Volume 9 Issue 15

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

Blessed are your eyes, for they see!

Mat 13:14,15  Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says: “You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive.” 

For this people's heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them. 

Mat 13:16,17  But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. 

For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.

Two kinds of eyes, ears and hearts are mentioned  here.

  1. Eyes that see but never perceive, ears hear but never understand, hearts which have grown dull.
  2. Eyes that see, ears that hear.

Prophet Isaiah was given a command  to close their eyes and ears.

Joh 12:40  “He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes, and understand with their heart, and turn, and I would heal them.” 

In Acts 26:17,18

Act 26:17  .....delivering you from your people and from the Gentiles—to whom I am sending you,   to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’ 

Paul is called out and sent to the gentiles and to His own people to open their eyes.


Through Daniel Academy 400-500 soldiers are entrusted to our care. We have been given a great responsibility of  opening  their eyes.

Eyes are closed in various ways.

  1. God Himself has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart Joh 12:40 
  2. The god of this world blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel (2 Cor 4:4)
  3. Darkness will blind the eyes of those who hate their brothers. (1Jn 2:11)

Let’s start praying for them

Surrender them to the Lord

Mentor them through the student coordinator

Prepare them for their future career in ministry

They can become  the pillars of the Church in India  

Those whose eyes see

Can  interpret anything and everything in the perception of the Lord.

Can hear the voice of the Lord anywhere, and in anything. .

The Lord can speak through

A Potter

A Baker

A bare footer

A farmer

A shepherd

A vine dresser

A blasphemer etc.

Only a man of God can interpret and understand what the Lord speaks through them.

Many would have seen a potter making a pot but only Jeremiah could derive the message of God out of it.(Jer 18:1-10)

Many would have seen  basketful of fig trees. But when Jeremiah saw 2 baskets of fig trees, he could interpret the message of God.(Jer 24:2-10)

Let our eyes and ears be open and our hearts alert and receptive to the messages the Lord is speaking 24 hours of the day through all the incidents that happen in our life.

Sr. Angelica AJ

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Contact Sr.Anita   Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Residential BFF at Panaiyur, Chennai conducted from 28.03.2021-02.04.2021


It was the last day of the given date to fast and pray for Institutional Churches

I prayed on behalf of Warangal Constituency.

I was worshipping for long hours and then prayed those 20 pts one by one.

Bible promise given to this Warangal Constituency is Exodus 34:10

Then the LORD said: "I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the LORD, will do for you.

The Lord gave two instructions

(1) These days the churches have heard from you that they are wrong. But now on wards teach the truth to them. Don’t stress only about that they are wrong. Make an impression of the truth to them.

(2) Raise Child worship warriors on behalf of Telangana state.

Praise the Lord. Let us not be weary in doing good work. God bless you.

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 30,538  slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Security from Exterior and Interior Attacks

Psalm: 91:5,6 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

Have you ever thought what causes us to fear? Are we afraid of death? The answer is this bodily abode which is subject to all sorts of dangers! Not only people of this world but even saints of God have a fear while abiding in this ‘tabernacle’ of flesh. Let’s see how…

There are infinite fears attached with a person’s body – it is prone to attacks by diseases, enemy, torture—mental and physical, heat, cold, hunger, lusts, tiredness, restlessness, pain – they are endless.

Even the saints of God are conscious of not allowing any evil thought or temptation to enter into their minds. So, when they trust God and wear His armour, they overcome their corporal thoughts and all fears of flesh lose their significance, be it evil designs or attacks of enemy, any danger prowling in darkness, destructive elements etc.

Another reason is that they trust in the restoration powers of the Creator. Even if a loss occurs, the Sovereign Lord has the power to restore it!

When we trust our omnipotent God and abide in His Heavenly Home, all the terrors associated with flesh become insignificant, be it attacks of the evil one or infirmities of the flesh.

Psalms 112:7

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.

(Psalms 56:4, Psalms 56:3, 2 Chronicles 20:9, Psalms 103:3-4)

Book: Every Believer’s Security and Deliverance Manual

Author: Ritu Parveen Sharma

Paul School of Deliverance – Telangana


Sister Rani from Telangana was bed ridden due to cyst in the uterus.

Doctor suspected that could be Cancer.

So she was full of fear, was not able to walk and fully on bed.

During pandemic last year, she was informed to attend Deliverance School on the last day.

And the topic was Tearing down strong holds.

She realised that class was meant for her. She felt God spoke to her, During Practical Session, all her strong holds broke one by one.

Later she was called to attend Troop Church. In the Intercessory prayers, many prophesised cancer to go away in Jesus name.

She learnt the authority of resisting the devil.

Then result came negative. She became normal.

She also had syndrome that only mineral water can be consumed. But after deliverance practical, she started drinking normal water, nothing happened to her and she also started travelling after many months. The Holy Spirit convicted her of her mistakes, and she also reconciled with others and she was delivered from many bondages.

She joined BFF and attended many other Gift Schools also.

She was enlightened through the word of God.

Later she started many troops, raised many soldiers as leaders.

She also became BFF Coordinator.

Many People joined and became witness to Jesus Christ.

Glory to Jesus. Many Thanks to Jesus for His grace and Love.


I praise and thank God for all His mercy and grace upon my life. I joined BFF classes during lockdown in July 2020. During one of the meetings of our own local church, I mentioned about Army of Jesus and the amazing classes. The next day our church Pastor called me up and very sternly stopped me from joining any classes in AOJ and sent me a link in relation to information about Sister Angelica. He objected AOJ doctrines and condemned it as a cult.

I didn't want to leave in the middle of the classes so I continued. My husband also objected but still I didn't stop. Praise God.

Yesterday Pastor again called and he said he will visit us, since we are not attending any meetings or duties in church. He came today and we greeted him warmly. I thank God that Pastor didn't bring up anything about AOJ. We always give an offering envelope whenever Pastor visits our home. But this time we didn't give, in return he bought spices from us.

I thank God that His will was done. I give all glory to God.    

SOL. SHANKAR - As I was returning home I saw two ladies searching for someone close to his house. He approached them and asked whom they were searching for, to which they said that they were visiting all the houses to ask for donations to build a temple. Bro came home and asked his wife if anyone had come to which his wife said that nobody had come to their house. As the ladies were in their building Bro Shankar's wife Sol. Sejal was worshipping which was a barrier for those ladies.

Brother Rakesh from J & K had paralysis of the figures of his feet. After Prayers and sharing the Word of God, he was cured and could also feel the sensation of Pinch. But now the Problem had shifted to his Back and he had Pain in the Back. God showed Sis Nikita that he had gone to a Tantrik for healing. It is because of this OCCULT PRACTICE that he was getting such attacks. His one Hand & Leg used to get paralysed. Only while reading Bible it was ok. They told him to repent after which he got full healing. God increased his Faith. 

SOL. SHOBHA FROM J & K - This Sister is staying in Srinagar. She was unable to eat food for the past 9 months and was only having liquid diet. When Sis Nikita and her husband had gone on a trip to Srinagar, Sis Ruksana introduced them to Sis Shobha. They Prayed over her and asked her to have her meal in the name of Jesus Christ. She had dal rice without any problem. Next day they asked her to share chicken & rice with them. She was able to eat without any pain or problem. She is cured in the name of Jesus.

SOL. DR.HIMAKSHI - My daughter used to complain about pain in head frequently. I prayed and rebuked the spirit of headache according to Mathew 18:18 and Luke 10:19. And she was healed completely.  God told me to have complete faith on him. All glory to our living God. I and Jasmine aunty prayed together for my husband's transfer to Delhi and God did it miraculously.  Thank you Jesus. And now I have shifted by the grace of God.

I was praying to God to bless me with my own house and God bless me with my own house this year end as prophesied by sister Anju during the troop church. I was having a bad and severe cough for the last 3 months and through prayers I am healed. As the word says by his stripes we are healed. Amen.

I want to thank God for all the blessings in my life.

Thank you Jesus.

SOL KHUSHI - I want to thank the Lord for the vision 2020 where we had become strong in the Word of God. I want a blessing for all our leaders/seniors/soldiers who helped us in the word of God. Previously we used to look for pastors and church and others for our prayers and healings but after attending the classes of AOJ we have learnt a lot of things and have understood that we should only pray to God and work according to the word of God and love our Lord. Second commandment is to love our neighbours and we have learnt a lot from our neighbours.  In troop church we learnt that we should use our tongue to bless. Love your enemies and bless them. I want to thank all who helped me to connect directly to God. Now I pray for others with faith in Jesus name and things happen and I tell others to grow in the Word and Lord. I want to thank sis Jasmine, sis Usha, sis Angelica and others of BFF and financial discipline people who taught us and the teachings according to the word be multiplied in the our life. Amen

SOL. LORRAINE - Sol. Maria Daugikar's son had met with an accident 4months back and is still on treatment in Dubai. He was operated on his knee and the wound was not healing. Two days back the doctors saw the wound on his knee and said that as the wound was not healing they have to amputate the leg. Sol Maria asked the AOJ Soldiers of Goa to hold her son in prayer. On 28th January during morning prayer and worship the intercessory prayer was raised for Myron. Same day in the afternoon when the doctors opened the dressing they found that the wound was healing and there was no need of amputation. Al glory to our Lord Jesus Christ who is a prayer answering God.

SOL.JOHNSON SAMUEL born in a Christian family in Kerala as a younger brother of three sisters. My parents were God fearing and they brought us up God fearing. Every day morning prayers and evening prayers was a must in our home, very strictly disciplined us. We were members of Jacobite church and one of our family friends were Pentecost so Pentecost pastors also visited our home regularly. When I was 17, I was studying in class 12 a Pentecost pastor visited us and he stayed overnight because he wanted to take my father along with him somewhere the next day. That time I had a pain on my right foot and it was increasing day by day so my father gave me a massage on my foot as he was known to do the slip legs. In the next morning 4 am every one came to the middle room for prayer I was not able to stand on my feet due to pain. After prayers I called my father and told my situation and he tried to lift me up but I couldn't stand I fell on the ground, both my legs were paralyzed. The pastor prayed for me and asked is there is any reason of correction due to this situation arised. My mother informed that my father used to smoke regularly even when he go to church and she showed the bundles of beedi. Then pastor told my father to burn the bundles and don't do this again because your only sons life matters. By then my father never smoked till his last breath. Then pastor asked me God will heal you or want to take you to hospital, suddenly I thought no doctors can heal me but only my God. By the evening my full body got paralyzed and bedridden for more than a month. One Sunday pastor told that he won't drink or eat till Johnson walks and all the believers come at home and started prayers day and night. In one room where my bed was all the brothers and pastor was praying and in the next room all sisters. One of the sisters she was the pastors sister kept a rod near to my bed and told me whenever you want to stand take the help of rod and start praising God and start to walk.  Next Wednesday evening there was a shout from the sisters room and all the brothers went to sisters room which was the shout of my elder sister she was possessed with an evil spirit. The prayers and all were in Holy Spirit speaking other languages and rebuking the satan I couldn't stop me further to lay down. I started Praising and tried to pick the stick and rolled down and stand on my knees and started to walk with the help of stick and hold on the wall. By the time the evil spirit went and all opened their eyes and saw I am standing on the doors. Praise to God. The next Friday I walked 4 kms to church. All through these times there was pressures from my college, relatives, villagers to take me to hospital and people caught my father and threatened him to beat otherwise take me to hospital. But in front of all I walked to the church and I am standing on my feet till now by the grace of God. On 31 December 1984 I got water baptism and within 2 months my God baptised me with his Holy Spirit. All my family are Pentecost believers after my healing and one of my sisters is in full time ministry as a nun.  During these years I experienced so many healing and blessings of my Beloved God it cannot be expressed with few words. I joined AOJ in last month and in the beginning I didn't want to but after knowing the real vision of Sis Angelica and her preaching I got attracted and started attending meetings in North Region Isaac Group and also wished to share my experiences to my relatives and organise a troop church in Kerala. As I got opportunity to visit Kerala God guided me to start group with the help of other soldiers in AOJ. I surrender myself in the hands of my God to use me as I am not worthy to get this much but the grace of my God. I need prayers because I don't have much capabilities but whatever I have is from him only.   Praise be to God

TESTIMONY FRM BAHRAIN - Praise the Lord! I would like to testify about the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We were living as a family in the Kingdom of Bahrain. My husband was working in a Night Club and then was running a Night Club in Bahrain. Since it was not the will of God, we faced several hardships one after the other and finally we both got separated physically for 14 years and then legally separated for 7 years. We both came to know the Lord Jesus and got reunited again. My husband got transformed after attending the Shekinah, Eschol and Bethel classes of AOJ. We got again reunited in the court. We are now living happily together. We give all the Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

SOL.KURIEN PAUL- KERALA - Rubber basic price fixed.

Kerala state government has fixed a basic price for rubber ₹170/- per kg two weeks before, which is a big relief for the farmers. For a basic price we have prophesied earlier. It has been fulfilled now. All glory to God.

TESTIMONY FROM LADAKH : For a long time there was no one from Ladakh. In December 2020 I was given responsibility, though I had no clue how to proceed. Sis Bindu and Brother Elphin joined.

Within a week, Sis Bindu added Sister Cynthia who was doing ministry work among Soldiers in Ladakh. This was a very favourable beginning.

God further blessed us by Joining Col Monisha who is posted in Ladakh. Now she is attending various Gift Schools of AOJ. Her Children too are doing CBS. Besides her, there are Col Arun Kumar, Wg Cdr Anandam & Capt Edwin also who are joined in Various Courses. Brother Shibi who had back slided, is again joined and attended Joseph Troop Church his and Brother Jijimon’s Children are doing CBS & Courses. Pastor Sobichan & Pastor Tomy too have attended Joseph Troop Church. Pastor Sobichan himself with family and others known to him, are also now joined with various gift schools.

We have full faith that God will bless us more.

Thank You.

Praise the Lord

BRO AAKASH - The union people in the company were not raising our salaries and doing nothing for the workers.  On Monday we prayed and the Lord answered our prayers.

TESTIMONY FROM J & K - During Family building Class, a sister from Nepal sent prayer request for her to get her voter identification card which was held up since long, in spite of running around to many office and requesting it to be done. After Prayer she got her Voter ID Card easily. All Glory to God.

SOL. RATNA (GOA) 1. A brother from Abu Dhabi who attended the FRP was not able to get a life certificate for pension scheme. When they prayed, the Lord showed a vision about a clinic close to his house to Sol Ratna, so she asked the Bro about the clinic to which he said that the clinic is situated very close to his house. The next day Bro went to the clinic and asked for the life certificate which the Dr issued to him without any problem. All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  1. Sol. Ratna had invested in Manipal insurance and as the company had closed, she thought that the money was lost, but in December 2020 she received a letter saying that she will receive the money and shortly afterwards the cheque was received.
  2. Sol Ratna testified that the construction of their house in Hubli was stopped for reasons unknown, after prayer and casting out the spiritual darkness the construction has begun.
  3. As Sol Ratna was admitted in Manipal hospital in Goa for Covid the family was asked to pay a deposit of 1lakh. Since she is the wife of an ex- service-man, the treatment for her should be free so when they were asked to pay, they we're upset and sought the Lord's intervention and immediately they were informed that there was no need to pay any money.


  1. Praise the Lord. Shylaja from Telangana was a regular to Church services and was serving God with thrist. During pandemic time, she had an opportunity to attend Worship and Prophecy School.

And she was part of a Troop Church, During last week of Troop Anointing She received God's Anointing.

She got a call from God that she heard voice to proclaim the Gospel to the perishing souls.

Then she took decision to proclaim the Gospel everyday.

And it had happened to proclaim the Gospel everyday and the people who heard the Gospel started proclaiming to others. Especially to many youngsters she proclaimed the Gospel. Many sick people were healed.

Now she is one of a smp.

All Glory to Jesus Christ alone. Amen

  1. Praise the lord, God has done such a miraculous things in my life. I want to glorify his name because he is the God, the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob. All glory to the almighty father in Jesus name. My first is that my granny was told to do covid test because she was having cough, me and my family prayed for her to God and I was already having a faith that her covid test will be negative and as the test result came it was negative so, I give all glory to Jesus. Thank you Jesus for saving my grandma

SISTER JANNET LAWRENCE, DELHI - It was the time around 11 a.m. when I was doing my work, then suddenly received a call from Pune that one brother got paralysed and unable to talk and even his hands and whole body became so stiff that he could not help him out ,his wife called me said sister pray for my husband, and to be frankly say, it was told to me before one week about their family that devil is going to attack ,and I said to her also but I think she didn't take that much seriously I suppose, but I thank the all mighty God for his blessing that when I started praying through the phone, told the sister, we will take an oil and pray, and as you will apply, meanwhile I will pray and God will heal him, and soon his body got an electric shock and his eyes and hands were opened, Praise be to God. Now as he started walking but unable utter anything from his mouth, then God said to me, pray the water and give it to him, and as he received the water his throat is opened and started talking .All glory to God.

            Two weeks before when I was meditating my Bible then at 11 o'clock I received a call from Rajasthan, an elder son called me and said didi my brother is become blind, unable to see anything ,so please pray for it ,for me it was a challenge , because it was night time ,I cannot shout and pray but Heaven enabled me to pray with his power, and as I was praying God was releasing the healing , just I told him that I am going to say to bring the oil ,and I will pray and as you will put the oil on your eyes, at the same time I will pray and God will heal you .Praise be to God that he was healed in Jesus name.

All glory to God

SOL. SUCHI SMITA, SMLA, GURUGRAM - Jesus Christ helped me to emerge victorious in the battle against my office...as per his promise in 2 Cor 10:3-5.

He shut the mouth of all the leaders and gave me outstanding results related to my performance and helped me to stand in 2nd position in the month of March.

As vision seen by servant of God was fulfilled in my life and prophecy by servant of God was fulfilled in my life.

Our Lord is a Living God.

As his promise in Isaiah 32:27.I am the Lord God of all flesh is there anything too hard for me? Was fulfilled.

Romans 8:31God is for us who can be against us was fulfilled.

All honour, glory and praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bible prophecy: WW3 outbreak to mark arrival of ‘Red Rider’ of Revelation – claim

BIBLE prophecy about the end of the world speaks of death and destruction, and makes predictions about the Four Riders of the Apocalypse. Among the four harbingers of doom, some Christians believe the Red Rider will usher in the outbreak of World War 3.

Of the 80 books in the Old and New Testaments, the Book of Revelation holds some of the most worrying prophecies about the future. Penned by John the Apostle, Revelation contains the final chapters of the Holy Bible and is dedicated to prophetic visions outlining the final days of mankind before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Revelation speaks of natural cataclysms and plagues that will follow the arrival of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

The Four Horsemen or Riders are traditionally believed to represent war, famine, pestilence and death.

Revelation 6, for instance, reads: "Then I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, 'Come!'

"I looked, and behold, there was a white horse.

"The one riding on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him. He went out as a conqueror so he might conquer."

The scripture then says a rider bathed in "fiery red" appeared after the second seal was broken.

This rider was armed with a "great sword" and was "permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people would slaughter one another".

According to the Christian conspiracy theory blog Bible Prophecy - Signposts of the Times, this is the personification of war.

Commenting on contemporary world events and the horrors of World War 1 and 2, the blog bizarrely claimed a third global conflict could be brewing in line with biblical prophecy.

The blog's authors, Duane and Shelley Muir of Williams Lake, Canada, wrote: "The Apostle John recorded this future for us in the pages of Revelation and noted it as a rider on a Red Horse who would take peace from the planet and wars would ensue, (the time of Jacob's Troubles - Tribulation).

"God will once again give mankind free reign to make choices going forward.

"But spitefulness will build to hate, and hate will build to aggression which leads to war.

"It is only Jesus Christ who is able to bring peace upon the Earth, which he will do so during his future Millennial reign."

According to scripture, Jesus Christ will triumphantly return to Earth one day to vanquish the forces of evil once and for all.

The Second Coming will then usher in Christ's 1,000-year kingdom on Earth.

The blog said: "If you truly want peace, seek the peace of Jesus Christ.

"Turn to him and become a follower of the one that is able to bring about a world as it should be."

However, not all Christians believe modern-day events serve as parallels for what the Bible said will happen one day.

Some theologians outright reject attempts to try and predict the Second Coming by applying passages from scripture to daily news reports and historical events.

According to Stephen Witmer, pastor of the Pepperell Christian Fellowship in Pepperell, Massachusetts, there is a lesson to be learned in patiently waiting for Christ's return.

He said: "When our waiting for Jesus is founded on God’s promise, we draw our confidence from the dependability of the one who has made the promise."



Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones ?  Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, assist them and  also solomnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.  

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatApp message or email.

Contact Particulars :




1 T.LESLIE 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com
2 JOHNSON 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 MANOHARAN 9840925993 premano@yahoo.com
4 PREMA MANOHARAN 9444848387
By Post to Bro T.LESLIE, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

      Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  CHENNAI - 600 064







M 11-04-1974 MA, MSW, B.Ed. Teacher Believer





M 08-10-1990 BE Mech. Worshipper God fearing &




KANAGA SHEEBA (PONDICHERY) F 19-01-1995 B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc Teacher God fearing

Secured job

AOJ MATRIMONY PROFILE  - Click here to download the AOJ Matrimony Form

Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamilnadu Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 


Sol. Tagam &

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &


& Sol.Sujatha

Sol. Jyothi &

 Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl.No Activity Wing Coordinator  2020 Contact Number Coordinator  2021 Contact  no
1 24 Hours Worship Sol. Johny 9840154775
2 Bethesda National School of Healing Dr. Albert Jones 9840577293 In charge of 7 wings 9840577293
3 Shadow Parli (National) Sol. Arvind 9822181817 In charge of 5 wings 9822181817
4 National School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol. Benjamin 9003021979 In charge of 7 wings 9003021979
5 David National School of Worship Sol. Theodore 9840154775 In charge of  5 wings 9840154775
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish 9930804564
7 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
8 National School of Prophecy Sol. Beno 8220123810 In charge of 7 wings 8220123810
9 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma
10 Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr. Sujatha 90031 82275
11 Troop Church  Sol. Olivia  9894229271
12 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson 9840544151
13 BFF Sr. Anitta 9094921714
14 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel 9554957866
15 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix 7358420497
16 Documentation Sol. Jevika 70217 35318
17 Children  Bible School) Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Sol. Jeslyn 8124677493      Sol. Paul Vasanthan           8124677493
18 Matrimony Sol. Leslie 9444907772
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac 9361197303
20 Wind Wing Sol. Antony 9940141030

Volume 9 Issue 14

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

At the end of that time they were to stand before the king   

Dan 1:17  As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. 

Here the Lord gave a strategy for us.

Youths – not age wise but  those who wait upon the Lord.  (Is 40:28-30)

Dan 1:3-5  Then the king commanded Ashpenaz, his chief eunuch, to bring some of the people of Israel, both of the royal family and of the nobility,  youths without blemish, of good appearance and skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding learning, and competent to stand in the king's palace, and to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans.  The king assigned them a daily portion of the food that the king ate, and of the wine that he drank. They were to be educated for three years, and at the end of that time they were to stand before the king. 

Selection is to be made from

  1. Royal family – (1 Peter 2:9)
  2. Of nobility – (Is 61:6)
  3. Youths without blemish (Jude 1:24, Rev. 14:5)
  4. Of good appearance (Jer 17:10, 1 Sam 16:7)
  5. Skilful in all wisdom (2 Chr 2:13-14)
  6. Endowed with knowledge (Is 11:1,2)
  7. Understanding learning (Pro 1:5, 9:9)
  8. Competent to stand in the king's palace (Esther 5:2)

They were given a daily portion of the food that the king ate.

These  trainees were  to be given special training for three months. They will be educated for three months and at the end of it  they will stand before the  king to serve him.

These Trainees  will be chosen from the various States of India

            They will be given 15 minutes prayer and classes every day for 3 months (90 days)

 90 Teachers will be chosen for this.

  1. Rest of the time 23 hrs 45 mnts they can prepare themselves in Daniel Academy by prayer, meditation of the word, good deeds, loving God, and loving their neighbour.

The Test came at the end.

Dan 2:5-6  The king answered and said to the Chaldeans,

“The word from me is firm: if you do not make known to me the dream and its interpretation, you shall be torn limb from limb, and your houses shall be laid in ruins. 

Dan 2:6  But if you show the dream and its interpretation, you shall receive from me gifts and rewards and great honor. Therefore show me the dream and its interpretation.”

The king had all right to demand this from the trainees.

After a long conversation  with the king,  the magicians came to a conclusion

Dan 2:11  “The thing that the king asks is difficult, and no one can show it to the king except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh.” 

Even the magicians knew that there is one  true God “whose dwelling is not with the flesh”

They  acknowledged  indirectly that they  served other gods.

Dear soldiers, we are the privileged class  who are called out to worship the true God.

He dwells  among us,  through His Son Jesus Christ who became flesh.   

And  through His Spirit we are given the mysteries of the Kingdom,  and are enabled to  interpret all visions and dreams. All glory to God.

Sr. Angelica AJ

Nazareth School of Family Building

Himachal Pradesh

Family Building School was conducted from 24.03.2021 to 01.04.2021 on Zoom (online) with 28 participants in Himachal Pradesh.

SOL.NITU SINGH from Bihar shared that by God’s grace, her 10 year old son, Vishal is able to pray using English words now after attending troop church and family building classes. Glory to God.

SOL. MAHENDRA KIRTANIYA from Dehradun, Uttrakhand, got the revelation during the classes that all kinds of hindrances and obstacles in his life was due to the curses and unforgiveness of sins. He learnt how to break the curses and go into repentence for others sins. Glory to God.

SOL. LAJWANTI from Dehradun, gave thanks to God for healing her from severe toothache during the classes. She praised and thanked God for His healing touch. All glory to God. Praise the Lord.

Uttar Pradesh

Family Building School was conducted from 24.03.2021 to 01.04.2021 on Zoom (online) with 29 participants in Uttar Pradesh.

SOL. BASANTI, from Greater Noida shared that during the classes, she prayed for her husband to return home. From last year he was unable to get leave from work. She praised God that he arrived home just yesterday from the military camp. Glory to God.

SOL. GUDIA from M.P. testified that though someone had shared about Jesus to her, she didn’t give time to the Lord. When she joined the family building classes, she received healing and the desire to sit at the feet of Jesus. All glory to God. Praise the Lord.

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Contact Sr.Anita   Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


Praise the lord.

This is the unbelievable miracle, yesterday evening 8 o'clock to 11 o'clock the doctor tried every means possible and administered all the medicine to this boy but he didn’t pass urine and doctor said if  he doesn’t pass urine, take him to Kolhapur or Goa GMC but after prayer, God has done a great  miracle and with all your prayer the boy passed urine. 

This is the great miracle. That made again strong in their faith. Thanks to all the friends for prayers.  Swelling is coming down, thanks be to the Lord. I Thank you for your prayers

The answer to prayer request came within 20 minutes last night.


Divine Plumage – Twin Benefits of Love and Protection

Psalm: 91:3. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

In our lives, we see visible forces at play and most people of this world trust only in what they can ‘see’. They live as a human society where they expect to meet their needs by a material ‘give’ and ‘take’.

But the ‘citizens’ of heaven place their trust in their Creator and believe in the ‘unseen’ provisions of their Heavenly Father (Jehovah-Jireh ->The Provider). [Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.(Hebrews 11:1)]

For their security, the Lord’s feathers are all they need.

They also epitomize ‘divine comfort’ and ‘warmth of love’ which human societies cannot provide as they are driven by material motives. They have complete confidence that since they have sought refuge under His wings, their safety and peace is assured.

Also, they wear an armour of God i.e., His truth and faithfulness as a shield and buckler for them signifying divine protection which the forces of this world can never break or overcome!

[11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.(Ephesians 6:11-13)]

  • The inhabitants of Heavenly Father’s dwelling have the advantage of being covered with His Divine Plumage. Under His Wings, not only do they get protection from enemies and dangers but they feel the warmth of His Divine Love which surpasses the false or flickering love of the dwellers of this world. Also, under His Wings they are assured health, healing and restoration.

Psalms 36:7 How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.

(Psalms 68:5-6, 10, 13, Psalms 57:1, Psalms 61:4, Psalms 57:1, Ruth 2:12, Psalms 61:4, Psalms 63:7, Malachi 4:2)

  • The question arises how do we transfer ourselves to the Heavenly realms while still staying on this earth? It is through faith in the sovereign and benevolent Creator. And once we trust Him and abide with Him, we are given an armour symbolising Divine Protection.

Psalms 3:3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

(Ephesians 6:16, Psalms 18:30, Psalms 18:2, Proverbs 2:7, Psalms 33:20, Proverbs 30:5, Psalms 84:9, Psalms 84:11, Psalms 115:11, Psalms 5:12, Psalms 28:7, Deuteronomy  33:29, Psalms 115:9, Proverbs 30:5)

Book: Every Believer’s Security and Deliverance Manual

Author: Ritu Parveen Sharma

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 30,538  slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

END OF THE WORLD: Jerusalem third temple ‘fulfils Biblical prophecy’ of the end times

THE End of the world is said to follow the construction of a third Jewish Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which according to some, will be a prophetic sign of the biblical apocalypse.

Christian prophecies about the end of the world predict a Third Holy Temple will be built in Jerusalem in the end days. End of the world eschatology claims the Third Temple will rise before the biblical apocalypse. Many Christian evangelists and preachers believe the Third Temple is also linked to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Discussions of the end times approaching were sparked in November 2018 in response to a letter penned by the Jewish assembly of rabbis known as the Sanhedrin.

Jerusalem at the time was in the grips of a mayoral election and the Sanhedrin urged both running candidates, Ofer Berkovich and Moshe Lion, to rebuild the temple.

The first two Holy Temples of Jerusalem were constructed on the city’s Temple Mount centuries ago but were destroyed by the Babylonians and the Romans respectively.

The Holy Temple plays a crucial role in Jewish tradition and is a central player in prophecies and tales concerning the apocalypse.

Christian pastor and doomsday preacher Paul Begley has claimed the signs of the end times are coming to fruition.

The Indiana-based preacher said: “The rabbis of the Sanhedrin court are calling both mayor candidates to include in their plans for this city the rebuilding of the third temple.

“Folks, this is as close to Biblical prophecy – I don’t know what else to say.

“That’s how close it’s getting and if you’re a Christian, you’re saying: ‘Wow, the Messiah is coming’

“There’s no doubt about it. Jesus of Nazareth, the saviour of the world, is going to return.”

Pastor Begley enthusiastically claimed we are now living “in the last days”.

According to Irvin Baxter of the EndTime Ministries, the third Holy Temple will be rebuilt in the last seven years of the world’s existence.

The doomsday preacher said this will happen in the first three years of the end times and will be the “most visible sign” of the end times finally arriving.

Mr Baxter said: “As that cornerstone is laid on the Temple Mount, every network on Earth will be televising this incredible event.”

And Rick Brinegar and Dave Robbins of the Endtime Ministries said: “The Bible prophesies, in many places, that a Third Temple will be built in the near future.

"In Matthew 24:1-2, Jesus tells His disciples that the Second Temple would be utterly destroyed.

"From Matthew 24:3 throughout the rest of the chapter, Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives overlooking the Second Temple, while He prophesied of events that would occur near the time of His Second Coming."

In the 2017 book World Empire and the Return of Jesus Christ, author Simon Downing wrote: “Dispensationalism also accommodates into its teaching the belief that the Jews must rebuild their Temple.

“The building of the ‘Third Temple’ is therefore at the heart of Dispensationalism; even though it recognises that the Beast will desecrate it before the coming of Christ and the Millennium.

“Already many Third Temple vessels and artefacts are being prepared for the bloody sacrifices of the animals that will occur in that Temple.”

Claims of biblical prophecy regarding the Third Temple are also linked to Jeremiah 33.

The scripture reads: “Behold, days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will fulfil the good word which I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

“In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch of David to spring forth; and He shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth.

“In those days Judah shall be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell in safety; and this is the name by which she shall be called: the LORD is our righteousness.’

“For thus says the LORD, ‘David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel; and the Levitical priests shall never lack a man before Me to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings, and to prepare sacrifices continually.”

The bible also teaches of the Third Temple returning to Israel in Daniel 9:72.

The scripture reads: “And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.”

Amos, an Old Testament prophet, is also believed to have predicted the rise of a Third Temple in the future.

Amos 9:11 reads: “In that day I will restore David’s fallen shelter - I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins - and will rebuild it as it used to be.”

And Isaiah 2:2-3 reads: “In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.

“Many peoples will come and say, ’Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob.

"He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.’ The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

Dr David R Reagan of the Lamb and Lion Ministries also said: “The Apostle Paul mentions it when he declares that the ‘man of lawlessness’ will profane the temple by entering it and declaring himself to be God – 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.

"The Third Temple is also mentioned in the book of Revelation when John is told to measure it – a symbolic way of telling him to assess its spiritual condition – Revelation 11:1-2.”

Fears of the world coming to an end were also sparked when a snake was seen slithering out of the Western Wall.

Conspiracists interpreted the snake’s arrival as the third of three unusual signs foretelling the apocalypse – the other two being the birth of a red heifer cow in Israel and fish returning to the Dead Sea.

Pastor Begley said: “Give your life to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is coming soon.

“I’ll be coming back with more. May there be peace in Jerusalem.”

Sheila Mitchell who saw Pastor Begley’s YouTube announcement said: “Let’s get ready our Lord and saviour is coming back, amen.”

And Stephanie Mytrosevich said: “I can't even begin to express my longing for Christ's return."

In his 2017 book, When The Third Temple is Built, author Nicklas Arthur wrote: “What a relief to know that even though there is no Rapture escape we may only super such time as all the saints of history were subject to.

“Some lived and died in relative peace, some suffered deprivations and others were tortured and martyred.

“Most of the prophecy in the book of The Revelation, inclusion the six vials we have reviewed in our chapter six, have been fulfilled in history.

“We are now near the end of the era immediately preceding the Return of Christ for His Millennial Reign.”

There are, however, those who claim the end of the world cannot be predicted from holy scripture.

According to BibleInfo.com, the Bible outright states the date of Jesus’ return is not known.

Matthew 24:36 reads: "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

Matthew 24:42 later states: “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”

Matthew 24:44 also reads: “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”

And according to the National Catholic Reporter, the Catholic Pontiff Pope Francis believes the world will come to an end in peace and not total destruction.

In 2014, the head of the Catholic Church said: “God is preparing a new dwelling place and a new Earth where justice will abide, and whose blessedness will answer and surpass all the longings for peace which spring up in the human heart.

“This is where the church is heading. More than a place, it is a state of the soul where our deepest aspirations will be fulfilled with abundance.”

The Pope also said humans will come “face-to-face” with God at the end of it all.

What will happen to the Third Temple in the end days?

According to the Book of Revelation, the Second Coming of Christ will result in the temple’s ultimate destruction.

A great earthquake will split the ground open beneath Jerusalem and mountains and islands will be displaced.

Revelation 6:12-17 reads: “I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth made from hair, and the whole moon became like blood; and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind.

“The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

“Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; and they said to the mountains and to the rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?’”

What does the Bible say about the end of the world?

No one knows the time or date of the apocalypse but the Bible’s Book of Revelation outlines the events that will unfold at the end times.

The Book of Revelation 1:1-8 reads: “The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.

“He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw - that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.”

End of the world: Jerusalem third temple fulfils Bible prophecy - Shock claim | Weird | News | Express.co.uk



Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones ?  Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, assist them and  also solomnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.  

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatApp message or email.

Contact Particulars :




1 T.LESLIE 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com
2 JOHNSON 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 MANOHARAN 9840925993 premano@yahoo.com
4 PREMA MANOHARAN 9444848387
By Post to Bro T.LESLIE, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

      Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  CHENNAI - 600 064







M 11-04-1974 MA, MSW, B.Ed. Teacher Believer





M 08-10-1990 BE Mech. Worshipper God fearing &




KANAGA SHEEBA (PONDICHERY) F 19-01-1995 B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc Teacher God fearing

Secured job

AOJ MATRIMONY PROFILE  - Click here to download the AOJ Matrimony Form

Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamilnadu Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 


Sol. Tagam &

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &


& Sol.Sujatha

Sol. Jyothi &

 Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl.No Activity Wing Coordinator  2020 Contact Number Coordinator  2021 Contact  no
1 24 Hours Worship Sol. Johny 9840154775
2 Bethesda National School of Healing Dr. Albert Jones 9840577293 In charge of 7 wings 9840577293
3 Shadow Parli (National) Sol. Arvind 9822181817 In charge of 5 wings 9822181817
4 National School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol. Benjamin 9003021979 In charge of 7 wings 9003021979
5 David National School of Worship Sol. Theodore 9840154775 In charge of  5 wings 9840154775
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish 9930804564
7 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
8 National School of Prophecy Sol. Beno 8220123810 In charge of 7 wings 8220123810
9 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma
10 Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr. Sujatha 90031 82275
11 Troop Church  Sol. Olivia  9894229271
12 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson 9840544151
13 BFF Sr. Anitta 9094921714
14 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel 9554957866
15 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix 7358420497
16 Documentation Sol. Jevika 70217 35318
17 Children  Bible School) Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Sol. Jeslyn 8124677493      Sol. Paul Vasanthan           8124677493
18 Matrimony Sol. Leslie 9444907772
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac 9361197303
20 Wind Wing Sol. Antony 9940141030

Volume 9 Issue 13

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

You do not know the work of God

Ecc 11:5-6  As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything. 

Yesterday 22.3.2021 two young men came from a village,  to meet the  Sisters without any appointment. They were directed by a silent soldier in AoJ. Since I had a class that day,  I could give them only little time to them.

One of them started sharing a vision  he received  last week.

He saw a small water tub with little water but many fishes in it. They were all  gold  fishes  but about to die without enough water. He caught them in his hand and talked to them,

“I won’t kill you or harm you. Don’t be afraid”

Little by little , he caught all of them and put them safely in  a well which was seen close by.

After catching the gold fishes, underneath was another variety , black in colour, huge amount. He did the same to them also. He caught  them and  told them, “I won’t kill you or harm you”. Same way he did to them too. Thirdly he saw at the bottom of the tub many fishes in a vulnerable situation of dying. He did the same to them. When he came out after saving all the fishes  in the tub,  he saw a huge field, with  no borders. It was so vast an area  and  its length and width was not measurable with his eyes.  These fields were full of fishes , suffocating  without enough water, and at the verge of  dying.

His heart was burdened  on this vision. He started praying in the early morning hours from 3.00 am onwards. The Lord showed him the villages of India. The Lord  started speaking with  him about a strategy by which  the people  in the villages could be saved and brought to salvation.

He saw  how people are tied up by satan  in the villages, and their various bondages. He was asked to pray for them with  fasting.

“Now the Lord has brought me here. Kindly instruct us what to do”   He asked.

Of course this is a clear picture of souls dying  in India without Jesus.

Another pleasant surprise in this was, the boys came from the  same village, which   the SMP stepped into for the first time , about 2weeks ago to start a Troop Church .  I had also accompanied him. They welcomed us warmly, promised to continue it for the next 8 weeks. 

Now the Lord has raised a group of these young men who were quite unaware of us, and about our visit to a village in the same  district.

We were surprised at how the Lord is mindful of every effort we put into His Kingdom work.

These boys are ready to work in the  villages of  their district in Tamil Nadu.

In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good. Eccle 11:6

Wherever  you sow the seed, the Lord is ready to make it grow. I even remember the years of 2005-2006 when we visited  many villages in the same district and had sown the seeds of Gospel.  . The seeds sown then,  have sprouted up without our knowledge, grown up and now giving fruits.

Let us continue to sow and  reap a huge harvest.

Mar 4:26  And he said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.” 

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Contact Sr.Anita   Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

BFF 608th Batch, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh

Fasting Prayer for Constituency

25th March 2 to 5 pm - Sister Apila from Nagaland conducted a fasting prayer alone on 25th March

As I was into worship I saw a ray of light shining upon the cross of JESUS

Prayer on point 3, I saw a transparent window glass and a newspaper on

Point 8, got a Verse from James 2 :5-7

Point 16, got a Verse from Isaiah 57:13

And in my closing prayer I got a Verse from Isaiah 49:7

All Glory to God

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

On 17.03.2021, we prayed for closure of this Sex Toy Shop. God answered our prayer. Thank You Jesus

Nazareth School of Family Building at Saranthangi, Madurai on 20.03.2021

Nazareth School of Family Building at Umachikulam, Madurai on 21.03.2021

Youth Counselling at Umachikulam, Madurai

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Deliverance from Enemies and Affliction

Psalm: 91:3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence

When we trust Him and lodge in our Heavenly home, He rescues us from all ‘storms’ of life. Like an eagle, His farsighted vision can see all approaching dangers and protect us before they can harm us. When we become the partakers of His divine blessings, then even the deadliest diseases fail to harm us in any way! His presence is all-sufficient to drive out all possible fears – whether of enemy, adversity, sickness etc.

When we make God’s abode as our dwelling, He delivers us from the evil plans of the wicked people. Since nothing can escape His eye, He rescues His dear children from the trap of the enemies and always keeps them safe.

Ezekiel 34:28 - And they shall no more be a prey to the heathen, neither shall the beast of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and none shall make them afraid.  (Psalms 124:7-8)

 Isaiah 33:24 -No sickness can touch the inhabitants of the Heavenly Dwelling. Also, their strength gets renewed each day!

And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity. (Hosea 14:7)

Book: Every Believer’s Security and Deliverance Manual

Author: Ritu Parveen Sharma

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 30,454  slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)


Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones ?  Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, assist them and  also solomnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.  

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatApp message or email.

Contact Particulars :




1 T.LESLIE 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com
2 JOHNSON 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 MANOHARAN 9840925993 premano@yahoo.com
4 PREMA MANOHARAN 9444848387
By Post to Bro T.LESLIE, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

      Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  CHENNAI - 600 064







M 11-04-1974 MA, MSW, B.Ed. Teacher Believer





M 08-10-1990 BE Mech. Worshipper God fearing &




KANAGA SHEEBA (PONDICHERY) F 19-01-1995 B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc Teacher God fearing

Secured job

AOJ MATRIMONY PROFILE  - Click here to download the AOJ Matrimony Form

Turkey is ‘unintentionally paving way’ to End Times prophecy, expert claims

BIBLE prophecy about the Euphrates River drying up before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world may be unintentionally unfolding in Turkey, a scripture expert has astonishingly claimed.

The Holy Bible highlights a number of events that will unfold before, during and after the triumphant Second Coming of Jesus Christ. According to Christian belief, the Son of God will return in the End Days to establish a 1,000-year kingdom on Earth and take up His seat of power in Jerusalem. Before this happens, however, the Bible warns the Antichrist will first arise to deceive mankind and usurp power.

Upon the Second Coming, a scripture expert has told Express.co.uk Christ will lay waste the Antichrist's armies and slay the great deceiver in the final battle of good and evil, at Armageddon.

Leading into these events, the Bible's Book of Revelation says the mighty River Euphrates will dry up, opening up Jerusalem for an attack.

The Euphrates is one of the longest and most important rivers in the world, having nurtured the cradle of civilisation in Western Asia.

The river cuts across Iraq, Syria and Turkey, and together with the River Tigris, defined the lands of Mesopotamia, which means "land of rivers".

Tom Meyer, a professor of Bible studies at Shasta Bible College and Graduate School in California, US, has now claimed the construction of a dam in Turkey may unintentionally cause the river to dry up and set Biblical prophecy in motion.

The Bible expert said: "The construction of a series of dams in Turkey which culminated with the great Ataturk Dam (1983-1990), one of the world’s largest dams, could be unintentionally paving the way for the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy within our lifetimes.

"The vast majority of the mighty Euphrates River’s annual flow originates within the nation of Turkey.

"The Euphrates is a great river, over 1,800 miles long, stretching from its source in eastern Turkey, through Syria and Iraq, and terminating in the Persian Gulf.

"The Euphrates plays a significant part in Biblical history and prophecy."

The Euphrates runs north of Israel, which according to Professor Meyer is the direction from which Israel's historical foes - except Egypt - have attacked.

To the west of the Holy Land, the Mediterranean Sea provides a natural barrier and to the east are miles upon miles of desert.

Professor Meyer said: "The prophecy with which we are concerned relates to the sixth out of seven bowl judgments recorded in the book of Revelation and will occur shortly before the glorious Second Coming of Christ when he slays the Antichrist and establishes his literal 1,000-year reign in Jerusalem (Revelation 16:12).

"According to Revelation, the great Euphrates River will literally dry up so that the kings from the east can march their armies toward Jerusalem without hindrance in order to partake in the final great battle against Jerusalem: Armageddon.

“The Ataturk Dam can be shut off, thus causing the river to dry up downstream and allow the armies of the Antichrist to attack the Holy Land from the north."

The 554ft-tall (169m) damn stands in the southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, on the borders of two provinces.

And there is a historic precedent of Turkey using the damn to block off the river.

In 1990, for instance, Turkey blocked the Euphrates to fill up the Lake Ataturk Dam, an artificial reservoir.

Professor Meyer said: "This act, which occurred in our lifetime, caused the nations downstream to suffer water shortages and blame Turkey for weaponizing water, a precious resource in the Fertile Crescent.

"The technology already in place to stop the Euphrates River from flowing could be another piece of the puzzle that makes the fulfilment of the book of Revelation in our lifetime a terrifying prospect.

"Of course, before these apocalyptic events unfold on the global stage, Christians will be 'raptured' or taken suddenly to heaven by Christ himself to escape the awful divine judgment to come."

Professor Meyer has previously thought Express.co.uk of the events that will lead to the Rapture.

Professor Meyer is a Bible expert who is also known as the Bible Memory Man after he memorised more than 20 books from the Bible.


Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamilnadu Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 


Sol. Tagam &

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &


& Sol.Sujatha

Sol. Jyothi &

 Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl.No Activity Wing Coordinator  2020 Contact Number Coordinator  2021 Contact  no
1 24 Hours Worship Sol. Johny 9840154775
2 Bethesda National School of Healing Dr. Albert Jones 9840577293 In charge of 7 wings 9840577293
3 Shadow Parli (National) Sol. Arvind 9822181817 In charge of 5 wings 9822181817
4 National School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol. Benjamin 9003021979 In charge of 7 wings 9003021979
5 David National School of Worship Sol. Theodore 9840154775 In charge of  5 wings 9840154775
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish 9930804564
7 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare 9003771216
8 National School of Prophecy Sol. Beno 8220123810 In charge of 7 wings 8220123810
9 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma
10 Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr. Sujatha 90031 82275
11 Troop Church  Sol. Olivia  9894229271
12 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson 9840544151
13 BFF Sr. Anitta 9094921714
14 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel 9554957866
15 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix 7358420497
16 Documentation Sol. Jevika 70217 35318
17 Children  Bible School) Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Sol. Jeslyn 8124677493      Sol. Paul Vasanthan           8124677493
18 Matrimony Sol. Leslie 9444907772
19 ECC Sol. Shadrac 9361197303
20 Wind Wing Sol. Antony 9940141030

Volume 9 Issue 12

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

For righteousness sake

Mat 5:6  “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. 

As our body hunger and thirst for food and water, certain people in the society exhibit hunger and thirst to get  righteousness and justice established in the society.

While I was travelling in a train, there was a lady vendor selling coriander leaves. She was taking them in bulk from one State to another for selling them in a market. Since she did not get time to wash the leaves before she packed, she thought of doing it in the train. She took it to the toilet and was washing it there placing  them on the wash basin and using whatever space she had. Many passengers saw it but one of them started shouting at her,

“Is this the way you clean these leaves which we are going to use uncooked for our food? I will sue you in the consumer court. How dare you wash these  leaves which is used raw in our food, inside  the toilet and toilet water?

This person, I am sure is not going to buy or use the leaves from the market because he got down before the lady. But he was fighting for the cause of the society. Even though everybody knew what she did was wrong, others were bothered much about it.

We see many such incidents in the society. We identify these people because they have a different spirit in them. Because they raise questions and condemn the wrongdoings in a society, they will have to undergo many persecutions. Even the beneficiaries of the cause  they stand for, may not stand with them for fear of ill reputation or losing their names or other privileges in the society.  “Fighting for Righteousness” is a gift of the Holy Spirit.

Joh 16:8  And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment

 In the Beatitude there is another verse

 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”  Mat 5:10 

Unless chosen by God, nobody can stand for righteousness. Let us ask for the Gift of Righteousness so that our society will have the heavenly standard,  people will become aware of their rights, will live with dignity and will never yield  their self respect to human leaders who want to manipulate them.

Testimony of Deepti Ruda from Rajaulhatu Namkom,Ranchi., Jharkhand

Deepti Ruda is a chosen daughter of God through whom God has opened the way for us to conduct the Hospitality Gift School in various places. Praise the Lord.

Deepti is from the Namkom region of Rajaulahatu Gagari village which is located in the beautiful Ranchi district of  Jharkhand state. Deepti is 18 years of age. .She was possessed by evil spirits for 7 years .The evil spirit would clearly identify herself as Nandini whose dialect clearly showed that there was a spirit of jealousy  in it.

 Concerning the voice of Deepti, the evil spirit used to say that she will not permit her progress and would completely ruin her. Also, she refused to leave her. It destroyed Deepti’s quality of womanhood. So when there was praise and worship, Deepti would be left behind.

But we need to thank God that  in a miraculous way He made it possible for us to meet her. In order to speed up the work of Hospatility Gift School, We met with them every day and prayed to God...As a result of this, our gracious Heavenly Father had  pity for this child, We came to her house and prayed with fasting for 3 days  with the whole family along with his parents, in which 3 members of the neighborhood joined us. We had a blessed time of praise and worship. Then we also conducted a class of hospitality. It was a joyous time and God’s presence was amongst us.

A woman of the neighbourhood named  Dulari Bhenkra got the gift of speaking in other tongues. Her daughter , Suman also got healed from the effects of an accident she met in the past.This place became the place of God's presence, and Deepti experienced intense healing. 

Sister Neelam was also in constant contact. Deepti would get attacks of fits of 2-3 minutes.We all prayed and the child got delivered of her ailment. The stomach ache subsided. The menstrual cycle only needs to start but this too will be achieved as satan is defeated and our Lord Jesus has won the victory for us.

Thus, after the appointment of SMLA for Namkom region and Hospatility coordinator for Jharkhand, a historic day in the AOJ was that we started a Troop Church in Deepti’s house with 10 members. The name of Troop Church is   DAVID Troop Church started in Rajaulhatu Namkom,Ranchi. Jharkhand. Truly, our God is an awesome God!


Refuge and Fortress –Reward of Trusting Him  

I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Those who trust in the Father are aware of His sovereign power. They know that the One with Whom they have come to seek refuge will never leave them nor forsake them and protect them from all perils. He did it for the Israelites when He led them in the wilderness for forty years. He is the same Father today and forever……

The Sovereign Lord is the most powerful refuge and fortress Who protects and defends all those who come seeking Him. As a child seeks comfort and protection in the loving embrace of his mother, our Abba Father is a refuge for all those who place their trust in Him.

Deuteronomy 33:27

The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them. (Psalms 9:9, Psalms 144:2, Psalms 48:3, Psalms 94:22, Psalms 46:11, Psalms 62:7, Psalms 46:1, 2 Samuel 22:3, Psalms 59:16, Isaiah 25:4, Psalms 31:3)

How often are we betrayed in our lives by the people of this world? It is not easy to find a reliable person in this world. But trust in the Heavenly Father never goes unrewarded. We often pour out our heart to people who are least interested in our affairs. Instead, we should place a direct call to the Sovereign Lord Who is not only the most powerful but also true to His promises.

Psalms 62:8

Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

(Psalms 31:14, Psalms 18:2, 2 Samuel 22:2, 3)

Book: Every Believer’s Security and Deliverance Manual

Author: Ritu Parveen Sharma

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Contact Sr.Anita   Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Testimonies Of Martha School Of Hospitality, Maharashtra

POOJA BHAJANWATE FROM SURAT  Though I have learnt about faith, deliverance, prophecy etc., but what I have learnt today is most significant that if we have any knowledge we don’t have to directly fire on anyone. I learnt from that if a person is volcanic we have to be patient and wait for him to cool down. After that only we need to address the person and try to correct him. Also, I learnt from that we should not be intimidated as David was not afraid of Goliath. We don’t have to look behind but move forward.

SNEHA CHAVNKE Learnt about the significance of love taught by. Everyone wants to be loved in various ways eg. hugging, receiving gifts, getting care and concern etc. Also I learnt about character and morality and how to keep away from adultery and fornication. I had never learnt such lessons before. Also, I learnt about determination. I was shy in coming up and speaking but now I am confident that the power of God working in me can achieve everything. Now I will not restrict myself to praying and worshipping at home only but will speak before others in troop churches etc.,

AARTI  VAGH I learnt that we should not be hungry for power and money. Also, we should say no to nothing while undertaking something. My son would always encourage me for that. We have to walk God the guide. We should have positive thinking. I learnt things in an entirely new way. I have found this as the most important class. I really needed to learn these teachings.

I understood the four steps of love. I never got my parent’s love and always longed for someone’s love. I would embrace the bible and keep crying.

I learnt that we should pray and be patient while dealing with difficult people. We should be determined and go ahead with doing God’s work and what we want to achieve in life.

I got motivated to go to a demon possessed place where it was so powerful that things keep falling, voices are heard, light flicker even though there is no electricity connection. I was discouraged by others to go to that place. But now I am confident that I can take authority and drive out those demonic spirits. Because of my strong faith in the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I was not attacked and could overcome.

So along with the gifts, the fruits of the Spirit are very significant.

Sol Johny’s Engagement with Amulu

Nazareth School of Family Building at Thiruvanamali on 13.03.2021

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Ten steps for forgiveness

      1.Feel the pain, hurt, resentment  , bitterness and hate .

Matthew 5:4

Blessed are those who mourn,

    for they will be comforted.

  1. Submit yourself to God, recalling how Christ forgave you.

Luke 23:33,34

When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left.

 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots

Colossians 3:13

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

  1. Ask for Christ's grace and power to forgive.

Luke 11:9,10

So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

4.Agree to live with the unavoidable consequences of the other person's sins against you.

Ephesians 5:21

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

5.Release the offense. Tear up the debt the other person owes you.

Matthew 6:12

And forgive us our debts,

    as we also have forgiven our debtors.

  1. Never bring it again as a club.


Do not repay anyone evil for evil.Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.

  1. Keep forgiving when your emotions recycle the pain or when the person keeps offending you.

Mattew 18:21,22

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”

Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

James 4:7

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

  1. Reject the sinful act and tolerate it no longer.

Romans 12:21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

9.Turn the vengeance over to God and over to God's human authorities.

Romans 12:19,20

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;

    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

Romans 13:1

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God

  1. Replace the old resentful feelings with the forgiving love of Christ.

Mattew 12:43-45

When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.

 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order.

 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”

Ephesians 4:31,32

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Sol.Dr.Deepthi Jones

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 30,370  slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)


Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones ?  Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, assist them and  also solomnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.  

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatApp message or email.

Contact Particulars :




1 T.LESLIE 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com
2 JOHNSON 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 MANOHARAN 9840925993 premano@yahoo.com
4 PREMA MANOHARAN 9444848387
By Post to Bro T.LESLIE, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

      Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  CHENNAI - 600 064







M 11-04-1974 MA, MSW, B.Ed. Teacher Believer





M 08-10-1990 BE Mech. Worshipper God fearing &




KANAGA SHEEBA (PONDICHERY) F 19-01-1995 B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc Teacher God fearing

Secured job

AOJ MATRIMONY PROFILE  - Click here to download the AOJ Matrimony Form

End of the world: What the Bible said must happen before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The end of the world will be marked by great Tribulation and the Rapture, a biblical scholar told Express.co.uk.

The Christian Bible warns of a time before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ when a series of apocalyptic events will unfold. The Bible does not specify when Jesus will return but Professor Tom Meyer, a bible scholar also known as The Bible Memory Man, is certain the clock is already ticking for humanity.

Speaking to Express.co.uk, Professor Meyer said a battle will be fought on the Earth in the end days.

He said: "The event that will make the proverbial end days’ clock hit midnight and begin the seven-year tribulation as recorded in Revelation 6-19 is the Rapture.

"The event is not to be confused with the Second Coming.

"The Rapture of the Church is imminent - it could happen at any instant - so fast that it happens as quickly as the blink of an eye."

According to Professor Meyer, Christ will appear in the skies during the Rapture to resurrect dead Christians and snatch them up to heaven.

There he has prepared room for them, as outlined in John 14: 1-6.

But the Rapture will not mark the Second Coming just yet.

Supposedly sometime after the Rapture will begin a seven-year period known as the Tribulation.

The Tribulation will be divided into two halves, each lasting 42 months.

During the first half, Christians believe the Antichrist will arise to deceive the world.

What we are currently suffering on a global level is only the slightest preview

Professor Meyer said: "What we are currently suffering on a global level is only the slightest preview of what is to come.

"The second half of the seven-year Tribulation is characterised as 'great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be'.

"It will be so bad that Christ said that 'unless that time of calamity is shortened - to seven years - not a single person will survive'."

The Second Coming of Christ will not occur until the Great Tribulation when many who believe Jesus will return to smite the Antichrist.

Dr Meyer said Jesus will destroy the impostor and establish his rule in Jerusalem for 1,000 years.

Many of these events are outlined in the Bible's Book of Revelation.

The Book of Revelation contains the final chapters of the Bible, penned by John the Apostle.

Within these last chapters John the Apostle revealed his apocalyptic visions of the end days.

Bible passage forewarns of 'great earthquakes, terrors and signs'

Professor Meyer, who is an American college professor and public speaker, has memorised more than 20 books from the Bible, including the Book of Revelation.

He previously told Express.co.uk the countdown to the end days began with the resurrection of Jesus 2,000 years ago.

However, as he pointed out, no one knows when the last days of mankind will unfold.

He said: "But how close the clock is to hitting midnight, the Bible says no man knows, 'not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.' - Matthew 24:36".


Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamil Nadu  State Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 

Kerala  State

Sol. Tagam

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &



Sol. Jyothi

Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl Dept / Group   Activity Wing Coordinator Name Contact Number
1 Worship 1 Department of Worship in the Sapphire University Sol. Theodore +91 98401 54775
2 24 Hours online Worship & 1st day Monthly worship Sol. Kanaka Sheeba  +91 90877 10209
3 24 Hours Offline Worship Sol. Ramya  +91 75108 59396
4 David School of Worship Sol. Sheldon  +91 99219 49966
5 Academic Courses of SU Sol. Vidya Antony  +91 94436 99565
6 National Worship Centre Sol. Johny  +91 98427 81183
2 Prophesy 1 Department of Prophecy in the Sapphire University Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
3 Healing 1 Department of Healing in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Albert Jones +91 98405 77293
4 Deliverance 1 Department of Deliverance in the Sapphire University Sol. Benjamin +91 90030 21979


5 Family Building 1 Department of Family Building in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Sujatha Aacha +91 96771 92227
3 Marriage Counseling Course Sol.  Paul & Anita +91 90031 82275
6 Shadow Parli 1 Department of Shadow Parli in the Sapphire University Sol. Arvind +91 98221 81817
7 Group 1 1 BFF Sis. Sinola Qubert +91 99447 68500
2 Troop Church Sol. Olivia +91 98942 29271
3 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson +91 96299 90231
4 ECC Sol. Shadrac +91 93611 97303
5 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix Moses +91 73584 20497
6 Funeral Service Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
7 Wind Wing Sol. Antony +91 99401 41030
8 Group 2 1 Children Bible School (CBS) Sol. Paul Vasanthan +91 81246 77493
2 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma +91 99105 32357
3 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare +91 90037 71216
4 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel +91 95549 57866
5 Matrimony Service Sol. Leslie +91 94449 07772
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish +91 99308 04564
7 Secretaries Sol. Jevika +91 70217 35318

Volume 9 Issue 11

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

Days of vengeance

Luk 21:22  for these are days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written. 

 We are asked to stand in the gap between  the  rebellious Church and Heaven.  Let us ask pardon for the sins of the Church  in India and of the whole world.

  1. Sins of infidelity,
  2. Sins of immorality,
  3. Allowing adultery, fornication and  fleshly activities in the Church,
  4. Sins of disobeying and violating the command of the Great Commission and not evangelizing the world,
  5. Sins of constructing edifices and huge buildings instead of building the people,
  6. Sin of pride,
  7. Excess of food, (Eze 16:49)
  8. Prosperous ease without caring for the poor and needy,
  9. Sin of exploiting and extracting money from the people and amassing wealth in the name of the “Church” beyond measure,
  10. Sin of not driving the enemy away from the land
  11. Sin of not inheriting the land and not taking possession of it even after 2020 years of Jesus Christ’s giving power of attorney over it,
  12. Sin of inactivity and indifference of the Church - not using the authority to bind and loose , thereby letting loose the satanic forces to freely roam around in the land
  13. Sin of idolatry, (literal)  and of greed and covetousness
  14. Sin of misusing and mismanagement of foreign aid, and foreign funds collected in the name of orphans, widows and the elderly
  15. Sin of selling the properties bought with foreign aid and using the money for one’s  own purposes
  16. Allowing lawlessness and putting no restriction among the believers and Christians
  17. Sin of keeping the believers in ignorance, and manipulating them to safeguard the vested interests of the Institutions
  18. Sin of letting the lamp stand of the Church being removed and the registration cancelled in heaven
  19. All the injustices done against children, minors, women and the poor.
  20. Let us ask pardon from the Lord for all the innocent blood shed on this land

Let us ask pardon and forgiveness for all these sins

Each one  should confess their sins, repent  and get reconciled with God first.

Let us stand in the Courts of Heaven, agreeing with the voices heard there,

Voices of  the blood of Jesus Christ which speaks better things than that of Abel, on our behalf

Voices of the blood of all the martyrs killed  in India and in the world

May the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ cleanse the land. Let our land be purified and let an  incense altar be built on this land!

From this altar  let  incense, the prayers and worship of the saints  be offered continuously before the Throne of Heaven.

May the Lord , the righteous Judge of  all the Earth look down upon us from heaven and  forgive all the sins of the Church and of the land.

Sr. Angelica AJ


Bro Abhijeet got a job in KIIT Bhubaneswar. He was in Delhi but as he lost his job relocated to his home town. 

Praise the Lord as he has got a very good job and will be joining on 8th March 2021.He was suffering from tumor and was without a job for 1 year.

Troop Zion Nilgiris

Praise the Lord ! By the grace of God Zion troop church in the area of Nilgiris was started on 7.3.2021.  Six participants attended the troop. Many from Nilgiris constituency represented the troop, and more from that constituency have committed to join this troop.

Troop Church s planned to be conducted every Sunday from 7.00 AM to 9.00 AM for eight weeks. All the participants were greatly encouraged. One sister Nirmala Devi asked the Lord for a confirmation to join Troop Church. She received a vision of Light entering a dark room. So she was greatly encouraged to join the Troop Church.

During the intercession prayer all received the Spirit to do kingdom work.

This troop church was conducted after the Lord’s visitation to Nilgiris. Amen.


Today I received this prophecy  testimony with photo . This Cherry plant is seen with fruit for the first time  after Sol. Mariamma  prophesied  over it . It has been there for 20 years but  never bearing fruit.

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Upcoming BFF 07.03.2021 – 12.03.2021 Jharkhand

Contact Sr.Anita   Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 30202 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Martha School of Hospitality – Testimonies

ESTHER: Though I know what is hospitality, I never knew this much details of how we should treat people as per the Bible. During the anointing session I felt the presence of the Lord in me and he spoke to me saying I have to do ministry.

PRIYA: On the first day of the session the classes really touched me and I came to know how good the Lord was to me and How he saved me from all the evils which were trying to take over me.

PADMA: During the class Lord spoke to me and touched my heart. I came to the class with a isolated situation. Still Lord spoke to me through the class and also let me know what Hospitality is.

JENIFA: Through this class the Lord showed me and taught me many new things in the Bible. The Lord showed me a new angle and new dimensions in which I could meditate the scriptures. Also during the anointing session the Lord tested me if I would fear the Lord and obey his commands. By God’s grace I was able to overcome the test.

NJAANAMMA: After I attended this class I felt a fulfillment in my life. Though I read the Bible and know certain things, the Lord spoke to me and taught me different Dimensions to the same scriptures I know. Also the Lord taught me what hospitality is in reality.

New Troop Corinthians started today at Sol Espina’s House. Mangalam Village, Uthiramerur. Kanchipuram Constituency


Date: 12th  March,2021

*And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.*

Matthew 17:20 KJV

Praise the Lord

I used to curse the emblem of 'ganesha' on the house in front of ours especially because I had to face it while praying.

My cry was heard and now the whole house is being demolished.

Yesterday, on the day as 'shivratri' was celebrated,the emblem of ganesh was turned to rubble.

And yesterday(11th March) was the second last day of our Hindi Hospitality Gift School .

     ---Sol. Neelam Sharma



Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

ARTICLE : Chapter 1 – His Secret Dwelling – Every Righteous Soul’s Appetency

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the

most High shall abide under the shadow of

the Almighty.

We all have an address – a reference to signify the location

of our earthly abode. But those who trust in the Lord have a

common address! They all dwell or reside in the ‘secret place

of the most High’, i.e. they reside in the heavenly realms.

Though physically they may ‘appear’ to be living in the

world but their spiritual being abides in the Father’s ‘home’.

How do we prevent ourselves from physical dangers like

climatic factors, enemies, thieves, natural calamities etc.?

Are not our ‘earthly homes’ constructed and provided with

all amenities to protect us from man-made and natural

factors and disasters? Certainly they are, but only as far as

our abilities allow us to.

How much more must be the ‘Heavenly amenities’ for all

those who abide under the shadow of the Almighty! We feel

quite protected and secure in our homes. So, can any danger

or loss come near us when we seek refuge under His mighty

Wings? Certainly not!

™ But which is the dwelling place of the most

High? If we carefully study the Scriptures, we

will find that God dwells in the high and holy

heavenly realms.

Isaiah 57:15

For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth

eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high

and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite

and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble,

and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

(Exodus 15:17, Psalms 9:11, Psalms 84:4, Isaiah 33:5,

Isaiah 40:22, Isaiah 37:16, Psalms 68:15-16, Psalms


™ Another question is, who gets ‘qualified’ to dwell

with the eternal Father? The Scripture clearly

states that the upright in heart can abide with

Him and reap all the benefits of the Divine abode.

Psalms 101:6

Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they

may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he

shall serve me.

(Psalm 15:1-3, Psalms 101:7, Psalms 140:13, Psalms


™ The righteous souls long to dwell with the

Almighty! For them, nothing compares with the

divine joy of the presence and affinity of God’s

presence. Though they are physically present in

this world, their spiritual beings are uplifted to

heavenly realms.

Psalms 27:4

One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will

I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the

LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty

of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.

(Psalms 90:1, Psalms 23:6, Psalms 26:8, Psalms 84:10)

 Book: Every Believer’s Security and Deliverance Manual

Author: Ritu Parveen Sharma


Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones ?  Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, assist them and  also solomnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.  

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatApp message or email.

Contact Particulars :




1 T.LESLIE 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com
2 JOHNSON 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 MANOHARAN 9840925993 premano@yahoo.com
4 PREMA MANOHARAN 9444848387
By Post to Bro T.LESLIE, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

      Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  CHENNAI - 600 064







M 11-04-1974 MA, MSW, B.Ed. Teacher Believer





M 05-03-1977 B.Sc. Worshipper


Sprititually Strong





M 08-10-1990 BE Mech. Worshipper God fearing &




KANAGA SHEEBA (PONDICHERY) F 19-01-1995 B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc Teacher God fearing

Secured job

AOJ MATRIMONY PROFILE  - Click here to download the AOJ Matrimony Form


End of the world prophecy: Bible warns of 'terrible times' in the End Days

END OF THE WORLD prophecies about the End Days and Second Coming of Jesus Christ are shaping up around the world, at least according to outrageous claims made by a Christian conspiracy theory blog.

The End of the world, as described by the Christian Bible, will usher in an age of strife and torment, unlike anything mankind has ever witnessed. The Bible speaks of signs in the heavens and the Earth that will precede the End Days, with Jesus Christ Himself speaking of wars and rumours of wars in the days before His Second Coming. Niche groups of conspiracy theorists believe these signs are already unfolding and there is not much time left on the clock before the final judgement.

According to the conspiracy blog Bible Prophecy - Signposts of the Times, our time left on Earth is "really really short".

And although there is no credible evidence - scientific or religious - to back these claims, the blog's authors are convinced recent sociopolitical turmoil is evidence of Biblical prophecy coming to fruition.

In a December blog post, the blog said: "Recently we have been commenting on some of the more major prophetic signs of these the Last Days that we believe we are now seeing in their development.

"Those signs include the rise of Iran, (Persia), Turkey, (Beth Togarmah), and China, (Kings of the East), as key players during the coming Day of the Lord, (Tribulation).

We have also commented on the race towards the cashless society and the technology that will make up the Mark of the Beast identification system.

"We have also noted the swiftness of recent events, (Agenda 21 and the Great Reset), that are driving the world towards the future One World Government or governmental system."

According to Christian eschatology - theology concerned with the end of the world - the End Days will see the rise of the Antichrist before the Second Coming of Christ.

Scripture suggests this evil messianic-like figure will take up power in the Third Temple of Jerusalem - a place of worship that does not yet exist and it is unclear if it ever will.

The Antichrist will falsely declare himself the true Messiah in an act described by experts as the greatest deceit in history.

The authors of Signposts of the Times claim there is another sign of prophecy that is presently unfolding, and that is the breakdown of morality, individualism and love of materialism.

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the Bible reads: But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

"People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."

In the blog's opinion, the worship of God has been cast aside in pursuit wealth of depravity.

The blog said: "As we always say, time is short, (and we think really really short).

"So your opportunity to hop on board the Ark of Salvation, (Jesus Christ), is not for long.

"Very soon the cup of indignation will be full to overflowing.

"The other side of the balance, (judgment), will have to come. Jesus Christ awaits your decision."

Many Bible experts, however, reject all attempts to try and predict or date the return of Jesus Christ

According to Stephen Witmer, pastor of Pepperell Christian Fellowship in Pepperell, Massachusetts, such a stance is antithetical to the promise that is the Second Coming of Christ.

He said: "Waiting based on God’s promise produces humility and hope.

"Humility, because this kind of waiting can never run away from God to find the certainty of Jesus’s return in a hidden code or clue or correlation with modern events separable from God himself."

The Bible expert added: "As claim after claim of the imminent return of Jesus has proven wrong over the last two thousand years, Jesus’s words have proven true."


Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamil Nadu  State Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 

Kerala  State

Sol. Tagam

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &



Sol. Jyothi

Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl Dept / Group   Activity Wing Coordinator Name Contact Number
1 Worship 1 Department of Worship in the Sapphire University Sol. Theodore +91 98401 54775
2 24 Hours online Worship & 1st day Monthly worship Sol. Kanaka Sheeba  +91 90877 10209
3 24 Hours Offline Worship Sol. Ramya  +91 75108 59396
4 David School of Worship Sol. Sheldon  +91 99219 49966
5 Academic Courses of SU Sol. Vidya Antony  +91 94436 99565
6 National Worship Centre Sol. Johny  +91 98427 81183
2 Prophesy 1 Department of Prophecy in the Sapphire University Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
3 Healing 1 Department of Healing in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Albert Jones +91 98405 77293
4 Deliverance 1 Department of Deliverance in the Sapphire University Sol. Benjamin +91 90030 21979


5 Family Building 1 Department of Family Building in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Sujatha Aacha +91 96771 92227
3 Marriage Counseling Course Sol.  Paul & Anita +91 90031 82275
6 Shadow Parli 1 Department of Shadow Parli in the Sapphire University Sol. Arvind +91 98221 81817
7 Group 1 1 BFF Sis. Sinola Qubert +91 99447 68500
2 Troop Church Sol. Olivia +91 98942 29271
3 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson +91 96299 90231
4 ECC Sol. Shadrac +91 93611 97303
5 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix Moses +91 73584 20497
6 Funeral Service Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
7 Wind Wing Sol. Antony +91 99401 41030
8 Group 2 1 Children Bible School (CBS) Sol. Paul Vasanthan +91 81246 77493
2 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma +91 99105 32357
3 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare +91 90037 71216
4 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel +91 95549 57866
5 Matrimony Service Sol. Leslie +91 94449 07772
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish +91 99308 04564
7 Secretaries Sol. Jevika +91 70217 35318

Volume 9 Issue 10

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

Yesterday, 5.3.2021 I had an FRP Class arranged in Oman  for the Believers of the countries of U.A. E. Among the believers, one pastor asked a question,

“Why we are putting a lot of efforts . But all that is deviated and bringing no results at all?”

It was obvious that they never heard of the ENHF Visions  about India or Model Church.

Since the class time was over  I  had to explain in short the whole content of Model Church,  how the Institutional Churches have deviated from the ways of the Lord, how the Church in the world has lost its saltiness and light  and how the righteous God was compelled to declare a worldwide lockdown in order to close down all the Churches  so that each believer  learned  to worship God in his secret room and house. 

An invitation was given to them for  apologizing and asking forgiveness for the sins of the Church. Immediately a  mighty presence of the Lord came down and filled the place.

Exo 33:9  When Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the entrance of the tent, and the LORD would speak with Moses. 

The pastor started crying out to the Lord with tears. All the Church, which had come from various countries  joined with him.  Everybody could feel that the Lord was in their midst.

Last week I received a message that a few servants of God were imprisoned 3 months back and put in jail in M.P.

Jail is  a 10 X 10 room where 21 prisoners are accommodated, all the others except these three, murderers, rapists etc. The dirty language they are using is intolerable. They all share the same  toilet which  doesn’t have enough water and not even a door. The food they get is horrible and not enough for them. For the past three months, they are sharing a single disposable glass for drinking liquids. When they asked for another the jailor was insulting them. They are under  non bailable arrest  for  10 years.

I was wondering why even after 7 years the persecution still lingering. But the Lord’s answer was  very casual and logical.

In any court after the judgment is passed, the loser has to pay the compensation.

Luk 21:22  for these are days of vengeance, to fulfil all that is written. 

All that has been collected by force or on demand, directly or indirectly  from the believers (in the name of tithe, under pressure of fear, wrath of God, in the name of building fund, other offerings)  have to be given back to the believers.

  1. Whatever the believers gave voluntarily, without demand, and if it is spent for their (basic needs like food, shelter, and clothing, education of the children etc. do not come under this category..
  2. Anything collected from the believers for constructing Church, buying land, or other properties or assets in the name of Church has to be compensated.

This can be done  in two ways.

  1. By writing the buildings or properties off in the name of the believers
  2. By selling the said asset (building (Church building, parish hall, Pastoral Centre, Bishop’s house, Shrine etc.) and spending the money for the people .

After every war, there is a plunder. In Berraccah it lasted for 3 days. In the world it may be for 3 years, 30 years or even more.

  1. The Church in India has to take measures immediately for implementing. This is the main reason of persecution continuing. Rectification should happen.

Sr. Angelica AJ

How God quickens the spirit – Testimony of Sis Sunita

One day Sis Sunita and her friend were doing Morning Exercise in the Park. There they met Sis.Jasmine. Friend did not want to continue with exercise due to pain in knee. Sis Jasmine told her to think positive and she will be well. By this statement Sis Sunita understood that Jasmine was a believer. That formed a friendship bond between them. Sis.Sunita was facing a rough and disturbed family life, and did not have peace, inspite of her association with Pastors and Churches. Sis Jasmine started to teach them the word of God and how to claim the promises given in the Bible. Then Sis.Sunita did BFF and started Troop Church. Her life was transformed. She was filled with inner peace and Blessings of God. God had ignited her spirit and filled her with Christ, His love and joy.

Praise the Lord!!


Yesterday there was a government employee who wanted to see me in my cabin as early as possible for his child. This child has been having seizures for the past 2 1/2 years. He has  seen all the neurologists in the Egmore children Hospital. The child was actively having seizure spells in my OP.  As soon as I asked his father whether I can pray for him he accepted. I took the history since when this seizures started, whether he was dedicated to any gods. He said he was dedicated to Velankanni Matha.  I said that was the door way you have opened for satan to enter. I told about Christ.  I told about how Jesus has saved us, how the healing is available free of cost on the cross etc. So he received and believed that Jesus Christ can heal his son. As soon as I prayed for his child the seizures stopped. He started playing actively.  The father was very happy.  He took off the cord which was there in his wrists. He said he will attend the Troop Church - this Saturday in our hospital.

Glory to God!!

Dr. Albert Jones, Kolathur, Chennai

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Upcoming BFF : 01.03.2021 – 06.03.2021 Odisha

Contact Sr.Anita Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 30202 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

For these are the Days of Vengeance – Message

Arrest of 3 Pastors and torture in jail (M.P.)

In answer to this, the Lord’s reply.

Luk 21:22  for these are days of vengeance, to fulfil all that is written.

Rev 18:3-7  For all nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.”

Rev 18:4  Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues;

Rev 18:5  for her sins are heaped high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

Rev 18:6  Pay her back as she herself has paid back others, and repay her double for her deeds; mix a double portion for her in the cup she mixed.

Rev 18:7  As she glorified herself and lived in luxury, so give her a like measure of torment and mourning, since in her heart she says, ‘I sit as a queen, I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see.’

Let us ask pardon for the sins of the Church

The Church in India and of the whole world

The sins of infidelity,

 The sins of immorality, allowing adultery and fornication, fleshly activities in the Church, sins of disobeying and violating  the command of the Great Commission and not evangelizing the world,

the sins of constructing  edifices and huge buildings instead of building people,

the sin of  pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease without caring for the  poor and needy,

The sin of exploiting and extracting  money from the people and amassing wealth in the name of the “Church” beyond measure,

The sin of not driving the enemy away from the land

The sin of not inheriting the land and not taking possession of it even after 2020 years of Jesus Christ’s giving power of attorney over it,

The sin of inactivity and indifference of the Church – not using the authority to bind and loose , thereby letting loose the satanic forces to freely roam in the land

The sin  of idolatry, physical and that of greed and covetousness

The sin of misusing and mismanagement of foreign aid, and foreign funds collected in the name of orphans, widows and the elderly

The sin of selling of properties bought with foreign aid and using the money for one’s  own purposes

Allowing lawlessness and no restriction  among the believers and Christians

The sin of keeping the believers in ignorance, and manipulating them to safeguard  the vested interests of the Institutions

The sin of  the lampstand of the Church being removed and the registration cancelled, Let us ask pardon and forgiveness for all these sins

Let us stand in the Courts of Heaven, agreeing with the voices heard there,

Voices of  the blood of Jesus Christ which speaks better things than that of Abel, on our behalf

The voices of the blood of all the martyrs killed  in India and in the world

Let us ask pardon from the Lord for all the innocent  blood shed on this land,

For all the injustices done against children, minors, women and the poor.

May the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ cleanse the land. Let our land be purified and let an  incense altar be built on this land!

From this altar  let  incense, the prayers and worship of the saints  be offered continuously before the Throne of Heaven.

May the Lord , the righteous Judge of  all the Earth look down upon us from heaven and forgive all the sins of the Church and of the land.

Sr. Angelica AJ


God can be compared as a good cook who manages the stove and the fire properly.

While one item is getting ready the other items will be ready to be kept on the fire.

Philip was busy proclaiming Christ to the Samaritans but now God is making arrangements to meet the finance minister of Ethiopia.

When he received Christ the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away

Bible reading

Book of Acts 8: 26- 40.

Remember a good cook never waste the fire.

May God put His Holy Fire in you and me in order to cook the uncooked items so that they will be delicious tomorrow.

Don't forget to read and meditate the Word of God, May God bless you.


In the beginning God created heavens and earth!!!

1.What is sin??

   Unbelief is sin

2.What is unbelief ??

Believing not the creator and believing ourself/self!!

3.What is that??

Selfishness /self is the seed of sin!!!

4.What is the consequences of that??

The fruit "pride" arise from him !!!

5.What is the stand of God on pride??

God stands against pride, no one can stand against Him!!!

6.Where did it arise???

From the mind of lucifer

7.What happened to him??

Lucifer fell along with his followers from the kingdom ooG od and became satan

8.Why the earth  was shapeless, chaotic mass???

It was occupied by the fallen satan !!

9.Why did the Lord created Adam on this earth and how ???

God reshaped the earth and he wanted to show his might to satan and to show His  trust in man to build His kingdom  through man on earth. For that he made man out of dust and breathed his life, he becomes a living person contains, spirit, soul and body (body covering the Spirit and Soul)

10.What is Eve? How was she created and why was she created???

She was inside man (Adam)  to be a helper to Adam, God took out a bone and flesh from the man and closed gap. God made woman and brought her to man, a by-product of man (he) so it is called she.

11.What happened to them ???

Decieved by satan's word.(unbelief in God because of the pride induced by the spirit of  satan through the serpent, this leads to take self decisions ) they surrender to satan and they died ,dying means disconnection from the Lord God (God is spirit and to contact us he gave his spirit .

12.What is the concequnces of that???

The same thing  happened to mankind just like satan, the earth was once again cursed because of the sin of Adam, they were chased away from his presence (Eden of God) to till the ground from whence he was taken. In other words we can say darkness can't be there in light!!!

13.Why the Lord God love man not satan,both are the creation of God???

Man was decieved by satan and satan was a deciever. Deceivers don’t get deliverance/forgiveness. It is the righteousness of God!!!

13.Why and what the Lord did to show his mercy (grace) towards the decieved mankind???

The sin came into this world by satan and entered inside mankind (blood of Adam) through Eve and started to rule mankind, that is death,(kingdom of satan is the spirit of death)

To show His love Lord God covered the sin by giving a sacrifice by shedding goats blood (animal blood -temporary solution because sin is in blood) and the loving Lord God made a coat out of it and gave it to them to wear to show his mercy on them .

14.What is the kingdom of the word???

15.What is the kingdom the world???

16.How is the kingdom of the word operating???

17.How is the kingdom of the world is operating???

18.What rule are we under???

19.Why to escape???

20.How to escape???

Praise the Lord God Jesus Christ! Amen!!!

To be continued.


We need teachers for 8th and 11th standards to teach in CBS in Tamil medium.

Eligibility: Committed AOJ soldier having burden to minister among children who will be able to take classes every Week 

Contact : 

The Principal,

CBS (Tamil Medium)

Tamil Nadu

Ph : 9842482493


Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones ?  Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, assist them and  also solomnize the marriage.

Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.  

Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatApp message or email.

Contact Particulars :




1 T.LESLIE 9444907772 theoleslie@yahoo.com
2 JOHNSON 7358549693 Kfcm1995@gmail.com
3 MANOHARAN 9840925993 premano@yahoo.com
4 PREMA MANOHARAN 9444848387
By Post to Bro T.LESLIE, F-1, Sabari Bagawathi Flats, Plot No.1, 8th Cross Street,

      Sarvamangala Nagar,  Chitlapakkam,  CHENNAI - 600 064







M 11-04-1974 MA, MSW, B.Ed. Teacher Believer





M 05-03-1977 B.Sc. Worshipper


Sprititually Strong





M 08-10-1990 BE Mech. Worshipper God fearing &




KANAGA SHEEBA (PONDICHERY) F 19-01-1995 B.Sc, B.Ed, M.Sc Teacher God fearing

Secured job

AOJ MATRIMONY PROFILE  - Click here to download the AOJ Matrimony Form


Christian Prophets Are on the Rise. What Happens When They’re Wrong?

They are stars within one of the fastest-growing corners of American Christianity. Now, their movement is in crisis.

To hear more audio stories from publishers like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android.

Jeremiah Johnson, a 33-year-old self-described prophet, was one of the few evangelical Christians who took Donald J. Trump’s political future seriously back in 2015.

This track record created a loyal audience of hundreds of thousands of people who follow him on social media and hang on his predictions about such topics as the coronavirus pandemic, the makeup of the Supreme Court, and the possibility of spiritual revival in America. And they took comfort ahead of the presidential election last fall when Mr. Johnson shared a prophetic dream of Mr. Trump stumbling while running the Boston Marathon, until two frail older women emerged from the crowd to help him over the finish line.

So when Joseph R. Biden Jr. was certified as the winner of the election, Mr. Johnson had to admit he had let his followers down.

“I was wrong, I am deeply sorry, and I ask for your forgiveness,” he wrote in a detailed letter he posted online. “I would like to repent for inaccurately prophesying that Donald Trump would win a second term as the President of the United States.”

The desire to divine the future is a venerable one, fueling faith in figures from ancient Greek oracles to modern astrologists. Christianity in particular is a religion whose foundational text is filled with prophecies proven true by the end of the book. Whether the gift of prophecy continues into the present day has long been the subject of intense theological debate. But in recent years, self-described prophets have proliferated across the country, accelerating in stature over the course of the Trump era. They are stars within what is now one of the fastest-growing corners of Christianity: a loose but fervent movement led by hundreds of people who believe they can channel supernatural powers — and have special spiritual insights into world events.

Many are independent evangelists who do not lead churches or other institutions. They operate primarily online and through appearances at conferences or as guest speakers in churches, making money through book sales, donations and speaking fees. And they are part of the rising appeal of conspiracy theories in Christian settings, echoed by the popularity of QAnon among many evangelicals and a resistance to mainstream sources of information.

The prophetic imagination roams far beyond national politics. It follows the Super Bowl and the weather; it analyzes events in pop culture, like Kanye West’s recent turn toward evangelism, and global events, including a particular fascination with Israel. Many prophets caution followers against trusting what they read in the news, but in its place they offer a kind of alternative news cycle, refracting and interpreting events in the real world through a supernatural lens.

 “In my lifetime — 49 years as a follower of Jesus — I’ve never seen this level of interest in prophecy,” said Michael Brown, an evangelical radio host and commentator, who believes in prophecy but has called for greater accountability when prophecies prove false. “And it’s unfortunate, because it’s an embarrassment to the movement.”

The past year has been riddled with prophecies that did not pan out. As the coronavirus swept the United States in the spring, several prophets issued public assurances that it would decline by Passover; Cindy Jacobs, one of the most influential American prophets, led a global day of prayer to “contain” the virus in March. And by the fall, so many prominent prophets had incorrectly predicted the re-election of Mr. Trump that the apologies and recriminations now constitute a crisis within the movement.

The backlash to Mr. Johnson’s apology was immediate. On Facebook, he reported that he received “multiple death threats and thousands upon thousands of emails from Christians saying the nastiest and most vulgar things I have ever heard toward my family and ministry.” He also said he had lost funding from donors who accused him of being “a coward, sellout, and traitor to the Holy Spirit.”

But the popularity of self-appointed prophets shows no signs of waning.

As denominational Christianity declines almost across the board, magnetic independent leaders have stepped into the void. “There’s this idea that you can’t trust anybody except these trusted individuals,” said Brad Christerson, a sociologist at evangelical Biola University. “It’s a symptom of our time. People don’t trust institutions, and people think that all mainstream institutions are corrupt: universities, science, government, the media. They’re searching for real sources of truth.”

The result is that many congregations are awash in misinformation. Almost half of Protestant pastors frequently hear members of their congregations repeating conspiracy theories about current events, according to a survey released last month by Lifeway Research, which is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Prophecy is a facet of the fast-growing charismatic Christian movement, which has an estimated half-billion followers worldwide and is characterized in part by the belief that the “gifts of the spirit,” which also include speaking in tongues and supernatural healing, continue into the present day, rather than being an artifact of biblical times.

Mr. Trump supercharged the public profile of this already ascendant stream of Christian culture. His evangelical advisory council included unprecedented numbers of charismatic leaders, including his primary faith adviser, Paula White, a charismatic pastor and televangelist. A few weeks before the 2020 election, he attended services for the third time at a “healing, prophetic” megachurch in Las Vegas, where speakers shared predictions and visions about his second term, to applause from Mr. Trump and the congregation. (The charismatic movement over all is notably multiracial, although the most successful politically oriented prophets of the Trump era were white and appealed to an audience that resembled Mr. Trump’s base.)

Christian prophets are meeting a hunger for reassurance and clarity that can be observed in other corners of American culture. Astrology is exploding in popularity. More than 40 percent of Americans believe in psychics, according to Pew.

Prophecy, similarly, is not only a predictive tool, but an analytical lens for making sense of the past and current events. The most successful prophets can connect seemingly disparate pieces of data in a grand narrative, adding new layers of interpretation as events unfold and inviting others to contribute.

In Crystal River, Fla., Scott Wallis had read Mr. Johnson’s prophecies on Facebook and was encouraged by them. He trusted Mr. Johnson in part, he said, because of two recent prophecies that had proven true, including one about the Los Angeles Dodgers winning the World Series. (Mr. Johnson reported the prophecy two days before the team clinched the championship.)

For Mr. Wallis, a pastor and prophet himself, it made perfect sense that God would be involved in the outcome of the American election, just as he is involved in every human life. “Some people, like deists, believe God created the earth but abandoned the people and left them alone,” Mr. Wallis said. “I don’t believe that.” When a friend prophesied to him in 2014 that he would soon marry, he did not even have a girlfriend, but he was married by the end of the year.

The internet has made it much easier for prophets to disseminate their visions, with many more outlets at their disposal: social media, podcasts, books and a traditional media ecosystem that remains largely under the radar even to many other evangelicals. An appearance on “It’s Supernatural!,” an interview show hosted by the octogenarian televangelist Sid Roth, can be career-making for prophets. So can an endorsement from the venerable Elijah List newsletter, which claims 240,000 subscribers. Charisma magazine and the Christian Broadcasting Network both cover prophetic predictions as news.

Jennifer Eivaz, who calls herself “the Praying Prophet,” realized in college that she could hear God’s voice in a way she could “prove out.” When she and her husband started to lead a church in Central California, she would have dreams and receive specific information about people who attended. She was careful not to scare people, she said, often opting to check in with them rather than launch into specific predictions or insights into their lives.

She also started recording training videos on prayer and prophecy, which caught the eye of Steve Shultz, who had founded The Elijah List and invited her to contribute. As her profile rose, she became an internationally sought-after conference speaker at events with names like the Inner Healing and Deliverance Institute and the Prophetic Wisdom & Prayer conference, where believers pay to gather for music, prophecy and inspiration.

Ms. Eivaz occasionally offers public prophecies about national or international events. In May 2015, she announced that the yearslong drought in California was over and that “the rains are coming back.” The message tied together the biblical prophet Elijah’s experience on Mount Carmel; Ms. Eivaz’s recent trip to Carmel-by-the-Sea, Calif.; a vision of a mother bear fighting for her cubs; the California state flag; and Gov. Gavin Newsom. (The drought did not formally end until 2017, although the state experienced unusually high rainfall over the summer of 2015.)

But those kinds of visions come to her only once every year or two, she said. She has watched with alarm as predictive prophecies like these have come to dominate the prophetic movement. “It’s like fact-shopping,” she said, adding that social media rewards “buzz and sensationalism” over wisdom, and pressures independent prophets especially to churn out fresh predictions every few days.

Mike Killion, who was a charter-bus driver in North Carolina until the pandemic dried up his business, pays attention to what he calls “synchronicities,” and others might call coincidences. He believes God is intimately involved in world events, and closely attuned to the prayers of his people.

If Mr. Killion’s phone is on the table and he mentions wanting to go on a cruise, for example, the phone “hears” him and starts offering advertisements for cruises, he said. “God works the same way,” he explained. “He’s listening to everything you say.”

Prophets are not always right about every prediction, Mr. Killion said, and they are certainly not always right immediately. “There’s this idea that prophets have to be right all the time, and have to be right next week,” said Mr. Killion, “when there are prophets in the Bible who had prophecies who weren’t fulfilled in their lifetimes.”

Mr. Killion scoffed at Mr. Johnson for walking back his prophecy about Mr. Trump’s 2020 victory. “Jeremiah Johnson should have kept his mouth shut,” he said a few days before Mr. Biden’s inauguration. “It still may happen.”

Mr. Johnson, for his part, appears to remain chastened. This week, he began a new YouTube series titled “I Was Wrong,” in which he plans to survey what the prophetic movement is, and where, in his view, it has gone awry.

In the first installment, he reviewed some of his past prophecies about politics and national events, and picked apart how he had erred in 2020. “Not everything that God speaks to us privately should have been public knowledge,” he said somberly. “I got caught up in the moment.” He spoke about his hope for “reformation,” and his concerns about God’s judgment to come. And in future episodes of the series, he promised, he will share what God is showing him about what comes next.

Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamil Nadu  State Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 

Kerala  State

Sol. Tagam

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &



Sol. Jyothi

Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl Dept / Group   Activity Wing Coordinator Name Contact Number
1 Worship 1 Department of Worship in the Sapphire University Sol. Theodore +91 98401 54775
2 24 Hours online Worship & 1st day Monthly worship Sol. Kanaka Sheeba  +91 90877 10209
3 24 Hours Offline Worship Sol. Ramya  +91 75108 59396
4 David School of Worship Sol. Sheldon  +91 99219 49966
5 Academic Courses of SU Sol. Vidya Antony  +91 94436 99565
6 National Worship Centre Sol. Johny  +91 98427 81183
2 Prophesy 1 Department of Prophecy in the Sapphire University Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
3 Healing 1 Department of Healing in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Albert Jones +91 98405 77293
4 Deliverance 1 Department of Deliverance in the Sapphire University Sol. Benjamin +91 90030 21979


5 Family Building 1 Department of Family Building in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Sujatha Aacha +91 96771 92227
3 Marriage Counseling Course Sol.  Paul & Anita +91 90031 82275
6 Shadow Parli 1 Department of Shadow Parli in the Sapphire University Sol. Arvind +91 98221 81817
7 Group 1 1 BFF Sis. Sinola Qubert +91 99447 68500
2 Troop Church Sol. Olivia +91 98942 29271
3 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson +91 96299 90231
4 ECC Sol. Shadrac +91 93611 97303
5 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix Moses +91 73584 20497
6 Funeral Service Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
7 Wind Wing Sol. Antony +91 99401 41030
8 Group 2 1 Children Bible School (CBS) Sol. Paul Vasanthan +91 81246 77493
2 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma +91 99105 32357
3 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare +91 90037 71216
4 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel +91 95549 57866
5 Matrimony Service Sol. Leslie +91 94449 07772
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish +91 99308 04564
7 Secretaries Sol. Jevika +91 70217 35318

Volume 9 Issue 09

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

I will set you over much

Mat 25:21  His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 

Each one of us have been entrusted with various kinds of talents and gifts. All these are to be used in building the Kingdom of heaven on earth.

We all know that we have a book written for us in heaven. In proportion to the  plans and projects written in it, from the day we are born on this earth, blessings, that is heavenly  resources are  released for you on earth. 

This can be compared to a secular Government Project , for eg. Constructing  a bridge.

The draft model of the project will be prepared first. After getting the approval, as the work proceeds funds will be released in installments . Audited account report  will be submitted  before releasing the next instalment.

In our lives  the blessings we have received from God,

Our life, family, education, knowledge, profession, skills, the finance  we earn, our  contacts, our associations, etc etc.. are given to you only for  one purpose.

To fulfill the exact plan of God which is written in  my your Book   in Heaven.

As you grow in age and in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, it is your duty to bring down those plans to the earth for executing.   As you plunge  into it , the heavenly blessings needed  will be released on installment basis. As we  advance steadily and systematically in executing these plans on earth, more resources,  kept for  the consecutive installments will be released.

Our accountability also will be checked. Submitting an  audited report for the previous installment, is required for releasing the next installment. . i.e. Since we are “sent out” (Apostles) in the name of Jesus, we have to be transparent and accountable to God as well as fellow brethren whom we serve. We sometimes  see in the life of believers, the blessings in  finance,  health, children, travels, contacts, progress in one or the other sometimes all,  get  blocked.

When such block comes, believers in ignorance  run up and down to servants of God. What they have to do is,  kneel down in the presence of God, do a scrutiny of the inner life,  and ask God,

“Where have I gone wrong and committed mistakes”. Show me Lord, I am ready to correct. “

95% of the  mistakes will be the following.

 “.......so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground..........." Mat 25:24,25 

The lazy servant   failed to take up responsibility/risk of investing  multiplying the talent given to him.  99% of the Christians in the world today do nothing or little of  making disciples,  because satan has created fear in them. They  believe in  the deceptions of satan,

“Evangelizing is not for you,  it is the duty of Pastors, Evangelists, Prophets, et. . They will see to it. “

The Army of Jesus soldiers have to take this as a challenge break this culture. That is why we are called “Army” and “Soldiers”.  There is no separate class needed  for this. Each believer is a prophet, shepherd, miracle worker, healer etc.

 The Lord is raising valiant warriors in India. They are not seen in public at all. They do not appear in any visible forum  of the Church, even Troop Church. The Lord might  bring  them .unexpectedly to the stage one day like  “Paul changed Saul”. Paul who was persecuting the Apostles, after knowing Christ, outdid Peter and other Apostles.

We are in a race. Those who join  late will be extremists and they will overtake the slow goers,. There is no guarantee   who will win or who will be first.  One who runs faster  win the race.  Let’s keep up the spirit and be on fire!  Go on accommodating new people who are energetic  enthusiastic and  spirit filled. When somebody grow cold, Jesus the Commander raises a substitute  and replaces them.  You should give way to the Holy Spirit to act. You should not be a respecter of persons.  Let’s keep up with the pace  of  the Holy Spirit.

Every blessing and gift is given for building the Kingdom of God on earth. If a believer doesn’t take any commitment to build the Kingdom on earth, we can be denied of the next installment of our quota. May the Holy Spirit make us ardent Builders in  the Kingdom  Building business.

Sr. Angelica AJ


Praise the Lord Jesus Christ !

All glory to Jesus!

I'm Pushpa Dennison SMLA of Egmore Constituency.

On 12th February, I prayed to God to give a new name for my Constituency. God gave me the name "SILOAM ".I thanked God for this wonderful name.

Today I prayed to JESUS to Visit and Bless my SILOAM Constituency and also my house.

When I was worshipping our God, I got an Amazing Vision. I had a lovely and beautiful Golden Long Bowl in my hand. There was a water fall up in the sky as white as the snow, falling into my bowl and overflowed for a long time.

Then when I appointed an angel to guard my SILOAM Constituency. At that time I saw an angel standing up. He raised his both the hands and blessed a very big crowd on the Earth.

I ,Thank you JESUS for giving me this wonderful vision and blessing my Siloam Constituency and also my Home.


Following is the message  a soldier in AOJ sent to me. Please go through. May the Lord revive and renew  us in His Spirit.

  1. Sister, please insist one AOJ soldier having a good walk with Jesus. Intimacy with Jesus is everything.

This morning, My soul was  asking the Lord, "Lord, is my life  pleasing to you?".

Our life should be pleasing to the Lord. Each  solider has to get a blueprint daily from heaven.

  1. Conducting Gift Schools, things comes secondary and all other.

We need to *bring the atmosphere of love among the soldiers of the  Army* . Love is ideal and the strong foundation to build a strong tower. It builds up the ministry. Jesus can be  introduced to others  through  Love more than Evangelism 

  1. If any solider in the Army is not conducting Gift Schools, we are asking him "Have you carried out your responsibilities"?.

Have we ever asked about their personal problems?.

Have we become a good samaritan for our co-soliders ?.

We should pray for this. Sometimes, I felt I was pushing  others  to do the work, but haven't understood their personal warfare. It is our duty to be with them.

  1. Above all, we are all one family. That family relationship should be developed with everyone. We should be there with them. We should encourage and motivate others to do God’s work. Jesus was with the disciples.
  2. Early Churches grew in love, Apostle Paul emphasizes in his letter to the Churches. Love is the strong base for the big tower.


Holiness is the Key of each one's  personal intimacy with the Lord. All soldiers should check their level of  Holiness.

I feel, that without holiness many are doing  God's work and teaching with unholy lips and heart.

This is an unpleasing sacrifice before the Lord.

The Lord hates that.

It brings curses to the land.

Curse comes through the servants of God first..

If any soldier, has not set their personal life right. they need to take a break and get corrected and start the work again.

Otherwise it is an unpleasing sacrifice.

It is for all.

If I am not holy, I will come and report to you, stop the operations for some time  and then start the works.

We need to repent on behalf of everyone and ask God for forgiveness also.

Being aware of this  is very important.

Holiness is a pleasing sacrifice to the Lord.


Visions & Revelations


Jesus’ visit to the constituency

Worship of Chennai South Constituency 4.00-6.00 am.

Visions & Revelations

  1. Jesus was received by a huge crowd
  2. He is welcomed by songs and dance ( We sang Nadanmaadi Sthotharippen)
  3. Jesus visited every place in South Chennai Constituency (While the name of the places were read out)
  4. A flag was hoisted. Ps. 60:4 ( Sang the song Vetri Kodi )
  5. National Worship Centre changed into International Worship Centre. Contract signed.
  6. The same accepted as Mount Zion. Contract signed
  7. It will be the Heavenly Court hereafter.
  8. The lawsuits placed here will not be rejected.
  9. Judgments passed here will be favourable to God's children.
  10. Jesus was taken on a tour to M. P.'s house. (Mrs. Sumathi)
  11. She stood up, welcomed Jesus and made Him sit in her office seat. Jesus was pleased with her. She narrated all that she did to her Constituency people.
  12. One soldier saw her garlanding Jesus while welcoming.
  13. Saw crowds on both sides of the road waiting to see Jesus, even to get a glimpse of Him.
  14. Jesus was taken to MLAs' places. They showered flowers at the feet of Jesus as He entered.
  15. God the Father grants the grace to the people of South Chennai to know Jesus.
  16. While Jesus was taken to the Colleges, one person came out of His office room to welcome Jesus.

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Upcoming BFF 23.02.2021 to 28.02.2021 Karjat, Maharashtra - Amdi

Contact Sr.Anita Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

24/2/2021 – One’s own body doesn’t belong to oneself but amenable to the power of the partner

1 Corinthians 7:4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

It might look unfair that our body doesn’t belong to ourselves but amenable to the power of the other. Why so ?

There are 2 reasons behind it-

  1. *Really our body doesn’t belong to us but to God* who has bought us with a price for Himself. We learn in the physical realm to have detachment about our own body and make it amenable to God.

1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

1 Corinthians 6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

A man or woman who is totally convinced that their body belongs to the Lord and has submitted their body to God, expresses it physically by submitting their bodies to their own partner.

  1. God has so made the fellowship, that one’s body is amenable to the power of other, *that one learns purity of love and faithfulness*.

‘Amenable to power’ means

  - One’s body is to yield to submission or cooperation with their partner (yielding comes out of love and complete obedience to God).

  - One’s body is readily brought to change by the authority of their partner (one by being responsible can bring in the goodnesses, protect and prevent their partner from suffering or falling into evil by using their authority out of love).

   - One’s body is liable to tests and judgment (As one willingly yield and also be responsible about their partner, so will they secure the benefits of it. But as one fails in yielding or withholding the responsibility, so will they suffer tests and back firing from the weaknesses and evils of their partner)

Wherever there is obedience to the word of God, there manifests the power of God to defeat any evil.

Man and wife are not to bring forth complains about each other but behave responsibly about each other. 

By yielding to submission, allowing the authority of love, putting effort for the goodness of the other, protecting and preventing the other from suffering or falling into evil, one grows in the godly love and fellowship day by day.

Power is not to abuse

Power is not to misuse

Power is not to keep silence

Power is to act through love

God has made so the fellowship that man and woman grow in love and faithfulness towards each other and towards God.

One’s own body doesn’t belong to oneself but amenable to the power of the partner.

Yes, It’s not unfair !

Man learns to have detachment about his own body to make it amenable to God !

Man learns purity of love and faithfulness !


6 Major Prophetic Signs of the Second Coming of Christ

Now disasters are happening frequently. Many frightening signs have appeared. What warnings do these signs bring us? Read the following article to learn more about the signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Now, it is the end of the last days. Many brothers and sisters, who truly believe in the Lord and wait for His return, must have such questions: The Lord Jesus has said, “And, behold, I come quickly” (Revelation 22:12). He has promised us to return, so has He come back yet? How can we know whether He has returned or not?

Sign of the Second Coming of Jesus (I): The Occurrence of All Sorts of Disasters

One of the signs of the Lord’s return is that disasters will occur all over the world. Just as Matthew 24:6–8 say: “And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

In recent years, disasters are getting worse and worse all over the world—earthquakes, wildfires, famines, and plagues occur frequently and are widespread; the world is in a state of constant upheaval and turmoil, with wars, violence and terrorist attacks on the rise. For example, the coronavirus-infected pneumonia, which occurred in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, has spread to many countries around the world, causing a serious situation. The United States saw an outbreak of a deadly flu, which resulted in many deaths. Australia’s bushfires have lasted for several months since September 2019, causing significant damage and loss. East Africa suffered its worst invasion of desert locusts in 25 years, which led to food crisis in many African nations. In November 2019, the worst flood in 50 years hit Venice, Italy, with 80% of the city flooded. At the beginning of 2020, a blizzard rarely seen in a century struck Newfoundland, Canada. Torrential rains flooded Indonesia. There were also earthquakes in Kuril Islands, in Elazig, Turkey, in the Caribbean near Cuba, and in other places.

Sign of the Second Coming of Jesus (II): The Love of Believers Shall Become Cold

Matthew 24:12 records: “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Nowadays, in all religions and denominations, believers in general lust for worldly things and take no thought to working for the Lord. Some of them are engaged in business, and some run factories and are busy with making money. Moreover, some pastors and elders scheme against one another and have jealous disputes with each other. They even form factions, separate into their own cliques, steal offerings, and commit adultery. Followers become colder and colder in their faith and love and churches are becoming more and more desolate now.

Sign of the Second Coming of Jesus (III)): The Return of Israel

Matthew 24:32–33 say: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” Luke 21:29–32 record: “And He spoke to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, you see and know of your own selves that summer is now near at hand. So likewise you, when you see these things come to pass, know you that the kingdom of God is near at hand. Truly I say to you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.” In May 1948, Israel was restored. Shortly after David Ben-Gurion announced the establishment of Israel in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948, Soviet Union recognized it quickly and set up an embassy there on May 26, and later supported Israel in many ways. On May 11, 1949, Israel was accepted officially as a member of the United Nations with the support of the Soviet Union and the United States.

Sign of the Second Coming of Jesus (IV): Celestial Phenomena Have Appeared

Matthew 24:29 says: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” Astronomers frequently publish news of stars falling, new stars appearing, and regular sight of meteor crash. At 9:15 a.m. of February 15, 2013, Chelyabinsk, Urals Federal region, Russia, was hit by an asteroid, and a huge shock wave and explosion caused 1,491 people injured and plenty of glass broken. It was said by scientists that the diameter of the asteroid was about 15 meters and that it weighed about 7,000 metric tons. This has fulfilled the prophecy “the stars shall fall from heaven.” On May 17, 2016, a meteor streaked across New England sky, turning night into daylight. In January 2018, a super blue blood moon occurred in the sky. Prior to this, a series of blood moons had appeared. All this has fulfilled the prophecy “fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Sign of the Second Coming of Jesus (V): The Gospel Shall Be Preached to the Ends of the Earth

Matthew 24:14 records: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come.” “And this gospel … shall be preached in all the world” means when all nations have heard the gospel of the Lord, He will return. (It doesn’t mean when everyone has heard the gospel or believes in Him.) After the Lord Jesus completed the work of redemption through His crucifixion, the Holy Spirit began to guide God’s chosen people to testify the Lord Jesus. Through radio, the Internet, books, gospel flyers, evangelism, and so on, the Lord’s gospel has been spread more and more widely and finally preached among all nations. Christians have also already been throughout the world, and there are even many people who accept the gospel of the Lord Jesus in China, which is ruled by an atheist political party; the gospel of the Lord Jesus’ redemption has spread to the ends of the universe. Dear brothers and sisters, just think about this: What nation and what region in the world now has never heard the gospel of the Lord Jesus?

Sign of the Second Coming of Jesus (VI): The Appearance of False Christs

Matthew 24:23–26 say: “Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Why if they shall say to you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth: behold, He is in the secret chambers; believe it not.” As we know, deception from false Christs has now occurred in the religious communities of many countries. For example, in South Korea, many are deceived into following false Christs due to lack of discernment. All false Christs can do is to perform some simple signs and wonders and preach some specious fallacies to deceive others. They simply can’t express the truth to resolve man’s problem of committing sins and then confessing, nor can they save mankind from corruption. According to the prophecies of the Bible, when the Lord Jesus returns to do His work, there will inevitably be many false Christs and deceivers who will appear at the same time trailing and disturbing God’s work. Therefore, when false Christs appear, God has actually already returned and arrived in secret. It’s just that we don’t know it

The  facts above are enough to show us that the biblical prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically come true, from which we know the Lord has already come back. Many people, however, will surely ask: “Since the Lord has come back, why haven’t we welcomed Him?” Have you ever thought that there could be some deviations in welcoming the return of the Lord? Regarding the return of the Lord, many people take guarding against false Christs as their number one priority. They think any preaching that says the Lord has come is false and they don’t seek how to be wise virgins and welcome the Lord’s return. The Lord Jesus has prophesied, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13). In Revelation, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” is mentioned many times, and Revelation also prophesies, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). These prophecies show that when the Lord returns, He shall yet speak more words. Therefore, if we wish to welcome the Lord’s appearance and work, we must seek God’s voice. If we hear a particular church testifying that the Lord has returned and uttered new words, we should seek humbly, and if we recognize God’s voice, we should waste no time in accepting it. This way, we won’t miss the opportunity to welcome the Lord’s coming.

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 30118 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamil Nadu  State Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 

Kerala  State

Sol. Tagam

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &



Sol. Jyothi

Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl Dept / Group   Activity Wing Coordinator Name Contact Number
1 Worship 1 Department of Worship in the Sapphire University Sol. Theodore +91 98401 54775
2 24 Hours online Worship & 1st day Monthly worship Sol. Kanaka Sheeba  +91 90877 10209
3 24 Hours Offline Worship Sol. Ramya  +91 75108 59396
4 David School of Worship Sol. Sheldon  +91 99219 49966
5 Academic Courses of SU Sol. Vidya Antony  +91 94436 99565
6 National Worship Centre Sol. Johny  +91 98427 81183
2 Prophesy 1 Department of Prophecy in the Sapphire University Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
3 Healing 1 Department of Healing in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Albert Jones +91 98405 77293
4 Deliverance 1 Department of Deliverance in the Sapphire University Sol. Benjamin +91 90030 21979


5 Family Building 1 Department of Family Building in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Sujatha Aacha +91 96771 92227
3 Marriage Counseling Course Sol.  Paul & Anita +91 90031 82275
6 Shadow Parli 1 Department of Shadow Parli in the Sapphire University Sol. Arvind +91 98221 81817
7 Group 1 1 BFF Sis. Sinola Qubert +91 99447 68500
2 Troop Church Sol. Olivia +91 98942 29271
3 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson +91 96299 90231
4 ECC Sol. Shadrac +91 93611 97303
5 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix Moses +91 73584 20497
6 Funeral Service Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
7 Wind Wing Sol. Antony +91 99401 41030
8 Group 2 1 Children Bible School (CBS) Sol. Paul Vasanthan +91 81246 77493
2 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma +91 99105 32357
3 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare +91 90037 71216
4 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel +91 95549 57866
5 Matrimony Service Sol. Leslie +91 94449 07772
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish +91 99308 04564
7 Secretaries Sol. Jevika +91 70217 35318

Volume 9 Issue 08

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

My heart will be there for all time

The Lord want His children in every State of India to allot 3 days in February (any 3 days) for Him to visit their  State. That 72 hours can be split and  allotted to the various SMPs, SMLAs etc. Here are a few guidelines  Holy Spirit showed what we have to do to welcome our Lord in that particular area and to make His visit fruitful. 

2 Ch 7:14-16  if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.   Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place.   For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will be there for all time. 

  1. People can cleanse that particular area of their State in order to  welcome and enthrone Jesus . For that,  first of all cleansing should be done. All the abominable things should be thrown away. Just like when we welcome a guest in our house, we clean it up, beautify it with curtains, flowers  , we can ask forgiveness  for all the sins committed there against the Creator, starting from the land,
  2. Dedicate the Land, soil, water, air and Government of that area (Corporation, Municipality, Block, Panchayat, Ward etc), Political Leaders(Both Ruling and opposite parties), Families, Religious places
  3. Liberate the oppressed, orphans, widows, those who are in jail, hospitals, mental and rehabilitation centres, of that particular area to God the Creator, using the authority given to you to bind and loose.
  4. Appoint angels to minister to that area. Appoint them in various works, like cleansing, purifying, filling it with worships. They will arrest all the infiltration of the enemy, expose the deceptions and evil schemes of the evil spirits. Angels will be roaming around as securities, these 72 hours in that area to arrest the enemy’s infiltration, expose his deceptions, evil schemes etc. If possible  night prayers, fasting prayers, chain prayers can be conducted these days (if you are already conducting, select those 72 hours)
  5. Do as many good deeds as possible in these 72 hours in that area (visiting hospitals, TIP programmes, feeding the poor, counselling, chain prayers, visiting houses or making calls to them, praying with them, for them, etc) so that God will be pleased.

When we cleanse our small portion, the whole Nation will be cleansed and purified. The Lord’s glory will dwell in our land.

  1. Take Jesus to all the places, families, Institutions, lands, which needs His Visitation urgently. . Get His blessing.
  2. Request Him to make your Constituency a perfect model for all the Constituencies in the world.
  3. Make a draft of the Model Constituency and get it approved by Him during the time of Visitation itself.

Make your Constituency a  place where the glory of the Lord dwells. Many from the world will come to see  the glory manifested there.  Make a perfect plan, do the homework well so that His visiting time will be the most blessed time.

Sr. Angelica AJ

Revelations in the Morning Prayer today 16.2.2021

Prayer for the Visitation of our Lord 3 days in Uttrakhand

Names will be changed. Major decisions which will shake the government and administration of the State will be taken in heaven. Treaties will be signed. Certain representatives from Uttrakhand will be invited to the Heavenly Court these 3 days which you select. The heavenly Court will sit in judgment for Uttrakhand.

TREATIES: Presidents of two countries would meet in a country during a visit on earth. The visit may be only for 2,3 days. But the impact it makes on the country will have far reaching effects. The tenure will exceed the tenure of the President. The treaties will bind even his successors in future. The two governments will come to an understanding . During these 72 hours treaties will be signed between Heaven and Uttrakhand. Start doing the homework from now on. Make maximum use of the time. Educate as many people as possible about this. Prepare the treaties, pacts, agreements ready in writing, for signature. Whatever you prepare will be sanctioned.

Isaiah 35:1-10.


When GOD wanted to create fish, HE spoke to the sea.

 When GOD wanted to create trees, HE spoke to the earth.

But when GOD wanted to create Human being, HE turned to Himself.

Then GOD said: "Let us make man in our image and in our likeness".


If you take a fish out of the water it will die; and when you remove a tree from soil, it will also die.

 Likewise, when Humans are disconnected from GOD, they die.

GOD is our natural environment. We were created to live in His presence. We have to be connected to Him because it is only in Him that life exists.

 Let us stay connected to GOD.

We recall that water without fish is still water but fish without water is nothing.

The soil without tree is still soil but the tree without soil is nothing.

GOD without Human is still GOD but Human without GOD is nothing.

If this message touches you, share it with others.

FASTING PRAYER of 3 days was held for Ladakh Constituency from 8-10 Feb 2021

The following Points were Prayered for:

Breaking the Strong holds of satan & the Release of Heavenly Blessings of God Almighty for:-

  1. Total Population of 1,33,487
  2. Sub Divisions- 6
  3. Tehsils- 8
  4. Panchayats- 95
  5. Villages- 113
  6. Educational Institutes- 500
  7. Health Institutions- 200
  8. Present Ruling and Opposition Parties
  9. For important buildings ie

Spituk Monastery, Gomang Stupa, Shanti Stupa, Tisuru Stupa, Zorawar Singh Fort. Royal Palace, Bazar, Polo Ground, Golf Course, ITB Police, Leh Airport.

The following BLESSING Verses were received from the Lord During the 3 day FASTING PRAYER:

Acts 20:32 “And now I commend you to the care of God and to the message of his grace, which is able to build you up and give you the blessings God has for all his people.

Colossians 1:6 The gospel keeps bringing blessings and is spreading throughout the world, just as it has among you ever since the day you first heard about the grace of God and came to know it as it really is.

Isaiah 43:19

Behold I will do a new thing

Now it shall spring forth

Shall you not know it?

I will even make a road in the wilderness

And rivers in the desert

Thank you

Glory be to God Almighty

Fasting prayer for the LORD Jesus’s visitation was held for Goa; Daman and Diu; and Rajasthan on 10th; 11th & 12th February 2021

All the AOJ Soldiers met for prayer on zoom at night. On the 11th we continued with the night prayer with breaking of bread and wine.

Prayer was done in the following steps

  1. Asking for forgiveness of the constituency
  2. Cancellation of the satanic dedications
  3. Rededicating the constituency to our Lord Jesus Christ
  4. Releasing and appointing angels to do mighty works
  5. Prophesying over the constituency

At the onset of the prayer a soldier received the revelation that a change on atmosphere was forecasting rains. So we have created an opening with fasting and prayer and God is saying that what we are expecting from him, we should have faith and claim the best for our constituency. We have to come in agreement and pray for our land.

The visions and revelation received are

  1. Saw tongues of fire
  2. A waterfall as if artificial water was falling
  3. Saw a lady fainting and falling down, felt that satan is getting crushed
  4. Saw a shield being erected and chairs being flung and heard the words, " It is done"
  5. Heard,"showers of blessings"
  6. Saw the movement of wheels as seen in a clock which was revealed as the times are changing
  7. Saw fresh spring water and received Joel 2:18- Then the Lord will be zealous for His land, and pity His people.
  8. A new born baby bathed and wrapped in white clothes
  9. A lush greenery like a rainforest with a beautiful garden
  10. A staircase leading to a higher level
  11. Had a vision that all the AOJ soldiers along with Sister Angelica are waiting for a lift which will be taking us to a higher level- God is going to take us to a very high level.
  12. Saw all the hindu gods and all the possible faces of all the idols but we were not frightened and received a message that the demons are displaced and the place (Goa, Daman and Diu and Rajasthan) are rededicated to the LORD Jesus Christ
  13. The temples being emptied
  14. As the temples were rededicated, these temples were used for evangelism
  15. The foundation of satan's kingdom which was solid and firm in Rajasthan is now changing with all the prayers and the foundation is getting weak as if it is built on sand. Our prayers are acting like burrows and so the foundation is getting loosed and satan's kingdom is crumbling down.
  16. The full form of Goa is expanded as God's own army.
  17. Saw a brother with a sword in his mouth. The sword was 24inches. The sword is the Word of God. When we speak to the people about the Word of God then we will see the bars closing down. Saw each one of us were carrying the double edged sword and that we are having authority over heaven.
  18. Hebrew 4:12 For the Word of is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
  19. Heavy rains falling on the ground
  20. A seive which is keeping the good grains and throwing out the chaff.

Prophecy over Goa

  1. Goa should produce sufficient agriculture products to be self sufficient
  2. Water of Goa will be blue economy
  3. Godly people will rise up in the Government
  4. Mning should commence for the betterment of the society
  5. Subsidy given to the people should reach the correct beneficiaries
  6. Cottage industries should flourish
  7. Schools, colleges and universities should be available in all villages
  8. Goa will raise prophets and servants of the Lord Jesus who will serve all over the world.
  9. Families will be united and peace will prevail in all the families.
  10. Let the IT industry be established
  11. Cancel the coal industry
  12. Let the solar system be self sufficient
  13. Proper planning of infrastructure
  14. Water harvesting to be done
  15. Bless NIO in Goa so that it will be a blessing for the entire nation.
  16. The sportsmen, football team, and artists to rise up
  17. The students should rise up to take up key positions.

Testimony of Sister Sindhu Prophecy coordinator of Kerala

Praise the Lord!!

Within 6 weeks 4 prophecy schools were conducted, as we started praying together with a four member team.

We saw a lot of miraculous things happening.

  1. As we started praying together for the participants and the two classes to be done this month we got a call from the people asking us to conduct a Prophecy class for them.
  2. As we were praying for the translation of the materials of Level 1 and level 2 in Malayalam, after 2 days of prayer a brother called us for some other reason and during the discussion he came forward himself saying he is free at this moment he will do the translation for both the levels.

Looking at these intervention of God the team is also excited and boosted up to put up everything in front of God and pray more.

All glory to God



Jeremiah School of Prophecy – Wing


Praise the Lord Jesus. Today during the Daily Prayer one soldier was praying to confess the mistakes, with repentance of being foolish, and thus cast out the satan who causes the foolishness in the hearts of the God's chosen ones.., that time I saw the vision "certain parade of Horses (Hill Horses) (Horses of white in appearance) with flames of fire on the feet of the horses proceeding towards Central part of India and towards East part of India.

Praise the Lord Jesus !!!

Sol. Rupesh

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 600 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Upcoming BFF 23.02.2021 to 28.02.2021 Karjat, Maharashtra - Amdi

Contact Sr.Anita Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 30034 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Prophecy News

Bible prophecy: Antichrist 'is already at work' and Unholy Spirit 'will rise' - claim

BIBLE prophecy states the Antichrist will rise in the End Times to deceive mankind and usurp power before the rightful Second Coming of Jesus Christ. A scripture expert has now warned the Antichrist is "already at work in the world" even if he has not revealed himself.

Groups of devout Christians worldwide believe the day will come when the Antichrist will arrive on the world scene in a desperate and deceitful power grab. Interpretations of the Bible suggest the Antichrist, who will arrive as the False Messiah, will attempt to take his seat of power in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem. And though the Temple has not been rebuilt since its destruction by the Romans in 70 AD, some scripture experts have claimed his evil influence is already affecting the world.

According to Tom Meyer, a professor in Bible studies at Shasta Bible College and Graduate School in California, US, the clock is ticking away the hours until the End Days.

The Bible expert has previously told Express.co.uk the countdown began some 2,000 years ago with the death and resurrection of Christ.

He has now warned of a coming age of suffering and strife he claims will plunge the world into chaos.

Professor Meyer, who has memorised some 20 books from the Bible, said: "The Unholy Spirit of the Antichrist is already at work in the world.

"Though the Antichrist himself, the embodiment of an unholy trinity, hasn’t yet publicly appeared on the geopolitical world scene, Bible prophecy has been warning humanity for the last 2,000 years that the last hour is here.

"The apostle Paul calls this Unholy Spirit, which is currently active in the world but still subdued, 'the mystery of lawlessness' (2 Thessalonians 2:7); it is ultimately a rebellion against the divine authority of the Word of God.

"The chaos we are currently experiencing around the world will be nothing compared to the destruction that will be unleashed by the God of the Bible, and all this conceivably within your lifetime."

The Bible expert believes the anguish that will arrive during this time will be greater than any since the world began.

According to Biblical prophecy, the Unholy Spirit of the Antichrist has not manifested just yet because it is being restrained by the power of the Holy Spirit.

But Professor Meyer argued: "Nonetheless, this terrifying prospect that is outside of our control will happen at the appointed time.

"When the Holy Spirit of the restrainer who holds the 'mystery of lawlessness' in check moves out of the way at the Rapture - the sudden disappearance of Christians - this will permit the Unholy Spirit of the Antichrist to fill the vacuum and rise to power on the world scene; this is the appointed time."

Once this happens, Professor Meyer added, the "mystery of lawlessness" will be embodied in the form of the Antichrist.

According to some interpretations of scripture, the Rapture will hit like a bolt of lightning and will be over just as fast.

On the day, Christ will appear in the heavens and call forth the dead and living Christians into his heavenly Kingdom.

However, this will not be His Second Coming just as many more events will follow, namely a period of disharmony known as the Tribulation.

What about the Antichrist? According to Professor Meyer, the Bible does not dispense many concrete details.

He said: "What form the seductive displays of power by the Unholy Spirit will take during the reign of the Antichrist is not specified in the Bible.

"What is clear is that deceit is crucial to make the False Messiah appear to be the True Messiah, rightfully enthroned in the Temple in Jerusalem (2 Thessalonians 2:4)."

Some evangelists believe the Antichrist will appear as a charismatic but unscrupulous political figure.

Whatever the case may be, many scripture experts have advised against trying to anticipate or event predict when these events might unfold.

According to Stephen Witmer, the pastor of Pepperell Christian Fellowship in Pepperell, Massachusetts, such attempts clash with the message of Christ's return.

He said: "As the theologian G.C. Berkouwer once said, we’re not called to reckon the time of Jesus’s return — we’re called to reckon with it, to allow it to fruitfully shape our lives in the present."

Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamil Nadu  State Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 

Kerala  State

Sol. Tagam

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &



Sol. Jyothi

Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl Dept / Group   Activity Wing Coordinator Name Contact Number
1 Worship 1 Department of Worship in the Sapphire University Sol. Theodore +91 98401 54775
2 24 Hours online Worship & 1st day Monthly worship Sol. Kanaka Sheeba  +91 90877 10209
3 24 Hours Offline Worship Sol. Ramya  +91 75108 59396
4 David School of Worship Sol. Sheldon  +91 99219 49966
5 Academic Courses of SU Sol. Vidya Antony  +91 94436 99565
6 National Worship Centre Sol. Johny  +91 98427 81183
2 Prophesy 1 Department of Prophecy in the Sapphire University Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
3 Healing 1 Department of Healing in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Albert Jones +91 98405 77293
4 Deliverance 1 Department of Deliverance in the Sapphire University Sol. Benjamin +91 90030 21979


5 Family Building 1 Department of Family Building in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Sujatha Aacha +91 96771 92227
3 Marriage Counseling Course Sol.  Paul & Anita +91 90031 82275
6 Shadow Parli 1 Department of Shadow Parli in the Sapphire University Sol. Arvind +91 98221 81817
7 Group 1 1 BFF Sis. Sinola Qubert +91 99447 68500
2 Troop Church Sol. Olivia +91 98942 29271
3 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson +91 96299 90231
4 ECC Sol. Shadrac +91 93611 97303
5 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix Moses +91 73584 20497
6 Funeral Service Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
7 Wind Wing Sol. Antony +91 99401 41030
8 Group 2 1 Children Bible School (CBS) Sol. Paul Vasanthan +91 81246 77493
2 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma +91 99105 32357
3 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare +91 90037 71216
4 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel +91 95549 57866
5 Matrimony Service Sol. Leslie +91 94449 07772
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish +91 99308 04564
7 Secretaries Sol. Jevika +91 70217 35318

Volume 9 Issue 07

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

Mat 16:18 -19 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates

of hell shall not prevail against it.  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever

you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” 

The word “Ecclesia”  word means the judicial legislative and government people of God . It speaks of a people that have been granted legal positions on earth and  before the Lord . We have been given the right and authority to get things legally in place so that God's will

can come into the Earth.

The words bind  and loose  are actually legal terms at their root. The word bind speaks of getting a binding

contract into place while the word loose  speaks of dissolving an existing contract . Jesus was saying that

the  Ecclesia has a judicial responsibility to establish binding contracts with heaven that allow God the legal

right to invade and impact the planet . The Ecclesia  also has the Job of legally dissolving contracts with devil that allow him to operate in the Earth. When we learn to get legal things in place we can then see the devil expelled and God's will established. This is our Job  individually and corporately.


This happened in Peter's life.  Jesus went into the court of Heaven on behalf of Peter and secure the destiny

written in the books of heaven for him. Lk 22: 31-32 tells us that Satan decided to have Peter.

Luk 22:31-32  “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, 

but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen

your brothers. 

The  words asked for in the Greek actually says demanded for trial . Satan  came and demanded that Peter  be put on trial in the courts  of Heaven . Satan had  developed evidence against Peter  to try and  thwart what was written in the books of Heaven about him. Remember that when the court is seated the books are opened. (Daniel 7:10). The devil understood something of what was in Peter's book . He understood the  significant purpose Peter was to play in the Kingdom of God . He knew that Peter was destined  by Heaven  to have a radical and dramatic effect,  if the devil did not stop him. Peter would do massive damage to his empire and establish the Kingdom of God. Satan therefore had to have a scheme to stop Peter if he could. His  plan was to bring him to court and to put him on trial. The reason for this was to disqualify Peter legally from what was written in his book. If satan could disqualify Peter through accusation in court, he could stop  the agenda of God for the for the Earth.

Satan is an accuser. Rev  12:10-11 shows that Satan is accusing us day and night.

Testimony from Gujarat

  • One girl whose in-laws were not ready to accept her and wanted to get separated, was counselled and with the help of NGO matter was settled, now she is living at her in-laws house with peace and happiness.
  • Another girl who is a young window. Her in-laws have left her and she has came to her mother’s house with her two little children. Her mother is very poor and not able to support her and her children. We got involved in this matter to help to get justice from her in-laws with the help of NGO.
  • About 2 months back, a middle aged man who is a brahmin by caste became very sick and was admitted to the hospital in the cities of Pilibhit and Bareilly. He had multiple issues including fear. When I prayed for him, he was healed and delivered from both sicknesses and fear. And almost immediately, he went about his work again. And also he forgot what the Lord had done for him. A week back, again he became very sick and was on the verge of death again getting admitted to the hospital of the cities of Bareilly and Pilibhit. After I prayed for him 3 days back, again the Lord healed him and he got discharged from the hospital, the very next day. It remains to be seen if he will accept the Lord as his saviour this time.


Praise the Lord!!

One sister Rani from Telangana was bed ridden due to cyst in the uterus.

Doctor suspected that it could be Cancer.

So she was full of fear and she was not able to walk and fully on bed.

During pandemic last year, She was asked to attend Deliverance School on the last day.

And the topic was Tearing down Strong Holds.

She realised that class was mainly taught to her. She felt God spoke to her, During practical session. All her strong Holds broke one by one.

Later she was called to be in the Troop Church. In the intercessory prayers many prophecised cancer to go away in Jesus name.

She learnt the authority of resisting the devil.

Then result came negative. She became normal.

She also had syndrome that only mineral water can be consumed. But after Deliverance practical she started drinking normal water. Nothing happened to her and she also started travelling after many months.The Holy Spirit convicted of her mistakes, and she also reconciled and she was delivered from many bondages.

She joined BFF and also attended many other Gift Schools.

She was enlightened through the word of God.

Later she started many troops, raised many soldiers as  leaders.

She also became BFF Coordinator .

Many People joined and became witness to Jesus Christ.

Glory to Jesus.Many Thanks to Jesus for His grace and Love.

Kejriwal schemes in Delhi

👍 Free 24 hr electricity up to 200 units, 50% free up to 400 units.

Free water up to 20000 ltrs.

Free medical check ups, medicines and operations.

👍 Free public transport for Women.

👍 Dial 1076 and Government person will come to your doorstep to fill up forms for Ration card, License etc. No need to stand in lines in Government offices or pay bribes.

Subsidy to buy electric vehicles

  • 1 crore compensation upon death in the family of Police.
  • Best education model in India. Govt schools have best facilities.
  • Smart streetlights and CCTV cameras to stop crime.
  • Marshalls on buses to stop eve teasing and crime against women.
  • Farishtey scheme giving Rs 5000 to people helping to take accident victims to hospitals.
  • Monthly aid of Rs 5000 to taxi drivers during Corona Pandemic.
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Financial assistance to students

Despite all this and much more Delhi Government is the only Government in India running in profit. All others including Goa are in loss or debt. The reason is no corruption and honest intentions in Delhi. Let's us ask our Politicians and their supporters why this is still not possible in Goa after 60 years. Please demand answers. No beating about the bush stories, which they are experts at. Share this message to create an awareness.

Thank you


Praise the Lord!

I would like to testify about the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We were living as a family in the Kingdom of Bahrain. My husband was working in a Night Club and then was running a Night Club in Bahrain. Since it was not the will of God, we  faced several hardships one after the other and finally we both got separated physically for 14 years and then legally separated for 7 years. We both came to know the Lord Jesus and got reunited again. My husband got transformed after attending the Shekina, Eschol and Bethel classes of AOJ.We   got again reunited in the court. We are now living happily together. We give all the Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.


I am from a Hindu family and the only believer in our entire family. I have brought up my son in the faith of the lord. My love for lord Jesus began during my school days as I was studying in a catholic school. I was always attracted by the life of the nuns and mother Teresa’s life stood as an ideal before me but I used to worship Jesus and our Hindu gods as well.

After my marriage, I faced so much rejection, hatred, conspiracies against me that I came even more closer to the Lord. During this time there was no one to support me but I delved more and more in the word of God. consequently, I came to realize that lord the Jesus is not one of the ways but the only way who leads to our Abba Father. So I relinquished all the other gods and goddesses I used to worship.

In fact, I thank God for the refiner’s fire in which he put me so that I would emerge as gold.(1 Peter 1:7). Also, with the same comfort that I received from the lord, I am able to comfort others (2 Corinthians 1:4). i always consider myself as a slave of God’s agape(1 Corinthians 7:23) and after joining AOJ, a soldier of his army.

 i joined the aoj during the lockdown period. i had not the slightest idea that the classes i was attending would not only deliver me, give me spiritual maturity but entrust upon my shoulders a responsibility of serving the lord.

I joined brother Benovin’s Samuel troop church and soon was coordinating my own Deborah troop church. But brothers and sisters, if we are faithful with few things, we are put in charge of greater things.(Matthew 25:23). whatever responsibility I got I did it to the best of my ability. And most important I always aimed to glorify my saviour and master the lord Jesus. I consider myself just a meek vessel of the lord whom God has exalted as he did Ruth. But I shall always abide at his feet.

I was given the charge of Hospitality gift school for the north region ,which I find after my own heart and calling. On 3rd January I was entrusted with the responsibility of the Hospitality school for the whole nation. Within a brief span of time, the lord exalted me to such a high status. I marvel at His ways but always want to remember the lord’s words that

Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, (Matthew 10:26)

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 29950 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Testimony of Dear Brother Ivone in English

Before joining AOJ, Brother Ivone was always Keen & Desirous of Serving the Lord, however due to certain errors thing did not go smoothly. When he was doing Ministry in Dubai, he was not satisfied and neither did he find peace. He then got married in 2008 and also got Family Visa by the Grace of God and after Marriage he continued to do Ministry work in Dubai itself along with his Family. However God Hindered him and did permit him to do so.

In 2008 he had to come back to India. In 2009 brother Ivone heard about the Shekinah program. He was trying hard to attend that meeting. Finally God made a way and Both he and his Wife Sister Sonia, were able to do the Shekinah course. One week later God spoke to Brother Ivone telling him not to go anywhere for his Ministry Work would be in India itself. At this time He did not know What to do and Where to go.

God brought him to Mumbai. Then he Cancelled his Passports and Visas and started to work in Mumbai.

After 3 months, God spoke to Brother Ivone telling him to start the Shekinah course. THIS WAS NOT AN EASY TASK. It would require lacs of Rs as well as a place to run it. However God spoke to Brother Ivone saying that like Jehowa Jereh, God would provide everything that was required to start the Shekinah Course.

With this faith in God's Promise, Brother Ivone started to undertake the task. When first Batch was started, he faced lots of Problems. The villagers beat them and persecuted them as well. Yet he did not waiver in his Faith as he had Determined to do the assigned task.

In 2010 when finally Shekinah started, God blessed them with many miracles and wonders. People who attended the course experienced Life changing wonders of God. Thousands of gentile People took baptism.

At some instances in a year, there were 300 Students attending the Course. God used to speak to them in unique ways. Praise be to the Lord for all His Leadings.

In this way from 2010 till 2016 God lead them with a mighty hand. Many times Brother Ivone was also taken into Police Custody, but God HELPED HIM AND MADE HIM STAND THERE AS A WITNESS FOR GOD and he was spared from all harm and trouble.

The most wonderful fact is that many hooligans and criminals such as ATM thieves who belonged to a thief gang etc also attended the Course. After attending Shekinah THIER LIVES WERE TRANSFORMED. Like this God did many wonderful miracles in the Life of Brother Ivone.


He did not know where he was to go. One night he dreamt that he was going in a desert and his wife dreamt that they should go to Delhi. This happened in 2016. They did not know that they were running the last course. During that time Sr Angelica reached there and she asked where they plan to go. They asked her to tell them what was the plan of God given to her, for them. That night she prayed and God spoke to her from Hebrew Ch 7 telling They would first go to Gurgaon and later would move ahead as per God’s guidance. So Brother Ivone shifted to Gurgaon and the Ministry work of North India started & spread vastly by great and wonderful ways of the Lord. Many people joined Aoj at that time and attend Gift Schools and Troop Churches. In this way God Blessed Brother Ivone in many ways. He did encounter many problems and hurdles, yet God helped them out of every situation. A word of thanks to all who helped him during his Ministry work which multiply manifold in North India.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, All glory and Praise be to God.

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 590 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Contact Sr.Anita   Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

Prophecy News

BIBLE prophecy states two powerful prophets or witnesses will enter the city of Jerusalem in the days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. A scripture expert has now astonishingly claimed this prophecy could unfold within "your lifetime".

Tom Meyer recites Revelation 16 from the Bible

Christians worldwide cling to the belief Jesus Christ will return on the day of His Second Coming. The Bible does not say when this will happen but passages in the Book of Revelation, the Gospels and Book of Acts paint a clear picture of what is to be expected on the day. Hebrews 9:28, for instance, reads: "So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him."

Revelation 22:12 reads: "'Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay everyone for what he has done."

And a passage in Matthew 24 reads: "Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming."

According to some interpretations of Scripture, the Second Coming will be preceded by the Rapture - the sudden disappearance of Christians - and an age of strife known as the Great Tribulation will come.

Tom Meyer, a professor of Bible studies a Shasta Bible College and Graduate School in California, US, believes these events could yet come to pass in the foreseeable future.

In particular, the Bible expert has highlighted a prophecy from the Book of Revelation, which predicts the arrival of two prophets in the End Times.

Professor Meyer told Express.co.uk: "According to the Bible, two prophets could appear in Jerusalem during your lifetime whose powers would be incomparable to anything the world has witnessed in thousands of years.

"Revelation 11:3-14 details the coming ministry of the two witnesses, the prophets who will come in the style of Moses and Elijah.

"After the Rapture of Christians, satan will commission his servant the Antichrist to do his bidding in the Great Tribulation - the last 42 months before the Second Coming of Christ - God will commission his two servants, the two witnesses, to counter that power during the same period of time."

According to Bible prophecy, God will grant Jerusalem to rebuild the Third Temple.

The Temple does not yet exist as it has not been rebuilt since it was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD and many of the Bible's prophesied events hinge on its existence.

Professor Meyer said: "The prophetic condemnations of these two witnesses devour their enemies.

"Revelation compares the power of their divine commission and words of these two to the Old Testament prophets of old."

The prophets are not named in the Bible, but Professor Mayer claims their powers are compared to those of Elijah and Moses.

God famously performed miracles through Elijah, such as resurrection and bringing about drought, according to 1 Kings 17.

Moses meanwhile led the Jewish people out of Egypt after being a conduit for the 10 Plagues of Egypt.

Professor Meyer said: "As with Jesus Christ himself, these two cannot be killed by the forces of evil until their ministry was fulfilled.

"But eventually at some point towards the end of the Great Tribulation, the witnesses will be murdered in Jerusalem, whose inhabitants will encourage and permit their deaths as they did the death of Christ.

"The world will celebrate their demise and deprive them of a proper burial, an act that is considered one of the greatest dishonours that could be inflicted upon a person.

"But according to Bible prophecy, the world’s laughter will be quickly turned to mourning as the witnesses will be raised to life in Jerusalem, as was Christ.

"As fear came upon those who witnessed the risen Christ (Matthew 28:4), so in like manner fear will come to those who see the resurrected witnesses.

"As Christ was killed, resurrected and ascended into heaven from Jerusalem in a cloud (Acts 1:9) and seen by many so in like manner will God’s two witnesses."

Some Christian figureheads, however, believe it is not our place to try and anticipate when these prophesied events might unfold.

According to Stephen Witmer, the pastor of Pepperell Christian Fellowship in Pepperell, Massachusetts, there is an important lesson in patiently waiting for Christ's return.

He said: "When our waiting for Jesus is founded on God’s promise, we draw our confidence from the dependability of the one who has made the promise.

"That’s good news for Christians because the God of promise is the sovereign Lord of history, and therefore totally reliable."

Jesus Christ Himself said in the Gospels: "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamil Nadu  State Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 

Kerala  State

Sol. Tagam

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &



Sol. Jyothi

Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl Dept / Group   Activity Wing Coordinator Name Contact Number
1 Worship 1 Department of Worship in the Sapphire University Sol. Theodore +91 98401 54775
2 24 Hours online Worship & 1st day Monthly worship Sol. Kanaka Sheeba  +91 90877 10209
3 24 Hours Offline Worship Sol. Ramya  +91 75108 59396
4 David School of Worship Sol. Sheldon  +91 99219 49966
5 Academic Courses of SU Sol. Vidya Antony  +91 94436 99565
6 National Worship Centre Sol. Johny  +91 98427 81183
2 Prophesy 1 Department of Prophecy in the Sapphire University Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
3 Healing 1 Department of Healing in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Albert Jones +91 98405 77293
4 Deliverance 1 Department of Deliverance in the Sapphire University Sol. Benjamin +91 90030 21979


5 Family Building 1 Department of Family Building in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Sujatha Aacha +91 96771 92227
3 Marriage Counseling Course Sol.  Paul & Anita +91 90031 82275
6 Shadow Parli 1 Department of Shadow Parli in the Sapphire University Sol. Arvind +91 98221 81817
7 Group 1 1 BFF Sis. Sinola Qubert +91 99447 68500
2 Troop Church Sol. Olivia +91 98942 29271
3 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson +91 96299 90231
4 ECC Sol. Shadrac +91 93611 97303
5 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix Moses +91 73584 20497
6 Funeral Service Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
7 Wind Wing Sol. Antony +91 99401 41030
8 Group 2 1 Children Bible School (CBS) Sol. Paul Vasanthan +91 81246 77493
2 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma +91 99105 32357
3 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare +91 90037 71216
4 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel +91 95549 57866
5 Matrimony Service Sol. Leslie +91 94449 07772
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish +91 99308 04564
7 Secretaries Sol. Jevika +91 70217 35318

Volume 9 Issue 06

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

The Angel of the Lord moved behind them

Dividing the Red sea is a world known miracle.
But it did not happen in one day.
The price paid by the Israelites for this was 430 years slavery, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual torture and exploitation.

The last stage of it was eventful.
After the Lord saved them from all the 10 plagues, Pharaoh drove them away immediately. Hence they were running away from their taskmasters. But their anguish did not end there. When they were in the desert, Pharaoh appeared again chasing them. Now starts the dramatic move.
Let us visualize the incidents chronologically.
1. Exo 14:19 Then the angel of God, who was going in front of the camp of Israel, moved behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front of them and stood behind them,
Just visualize this shift of the cloud & of the angel.
One Angel leading more than 20 lakhs of people through the desert. They are marching under the guidance of the Angel. All of a sudden the angel & the cloud which was leading them disappeared.
Moments of anxiety & anguish!
He is changing his place because his role changes now. So far he was leading. Now he is going to fight. They stood in between the 2 Armies.
2. It separated the two Armies- The army of the Lord , Israelites & the Army of Pharoah.
3. Exo 14:21 Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD caused the water to retreat by a strong east wind all night, turning the sea into dry land. As the waters were divided.
4. Exo 14:22 The Israelis went into the middle of the sea on dry land, and the waters formed a wall for them on their right and on their left.
5. Exo 14:23 The Egyptians pursued—all the horses of Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen—and they went into the middle of the sea after them.
6. Exo 14:24 In the morning watch, the LORD looked down on the Egyptian camp through the pillar of fire and cloud, and he threw the Egyptian camp into confusion.

7. Exo 14:25 The Lord made the wheels of their chariots wobble so that they drove them with difficulty.
8. Exo 14:27 Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the water returned to its normal depth at daybreak. The Egyptians tried to retreat in front of the advancing water, but the LORD destroyed the Egyptians in the middle of the sea.

Dear brothers and sisters,
Are you suffering suppression, persecution, injustice?
Wait till it culminates.
The end will be crowned with a great victory which will be written in the history of the world.
If certain evils to be uprooted or eradicated from this world, the sacrifice of many are demanded. Let's come forward for this.

Sr. Angelica AJ

FRP held at Mankur, Maharashtra on 26th and 27th Jan 2021…12 members participated

FRP held at Jalgaon District on 23rd and 24th  Jan 2021

20 Participated.


1) After attending online BFF, due to some misunderstanding and some wrong rumors regarding AOJ, people started backsliding however after this FRP, all their doubts were resolved also there was reconciliation and people came forward to work for this vision with one mind and spirit.

2) 2 SMPs and 9 SMLA's have been raised for Jalgaon and Bhusaval constituency.

3) 2 FRP programs will be conducted in Feb. One at Bhusaval and one at Jalgaon district.

4) One sister had severe pain in her left hand. After the practical she was delivered completely.

5) Another sister was unable to sleep at night since many years. She was healed and stated getting good sleep at night.

Many people experienced peace and joy through this FRP.

Families were reconciled.

All glory to The Lord alone.



TESTIMONY:     I did my Hotel management from NSHM . I did my training from Holiday Inn,Goa and also got a job offer from the same place . I then went back to my home town for some personal reasons.

My life took a U turn when the Lord saved me on his birthday. On Christmas Day 2010 I had a fatal accident when I was hospitalised, first locally and then was shifted to AIIMS, Delhi where I was in coma for more than 6 months. I got back my life after continuous prayers then I was taken to Christian medical college, Vellore for further treatment.

It was during this period when I realized and experienced true God who blessed me with my life.

Believe me or not during the training session today I truly understood the relation between us and the Holy Spirit which helps us to work for on Hospitality industry.

How the Bible study can help us to be strong professionals. And serving the Lord helps and motivates us be better professionals.

May LORD'S name be glorified. Amen

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Praise God for the successful completion of 29866 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …(given on 27.10.2014)

God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …


FRP held at Ambernath on 29th and 30th Jan 2021.

More than 20 participated. Most of them were new from Hindu families.

By the grace of the Lord all accepted Jesus as Lord and were delivered from their bondages.


1) One brother was elder in his church but he and his wife testified that they never experienced the hand of the Lord working in this way, even 1 day believers are given authority to cast out evil spirits in Jesus name.

2) One sister had gap in her backbone and was never able to sit for long hours. However in these 2 days she was delivered from all the pain and was comfortably able to sit.

3) One sister was very upset due to financial crisis since lockdown. When she heard of forgiveness she forgave all. That same day when  she reached home she got a call for a new job to join immediately with a hike in salary.

4) During practical participants experienced deliverance and freedom.

5) 17 participants have agreed to pray and become SMLA, SMLs, 3 teachers and 2 organizers raised. 2 FRPs will be organized in Feb at Kalyan and Ulhasnagar.

All glory to God.

Testimony of Bro Dev on the 3rd day of Hospitality Gift School

Praise the Lord

Being a Hotel Management Professional and having worked in Hotels, I was always taught to become a good man-manager .... But Alas we never knew that Christ was the greatest manger ever, who managed the whole world and we were trained to manage only one hotel.

Wao! how informative this training today was.

We having managed a single banquet of a hotel, claim to be a good manager. But imagine of Jesus Christ managing the whole world . It's was only possible because he was the Real God, the Messiah and the saviour.

Thanks to the training team for Blessing us with so good and realistic training.

Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course.

 As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 590 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India and  abroad. For Further details:

Contact Sr.Anita   Ph : 95403 28369/90949 21714

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows

1) http://giftschool.online -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.   We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks  given above.

Prophecy News

END OF THE WORLD: Why coronavirus is only tip of the iceberg - Claim of 10 deadly plagues

Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has infected more than 96.3 million people globally since it emerged in China in 2019 and has been branded a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Scores of conspiracy theorists and niche Christian groups have responded by flooding social media in recent months with warnings of the world’s fiery demise.

William R. Giersdof said on Twitter: “Don’t know how serious the Coronavirus is going to be, in truth, but there was some passage in the Book of Revelation, from the Bible, where it talks about a significant portion of humanity being wiped out by disease and pestilence.”

Another person tweeted: “Doesn’t the Book of Revelation mention The Lamb smoting the Anti-Pope with #coronavirus?”

A third Twitter user said: “‘Beginning of Sorrows’ - Matthew 24:3-8

“Australian Wildfires... Coronavirus... earthquakes in odd places...increased rage/murders worldwide ... massive hunger increases...

According to Christian evangelist Michael Snyder, the coronavirus is one of 10 plagues currently haunting the Earth.

The plagues are: armies of locusts, extremely bizarre weather patterns, unprecedented flooding, major earthquakes, unusual volcanic eruptions, the coronavirus, the African Swine Fever, the H1N1 Swine Flu, the H5N1 Bird Flu and the H5N8 Bird Flu.

In an article for Technical Politics, he wrote: “All of a sudden, really crazy things are starting to happen all over the world.

“Giant swarms of locusts are absolutely devastating entire regions, extremely unusual storms are confounding meteorologists, earthquake and volcanic activity are both on the rise, and five very dangerous diseases are sweeping across the globe.

“So far in 2020, it has just been one thing after another, and many are speculating about what could be ahead if events continue to escalate.”

There is, however, no evidence to suggest any of these events are apocalyptic or prophetic in nature.

The Bible’s Book of Revelation describes a series of events that will supposedly unfold in the final days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

But volcanoes have erupted in the past alongside earthquakes and viral epidemics, and the world is still standing.

And despite being treated as a global emergency, the coronavirus’ mortality rate is too low for it to be considered a biblical plague.

Christian writer Michael Brown wrote in The Stream: “My own understanding is that there will be massive upheaval before the end of the world, in the midst of which there will also be a mighty spiritual outpouring.

 “But either way, what is clear to me is that we should not view the coronavirus as a prophesied, end-time plague.

"Instead, we should view it in the same way we have viewed many other epidemics and pandemics in world history.

"They are tragic reminders of the broken state of our world and of the frailty of our race.

"And while doing all we can to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19, we should pray for the mercy of God."

Online Worship Leaders – Region/ State wise

Day Region Coordinator

Phone numbers

Sunday North Region Sol. Priyanka +91 87004 48331
Monday Tamil Nadu  State Sol. Sheeba +91 90877 10209
Tuesday West  Region Sol. Shankar +91 97659 87097
Wednesday East  Region Sol. Kalpana ‎+91 93377 81607
Thursday Central  Region Sol. Reeta +91 96659 83740
Friday Northeast  Region 

Kerala  State

Sol. Tagam

 Sol. Jacob


+91 96126 04242


Saturday Karnataka &

Andhra &



Sol. Jyothi

Sol. Divya




List of National Coordinators

Sl Dept / Group   Activity Wing Coordinator Name Contact Number
1 Worship 1 Department of Worship in the Sapphire University Sol. Theodore +91 98401 54775
2 24 Hours online Worship & 1st day Monthly worship Sol. Kanaka Sheeba  +91 90877 10209
3 24 Hours Offline Worship Sol. Ramya  +91 75108 59396
4 David School of Worship Sol. Sheldon  +91 99219 49966
5 Academic Courses of SU Sol. Vidya Antony  +91 94436 99565
6 National Worship Centre Sol. Johny  +91 98427 81183
2 Prophesy 1 Department of Prophecy in the Sapphire University Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
3 Healing 1 Department of Healing in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Albert Jones +91 98405 77293
4 Deliverance 1 Department of Deliverance in the Sapphire University Sol. Benjamin +91 90030 21979


5 Family Building 1 Department of Family Building in the Sapphire University Sol. Dr. Sujatha Aacha +91 96771 92227
3 Marriage Counseling Course Sol.  Paul & Anita +91 90031 82275
6 Shadow Parli 1 Department of Shadow Parli in the Sapphire University Sol. Arvind +91 98221 81817
7 Group 1 1 BFF Sis. Sinola Qubert +91 99447 68500
2 Troop Church Sol. Olivia +91 98942 29271
3 Joseph School of Financial Discipline  Sol. Jeberson +91 96299 90231
4 ECC Sol. Shadrac +91 93611 97303
5 Beryl Wing (Website, KG, Ezuchikural) Sol. Felix Moses +91 73584 20497
6 Funeral Service Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
7 Wind Wing Sol. Antony +91 99401 41030
8 Group 2 1 Children Bible School (CBS) Sol. Paul Vasanthan +91 81246 77493
2 Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Neelam Sharma +91 99105 32357
3 Morning prayer Sol. Shakespeare +91 90037 71216
4 Night Prayer Sol. Johnson Samuel +91 95549 57866
5 Matrimony Service Sol. Leslie +91 94449 07772
6 Training for Translators Sol. Jagdish +91 99308 04564
7 Secretaries Sol. Jevika +91 70217 35318