Volume 8 Issue 37

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

Those whom He loves, God  gives authority to rule  

Gen 9:2  And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon the animals of the earth, and upon every bird of the air, upon all that moves on the earth, and upon all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered. 

When God created man He gave only this authority: To rule over the Earth. In the Old Testament, the Psalmist has described the heavens, planets and stars  which have been put under Man’s authority!

Psa 8:1  O Jehovah our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens! 

Psa 8:3-4  When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have established; 

Psa 8:5-8  For You have made him lack a little from God, and have crowned him with glory and honor.  You made him rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet:  all sheep and oxen, yes, and the beasts of the field;  the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, and all that pass through the paths of the seas. 

The Psalmist got the revelation that God made Man ruler of everything that He created. It goes even beyond the planet earth, “The works of His hands”.

Psa 8:6  You made him rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet: 

When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon on 24 July 1969, he exercised the  authority given to man over the planets.

When Tensing and Hillary climbed Mount Everest, the highest mountain peak in the world, on May 29, 1953, they were obeying God’s   specific command in Gen 1:28

“Subdue the earth”

When the US Government  started NASA on October 1, 1958 for  the development of Science and Technology , they were fulfilling the command of God. Those who are working in Vikram Sara Bhai Centre or  all atomic research centres are vigorously obeying the demands of the Bible

Our late President Abdul Kalam was obeying the command of God by spending his whole life in making researches on planets and trying to subdue them. He won to a great extent. He spent his whole life in fulfilling this command of God and hence the Lord blessed him with an award,

“Vision India 2020”

Since he was not able to interpret it in the light of the Gospel, the Lord raised people in His Church to interpret “Vision India 2020”. The first Vision about the future of India was given to Dr. Abdul Kalaam because he proved his  eligibility by obeying the God given command Gen 1:28.

Gen 1:28  And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 

The Lord blessed man  with the authority and power  to subdue everything that He created. If God had given just a command to rule over the earth without His blessing him, then

Bible would have read,

“God commanded him”,  Be fruitful.....

But the word used in Gen 1: 28  is not “Commanded” but “Blessed”.

It is a command plus blessing. In other words, the grace to fulfil the conditions of the command  given, is also inherent in the Blessing.

So Adam was not only given  a command but given all support, stamina, divine help, wisdom, and all that is needed in administering and governing the whole earth by the authority given to him by God. 

Let’s see what all came under the authority of Adam as per Gen 1:28

  1. Fish of the sea (v, 26)
  2. Fowls of the heavens
  3. Every living thing that moves on the earth.(v 28)
  4. All the earth (v 26)

All the earth: It includes  surface of the earth , every inch of the land on the earth,  mountains, hills, rivers, clouds, trees, vegetation, forests, soil, air, animal kingdom, minerals, ocean etc.

Our only duty on earth is subduing it.  Each one among you is given a portion of the earth.

It is your Constituency or the  area of your residence.

As you are fully engaged in it,  Heaven is rejoicing over you. 

Those whom He loves, God  gives authority to rule

“Administration” is taking part in the divine work of the Lord.  It is a gift to be claimed and developed by  every individual who is created in the image of God. They cross the barriers that come against them, one by one, and finally become overcomers, rulers of everything.

Soldiers of AOJ aim at this! Become a rulers ! Not only of one, but of many !

Sr. Angelica AJ                                              

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pr 22:5  The spirit which makes the  deceitful walk a thorny, treacherous road

Morning Worship are going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact Sol. Blessy Ph : 98410 34637

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!

7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

Man is given authority to experience everything, but let him not choose the unworthy. Man is also given freedom to experience everything, but let him not get enslaved to anything .

This holds good for everything which are of man’s - the stomach and the food which are man’s needs and his supplies.

Even in such destructible things, God prefers man to choose what is worthy, to choose to overpower anything.

How much more He will be concerned about the eternal ?

How much more He will be concerned about His own?

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

1 Corinthians 6:13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

Body is for the Lord and the Lord is for the body ! Man’s own body doesn’t belong to man himself !


God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!


7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord

* 1. Body is for the Lord *

         Food is for the stomach and stomach is for the food, man can make his own choice, as stomach and food belongs to man. But Body is for the Lord and Lord is for the body and it’s God who has to make the choice and He has made holiness His choice. Man can’t experience fornication.

  1. Our body will be raised imperishable

         God destroys both stomach and food; our choices for them make no difference eternally. But our body is raised imperishable, in glory and in power by the power of God who raised Christ. Our choices for our earthly body define our eternal body too and therefore it can be nothing other than holiness.

 *3. We can’t take authority over members of Christ *

        Our bodies are members of Christ. Therefore we cannot take His members and make them the members of a harlot.

  1. We are one in Spirit with the Lord

         As we are one in Spirit with the Lord, we cannot have any other union other than the holy union which is with the flesh and bones of Christ and our own partner.

* 5. Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit*

         Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit. We received Him from God and He resides within us. Being the temple, we ought to diligently take care not to defile our body at any cost. Of all sins, our vigilance should be more against sexual sins, as all other sins remain outside the body but the sexual sin directly corrupts the holiness of our body defiling the temple . One has to be always alert and awake to flee from any situation that has the tendency to tempt.

* 6. We are accountable for the body given to us *

         We are accountable for whatever we have received from God. It’s not only true for talents, possessions and responsibilities but also true for the body we received from Him. By mistreating or abusing our own body with wrong habits or provoking others sexually with our body, we become unaccountable. Holiness is the only accountability permissible by God.

* 7. We are not our own, we are bought with a price for God*

         We are not the owners of our body as God has already spent a huge price Jesus Christ to purchase us and make His own. All those which belong to Him will glorify nothing other than Him. Therefore we glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are His.

God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!

Sol. Sujatha


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

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God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

Christian NEWS Update

5-Year-Old Boy Prays with National Guard Member amid Kentucky Derby Protests

During the Kentucky Derby Protests, a national guardsman was found on camera kneeling with a 5-year-old boy in prayer. The powerful moment reportedly brought “strength” to the soldiers there. The national guardsman, Dan Otterson, told Fox News that he was in tears. “God sent a 5-year old boy to strengthen soldiers, and that’s something you can’t ever replicate,” he said.

After the prayer, Otterson went to talk with fellow soldiers about the interaction. He also posted a photo of him praying with the 5-year-old on his Facebook account, with a long explanation of what happened and why it came at a time that truly mattered for him and others. So far it has been shared nearly 600 times.

On his Facebook post, Otterson noted that his military unit had been regularly sent out to assist the local police department with monitoring heavily armed protestors and counter-protestors. One day, amid a crowd of protestors, Otterson noticed “an older black lady who had 3 very small children with her. She hung towards the back, was quiet, not saying anything towards my team or LMPD and waited for the majority of the protestors to thin out.”

Otterson then shared that “The lady approached our fence line and said that the youngest boy … wanted to pray for us.

“I could see he was timid so I approached him, got down on one knee, introduced myself and asked if he wanted to pray. What happened next was worth every second of our weekend. This little boy prayed harder and with more conviction, than I’ve ever seen anyone pray in my life,” Otterson asserted.

“He prayed for me, my team and our safety. He didn’t care about color, he didn’t care about occupation, he just wanted us to be safe and prayed that we would have a hedge of protection around us,” he added.

Otterson went on to note how impactful this moment was for him. “In a world full of aggression and tension this little boy showed that there is still love and compassion, regardless of skin color, gender or how you feel about my occupations. While I may never see that little boy again, I know he was sent in that moment to keep us safe.” The powerful moment came in the midst of some of the largest protests Kentucky has ever seen over Kentucky closing down the Derbys over safety concerns from the Coronavirus. Louisville businesses are poised to lose hundreds of millions of dollars and residents have lost an iconic Kentucky event where excitement and family fun fare come to the state each year.

Some of Louisville’s biggest businesses have completely abandoned anything Kentucky Derby, and others have remarked how their business has completely sunk since Kentucky made the decree. But not all businesses are failing, one bakery had a line out the door because they were selling derby-themed treats.

Hundreds of Ethiopian Christians Killed in Coordinated Attacks by Extremists since June

In Ethiopia, throughout the summer, Muslim extremists have carried out an onslaught of anti-Christian attacks that have left hundreds dead and thousands displaced. According to the Barnabas Fund, an international persecution watchdog, the attacks on Ethiopian believers appear to be coordinated and carefully planned.

“These targeted genocides of Christians by Muslim extremists are going on unabated in the south, south-east and east of Addis Ababa,” an Ethiopian Christian told Barnabas Fund in August.

The attackers are believed to be a youth movement of Oromo men known as Qeerroo or “bachelors.” The Oromo are considered to be an ethnic group who are mainly comprised of Muslims.

In June, Oromo singer Hachalu Hundessa was fatally shot in the capital of Addis Ababa. Following the assassination, Qeeroo members began killing local Christians in door-to-door attacks.

CBN News reports that the attacks were carried out across multiple Ethiopian towns, including Arsi Negele, Ziway, Shashemane, Gedeb Asasa, Kofele, Dodola, Adaba, Robe, Goba, Bale Agarfa, Chiro, Harar, Dire Dawa, Adama, Dera, Asela, and Kembolcha.

Mrs. Eniye Cheru shared her experience with the Barnabas Fund, detailing how the group attacked her family back in June.

“They came to my home and began to knock on our door violently. We tried to escape with our children via the window”, she recounted. “They burned my home and grain mill business. But with the kindness of God, I have been able to save my children from being burnt.”

Sadly, one widow told the persecution watchdog that her husband Solomon Belayineh was beheaded for refusing to renounce his Christian faith.

“The attackers said that it is only he/she who prostrates with us before Allah for prayer who is considered an Oromo,” she noted.

According to the Barnabas Fund, police officers remain passive as Christians were murdered while other believers lost their businesses and homes in the attack.

Some local authorities, who are also Muslim, provided assistance to the attackers who drove to different towns while armed with guns, machetes, swords, and spears.

Some believers think that the assassination of Hachalu Hundessa gave the attackers an excuse to carry out the anti-Christian assault, Borkena, an Ethiopian news outlet, reports.

“I think his death was taken as an opportune time to launch an organized and planned attack. The attack came before even we hear about news of his death,” said Archbishop Abune Henok of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel                   -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm.                      -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch     -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage          -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

Revelations should be strictly regarding:-

* State/Central Govt.

* Required Reforms

* Changes to be introduced / implemented

* Administrative guidance and Decision making


We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Troop Church

Troop Church @ Uttar Pradesh

Troop Church Leaders Meeting @ Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Troop Chruch Baptism

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 31657 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Prophecy News

A Sign Of The Times? Unprecedented Fires Have Turned Skies Blood Red                    

2020 has been an incredibly difficult year for the U.S. as a whole, but no part of thecountry has been hit harder than the states along the west coast.  It has just been one thing after another all year long, and now unprecedented wildfires have turned the skies bright orange and blood red over vast stretches of California and Oregon. Many are using the word "apocalyptic" to describe what is happening, and others have said that the skies look like something out of a science fiction movie.  And even though hundreds of thousands of acres have already burned in Oregon and Washington, and even though more than two million acres have already burned in California, officials are warning that conditions will get even worse as we head into "the teeth of the wildfire season".

I can't remember a time when skies have turned completely red for an extended period of time in the state of Oregon, but that is precisely what we witnessed on Wednesday.  The following comes from an article entitled "Skies turn blood-red above Oregon in apocalyptic scenes from wildfire-ravaged state"...

Journalist Christine Pitawanich from KGW 8 is heard explaining in the video: "This, right here, is downtown Stayton. "You can see the red hue, the red-orange glow in the sky. There is ash, falling visibly in front of the headlights of the car.

"But downtown, basically, empty here beside a few people walking around.

Can you imagine the panic that people living in that part of Oregon must be feeling right now?

According to Governor Kate Brown, these red skies are being caused by an "unprecedented" fire event...

Oregon Governor Kate Brown said the incident is "proving to be an unprecedented and significant fire event for our state". So far, an estimated 200,000 acres of land has been scorched. Of course California has been dealing with "unprecedented" fire events for a few weeks now, and on Wednesday morning residents of San Francisco awoke to find that the skies above their city had turned "a pumpkin orange color"... Just when Bay Area residents thought the world outside couldn't get stranger, the sky Wednesday dimly glowed a pumpkin orange color you'd expect to see on Mars.

With wildfire smoke high aloft in the atmosphere, the sky was a sickly yellow on Tuesday, but today a thicker blanket of toxic air is traveling overhead and the color turned an even stranger, richer hue. And just like in Oregon, ash from nearby wildfires is falling in large quantities.

In fact, it is being reported that at one point so much ash was falling in the Bay Area that "it looked like moderate to heavy snow"... In some spots the sooty air reached the ground, and National Weather Service forecaster Roger Gass said a weather spotter saw falling ash at Buchanan Field Airport in Concord. "They reported a significant amount of ash," said Gass. "Almost to the point where it looked like moderate to heavy snow."

This has already been the worst wildfire season in the history of the state of California, and we haven't even gotten to the heart of wildfire season yet.

More than two million acres have already been burned, and normally October and November are the worst months for wildfires in the state. Extreme heat and a bitter drought combined to create ideal conditions for wildfires to break out, and California Governor Gavin Newsom says that there were "14,000 lightning strikes" during one recent 24 hour period... California Governor Gavin Newsom said this was the "largest fire season we've had in recent recorded history" as he declared a state of emergency.

He blamed the cause of the fires on "unprecedented temperatures, a heat dome, 14,000 lightning strikes over a 24-hour period and 150 million-plus dead trees related to a multi-year drought". I know that California is a huge state, but 14,000 lightning strikes in one 24 hour period seems really, really extreme to me. I am sure that officials have a "rational explanation" for why so many lightning strikes are happening, but could it be possible that what is happening goes beyond our usual rational explanations?

What we do know is that literally dozens of fires are being started every day in California, and firefighters are really scrambling to try to contain them... "Just yesterday there were 43 new fires. The day before that, 49 fires," Berlant said. "When a fire ignites right now ... they are able to burn at explosive rates. But firefighters have done an amazing job at being able to contain most of these fires that are igniting."

I have a really hard time imagining that this fire season could get even worse in the state, but that is what officials are telling us.  In fact, the phrase "much worse" is being used to describe what is potentially ahead... California's record-breaking fire season could get much worse in the coming days as powerful winds heighten the danger of more blazes while firefighters continue to struggle with destructive conflagrations across the state. Intense Diablo winds are forecast for parts of Northern California this week, with Pacific Gas & Electric Co. saying it would shut off power to numerous communities in hopes of avoiding new fires potentially sparked by downed power lines.

If you look at a map of all the fires that are raging right now, it looks like nearly the entire state is already on fire at this moment. So I am not exactly sure what "much worse" would look like. In the end, this could be the final straw that motivates many people to finally leave the west coast for good.

Yes, the weather can be beautiful and traditionally there have been lots of high paying jobs out there, but the west coast is definitely not a place that you will want to be during the very challenging years that are ahead of us. When the skies turn apocalyptic colors and ash starts falling so heavily that it reminds people of heavy snow, that is probably a sign that you should reconsider where you are currently living. To me, 2020 has been a year that has been filled with warnings, but unfortunately I don't think that most people are listening yet.

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Volume 8 Issue 36

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

Col 1:28, 29  whom we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, so that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.   For which I also labor, striving according to the working of Him who works in me in power. 

The word “Every man”  comes three times in the above 2 verses.

Warning Every Man

Teaching Every Man

Present Every Man in Christ Jesus.


This is the Ministry of the Word of God put in a  nutshell.

 The apostle  Paul says,

For  this I labour, striving, according to the working of Him, who works in me in power.

  1. “Striving” should be there. For each person, various types of striving is needed. In order to raise a Paul, Stephen had to lay down his life. Since he did it willingly the Church got a powerful Apostle who became the Apostle of all the
  2. “Striving” should be according to the working of Him. We should walk in the same speed as Jesus in bringing a man into Christ.

I remember a boy who came to attend a Bible class with us. After 5 days of Bible class, he started going to the Catholic Church. Even though a Christian, he never went to Church or attended any service there.

In our eyes, it looked awkward. We have come out of the Catholic Church to preach Gospel. After attending our class, he went into the Catholic Church. How can we take it?

Million thanks to God, He did not allow me to speak a word against it.

One day he came for a clarification,  “Sister, today after the mass while I was praying to Mary, I heard a voice, “You need not say  “Ave Maria”(Hail Mary!) 3 times, 2 times is enough”

He came to me to  clarify  whether this is from the Lord or from satan. When I said it is from the Lord, he continued saying it 2 times. After a few days, the same voice, “No need to say 2 times, one time enough”. After a few days, same voice, “No need not say it at all”.

After one week, he came and said,

“The same voice came to me again, When I was looking at the statue of Mary, it became dark in colour, and I heard a voice, “Run away from this place.  So I ran with all my energy and went to another Church for mass”.

Today he is serving God the Almighty with his full strength. The  Holy Spirit has His own way of guiding souls, step by step, class by class.

If we strive in our way, as per our wisdom, away from His ways, result will be  Nil or minus. But the Holy Spirit who is working in that soul also is working in me in power. The  Holy Spirit’s main work is to connect people. After the work,  he detaches us from them.  Those who are wise will understand this and bear much fruit for the Lord.

  • Sr. Angelica AJ

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pr  28:5  The spirit which hinders man from understanding  justice

Shekinah Glory classes & Morning Worship are going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact Sol. Blessy Ph : 98410 34637

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!

7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

Man is given authority to experience everything, but let him not choose the unworthy. Man is also given freedom to experience everything, but let him not get enslaved to anything .

This holds good for everything which are of man’s - the stomach and the food which are man’s needs and his supplies.

Even in such destructible things, God prefers man to choose what is worthy, to choose to overpower anything.

How much more He will be concerned about the eternal ?

How much more He will be concerned about His own?

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

1 Corinthians 6:13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

Body is for the Lord and the Lord is for the body ! Man’s own body doesn’t belong to man himself !


God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!


7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord

* 1. Body is for the Lord *

         Food is for the stomach and stomach is for the food, man can make his own choice, as stomach and food belongs to man. But Body is for the Lord and Lord is for the body and it’s God who has to make the choice and He has made holiness His choice. Man can’t experience fornication.

  1. Our body will be raised imperishable

         God destroys both stomach and food; our choices for them make no difference eternally. But our body is raised imperishable, in glory and in power by the power of God who raised Christ. Our choices for our earthly body define our eternal body too and therefore it can be nothing other than holiness.

 *3. We can’t take authority over members of Christ *

        Our bodies are members of Christ. Therefore we cannot take His members and make them the members of a harlot.

  1. We are one in Spirit with the Lord

         As we are one in Spirit with the Lord, we cannot have any other union other than the holy union which is with the flesh and bones of Christ and our own partner.

* 5. Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit*

         Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit. We received Him from God and He resides within us. Being the temple, we ought to diligently take care not to defile our body at any cost. Of all sins, our vigilance should be more against sexual sins, as all other sins remain outside the body but the sexual sin directly corrupts the holiness of our body defiling the temple . One has to be always alert and awake to flee from any situation that has the tendency to tempt.

* 6. We are accountable for the body given to us *

         We are accountable for whatever we have received from God. It’s not only true for talents, possessions and responsibilities but also true for the body we received from Him. By mistreating or abusing our own body with wrong habits or provoking others sexually with our body, we become unaccountable. Holiness is the only accountability permissible by God.

* 7. We are not our own, we are bought with a price for God*

         We are not the owners of our body as God has already spent a huge price Jesus Christ to purchase us and make His own. All those which belong to Him will glorify nothing other than Him. Therefore we glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are His.

God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!

Sol. Sujatha


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

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God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 31489 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel                   -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm.                      -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch     -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage          -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

Upcoming Programs

David school of worship (4th week) - August 26 - September 3

Jeremiah school of prophecy (5th week) - September 4 - September 11

Praise the lord soldiers, this is the plan for the gift schools to be conducted in Tamil Nadu formed by Sr. Angelica and Team.If more than one gift school is conducted at the same time, students will be confused with their choice. All should attend all the gift schools. So kindly follow the above.

 For example, Healing school is conducted zonal wise. Prophecy school is conducted Tamil Nadu level ( 70 participants), both schools are  conducted at different timing, so when we conducted gift school in different timing and date it will be very useful for students to attend and it will not clash with any other gift schools. So kindly follow this plan.

Joseph school of financial discipline (7th week) - September 12 - September 19

Nazareth school of family building (8th week) - September 20 - September 27

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

Revelations should be strictly regarding:-

* State/Central Govt.

* Required Reforms

* Changes to be introduced / implemented

* Administrative guidance and Decision making


We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Troop Church

Troop Church Testimonies

A newborn baby delivered on 20 August developed jaundice on day two of life baby was given treatment for 5 days. Normally it will take only one day but jaundice level reduced after 5 days’ time. After stopping treatment baby was discharged on Day six of life. Repeat Jaundice level was again elevated hence baby again required three days photo therapy.  All these days I forgot my authority in Christ when I realized I have not done my duty.  I asked God for forgiveness and released healing over the baby’s Jaundice level reduced drastically baby became normal. Bilirubin was also normal. Thank you Jesus for healing the baby.

David Troop Church

Baptism for their Troop Church members @ Karnataka

Christian NEWS Update

A genocide against Christians is silently unfolding in Nigeria

Persecution of Christians in Nigeria continues to increase exponentially — but this persecution rarely makes the news outside that country. Now the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety) has published a letter it sent to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and other world leaders, entitled “Calling For Urgent International Intervention To Stop State Protected Fulani & Other Jihadists From Wiping Out Christians In Nigeria,” saying: “ Christians are at high risk of being wiped out by state protected Islamic Jihadists, especially the Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen, parented by three major Fulani associations (Miyatti Allah, FUNAM and Fulani Houta lHore), all recognized and registered till date by the present central Government of Nigeria.”

We have tracked this persecution of Christians in Nigeria here at ChristianPersecution.com extensively. Nigeria is about 50% Christian. Of those Christians, around 75% are Protestant, 24% Roman Catholic. Of the remaining 1%, there is a small Orthodox Christian community. These Christians are being subjected to a ruthless persecution that has gone on with sporadic attacks for years, and has been escalating recently. Targeting the Christians are both the Islamic militant group Boko Haram and Muslim Fulani herdsmen. The Order requests once again that the UN and the US State Department address the persecution of Nigerian Christians, and move the Nigerian government to take decisive action against Boko Haram and the Fulani herdsmen for the protection of its Christian citizens.

For previous coverage of the persecution of Christians in Nigeria at ChristianPersecution.com, see here.

“A genocide against Christians is silently unfolding in Nigeria,” by Kester Kenn Klomegah, Modern Diplomacy, August 28, 2020:

The International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, – a Nigerian-based non-governmental organization that monitors human rights violations and advocates for peace and integrated society, – has asked the United Nations (UN), the Commonwealth Secretary General, the African Union (AU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and other international organizations to step up efforts to address rising armed attacks mostly on civilians in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The latest letter, a copy made available to Modern Diplomacy, titled “Calling For Urgent International Intervention To Stop State Protected Fulani & Other Jihadists From Wiping Out Christians In Nigeria” and was addressed to H.E. (Mr.) Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, Rt. Hon (Madam) Patricia Scotland, QC Secretary General of Commonwealth, H.E. (Ms) Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the Int’l Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor, ICC Headquarters, among others.

It said in part: We, the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, are a federally registered human rights group in Nigeria, formed in 2008 with thematic mandate of campaigning for promotion and advancement of democracy and accountable governance, civil liberties and rule of law and public security and safety.

As a core part of our thematic mandate, Intersociety has, since 2010, followed, monitored (including patterns and trends of anti-Christian butcheries), researched, investigated, documented and published or exposed inter faith and intra faith intolerance and violence including massacre of Christians by Jihadists in Nigeria or any part thereof and persecution of Shiite Muslims by Sunni Muslim political and security actors.

Intersociety strongly opposes use of violence for religious propagation and adoption whether in principle or in practice, of any particular religion as a state religion by any sitting Government or its security and law enforcement agencies.

As a result of the above, Your Excellencies; and with greatest respect and humility, we wish to bring the attention of Your Excellencies to the following facts:

  1. That Christians are at high risk of being wiped out by state protected Islamic Jihadists, especially the Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen, parented by three major Fulani associations (Miyatti Allah, FUNAM and Fulani Houta lHore), all recognized and registered till date by the present central Government of Nigeria. Other jihadist groups massacring Christians in Nigeria are: Boko Haram, ISWAP, Ansaru and Jihadist “Bandits”. Of the named Jihadist groups, Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen enjoy full state cover and protection and are also independently found dominating other jihadist groups.
  2. That from January to July 2020, Jihadist Herdsmen have been responsible for no fewer than 1,027 Christian deaths and destruction or burning of thousands of houses and hundreds of worship and learning centers belonging to Christians. All their victims since 2015 and before then are Christians. The Jihadist group is further responsible for over 15,000 Christian deaths and destruction or burning of at least 1,500 churches and Christian learning centers in Nigeria since 2009.
  3. That combined with anti-Christian killings by other Jihadists including Boko Haram, ISWAP, Ansaru and Jihadist “Bandits”, over 32,000 Christian lives and more than 17,000 churches and Christian schools have been lost since July 2009. Owing to the inaction and strongly suspected conspiratorial role of the present central Government of Nigeria since mid-2015, the number of Jihadist groups in Nigeria has also increased dangerously and uncontrollably from three (BH, Ansaru and Herdsmen) in mid-2015 to not less than 20 including splinter and autonomous jihadist groups.
  4. That this is to the extent that they now operate, kill, maim, torture, rape, massacre and convert Christians and loot, plunder, burn and destroy their churches and other properties at will; with Nigeria’s central Government and its security forces looking the other side or doing little or nothing.
  5. That specifically, Your Excellencies, a total of1,421 Christians have been hacked to death by Nigeria’s Jihadists in Jan-July 2020; a period of seven months. The breakdown of the massacre carefully monitored by Intersociety, shows that Jihadist Herdsmen accounted for 1,027 Christian deaths, Boko Haram and Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) 310 Christian deaths and Jihadist Ansaru and Jihadist “Bandits” over 60 Christian deaths. Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen also accounted for over 9,000 Christian deaths since mid 2015 when the present Government of Nigeria came on board.
  6. That in Southern Kaduna alone, 683 Christian lives have been lost to Jihadist Herdsmen in the past 570 days or 19 months (1stJan 2019-31stJuly 2020). Not less than 363 Christian lives were also lost to Fulani Jihadists in the past seven years or 1st Jan-31st July 2020 and in July 2020, alone, no fewer than 175 Christians were butchered by the same Jihadist group in the State.
  7. For more details, Your Excellencies, please access the follow links concerning the ongoing butchering of Christians in Nigeria and strongly suspected complicity of the present central Government of Nigeria and some State Governments in the troubled areas including the present Government of Kaduna State.
  8. Our latest report, dated 3rdAugust 2020: 1,421 Christians Hacked To Death By Nigeria’s Jihadists In Jan-July 2020…


Abortion and Planned Parenthood Exposed

If I told you I had an exodontia appointment today, during which my bicuspid would be extracted from my alveolar bone, you may not know what I’m talking about. In fact I’m not sure I even pronounced those words correctly. If, however, I said I’m having a tooth pulled at the dentist, you would. We use language to soften reality all the time. We might say that someone “passed away” instead of “died” to come across as more sensitive and caring. We might use the phrase “let go” rather than “fired” for the same reason.

Euphemism and jargon can be useful in certain situations, but we should never use language to hide evil, especially when it comes to something as important as abortion. For years, advocates within the abortion industry have obscured and misled, dodging the consequences of their actions by both euphemism and deception. Now, thanks to a new round of videos released by pro-life activist David Dalieden and the Center for Medical Progress, at least a handful of abortionists have been forced into brutal honesty.

In 2015, Dalieden first released a series of videos, taken undercover, of multiple Planned Parenthood executives bragging about how lucrative the practice of selling body parts from aborted babies was. One executive, Mary Gatter, famously said, on camera, that she hoped to sell enough body parts to buy a Lamborghini.

The videos released last week add yet another dimension, showing these same Planned Parenthood executives forced, under oath, to watch the incriminating footage of themselves from 2015 and answer for what they said.

It was an exercise in linguistic gymnastics.

Back in 2015, Tram Nguyn, the vice president of abortion access for Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast, told Daleiden that aborted babies were, at times, delivered from their mother “a little too intact.” Because partial birth abortion is a federal crime, such an admission would create quite a problem for Planned Parenthood. On the other hand, to make enough money for a Lamborghini, they need to deliver body parts as intact as possible.

During deposition, when asked to clarify this comment, Nguyen admitted that sometimes aborted babies were, in fact, delivered with limbs still attached to the torso. Sometimes, she said, the fetuses may even be delivered with the “calvarium” attached. “Calvarium” is Latin for head.

What she is describing is partial-birth abortion. Even that, however, is a euphemism for what is, really, a live dissection. Tram Nguyen can use all the Latin she wants, but she still admitted under oath that Planned Parenthood partially delivered babies and then killed them to sell their body parts.

Believe it or not, that’s not the only legal question created by this sworn testimony. Planned Parenthood execs also seem to admit violating a portion of its own patient protocol, the part in which the patients are promised that abortionists will never alter the procedures in order to obtain sellable parts. Under oath, however, Dr. Deborah Nucatola admitted that sometimes abortionists turn babies around to be delivered feet-first, in order to keep as much of their little bodies in-tact as possible.

Also in the video, Lamborghini enthusiast Dr. Mary Gatter makes a heroic but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to use a language distinction to obscure how serious a violation of patient’s rights this is. After confirming that changing procedures to harvest body parts would violate policy and ethics, she assures us they didn’t actually change the procedure, only the technique used during the procedure.

Why do abortionists and those who profit from abortions so often hide behind euphemism? Why the secrecy and sleight-of-hand? Even before Roe v. Wade right up until now, people and politicians have hidden behind jargon like “fetus” and “products of conception” and “calvarium.” Now, even words like “procedure” and “technique” are used as if they have no real meaning.

Everything good and right and true exists in the light, according to Ephesians 5. Evil tries to hide itself, and hidden evil flourishes. Everything this industry tries to hide, including the humanity of the fetus and the reality that this “procedure” kills, and just how brutal it is, we must expose. 4:56 We will continue talking about abortion here on BreakPoint in plain language, until we don’t have to anymore.

And we will do our best to train every Christian to make the case for life, including through our next 4-week Short Course, “Champion Life: How to Oppose Abortion and Protect the Unborn,” which begins this coming Tuesday. Come to BreakPoint.org to register, and tell your friends and family about it.

I do believe there are signs that the tide is turning on abortion in the United States. And I believe the light shines on the darkness, the better off we will be in defending the unborn. Even though many Americans still support legal abortion, a wide majority now favor certain safety measures: such as requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, and stipulating that a doctor must first conduct and show mothers an ultrasound before performing an abortion.

Prophecy News

Is Coronavirus Connected To Bible Prophecy?                      

I have lived through several impactful--even game-changing--historical events which all occurred within 1 year. I worked in DC on 9/11, during the DC sniper murders, and during the DC anthrax mail attacks. That condensed time period was a pivotal moment in our nation's history. Things were never the same. Our Gen-Z population doesn't know what it was like before 9/11, just as my Gen-X generation doesn't know what it was like before the culture-shaking events of the 1960's. After 9/11, people filled churches again--but only for a time. As life returned to normal, so did the cultural default position. In fact it has worsened. In the West--including in America--there has been a steady decline of belief in the Bible or the God of the Bible. 

The great falling away predicted in Scripture continues and escalates. If trends continue, the next generation of leaders and decision makers will be "nones." "Nones" are those who do not identify with any religious affiliation or belief system. Like most of Europe, it will be wholly secular--which IS a belief system in itself, but I digress. As more and more people fall away from true, Biblical Christianity--so too will they fall away from its principles, wisdom, sound-logic, and blessings. There's not doubt that our country has been blessed so tremendously because it was founded on Biblical principles (and because we have blessed the nation of Israel [Genesis 12:3]). 

I'm not saying our country is perfect by any means, but to the degree that we have followed God's ways in our culture--we have also experienced God's blessing and protection. Fast-Forward to 2020. The world is on lock-down. The impending tidal wave of COVID-19 has not fully hit the US just yet, but the daily breaking news from our president (and other leaders) both reassures people with a bit more clarity--and frightens people as the reality of the pandemic sinks in. It's not very deadly--although all of us know people in the most vulnerable demographic, and we are concerned for their wellbeing. COVID-19 is not even that tough to have as a sickness for most people who are struck with it (as compared with frightening diseases such as ebola).  But the uncertainty surrounding the virus, and the speed with which it spreads, has sent people's emotions, sense of security, and the stock market into a tailspin.


So what does this mean for us? Is this related to end-time events? Will it pass? Should we store up toilet paper, cleaning supplies, flu medicine, and hunker down in fear? What voices should we listen to? How seriously should we take the advice given by national and local leaders? How should the Church respond? 

First, to address the elephant in the room as it relates to end-time prophecy. We're not in the tribulation period. Scripture is clear that the rapture will occur first. That's not to say things won't get tough prior to the rapture. In fact Jesus taught in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13) that there would be birth pains leading up to (and ultimately into) the tribulation period. Also, THE tribulation is different from tribulation in general. Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that we would have tribulation in this world (John 16:33). But, the judgments in the tribulation period will be progressively worse than anything the world has ever experienced. I believe what we are witnessing with COVID-19 is part of the birth pains Jesus talked about in the Olivet Discourse (referenced above). In fact, I think it is a major birth pain; as is the locust plague that is ravaging Africa and the Mideast; as is the large number of social uprisings in countries around he world; as is the increase in earthquake activity; as were the record-breaking Australian wild fires; as is...you get the picture. Birth pains increase in frequency and intensity, and they only increase until the moment of delivery.

This particular birth pain happens to be one that the entire world is feeling. Again, increased intensity. It's also a birth pain that has shaken all earthly things. Sports, financial markets, distractions, hobbies, concerts, you name it--have all been shut down. 

Those things aren't bad in themselves, but it's as if God is removing any distractions for a moment in history to plead with the world again,"Look up! Look to me! This world is temporary. Think about eternal things. I love you. I died for you. Please don't ignore me. Turn to me now while there is time."

I should also add that this is a pebble in the ocean compared to a yet-future global event that will rock the world to its core. If one rapidly spreading virus can cause this type of global disruption, can you imagine what the rapture will do when tens of millions are removed from the world in an instant? That singular event will set all the end-time events of John's Revelation into motion. 

There have been condensed periods of major supernatural events in the past--creation, the exodus, and the events surrounding the first coming of Jesus culminating with the resurrection. Now after roughly 200o years, we await another period of immense supernatural events which will begin with the rapture.Were it not for the hundreds of major prophecies that have already been fulfilled--including the rebirth of Israel and recent developments in Syria--this notion would be laughable. But I believe it will literally happen. Scripture is clear.


Here are a few things.

First, we should not live in fear. God is still in control. He's in control of the world, and in control of your life. He didn't cause COVID-19, but he allowed it. There is a paradox inherent in this discussion. God is sovereign, yet mankind still has free will.  God has told history in advance about where this is all headed, yet our freewill and the nature of the fallen world transpire in chronological fashion. Faith is required. Gods' promises are true, prophecy is real, world events are not random, this is all headed somewhere. Do not fear. Look up!

Second, we should look for new ways to leverage this moment to turn people to Christ. It may look different than 2 weeks ago. The truths of Bible prophecy are beginning to have meaning to a broader audience as the whole world senses these birth pains. 

Even the secular voices are becoming progressively more apocalyptic. The condition of the world is the elephant in the room. We need to be bold enough to talk about it from a Biblical (ie, accurate) perspective. Along with that, we should love others and meet needs at a time when most are fearful and need some encouragement.

Third, we should be responsible. Though we should not fear, we should heed wise advice and take the recommended precautions seriously. It's a chance for us to love our neighbor as our self. This pandemic forces us to get our eyes off of our own needs and onto the needs of others. 

During the worst moments of the initial outbreak, Chinese Christians from the underground church served victims of COVID-19 with grace, joy, and love. Because of such acts, the underground church in China continues to explode. What the enemy meant for evil, was turned to be used for good. The political division in our own country has even (momentarily) subsided a bit. 

Much like after 9/11, our country is (at least somewhat) joining together as one. I believe this will end once the major threat of COVID-19 has passed. Then (I believe) it will be globalists vs. nationalists at an even greater level.

Fourth, let this time of uncertainty draw you closer to God. If I can be completely real for a moment, the Lord has shown me several things the past few weeks that I need to work on. Nothing earth-shaking, but areas of my thinking and reactions that God has brought to the surface so I can turn them over to him. The closer I get to the Lord the more I realize how much I need him every day.

These are serious times--and we need to be ready. We need to be ready for whatever lies ahead--and we need to do so with courage, boldness, joy, and hope in a soon coming King. Everything else fades away in the bright light of His promised future return. 

We don't know the day or hour, but all Biblical indicators are that we could very well be the generation that experiences the rapture. What a privilege--and a burden--to be alive at this time in history. Are you ready? Why not put your trust in the only thing that is really stable?

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Volume 8 Issue 35

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

Through anguish of spirit and through cruel bondage

Exo 6:9  And Moses said so to the sons of Israel. But they did not listen to Moses through anguish of spirit and through cruel bondage. 

The Lord has promised that India will come under the rule of Jesus Christ. He is rolling  everything in this nation towards His project: the Government, Judiciary, Reserve Bank, Parliament. Its members, Worship places,  the Church, Families, Financial system  etc,. He has not revealed His whole plan to anyone so far.  Till 2019 December some revelations were  given. Bit by bit, here and thereThose who  received it were running with  their full strength to achieve the target.

But from 2020 March, with the closure of the Churches, His plans became  more exposed!

The pandemic and lockdown has divided the society into two. Those who are called by God, His chosen ones, take it as a sign of the Lord’s visiting this Nation and His Church. Others hardened  their hearts.

When you take this good news of  India’s Liberation, to the people, they may not listen to you first. As the people of Israel did. There are 2 mountains to be smashed. 

  1. Anguish of spirit. In another version of the Bible,  it is written, shortness of spirit. We are familiar with the word, “short sight”. Shortness of spirit is nothing but short sightedness. Because of the centuries old slavery,  exploitation,  squeezing manual labour, people have lost their God given caliber therefore they think and worry only about their livelihood.  It is our duty to give them hope about the future of India. Just like our freedom fighters of Independence War, wrote, spoke and composed songs about freedom, raised their mind and hearts towards an independent India, we have to motivate the people, to raise their head and look to a new India, ruled by Jesus Christ.
  2. Cruel Bondage. People were under the cruel bondage of the  Egyptian Pharaoh. Today the  people are under the spiritual bondage of institutional Churches. Like Pharaoh, the rulers suppress them, never allow them to grow in their spiritual gifts or to start Troop Churches in the houses. The Lord has delivered the people already. Let thank God.

Our role is that of Moses. We  must go on motivating the people. 

 Look at the huge  buildings built for Churches in the cities and towns lying waste for the past six months! The prophecy the Lord has given in 2006 has been fulfilled!

1 Sa 2:36  And everyone who is left in your house shall come to implore him for a piece of silver or a loaf of bread and shall say, “Please put me in one of the priests' places, that I may eat a morsel of bread.” . 

Neverthless we  should go on telling them incessantly about the plans of the Lord for India.

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pr  27:2 The spirit which makes one praise man  with  one’s  own mouth and lips

Shekinah Glory classes & Morning Worship are going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Children Prophecy School


Will God talk to everyone?

Can everybody hear the voice of God?

Date : 24/08/2020 - 7/09/2020 (Alternate days)

Timing : 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Age limit : 6-14

Group link : https://chat.whatsapp.com/DXgJpaBsNLr4zX913pAXvD

Join Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89513313038?pwd=WDlsL2VxVkhwVmd0aXk5Y0l0dW9YQT09

Meeting ID: 895 1331 3038

Passcode: 577137

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact Sol. Blessy Ph : 98410 34637

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!

7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

Man is given authority to experience everything, but let him not choose the unworthy. Man is also given freedom to experience everything, but let him not get enslaved to anything .

This holds good for everything which are of man’s - the stomach and the food which are man’s needs and his supplies.

Even in such destructible things, God prefers man to choose what is worthy, to choose to overpower anything.

How much more He will be concerned about the eternal ?

How much more He will be concerned about His own?

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

1 Corinthians 6:13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

Body is for the Lord and the Lord is for the body ! Man’s own body doesn’t belong to man himself !


God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!


7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord

* 1. Body is for the Lord *

         Food is for the stomach and stomach is for the food, man can make his own choice, as stomach and food belongs to man. But Body is for the Lord and Lord is for the body and it’s God who has to make the choice and He has made holiness His choice. Man can’t experience fornication.

  1. Our body will be raised imperishable

         God destroys both stomach and food; our choices for them make no difference eternally. But our body is raised imperishable, in glory and in power by the power of God who raised Christ. Our choices for our earthly body define our eternal body too and therefore it can be nothing other than holiness.

 *3. We can’t take authority over members of Christ *

        Our bodies are members of Christ. Therefore we cannot take His members and make them the members of a harlot.

  1. We are one in Spirit with the Lord

         As we are one in Spirit with the Lord, we cannot have any other union other than the holy union which is with the flesh and bones of Christ and our own partner.

* 5. Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit*

         Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit. We received Him from God and He resides within us. Being the temple, we ought to diligently take care not to defile our body at any cost. Of all sins, our vigilance should be more against sexual sins, as all other sins remain outside the body but the sexual sin directly corrupts the holiness of our body defiling the temple . One has to be always alert and awake to flee from any situation that has the tendency to tempt.

* 6. We are accountable for the body given to us *

         We are accountable for whatever we have received from God. It’s not only true for talents, possessions and responsibilities but also true for the body we received from Him. By mistreating or abusing our own body with wrong habits or provoking others sexually with our body, we become unaccountable. Holiness is the only accountability permissible by God.

* 7. We are not our own, we are bought with a price for God*

         We are not the owners of our body as God has already spent a huge price Jesus Christ to purchase us and make His own. All those which belong to Him will glorify nothing other than Him. Therefore we glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are His.

God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!

Sol. Sujatha


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

Mail Id : paulvasanthan.gc@gmail.com

Contact No: 812467749


God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

Christian NEWS Update

China Fines Christian Man $2,870 for Holding Online Bible Study, Violating Anti-Religion Law

A Chinese government agency last week fined a Christian man $2,870 for holding an online Bible study it says violated a new anti-religion law. The man, Zhang Wenli, lives in Yunnan province and was contacted Aug. 11 by the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau and accused of hosting “illegal religious education training” online, according to International Christian Concern (ICC). 

The letter quoted a new law, the 2018 Regulations on Religious Affairs, which states that “non-religious groups, non-religious schools, non-religious activity sites, and temporary activity sites not appropriately designated as religious ones cannot conduct religious activities, accepting religious donations, carrying out religious training ….”

He was fined 20,000 RMB (approximately $2,870 U.S.).

Christians in China are allowed to join government-sanctioned churches that are part of the Three-Self movement. Because such congregations face heavy regulations and even persecution, millions of Chinese Christians worship in illegal house churches. 

“This shows that it will be increasingly risky for any Christian in China to hold Bible study or conduct church activities online,” ICC said in a statement. “From Wuhan, Sichuan, to Yunnan, the local authorities have been keeping their eyes on Christians, especially those from house churches. Many of their online activities were bugged and interrupted. 

“The objective of their action is to coerce the house church members to join state-sanctioned churches,” ICC added. 

Christians in China have faced severe restrictions and persecution in recent months.

Three-Self congregations that were forced to close due to the pandemic are being allowed to reopen only if their pastors use their sermons for “patriotic education” and to support the Communist Party, according to a report from Bitter Winter.

Earlier this year, the government forcibly removed crosses from at least 250 Three-Self churches in the eastern province of Anhui. Last year, churches across China were ordered to remove copies of the Ten Commandments and replace them with portraits of communist revolution leader Mao Zedong and current Chinese President Xi Jinping, according to Bitter Winter.


Lessons from Covid-19 have shone a light on city slums giving hope to India's poor

'Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Psalm 82: 3 (NLT)

India's coronavirus crisis is reported to have reached a critical level this week. More than two million cases have been diagnosed and 50,000 deaths reported.

For the nine million people living in Mumbai's slums there's little hope of avoiding the virus. Living conditions are cramped and unsanitary. It is virtually impossible to self-isolate, socially distance and practise good hand hygiene. There is often no running water or even proper light and ventilation. Dozens of families share a single toilet. In short, there couldn't be a more perfect breeding ground for Covid-19.

Recent testing has revealed that more than half the residents in Mumbai's slum areas have the antibodies for Covid-19. Outside of the slums, the rate was 16 per cent. While this is of little surprise, it has at least exposed India's health disparity between rich and poor.

Mumbai is dubbed 'the city of dreams' and features in the world's top 20 wealthiest cities, according to New World Wealth's October 2019 report. But despite being home to Bollywood stars and world class cricketers, Mumbai has the largest slum population of any city in the world.

Almost half of Mumbai's population are slum dwellers. Yet the slum dwellers and those living in nearby luxury homes are intrinsically linked. The slums are home to cooks, maids, drivers and cleaners.

Previously it was of little concern to the wealthy as to where their domestic staff lived. But now they are only too aware of the health risk their domestic staff pose. So much so that Mumbai's middle classes are fearful of letting workers back into their homes. Tragically, this leaves domestic staff in an even worse position. Living hand to mouth, they are left hungry.

Covid-19's grip on India has prompted the director of its National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Dr Rohit Roy, to call for an end to slum living.

Alluding to the previous 'indifference' of the middle classes to slum conditions, he said, "if not for the sake of the poor, for public health."

The Bible mentions more than 300 times that it is our responsibility to care for the poor and work for justice. So why does it take a global pandemic for those that have, to seek justice for those without? It is clearly God's will to help people escape poverty. Not because it prevents us from catching Covid-19 from our cleaner, but because it's His plan for society! After all, access to healthcare, housing, food and safe water are basic human rights.

While Covid-19 is a highly infectious virus, leprosy is a mildly infectious bacterial disease that the middle classes are much less likely to catch. Long term exposure to leprosy is needed for someone to catch the disease as well as a weakened immune system. This is usually caused by the effects of malnutrition and poor living conditions.

While leprosy has always been in the slums, it is Covid-19 that has provided the wake-up call and exposed the health disparity between rich and poor. More than half of the world's new cases of leprosy are found and treated in India each year. Improving living conditions is likely to radically slash the number of new cases. It was for this very reason that the UK saw an end to leprosy long before a cure was found.

The Leprosy Mission's partner organisation, Stepping Stone Charitable Society, runs an ambulance project bringing medical care to the Mumbai slums. Called the Karuna ambulance, its aim is to reach out to leprosy-affected people and other marginalised groups. This includes those with HIV and commercial sex workers. The Karuna ambulance has been permitted as essential services to enter five slum communities during Mumbai's lockdown. As well as providing essential medical care to slum dwellers, the team has distributed emergency food parcels and face masks. Karuna means 'compassion' in the ancient Indian languages of Sanskrit and Pali. In God's eyes it is through compassion that a helping hand is given to those needing it most. Failing that, now Covid-19 has done its worst, we pray God's will be done and millions will be lifted from extreme poverty.

Charlotte Walker works for The Leprosy Mission, a Christian charity working in 28 countries to defeat leprosy and transform the lives of people affected.

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel                   -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm.                      -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch     -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage          -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

Upcoming Programs

David school of worship (4th week) - August 26 - September 3

Jeremiah school of prophecy (5th week) - September 4 - September 11

Praise the lord soldiers, this is the plan for the gift schools to be conducted in Tamil Nadu formed by Sr. Angelica and Team.If more than one gift school is conducted at the same time, students will be confused with their choice. All should attend all the gift schools. So kindly follow the above.

 For example, Healing school is conducted zonal wise. Prophecy school is conducted Tamil Nadu level ( 70 participants), both schools are  conducted at different timing, so when we conducted gift school in different timing and date it will be very useful for students to attend and it will not clash with any other gift schools. So kindly follow this plan.

Joseph school of financial discipline (7th week) - September 12 - September 19

Nazareth school of family building (8th week) - September 20 - September 27

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

Revelations should be strictly regarding:-

* State/Central Govt.

* Required Reforms

* Changes to be introduced / implemented

* Administrative guidance and Decision making


We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 31321 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Article – The Humbling of a Proud Hindu

How God got my attention when I thought I was too good for grace

In the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks to the Jewish leader Nicodemus, who was curious but also confused about the notion of being born again. In the course of explaining the difference between birth through ordinary means and birth through the Holy Spirit, Jesus tells Nicodemus, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8).

These words capture something of my own experience of new birth. At the time I came to faith, I was a PhD student in aerospace engineering at Princeton—the sort of person, in other words, who ought to have known about things like the source and consequences of airflow. Even so, I was utterly perplexed by what had happened. Like Nicodemus, the source and consequences of being born again were beyond my comprehension.

Looking back at the events in my life—more than 20 years after my conversion—I can see with greater clarity how God was working behind the scenes. My struggle against him, fueled by ignorance and pride, was utterly futile.

Advanced Beyond My Age

I grew up in southern India in a small city. My brothers and I were first-generation high school graduates, so the fact that I ended up working toward a NASA-funded PhD in advanced space propulsion at Princeton is nothing less than a miracle. And, like many miracles recorded in Scripture, it had a deeper purpose: to draw me to Christ.

My hometown is prominent in Hinduism because of its historic temples and a renowned monastery. Hinduism is in the soil, water, and air. I grew up in a devout Hindu family that was inseparable from the highest echelons of religious leadership. My commitment to Hinduism grew deeper when I left home at age 11 to study at a boarding school run by a prominent religious leader, where I excelled beyond the expectations of my family and my teachers. Paul’s testimony, in Galatians 1, of “advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people” (v. 14), applied just as well to my progress in Hinduism. Many years later, I would become a leader in the Hindu Students Association at Princeton.

Before arriving there, I had been exposed to Christianity through friends, the prominence of Catholic colleges in India, and Christian movies released in the US. I was also intellectually curious about various world religions. I remember seeing the icons and statues in Orthodox and Catholic churches and thinking them to be similar to the gods I worshipped. I did not consider Christianity to be fundamentally different from Hinduism, but merely an appropriate religion for a different society.

On the other hand, I harbored a deep disdain for Christian cultural and moral values, as they were represented by Western culture. Like most Hindus today, I thought they were a form of debauchery. Compared to the teachings of Hinduism, they seemed intolerably lax. In my mind, then, Jesus could qualify as one among many in the pantheon of gods, but nothing more. My commitment to Hinduism also included a strong nationalist element (and the worldview behind it), and this resulted in a deep mistrust and antipathy toward religious conversion—especially conversion to Christianity.

Despite this, God was crucially at work, preparing me to receive Christ through my friendship with a fellow PhD student. As I worked alongside him for more than 12 hours a day, I respected him as a colleague, and eventually I became close friends with him and his family. On a few occasions, the Cross of Christ came up in casual conversation. Sensing that I was missing something, my friend explained that Jesus Christ died bearing our sins to reconcile us to God.

This was something I had never heard before. And it offended me! I was a deeply religious person, someone diligently striving to be good. How could my friend think that anyone, much less someone like me, was a sinner in need of salvation? Yes, I had problems, but wasn’t I capable of fixing them myself? Why would I need Jesus to bear my sins?

Out of respect for a friend and fellow researcher, I asked him to provide evidence for his explanation of the Cross. He readily encouraged me to read Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, an author I recognized from his other popular works. But I quickly realized that I needed to go directly to the primary source, so I asked my friend to buy me a Bible.

Over the next few months, other stories from the Bible came up in our conversations. The parable of the Prodigal Son did not sit right with me, in part because God was not supposed to be like the profligate father in that story. He was supposed to reward good moral conduct, not irresponsible rebellion. In reality, I identified more closely with the other son, who did not seem to need grace. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9–14) also blew the fuse of my understanding of God. How could a man who defrauded his own people by conspiring with foreign occupiers have a better outcome before God than a religious leader who followed all the rules? I had to get to the bottom of this Christian “thing.”

In tandem with my intellectual quest, God was showing me the futility of “kicking against the goads,” as he described Paul’s own pre-conversion resistance (Acts 26:14). In a brief but decisive period, God exposed my false sense of self-sufficiency, which I had based on financial prosperity, academic success, and a strong relationship with my family. In short order, I experienced unexpected and unexplainable failures in each of these areas—financial, academic, and relational. The blows came from different directions, but their cumulative effect was devastating. By removing the frail crutches on which my life was built, God exposed the reality of my profound weakness—especially my utter inability to fix relational brokenness. I was in more pain than I had imagined possible, and I was devoid of the props on which I was accustomed to resting.

Knowing no other way out, I decided to end my own life. In the midst of this darkness, a voice within me spoke: “This is why Jesus had to die for you.” It came from nowhere, but at that moment my brokenness pointed to a greater brokenness in my relationship with God. I had nothing to lose, so I decided to ask my friend if I could attend church with him. My call came on a Sunday morning, just as he and his family were leaving the house to attend worship. That morning I heard the gospel, and I responded with a broken and open heart.

An Ananias and a Barnabas

My experience of becoming a Christian wasn’t like flipping a switch. Believing the gospel didn’t automatically lead me to conformity to Jesus Christ or produce the immediate fruit of righteousness in me. While I desperately desired the gift of forgiveness, I was reluctant to change anything else about my life or worldview. Given the enormous differences between Christianity and my earlier Hindu beliefs, my new life had to be nurtured before spiritual growth could occur.

Intellectually, I wrestled with three fundamental questions: Who is God? Who am I? What is my relationship with God? The more I pondered these questions, the clearer it became that the answers offered by Hinduism and Christianity are utterly incompatible. I had to reject the former to receive the latter. Functionally, I had to rethink all of life from a clean slate because I simply did not have a framework or vocabulary to make sense of my new identity.

Paul needed an Ananias to spark his conversion, but he also needed a Barnabas to accompany him in his new journey of faith. God similarly ordained the support I needed to grow as a disciple. While Hinduism ties one’s religious standing to one’s birth status, Christianity teaches that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. My new Christian community cared not about my first birth but about my new birth: my confession of faith, my commitment to fellowship, and my desire to live wholly for Christ.

Every genuine Christian conversion is a miracle—a transition from spiritual death to eternal life, from enmity with God to adoption into his family. Yet God seems to take special delight in seemingly impossible cases—like Paul, a former persecutor—so that the riches of his grace might shine all the brighter. When I consider the chasm between my old outlook on life and my new life in Christ, I can only marvel at God’s work of redemption—and fall down at his feet in praise.

Prophecy News

The Totalitarian Future Globalists Want Will Come In The Name Of 'Public Safety'

All over the Western world ever since 9/11 there have been incremental steps towards what many liberty advocates would call a "police state"; a system in which governments are no longer restricted by the boundaries of civil liberties and are given the power to do just about anything they want in the name of public safety. The use of "the law" as a tool for injecting tyranny into a culture is the first tactic of all totalitarians. The idea is that by simply writing government criminality into the law books, that criminality somehow becomes justified by virtue of legal recognition. It's all very circular. Whenever government abuse of the people is initiated, it's always initiated in the name of what's "best for society as a whole". 

To save society, the individuals that make up a society must be sublimated or destroyed. This mentality is the complete opposite of what the Founding Fathers in America fought and died for, but as Thomas Jefferson once said: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

In countries like Australia, which claim to value Western democratic principles of liberty and rule by the people, the perception is that civil rights are codified into the legal framework just as they are in the US.  However, there are some glaring differences and issues; specifically, Australian citizens (like many European citizens) have absolutely no means to compel their government or the elites that influence their government to limit themselves. It is these nations, in which the populations have been mostly disarmed and pacified, that any agenda for tyranny will first be established. But we will get to that in a moment...

Make no mistake, there is a very OPEN and easily identifiable agenda on the part of globalists to establish a heavily centralized police state system in every country they are able. This is not "conspiracy theory", this is conspiracy fact. For many years now there have been numerous analysts, economists and geopolitical experts in the alternative media that have predicted and warned the public about the globalist strategy of "order out of chaos". 

In other words, the ultra-wealthy power brokers that hold influence over most governments on Earth seek to "reshape" the existing social order through the creation of crisis and disaster. By engineering public desperation, they hope to lure us into accepting restrictions on our freedoms that we would have never considered otherwise. The goal of a single global economy and government has been spoken of by elites time and time again, yet it is still to this day called "conspiracy theory" or "paranoid delusion". I could quote these elites and their organizations all day long, but I'll cite a few choice statements to make my point.

As former Deputy Secretary of State under Clinton and Council on Foreign Relations member Strobe Talbot wrote in an article for Time Magazine in 1992 titled 'America Abroad: The Birth Of The Global Nation':

In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all. As elitist and Fabian Socialist HG Wells outlines in his non-fiction treatise titled The New World Order:

...When the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people ... will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people.

And how about one of my favorite revealing quotes from Trilateral Commission member Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson? He wrote in the April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation's (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs (pg. 558) in an article titled 'The Hard Road To World Order':

In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault. Members of globalist foundations and think-tanks like the CFR have inhabited nearly every US government office and presidential cabinet for the past several decades. This includes the two dozen or so CFR members in Donald Trump's cabinet.  Draining the swamp? Not going to happen.

As Harper's Magazine candidly revealed in a 1958 expose titled 'School For Statesmen':

The most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common, they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for "the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all powerful one world government.

The easiest method for the globalists to get what they openly say they want is to either conjure a crisis or exploit an existing crisis in order to "erode sovereignty". The current pandemic fits this plan perfectly, but before sovereignty can be eliminated on a national level they need to undermine sovereignty on an individual level first.

Actions within the US and nations allied to the US suggest an accelerated attack on personal liberties is at hand. There are sister foundations to the CFR in many other countries. For example, in Australia they have the highly embedded and influential Strategic Policy Institute, which has been consistently advocating for complete centralization of government power in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Their stated plan is to concentrate policy administration in the hands of a new "commission" or "department" made up of the "brightest minds". This commission would not be tasked with getting Australia back to normal, but convincing the public to ACCEPT the "new normal" beyond the pandemic.

The ASPI enthusiastically heralds the idea in an article titled 'Coronavirus Response A Chance To Reimagine Future For Australia': The agenda of such a department now is not about getting Australia back to normal after the pandemic. It's about re-imagining what Australia can be and how we can thrive and prosper in our future beyond the coronavirus and in light of drought, bushfires and climate change. 

Think about the kind of new economy we can have after the forced, rapid adoption of dispersed home working and schooling through digital means. We can be the leading digital economy the prime minister desired before the pandemic, not by 2030 but much earlier. This reminds me immediately of the post 9/11 push to rapidly remove constitutional protections while the public was blinded by fear and confusion.  As US globalist Rahm Emanuel would say:

You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before. The ASPI reveals the true agenda, which is the complete federalization and unilateral implementation of law without public approval. The plan is to do this by exploiting the pandemic event to its full potential and then applying the rapid societal changes in government structure. This will then be carried on long after the coronavirus disappears in the name of the economy, welfare programs and so-called "global warming". 

The pandemic response is just a means to an end, and the end game is total dominance of the population. I focus on Australia and the surrounding regions in particular because this seems to be the place where globalists are enforcing technocratic policies first. Or at the very least, they are test-running their strategy and using Australians as guinea pigs. When the ASPI says they plan to keep the pandemic changes in place well after the virus is gone, they aren't just talking about shifting into a digital economy.

Right now, Australia and New Zealand are slamming citizens with perhaps the most draconian measures yet in the Western world. These are policies that the elites want to introduce everywhere, but they are going full bore in Australia, and it just keeps getting worse. In various areas of Australia "Level 4" response measures have been enforced for at least the next six weeks, including curfews, strict mask policies including people being forced to wear masks OUTSIDE (contrary to everything science and virology has to say about low possibility of transmission in sunlight and open air), residents are not allowed to travel more than 3 miles from their homes and only one person from a household is allowed to leave at any given time. Citizens violating these rules are subject to $10,000 fines or arrest. And, yes, people are being arrested simply for not wearing mask or being too far from home.

In New Zealand, the situation has become exceedingly grim and I think it should be treated as a warning to Americans specifically as to our potential future is we allow the narrative of "public health security" to be turned into a vehicle for tyranny. While Australia has been using quarantine facilities to force people considered high risk to isolate, NZ quarantine camps are now fully under the control of the military, and ALL citizens who test positive or are suspected to have Covid can be separated from their families and placed in the camps, which are hotels converted into prisons. It is the complete erasure of personal liberties all because of an increase in cases which has amounted to 525 deaths in Australia and 22 deaths in New Zealand.

I believe the reason Australia and New Zealand have been targeted with this level of restrictions first is because they have been almost fully disarmed and have no means to defend themselves from government overstep. That said, I see signs that similar measures will be attempted in the US as well. In states like New York, there are low-key programs to set up Covid checkpoints stopping and checking vehicles coming into the state. This is where heavier restrictions start.

First, checkpoints will be established in the name of keeping infected people out of a state or city. Then, those same checkpoints will be used to keep people from leaving a state or city. Then, checkpoints will be set up at random to test people for fever or symptoms of illness. If allowed to continue, the natural progression of checkpoints is to terrify the population into not traveling anywhere for any reason. Like in Australia and NZ, people will effectively be imprisoned in their homes. At this stage, bringing in laws or executive orders punishing people for leaving home will be easier; they will have already acclimated to being trapped at home anyway.

Furthermore, elites and globalists within the US are calling for hard lockdowns for at least six weeks, just like the Level 4 lockdowns in Australia. Federal Reserve member Neel Kashkari recently asserted that Americans are saving more, thus they should be subjected to hard lockdowns "because they can afford it". Virginia is planning mandatory Covid vaccinations, even though vaccines for SARS like viruses have proven impossible to develop in the past, and rushed vaccines have a history of harming or killing people rather than protecting them. Set aside the issue that giving government the power to force citizens to inject anything into their bodies is immoral.

What's next? Covid camps? Well, yes, unless Americans make a hard stand. Mainstream media outlets have been suggesting this strategy for months. The Washington Post applauded the use of forced isolation camps in other nations and asks why the US has not yet used them beyond ports for foreign travelers? 

The reason is this: Many Americans will not go along with such measures, and will use force in-kind against anyone trying to lock them up because of a virus that is a moderate threat at most to a small percentage of the population. That said, don't assume that the establishment will not eventually try it here. They will. Be ready when they do so. Look to the actions in places like Australia and NZ and ask yourself, am I willing to go along with that? And if so, for how long? Because the globalists intend for these restrictions to become the "new normal" worldwide.

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Volume 8 Issue 34

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

He said this to test him

John 6:5-9 Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?”    He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.   Philip answered him, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread would not be enough for each of them to get a little.”   One of his disciples, Andrew, Sim on Peter's brother, said to him,   “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?” 


Every word that comes out of our tongue is a manifestation of our faith.

Jesus is asking a question to test His disciple Philip.

“Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?”   

Two disciples answered and the answers were affluent with disbeliefs.

Note the words they uttered.

  1. Would not be enough
  2. To get a little
  3. What are they for so many?

Word has power to kill or to give life.

Suppose you want to kill a snake. You bring a stick and hit it. At the first beat it may not die. It might be wounded. The second beat may bring a little more damage to its body. Slowly in every beat, it loses its strength, and finally dies. 

The negative words we utter have the same impact.  It slowly step by step kills a person or strengthens the activity of satan.

Suppose you pass a comment about your Constituency

 “My constituency is full of idols.”

By this word, one is strengthening the activity of satan  there. It will only confirm the existence of the spirits ofidol worship and will empower satanic hold there. It has the ultimate effect of our allowing him to be there. (It is already there. What is the need of passing a comment like this?)

On the contrary, if you pass a statement,

“I am going to cast away the spirit of idols from my Constituency”.

Satan will become scared of you and the words you uttered.

This is resisting him. Obeying the instructions of the Bible

 Jas 4:7  ......Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 

For the second time, you utter the same words

“I am going to cast away the spirit of idols from my Constituency”.

It becomes a threat to satan.

By the time you utter the same word for the third time, he will start packing up. He will be aware that a soldier with power and authority has entered into his fortress. 

 Every word that comes out of our mouth   has tremendous power like atom bombs.

It can make the satanic forces flee from your Constituency.

Never make unnecessary,   negative comments on anything.

Mat 12:36-37 I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. 

By the utterance of our mouth, you may kill a person, a plant, a firm, a village, a department, a nation, a family, an estate, a system or anything in this world.

At the same time a word that comes out of our mouth has the power to give life.  It can give life to a man, woman, a dead body, a cell, a heart, any organ of human beings, a dead person,  a dead tree, a dead court case, a dead department, a dead institution, a dead nation, a dead Church, a dead etc.

What is this power? How does it work?

In the utterance of the disciples, 3:1 is the ratio. Those are three negative utterances and one positive.

          Negative     Positive
1.      Would not be enough  


There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish
2.      To get a little


3.      What are they for so many

One positive word uttered was powerful enough to cancel the other 3 negatives. Then the miracle happened.

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pr  19:16 The spirit which makes one  careless of his ways

Shekinah Glory classes & Morning Worship are going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Children Prophecy School


Will God talk to everyone?

Can everybody hear the voice of God?

Date : 24/08/2020 - 7/09/2020 (Alternate days)

Timing : 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Age limit : 6-14

Group link : https://chat.whatsapp.com/DXgJpaBsNLr4zX913pAXvD

Join Zoom Meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89513313038?pwd=WDlsL2VxVkhwVmd0aXk5Y0l0dW9YQT09

Meeting ID: 895 1331 3038

Passcode: 577137

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact Sol. Blessy Ph : 98410 34637

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!

7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

Man is given authority to experience everything, but let him not choose the unworthy. Man is also given freedom to experience everything, but let him not get enslaved to anything .

This holds good for everything which are of man’s - the stomach and the food which are man’s needs and his supplies.

Even in such destructible things, God prefers man to choose what is worthy, to choose to overpower anything.

How much more He will be concerned about the eternal ?

How much more He will be concerned about His own?

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

1 Corinthians 6:13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

Body is for the Lord and the Lord is for the body ! Man’s own body doesn’t belong to man himself !


God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!


7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord

* 1. Body is for the Lord *

         Food is for the stomach and stomach is for the food, man can make his own choice, as stomach and food belongs to man. But Body is for the Lord and Lord is for the body and it’s God who has to make the choice and He has made holiness His choice. Man can’t experience fornication.

  1. Our body will be raised imperishable

         God destroys both stomach and food; our choices for them make no difference eternally. But our body is raised imperishable, in glory and in power by the power of God who raised Christ. Our choices for our earthly body define our eternal body too and therefore it can be nothing other than holiness.

 *3. We can’t take authority over members of Christ *

        Our bodies are members of Christ. Therefore we cannot take His members and make them the members of a harlot.

  1. We are one in Spirit with the Lord

         As we are one in Spirit with the Lord, we cannot have any other union other than the holy union which is with the flesh and bones of Christ and our own partner.

* 5. Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit*

         Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit. We received Him from God and He resides within us. Being the temple, we ought to diligently take care not to defile our body at any cost. Of all sins, our vigilance should be more against sexual sins, as all other sins remain outside the body but the sexual sin directly corrupts the holiness of our body defiling the temple . One has to be always alert and awake to flee from any situation that has the tendency to tempt.

* 6. We are accountable for the body given to us *

         We are accountable for whatever we have received from God. It’s not only true for talents, possessions and responsibilities but also true for the body we received from Him. By mistreating or abusing our own body with wrong habits or provoking others sexually with our body, we become unaccountable. Holiness is the only accountability permissible by God.

* 7. We are not our own, we are bought with a price for God*

         We are not the owners of our body as God has already spent a huge price Jesus Christ to purchase us and make His own. All those which belong to Him will glorify nothing other than Him. Therefore we glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are His.

God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!

Sol. Sujatha


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

Mail Id : paulvasanthan.gc@gmail.com

Contact No: 812467749


God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

Christian NEWS Update

The Ongoing and Intensifying Persecution of Christians in India

In late July, the body of Pastor Balvinder Bagicha Bhatti was found on the side of the road in the Indian state of Punjab. Returning from a nearby village after a visit to a church member’s home, Bhatti was found beaten and bloodied, with tattered clothes and scraped shoes. The additional set of bloody footprints led his family to believe that he had been assaulted. Local police, despite the evidence of foul play, registered the case as an accidental death.

Bhatti isn’t the first Christian pastor in India to die under suspicious circumstances. In 2017, Pastor Sultan Masih was gunned down by two motorcycle-riding assailants outside his church in Ludhiana. In fact, Batthi is not even the first member of his family to die under suspicious circumstance. His brother was murdered just a few years ago.

Just a week after Batthi’s death, only on the other side of the country, Hindu radicals prevented a family in Jharkhand from holding a Christian burial for a loved one, told instead that they must conduct the funeral in accordance with the village’s majority Hindu faith as a way of preserving communal peace.

More and more in India, it seems that preserving “communal peace” means “keeping Hindu fanatics from attacking and/or killing their non-Hindu neighbors.” According to a new report by the group Persecution Relief, “Hate crimes against Christians in India [rose] by an alarming 40.87 percent” in the first half of 2020, “even despite the nationwide [coronavirus] lockdown in place since March 25.”

According to the report, the “293 cases of persecution against Christians reported in the first six months of 2020 included five religious-motivated rapes and six religiously-motivated murders.” The vast majority of these hate crimes are committed by Hindu nationalists who wish to turn India into a Hindu state, and therefore oppose Christianity and Christian missionary work.

In places like Jharkhand, Hindu violence is often directed at Christian households. Around the same time the Christian family was forced to conduct a Hindu funeral, a mob of Hindu fanatics beat up the heads of three Christian families in another Hindu village, leaving the families homeless. When the police came to investigate, the village “head man” intervened on behalf of the attackers, forcing the families to sign a document promising they would not conduct any more Christian activities in the village.

In other parts of India, Christian persecution is taking the forms of anti-conversion laws and impediments to the building of churches. The cumulative result is that India now ranks tenth on Open Doors World Watch List, which tracks the persecution of Christians worldwide.Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power in 2014, advancing Hindu nationalism, India has consistently moved up on the World Watch List which, for the record, is the wrong direction.

Given the current political climate, it seems likely that the situation for Indian Christians will continue to deteriorate. Thus, it’s vitally important for us to pray for them, and to speak up for them wherever and however we can.

I invite you to join us as we pray together each and every Wednesday morning, from now until the day after the November election. One of the reasons we will be praying for the preservation of religious freedom in America is so we can continue to advance religious freedom, and work for the end of religious persecution, all around the world. Including in India. Come to BreakPoint.org to sign up and join us. We will be led this week by Os Guinness.

Modi and company must know that, eventually, they will have to pay for accommodating violent fanatics. While India casts itself as the “world’s largest democracy,” the blood of our brothers and sisters literally cries out from the ground.

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel                   -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm.                      -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch     -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage          -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

Upcoming Programs

Martha school of hospitality (3rd week) - August 18 - August 25

David school of worship (4th week) - August 26 - September 3

Jeremiah school of prophecy (5th week) - September 4 - September 11

Praise the lord soldiers, this is the plan for the gift schools to be conducted in Tamil Nadu formed by Sr. Angelica and Team.If more than one gift school is conducted at the same time, students will be confused with their choice. All should attend all the gift schools. So kindly follow the above.

 For example, Healing school is conducted zonal wise. Prophecy school is conducted Tamil Nadu level ( 70 participants), both schools are  conducted at different timing, so when we conducted gift school in different timing and date it will be very useful for students to attend and it will not clash with any other gift schools. So kindly follow this plan.

Joseph school of financial discipline (7th week) - September 12 - September 19

Nazareth school of family building (8th week) - September 20 - September 27

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

Revelations should be strictly regarding:-

* State/Central Govt.

* Required Reforms

* Changes to be introduced / implemented

* Administrative guidance and Decision making


We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 31153 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Article – The Humbling of a Proud Hindu

How God got my attention when I thought I was too good for grace

In the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks to the Jewish leader Nicodemus, who was curious but also confused about the notion of being born again. In the course of explaining the difference between birth through ordinary means and birth through the Holy Spirit, Jesus tells Nicodemus, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8).

These words capture something of my own experience of new birth. At the time I came to faith, I was a PhD student in aerospace engineering at Princeton—the sort of person, in other words, who ought to have known about things like the source and consequences of airflow. Even so, I was utterly perplexed by what had happened. Like Nicodemus, the source and consequences of being born again were beyond my comprehension.

Looking back at the events in my life—more than 20 years after my conversion—I can see with greater clarity how God was working behind the scenes. My struggle against him, fueled by ignorance and pride, was utterly futile.

Advanced Beyond My Age

I grew up in southern India in a small city. My brothers and I were first-generation high school graduates, so the fact that I ended up working toward a NASA-funded PhD in advanced space propulsion at Princeton is nothing less than a miracle. And, like many miracles recorded in Scripture, it had a deeper purpose: to draw me to Christ.

My hometown is prominent in Hinduism because of its historic temples and a renowned monastery. Hinduism is in the soil, water, and air. I grew up in a devout Hindu family that was inseparable from the highest echelons of religious leadership. My commitment to Hinduism grew deeper when I left home at age 11 to study at a boarding school run by a prominent religious leader, where I excelled beyond the expectations of my family and my teachers. Paul’s testimony, in Galatians 1, of “advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people” (v. 14), applied just as well to my progress in Hinduism. Many years later, I would become a leader in the Hindu Students Association at Princeton.

Before arriving there, I had been exposed to Christianity through friends, the prominence of Catholic colleges in India, and Christian movies released in the US. I was also intellectually curious about various world religions. I remember seeing the icons and statues in Orthodox and Catholic churches and thinking them to be similar to the gods I worshipped. I did not consider Christianity to be fundamentally different from Hinduism, but merely an appropriate religion for a different society.

On the other hand, I harbored a deep disdain for Christian cultural and moral values, as they were represented by Western culture. Like most Hindus today, I thought they were a form of debauchery. Compared to the teachings of Hinduism, they seemed intolerably lax. In my mind, then, Jesus could qualify as one among many in the pantheon of gods, but nothing more. My commitment to Hinduism also included a strong nationalist element (and the worldview behind it), and this resulted in a deep mistrust and antipathy toward religious conversion—especially conversion to Christianity.

Despite this, God was crucially at work, preparing me to receive Christ through my friendship with a fellow PhD student. As I worked alongside him for more than 12 hours a day, I respected him as a colleague, and eventually I became close friends with him and his family. On a few occasions, the Cross of Christ came up in casual conversation. Sensing that I was missing something, my friend explained that Jesus Christ died bearing our sins to reconcile us to God.

This was something I had never heard before. And it offended me! I was a deeply religious person, someone diligently striving to be good. How could my friend think that anyone, much less someone like me, was a sinner in need of salvation? Yes, I had problems, but wasn’t I capable of fixing them myself? Why would I need Jesus to bear my sins?

Out of respect for a friend and fellow researcher, I asked him to provide evidence for his explanation of the Cross. He readily encouraged me to read Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, an author I recognized from his other popular works. But I quickly realized that I needed to go directly to the primary source, so I asked my friend to buy me a Bible.

Over the next few months, other stories from the Bible came up in our conversations. The parable of the Prodigal Son did not sit right with me, in part because God was not supposed to be like the profligate father in that story. He was supposed to reward good moral conduct, not irresponsible rebellion. In reality, I identified more closely with the other son, who did not seem to need grace. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9–14) also blew the fuse of my understanding of God. How could a man who defrauded his own people by conspiring with foreign occupiers have a better outcome before God than a religious leader who followed all the rules? I had to get to the bottom of this Christian “thing.”

In tandem with my intellectual quest, God was showing me the futility of “kicking against the goads,” as he described Paul’s own pre-conversion resistance (Acts 26:14). In a brief but decisive period, God exposed my false sense of self-sufficiency, which I had based on financial prosperity, academic success, and a strong relationship with my family. In short order, I experienced unexpected and unexplainable failures in each of these areas—financial, academic, and relational. The blows came from different directions, but their cumulative effect was devastating. By removing the frail crutches on which my life was built, God exposed the reality of my profound weakness—especially my utter inability to fix relational brokenness. I was in more pain than I had imagined possible, and I was devoid of the props on which I was accustomed to resting.

Knowing no other way out, I decided to end my own life. In the midst of this darkness, a voice within me spoke: “This is why Jesus had to die for you.” It came from nowhere, but at that moment my brokenness pointed to a greater brokenness in my relationship with God. I had nothing to lose, so I decided to ask my friend if I could attend church with him. My call came on a Sunday morning, just as he and his family were leaving the house to attend worship. That morning I heard the gospel, and I responded with a broken and open heart.

An Ananias and a Barnabas

My experience of becoming a Christian wasn’t like flipping a switch. Believing the gospel didn’t automatically lead me to conformity to Jesus Christ or produce the immediate fruit of righteousness in me. While I desperately desired the gift of forgiveness, I was reluctant to change anything else about my life or worldview. Given the enormous differences between Christianity and my earlier Hindu beliefs, my new life had to be nurtured before spiritual growth could occur.

Intellectually, I wrestled with three fundamental questions: Who is God? Who am I? What is my relationship with God? The more I pondered these questions, the clearer it became that the answers offered by Hinduism and Christianity are utterly incompatible. I had to reject the former to receive the latter. Functionally, I had to rethink all of life from a clean slate because I simply did not have a framework or vocabulary to make sense of my new identity.

Paul needed an Ananias to spark his conversion, but he also needed a Barnabas to accompany him in his new journey of faith. God similarly ordained the support I needed to grow as a disciple. While Hinduism ties one’s religious standing to one’s birth status, Christianity teaches that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. My new Christian community cared not about my first birth but about my new birth: my confession of faith, my commitment to fellowship, and my desire to live wholly for Christ.

Every genuine Christian conversion is a miracle—a transition from spiritual death to eternal life, from enmity with God to adoption into his family. Yet God seems to take special delight in seemingly impossible cases—like Paul, a former persecutor—so that the riches of his grace might shine all the brighter. When I consider the chasm between my old outlook on life and my new life in Christ, I can only marvel at God’s work of redemption—and fall down at his feet in praise.

Prophecy News

The Coming Monetary Collapse & Rise Of A New Economic Order

Since the arrival of COVID-19 and the subsequent decision to lockdown entire cities and nations, world economic activity has significantly decreased. When normal recessions strike, they typically involve only one nation or a single region.  But the COVID Recession has hit the whole world at once. This is the first time every nation has simultaneously seen a decline in output since the Great Depression.

Despite the scale of this economic disaster, many economists are calling for a quick V-shaped recovery once the coronavirus is brought under control. But is this likely? No. Even if the virus disappears tomorrow, we won't see a V-shaped recovery. Why? Because of central bank policies and unrestrained government spending. The world's central banks (the U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, and others) have made reckless policy decisions for decades. But their bad policy decisions kicked into overdrive following the Great Recession of 2008-2009.

After September 11th, central banks pushed out artificially low interest rates. These low rates, along with other poorly thought out government policies, blew a massive housing bubble. When the bubble burst, central bankers and politicians rewarded corrupt and incompetent bankers and business executives with huge bailouts. 

Unrestrained by a gold standard, they created new currency to fill the holes created by bad decisions, mismanagement, and misallocation of resources. They propped up a broken financial system and blew yet another asset bubble in the process.  When COVID popped that bubble, we saw a new round of bailouts and central bank schemes to elevate financial markets and avoid the inevitable. We also saw direct government payments to individuals in the hope of "stimulating" the economy. This is only possible because governments can create new currency at will. 

The U.S. dollar and every other national currency in the world is a fiat currency. This means they aren't backed by anything but a government promise. They only have value because governments say they do. They're nothing but pieces of paper or ones and zeros in a computer, and that means governments can create as much currency as they want to with the click of a button. 

Fiat currencies don't have the value of those backed by gold, silver, or other hard assets. This means politicians and central bankers can create new currency out of thin air to fund an endless array of stimulus programs, welfare benefits, and schemes to bailout and enrich their friends. For decades, and especially since the Great Recession, these politicians and central bankers have done everything in their power to avoid the pain of a recession or even a protracted stock market decline. But no matter how hard they try to avoid the inevitable, a day of reckoning is coming.  They've distorted the free market, and they can't hold off the consequences forever. The bill will soon come due. COVID didn't cause the coming crisis. It only accelerated it.

The Road Before Us

All these foolish government policies have put the global economy in a no-win situation. As a result, only two options are left:

Option #1): Deflation - The Great Depression is the most famous example of economic deflation. In a deflationary spiral, credit contracts and the overall money supply shrinks. People cut spending, and workers lose their jobs. Debt levels become a massive burden. Businesses fail and bankruptcies rise. Unemployment spikes and breadlines form. 

A deflationary spiral is a painful event for all of society. It foments riots and calls for revolution. The pain of deflation is necessary to clear the economy of bad debt and poorly managed companies. Nevertheless, central bankers and politicians try to avoid deflation at all costs. Why? Because the temporary and necessary economic pain threatens their power.

Option #2): Big Inflation or Hyperinflation - The Weimar Republic gave us the most famous example of hyperinflation. Crushed under a mountain of post-war debt and reparations, the German republic printed more and more currency to meet its obligations. The result was a massive loss of purchasing power for Germany's currency - the mark.

Prices rose quickly to reflect the new reality. A 160 mark loaf of bread at the end of 1922 cost over 200 billion marks less than a year later. In one story from that time, a woman carried a wheelbarrow of marks to the bakery just to buy a loaf of bread. When she went into the bakery, a thief stole her wheelbarrow, but he left the pile of worthless marks. That's how quickly the currency lost its value.

All this happened because an unrestrained government vastly increased the supply of its currency, and basic economics says when supply increases without an increase in demand, price falls. In other words, the citizens of Germany quickly figured out that what they thought was "money" was nothing more than worthless pieces of paper. 

The mark wasn't anchored to gold or silver or anything of real value. Once this reality came to light, the world lost all faith in the mark, and its purchasing power plummeted. Eventually, it became worthless.

In the last few months, central bankers and politicians have flooded the world with trillions of dollars in new currency. Their answer to every financial problem is to throw more and more currency at an ever-expanding list of government aid programs and targeted bailouts. Like Weimar Germany, the world is simply printing more and more currency to in an effort to solve its financial problems. 

At best, the result will be a 1970's-style stagflation with high unemployment and runaway inflation. At worst, we'll see a total collapse of the purchasing power of all fiat currencies relative to gold, silver, and other hard assets. Once again, it will cost wheelbarrows of dollars, euros, or yen to buy a single loaf of bread. Unsurprisingly, the Bible says such a time will come - a time when an entire day's wages will buy nothing more than a loaf of bread (Revelation 6:6).

Which Road Will We Choose?

Politicians and central bankers will never accept Option #1. This is because deflation poses an immediate threat to their power and position. Clearing the system of bad debt is necessary for a healthy economy. However, the pain it creates will lead voters to demand new leadership. That frightens the politicians and central bankers who love their positions of power and prestige. 

Faced with a deflationary spiral, Option #2 will seduce them. They'll buy into the belief they can "engineer" a recovery while managing and controlling inflation. However, history has proven central planning doesn't work. In the end, they'll lose control, and all the world's fiat currencies will collapse. 

We're already seeing the early stages of this crisis. As governments around the world call for bailouts of businesses, local governments, and the unemployed, we see the cost of their big government policies reflected in the surging prices of gold and silver. The chances of a global Weimar-style hyperinflation are much more serious than the public believes.

What's Next?

Once the world experiences a massive inflationary spiral, the current monetary system (in place since 1971) will come to an end. A new monetary system will rise from the ashes. What will it look like? We don't know for sure. But in all likelihood, it will be built upon some sort of digital currency. Already the world's central banks are lining up to launch their own crypto currencies. 

China is currently testing its own state-sponsored crypto currency, and dozens of other nations have already announced plans to launch their own. Just last week, news broke of the U.S. Federal Reserve partnering with MIT to develop its own digital currency.

If government crypto currency replaces paper currency, individual freedom and liberty will disappear. Governments will be able to "turn off" an individual's crypto currency. That means if you do something the government doesn't approve of, they'll be able to shut down your ability to buy and sell. This shouldn't surprise you either. 

The Bible says this is precisely what will happen in the end times. The Antichrist will establish a global system of commerce. His system will play a part in every economic transaction on earth. It will be so dominant, no one will be able to buy or sell anything without approval from the Antichrist (Revelation 13:17).

We're fast approaching a time the prophets warned about. We're in the midst of a global pandemic (Luke 21:11). Israel is back in the land (Jeremiah 23:7-8). The Jewish people are back in Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28). And the Gospel is being preached throughout the world (Matthew 24:14). 

The end times are drawing near. The tribulation, the Antichrist, and global government are part of the world's immediate future. But don't despair, this also means Jesus is on the brink of return (Revelation 22:20). He will establish an everlasting kingdom (Daniel 2:44) with no more death or crying or pain (Revelation 21:4). So keep your eyes fixed on Him!

Britt Gillette is author of the free e-book coming to Jesus as well as the books Signs of the Second Coming Racing Toward Armageddon.

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Volume 8 Issue 33

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

An excellent spirit was in him

Dan 6:3-4 Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. 

Let us note 3 things here.

  1. Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps.
  2. An excellent spirit was in him
  3. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. 

  1. Distinguished above all the other high officials

What would have brought this distinction for Daniel over all the other high officials and satraps in the kingdom?

Loyalty to the king and the kingdom. Even though Daniel was serving a gentile king, he knew the divine secret in the verse,

Rom 13:1  “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 


2. The “Excellent Spirit”

The “Excellent Spirit” which was in him, educated him in this loyalty.  

Even the authority vested in a “gentile”, comes from God.  Difficult to believe! But true!

Those who lack this “Excellent Spirit” will be vulnerable to the following temptations.  They will justify themselves, telling

  1. You should not work along with gentiles, for gentiles, or under any gentile boss. It is not the will of God.
  2. Even if you work, you need not or should not obey the authorities appointed over you.

The outcome will naturally be they end up as a rebel disobeying the authority, or leaving the job. In this way they make a ditch for themselves and lose jobs. Even then, they will go on justifying themselves and spread   a rumor that because of his righteousness, he had to suffer and leave the job.

  1. Even when they work under a believer boss, they will show the tendency of disobedience and finding fault with the boss or authorities in everything.

Many of the believers (of Pentecostal Churches) are deceived this way. Today many believers are wandering jobless because of this deception, and have become parasites on the rest of the members of the family, their Church or the society. In the name of Jesus, or faith in Jesus they become idle lazy burdens on someone else!

Joseph was loyal to Pharaoh and his kingdom while he was posted as Governor there. There is a false concept created among the “so called believers” that they are superior to everyone and they are supernatural beings. They can question everything in the workplace and rebel against the authorities and institution. Even if the boss is a believer they will dare find fault with him too!. 

If you analyze the intention behind this action, it is nothing but spiritual pride, the same cause by which Lucifer fell. This spiritual pride has caused the deterioration of the believers and their Churches.

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pr  21:29  The spirit which makes one the wicked put up a bold front

Shekinah Glory classes & Morning Worship are going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact Sol. Blessy Ph : 98410 34637

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Upcoming BFF Tamil

Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Col:1:28

Dear soldiers enlisted in the Lord’s army,

The Army of Jesus aims at equipping and rejuvenating. Believers as soldiers enabling them to rekindle the gift of God in each one.  BFF (Be Formed and Form) classes are arranged with this purpose.

Venue: Zoom App

Time : 6:00 – 8:00 pm (one class a day – from Aug 11)

Language: Tamil

For more clarifications please  contact -

Sol. Blessy Vivian (9841034637)

Sol. Suburamanian periasamy (7708831082)

Sol. Vijayaraghavan (9894399033)

P:S zoom Id and password will be shared only in the WhatsApp group given below , so kindly join the below group and register.

Pls join https://chat.whatsapp.com/I46sTeiIbWjLKmPoa8kJwf

7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

Man is given authority to experience everything, but let him not choose the unworthy. Man is also given freedom to experience everything, but let him not get enslaved to anything .

This holds good for everything which are of man’s - the stomach and the food which are man’s needs and his supplies.

Even in such destructible things, God prefers man to choose what is worthy, to choose to overpower anything.

How much more He will be concerned about the eternal ?

How much more He will be concerned about His own?

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

1 Corinthians 6:13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

Body is for the Lord and the Lord is for the body ! Man’s own body doesn’t belong to man himself !


God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!


7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord

* 1. Body is for the Lord *

         Food is for the stomach and stomach is for the food, man can make his own choice, as stomach and food belongs to man. But Body is for the Lord and Lord is for the body and it’s God who has to make the choice and He has made holiness His choice. Man can’t experience fornication.

  1. Our body will be raised imperishable

         God destroys both stomach and food; our choices for them make no difference eternally. But our body is raised imperishable, in glory and in power by the power of God who raised Christ. Our choices for our earthly body define our eternal body too and therefore it can be nothing other than holiness.

 *3. We can’t take authority over members of Christ *

        Our bodies are members of Christ. Therefore we cannot take His members and make them the members of a harlot.

  1. We are one in Spirit with the Lord

         As we are one in Spirit with the Lord, we cannot have any other union other than the holy union which is with the flesh and bones of Christ and our own partner.

* 5. Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit*

         Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit. We received Him from God and He resides within us. Being the temple, we ought to diligently take care not to defile our body at any cost. Of all sins, our vigilance should be more against sexual sins, as all other sins remain outside the body but the sexual sin directly corrupts the holiness of our body defiling the temple . One has to be always alert and awake to flee from any situation that has the tendency to tempt.

* 6. We are accountable for the body given to us *

         We are accountable for whatever we have received from God. It’s not only true for talents, possessions and responsibilities but also true for the body we received from Him. By mistreating or abusing our own body with wrong habits or provoking others sexually with our body, we become unaccountable. Holiness is the only accountability permissible by God.

* 7. We are not our own, we are bought with a price for God*

         We are not the owners of our body as God has already spent a huge price Jesus Christ to purchase us and make His own. All those which belong to Him will glorify nothing other than Him. Therefore we glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are His.

God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!

Sol. Sujatha


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

Mail Id : paulvasanthan.gc@gmail.com

Contact No: 812467749

Christian NEWS Update

26 Year Old Christian mother trying to protect her daughter killed in Jharkhand

Two masked Hindu men slit the throat of a 26-year-old Christian mother who refused to hand over her daughter to be raped in Jharkhand's Regadi village.

The two men, who had previously assaulted Christian minors, attacked the young mother at 1 a.m. on July 20 when she refused their demand.

Pastor Jaymasih Nag of Grace Family Ministry (Anugrah Pariwaar Seva), who has been the spiritual guide for the 26-year-old and her family for six years, told Morning Star News that "The two suspects had raped Devi's (name changed for security reasons) minor daughter three times in the past besides three other Christian juvenile girls, and all four of the minor girls belong to my church."

Before the actual attack on July 20, the suspects had called the mother demanding her to surrender her daughter to be sexually abused.

On the night of the attack, Devi saw two men at her window. She stepped out of the house to shoo them away.

"Devi's daughter followed her mother. Before long, the men attacked Devi and she fell on the ground dead. On seeing her mother fall on the ground, the minor girl quickly ran inside the house and latched the door from inside," pastor Nag told Morning Star News.

After killing, the suspects dragged Devi's body and threw it into a river two miles away from her house. The police found the body an hour later and sent it for postmortem.

At the time of attack, Devi was alone with her two sons and two daughters as her husband works in Odisha.

According to pastor Nag, Devi was dealing with the rapists by herself and had not shared about the assailants to her family.

Once an FIR was filed against the two suspects in Khunti police station, they were arrested. They confessed to their crime of raping Devi's daughter thrice and another Christian girl once.

The two men, however, were arrested for rape and not for killing.


Oppression of Christians has increased during Covid-19

Oppression and discrimination towards Christians has only worsened during the pandemic, says Release International.

The charity, which supports persecuted Christians, said many had been denied food and relief aid by governments and NGOs because of their faith.

Some countries have escalated their crackdowns on Christians.

This is the case in China, where there were reports of Christians being arrested for meeting online to worship and pray during lockdown.

Authorities have "totally prohibited" online church services and prayer meetings, Release partners in China said.

"Nothing constituting a religious service is allowed," they said.

They believe the Chinese Government is exploiting Covid-19 to increase its long-running crackdown on Christians.

"They have accelerated campaigns such as the forced demolition of crosses against even government-sanctioned churches," the partners said.

"Pastors have been rounded up for sharing the gospel and distributing facemasks on the street."

In many countries, Christians have experienced crippling poverty during the pandemic.

In Algeria, there is no social security or government support, leaving many Christians struggling to get by.

A Release partner in Algeria said: "Many Christian families have had to stop work because of the lockdown and have lost their income. They have been rejected by society and their families as a result of their faith. The demand is huge."

In Pakistan, the situation has been especially difficult for converts from a Muslim background because the only form of financial support comes from families. Muslim families often withdraw this support to family members who convert to a different faith, Release said.

"These individuals have been rejected by society and their families as a result of their faith," said Release's Pakistan partners.

Just buying food and paying the rent has become a huge challenge for many impoverished Christians, let alone buying face masks and hand sanitiser.

"The government is not able to support Christians in the villages, slums or brick kilns," the partners said.

In Upper Egypt, there have been reports of Christians being refused food and support from organisations distributing aid.

Release partners report: "The authorities are helping Muslims but not Christians. And churches that try to help are being closed by police order."

Release partners are distributing aid packages to Christians in Algeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey.

It has launched an appeal to support more Christians during Covid-19.

Release International CEO Paul Robinson said: "Covid-19 is having a devastating impact on the lives of many poor Christians. In places hostile to the faith Christians are experiencing increased hardship.

"Food is now in short supply. They are unable to work and can't earn, and support is being withheld because of their faith.

"Their cries for help are being ignored by local charities who are distributing food packages only to families of other faiths. We can't afford to delay. These Christians need our help."

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel                   -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm.                      -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch     -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage          -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

Upcoming Programs

Bethesda school of healing (2nd week) - August 11 - August 17

Martha school of hospitality (3rd week) - August 18 - August 25

David school of worship (4th week) - August 26 - September 3

Jeremiah school of prophecy (5th week) - September 4 - September 11

Praise the lord soldiers, this is the plan for the gift schools to be conducted in Tamil Nadu formed by Sr. Angelica and Team.If more than one gift school is conducted at the same time, students will be confused with their choice. All should attend all the gift schools. So kindly follow the above.

 For example, Healing school is conducted zonal wise. Prophecy school is conducted Tamil Nadu level ( 70 participants), both schools are  conducted at different timing, so when we conducted gift school in different timing and date it will be very useful for students to attend and it will not clash with any other gift schools. So kindly follow this plan.

Joseph school of financial discipline (7th week) - September 12 - September 19

Nazareth school of family building (8th week) - September 20 - September 27

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

Revelations should be strictly regarding:-

* State/Central Govt.

* Required Reforms

* Changes to be introduced / implemented

* Administrative guidance and Decision making


We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.

Troop Church

Troop Church @ Uttar Pradesh

Troop Church Testimonies

I was introduced by my friend Jasmine for a family class zoom meeting. I experienced how God loves a family. I got courage by God's grace to join in a troop church. In those 8 days I learnt how to be submissive to get God's word and to proclaim with authority about God's love to others. God gave peace in my heart. And my savior thought me beautifully how to teach to believers in Christ. This is called spiritual blessing and he blessed me with new tongues and new language. Praise God for all his glory to pick me up from the miry clay and he loves me. I became a soldier of Christ to reap to souls. - Jeyasuda

Bethel TC was started on 11th August, as branching from Ezekiel TC. This is 5th TC branched. Glory to God. During the intercession prayer on 11th August, prayed for rain in Western Delhi, as other parts are getting rain. God answered prayer, rain started on 12th August night. Glory to God


God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 30985 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Prophecy News

Will The Apophis Asteroid Fulfill The Wormwood Prophecy Of Revelation?    

We live at a time when giant space rocks are whizzing past our planet with alarming regularity. Sometimes we know in advance that they are coming, and sometimes we don't. In fact, on July 28th an asteroid the size of a car zipped past our planet "at a range that rivals the orbits of some high-flying satellites", but we had only spotted it for the very first time on July 26th.  

If we couldn't see that one until it was nearly upon us, could it be possible that there are much larger potential threats hurtling toward our planet that we currently know nothing about? In 1998, a big Hollywood movie entitled "Deep Impact" imagined what would happen if a very large asteroid hit the Atlantic Ocean.  It is hard to believe that it has been more than 20 years since it first came out, because I can still remember it very vividly.  

In one of the most memorable scenes in the film, a massive tsunami that is hundreds of feet tall slams into the east coasts of the United States causing immense death and destruction. But that is just a movie.  Could something similar actually happen in real life?

On Tuesday, a British news source reminded us that scientists have discovered that such a scenario is actually a very real possibility... A computer simulation of an asteroid impact tsunami developed by scientists at the University of California, Santa Cruz (USCS), showed waves as high as 400 feet sweeping onto the Atlantic Coast of the US.

Steven Ward, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at UCSC, and Erik Asphaug, an associate professor of Earth sciences, reported their findings in the Geophysical Journal International. Of course an asteroid could potentially hit anywhere on the planet, but in their research Ward and Asphaug specifically focused on the Atlantic Ocean, and what their computer simulation came up with was extremely disconcerting...

For the simulation, the researchers chose an impact site consistent with the orientation of the Earth at the time of the predicted encounter - in the Atlantic Ocean about 360 miles from the US coast. Dr Ward explained that the 60,000-megaton blast of the impact could vaporise the asteroid and blow a cavity in the ocean 11 miles across and all the way down to the seafloor, which is about three miles deep at that point.

Such an impact would send a series of giant waves in all directions, including toward the east coast of the United States. Today, almost 40 percent of the U.S. population lives in a county that directly borders a shoreline, and the population density right along the east coast is particularly dense.

Florida would probably be the first state to get hit by the waves, and it would be particularly vulnerable because most of the state is just barely above sea level...South Florida has two big problems. The first is its remarkably flat topography. Half the area that surrounds Miami is less than five feet above sea level. Its highest natural elevation, a limestone ridge that runs from Palm Beach to just south of the city, averages a scant 12 feet. With just three feet of sea-level rise, more than a third of southern Florida will vanish; at six feet, more than half will be gone; if the seas rise 12 feet, South Florida will be little more than an isolated archipelago surrounded by abandoned buildings and crumbling overpasses. And the waters won't just come in from the east - because the region is so flat, rising seas will come in nearly as fast from the west too, through the Everglades.

In other words, there would be absolutely nothing to keep the tsunami waves from racing across the entire state. Much of the rest of the east coast would be extremely vulnerable as well.  For example, New York City is less than 50 feet above sea level... Despite having some of the tallest buildings in the world and being well-known for its towers and skyscrapers, New York City has a very low elevation of just 33 feet (10 m) above sea level. New York's elevation is so low due to its location right on the coast of the United States.

Boston, New Haven, Jersey City, Newark, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Virginia Beach, Wilmington, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Savannah and countless other east coast cities are all also less than 50 feet above sea level. So we are talking about the potential for death and destruction on a scale that is unimaginable.

Washington D.C. would fare a little bit better, because some parts of the D.C. area are up to 410 feet above sea level... Washington D.C. is relatively flat and located at 410 feet above sea level at its highest point and at sea level at its lowest point. So I would rather be in D.C. than New York or Boston when a giant tsunami hits, but without a doubt the devastation would be immense in our capital city as well. We should hope that such an event can be put off for as long as possible, but we have been warned that our planet is apparently "in the midst of an epic asteroid surge"...

NASA's been running these simulations for years, and with good reason: Earth, as it happens, is in the midst of an epic asteroid surge compared to the relative peace and quiet the planet experienced many millions of years ago. When unexpected space rocks do appear on our scopes, sometimes we only get hours' notice of their existence before they streak past. While the chances of a catastrophic impact are exceedingly slim, we're nonetheless unprepared for surprise asteroid strikes, which is why NASA is continually working on plans to help improve our NEO detection and mitigation capabilities. And as I noted at the beginning of this article, we are still discovering more asteroids all the time.  The one that was discovered on July 26th was not a threat, but it did come alarmingly close to us...

A car-sized asteroid discovered over the weekend made a close flyby of Earth (July 28), passing our planet at a range that rivals the orbits of some high-flying satellites. The asteroid 2020 OY4, which was first detected on Sunday (July 26), made its closest approach today at 1:31 a.m. EDT (0531 GMT) when it zipped by Earth at a speed of about 27,700 mph (44,600 km/h), according to the European Space Agency. The asteroid is just under 10 feet (3 meters) wide and posed no impact risk to Earth, but did approach the flight paths of geosynchronous satellites.

Despite all of our advanced technology, we remain extremely vulnerable, and scientists assure us that it is just a matter of time before our luck runs out and a gigantic space rock hits our planet.

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Volume 8 Issue 32

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

He was afraid of the sword of the angel of the LORD

1Ch 21:30  But David could not go before it to inquire of God, for he was afraid of the sword of the angel of the LORD. 

David after losing 70,000 of his people in pestilence was afraid of entering into the presence of the Lord.

1Ch 21:29  For the tabernacle of the LORD, which Moses had made in the wilderness, and the altar of burnt offering were at that time in the high place at Gibeon.

He could not go to it to enquire of the Lord because he was afraid .

David had displeased and  provoked the Lord by counting the number of His Army soldiers.

We might wonder  what went  wrong here.  If a war breaks out the king should be ready with his Army to fight and protect the nation. For that he should keep his army in his fingertips. David also would have taken it this way. But God wanted him to trust in Him alone,  not in his army, navy, horses, tankers, etc.

If we want to lead a life  which is pleasing God,  we should know who the Lord, His characteristics, His temperaments, how He deals with human beings, deals  with His servants, His own chosen sons when He will be provoked etc. 

Paul said,

“2 Ti 1:12  ...........I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.”

Dear Soldiers, how much do you know God whom you serve and who has recruited you into His  Army?

David had received many promises from the Lord. He had  established a very close walk with God.   Still he could provoke God, to the extent of getting  a punishment of losing 70,000 of his citizens in 3 days.  Then only he came to the realization that He has not known God enough. He even feared the angel, who carried the sword of the wrath of God. Instead of going to the place where the Ark of the Covenant was, He offered peace offerings then and there. (V 26,28)

Since he took pride in the number of his Army, the Lord  reduced  the number and deducted 70,000 in 3 days.

These days the Lord is making his voice heard in many ways across the world  through explosion, floods, aeroplane crash , landslide etc. While others get  frightened of all this,  we, the children   of God can ask our loving Father where we have displeased Him and provoked Him, and get reconciled with Him and plead for mercy.  

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pr  22:8  The spirit which makes one  plant seeds of injustice and  harvest disaster

Shekinah glory classes are going on online (Zoom app)

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact Sol. Blessy Ph : 98410 34637

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!

Upcoming BFF Tamil

Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Col:1:28

Dear soldiers enlisted in the Lord’s army,

The Army of Jesus aims at equipping and rejuvenating. Believers as soldiers enabling them to rekindle the gift of God in each one.  BFF (Be Formed and Form) classes are arranged with this purpose.

Venue: Zoom App

Time : 6:00 – 8:00 pm (one class a day – from Aug 11)

Language: Tamil

For more clarifications please  contact -

Sol. Blessy Vivian (9841034637)

Sol. Suburamanian periasamy (7708831082)

Sol. Vijayaraghavan (9894399033)

P:S zoom Id and password will be shared only in the WhatsApp group given below , so kindly join the below group and register.

Pls join https://chat.whatsapp.com/I46sTeiIbWjLKmPoa8kJwf

7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

Man is given authority to experience everything, but let him not choose the unworthy. Man is also given freedom to experience everything, but let him not get enslaved to anything .

This holds good for everything which are of man’s - the stomach and the food which are man’s needs and his supplies.

Even in such destructible things, God prefers man to choose what is worthy, to choose to overpower anything.

How much more He will be concerned about the eternal ?

How much more He will be concerned about His own?

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

1 Corinthians 6:13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

Body is for the Lord and the Lord is for the body ! Man’s own body doesn’t belong to man himself !


God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!


7 reasons to surrender our body pure to the Lord

* 1. Body is for the Lord *

         Food is for the stomach and stomach is for the food, man can make his own choice, as stomach and food belongs to man. But Body is for the Lord and Lord is for the body and it’s God who has to make the choice and He has made holiness His choice. Man can’t experience fornication.

  1. Our body will be raised imperishable

         God destroys both stomach and food; our choices for them make no difference eternally. But our body is raised imperishable, in glory and in power by the power of God who raised Christ. Our choices for our earthly body define our eternal body too and therefore it can be nothing other than holiness.

 *3. We can’t take authority over members of Christ *

        Our bodies are members of Christ. Therefore we cannot take His members and make them the members of a harlot.

  1. We are one in Spirit with the Lord

         As we are one in Spirit with the Lord, we cannot have any other union other than the holy union which is with the flesh and bones of Christ and our own partner.

* 5. Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit*

         Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit. We received Him from God and He resides within us. Being the temple, we ought to diligently take care not to defile our body at any cost. Of all sins, our vigilance should be more against sexual sins, as all other sins remain outside the body but the sexual sin directly corrupts the holiness of our body defiling the temple . One has to be always alert and awake to flee from any situation that has the tendency to tempt.

* 6. We are accountable for the body given to us *

         We are accountable for whatever we have received from God. It’s not only true for talents, possessions and responsibilities but also true for the body we received from Him. By mistreating or abusing our own body with wrong habits or provoking others sexually with our body, we become unaccountable. Holiness is the only accountability permissible by God.

* 7. We are not our own, we are bought with a price for God*

         We are not the owners of our body as God has already spent a huge price Jesus Christ to purchase us and make His own. All those which belong to Him will glorify nothing other than Him. Therefore we glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are His.

God has given man authority over all His creations, but no authority, no freedom over his own body! God has kept man’s body for Himself!

Man is left with no choice rather surrendering the body holy to the Holy one to whom it belongs!

Sol. Sujatha


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

Mail Id : paulvasanthan.gc@gmail.com

Contact No: 812467749

Christian NEWS Update

Lebanon, Hezbollah & Israel All Prepare For Post Explosion Ramifications

A day after an enormous blast ripped through Beirut, causing untold destruction, it's still not possible to grasp the true scope of the calamity, a former Israeli Military Intelligence chief has said. Speaking by video conference to journalists, Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin, who served as former deputy commander of the Israeli Air Force and is now executive director of the Institute for National Security Studies, noted that Israel has offered medical assistance to Lebanon. "This is a terrible, terrible disaster. The big question is how many people are missing. The numbers are between 1,000 to 4,000."

Analyzing the incidents that led to the explosion, Yadlin said it "started from a small explosion at what looks like a fireworks storage facility. And then the big explosion came," he said, citing the 2,700 tons of reported ammonium nitrate stored at a warehouse at the port's dock.

Ammonium nitrate "is material used to develop explosives," he said. "It is also good for agriculture, but the fact that it was there since 2014 is saying that it was not taken for agriculture. The purpose of this storage was for explosives." Regarding the question of who owned the warehouse and why the material was there, Yadlin said "this is something I guess that the Lebanese authorities are investigating." He added that it cannot be proven at this stage that it was a Hezbollah warehouse. If, however, signs emerge that this is indeed the case, it would form a "very serious allegation against Hezbollah," which could turn into significant political pressure on it to end its role as a military power in Lebanon and delegate that role to the official Lebanese military, he assessed.

Ammonium nitrate has been used before by Hezbollah operatives abroad in planning out a terror attack. In 2015, a Lebanese-Canadian man tied to Hezbollah was convicted in Cyprus after he was found in possession of 8.5 tons of ammonium nitrate in his basement. That same year, the Mossad told authorities in the U.K. of four properties in North West London that contained three tons of ammonium nitrate belonging to Hezbollah. Earlier this year, the Mossad again tipped off Germany on Hezbollah's activities on its soil, including warehouses in the south of the country where Hezbollah stashed hundreds of kilograms of ammonium nitrate.

"This is another blow to the Lebanese state that was already [suffering] a huge crisis," said Yadlin. The factors that created this crisis included severe economic, financial, political and social problems. Even prior to the blast, tensions were rising in the country. In that context, he explained, "what is important is that Hezbollah is using civilian neighborhoods to store weapons. They use civilian neighborhoods as shields for their activity. There are elements in Lebanon and the international community calling on Hezbollah to stop hiding behind the excuse that it needs these weapons against Israel."

Nuclear capability and hegemony in the Middle East

Yadlin pointed out that Israel hasn't attacked Lebanon in 14 years, and that the two countries have "no real dispute" over borders. Even a disagreement over offshore gas-drilling rights in the Mediterranean Sea "was already brokered by the Americans."

Hezbollah, he said, is looking for excuses to keep the conflict going with Israel. "This is a very good time for Lebanese to tell Hezbollah: 'We have so many other problems, give us a break from your excuses for Iranian interests that running behind you.' The issue starts with Iran sending advanced weapons to Hezbollah via Syria."

More broadly, the Iranian terror axis of which Hezbollah is part of is under great pressure, said Yadlin. Factors like America's "maximum pressure" campaign on Tehran--added to economic dysfunction, collapsing oil prices, Israel's campaign to roll back Iranian military entrenchment in Syria, the coronavirus pandemic, the recent assassination of Quds Force Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani--have all contributed to growing discontent among the general populace.

"The Iranians are continuing, despite all of the difficulties, with two strategic efforts: come as close as possible to nuclear capability and to have hegemony in the Middle East," stated Yadlin.

So far, Iran has failed operationally to deter Israel, and Syria is focused on what remains of its civil war in Idlib, so Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah decided to step up and attempt to "revenge any Israeli activities in Syria if Hezbollah terrorists will be killed as well. This is what happened last week, and Nasrallah decided to act," he summed up.

Nasrallah attempted to calibrate his actions so that they would on the one hand kill a few Israeli soldiers, but on the other avoid all-out war. "Very much like his Iranian masters, he failed operationally," said Yadlin. Now, in the aftermath of the Beirut explosion, Nasrallah has found his excuse to "remove this issue from the agenda, especially if this warehouse was a Hezbollah warehouse," he said. "And there are already a lot of voices in Lebanon that blame Hezbollah for the financial difficulties. 

There are new sanctions on Lebanon because of Hezbollah. The banking system is collapsing because of Hezbollah. Every Lebanese knows that Hezbollah is the strongest military power in Lebanon with a lot of political influence."

With all of these multiple crises in Lebanon, joined by the latest disaster in Beirut, some Lebanese civilians will likely be thinking "why do they need another dimension of destruction that will come from Nasrallah attacking Israel? So I think he will find a ladder to come down from the tree," said Yadlin. Asked whether the Beirut disaster will set the stage for the International Monetary Fund to provide major assistance to Lebanon, Yadlin said that remains unclear. "It could on the one hand say, 'Let's put aside everything and help Lebanon.'  On the other hand ... the blast may help those who say Hezbollah is the problem, and that this was a Hezbollah warehouse. The IMF could say 'until you move Hezbollah away from its positions that they took in Lebanon, we are not helping you despite the disaster.' "

Sapphire University


Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may check our website.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel                   -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm.                      -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch     -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage          -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

Upcoming Programs

Bethesda school of healing (2nd week) - August 11 - August 17

Martha school of hospitality (3rd week) - August 18 - August 25

David school of worship (4th week) - August 26 - September 3

Jeremiah school of prophecy (5th week) - September 4 - September 11

Praise the lord soldiers, this is the plan for the gift schools to be conducted in Tamil Nadu formed by Sr. Angelica and Team.If more than one gift school is conducted at the same time, students will be confused with their choice. All should attend all the gift schools. So kindly follow the above.

 For example, Healing school is conducted zonal wise. Prophecy school is conducted Tamil Nadu level ( 70 participants), both schools are  conducted at different timing, so when we conducted gift school in different timing and date it will be very useful for students to attend and it will not clash with any other gift schools. So kindly follow this plan.

Joseph school of financial discipline (7th week) - September 12 - September 19

Nazareth school of family building (8th week) - September 20 - September 27

For Information

National Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (either in personal/troop prayer atmosphere).

We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.

Revelations should be strictly regarding:-

* State/Central Govt.

* Required Reforms

* Changes to be introduced / implemented

* Administrative guidance and Decision making


We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst.

Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process.

Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group,

by Saturday or before.

NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.


God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 30817 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Troop Church

Troop Church Testimonies

In these days of lockdown period, Covid threats and isolation I am so thankful to GOD who feeds us with living Manna and connects us to one another through our small little TROOP CHURCH, giving us HOPE that we are not alone and it is such a blessing when we pray for each other during the intersession time.  This TROOP CHURCH is an indescribable blessing for us the children of GOD. - Sol Agnes - Nazareth Troop Church

Praise the Lord. By God’s grace Troop Abraham got anointed today. God has given the next troop name as David. I thanked sis. Rachel, sis. Priya, sis. Pushpa. Dennison for the wonderful Troop. All got anointed by God’s grace. New troop is going to start on Wednesday. Its 5th  troop branch out from Jesus troop. - Sol Kannan, Chennai

Gideon Troop church was branched from Ezekiel Troop church and the same was formed by Sol. Dr. Kamalin Viji. Just like Cornelius (Acts 10:1), she formed the Troop with her family members, friends & colleagues. Troop church members were anointed by day 6th of August by team consisting of Dr. Albert National coordinator for Healing School, Sol.Olivia TC Coordinator, Tamil Nadu and Sol. Abirancy Secretary of South zone of TN SMPS. Individual testimonies are in the report. Totally 4 soldiers committed to start TC & God guided them by giving Troop name & members list. No doubt these soldiers will be mightily used for. (They belong to southern part of Tamil Nadu. Moreover in the vision, lighting start from Kanyakumari and spread to other states and finally reaches Kashmir.) 

Sister. Vani from AOJ Chennai central has given Baptism to her Father. All Glory to God


Prophecy News

Your Phone Is Spying On You And Generating Secret 'Surveillance Scores'   

Nothing that you do on your phone is private.  In this day and age, most of us have become extremely dependent on our phones, and most Americans never even realize that these extremely sophisticated little devices are gathering mountains of information on each one of us.  

Your phone knows what you look like, it knows the sound of your voice, it knows where you have been, it knows where you have shopped, it knows your Internet searches and it knows what you like to do in your free time.  

In fact, your phone literally knows thousands of things about you, and all of that information is bought and sold every single day without you knowing.  And as you will see below, there are lots of companies out there that use information collected from our phones to create secret "surveillance scores" that are used for a whole host of alarming purposes.

It is really important to understand that your phone is a surveillance device.  The reason why the advertisements on your phone seem so perfectly tailored for you is because of all the information that your phone has gathered on you previously. To this day, many people are still amazed when they see an ad pop up for something that they were just talking with a friend about, but that doesn't happen by accident.  The following comes from Fox News...

Perhaps you've been talking to a friend about an island vacation, when suddenly deals for the Maldives or Hawaii pop up on your Facebook feed. Or you are talking to your co-worker about yard renovations when advertisements for lawnmowers litter your Twitter, or maybe you were talking about why you stopped drinking and a random sponsored article about the growing trend of "elective sobriety" is suddenly in front of your eyes. Industry experts insist that our phones are not actively "eavesdropping" on us, but they do admit that our phones are "actually spying on us" in other ways...

"It's easy to feel like our phone is spying on us. It is actually spying on us, but it is not eavesdropping," Alex Hamerstone, Government, Risk and Compliance practice lead at information technology security firm, TrustedSec, told Fox News via email.  "The reason why we see ads pop up that seem to be correlated to the exact thing we were just talking about is because technology and marketing companies gather extensive amounts of personal and behavioral data on us, but it's not from eavesdropping -- it's from surfing the web, shopping, posting on social media, and other things people do online."

Most Americans have come to accept targeted ads as a part of life, but what most people don't realize is that the information our phones gather is being used for far more intrusive purposes. "Surveillance scores" are being created, and these "surveillance scores" seem quite similar to the "social credit scores" that China has been compiling since 2014.

In China, if you do good things like paying your taxes or taking a parent to the doctor, your social credit score will go up. But there are also lots of things that will cause your social credit score to go down... It aims to punish for transgressions that can include membership in or support for the Falun Gong or Tibetan Buddhism, failure to pay debts, excessive video gaming, criticizing the government, late payments, failing to sweep the sidewalk in front of your store or house, smoking or playing loud music on trains, jaywalking, and other actions deemed illegal or unacceptable by the Chinese government.

And if your social credit score gets too low, the consequences can be quite dramatic... Punishments can be harsh, including bans on leaving the country, using public transportation, checking into hotels, hiring for high-visibility jobs, or acceptance of children to private schools. It can also result in slower internet connections and social stigmatization in the form of registration on a public blacklist.

Here in the United States, private companies are doing something very similar.  Information collected from our phones is being used to create secret "surveillance scores", and selling those scores has become very big business.  The following comes from the Houston Chronicle...

Operating in the shadows of the online marketplace, specialized tech companies you've likely never heard of are tapping vast troves of our personal data to generate secret "surveillance scores" - digital mug shots of millions of Americans - that supposedly predict our future behavior. The firms sell their scoring services to major businesses across the U.S. economy. And just like China's system, high scores come with rewards and low scores come with punishments.

For example, your scores can determine whether or not someone will rent a property to you, whether or not you will be hired for a job, and even how long you will have to wait for customer service... CoreLogic and TransUnion say that scores they peddle to landlords can predict whether a potential tenant will pay the rent on time, be able to "absorb rent increases," or break a lease. Large employers use HireVue, a firm that generates an "employability" score about candidates by analyzing "tens of thousands of factors," including a person's facial expressions and voice intonations. 

Other employers use Cornerstone's score, which considers where a job prospect lives and which web browser they use to judge how successful they will be at a job.

Brand-name retailers purchase "risk scores" from Retail Equation to help make judgments about whether consumers commit fraud when they return goods for refunds. Players in the gig economy use outside firms such as Sift to score consumers' "overall trustworthiness." Wireless customers predicted to be less profitable are sometimes forced to endure longer customer service hold times.

To me, all of this is extremely creepy. Eventually, it may get to a point where you are basically a societal outcast if you are not willing to conform to a particular set of politically-correct standards, values and behaviors. You may not get thrown in jail the moment you do something "unacceptable", but your phone will be watching you every step of the way. Each mistake that you make will be recorded by your phone, and that information will be stored and used against you for the rest of your life.

I know that all of this sounds very strange, but without a doubt we are living in very strange times. My advice would be to only use your phone when necessary, but of course the vast majority of the population will never listen to such advice. Most of us have become highly addicted to these marvelous little devices, and in the process we are helping the elite construct a system of surveillance and control that is unlike anything ever seen before in all of human history.

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Volume 8 Issue 31

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

Prophesied according to the order of the king 

1Ch 25:1  And David and the army commanders separated to the service those of the sons of Asaph, ...., who were prophets with lyres and with cymbals. And the number of the workmen according to their service was .”

King David  and his Army Commanders as a part of their administrative work, appointed prophets of 4 Types . (1 Chr 25:1-6)

What does the King and his military officers have to do with Worship and rophecy.?

These two departments are extremely opposite and contrary to each other.

One  comes under Defense and the other  Religion 

How do these two go together?

1Ch 25:2  “of the sons of Asaph, ….., the sons under the hands of Asaph, who prophesied according to the order of the king. 

King David kept the Prophecy team at his beck and call because whenever in need he commanded them to worship  the Lord and get heavenly replies in Prophecy.

This should be the code for any Government - A Government which will be directed by heavenly commands, corrected by prophetic warnings, encouraged and guided  by  supernatural Revelations and  protected by firewalls erected by the Word of God on all sides.

In God’s Government, Defense and  Worship are  closely connected. 

We see many examples in the  Bible kings fighting war through  “Worship”

2Ch 20:21  And he consulted with the people, and he appointed singers to Jehovah and praisers to praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise Jehovah, for His mercy endures forever. 

2Ch 20:22  And when they began to sing and to praise, Jehovah set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, who had come against Judah. And they were beaten. 

Here we see an  example in the  Bible kings fighting war standing on the strong  rock of  “Prophecy”

 “2Ki 6:12  And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king, but Elisha the prophet, who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom”

When  Worship in the Temple of Jerusalem was on the decline,  kings lost their Kingdoms.  When Worship in the Temple was restored, the kings regained their power and might. 

So in the priority list of the king, first came appointing

  1. Singers,
  2. Worshippers and Worship Leaders
  3. Prophets

Let the Church come to the help of  Governments.

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pr 16:28  The spirit in a whisperer which separates the best of friends

Shekinah glory classes are going on online (Zoom app)

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact no. Ph : 9952040052

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!


  1. God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

    to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

    (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

    1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
    2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
    3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
    4. Graduation of six months old believers
    5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
    6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
    7. No full time pastors for the church.

    Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

    To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

    This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

Mail Id : paulvasanthan.gc@gmail.com

Contact No: 812467749

Christian NEWS Update

Thousands of Iranian Muslims Accept Christ in Spiritual 'Pandemic of Hope'

As Iran continues to struggle with the coronavirus pandemic, internal strife and its conflict with Israel, many of its Muslim citizens are turning to Jesus Christ.

According to CBN News, despite the Iranian government issuing a show of force by conducting executions, such as the killing on Monday of Mahmoud Mousavi-Majd who was accused of spying for the CIA and Israeli intelligence, many Muslim Iranians are converting to Christianity, a move that could get themselves killed or arrested as well.

"This is a regime that's facing a possible rebellion in the near future, regime officials talk about it, so they are executing a lot of people to put fear into the public," Alireza Nader, an Iranian expert with Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told CBN News.

Nevertheless, many Iranians are fed up with its Islamic government and are turning to Christ by the thousands.

"That's why we are calling this a pandemic of hope," said Mike Ansari, director of operations for Mohabat TV, a popular Christian satellite channel in Iran. The outlet has recorded a tenfold increase in online conversions as opposed to this time in 2019.

CBN News notes that since the coronavirus pandemic hit Iran in March, there have been 3,000 conversions to Christianity each month.

"We are registering around 3,000 personal decisions by Iranian Muslims to leave Islam for Christianity during this revival," Ansari said.

"People in Iran are just not happy the way their economy is going, the way the government is robbing them of their national resources and exporting Shia Islam to the neighboring countries, so they just don't trust their government," he added.

Converting from Islam to Christianity is considered heretical in Iran and many converts are arrested, especially if they choose to share their newfound faith.

According to Open Doors USA, Iran is currently ranked number 9 as one of the worst countries for Christians to live in. The watchdog organization explains that “the rights of and professional possibilities for Christians are heavily restricted” by Iran’s Islamic law.

At the same time, however, the growth of Christianity in Iran is spreading faster in Iran than in any other country worldwide.

“India: Christian woman killed, the fifth victim in two months

Source Link : https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2020-07/india-bishop-laments-killing-of-christian-woman.html

In the wake of the recent murder of a young Christian woman in Jharkhand, Bishop Binay Kandulna of Khunti appeals for religious tolerance, saying that "we have to respect all."

By Vatican News

A young woman, constantly harassed for her Christian faith, has been murdered by unknown assailants in Redhadi, a village in the Khunti district of Jharkhand.

Suman Munda, a 25-year-old Christian, was discovered dead in a deserted place near her home on 19 July after a search by family relatives who had come to visit her but could not find her.

This sad development makes Suman Munda the fifth victim in a disturbing trend of murders of Christians in India in the past two months.

On 24 June, another Christian, Ramji Munda, 27, was killed on the outskirts of his village in Khunti district in Jharkhand, Eastern India.

Lamenting the situation, Bishop Binay Kandulna of Khunti said that “it is a matter of serious concern because the state witnessed a Christian man killed only last month in the same district.”

Local media reports indicate that the Police are questioning four suspects in connection with the murder.

Christians worried

According to a local pastor, Munda converted to Christianity about six years ago and had since then been continuously harassed by some radical Hindu nationalists for her decision. He pointed out that other Christians in that area are still faced with that challenge.

“We are scared and our people are shattered,” the pastor said expressing his concerns.

“We have to respect all”

Calling for religious tolerance, Bishop Kandulna said, “Persons of faith are a creation of God and we have to respect all.”

But, he pointed out, “some vested interest groups are trying to target minorities in the state to spread hatred among various faiths who are otherwise peace-loving people.”

“We condemn the killing and appeal to the administration to take strict action against the culprits,” he said, adding that “it is very unfortunate that we have lost a precious life.”

Other victims

Between 25 May and 10 July, four Christians – a man, a woman, a teenage boy and a pastor have been killed for their faith in the Asian country.

The killings took place in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Maharashtra.

Persecution Relief, an ecumenical forum that supports persecuted Christians in India, recorded 527 cases of Christian persecution in 2019 compared to 447 in 2018, 440 in 2017, and 330 in 2016, with 293 cases in the first half of 2020.

Between January 2016 and June 2020, therefore, there were 2,067 crimes inspired by religious intolerance against Christians in India.

Links : https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/topics/i/india/




The Pandemic Lockdown Is a Godsend for the Indian Church

Source Link : https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2020/april-web-only/india-churches-covid-19-coronavirus-pandemic-lockdown.html

As churches deal with the reality of increased community needs—since many people are unable to perform their jobs during the lockdown—they face complicated decisions. In the past, many churches were apprehensive when responding to the poor, since they could be accused of having an ulterior motive to convert those they were serving. Many churches also did not have adequate resources or tools to help their non-Christian neighbors who had no interest in the church.

Now, I have heard amazing stories from our multisite congregations across North India where neighbors who once were hostile toward us have come forward and supplied the church with free food and aid to distribute to vulnerable community members. At one of our churches, the neighbors even volunteered to come with our team to provide aid to the community, and shared that it came from the local church.

As the Indian church is expressing its love for those who are suffering the most, previously antagonistic neighbors are partnering with the church in our expressions of help. This marks a new day.

For example: I know a local church community in rural North India that has been struggling even in the best of times. Despite showing genuine love and concern for the community around them, they have continually faced opposition and threats. After COVID-19 hit India and a nationwide lockdown was put in place, the local police showed up at the doors of the church. The pastor was apprehensive. The police brought a request from the government for the church to make 1,000 cloth face masks in its center to be distributed among the community. The officers then accompanied the pastor to a local cloth shop, specially opened for them to procure the necessary materials.

What the police did not know was that this church community had been praying for ways to respond during the lockdown. The Lord answered by providing an opening to serve and the potential for better relationships with the authorities.

Finally, a common refrain being heard in all Indian churches and denominations is to repent. Even in our conservative Indian culture where sins are not openly confessed, people are being more transparent. The church is repenting of its own sins, the sins of the city, and the sins of the nation. We pray this prayer regularly: “Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

The world we will come back to after this pandemic will look very different. Therefore, the church’s priorities must turn from looking inward to looking outward.

I believe the church has been ushered into a new age of growth and engagement with each other and with the world around us. We are witnessing a huge turning after God. The last revival in India was in 1905-1906. If all the nations of the world repent, then we can anticipate a mighty movement from God in our times.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel                   -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm.                      -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch     -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage          -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

Upcoming Programs

Paul school of deliverance (1st week)   - August 3 - August 10

Bethesda school of healing (2nd week) - August 11 - August 17

Martha school of hospitality (3rd week) - August 18 - August 25

David school of worship (4th week) - August 26 - September 3

Jeremiah school of prophecy (5th week) - September 4 - September 11


Praise the lord soldiers, this is the plan for the gift schools to be conducted in Tamil Nadu formed by Sr. Angelica and Team.If more than one gift school is conducted at the same time, students will be confused with their choice. All should attend all the gift schools. So kindly follow the above.

 For example, Healing school is conducted zonal wise. Prophecy school is conducted Tamil Nadu level ( 70 participants), both schools are  conducted at different timing, so when we conducted gift school in different timing and date it will be very useful for students to attend and it will not clash with any other gift schools. So kindly follow this plan.

Joseph school of financial discipline (7th week) - September 12 - September 19

Nazareth school of family building (8th week) - September 20 - September 27

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Program – Tamil

“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you."  Matthew 6:14


We invite you for "Forgiveness and Reconciliation Program"

Date : From 28.07.20 To 04.08.20

Time: 7 PM - 9 PM (India)

Venue: Zoom App


Contact person:

Sis. Roseline Johnson - 86680 44807, 9750784733

Bro. Mathankumar - 98844 44828


Please register using below link 



To join the WhatsApp group please clicks the following link:



Zoom ID and password will be sent to you through WhatsApp group at the time of meeting 


For Information

 Morning Prayer conducted from 5.30 AM to 7 AM daily prayer in Tamil.

Troop Church

Troop Church Testimonies

Sol. Priya is blessed with transformation of her husband from his alcoholic addiction. Now her home is filled with peace and harmony

Sol. Umagandhi is blessed from her husband’s stress and piles problem

Sol. Antony got peace of mind and he felt the presence of God

Sol. Rachael is blessed and tasted her personal salvation

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 30649 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Prophecy News

Israel Prepares For Next Hezbollah Attack   

The Israel Defense Forces remain on high alert along the Lebanese border in anticipation of a potential new attempt by Hezbollah to launch an attack in retaliation for the reported killing of its operative in an airstrike last week in Syria.

"In accordance with the situational assessment, the Northern Command will be reinforced with advanced fire capabilities, intelligence collection systems and special units," the IDF announced on Tuesday.

The mobilization of advanced fire capabilities, which likely include precision-guided missiles and special forces, is a clear message to Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah and to his Iranian sponsors that any new attempt by the organization to attack will be met with accurate, devastating Israeli firepower.

The Israeli readiness and message of deterrence come after the IDF earlier moved to try and de-escalate the situation. It appears more than likely that the military allowed the armed cell that crossed the Blue Line to retreat back into Lebanon, despite being able to strike it accurately, as a one-time offer to Hezbollah to climb down from the ladder of escalation. It remains far from clear whether Hezbollah will actually do so in light of the failure of its squad to fire on Israeli targets. Israel was in the position to attempt to de-escalate because of the effectiveness of its border-surveillance capabilities. Advanced visual surveillance played a key role in thwarting Monday's attempted infiltration, and because the IDF saw the threat early, it had the possibility to weigh up its options and make do with warning fire.

"Our intelligence cameras spotted them as they moved close to the Blue Line. We monitored and tracked them, even though this is a vegetated area. Shortly after they crossed the Blue Line, we engaged and were able to thwart the attack," stated IDF international spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus soon after the incident.

Although the IDF has not officially said so, the fact that the Hezbollah squad was able to retreat was due to a decision by Israel--and not because of poor accuracy.

'Border Defense Array has tripled its numbers'

The ability to stop threats approaching the border early is largely the responsibility of the IDF Border Defense Array, which operates control rooms on the northern and southern borders, and security surveillance centers in the West Bank.

The control rooms feed regional commands with continuous data and provide real-time alerts to threats. Some of the borders are also equipped with advanced radars, which can detect suspicious movements and direct cameras to them automatically while alerting operators. Hezbollah may well have been searching for weak spots along the border before attempting its next attack.

In 2018, Capt. Argaman Zechariah, head of the recruitment desk at the Border Defense Array, provided JNS with a picture of the Border Defense Array's operations. She said "on a daily basis, we deal with defense. We do this not only when there is combat or war, but every day. ... Our personnel are stationed permanently in arenas, and they know best who the enemy is. When forces that maneuver into enemy territory arrive, they will consult with us first."During routine times, the units of the Border Defense Array gather intelligence on various terror groups, including like Hamas and Hezbollah. In addition, on the northern and southern borders, the military tasks them with finding out information about specific targets that would become of interest in the event of a war, according to Zechariah.

"The Border Defense Array has tripled its numbers, and it will only grow," she said. It is such capabilities that gave the IDF a head start in responding to the infiltration attempt by Hezbollah. The extra forces Israel has sent to the Lebanese border in recent days should be seen as a message, stating that if the next attack does not end so well, Israel's response will be fierce.

Hezbollah, under massive domestic pressure in Lebanon due to a failed economy and growing political unrest, will have to think long and hard before deciding whether or not it wishes to prove its point and risk escalation again. 

Volume 8 Issue 30

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

All the earth remains at rest  

As policemen patrol the streets during nights, the Lord sends His angels to patrol the earth.

Zec 1:9-11  Then I said, ‘What are these, my lord?’ The angel who talked with me said to me, ‘I will show you what they are.’  So the man who was standing among the myrtle trees answered, ‘These are they whom the LORD has sent to patrol the earth.’  And they answered the angel of the LORD who was standing among the myrtle trees, and said, ‘We have patrolled the earth, and behold, all the earth remains at rest.’       

Here you see three sets of angels sent to the earth on three different errands.

  1. The angel who was on a red horse.
  2. The angel who talked with Zachariah
  3. The angels whom the LORD has sent to patrol the earth.’ 

The earth is under the CCTV Camera of the Lord

Pr 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. 

We might think that under Covid 19 all are locked up in their own houses and everywhere there is peace. There is no need of patrolling. Even then the Lord sends His angels to go round the earth.

They come and give the report to the angel.

“And they answered the angel of the LORD who was standing among the myrtle trees, and said, ‘We have patrolled the earth, and behold, all the earth remains at rest.’ 


Why patrolling?

2Ch 16:9  For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in this, for from now on you will have wars.” 


Here the Lord reveals the purpose why His eyes run to and fro .

Let us note the words “run to and fro”. In our language there is a proverb of looking at a person “adi mudi” meaning head to toe. It is not just looking at a person or getting introduced to someone.  His eyes are running to and fro examining a person closely like taking x-ray or scan. While scanning we see the light passing from one end to the other many times. Finally you will get the image in the paper copied ditto.

Why the Lord does this kind of scanning on a person?

To give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him?

After knowing the intention of his heart, The Lord wants to give strong support to all those 

Whose heart is blameless toward him.

Let’s have a heart which is blameless toward the Lord

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pr  13:5  The spirit of a wicked man  which is  loathsome and  shameful.

Shekinah glory classes are going on online (Zoom app)

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact no. Ph : 9952040052

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!


God’s Command for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries …

to safeguard them from COVID 19 and solution for their Livelihood

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Molding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

Why The Lord has permitted the COVID 19?

To Restore The Church of Jesus Christ Acts 2:42-47

This is the God’s Command for the Global Believers …

Conquering with Jesus – We bind and destroyed the works of the following spirits in the name of the Lord Jesus

  1. Pr 3:1 The spirit which makes one forget the law of God
  2. Pr 3:5 The spirit which makes one lean on one’s own understanding
  3. Pr 3:7 The spirit which makes one wise in one’s own eyes
  4. Pr 3:27 The spirit which makes one despise the chastening of the LORD and detest His correction
  5. Pr 3:28 The spirit which makes one say to one’s neighbor, “Go, and come back, And tomorrow I will give it,” when one has it with him / her
  6. Pr 3:29 The spirit which makes one devise evil against one’s neighbor
  7. Pr 3:30 The spirit which makes one strive with a man without cause
  8. Pr 3:31 The spirit which makes one envy the oppressor
  9. Pr 4:13 The spirit which does not allow to hold fast of instruction
  10. Pr 4:5 The spirit which makes one forsake wisdom and understanding


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

Mail Id : paulvasanthan.gc@gmail.com

Contact No: 812467749

Christian NEWS Update

Thousands of Iranian Muslims Accept Christ in Spiritual 'Pandemic of Hope'

As Iran continues to struggle with the coronavirus pandemic, internal strife and its conflict with Israel, many of its Muslim citizens are turning to Jesus Christ.

According to CBN News, despite the Iranian government issuing a show of force by conducting executions, such as the killing on Monday of Mahmoud Mousavi-Majd who was accused of spying for the CIA and Israeli intelligence, many Muslim Iranians are converting to Christianity, a move that could get themselves killed or arrested as well.

"This is a regime that's facing a possible rebellion in the near future, regime officials talk about it, so they are executing a lot of people to put fear into the public," Alireza Nader, an Iranian expert with Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told CBN News.

Nevertheless, many Iranians are fed up with its Islamic government and are turning to Christ by the thousands.

"That's why we are calling this a pandemic of hope," said Mike Ansari, director of operations for Mohabat TV, a popular Christian satellite channel in Iran. The outlet has recorded a tenfold increase in online conversions as opposed to this time in 2019.

CBN News notes that since the coronavirus pandemic hit Iran in March, there have been 3,000 conversions to Christianity each month.

"We are registering around 3,000 personal decisions by Iranian Muslims to leave Islam for Christianity during this revival," Ansari said.

"People in Iran are just not happy the way their economy is going, the way the government is robbing them of their national resources and exporting Shia Islam to the neighboring countries, so they just don't trust their government," he added.

Converting from Islam to Christianity is considered heretical in Iran and many converts are arrested, especially if they choose to share their newfound faith.

According to Open Doors USA, Iran is currently ranked number 9 as one of the worst countries for Christians to live in. The watchdog organization explains that “the rights of and professional possibilities for Christians are heavily restricted” by Iran’s Islamic law.

At the same time, however, the growth of Christianity in Iran is spreading faster in Iran than in any other country worldwide.

“India: Christian woman killed, the fifth victim in two months

Source Link : https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2020-07/india-bishop-laments-killing-of-christian-woman.html

In the wake of the recent murder of a young Christian woman in Jharkhand, Bishop Binay Kandulna of Khunti appeals for religious tolerance, saying that "we have to respect all."

By Vatican News

A young woman, constantly harassed for her Christian faith, has been murdered by unknown assailants in Redhadi, a village in the Khunti district of Jharkhand.

Suman Munda, a 25-year-old Christian, was discovered dead in a deserted place near her home on 19 July after a search by family relatives who had come to visit her but could not find her.

This sad development makes Suman Munda the fifth victim in a disturbing trend of murders of Christians in India in the past two months.

On 24 June, another Christian, Ramji Munda, 27, was killed on the outskirts of his village in Khunti district in Jharkhand, Eastern India.

Lamenting the situation, Bishop Binay Kandulna of Khunti said that “it is a matter of serious concern because the state witnessed a Christian man killed only last month in the same district.”

Local media reports indicate that the Police are questioning four suspects in connection with the murder.

Christians worried

According to a local pastor, Munda converted to Christianity about six years ago and had since then been continuously harassed by some radical Hindu nationalists for her decision. He pointed out that other Christians in that area are still faced with that challenge.

“We are scared and our people are shattered,” the pastor said expressing his concerns.

“We have to respect all”

Calling for religious tolerance, Bishop Kandulna said, “Persons of faith are a creation of God and we have to respect all.”

But, he pointed out, “some vested interest groups are trying to target minorities in the state to spread hatred among various faiths who are otherwise peace-loving people.”

“We condemn the killing and appeal to the administration to take strict action against the culprits,” he said, adding that “it is very unfortunate that we have lost a precious life.”

Other victims

Between 25 May and 10 July, four Christians – a man, a woman, a teenage boy and a pastor have been killed for their faith in the Asian country.

The killings took place in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Maharashtra.

Persecution Relief, an ecumenical forum that supports persecuted Christians in India, recorded 527 cases of Christian persecution in 2019 compared to 447 in 2018, 440 in 2017, and 330 in 2016, with 293 cases in the first half of 2020.

Between January 2016 and June 2020, therefore, there were 2,067 crimes inspired by religious intolerance against Christians in India.

Links : https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/topics/i/india/




Source Link : https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2020/april-web-only/india-churches-covid-19-coronavirus-pandemic-lockdown.html

The Pandemic Lockdown Is a Godsend for the Indian Church

As churches deal with the reality of increased community needs—since many people are unable to perform their jobs during the lockdown—they face complicated decisions. In the past, many churches were apprehensive when responding to the poor, since they could be accused of having an ulterior motive to convert those they were serving. Many churches also did not have adequate resources or tools to help their non-Christian neighbors who had no interest in the church.

Now, I have heard amazing stories from our multisite congregations across North India where neighbors who once were hostile toward us have come forward and supplied the church with free food and aid to distribute to vulnerable community members. At one of our churches, the neighbors even volunteered to come with our team to provide aid to the community, and shared that it came from the local church.

As the Indian church is expressing its love for those who are suffering the most, previously antagonistic neighbors are partnering with the church in our expressions of help. This marks a new day.

For example: I know a local church community in rural North India that has been struggling even in the best of times. Despite showing genuine love and concern for the community around them, they have continually faced opposition and threats. After COVID-19 hit India and a nationwide lockdown was put in place, the local police showed up at the doors of the church. The pastor was apprehensive. The police brought a request from the government for the church to make 1,000 cloth face masks in its center to be distributed among the community. The officers then accompanied the pastor to a local cloth shop, specially opened for them to procure the necessary materials. What the police did not know was that this church community had been praying for ways to respond during the lockdown. The Lord answered by providing an opening to serve and the potential for better relationships with the authorities.

Finally, a common refrain being heard in all Indian churches and denominations is to repent. Even in our conservative Indian culture where sins are not openly confessed, people are being more transparent. The church is repenting of its own sins, the sins of the city, and the sins of the nation. We pray this prayer regularly: “Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

The world we will come back to after this pandemic will look very different. Therefore, the church’s priorities must turn from looking inward to looking outward. I believe the church has been ushered into a new age of growth and engagement with each other and with the world around us. We are witnessing a huge turning after God. The last revival in India was in 1905-1906. If all the nations of the world repent, then we can anticipate a mighty movement from God in our times.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel                   -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm.                      -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch     -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage          -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

Upcoming Programs

Paul school of deliverance (1st week)   - August 3 - August 10

Bethesda school of healing (2nd week) - August 11 - August 17

Martha school of hospitality (3rd week) - August 18 - August 25

David school of worship (4th week) - August 26 - September 3

Jeremiah school of prophecy (5th week) - September 4 - September 11


Praise the lord soldiers, this is the plan for the gift schools to be conducted in Tamil Nadu formed by Sr. Angelica and Team.If more than one gift school is conducted at the same time, students will be confused with their choice. All should attend all the gift schools. So kindly follow the above.

 For example, Healing school is conducted zonal wise. Prophecy school is conducted Tamil Nadu level ( 70 participants), both schools are  conducted at different timing, so when we conducted gift school in different timing and date it will be very useful for students to attend and it will not clash with any other gift schools. So kindly follow this plan.

Joseph school of financial discipline (7th week) - September 12 - September 19

Nazareth school of family building (8th week) - September 20 - September 27

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Program – Tamil

“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you."  Matthew 6:14


We invite you for "Forgiveness and Reconciliation Program"

Date : From 28.07.20 To 04.08.20

Time: 7 PM - 9 PM (India)

Venue: Zoom App


Contact person:

Sis. Roseline Johnson - 86680 44807, 9750784733

Bro. Mathankumar - 98844 44828


Please register using below link 



To join the WhatsApp group please clicks the following link:



Zoom ID and password will be sent to you through WhatsApp group at the time of meeting 


For Information

 Morning Prayer conducted from 5.30 AM to 7 AM daily prayer in Tamil.

 Shekinah glory class in English & Hindi at 8 PM to 10 PM up to 31st July

Troop Church

Troop Church @ Uttar Pradesh

In Uttar Pradesh last week 26 people got baptism and this week 5 people got baptism through troop church Glory to Jesus.

In UP, after 8 weeks the people of TC were anointed and the new troop leader called his old troop leader and asked him to remove all the pooja items and the image of the idols, they burned everything, glory to God.

Online Troop Church

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 30481 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Prophecy News

LGBT Heresy-Hunters Now Targeting Christian Politicians     

One of the perverse things about today's progressives is not simply that they are so often wrong, but that they often mean precisely the opposite of what they are saying but do not realize it. The promoters of "diversity" and "tolerance," for example, make the witch-burners look positively relaxed as they ruthlessly hunt heretics and hound them from their jobs. 

Diversity is acceptable only within the narrowest of lanes -- you can, for example, support the LGBTQIA2S agenda, but nobody will get too fussed if you just say you support the LGBTQ agenda, because it is presumed that you mean the same thing. Any indication that you do not support whatever the newest thing is, however, will not be tolerated.

The latest would-be victim of the heresy-hunters is British Columbian politician Laurie Throness, the MLA for the constituency of Chilliwack-Kent. Throness and several other MLAs, as it turns out, had run ads in a Christian publication that, to the horror of Chilliwack Progress editor Paul Henderson, apparently holds Christian views on sexuality:

The controversy started when it came to light that Throness and several other MLAs, including [Andrew] Wilkinson, used taxpayer dollars to advertise in "The Light Magazine," a Langley-based Christian publication that frequently runs articles that express antipathy towards the LGBTQ community in various ways.

Three MLAs have since apologized, and party leader Andrew Wilkinson tweeted out the required statement that there is no place for any anti-LGBT sentiment in the B.C. Liberal Party. The B.C. Liberals also announced that they would be reviewing their advertising policies to ensure that no ads were placed in such magazines. As CTV put it:

The Liberals had already pledged to review their advertising policy after critics pointed out ads for the party that ran in The Light Magazine, a Christian publication that has opposed B.C.'s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) policy in public schools.

Apparently, opposing BC's radical sex ed curriculum, which foists dangerous gender ideology on children, is beyond the pale. Throness, at least, has noted that he will continue to advertise in the magazine as he shares its "Biblical Christian values," noting that "Biblical Christians follow their Lord in their sexual practice. 

They don't attack other people, they don't condemn other people, because Jesus did not condemn other people. They withdraw from sex outside of a marriage between a man and a woman. That has nothing to do with intolerance, it has everything to do with following their conscience and following their Lord."

To anyone familiar with what Christianity teaches, that's pretty standard stuff. But to progressives, this is genuinely offensive. NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert sent a letter to the B.C. Liberal Party demanding that Throness be kicked out of caucus or fired from his job as opposition critic for the Ministry of Children and Family Development. 

The Vancouver Pride Society even took the dramatic step of threatening to ban the B.C. Liberal Party from marching in the Pride Parade over the ads, stating that the magazine has "published articles elevating anti-trans and pro-conversion therapy rhetoric targeting LGBQAI2S+ people."

"Despite being reassured by the B.C. Liberal leader that that was no longer going to happen, they continue to invest in this magazine," Michelle Fortin, co-chair of the Vancouver Pride Society, noted ominously. "We've basically said to the Liberals until you take action and stop investing in that kind of publication, and until you deal with MLA Throness, you will not be allowed into the parade."

Fortin even gave the B.C. Liberal Party a deadline: the deadline for parade registration for the virtual parade being held on August 2. Throness must be "dealt with" before then. Like the NDP, the Pride Society wants Throness either evicted or fired from his critic role. In short, they want a scalp. Throness is refusing to disavow Christian standards and will not disassociate himself from others who share those standards. Thus, he must be punished. "In 2020, a B.C. Liberal Party that still thinks it's OK to support transphobic or homophobic messaging[.] ... It's appalling," said Fortin.

Every political party will be forced to respond to such demands in the future. Organizations like the Pride Society are not demanding diversity or tolerance; they are demanding that politicians conform to their standards or else. Media folks like Paul Henderson of the Chilliwack Progress, a bigot who spends much of his time fulminating on his editorial page about the wickedness of those who disagree with him on LGBT issues and abortion (that would include Christians, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, and Buddhists, just for starters), ensure that these non-stories get the coverage they need. 

Thus, a Christian politician posting an ad in a Christian publication that frequently covers issues from a Christian perspective becomes a threat to civilized society in the minds of the progressive heresy-hunters.

Volume 8 Issue 29

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

If anyone desires to come after Me

I came to know that Munshi of Gadchiroli was murdered for Jesus Christ. Since I had visited this place I called a servant of God to verify this incident. He confirmed it was true and Munshi was murdered for preaching even after two warnings! He himself was a naxalite once and after accepting Jesus Christ he could not resist but went on preaching the Truth, i.e. the Good News of Jesus Christ.   

Act 9:19-25  And taking food, he was strengthened. And Saul was certain days with the disciples in Damascus.  And immediately he proclaimed Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God. But all who heard him were amazed and said, Is this not he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem and came here for that reason, that he might bring them bound to the chief priests? But Saul increased the more in strength and confounded the Jews who lived at Damascus, proving that this One is the Christ. 

And after many days had been fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him.   But their plot was known to Saul. And they watched the gates day and night in order to kill him.  Then the disciples took him by night and let him down through the wall in a basket.   

Luke 9:-24 For whoever will save his life shall lose it, but whoever will lose his life for My sake, he shall save it. 

Here is another Paul now. Munshi of Gadchiroli Maharashtra himself was a naxalite once. After accepting Jesus He came forward to lose his life for Jesus  sake.  Even after getting 2 warnings he dared to preach Jesus. Shot down by naxalites.

Luke 9:26  For whoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My Words, the Son of Man shall be ashamed of him when He shall come in His own and in His Father's glory, and that of the holy angels. 

His reward is great in heaven. Let India be proud of this great servant of God.

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pr  18:6  The spirit which makes one  enter into contention and calls for blows

Shekinah glory classes are going on online (Zoom app)

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact no. Ph : 9952040052

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!


🔹Wash your heart with Christ's blood. (Psalm 73:1)

🔹Keep a social distance from evil. (Job 28:28 )

🔹Avoid the crowd of wickedness and wicked men. (Psalm 1:1)

🔹Cover your mind from being infected from the sneeze of sin and hatred.(Lev 19:17)

🔹Do not shake hands with abomination.(Deut 25:16)

🔹Do not hug heresy and false teachings.(2 Pet.2:1)

🔹Be safe so that you will be saved. (Jer 17:14)

🔹Sanitize your life with the Word of God. (Psalm 1:2).

🔹In case you notice any symptoms of sin, call the helpline of Christ in PRAYER.(Jer 33:3)

🔹Always remember to boost your spiritual immunity with Faith and the Power of the Holy Spirit. (Jude1:20).

How to Pray during a Pandemic

For a moment, it seemed like we were so close. In Israel, as in some locations in the U.S., it looked like the coronavirus pandemic had turned a corner in June. But in July, both nations saw a resurgence in new cases and, exercising an abundance of caution, both put the brakes on “reopening.”

This is discouraging for everyone, but it poses unique challenges to people of faith. For months we have prayed for healing for those who have been affected by this virus and for a swift end to the pandemic. We’ve made sacrifices for the greater good, isolating ourselves in our homes, wearing masks, and even staying away from our churches and synagogues.

And we’ve prayed too for those suffering from the devastating effects of the lockdown itself – for those who have lost jobs or entire businesses, for those whose anxiety and depression has been magnified by isolation, for the children whose education has been put on hold. And now, it may seem like all of our prayers and our efforts to 'change God's heart' and end the pandemic, were in vain.

In life, we want to see cause and effect. If we are kind to others, we expect them to be kind in return. If we work hard, we expect to receive a fair paycheck. And if we pray with all of our heart, we want our prayers to be answered like they were for Isaac and Rebekah in the book of Genesis, chapter 25, verse 21.

At first glance, the account here seems so simple and straightforward: “Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.” Prayers were offered to God, and, in short order, were answered.

But there’s more to this story. We must remember that this wasn’t the first time Isaac had prayed for children, nor the second time, nor the third time. The chapter also tells us that Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah, and 60 when she became pregnant. In fact, Isaac and Rebekah had been praying for children for 20 years. Their prayers were answered – but in God’s time, not theirs.

Throughout 20 long years of devout prayer, they never gave up hope, keeping the doors open for God to answer them!

So often, this is exactly how prayers of petition work in our own lives. Sometimes we pour out our hearts to God and our prayers are answered immediately. However, more often than not, we don’t get instant results. And when we don’t, it’s easy to give up after praying for the same thing over and over again. Our efforts may seem futile. But the powerful lesson that we learn from Isaac and Rebekah is that we must press on and press forward with our prayers. The very next prayer may be the one that opens the door.

Prayer is a marathon, not a sprint. And it's an investment, not a transaction. Many truths can be found in paradox, because God is bigger than our limited comprehension. And prayer is one of the biggest paradoxes of all: the most important time to pray is when we feel like giving up.

Psalm 130:5 tells us, “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” And so, we wait – sometimes longer than we want to wait – in expectation that God will provide what we need. We don’t lose hope. We persevere. Prayer must be as much a part of healing our nations as scientific and medical interventions.

Every year, at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, we actually devote an entire month to focus on prayer. We offer to take the requests of our faithful donors to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, one of the holiest sites in Judaism. And every year, we receive tens of thousands of prayer requests from both Christians and Jews. We take this opportunity seriously, because we know there is power in prayer. Prayer is like a mighty reservoir; each prayer that we send up to heaven adds a little bit of water, until our heartfelt prayers to God reaches the top, and the blessings come spilling over the dam.

I want to invite everyone to join us as we persevere, in faith and prayer, against this crisis. I hope you will send us your prayers so that we may take them to the Western Wall and appeal to God on your behalf. Together, as we work to heal the world and eradicate this virus, let us use one of the most powerful weapons we have to lift each other up as well. And let us do so secure in the knowledge that God will answer our prayers – in His time.


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

Mail Id : paulvasanthan.gc@gmail.com

Contact No: 812467749

Prophecy NEWS Update

Pathway to the Mark - Digital Identity, Health Records & Payments Merge Into One     

A biometric digital identity platform that "evolves just as you evolve" is set to be introduced in "low-income, remote communities" in West Africa thanks to a public-private partnership between the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard and the AI-powered "identity authentication" company, Trust Stamp.

The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp's digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard "Wellness Pass," a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard's click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData. 

Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting "centralized record keeping of childhood immunization" also describes itself as a leader toward a "World Beyond Cash," and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform. 

The effort, since its launch nearly two years ago, has been funded via $3.8 million in GAVI donor funds in addition to a matched donation of the same amount by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

In early June, GAVI reported that Mastercard's Wellness Pass program would be adapted in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Around a month later, Mastercard announced that Trust Stamp's biometric identity platform would be integrated into Wellness Pass as Trust Stamp's system is capable of providing biometric identity in areas of the world lacking internet access or cellular connectivity and also does not require knowledge of an individual's legal name or identity to function. 

The Wellness Program involving GAVI, Mastercard, and Trust Stamp will soon be launched in West Africa and will be coupled with a COVID-19 vaccination program once a vaccine becomes available.

The push to implement biometrics as part of national ID registration systems has been ongoing for many years on the continent and has become a highly politicized issue in several African countries. 

Masking ulterior motives

Trust Stamp's biometric identity system, largely funded by Mastercard's massive investment in the company in February, utilizes a technology it calls Evergreen Hash that creates an AI-generated "3D mask" based on a single photo of a person's face, palm or fingerprint. Once this "mask" is created, much of the original data is discarded and encryption keys are created in place of a person's name or other more traditional identifiers.

"Only a small percentage of the data that originally existed is in the hash," Trust Stamp CEO Gareth Genner has stated. "What you have is something safer for storing because it can't be used to directly identify you. No one would recognize you in this huge jumble of numbers." The result, according to Genner, is an "irreversible non-personally identifiable information" system that "protects privacy, reduces potential for misuse and allows effective inclusion when there is no other form of legal record."

Genner also explained in a recent press release that the unique "hash" is capable of "evolving" as a new hash with updated health information is created every time a child or individual gets a vaccine. Trust Stamp's AI algorithms can accurately determine if different hashes belong to the same individual, meaning that "the hash evolves over time just as you evolve," said Genner.

It is unclear how much the Wellness Pass initiative is motivated by public health concerns as opposed to free market considerations. Indeed, the GAVI alliance, largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, as well as allied governments and the vaccine industry, is principally concerned with improving "the health of markets for vaccines and other immunization products," rather than the health of individuals, according to its own website.

Similarly, Mastercard's GAVI partnership is directly linked to its "World Beyond Cash" effort, which mainly bolsters its business model that has long depended on a reduction in the use of physical cash.

Trust Stamp also shares this market-focused vision for its digital identity system as the company has stated that it is looking for new commercialization options for its Evergreen Hash technology, specifically with prison systems. 

Talks with private and public prison systems have revealed an interest in their utilization of Trust Stamp's technology to provide identification for individuals on parole "without making them pay for pricey ankle bracelets that monitor their every move," as Trust Stamp's platform would ostensibly provide that same function but in a "touchless" and less expensive manner.

Trust Stamp's interest in providing its technology to both COVID-19 response and to law enforcement is part of a growing trend where numerous companies providing digital solutions to COVID-19 also offer the same solutions to prison systems and law enforcement for the purposes of surveillance and "predictive policing."

For instance, contact tracing software originally introduced as part of the COVID-19 response has since been used by police departments across the U.S. to track protesters during the country's recent bouts of protests and civil unrest. Similarly, a controversial Israeli tech firm currently being used in Rhode Island offers AI-powered predictive analytic to identify likely future COVID-19 hotspots and individuals likely to contract COVID-19 in the future, while also offering governments the ability to predict future locations of and participants in riots and civil unrest.

What is perhaps most alarming about this new "Wellness Pass" initiative, is that it links these "dual use" digital solutions to cashless payment solutions that could soon become mandated as anything other than touchless, cashless, methods of payment have been treated as potential modes for contagion by GAVI-aligned groups like the World Health Organization, among others, since the pandemic was first declared earlier this year.


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

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4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

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Troop Church

Troop Church @ UP Jaunpur

4 Troop Churches were conducted, anointing prayer was conducted last week and now 15 new Troop Churches have been started.  Glory to God!!


“Believe in Jesus .What Jesus is not”

Jesus Christ is the only solution for Covid 19

Jesus is the only way to escape from this pandemic!

Jesus is not a Religion! Jesus is not a structure or a hierarchical system! 

Jesus is not in huge buildings, 

Jesus is not an organization!

He is the Son of God who came to earth to reconcile Man to God the Almighty.. 

Jesus is a person, the incarnation of God  

He  did not come  to establish  a religion on earth. But only asked us to love everyone and to forgive everyone.  

He has given only two commands!

Love God and 

Love your neighbor!

Do not be deceived by organizations or persons who demand money in the name of Jesus, for constructing buildings, or for any other need! 

Violation of the commandment of love has brought this wrath of God on  this earth! 

To know about Jesus,  read  the Bible. It contains  all the laws that God  the Creator has  given to  humanity. 

God  is our Creator and  Life giver. 

God is love.  He is our loving Father. Let’s love our neighbors irrespective of caste, religion, nationality.. All human beings are our brothers and sisters. 

God does not want people to die of the plague. He wants us to leave our evil ways and turn to Him! Then we will live.

No religion, religious structures, not even Christian religion can save humanity from this plague!

Believe in Jesus! Accept His commands!

Accept Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Bible will speak to you who Jesus is!  Jesus did not establish any religion. He came to eradicate religion from the earth and to connect humanity with God risking His own life!  Jesus only can forgive our sins and take us to heaven! 

Let’s love God and love our neighbors! Let us serve humanity, irrespective of caste, creed or religion!

Let us make the world a happy and safe place to live.!

Troop Church  

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 30313 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Christian News

Renounce Christ or Lose Government Assistance, China's Low-Income Christians Are Told

Christian citizens in China who receive social welfare payments have been ordered to abandon their faith or risk losing government support, according to a new report.

The policy impacts low-income religious citizens who receive government assistance, according to Bitter Winter, a watchdog that monitors reports of persecution in China.

Multiple cities and towns across the country have implemented the policy.

In April, officials from several villages in Shanxi province were called together for a meeting and ordered by the government “to remove crosses, religious symbols and images from the homes of people of faith who receive social welfare payments” and replace them with portraits of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong (1893-1976) and current President Xi Jinping.

A Christian in one of the villages told Bitter Winter that officials tore down Christian imagery in his home and hung a picture of Zedong.

“Impoverished religious households can’t receive money from the state for nothing – they must obey the Communist Party for the money they receive,” the Christian told Bitter Winter.

A house church pastor said village officials visited his home in May and replaced a cross with a picture of Zedong.

“All impoverished households in the town were told to display Mao Zedong images,” the pastor said. “The government is trying to eliminate our belief and wants to become God instead of Jesus.”

In Jiangxi province, government officials withdrew a monthly disability allowance and a living subsidy from a man who is disabled and Christian.

“Officials told me that we would be treated as anti-Party elements if my husband and I continued attending worship services,” the man’s wife told Bitter Winter.

Sometimes, there’s little warning. 

A Christian elderly woman in her 80s lost her government assistance after she said “thank God” while receiving her subsidy in January. She lives in Jiangxi province.

“They expected me to praise the kindness of the Communist Party instead,” she said.

Government officials in Shangqiu city in the province of Henan cancelled the government assistance for an elderly woman in her 70s after they discovered a cross image on her door.

“They tore it down immediately,” the elderly Christian told Bitter Winter. “Afterward, both my minimum living allowance and poverty alleviation subsidy were canceled. I am being driven to a dead end. I have diabetes and need injections regularly.”

Said a neighbor, “This little money she received from the government was her bread and butter. But it has been canceled because of a cross image, causing great harm to this woman.”

Volume 8 Issue 28

Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AJ

Tenants sent him away empty handed

Luke 20:9, 10  And he began to tell the people this parable: “A man planted a vineyard and let it out to tenants and went into another country for a long while.  When the time came, he sent a servant to the tenants, so that they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard. But the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed. 

Luke 20:16  He will come and destroy those tenants and give the vineyard to others.

Let us read carefully this parable. Let us take a note of each word.

A man = Jesus Christ

Vineyard = Church (Institutional)

Tenants = Leaders  of the Church  (Institutional Church)

Another Country  = Heaven

For a long while = 2020 years now

He sent a servant = Sent His prophets

To the tenants = To the leaders of the Churches

So that they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard = In the ENHF Vision for India, the Lord asked the Churches to give 20% of their believers as reserve.   They had to be set apart from the Churches  and kept in reserve to be used during the time of famine.

Fruit of the vineyard = Souls,  Believers

Tenants beat him = The leaders of the Institutional Churches  gave a lot of trouble to the ones  who preached  the truth (about  the real (House)  Churches and about raising all the believers as leaders.

Sent him away empty  handed  = During the time of  7 years, if  the 20% believers had collected, trained, and placed in the Central and  State Govt warehouses,   (Workplaces)  it would have been enough and more to evangelize the whole of  India. India would have been a different country by now. But the Church failed to do it.

Luk 20:16  He will come and destroy those tenants = After 3 warnings given,  On 10.10.2015, the Institutional Church was rejected (Jer 6:29,30).

..and give the vineyard to others.  = Now the vineyard is given to the Believers.  Leaders have no hold on them. Believers have been released from the Churches now.

Let us be very careful in giving fruits to the owner

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Mat 6:25 The spirit which makes one worry about what to  eat and  what to  drink

Shekinah glory classes are going on online (Zoom app)

For details please contact

Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962

24 Hours Worship through Zoom – Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183

Day Region Coordinator Contact number

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

North Region Sol.Ajayapal 7065885778

midnight –midnight(24Hrs)

North East Region Sol.Alan Bulo 8413926580

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

West Region Sol.Shelton 9921949966

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

East Region Sol.Smith Prathap Singh 9486860805

midnight –midnight (24Hrs)

Central Region Sol.Rachel Jacob 8689896938
Friday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South  Region- Tamilnadu Sol.Joshua Rajesh 8754116877
Friday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region -  Kerala Sol.Anoop Johnson 9400640799
Saturday 1st half

00.00 midnight – 12.00 noon

South Region - Karnataka Sol.Marcelline 9731020288
Saturday 2nd half

12.00 noon – 00.00 midnight

South Region - Telengana/Andhra Sol.Vani 8374412377

List of National Coordinators


List of  Programs

Coordinators Name

Mobile Number

BFF Training Sol. Blessy Vivian +91 98410 34637
Conducting Troop Church Sol. Mohanasundaram +91 94451 20678
 Paul School of Deliverance (FRP) Sol.Benjamin +91 90030 21979
Jeremiah School of Prophecy Sol. Benovin +91 82201 23810
David School of Worship Sol. Theodre +91 98401 54775
Bethestha  School of Healing Sol. Dr.Albert +91 98405 77293
Martha School of Hospitality Sol. Dinesh Crimson +91  96633 62589
Nazareth School of Family Building Sol. Dr.Sujatha / Sol. Paul Hudson +91 96771 92227 /

+91 90031 82275

Joseph school of Financial Discipline Sol. Dr.Benedict +91 98405 44151
Night Prayer Sol. Vani Santhosh +91 83744 12377
Shadow Parli Sol. Arvind (Goa) +91 98221 81817
Communication  (Beryl wing ) Kingdom Gazette Sol. Felix +91 73584 20497
Transformation India Programme --TIP (Free service) Sol. Dr.Acha +91 93600 18004
Children Programme Sol. Paul Vasanthan/Dr.Petricia +91 81246 77493/

+91 98424 82493

24 hours Worship Sol. Johny +91 98427 81183
24 hours Prayer Sr. Leema Rose AJ +91 94446 53591
Ezhuchikkural (Monthly Magazine – Tamil)                                                                                     Sr. Anitta AJ 9540328369
Media (Zoom) Sol. Shaji Thomas +91 81800 11100


Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. As per Eph 4:11-13, it perfects the saints,  for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, ………until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 

The Lord wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27, to  make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her as a radiant Church. By  BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world. So far 529 batches have been conducted  across India in various languages. The students were from almost all the States of India & abroad.

Contact no. Ph : 9952040052

It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the programme.

Come, be blessed and bless others!


🔹Wash your heart with Christ's blood. (Psalm 73:1)

🔹Keep a social distance from evil. (Job 28:28 )

🔹Avoid the crowd of wickedness and wicked men. (Psalm 1:1)

🔹Cover your mind from being infected from the sneeze of sin and hatred.(Lev 19:17)

🔹Do not shake hands with abomination.(Deut 25:16)

🔹Do not hug heresy and false teachings.(2 Pet.2:1)

🔹Be safe so that you will be saved. (Jer 17:14)

🔹Sanitize your life with the Word of God. (Psalm 1:2).

🔹In case you notice any symptoms of sin, call the helpline of Christ in PRAYER.(Jer 33:3)

🔹Always remember to boost your spiritual immunity with Faith and the Power of the Holy Spirit. (Jude1:20).


A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India. Acts as a link between the employer (Company) and the employee. We provide training and equip for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. We provide temporary or permanent jobs.

Interested people can register with us by sending your resume and contact details to.

Mail Id : paulvasanthan.gc@gmail.com

Contact No: 812467749

Prophecy NEWS Update

Pope Francis Dangerous Call For Interfaith Prayer, Each To His Own God 

Can you imagine an Apostle Paul who, at the Areopagus in Athens (Acts 17), invites his listeners (followers of various philosophical schools and ancient cults) to unite in prayer, each to his own god/ideal as a sign of fraternity?

Can you imagine an Apostle Peter who, in writing to Christians at the four corners of the Roman Empire        (1 Peter 1:1), recommends that they raise petitions together with the faithful of the Eastern, Greek and Roman religions, to invoke the end of a pandemic? For those who have a basic grasp of the biblical faith, this is pretty absurd. Not for Rome, though. Indeed, the Roman Catholic Church organized a "Day of Prayer and Fasting addressed to believers of all religions" under the auspices of the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity to pray together.

Catholics, Muslims and people of other religions or of no religion were all encouraged to pray to her/his own god or personal ideal for the pandemic to cease. 

Biblical proximity is not universal fraternity

Before examining the theological problems behind the inter-faith prayer promoted by the Roman Catholic Church, it is important to be aware of the context of this initiative. The aforementioned Higher Committee for Human Fraternity was established in 2019, a few months after the meeting in Abu Dhabi between Pope Francis and Ahmed al-Tayyeb, Grand Imam of al-Azhar, the Muslim University in Cairo (Egypt). That meeting was centered on the signing of the controversial "Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together". In spite of the praise gathered in inter-faith circles, it is a controversial document for a simple reason: it joins the commendable attempt to build a peaceful society (especially in areas where the relationship between the Muslim majority and the Christian minority is tense) with the idea that Muslims and Christians are "brothers and sisters" praying to the same God.

In so doing, it wrongly exchanges proximity with fraternity, i.e. our being neighbors with all men and women, withour being brothers and sisters with those who belong to the family of God in Jesus Christ. While proximity connects people of different faiths and backgrounds and calls them to live in peace, fraternity is a spiritual bond that unites believers in Jesus Christ as believers.

The "Document on Human Fraternity" blurs the distinction and changes the meaning of fraternity, extending it to the relationships between peoples of different religions, as if Muslims and Christians are "brothers and sisters" praying to the same God.

An ever expanding "Catholic" trajectory

This day of prayer witnessed the participation of believers of all religions, but also of those who do not believe, united "spiritually" to pray to their divinity or ideal, all pleading for the end of the pandemic. Each participant was called to address his god/ideal in a spirit of fraternity that embraced everyone. What is at stake theologically is enormous.

Moving beyond the perimeter of the biblical faith, Roman Catholicism legitimizes prayers to other deities or religious ideals, silencing the prophetic message of Scripture that we either serve the biblical God or idols. It fails to bear witness to the claims of Jesus Christ as the God-man who came to save those who believe in him, and instead changes the meaning of fraternity by stretching it indiscriminately to all humanity, rather than believers in Jesus only. In so doing, the tenets of the biblical faith are trampled on.

This is a further move away from biblical Christianity. Not being anchored in Scripture alone, not being committed to Christ alone, Roman Catholicism is anxious to extend its ever-expanding catholicity (i.e. all-encompassing embracement) in all directions, even those clearly contrary to the basics of the Christian faith.

This is not even something new that was introduced by the current Jesuit Pope with his "uncertain" magisterium. It is rather a confirmation of the slippery slope of the "development" of what is already contained in Vatican II (Lumen Gentium n. 16), with its universalistic bent, which was visually represented at the inter-religious prayer of Assisi (1986, convened by John Paul II) and then confirmed by Francis' apostolic exhortation of 2013 (Evangelii Gaudiumnn. 244-254), eventually culminating in the "Document on Human Fraternity" in 2019.

Present-day Roman Catholicism, while open to ecumenism with liberal Protestants, Eastern Orthodox and Evangelicals, does the same with Muslims, Buddhists, men of good will, etc. For Rome, unity is not only among Christians, but among all women and men as human beings. 

This "unity" is based on the "gospel" of our common humanity, to which everyone belongs regardless of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The question remains, though: Is this the biblical gospel?

Back to Paul and Peter

Biblical proximity does not require common prayer and does not entail fraternity. At the Areopagus, while respectfully engaging various people in various contexts, Paul preached the gospel by calling all to repent and believe in the Man appointed by the Father who was raised from the dead, i.e. Jesus Christ (Acts 17:31). He was a good neighbor, but he did not call the Athenians "brothers and sisters", nor did he ask them to pray with him.

To the Christians scattered all over the world, Peter did not give the advice of uniting in prayer with the peoples around them, but he did teach them to always be prepared to make a defense of the gospel (1 Peter 4:15). Peter wanted them to be good neighbors (e.g. 1 Peter 2:12), but always ready to proclaim the excellencies of him who had called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. 

If Paul and Peter were informed of the "Day of Prayer and Fasting addressed to believers of all religions", they would ask themselves: is this biblical Christianity?

Christian News

Christian Father of Two Killed in Jharkhand State, India

HYDERABADIndia, July 3, 2020 (Morning Star News) – When Kande Munda heard a knock on his door one night last month, the Christian father of two knew it was likely the same thugs and their colleagues in his area of Jharkhand, India who had harassed him for nearly four years.

They were particularly upset that Munda had reported them to police for a 2018 assault on his mother-in-law. The assailants, followers of tribal Adivasi religion, had opposed her conversion to Christianity by labelling her Christian prayers as “witchcraft” and gang-raping her.

Munda and his family were already in bed after a hard day of work on the night of June 7 when they heard the knock on the door. Munda told his wife not to answer it.

“He was suspicious that they must have come for him,” his wife, Bindi Munda, told Morning Star News.

Three men forced the door open and entered, while four or five remained outside, she said. Darkness obscured their faces.

“One of them pointed a gun at my husband and told the other two men that they should first rape me and then kill my husband,” Munda said.

Their children, ages 1 and 3, were asleep. The armed assailants seized her husband by the neck as he knelt and pleaded with them not to kill him, she said.

“I have done nothing wrong – please don’t kill me,” he cried repeatedly, according to his wife, who picked up their children, holding one in each arm, and fled into the wilderness. She hid there briefly before running into the village screaming for someone to save her husband.

 “But by the time I had returned to our shanty with some neighbors, he was not there,” she said. “I went about half a mile on foot to a believer’s home to get their help to search for my husband."

That night Kande Munda’s youngest brother, returning to Bari village on a motorbike, found his corpse in a pool of blood under a tree by the side of the road to Latardih village. The mutilated body was barely recognizable.

“He suspected that the body was that of his brother,” the wife of the deceased told Morning Star News. “He rushed to our shanty looking for us, and as he could not find us there, he called on my husband’s phone. I picked up the phone, and he told me that there was a corpse lying by the road, and it looked like that of my husband."

Kande Munda, also known as Philip Munda, was 27.

It was the second killing of a Christian for his faith in India last month. On the night of June 4 in Odisha state, followers of tribal religion abducted 16-year-old Sambaru Madkami for his faith before stabbing and stoning him to death. In Uttar Pradesh state on May 28, villagers tried to kill pastor Dinesh Kumar in an ambush that left him unconscious.


Munda and his family previously practiced their traditional, animistic religion as tribal Adivasis. After he put his faith in Christ in 2017, his wife soon converted, and when her mother came for an extended visit in 2018, she too received Christ, Bindi Munda said.

 After Adivasi villagers abducted her mother from their home, took her into the woods and gang-raped her, Kande Munda filed a police complaint, she said.

“The police investigated the matter and arrested some of the accused,” she said. “Since then, opposition against my husband and our Christian faith increased.”

Sanjay Sandil, a member of Siyon Church in the area, said the primary suspect remained at large. After police arrested some suspects, he said, one of Munda’s cousins continually harassed Munda with the help of some militant Maoist colleagues, pressuring him to withdraw the charges.

The cousin and Maoists issued an ultimatum about three months ago that Munda should drop the case or “face consequences,” Sandil said.

“Every time he would inform us about the harassment, we supported him as a church and stood by him,” Sandil told Morning Star News. “We always reached Bari village in the next couple of hours and ensured that the Maoist group did not lay hands on him or sister Bindi Munda.”

In May eight men surrounded their home, and Sandil and other Christians arrived to stand with the family, he said. Police also arrived and gave assurances that they would not let any of the accused go free, Sandil said.

The day of the attack (June 7), police had received word that the primary suspect was in Bari village and were searching for him, he said.

“They could not catch him, but in the night at around 8 p.m., the men unleashed the attack by forcefully entering his house,” Sandil said. “It is more likely that the same persons who gheraoed the house in May must have showed up at their shanty that night. Brother Philip Munda was brutally hacked to death with machetes. The marks can be seen clearly on the back of his body.”


On June 8, officers at the Saiko police station registered cases against the eight men under sections for kidnapping or abducting to murder (Section 364) and murder (Section 302) of the Indian Penal Code.

“The persons who abducted and murdered Kande Munda have absconded from the crime scene soon after they committed his murder,” Superintendent of Police Ashutosh Shekhar told Morning Star News. “The investigation and search for the accused are still underway. We have been able to list the names of suspects, and a few other names also had surfaced during the investigation. All the accused persons would be arrested very soon.”

Sandeep Oraon, Jharkhand legal aid coordinator for advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom India, visited Munda’s family at their new location on June 24. He assured them of legal assistance in the matter and prayed with them.

Sandil recalled Munda as a noble soul – a selfless, skilled construction and field worker who would agree to work for half the normal wage for people who could not afford to pay more.

“He was providing for his family by working very hard,” Sandil said. “Now the small children do not have a father to provide and raise them.”

Bindi Munda has relocated with her children to another village, as the killers could come after her since she witnessed the abduction of her husband, he said.

“After Brother Philip Munda’s funeral service, the church members spent some time with sister Bindi, counselling her and telling her to remain strong in faith,” Sandil said. “She shared that her husband told her that he could be killed and asked her to bring up their children in a godly manner.”

 The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom on April 28 urged the U.S. State Department to add India as a “Country of Particular Concern” to its list of nations with poor records of protecting religious freedom.

India is ranked 10th on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2020 World Watch List of the countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian. The country was 31st in 2013, but its position has worsened since Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014.

From Drug Lord to Pastor: How a New York Man Found Freedom Behind Bars

Herman Mendoza had it all—money, success, mistresses, and a beautiful home in the Poconos. But the kingdom he had built came toppling down when he was arrested for selling drugs, forcing him to his knees where he eventually accepted Christ.

According to CBN News, Mendoza’s experience with drugs started young as a teenager with his brother. He continued experimenting for years until he lost his job in his 20s.

“I was married and living with my wife and I was laid off from a job that I was working at,” Mendoza told The PureFlix Podcast. “And so I was desperate for money.”

He partnered with his brother and the two sunk deep into the drug trade, largely selling cocaine. Soon, the money started to flow in and Mendoza felt on top of the world. He bounced around from party to party, traveling the Eastern Seaboard with his brother distributing drugs and collecting mistresses. Eventually, he had a home in the Poconos for his nuclear family and a string of apartments around the city for his mistresses.

“I thought, ‘Hey, this is an easy way to make money and get rich,’” he said.

But the high didn’t last long. Mendoza’s newfound success stopped when police discovered cocaine in the trunk of his car, marking his first arrest. He was stunned, terrified of what might happen to his wife and child while he was in prison.

He faced 25 years to life but struck a deal with prosecutors to be released early. Though the arrest shook him, his freedom didn’t change his behavior.

“I was a fool…and I went right back into what they call in the streets, ‘the game,’” he said.

It wasn’t until his second arrest after being released that changed the drug lord. As his legal struggles mounted, God was at work with his brother. He had become a Christian behind bars and encouraged Mendoza to do the same. And in time, he did.

“I gave my life to the Lord ... there was no other recourse," Mendoza said. "I said, I need to try God, I've tried everything else. ... I had millions of dollars, but it was never satisfying."

In his book, Shifting Shadows, he recalled the experience of trusting Christ as liberating.

“Suddenly, it didn’t matter anymore that I was behind bars; I was freer here than I had ever been,” he said.

After being released again, Mendoza chose a new path. As an international speaker, he travels the world to declare God’s love and serves as an associate pastor at Promise Ministries in New York.

“I was a walking dead man, and now I’m alive in Christ.”


Dear soldiers,

To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows


1) http://giftschool.online     -  Gift school schedule

2) aojinfo.in/beryl                    -  Announcement

3) aojinfo.in/wheel                   -  Message

4) aojinfo.in/tc                           -  Troop Church method, English

5) aojinfo.in/tcm.                      -  Troop Church eight week messages, English

6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch     -  Troop Church method, Tamil

7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage          -  Troop Church eight week message, Tamil

Troop Church

Troop Church @ Chennai

Sister Kousalya took baptism by Priyakannan in bath tub with a conference call prayer with Dr. Albert








Chennai Central soldier sister Devi has taken Baptism by God’s grace. Given by soldier Sister Ezhil.

Troop Church @ Bihar

The Troop church was conducted by brother Deepak, everybody received salvation by Jesus Christ and delivered from the clutches of Satan.

Troop Church Hingoli District, Maharashtra

5 people took Baptism


“Believe in Jesus .What Jesus is not”

Jesus Christ is the only solution for Covid 19

Jesus is the only way to escape from this pandemic!

Jesus is not a Religion! Jesus is not a structure or a hierarchical system! 

Jesus is not in huge buildings, 

Jesus is not an organization!

He is the Son of God who came to earth to reconcile Man to God the Almighty.. 

Jesus is a person, the incarnation of God  

He  did not come  to establish  a religion on earth. But only asked us to love everyone and to forgive everyone.  

He has given only two commands!

Love God and 

Love your neighbor!

Do not be deceived by organizations or persons who demand money in the name of Jesus, for constructing buildings, or for any other need! 

Violation of the commandment of love has brought this wrath of God on  this earth! 

To know about Jesus,  read  the Bible. It contains  all the laws that God  the Creator has  given to  humanity. 

God  is our Creator and  Life giver. 

God is love.  He is our loving Father. Let’s love our neighbors irrespective of caste, religion, nationality.. All human beings are our brothers and sisters. 

God does not want people to die of the plague. He wants us to leave our evil ways and turn to Him! Then we will live.

No religion, religious structures, not even Christian religion can save humanity from this plague!

Believe in Jesus! Accept His commands!

Accept Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord. Bible will speak to you who Jesus is!  Jesus did not establish any religion. He came to eradicate religion from the earth and to connect humanity with God risking His own life!  Jesus only can forgive our sins and take us to heaven! 

Let’s love God and love our neighbors! Let us serve humanity, irrespective of caste, creed or religion!

Let us make the world a happy and safe place to live.!

Troop Church  

National Worship Centre

Father’s House,

Brotherhood Missions,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 2nd Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai 600041.

Tamil Nadu, India.

National Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to win this Nation for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152


Praise God for the successful completion of 30145 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)