Him. So we also have to become like Him.

Now we have a different relationship  with God.Our past is gone. Daniel's life turned the king change his declaration that Daniel's God is the real God. God will work wonderful miracles through you. He took you all in confidence.so arise and shine.Holy Spirit will give a new anointing.

For the daily messages and speakers, God arranged it wonderfully. He heard our prayers and answered  it.


The main work of Beryl wing is to

  1. Update the website with the operations of AOJ.
  2. Publishing the weekly e-magazine named KG (KINGDOM GAZETTE) in the website.
  3.  Ezuchikural is a monthly Tamil magazine published by AOJ.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact: Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 35,074 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – End Times and the Environment

“I believe the kind of stuff I’m writing about [all saved Christians, dead and alive, get snatched into heaven; those with weak faith get left behind to fight the antichrist; a seven-year tribulation of plagues ravages the earth] is going to happen some day.”1 So spoke Jerry Jenkins, co-author of the wildly popular Left Behind series of books, in an interview published some years ago in the Chicago Tribune. While the books may be fiction, the basic plot is based on the authors’ interpretation of the Bible. Given this view of the future, Jenkins implied, Christians need not worry about the earth or its plethora of creatures. These non-human creatures will, after all, be incinerated in the (soon) coming apocalypse. Christians need not worry about porcupines or pine trees or prairies. All of that is of little or no value to a God who cares only for humans and their souls, and therefore it should be of little or no value to those who follow and worship this deity.

A view of the world (an ontology) in which spirit is separate from matter, and a view of humans (an anthropology) in which soul is separate from body, with the former in each case more valuable than the latter, easily leads to a view of the future (an eschatology) in which there is no reason to care for the earth. Eschatology shapes ethics.



Why aren’t Christians motivated to earthkeeping?

This eschatology is powerfully captured by environmental historian Roderick Nash in his book, The Rights of Nature: A History of Environmental Ethics. In a chapter on “the greening of religion,” Nash comments on “the pervasive otherworldliness of Christianity.” He writes: “Christian aspirations were fixed on heaven, the supposed place of their origins and, they hoped, their final resting. The earth was no mother but a kind of half-way house of trial and testing from which one was released at death…Indeed Christians expected that the earth would not be around for long. A vengeful God would destroy it and all unredeemed nature, with floods or drought or fire. Obviously this eschatology was a poor basis from which to argue for environmental ethics in any guise. Why take care of what you expect to be obliterated?”

Nash’s view of Christianity reiterates that of mid-nineteenth century German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach: “Nature, the world, has no value, no interest for Christians. The Christian thinks only of himself and the salvation of his soul.” This claim by Feuerbach summarizes the conclusion to be drawn from a world-negating view of the future, and of reality more generally.

Unfortunately, social scientific data reveal that many Christians today hold this view of the future and thus do not feel compelled to care for their earthly home.3 In a study entitled “End-Times Theology, the Shadow of the Future, and Public Resistance to Addressing Global Climate Change,” David Barker and David Bearce conclude that beliefs among evangelical Christians about the second coming of Jesus are a major factor underlying the resistance to addressing global climate change in the U.S.

In other words, eschatology shapes our ethics. How we view the future affects what we do (or don’t do) in the present. And for critics of Christianity (Nash and Feuerbach are only two among many) this means that an escapist eschatology leads to an ethic of neglect and exploitation—in seeking the cause of contemporary ecological degradation, one need look no farther than religion, and Christianity in particular. We are in the ecological mess we are in, these folks argue, largely because the vast majority of Christians do not care about creation. And Christians don’t care about creation because they believe God doesn’t care about creation. Indeed, the created world, they believe, will be destroyed. So why care for something that (soon) will be obliterated?

Ethicist James Nash even identifies escapist eschatology as one of the four main claims in what he calls the “ecological complaint against Christianity.”Each of his four arguments demonstrate Christianity as problematic, and here is plenty of evidence to show that many Christians believe that creation care is not important, in large part, because they believe that Jesus is coming soon, and assume that when Jesus comes again the earth will be destroyed.


What does the Bible actually tell us?

All of the above prompts some questions: What is the biblical Christian view of God’s good future? Would an earth-affirming eschatology change our ethic, and thus reshape our actions in the present? There are many possible biblical texts we could examine, but I would like to focus on Revelation 21:1-22:7. What can we learn about God’s good future from this mind-boggling text? There is much to learn, but here are five main points.

God’s good future is earthy and earthly.

It includes a renewed heaven and earth. Having brought this world of wonders into existence, covenanted with it, and persistently worked to redeem it, God does not give up on it. This vision is of a new heaven and a new earth (ouranon kainon kai gên kainên), but the “new” here connotes new in quality, in contrast to what is old. New means renewed, renovated, reclaimed. In keeping with the great vision of Isaiah 65 and Ezekiel 40-48, God’s good future is a renewed heaven and earth. In his commentary on this text, New Testament scholar Eugene Boring captures this well:

Even though the first earth and the first heaven have passed away, the scene continues very much as a this-worldly scene….[This] is an affirmation of the significance of this world and history, even after the new heaven and new earth arrive….[God] does not junk the cosmos and start anew—he renews the old and brings it to fulfillment….God does not make “all new things,” but “all things new.”

In God’s good future, God himself will dwell with us and all of our creaturely kin.

In language reminiscent of John 1:14 and Ezekiel 37:27, the text declares that the home of God (skênê tou theou) is among humans, that God will tent (skênôsei) among us. Indeed, Revelation 21:3 emphasizes that God himself (autos ho theos) will be with us, and we will be his peoples. In language rooted deeply in the Old Testament (Exodus 6:7; Leviticus 26:12; Jeremiah 7:23; Ezekiel 37:27; Hosea 1:23), the text makes clear that in the holy city God will be known face to face, and we will belong to God, his name emblazoned on our foreheads (22:4).

In God’s good future, the separation between heaven and earth is overcome.

The now distinct realms of heaven and earth are in the future braided together—cojoined because of God’s initiative. The holy city comes down from heaven (21:2 and 21:10). Its arrival is no human achievement, its reality no product of human ingenuity. In keeping with God’s character, God comes to us. Heaven is on earth. As in the parable of the gracious father (Luke 15:11-32), God initiates redemption. In the words of historians Justo and Catherine Gonzalez:

No longer will there be a great separation between heaven and earth. It is not so much that the redeemed shall be taken to heaven but rather that God will come among us and be part of the new Jerusalem. In the incarnation of Christ, God came among human beings as one of them, but still in a hidden fashion. Now, in this new creation, God will not be hidden, but will come among redeemed humanity in a direct, unmediated way.

In God’s good future, evil and its consequences are no more.

Seven (the biblical number of perfection) elements of the old order are no more. The sea, symbolic of primeval chaos and the abode of the beast, is no more. Death itself is no more. Mourning and crying and pain are no more. No more parents mourning their kids killed in battle. No more cancer stealing life much too young. No more stillbirths. And all that is under God’s curse is no more. The curse of Genesis 3 is repealed, lifted, abrogated. In the words of the old Christmas hymn, redemption extends “far as the curse is found.” And, last, the night is no more. The realm of deception is banished. In sum, this apocalyptic vision vividly portrays a world of shalom.

In God’s good future, we inhabit a most unusual city.

There is no temple, no set apart place, for God himself is the temple. A Person has replaced a building. Thus nothing in this city is profane; nothing is not sacred. All is for the service of God. And this city is a gardened city. In this city flows the crystalline river of life, watering trees that line its banks. These trees provide fruit year-round, sustenance in every season, and their leaves are a healing balm for the nations. People of all kinds stream into this city, whose gates never close. Kings and paupers, friends and enemies–they all bring their glory and honor to the city.



  1. FYI: Informations to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

    We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

    SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

    Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

    Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

    We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

    Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

    1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
    2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
    3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
    4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
    5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
    6. North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com

AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)


Volume 10 Issue 18

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Watching him carefully:

Luke 14:1  One Sabbath, when he went to dine at the house of a ruler of the Pharisees, they were watching him carefully.

Let us ponder  here  on Jesus receiving the invitation from the ruler of the Pharisees. By this time Pharisees had already formed an opinion about Jesus that He came to abolish many of the unwanted customs and traditions of the Jewish religion which were imposed on the people  as  burdens.

Luke 6:7  And the scribes and the Pharisees watched him, to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath, so that they might find a reason to accuse him.

Luk 11:53-54  As he went away from there, the scribes and the Pharisees began to press him hard and to provoke him to speak about many things,  lying in wait for him, to catch him in something he might say.

They even sent spies to put Jesus in danger.

Luke 20:20  So they watched him and sent spies, who pretended to be sincere, that they might catch him in something he said, so as to deliver him up to the authority and jurisdiction of the governor.

Jesus would have given a thought whether to accept this invitation or not. When I receive invitation from people to conduct trainings or to share messages with Churches  or certain section of the people, I will choose and decide whether to accept it or not. Jesus could have declined this invitation because already he had bitter experiences with them. Whenever and wherever He went the Pharisees sent their representatives to find fault with Him.

In such a situation Jesus is accepting this invitation. Here also they were watching him carefully. Jesus willfully and boldly sought and created situations to preach the truth .

Paul says

2 Ti 4:2  preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. (Col 1:28-29; 1Th 2:11-12, 1Th 5:14, Tit 1:13, Tit 2:15; Heb 13:22; Rev 3:19)

Jesus sought opportunities to rebuke, exhort, reprove with complete patience and teaching.

Even when He knew that He will be humiliated, found fault with,  He accepted the invitation.

We should be ready to go to preach the gospel where it is not accepted.

Even to create situations and opportunities to preach gospel.

Even to the places where we know for sure, you will meet with opposition.

Lord Heavenly Father, give us the courage and boldness to be like Jesus, not to take offense in anything, to face situations of opposition for the sake of gospel, even to preach  gospel in the midst of enemies.

Sr.Angelica AOJ


At Shiradshahpur,Aundha Nagnath main road work was abruptly stopped and Citizens were suffering.Then was released in a news article  on 1st  March 2022.We appealed a case ,and by God's grace the road work was started at Shiradshahpur on  2nd March 2022 as per the demand of villagers. We appealed the case on March 1st and God answered our prayers in March 2nd.Praise God!

Tamil Nadu is changing as per the prophecies of the Lord. IN Tamil Nadu assembly meet Mr. Inigo Irudayaraj MLA of Trichy district has spoken about a few things. One of the main issues he spoke about is the freedom of an individual to pray in his own house, and he also insisted that whoever is against it and giving unnecessary trouble should be punished in accordance with Tamil Nadu Violence Prevention Act, 1982 (Prevention of Goonda's Act) enacted in 1982 to prevent violence, and those involved in anti-social activities such as smuggling, trespassing and poaching. The above was already prophesied by the servants of God.

For further reference:  https://youtu.be/BGCRbOBXbRw



Psalm 116:2 Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath.

  • Recently there was a low-intensity blast in the heart of Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya. Their was no casualties reported. Thank God that He protected the people from this blast. God loves His people.

Praise God!

  • We prayed for the legislative assembly election which was conducted in Manipur from 28th February to 5th March. By God's grace the polling went on peacefully. Thank God for restoring peace in Manipur.




 1 John 1:7  But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

AOJ family fellowship in Vallparai.



Online troop church was conducted in Chhattisgarh. Participants attended the meet on auto rickshaw as there was no network inside the house. This shows the true love towards God. One who tasted the true love of Jesus Christ can come across any situation or trauma as it is said in the book of Matthew chapter 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Troop church is a  gift given by God where we can grow by ourselves into a much better person in Christ.As the word of God says

 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself;

it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him,

 he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:4-5





  • BFF was successfully conducted from 13th March to 18th with 4 students at Jharberna, Odisha. Where they learnt a lot about Christ. This was an opportunity to analyze themselves and Christ has changed their lives. Right now they are formed as a war horse in the army of Jesus to fight against the evil and to raise up soldiers as Jesus said.
  • BFF batch 661 was conducted in Karnataka from 17.01.2022 to 03.03.2022.Around 13 members participated.Totally 13 SMPs and SMLAs were raised and 3 teachers & 1-CBS.Troop church will start on 19.03.2022.Morning worship, CBS, world worship, troop church are the other activities done in the gift school.
  • Testimonies
    1.  I am Jacqueline Emmanuel M from Bangalore. I feel so blessed and happy to share this testimony. During one of the BFF classes (Prophetic Flow by Sol.Jeslyn), I received the word of God (Deut. 31:6) when I was asked to share my practical experience, an unexpected yet glorious move by God. God also gave me another verse from Joshua 1:5 to speak to another person in the same group during the class. To our Lord Almighty Jesus Christ be the glory and honor. Amen.
    2. My name is Gigi Jacob. As I am in Bangalore I didn't know the revisions made of my pension from 2011. God revealed to me and I sent a request to the concerned authorities and also had sent an appeal to the Heavenly Court. Immediately they took action and regularized my pension and family pension. There was a dispute in my family about the division of the property. Again I sent an appeal along with my pension problem and the High Court posted it for final hearing on 17th of March 2022. It was a great move after 20+ years and all these were possible only because of my Father in Heaven. All glory to Him alone.
    3. I am Danalakshmi from Bangalore.I had to buy a land or a house in Bangalore. I faced many challenges during the search. By the grace of God, I could attend a part of FRP class. God helped me with the land because God's forgiveness was manifested into me to forgive someone whom I was not able to forgive for a long time. Praise the Lord!

    Testimonies in conducting the school from Organizers and teachers desk

    28th feb BFF classes was to be cancelled due to unavoidable reasons but God was gracious to use His children for the glory to His kingdom and helped in conducting the class without any interruption. Praise the Lord.

FRP (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)

Forgiveness plays a major role in our life as it is said in  Luke 11:4  Forgive us our sins,for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.Forgiveness and reconciliation class is space where whatever baggages that we have inside us is taken out and we are filled with the presence of God. FRP level 1 conducted in Arunachal Pradesh from 24/3/2022 to 2/4/2022 and in Assam  from 7/3/2022 to 16/3/2022.Where each and everyone who attended felt the presence of God and they were filled with the peace of God.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;

 do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland

Isaiah 43:18-19



Proverbs 16:24 Gracious WORDS ARE A honeycomb SWEET TO THE SOUL & healing TO THE BONES.

  • Healing level I was conducted from 14/3/2022 to 23/3/2022 in Nagaland.
  • Healing level I was conducted from 23/3/2022 to 30/3/2022 in Assam.


Whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God;

whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies

in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.

 To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

1 Peter 4:11


Can everyone prophesy? Does God speak to everyone? Can everyone hear the voice of God? These are the questions that arise in us.All the questions are answered by God through this prophecy class.


  • Sol.Shanthini: In the prophetic flow class God gave me a vision about how he protects me.I saw a huge wall around me and a few arrows which came and struck the wall but the arrows couldn't reach me because the wall was like a protecting shield.
  • Sol.Suriya:God gave me a vision where I saw a garden filled with a lot of flowers.


Psalm 98:1 Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things

David school of worship is where the worship worriers are raised. The school was conducted on 16th March in Karnataka and it was Co-ordinated by Sol.Preethi Bosco. Around 10 Participated.



Worshipers are worshiping 24×7.The Lord was gracious.There were only a handful of players in the lockdown days but worship was not interrupted.We also worship for 543 constituencies (one block one slot) in India. Thank the Lord.


"In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning

I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly."

Psalm 5:3

  • Every Sunday morning 5:30 to 6:00 am morning worship is conducted in Karnataka.
  • Morning worship is regularly conducted in Assam.
  • Gift school is going on in 3 Morning worship in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Worship school conducted at Anaimalai on  14th April 2022


Ps 141:2 "Let my prayer stand before you like incense;

let my uplifted hands be like the evening offering."

  • Every month a night prayer is conducted in Chandigarh.
  • Below are the pictures of the night prayer conducted in Odisha.


Family building gift school done in March month. 55 students attended the family building school.


  1. Sol.Reena - Tears were coming from my eyes and light came on my face.
  2. Sol.Sangita - My whole body was trembling and huge rocks were falling apart and the anointing of the Holy Spirit descended upon me.
  3. Sol.Sunita - Light came from a hut.
  4. Sol.Rajmati - My daughter lived at her maternal home for 15 years. After prayer, she went to her in-law's home and she is  now very happy and away from worry


  • Kindly continue to pray for Ahana who is admitted in AIIMS and for her complete deliverance from cystic fibrosis.
  • Parents should allow children to join CBS with interest.
  • Please pray that the teachers & students relationship be built like Jesus with His disciples relationship.
  • We need to have more and more children to attend CBS.


  1. Rinela was healed of fever in Jesus name. Her CBS friends had prayed for her last week.
  2. Arul Samuel, Kevin, Pricilla and Deborah thanked God for helping them in the exams.Thank you Lord Jesus!

All glory to Jesus


Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty Planning

Sol.Preethi Bosco has planned to conduct Financial discipline class on April first week.


  • Evangelism is the act of publicly preaching the Gospel with the intention of spreading the message and teachings of Jesus Christ.


     We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.

    2 Corinthians 5:20


Daniel is a book of wisdom intended to make God's people wise in God's ways.The wise person is purified through  suffering, seeks the path of righteousness and leads others into that way.(Daniel 11:33-35,12:3).The wise person knows that God Most High is the God of gods, that He holds the  future in His hands,and that He can rescue His people from any danger.(Daniel 3:16-18,6:21-22,12:1-3) God judges and rescue His people,controls history and brings  down pagan kingdoms and kings.His wisdom controls  all things.God will establish His kingdom over all the earth forever, and His people will rule over it with their king, the son of man (Matthew 25:31;26:2,64, Mark 14:62, Revelation 1:7, Daniel 7:13,22)

Daniel is a very good example of Faith, wisdom and endurance  under difficulty and oppression.His life and prophecies affirm that God is in control and will have the final victory over the evil forces.

With the aim of developing more Daniel's from AOJ ,Sister Angelica and team started the Daniel Academy as they got the revelation from God. To build more faith, wisdom,intelligence  in them.


The Beryl Wing will keep a detailed record of all the incidents that the Lord says. Even though the ENHF(Eschol National harvest festival) has a very small beginning. Seeing its end, many nations will approach and will ask for the “modus operandi” (mode of operation) of the ENHF. All the meeting reports, even those matters which seems negligible and insignificant should be noted down in future. For many, will make a study of  this. They will look for more and more minute details. The above are the work that was given by God to their soldiers.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Home Page

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 34,990 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

PROPHECY NEWS – Preacher’s Point: The temple, the Ukraine and 2022

“But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” — Jesus Christ, as recorded in Mark 13:32-37.

We do not know when Christ will return, but He tells us to watch for His coming.

The Bible lists several things to watch for — earthquakes, false Christs, wars, and rumors of wars are the most well-known. The gospel of Luke mentions signs in outer space, the nations of the earth facing problems with no solutions, and abnormally hostile weather (Luke 21:25).

Paul writes a list in 2 Timothy 3:1-7 that speaks of the attitudes and actions of people in the last days. Paul’s list describes people today so well that one must wonder if the end is much closer than we realize.

The vast majority of Christians believe the second coming comes in two phases — the rapture, then the actual return of Christ at the end of the Tribulation period.

The rapture is an event where Christ appears in the clouds and calls the saved out of the world. The most vivid description of the rapture is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

Christians dispute the timing of the rapture. Most believe in a pre-tribulation rapture (that is my opinion). While some believe the rapture will occur sometime during the Tribulation period.

Regardless of your belief on the timing of the rapture, one thing is true for both camps — Jesus told us to watch for the signs of His coming.

As mentioned earlier, several lists throughout the Bible describe signs telling us that His return is near. However, instead of talking about things on the lists, this column will look at some things that are not apparent signs.

Watch for signs regarding the Temple in Jerusalem. You may be thinking, “What Temple in Jerusalem?” The Romans destroyed the Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD. So, why would a building that has not existed in two thousand years be a sign of the second coming?

There are prophetic events yet to happen inside the Temple; therefore, the Temple must be rebuilt. At the midpoint of the Tribulation Period, the Antichrist will walk into the Holy of Holies, located inside the Temple, and proclaim himself as god. When Jesus returns at the end of the Tribulation Period, He will walk into the Temple and start His one-thousand-year reign on earth. Neither of these events can occur without the Temple being there.

Next up, keep an eye on the saber-rattling surrounding Ukraine. There is a prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39 describing an invasion of Israel. The nations involved in this invasion are (Biblical names in parenthesis) – Russia (Magog), Iran (Persia), several former Soviet states (Meshech/Tubal), Ukraine (Gomer), Turkey (Togarmah), Ethiopia, and Libya.

Notice Ukraine is on the list. For Ukraine to go to war alongside Russia, either Russia must take over Ukraine or the two become allies.

When you compare Ezekiel 38:20,23; 39:7 with Revelation 6:15-17, it appears that the two passages may describe the same event. If that is the case, this invasion occurs during the Tribulation Period.

The rapture is shortly before the Tribulation and the return of Christ at the end of the seven-year Tribulation. Therefore, anything in the news indicating that events of the Tribulation are starting to take shape are huge signs.

Jesus is coming again someday. I pray the rapture is in my lifetime; I pray the rapture comes in 2022. Regardless of when He returns, we are about to tear another page off the calendar. As each page falls to the floor, we are closer to His return.

Are you ready for Jesus to come back? Are you watching?



FYI: Informations to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6.  North East Region:  northeastindia@aojarchive.com

AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064




NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
  Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela  
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha  
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta  
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)


Volume 10 Issue 17

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ

Luke 13:18-19

Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and unto which shall I resemble it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it.

Human heart  is a garden where every man sows various kinds of seeds.

Today I asked the Lord the grace to plant the following seeds in my heart.

  1. The seed of humility
  2. The seed of self discipline and accepting God's discipline
  3. Seed of meditating the Word of God every day
  4. Seed of zeal for souls
  5. Seed of trading with the God given talents
  6. Seed of seeking the face of God always in everything.
  7. Seed of struggling against sin to the point of bloodshed.

Whatever seed we plant in our hearts, it will grow. The Lord will make it grow and it will become a tree. As every tree provide shade, any seed you plant will grow into a tree. Every tree, irrespective of its variety, will provide shade for human beings.

The seed you chose to plant in your garden (whatever variety it may be) will grow into a tree and will provide shade.

Many people will come seeking comfort from you.

Can you make a self analysis to discern what are the seeds you planted in your heart  years ago? It would have grown in you as a tree by now. People would be coming to you in search of something which they see in you.

Let us take the seed of God’s disciplining in our lives. Two days ago the Lord reproved me of a particular matter.  After that I got terrified  even to go to His presence,  for personal prayer. I couldn't feel His Fatherly love and concern. My mind saw  Him as a judge.

After a day, while being in Common prayer,  Holy Spirit spoke to me through Heb 12:5

"And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?

My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, Nor be weary when reproved by Him,

For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, And chastises every son whom he receives".

When I read this message which my loving Father sent to me, my heart melted and  I broke into tears. I said, “Lord you can reprove me, correct me, punish me and  even kill me. I will be with you only. But never allow me to be away from you eternally. I held His feet tight and said, I will not go away from you”.

My mind got  reconciled with Him and  again I could enter into his presence. My closeness with my loving Father  was restored.

It is necessary to accept God's disciplining in our life, whatever way it comes .

It might come directly or through someone else. In whatever way it comes, let's accept it.

Let’s plant all kinds of fruit seeds in your  garden.

If you plant the seeds of Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control; we will have a great harvest. We have to train up the believers of the Churches .  At the same time, let’s provide seed, plenty of seeds  to the other countries too! How much harvest, how many trees you produce, depends on you.

Sr. Angelica AOJ


  • As troop members prayed for individual families whom they knew in central Chennai for their problems and appealed to God that troopers have to reach out for these family members for troops to be started in their houses.
  • Gambling is wagering something of value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the intent of winning something else as a value.Soliders appealed against gambling issues which appears often in Aundha Nagnath, Hingoli. We thank God for his marvelous act upon this issue. Almighty God opened the eyes of the officials and made them take action toward this issue and also few other cases which we filed.



Mayor of Chennai is a member of ECI church. By the prayers of Chennai smps and smlas, a believer became Mayor of Chennai Corporation.Let us thank God for his blessing. Let our prayers be with her, so that God’s Kingdom come in Chennai Corporation.


Psalm 102:16-17

“For the Lord builds up Zion; he appears in his glory; he regards the prayer of the destitute and does not despise their prayer.”




Romans 12:4-5

“For just as we have many members in one body and all the bodies do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”

Fellowship meeting was held at KHRDC hall in Paper Mills Road. It was filled with praise and worship. The Lord’s presence was there when prayer was held. Families were prayed over by the elders in the group. Nearly 38 members joined the fellowship. Talent show and children show were held. We thank God for his love towards us. Amen.




1 Peter 3:21

 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

Baptism at Kanyakumari TC.Glory to God



  •  “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:18-20.
  • Residential BFF at Aurangabad, Maharashtra. It was conducted from 17th to 22nd Mar 2022.13 members participated 4 male and 9 female. Where 4 took baptism and 5 Volunteers were raised.4 Teachers and 7 SMLAs were raised.

Morning worship

Learning from different teachers with various talents, experience is an added reward to the trainees

Practical sessions



  1. One sister was giving many reasons from the first day that she wanted to leave the training, however from the 3rd day she started taking interest and when she went for practical on 4th day, she was very much amazed to see that the Lord has chosen her and using her for His Kingdom. She gave her name for teaching and volunteer in the next batch.
  2. One brother was trying to escape from the training centre, however The Lord touched him and he started paying attention in the class and reading the Bible. After going home he immediately started Troop Church with his family members.
  3. Many sisters and brothers experienced healing and deliverance.

Glory to God!

FRP (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)

Because he has set his love on me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known my name. He shall call on me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation

Psalm 91:14-16 

FRP level 1

  • FRP Level 1 was conducted in West Zone from 21.03.22 to 28.03.22 between 05:45 AM to 07:00 AM
  • Around 26 members attended. FRP Level 1 was arranged from April 10th to 13th 2022 in Pondicherry through Zoom from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM

FRP level 2

  • FRP Level was conducted in West Zone from 29.03.22 to 13.04.22 between 05:45 AM to 07:00 AM.
  • Around 20 members attended.


“LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.” Psalm 30:2

Healing school was held through Zoom App from 8th to 11th Mar 2022 in Hindi. Organized by Sol.Sushma and coordinated by Sol.Krishna.15 members Participated.


  • All brothers and sisters prayed for each other and the Lord gave them healing.
  • Prabhavati sister's son was in ICU. During the healing gift school, he received complete healing and was discharged from ICU.
  • Participants realized the authority they have received through Jesus.


Gift school was held at Vangani, Maharashtra from 27th to 28th March 2022 in Hindi. It was organized by Sol.Sanjana and coordinated by Sol.Savita Wagh. Nearly 21 members participated.

During class and Practical's

Batch photo with coordinator:



Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.

1 Corinthians 14:1


Jh 4:24 - "God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and Truth."

David gift school of worship was conducted to teach true worship of the Lord. It was held at Vangani, Maharashtra, from 5th to 6th Mar 2022.Around 15 members participated. The school was organized by Sol. Rahul and coordinated by Sol. Sukumari.


  1. All the participants wrote and sang new songs, they were amazed that the Lord used them to make new songs and give glory to God.
  2. Participants understood the barriers of worship and prayed to remove them from their life.
  3. One brother who used to make and sing rap songs realized that it is not the correct way to sing to the Lord, he took a decision to stop it.



Exodus 23:25 Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.

  • Online worship for south zone started in May 2020.
  • The sessions are conducted every month on 11th from 12AM to 12 PM.
  • Zone wise approach will be started. Team will split and work independently.
  • More coordinators will be raised.


Psalm 59:16 But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.

Morning Worship is conducted in Goa from 6:00 am to 7:30am Monday to Friday.


  1. During morning worship we prayed for sister Kulsumbi she was in hospital and in critical condition in ICU and she was unconscious. After prayers she was removed from the ICU and she was discharged from hospital as she was healed. All glory to Jesus Christ.
  2. One sister had body pain, also she was not able to walk, and she was using Belly Belt but during class practical she got healing and threw away that belt.
  3. Bro Sairam was in need of death certificate of his father in law as it was not registered after death.So he had to produce witness and the advocate told him to give some statement but the witness gave whatever he knew the correct information.So he was unable to get Death certificate.So we prayed in the Troop church and the Certificate was issued and he gave glory to lord Jesus Christ.


Psalm 119:62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments.

  • Night prayer is conducted every Saturday from 9.00 pm to 11.30pm.
  • From 10pm to 12:30 am night prayer was conducted. Sol.Theodore was the guest speaker, who delivered the word of God. The Lord’s Supper was also held.
  • We prayed in Night prayer on Saturday in Joshus group (North Zone) for corruption to be eliminated in TN.News published on Monday newspaper and some news published in Sunday is given below. Glory to God


Reference: https://www.dinamalar.com/news_detail.asp?id=2971230




Mt 28:20 "Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you;"

Training was held at Vangni, Maharashtra from 12th to 13th Mar 2022. 37 members participated. It was

Organized and Coordinated by Sol. Daniel. New teachers were raised and we prayed for them.


Genesis 1: 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.

From 31st Mar to 08th April 2022 the family building classes was conducted. 23 members participated 16 were consistent participants and 12 responding participants.5 teachers were raised.

Matrimony service

  • The team is planning to add a few more conditions/ instructions to the existing format- those who register with us should not be particular about the caste, community and denomination.
  • They should inform us about how they want the marriage ceremony to be conducted.
  • We, being the national team, decided to take up a coordinator for Tamil Nadu and have four zones namely, north, south, east and west and each zone will have a coordinator.


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Testimonies of students from class 1 & 2

  1. Pricilla thanked God for helping her excel in her studies and also for healing her mother's ear in Jesus name. All glory to Jesus!
  2. Deborah thanked God for healing her of throat pain in Jesus name. Thank you Lord Jesus!
  3. Kevin thanked God for healing him of allergic itching in Jesus name! Hallelujah! All glory to Jesus!
  4. Arul Samuel thanked God for the holidays he could enjoy in Jesus name. Thank you Lord Jesus! Praise the Lord.
  5. A Testimony from Rona of class 9 English standard. During the COVID time, I had a hard time without any bible classes to teach me the word of God. I was praying that God would help me find a good Sunday school and He led me to this fellowship. I was surprised when the syllabus they followed was the same as my old class. I am very thankful and grateful to God for helping, guiding and always being there when I need him.

All glory to God! Amen.


According to Bible, Earth with all its riches is given to man - Genesis 1:38  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. The greatest wealth of God is JESUS. The one who chooses Jesus Christ is the wealthiest man in the world. According to Phil 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.


  • One of the soldiers in Namakkal is ready to start organic farming.
  • Jenin in Madurai is ready to start door delivery of vegetables and groceries.


Psalm 45:1 -My heart is overflowing with a good matter; I speak of my works to the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

In the year 2022, the Lord is pouring out a new anointing on us, on our fingers to write, to search the treasures of the Word of God. Every month 30 Daniels will be selected and will be given one verse to meditate on. By sitting with the Holy Spirit, they will get the deepest treasure that is hidden in the verse.


It is a weekly e-magazine published on every Sunday, which contains all the AOJ activities. Till date 16 Issues in Volume 10 were published.


Importance of documentation

  • What are all the activities done in the constituency and zone, are stored only through documents.
  • Praise report is to - Praise God and Thank Him.

Storing them is very important, secretaries of South region, state, zone will send the documents to heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com for archives. We have developed an IT Team for each state to work along with Central IT Team.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details: Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564 Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ

3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)

To safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why the Lord has permitted COVID-19 ?

To Restore the Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 34,906 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)


As the Sri Lankan economic crisis worsens day by day, the Sri Lankan government has taken a major step to control the situation.
Sri Lanka has experienced the worst economic crisis since independence. The situation there continued to deteriorate due to various reasons such as the spread of the corona and the economic crisis.

Due to this, the people of the country have joined the struggle against the Rajapaksa government. People from all walks of life are constantly protesting day and night. The continuing deteriorating economy on the one hand and the relentless people's struggle on the other have created a chaotic situation throughout Sri Lanka.

Meanwhile, the government is seeking help from various countries to improve the situation. Already, India has announced a $ 1 billion loan. India also provided 40,000 tonnes of diesel to meet the fuel shortage.


Despite this, the situation in Sri Lanka has not improved. Following this, the Sri Lankan delegation is going to the United States to seek further economic assistance.

Sri Lankan delegation travels to US to borrow $ 4 billion from organizations including International Monetary Fund This will help in repaying essential food items, fuel and debt. The committee, headed by new Finance Minister Ali Sabri, is scheduled to hold ongoing talks with various organizations from April 19 to 24 to get the loan.

The country's finance ministry recently announced that it would suspend repayment of foreign debt, including debt securities, until the completion of the debt restructuring program with the International Monetary Fund. A few days after the announcement, the Sri Lankan delegation is now leaving for the United States. It is noteworthy that Sri Lanka has to repay $ 7 billion in debt this year alone.

This is the first time since 1948 that Sri Lanka has not been able to repay a loan. Commenting on the US visit, Sri Lankan Finance Minister Ali Sabri said, "We urgently need urgent funding to bring Sri Lanka back to normalcy. They should provide us with these funds as soon as possible."

The economic and financial crisis in Sri Lanka is increasing day by day. Due to this, investors are also reluctant to invest in Sri Lanka. Due to this the Sri Lankan stock markets have been continuously declining. In the meantime, it has announced that it will close the stock market for a week before selling its shares to gain a clearer understanding of the economic situation.



FYI: Informations to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

  1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
  2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
  3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
  4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
  5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
  6. North East Region: 33,394 northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
  Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela  
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha  
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta  
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)


Volume 10 Issue 16

Message for reflection – Sr. Leema Rose AOJ

It is good that I have been afflicted

Psalms 119:71 (UKJV)  It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn your statutes.

We are afflicted in so many ways every day. The cause of affliction will vary

  • Our own negligence in duty
  • Our carelessness
  • Our weaknesses
  • Our sicknesses
  • Others' envy on you
  • Not getting enough results out of our labour
  • Betrayal by others etc.

Whatever be the cause, God is concerned about us & our afflictions .

When we are in affliction, He also is affected with us.

Isaiah 52:5 (UKJV)  Now therefore, what have I here, says the LORD, that my people is taken away for nothing?

As long as His children are with Him, He is happy. But when His Children are taken away, the Lord is also in pain.

While going through affliction, if the people cry out to Him, He hears and come down from heaven to protect them. He takes all measures to deliver His children.He brings changes in  the whole scenario. 

He brings the required changes in our lives too and  shows us where we went wrong, where we stood  unprotected etc. He will also teach you more strategies of warfare,How you fought this war, how you could have fought in a different way & taken victory, how you could have avoided certain situations, temptations by standing with Jesus,  what precautionary steps you should take in future to avoid such situations etc. The outcome is, at present you are more  equipped for a high level war with the enemy.

Then your whole  life itself will be  changed.

That is why the Psalmist said,

It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn your statutes.

Since I am living in Tamil Nadu, I learned Tamil. The Lord gave fluency in Tamil. Since I got saved & was conducted trainings  in Tamil I started reading Tamil Bible. I was not fluent in English Bible verses.At a time the Lord asked me to use English Bible. 3,4 times I was prompted in my spirit to read Bible in English.But I discarded it wilfully.

All of a sudden, I was taken all over India to share the ENHF vision. Speaking in English, especially quoting Bible Verses in English popped up as a big issue for me. If I had obeyed the Lord & used English Bible, by that time I could have easily rectified that problem. Anyway I thanked the Lord and begged him to forgive me. He solved it & gave me fluency in English.I became more alert to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.All glory to God .

Sr. Angelica AOJ


In Thiruvallur constituency everyday a case is presented as an appeal in heavenly court. This month 30 Prayer requests were taken as appeal to the Heavenly court. We all stand in heavenly court daily evening 6:00 p.m 6:45 p.m. to make an appeal of the case and to repent and ask for forgiveness for our sins and request to get the judgment from heavenly Father

  • We made an appeal of the case to stop the online games

God answered our request. This was published in NEWS18 on January 6th 2022.Our chief minister Mr.M.K.Stalin said he would put a full stop to online games. “Will Put 'Full Stop' to Online Gaming With Stakes in Tamil Nadu", Says CM Stalin. The Tamil Nadu government is contesting companies and a federation in Supreme Court to restore gaming ban.

  • We made an appeal of the case for NEET exam

God answered our request. This was published in NDTV on January 26.The ruling DMK has been staunchly opposing NEET on several grounds including infringement upon the State's rights. Also, the party had time and again said that the test went against students belonging to backward classes and rural regions.

  • We made an appea of the case for Srilanka and their crisis

Projects covered under the LOCS extended to Sri Lanka includes the supply of petroleum products, railway projects,defence and infrastructure projects. Exim Bank has now in place 276 LOCs, covering 61 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), with credit commitments of around USD 27.84 billion, available for financing exports from India

READ MORE AT: https://m.economictimes.com/

By God’s grace so many cases were settled through this prayer. Thank you God.


Shadow Parli meeting was held in Goa as scheduled on 25th February 2022.10 SMLAs attended. Some excused themselves. List of SMLAS in Goa has been updated. We need to replace 6 SMLAS who are inactive after consulting. At the Shadow Parli meeting: We read "Christian History of the Constituency of Goa".In view of ensuing results of voting on the March 20th, Anti-defection bill was introduced and passed and presented in the Heavenly Court.


A day before sister Adelia could pass away, Leisha saw a vision of a beautiful white horse that was galloping and as he was galloping wings appeared to emerge out of its side and it flies into the sky. That's when she told me that aunty Adelia is being called to heaven. In prayer that same day another sister who has never seen her had a vision of Adelia dressed in a beautiful white bride's attire looking very beautiful. I remembered of this vision when Brother Gerard in his condolence message wrote that a valiant warrior is called home. Surely sister Adelia was a valiant Hill horse who galloped and completed her race. When her race was finished, this same hill horse has flown with its divine supernatural wings to heaven. Amen. Hallelujah


Chennai central fellowship was conducted on 27th March. It was held including Vilupuram and Thriuvanamalai constituencies.


  • Esther Troop Church was conducted in Goa every Sunday. Sister Madhavi's left Leg was paining and she went through many sleepless nights. During prayer instantly her leg was healed and she       praised the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • "Adonai Troop Church ”is conducted in Goa.
  1. Helen's granddaughter used to suddenly wake up in the middle of night and shout with fear. This was happening every night. After we prayed in Adonai Troop Church she stopped doing that and now sleeps peacefully.
  2. One of the TC member was facing severe financial problem. She was absent at the TC meeting. We prayed for her financial need. Next day she came and testified with tears that she received financial help more than what she needed.
  • Offline Troop Church was started in South Goa
    1. Three TC in Margao
    2. Three TC in Sanvordem

FRP (Forgiveness and Reconciliation)

  • FRP was coordinated by Sol. Kezia in Andhra Pradesh. Both level 1 and 2 are completed. Planning for another Gift School (FRP Level 1 & 2).
  • FRP was held at Nallasopara, Maharashtra. From 30th to 31st Mar 2022 in Hindi.15 members participated. Organized by Sol.Asha and Coordinated by Sol.Simran.


By God’s grace healing school level 1 was conducted offline in Tisk Usgao (Goa).Totally around 18 members participated and 4 were children.Organised by Sol.Sejal, Sol.Sumitra and Sol.Seema in Hindi/Konkani and Coordinated by Sol.Shanta. Teachers are Sol. Shankar, Sol. Sejal and Sol. Sairam. All are blessed through this classes. Planning to conduct Bethesda school of healing level 1 and Frp level 1 in this month


On 19th Bro Shankar, Bro Sariram, Sister Sumithra, Sister Seema and Sister Madhavi from Goa team went to Halsi Khanapur District Karnataka. We had a fellowship on 19th. Around 20 people came to the meeting both believers and non-believers. On 20th we conducted a troop church, many children attended the meeting. We felt the presence of God on both days. During the meeting some participant started crying and when we asked them, they told that the Lord touched them and they felt fear of God. We prayed for a girl named “Nagama”. She was dum and deaf from birth, but she could write and read in Kanada. When we prayed for her suddenly she fell down and after 5 minutes she woke up. She could hear whatever we spoke during the conversation and on the second day she started speaking. She spoke papa (daddy), Mama (mother), Bro and Jesus. She spoke these words by the grace of God. All Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.


  • School was held in Himachal Pradesh from 17 to 24 Feb. Teachers raised are Sol.Fabina & Sol. Asrita.
  • In Goa from 18th to 23rd February 2022 Jeremiah school of prophecy was conducted. Out of 4 students, one attended from Kenya and one student accepted for teacher training.2 SMLA were raised.
  • JSP conducted in Uttrakhand. 25 students attended, everyone has been raised as Smlas.
  • Testimony: Sol.Della -I have received a revelation in Class-4 in the practical session. Jesus said He will make you fishers of men. I enjoyed all the classes and was blessed. 


“On that day I will raise up The tabernacle of David, which has fallen down. “ Amos 9:11; Acts 15:16

"All the earth will worship You, And will sing praises to You; They will sing praises to Your name.” Psalms 66:4

“And the earth was full of his praise” Habakkuk 3:3

The Lord gave a revelation to Sr. Angelica to start the worship school.

Worship school is being actively conducted from 2016. Over 200 schools have been conducted so far and many students were trained in worship and many teachers were built.

In 2020, the Lord has blessed the worship school and enabled it to split into multiple wings.

24 hours online worship is started on 1st April 2020 on zoom. Hundreds of worshippers are worshipping all over the country taking turns. Many coordinators are working day and night for it. The Lord has blessed it abundantly.

The Lord has also blessed the worship department and raised a Sapphire University. Many students are being trained in the skills to worship him. They are trained in singing as well as playing musical instruments.

The Lord has launched the Monthly worship. On 1st of every month, all the soldiers of the Lord’s army will gather for worship. All the regions in India including the International region will worship and glorify him.

The Lord has blessed the whole team of worship abundantly physically, spiritually and materialistically.

All Glory to God.

Morning Worship

Thiruvallur constituency has been conducting morning worship from October month. Daily morning worship from 5.00a.m TO 6.30a.m.God has given many visions and verses during constituency prayer and country prayer. Praise the lord.


Two soldiers from Thiruvallur constituency attending 24hrs online worship. By God’s grace we book the slot of worship early morning 1am to 2 am and 6 am to 7am every week


International Worship Centre was inaugurated on 14th April at 2pm in the house owned by sol. Dr.Keerthana Benedict. Venue: No.70. (Old no 41), F1first floor, Bethel Enclave, (near SBI branch), Siruvallur High road, Perambur 600011.

Glory to God.


Thiruvallur constituency has conducted a night prayer from 9pm to 12 pm.God has given many visions and bible verses. Verses: Isaiah: 11:2; 30:20.All glory to God.

Kingdom Human Rejuvenation Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.


CBS Tamil teachers gather and pray every month on the first day between 9pm - 10 pm. All CBS teachers, principals, teachers gather and pray with core team every Saturday between 4 pm - 5 pm.

Cultural programme

On Sunday the 27th of March, the cultural programme was wonderfully performed by third and eighth standard students.

  • Vidhi conducted a biblical picture quiz for the students in which they participated enthusiastically.
  • Pratibha led the students into a time of intercession where they prayed fervently for children, AOJ and for our nation and for peace in this world. It was very touching.


Residential BFF conducted at Vangni, Maharashtra From 21st to 26th Mar 2022. Organised by Mumbai BFF Core Team (Sol.Anil and Sol.Soniya Bhosale, Sol.Pratik Jadhav and Sol.Sushil Jadhav).Coordinated by Sol. Mangal Saroj. Nearly 21 members Participated 13 male and 8 female.12 took baptism, one organizer, 6 volunteers and 8 teachers were raised.2 SMP and 19 SMLA were raised.

Learning from different teachers with various talents. Experience is an added reward to the trainees.

Morning worship

Experience of the divine presence and touch of the Holy Spirit is a glorious moment

Practical sessions were held. Where all their prayers were answered


1) Sol.Alice Thomas was suffering from Diabetes & BP but with faith she submitted herself and believes that she is healed.

2) Sol.Shashikant Adivasi was suffering from 1 kidney failure and other kidney was having stones and pain, however on 5th day his pain was totally gone. He experienced and believes that he is healed completely.

3) Sol.Krishna Devkatte was under evil oppression for many years, By God's grace he was healed on 1st day of troop church practical.

4) Sol.Venketesh Koli was healed from his inner wounds.

5) Sol.Swapnil Jadhav was in Addiction of alcohol. He was delivered from this addiction and he started getting Visions from God.

Baptism: 12 were baptised on 26th mar 2022.

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details:

Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564

Come, be blessed and bless others!


  • Family building classes are organized by Sol. Mukti and co-ordinated by Sol. Fabina on March 21, 2022 to March 26, 2022 in Hindi.


    Sol. Mukti: All the soldiers of Himachal were encouraged to grow in the word and not be the hearer only but the doer of the Word. I praise God for the classes of Family Building as the soldiers who never took any class came forward to take the class.



  • Babli nagar: She learnt to earn money honestly and not to waste money.
  • Rajwati: She learnt the importance and correct use of money. During anointing she felt the presence of Holy Spirit.
  • Reena: She learnt the value of earning money honestly and spending wisely. She felt cool wind during anointing and peace filled her.
  • Meena: She testified healing of hand pain and gained knowledge of how to use money wisely.
  • Jasmine: During anointing she felt cool wind and got peace. Praise God for His mighty anointing.
  • Mohini: She testified that first time during anointing, she felt peace of God.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Sapphire University

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.



Dear soldiers, To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows 1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule 2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ 3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message 4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English 5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English 6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil 7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Information National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online. We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before. NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 34,822 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)


Like Sri Lanka, Pakistan is in dire financial straits. It is noteworthy that Pakistan is already in the throes of overthrowing Prime Minister Imran Khan due to the financial crisis.

Pakistan has passed a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan. The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), one of the ruling coalition parties, today withdrew its support for Imran.

As a result, Prime Minister Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party has lost its majority in Pakistan. Already 22 of the party’s MPs have turned against the party. His party did worse than expected from opinion polls, which saw them at gaining about a third of the seats.


Thus Imran Khan is in danger of overthrowing the government. I am taking Pakistan to new heights. Imran Khan came to power claiming to take Pakistan's economy to new heights. But the Pakistani economy has plummeted for a number of reasons, including poor economic policies, borrowing from China, a shortage of exports and a shortage of foreign exchange.

Cash value

In Pakistan, the rupee continues to depreciate against the dollar. The value has gone up from Rs 108 at the beginning of last year to Rs 182 this year. Yes, the Pakistani rupee is worth 182 against the dollar. To that extent the situation there has worsened. It is noteworthy that the value of the ruble is 82, even in war-torn Russia. The country's monetary value has fallen by 16 per cent in the last one year.

The amount of the loan

In addition, the country's debt-to-GDP ratio has peaked. The equivalent of total debt to GDP there was 86 percent in the past 2019. It has now risen to 88 per cent. Similarly, net import debt, which is equivalent to Pakistan's exports, is on the rise. Increased to 7 percent. No country in the world is in such a bad situation. That means a debt ratio of $ 15 billion. No other country in the world has a debt ratio of more than $ 5 billion (excluding Mongolia).

Food shortages

Pakistan also currently has severe food shortages. There barley and wheat will be in stock only until April. If production does not start immediately there will be a famine in the country. As well as vegetables, the prices of essential commodities have gone up. There, retail inflation stood at 12.2 percent and headline inflation at 23.6 percent. Pakistan's total debt exceeds $ 50 trillion.

Power shortage

It has risen from $ 20 trillion to $ 50 trillion in just 39 months. There is also a severe power shortage. Currently there is a shortage of 5000 MW daily. There has never been a power shortage there to this extent. There is such a bad situation there due to the shortage of crude oil and coal. Thus the daily power outage is more than 4 hours.

Food famine

There is a possibility of food shortages in Pakistan soon. At present, petrol is priced at Rs 149.86 and diesel at Rs 118.31. With Pakistan facing a similar impact on Sri Lanka, a coup d'tat is developing in the country. But it is noteworthy that even if a new regime is formed there, the economy will not recover immediately.



1.FYI: Informations to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

          1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
          2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
          3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
          4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
          5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
          6. North East Region: 33,394 northeastindia@aojarchive.com



AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
  Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela  
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha  
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta  
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)


Volume 10 Issue 15

Message for reflection – Sr. Leema Rose AOJ

Those which proceed out of the mouth defile the man

 Matthew 15:18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

The words human beings utter are the most powerful tool in the world.

It can either be a powerful weapon to destroy or a powerful tool to create.

Let's see certain examples for both.

  1. Weapon for destruction
  2. Gen 11:4. The words uttered here paved the way for the confusion of languages on earth
Words uttered Words fulfilled
Gen 11:4  Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” Till today the tower (hierarchical structure)  of all the religions including Christianity have become a curse to humanity since it separate people from true worship of God  as a Holy nation, Kings and priests to God.

  1. LK 1:18 brought forth an unexpected alarm in the life of Zechariah. He became dumb.
Words uttered Words fulfilled    
Luk 1:18  And Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years. Luk 1:22  And when he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they realized that he had seen a vision in the temple. And he kept making signs to them and remained mute.    

  1. The words of Adonijah in 1 Ki 2:17 brought a punishment of execution upon him. 1 Ki 2:34
Words uttered Words fulfilled
1Ki 2:17  And he said, “Please ask King Solomon—he will not refuse you—to give me Abishag the Shunammite as my wife.” 1Ki 2:34  Then Benaiah the son of Jehoiada went up and struck him down and put him to death. And he was buried in his own house in the wilderness.

  1. The grumbling words of Israelites in Num 14:3 brought complete destruction on the whole assembly. Deu 2:14-15
Words uttered Fulfilment
Num 14:3  Why is the LORD bringing us into this land, to fall by the sword? Our wives and our little ones will become a prey. Would it not be better for us to go back to Egypt?”


Num 14:34-35  According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty days, a year for each day, you shall bear your iniquity forty years, and you shall know my displeasure.’   I, the LORD, have spoken. Surely this will I do to all this wicked congregation who are gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall come to a full end, and there they shall die.”

Deu 2:14  And the time from our leaving Kadesh-barnea until we crossed the brook Zered was thirty-eight years, until the entire generation, that is, the men of war, had perished from the camp, as the LORD had sworn to them.

Deu 2:15  For indeed the hand of the LORD was against them, to destroy them from the camp, until they had perished.

  1. Human Words- can be a powerful Tool of blessing.
  2. The words of Haman in Esther 6:8,9 even though spoken unintentionally, became the tool of blessing to Mordecai. Esther 10:3.
Words uttered by Haman Words fulfilled
Est 6:7-9  And Haman said to the king, “For the man whom the king delights to honor,   let royal robes be brought, which the king has worn, and the horse that the king has ridden, and on whose head a royal crown is set.   And let the robes and the horse be handed over to one of the king's most noble officials. Let them dress the man whom the king delights to honor, and let them lead him on the horse through the square of the city, proclaiming before him: ‘Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor.’”


Est 6:11  So Haman took the robes and the horse, and he dressed Mordecai and led him through the square of the city, proclaiming before him, “Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor.”


Est 10:3  For Mordecai the Jew was second in rank to King Ahasuerus, and he was great among the Jews and popular with the multitude of his brothers, for he sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to all his people.

  1. The words of Elisha in 2 Ki 4:43 multiplied the food and the whole crowd was fed with little quantity. 2 Ki 2:44.
Words uttered Fulfilment
2Ki 4:43  But his servant said, “How can I set this before a hundred men?” So he repeated, “Give them to the men, that they may eat, for thus says the LORD, ‘They shall eat and have some left.’” 2Ki 4:44  So he set it before them. And they ate and had some left, according to the word of the LORD.

  1. Eze 37:10 The words of Ezekiel acted as a powerful tool and brought back life into a great army.
Words uttered Fulfilment
Eze 37:4 -6 Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.   Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.   And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the LORD.” Eze 37:10  So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.

Let our mouth speak  only words of Blessing, encouragement. Let all the words we utter be blessings to us or to others.

Sr. Angelica AOJ.


Theni district

  1. In Theni district train facility which had been lying idle for a long time, by God’s grace is now ready to run. Let us thank God for his grace upon the place.
  2. Abundance of rain solved the water crisis in our place. We thank Jesus for filling all the wells with water and   brought much prosperity to agriculture.

Sivagangai constituency

  1. Poyyalur Dam in Sivagangai constituency was opened for irrigation after 16 years. Praise God.
  2. The government enacted a law to establish an art college in Alangudi. Praise the Lord
  1.  The government has set up a direct paddy procurement centre in Sivagangai. I thank God for his grace upon it.


Madurai has not received proper rainfall for 30 years. By God's grace it is currently raining at a rate not seen in any other year. Praise God for his marvellous blessings upon the place.

Ramanathapuram constituency

There was no rain in Ramanathapuram constituency for many years and now God has given good rains and made agriculture prosperous.


When God steps in, miracles happen. Ask, believe and you will receive.


Chennai South, Kancheepuram, Sriperumpudur constituencies Fellowship was conducted at Medavakkam Advent Church on 26.03.2022 from 10.00 to 3.00 pmrist!


















  • Holy troop church was co-ordinated by Sol.Sneh on 6th March, 2022 from 5:30 am to 7am every Sunday. More than 12 members participated in it.
  • EMB troop church in Adonai was finished by Jan 22.


  1. Sol.Sunita Zambre: In Habel Troop Church, I requested  every soldier to pray for clearing of my debts. I wanted to clear it at any cost. I had to go for work also but that day I just decided to go to bank and clear this whether I have to sell my house or any other way. By God's grace the owner to whom the debt was due, helped me. Instead of paying 12 lakhs, I paid only half as they reduced the interest and did me a favor. I thank God for answering my prayer through this troop church!
  2. Sol.Pramila: Through the troop churches, I learnt how to give message and pray. I thank God for answering my prayers through the troop church.
  3. Sol.Tija: In Troop Church prayer, when soldiers prayed for me. I got healed as I was having  fever and was feeling cold. I praise God!


2 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.


  • Vimala Grace: Praise be to the Holy Name of the Lord. Miracles done by the Lord are numerous. He set me free from the power of darkness and put me in his kingdom. Being the wife of the pastor of the Chennai CGC Congregation the Lord made me join AOJ last June 2021.From 7.3.22 to 13.3.22 in Perambur by the grace of the living God I attended the BFF live. On the day of the anointing I slipped and fell down while coming out of the bathroom. Then I called Jesus and sat there. My back and hips were in pain. But the Lord helped me to get up. I said, "The Lord is good”. I felt terrible pain in the back. But my Lord was with me. Both sisters prayed for me. By the Lord's grace I attended all the classes. His grace covered me to go to Perambur to Palavakkam for N W C. Sr.Angelica prayed for me. There I felt more of God’s presence at the time of anointing. I saw and felt my Lord Jesus Christ entering into me in his Holy presence. Then by the grace of the Lord I came to Palavakkam - Perambur and then to Ponneri. After coming home he gave me a perfect bliss. All glory and honor be to my Lord Jesus Christ. I didn't go to any doctor. One of the soldiers Indumati rubbed well with her palm. A sister prayed in the morning .In the evening Sr.Angelica  prayed. I received perfect bliss in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Also, in 2016 the sugar level was high.by attending BFF my sugar levels is now Normal. Glory to God.
  • Indumati: Praise the Lord. Myself Indumati and I am from Ambathur.by God’s grace I joined BFF 670.First of all I am from a Hindu background and my husband and his family members are Christians. The only thing that I had is faith in Jesus Christ, I came to this BFF classes except that I don’t know anything. I had the thirst to know about Jesus and accept him with fulfilment and get baptised through these classes. I don’t even know to read the bible and how to take the verses. Through this classes I learnt a lot of things which I couldn’t access in the past. Surprisingly I learnt how to take the verses in accordance with the teacher’s narration. I learnt about forgiveness, generational curse, 10 commandments, deliverance and more I could mention.By the presence of God I whole hearted by took baptism on the last day of the BFF classes. When I was dipped inside the water God gave me a revelation, where I saw a red shawl. I thank the Lord for giving me this revelation.
  • Prakash: Initially I had no interest in attending this class.my mom brought me here, I thought of dropping her in this class and go back in a few minutes. I couldn’t even sit inside the class. I was very much disturbed, thought of dropping the plan and told my mom that I need to go back. But my mom Asked me to stay for a day and then also if I couldn’t she said we will go back. I am not a person who sits for a long time in a place not even with my daughter I haven’t sat and spoke to her, but I listened the whole classes with enthusiasm and joy for more than 18 hours sitting in a place. I had the urge to attend the upcoming classes with a lot of interest. Everyday I learnt many things new and also many truths were revealed through these classes. It was an eye opening for me. It gave me the confidence that even me, being useless could change and boldly say the word of God to everybody. Each and every class gave me an insight about many things. Even though I was a traditional Christian I don’t even go to the church and don’t even know the purpose of the supper. After that I went to a protestant church but nothing changed. BFF classes has changed me and made me into a soldier who could boldly say the word of God and stand firmly with Jesus. I even started asking the sisters that if possible I could attend these classes again that I started loving it. I felt the presence of Jesus in each and every session, It felt like he was sitting next to me. I thank God for all these miraculous events that he made in my life through these classes.


Worship classes were organized & co-ordinated by Sol.Neha on March 16, 2022 to March 25, 2022 from 2 pm to 4 pm in Hindi.


  • Neelam Soni: Her strongholds are broken through attending worship classes. She testified that all the hesitance and barriers that she had, is now no more and she feels confident to worship in the public which she couldn’t do earlier.
  • Kusumlata: She liked all the classes and during anointing she was healed of her waist pain. Truly worship breaks all the bondages.
  • Babli: She wrote and composed a song for the first time. Praise God!
  • Jasmine: She cried and testified that she desired to write a song from a long time and this time she was able to do that. She feels confident now to take worship classes. Praise God!
  • Rajbala: She testified that all her family was blessed by the Worship classes.
  • Mohini: She wasn’t confident about taking the Song writing class but the Holy Spirit helped her in taking the class and she was blessed by all the testimonies of her class. Praise God!


FRP held at Ghatkopar, Maharashtra from 19th to 20th Feb 2022 in Hindi, which was Organized by Sol. Chandrakala and Coordinated by Sol. Asha. Around 16 members participated.


  • By the grace of God and with the presence of the Holy Spirit we were able to conduct online Bethesda school of healing. Mode of language was Hindi conducted for 4 days with daily 2 classes.2 coordinator and 1 student were raised.
  • 3 gift school conducted, till now in 2022 and level 2 STATE WISE completed, coordinated by sol. Dr Prakash. We are planning to start the Healing School classes Level 1 and level 2, zone wise and then constituency wise.
  • Healing level 1 was completed physically in aarah district on 24th and 25th Feb 2022.



 Sol. Sunita Zambre: In prophecy class, I followed the instructions and wrote prophecy exactly as I was taught for my 2 sons Jacob and Francis that they start getting up early, read Bible and grow in the Lord. To my surprise within less than 12 hours of writing this prophecy, Jacob woke up early and on his own he was reading Bible and praying. Francis asked that afternoon to put bible verses in my status as I forgot to put that day. I thank God for arousing that thirst in both my sons just by writing prophecy. Our God is prayer answering God!


  • Family building classes are organized by Sol. Mukti and co-ordinated by Sol. Fabina on March 21, 2022 to March 26, 2022 in Hindi.


    Sol. Mukti: All the soldiers of Himachal were encouraged to grow in the word and not be the hearer only but the doer of the Word. I praise God for the classes of Family Building as the soldiers who never took any class came forward to take the class.


CBS was coordinated by Sol. Kasturi and the classes are going on till now.

Future Planning:

  • Every Sunday there will be troop church and at the end of the troop church there will be a one hour bible class for children.
  • Make as many children as possible to join.
  • Encourage - troop church among children.


Financial discipline school was organized by Sol. Sanjeeta Minz and co-ordinated by Sol. Mohini, Sol. Kusumlata on March 2, 2022 to March 9, 2022 from 2 pm to 4 pm in Hindi.On the last day, training was given to all the soldiers of using Zoom link for teaching by Sol. Sanjeeta and this was organized by Sol. Mohini.


  • Neelam Soni: She learnt to know about how to value finances, correct use of finances biblically. She felt peace during anointing.
  • Sarita Winston: Her many questions regarding finances in her life was solved and understood in a simple manner, the values and use of money correctly.
  • Neeta Devi Importance and correct usage of money, no unnecessary wastage. She also received healing.
  • Kusumlata: She learnt how to value money, not to waste money on unnecessary things. Received healings as well.
  • Madhu: She understood not to waste money but to correctly and honestly use the money.


    • Collecting Statewise update on SMP & SMLAs
    • Organizing Wind Wing Meetings
    • Having a weekly fellowship with National coordinators statewise on Saturday 08:00pm.


    Special sessions were organized by Sol. Dr.Gita & Sol. Ajay Pal and co-ordinated by Sol. Mohini, and Sol. Renu on March 1, 2022 from 2 pm to 4 pm in Hindi. On request, special session on marriage and funeral services of AOJ was organised for the first time in Delhi and it was attended by all the North Region soldiers. Sol. Ajay cleared the myth and guided all the soldiers through the scriptures. Sol. Jasmine was entrusted with the responsibility to start a WhatsApp group for marriage counselling and match making services.


  • The team is planning to add a few more conditions/ instructions to the existing format- those who register with us should not be particular about the caste, community and denomination.
  • They should inform us about how they want the marriage ceremony to be conducted.
  • We, being the national team, decided to take up a co-ordinator for Tamil Nadu and have four zones namely, north, south, east and west and each zone will have a co-ordinator.

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details:

Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.

Home Page


Dear soldiers, To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows 1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule 2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ 3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message 4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English 5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English 6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil 7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Information National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online. We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before. NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Kingdom Human Rejuvenation Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 34,738 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)


BIBLE scholar Michael Snyder claimed 10 plagues are simultaneously hitting the planet right now and he suggests the most recent - coronavirus and a deadly locust swarm in Africa - could be a sign of the End Times.

The 10 plagues of Egypt is found in the second book of the Bible and describes 10 disasters inflicted by the God of Israel in order to force the Pharaoh to allow the Israelites to depart from slavery to the Promised Land. They serve as the “signs and marvels” given by God to answer the taunts and show “the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord”. The 10 plagues include turning water to blood, a plague of frogs in the Nile, a plague of lice, wild animals of flies that harm people, the pestilence of livestock, a plague of boils, thunderstorms of hail and fire, a plague of locusts, darkness for three days and death of firstborns.

According to biblical interpretations, the story is physical, spiritual and prophetic to what will happen again at the End Times, before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ – Egypt is said to be symbolic of the world, the Pharaoh a type of Satan and the Promised Land a metaphor for the Kingdom of God.

And Biblical scholar Michael Snyder says there are currently 10 plagues hitting Earth simultaneously right now.

Writing for Technical Politics in February, he stated: “Giant swarms of locusts are absolutely devastating entire regions, extremely unusual storms are confounding meteorologists, earthquake and volcanic activity are both on the rise, and five very dangerous diseases are sweeping across the globe.

“So far in 2020, it has just been one thing after another, and many are speculating about what could be ahead if events continue to escalate.”

Mr Snyder's first two biblical plagues are said to be bizarre weather and flooding.

He wrote: “It is almost as if virtually all of the old rules have suddenly been thrown out the window.

“An all-time record 209 mph wind gust hit California, and absolutely crazy storms are happening all over the planet.

“We are seeing unusual flooding all over the world right now, and the flooding that is devastating the southern US.”

Then, he points to earthquake activity and volcanic eruptions for the third and fourth.

He added: “Really big earthquakes are happening with such frequency now that it is very difficult for me to write about them all.

“For example, a magnitude 7.7 quake recently struck off of the coast of Jamaica, but I have been so busy writing about other disasters that I had not even noticed it until now.

“Seismic activity has been rising all over the globe, and over the past couple of months, we have seen volcanoes all over the world pop off like firecrackers.

“One of the most notable eruptions that we have seen in recent days was the most powerful eruption of Mount Merapi in 90 years.”

Mr Snyder acknowledged four diseases currently seen around the globe for his fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth plagues.

He added: “The African swine fever has already wiped out millions upon millions of pigs in China, and it has now spread to more than 40 other countries.

“The price of pork is absolutely skyrocketing in China right now, and to help fill the demand the “Unlike the African Swine Fever, the H1N1 Swine Flu can actually kill humans.

“In fact, it has already killed more people outside of China than the coronavirus outbreak has.

“For instance, 13 people in Taiwan died from the virus in one recent week alone.”

Mr Snyder also pointed to the H5N1 and H5N1 Bird Flus as well.

He continued: ”The H5N1 strain of the bird flu caused a massive global scare a number of years ago, and now it is experiencing a stunning resurgence.

“China has had to kill thousands of chickens so far, and experts are warning that this outbreak could be just getting started.

Chinese are increasingly importing pork from US sources.

“The H5N8 is different from the H5N1 bird flu, but many believe that it is even more frightening.

“It has started to pop up in numerous places around the globe, and experts were really surprised when it recently made an appearance in Germany.”

For his final two plagues, Mr Snyder pointed to two very recent events that have caused large-scale devastation – the Locust plague and COVID-19.

He added: “Swarms of locusts the size of major cities have been devouring entire farms in Africa in as little as 30 seconds.

“These swarms have also been spreading throughout the Middle East, and we have learned that they have even reached China.

“And Needless to say, the coronavirus outbreak in China has been getting more headlines than anything else on this list.

“The numbers continue to rise, and many are speculating that this could potentially become the worst global pandemic since the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.”

Mr Snyder finalized his piece by warning more is yet to come, suggesting end times could be around the corner.

He said: “Can any of you remember a time when we have been hit by crisis after crisis like this all at once?

“2020 has certainly started off with quite a bang, and many expect global events to continue to accelerate.

“So hold on to your hats, because things are likely to get even crazier in the months ahead.”



1.FYI: Informations to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

          1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
          2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
          3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
          4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
          5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
          6. North East Region: 33,394 northeastindia@aojarchive.com


AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
  Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela  
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha  
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta  
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819


Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)


Volume 10 Issue 14

Message for reflection – Sr. Leema Rose AOJ

 Ezr 5:1  At that time, the prophets Haggai and Iddo's son Zechariah prophesied specifically to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel. 

While the captives of Babylon returned to their country, Israelites started constructing the temple of God with the command and permission of king Cyrus. But the enemies reported it to king Darius who in turn by an order, stopped the work of the Temple.

It is said,

Ezr 4:24  As a result, work on the Temple of God in Jerusalem ceased and did not begin again until the second year of the reign of King Darius of Persia. 

It is very interesting to note how the work started again.

Two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah prophesied specifically to the Jews in the name of the God of Israel regarding this. When the prophets prophesied, the people started building the temple. And the prophets of God were there supporting them.

Even then, the enemies came to stop the work of the temple. But how the prophesy worked! How they used their wisdom and prudence in replying is shown in the following verses.

They replied to the king, “………..Since that time until now the Temple has been under construction and is not yet completed." 

The king verified, found it correct and allowed them to continue the work.

In Old Testament, we see, only few prophets,  perhaps one in a generation,  to prophesy in the name of the Lord God of Israel. But in new Testament, all the believers can prophesy.

Act 2:17,18  'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.   In those days I will even pour out my Spirit on my slaves, men and women alike, and they will prophesy. 

Let us prophesy in the name of Jesus Christ, specifically over this  situation of the Church,:

‘Let the real Church of Jesus be built in this land! Let the  powers of hell never conquer it.

Let the believers continue  to devote themselves to what the apostles were teaching, in  fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.

Let a sense of fear come over everyone, and many wonders and signs be done by the believers.

Let all  the believers be united and share everything with one another.

Let they make it their practice to sell their possessions and goods and to distribute the proceeds to anyone who is in need.

Let them be united in purpose, go to each other's homes, and share their food with gladness and humble hearts.

Let they be praising God and enjoying the good will of all the people.

Let the  Lord add to their number those who are being saved. (Acts 2:42-47)

Let all the believers be  one in heart and soul, and nobody call any of his possessions his own. Instead, let them share everything they own.

Let the believers, with great power continue to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and let abundant grace be on them all. (Acts 4:32,33)

May the Lord build His original Church in our Nation and all over the world.  May the Troop Church soldiers be used to build  the real Church of Jesus Christ!

Sr. Leema Rose AOJ


  • Sol.Albert Jones: Yesterday in my OP I came across a child named Rithika who was suffering from asthma, I tried to explain the treatment and how we can control asthma in the child’s life in medical terms. The father was not happy, he was afraid that the child will be on continuous medication throughout her life. So I started to give the gospel of Jesus Christ and how he took away the disease of his Child on the cross. They accepted the gospel and looked towards the cross. They removed all the rope they tied in the hand and neck which they depended early and depended on Jesus Christ for healing completely. As I prayed they received the healing from the cross and she was healed instantly and completely. Thank you Jesus for healing the child completely. Amen.
  • Sol.Benjamin Philip: In the last SMP meeting we took this issue to the heavenly court. Thank you Lord for answering this issue



By God’s grace, Sol. Neeta Devi’s husband Dalbir who was having plaster in his leg and their son Asheesh decided to take baptism in faith on 20th March,2022. Praise God for restoring the faith in this family and all the soldiers of Delhi who interceded for them. Sol.Jasmine with the help of Sol. Kamal baptized them. Two precious souls to His kingdom was added.

All glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ!


Arakkonam: Nova Troop Church is conducted with smlas & Worship school members, every Monday 5 to 7 pm.

South Chennai: Troop Churches branched out well in South Chennai for the glory of God.

Chennai Central:

  • 1st meeting 14-1-22 planned to execute Troop Church 100 in central Chennai
  • Message – john 14-1, 2 (let not your heart be troubled)
  • Planning TC 100 Troop leaders raised – Sol. Jayem, Sol. Joshua Prabha, Sol. Prema Manoharan, Sol.Pushpa Dennison
  • Troopers who will start troops on their own- Sol. Prema Sol.Anitha,Sol.Kannan, Sol.Vimala Grace, Sol.Vimi Babu
  • Discussion: All troopers are expected to buy the local newspaper to know more about their constituency / local area,what problems they are facing and how to find a solution for it. Papers like Perambur times Anna Nagar times Kilpauk times etc. can be bought and they may take issues to the heavenly court and receive verdict,do the follow up and publish it in the group.

Uttar Pradesh (West)

Habel troop church was co-ordinated by Sol. Mini Shibi from 28th February to 8th March, 2022 and Yovel troop church was co-ordinated by Sol. Menka from 9th March to 16th March, 2022. Markus troop church was co-ordinated by Sol. Mini Shibi from 21st March.


  • Sol.Mini: In the Troop Church prayer for my mother was going away as she was sick. God encouraged me when I was in the train to write a prophecy that God brings her back home from hospital and that she be healed. I thank God that my mother got discharged from the hospital and she is recovering now at home. I praise God!
  • Sol. Soni: Praise the Lord that I am learning the Word of God through all the soldiers. Earlier I wasn’t able to go to Church for it was far. My mother used to ask me to come to Church but even then I didn’t go. I am thankful to God that through Troop Church I am learning the Word of God now. I am able to attend these meetings at ease and don’t need to go anywhere. May God bless everyone!


10 Students participated regularly and 3 New Teachers have been raised. They are Sol. Rekha John, Sol. Kamlesh & Sol. Nettu.


  • Sol. Rekha John: I am from Dwarka, Delhi. I started joining BFF classes as all my children were attending their online classes, I got this wonderful opportunity to join these classes sitting at home and a lot of points got clear. Haryana team is very co-operative and all the sisters- Sangeeta, Usha and Kamlesh help me in every possible way. It so happens that sometimes I get distressed over certain things, but through these classes, I get motivated. God restored me in every class of BFF. When Jasmine sister was taking class on forgiveness, I realized that the whole Bible is based on Forgiveness only and during Mukti sister’s class, as I was learning the Spiritual warfare, it really boosted me up. All the teachers were really good and I get to learn so much from them. All glory and honor be to God only.
  • Sol. Santoshi: Sol. Rekha shared her BFF classes link to me. I started attending the classes and was so much delighted I testify I have been sent to Sol. Rekha only for knowing Jesus. She was pregnant and while attending troop meeting on 4th March, she had labor pain and was sent to hospital. Doctor said that chances of saving mother and baby are very less. She has only one thought in her mind that Jesus is with her and He will take care of everything. She gave her consent for the operation and Praise God that she delivered a baby boy. God delivered her and the baby from the poison that was spreading in her body. During this BFF classes, her faith got so strong in the Lord.
  • Sol.Kamlesh:  I praise almighty all-powerful God. During the BFF classes, I shared the gospel with atleast 20 people who were broken hearted and they accepted Jesus as their savior. I thank God for using me for praying for people. A soldier’s father was very sick and his father was asking God that he should die. He asked her to pray. Praise God that God delivered him from all sicknesses. Praise the Lord! God has worked immensely in my life. I was selected for many posts including RSS, Arjun Mahila Morcha and Canvin Foundation and the most prominent Newspaper- Dainik Jagran. During this BFF classes in last one week, I got atleast 25 new contacts and I thank God as I get the chance to share the Word with them. I praise God for using me to share the gospel!
  • BFF 670 Batch conducted in Perambur. Healing practical in hospital



Organized by Sol. Mini and Co-ordinated by Sol. Mini & Menka from 2nd March to 10th March, 2022 in Hindi


Organized by Sol. Shebe and Co-ordinated by Sol. Menka from 16th March to 22nd March, 2022 in both English & Hindi


Sol. Malti: I thank God for bringing me into this fellowship and uniting with everyone. I like all the classes as I am getting to know more about the Word of God I am thankful to all the teachers who give their valuable time and teach us all. My whole family listens to the Word of God. All glory to God!


  • Sol. Rekha John: She testified that the teachings of this class helped her in understanding the will of God for families. The testimonies of Sol. Sangeeta encouraged her to pray with her husband in the morning for restoration of peace in the family.
  • All the soldiers testified that the teachings of this class benefitted them. Praise the Lord!


Project done by students of ninth standard



Financial discipline is the act of setting specific monetary (spending and saving) goals and measuring oneself against how well they are achieved.

Finance is discipline because having financial discipline not only lets you spend your money only when necessary but also helps you to use the money you have in your hand most efficiently.so that you will be prepared to run your work, home, with minimal expenditure.

What are your finances? - According to man his finances are wealth, money, resources, health, their hard labor, children, their asset, companies etc.

But according to the Bible, God gave earth with all its riches to man to subdue and rule – Genesis 1:38

The greatest wealth of God is JESUS. Anybody who chooses Jesus Christ is the wealthiest man in the world.

According to Phil 4:19-And my God will fully supply your every need according to his glorious richer in the Messiah Jesus.

God governs the financial system of this world.

Financial disciple covers all the areas of person like it's personal life, family,  institutions, Governments companies, Natural resources etc.

God appointed Joseph as a Finance Minister to Pharaoh. Since he followed God's instructions, Egypt became the supplier of food for the whole world. Children of God need to consult the Lord in everything like selecting a career, planning finances etc.

God makes people poor or rich 1 Sam 2:17 the Lord makes people poor and he makes people rich, he brings them low and he also exalts them.

Pro 28:20 the faithful man will prosper with blessings but whoever is in a hurry to get rich will not escape punishment

Deut 25:15 you must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land the Lord is giving you.

We should be contended or satisfied with what we have or earn, whether it is much or little.

When you are faithful in a few things then God will put you incharge of many things Mt 28:21

We should use our money, wealth, resources in a proper, justified way with faithfulness and should not be greedy for money or wealth.

Money is the root of all evil. 1 Tim 6:9 but people who want to get rich keep toppling into temptation and are trapped by many stupid and harmful desires that plunge them into destruction and ruin.

A business runs into loss due to stealing, mismanagement, carelessness, negligence or greediness.

The Lord has entrusted all the Wealth of the world into our hands. So we should live, spend and use our resources or finances, correctly, faithfully, blamelessly and accurately in the sight of the Lord.

-Sol.Dr.Himakshi (AOJ)



Praise the Lord. Yesterday our troop (El- Roi) was able to start trade wise troop Church among medical representatives in their company. Troop name is Siloam troop church, which was started in Tambaram by Sol. James with 28 members and the Company name is Siloam pharmaceuticals.

-Sol. Albert Jones


  • Data of the Gift School Registration.
  • Data Troop Church Registration (http://troopchurch.com/)
  • Archives of the Regional Meeting (http://aojarchive.com/)
  • Shadow Parliament – Project Documentation.
  • Testimonies of each Gift Schools.
  • Announcements & Minutes of the Meeting.
  • Secretaries will be sharing the information in the email and it will be uploaded in the web portal and so for the future purposes.


Ezhuchikural is a Tamil monthly magazine. From 1995 till now it is published every month.it comprises all the testimonies and activities of AOJ.


Arani SMP Sol. Shadrac got married on February 2nd.We wish and bless him in the name of Jesus. Amen

Morning Worship

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26, 27 to make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By BFF training, the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and abroad. For Further details:

Contact Sol.Jagdish Naik Ph:9930804564

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University

Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.

Home Page


Dear soldiers, To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows 1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule 2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ 3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message 4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English 5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English 6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil 7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Information National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online. We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before. NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Kingdom Human Rejuvenation Development Centre (KHRDC)

A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

National Worship Centre

No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,

Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)

Siruvallur High Road,


Chennai 600011.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel: 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 34,654 slots  in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)


THE END OF THE WORLD is apparently just around the corner after a pastor sensationally claimed we are currently experiencing "the silence before the storm," which will see the first trumpet from the Book of Revelation sounded in the near future.

In the final book of the New Testament, seven trumpets are sounded, one at a time, to set off apocalyptic events seen by John of Patmos in his vision. According to Revelation 8:1-2 the angels sound these trumpets after the breaking of the Seventh Seal, which secured the scroll of the apocalypse, marking the Second Coming of Christ. Currently, with the devastating events around the world, including coronavirus and the locust plague on the African continent, some have theorized that these events could represent the Four Horsemen from Revelation 6 – sent to cause famine and plague – coming to life.

But, Pastor John Barnett says we are now living in what he dubbed “the silence before the storm” which will see the first trumpet of Revelation 8 sounded in the near future – a devastating event that will wipe out one-third of Earth’s trees, a promise in which he believes was proved in the Book of Exodus.

In a video uploaded last month, he said: “The doctrine starts in verse seven, the first angel sounds and hail and fire follow mingled with blood.

“Now doesn’t that sound like something Exodus? Chapter seven to 10 – the Plagues of Egypt – It’s very similar to what’s happening.

“God was judging the Egyptians because they had their false gods, he was saying ‘those gods aren’t real’.

“God is doing the same thing here, he sends down hail and fire, mingled with blood and look what happens.”

Dr Barnett said events seen recently were a warning from God for humans trying to save the planet and not themselves, but dire consequences are coming.

He added: “Today, everything is going green and it’s good, we shouldn’t waste, it’s wrong to waste.

“But the go green is almost a reflection of the Mother Earth save the planet idea – no, save the people.

“The planet is hopelessly heading for destruction, save the people – there’s almost a worship of nature.

“Well, a third of the trees are burned up and all the green grass, these speak of life and signs of life – they provide food, shelter and shade.

“But God says to the world, ‘if you don’t worship me if you worship the Earth, then your food, your life and your comfort, I’ll show you that I’m the one who is the giver and sustainer of life.'"

Dr.Barnett went on to claim there are many ways in which the first trumpet could come, with one being a huge volcanic eruption.

He continued: “So God lets loose, a gazillion things could cause this, have you seen all the volcanoes? If one of those breaks loose, that superheated water vapor going up to the atmosphere and a third of all trees are burned up.

“That’s coming, that is literal, it doesn’t mean something else, God already did this in Egypt.

“He burned up and killed their animals, their crops.

“God is speaking, what a warning, what a wake-up call, people are listening and God will save people in the tribulation.”



1.FYI: Informations to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.

We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...

SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).

Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.

Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.

We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.

Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen

        1. South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
        2. West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
        3. Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
        4. East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
        5. North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
        6. North East Region: 33,394 northeastindia@aojarchive.com

AOJ Matrimony

Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.

Contact Particulars:

S.No. Name Whatsapp No. Email ID
1 T.Leslie 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com


2 Johnson 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 Sol.Amala Arunachalam 9942203525  
4 Sujatha Madhuram 9884892025  

By Post to


Bro T.Leslie, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  Chennai - 600 064



NAME (in block letters)                               :

Date of birth                                                  :

Height/Weight                                                            :

Complexion                                                    :

Languages known                                         :

Qualification                                                  :

Job/Business with details & Income.          :


Your present address                                                :         


Your permanent address                              :


Resident of                                                     :

Your Cell number and email ID                 :

Name & address of Troop Church             :


Father’s name & Profession                        :

Mother’s name & Profession                                   :

Siblings                                                           :


Your expectation                                           :


DATE:                                                                                                           SIGNATURE

 Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop Church

Name of National Coordinators of Gift Schools and other AOJ Operations 2022 January to June

S.No Name of Gift Schools of AOJ Operations Coordinator & Leader Name  Mobile No.
1 Troop church Sol.Bindhu Chacko 9061242836
2 BFF Sol.Jagdish 9930804564
3 Worship




Online International Worship Sol.Raymond 9725107874
4 Deliverance Sol.Joyce Beula 9842514163
Deliverance Level 1 Sol.Prabhu 9865265306
Deliverance Level 2 Sol.Benjamin Philip 9003021979
5 Healing Dr.Deepthi 9003209519
Healing Level 1 Dr.Albert Jones 9840577293
  Healing Level 2 Sol.Prameela  
6 Prophecy


Sol.Shebe Lalu 9562637539
Prophecy Level 1 Sol.Veena Dua 9015652467
Prophecy Level 2 Sol.Shanker 9765987097
7 Financial Discipline Sol.Himakshi 8708881760
8 Family Building Sol.Sonny & Usha  
Marriage preparation classes Sol.Keerthana 9487704602
9 Hospitality Sol.Neelam Sharma 9910532357
10 Morning Worship Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
11 Children  Bible School (CBS) Sol. Jeslyn 9790001292
12 Beryl Wing(Communication, KG, Ezuchikkural) Sol.Felix 7358420497
13 Daniel Academy Level 2 Sol.Gigi Jacob 9008293700
14 ECC Sol. Shadrach 9361197303
15 Evangelism through Business Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



16 IT  Wing Sol.Pinta  
17 Training for Translators Sol.Arun Kumar Pune 7276216777
18 Night Prayer Sol.Inna Reddy 7702063937
19 TC for Trades Sol.Sudha Deep 7305332244,



20 David school of Worship Sol.Camilia 9940471819



Sunday North Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778)
Monday Tamilnadu & Kerala Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /

Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala)

Tuesday West Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /

Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) /

Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat)

Wednesday East Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635)
Thursday Central Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740)
Friday Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /

Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) /

Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana)

Saturday Tamilnadu Sol. Menaka (80726 53915)