Volume 5 Issue 21

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pro  21:24  The spirit which makes one proud and haughty

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Agreed on putting out!

Today I received a copy of the warning letter sent to the highest authority of a Church by a doctor who had never been the member of that Church. I was surprised to see, how accurately the Holy Spirit made use of human hands to write in the language one can understand!.

His parents spoke these things because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone confessed that He was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue. Jn 9:22 

This “putting out of the synagogue” is continuing even today. In Roman Catholic Church it is called “Ex-communication”. Other Churches also practice this.  Even though this can claim justification by quoting Mat 18:15-17, unless for mature spiritual persons, there is high risk of passing wrong judgment.

When a Church is facing the risk of death, the  Holy Spirit may raise a person, probably one of low profile, or a stranger to question the genuineness of their actions with the sole objective of bringing revival from within.  If they listen to it and correct themselves, it will escape death.   But usually what we see is the reverse. Instead of humbling and correcting themselves, they “put them out of the synagogue”. The Holy Spirit has no way other than working outside “their boundary”. They put a name to these boundaries and call it their “Church”. Today it is estimated that there are 43,000 such boundaries in the world called “denominations”!

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme (FRP)

Message for year 2017!

Luke 24:47--49"And then repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem".

In order to bring the fruits of forgiveness and reconciliation in your personal life and in the land of India, a two days training is arranged

Peace among men with whom God is pleased

Let us pray

The Lord has declared 2017 as the year of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

This month( May 2017 ) let us pray for Christian believers  that they  receive God’s grace to   forgive and  be reconciled  with each other in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let us prophesy and command in the name of Jesus Christ  that  a good relationship  prevails  among all  Christian believers.

Week 4

  1. That believers gather souls for Christ by making use of the authority given to them in Mathew   10:1   and in Luke 9:1
  2. That the signs mentioned in Mark 16:17 ,18 accompany the believers.
  3. That believers preach the Gospel.(Mk 16:15)
  4. That believers forgive those who persecute them.(Mt 5:44)
  5. That believers be ready  for the  coming of the Lord and prepare others for  the same.  (Mt 24:46)

FRP – Guwahati, Assam

7 8

FRP – Borivali

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Upcoming FRP programs

Contact: 9822585665, 9822181817

  • FRP on 24th- 25th May - Rajasthan
  • FRP on 27th- 28th May – Tambaram,Chennai

FRP Testimonies

Testimonies of FRP Lokra

Asus: deliverance from fear of satan.

Sumitra: delivered from back pain

Puspa: Fear to speak in public  gone. Freed from tension

Mala- Something troubling her back disappeared. Pain vanished.

Tulsi: Warmness felt during prayer

Binu: Healed of sickness.

Darwin- Pain in the leg gone

Jeyanti: Delivered of suicidal spirit. Freed from tension .

Laxmi- healed of backpain

Jyoti- Received the gift of tongues.

Lalita completely healed.

Prakash- Healed from alergy.

Punam- Had the fear that God will not hear my prayer. Delivered of this unbelief.

Sarala: healed of restlessness & tension

Suman- Fear of body shaking left.

Ayush: Healed of chest pain.

Yang: Pain in the feet- healed.

Gungun: Fear of rashness gone

Sonu- Felt the presence of God

Nandini- Want to pray from now on.

Sajel: Stage fear gone

Aishwarya: Want to pray more from now on.

All glory to God.

FRP – Kerala


FRP – Lokra

3 4

Upcoming BFF – Contact

May 26-31- Hindi - Mumbai – 9867644012, 9967199426

May 23 – 28 – Malayalam – Ernakulam, Kerala – 9388559848, 9447747929


Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

BFF – Kerala


Know your enemy

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:11

Section 1 - The Old Testament

Catholic Symbols II

Referring back to the previous part you should notice that it creates the quartered circle symbol representing Asherah and which is supposedly used to transmit the energy of the goddess. The idea of continual works or sacrifices to appease the gods and to earn 01your salvation is a pagan one and exists in all false religions. As it was once put very succinctly, every other religion says, “do, do, do”. Christianity is the only one that says, “done”. The sacrifice of Christ was a one time only event that is completely sufficient for the atonement of sins. Jesus is now victorious over death and salvation comes by faith alone. Satan would rather see Jesus being perpetually and endlessly punished however and hence these continuing representations of Christ on the cross. Satan is clinging hopelessly to the past and enslaving humanity with works based religion which always either leads to feelings of pride or worthlessness, and both are as bad as each other.

The Catholic idea of purgatory, where people spend a temporary period between heaven and hell being purified of their sins through punishment again has no Biblical basis whatsoever. It is entirely Babylonian. The idea of the halo - a circle of light/sunburst surrounding the head – is also a Catholic invention rooted in sun worship. Often when Mary is involved the halo takes the form of a circle of stars, each one representing her demonic offspring.

02The name “Vatican” actually means “The Divining Serpent” and comes from the Latin “vatis” which means “diviner” and “can” which means “serpent”. The word and act of “celibacy” comes from the name of a Roman pagan goddess, Cybele and has no Biblical basis. The letters “IHS” are common in Catholicism and although the official line is that they stand for “Iesus Hominum Salvator” which means “Jesus  Saviour of Men” it also happens to the be the initials for an Egyptian form of the unholy trinity, Isis, Horus and Seb.

Now this one may seem like pure conjecture but another key point that we’ll go into later is that in occultism, there is always a double explanation for symbols like these. There is a false, seemingly light and good meaning and a true but dark meaning. The sun burst surrounding the letters gives the game away a little in this symbol.

There is in fact no need for me to highlight individual examples as many notable Catholics are fairly candid about their adoption of paganism. “It is interesting to note how often our Church has availed herself of practices which were in common use among pagans…Thus it is true, in a certain sense, that some Catholic rites and ceremonies are a reproduction of those of pagan creeds….” (The Externals of the Catholic Church, Her Government, Ceremonies, Festivals, Sacramentals and Devotions, by John F. Sullivan, p 156, published by P.J. Kennedy, NY, 1942)

“It has often been charged… that Catholicism is overlaid with many pagan incrustations. Catholicism is ready to accept that accusation – and even to make it her boast… the great god Pan is not really dead, he is baptized” -The Story of Catholicism p 37  Pan is listed in the satanic bible as the horned god, one of the infernal names of Satan. Obviously Satan cannot be baptised. Cardinal Newman, who was recently given sainthood by the Catholic church, admits in his book that; the “The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on the fields; sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church. ” -An Essay on the The Development of the Christian Doctrine John Henry “Cardinal Newman” p.359

To be continued

- Mark Fairley


National worship centre

This Month in NWC we are worshipping for “Pondicherry”.Lets book your slot for worship. No doubt the nation is going to be shaken during our worship. Be ready and prepare for that.

June - Tamil Nadu

Contact Us

Email      : worshipcentreindia@gmail.com

Mobile    : 7708505152

National Worship Centre is a centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty will be worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours.

 Address :

Father’s House,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 1st Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai – 600041.

Praise God for the successful completion of 13300 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)   



18 persons attended the Jeremiah School of prophetic class on 20th of May 2017 in Nagarkoil of Kanyakumari dist.


Br.Gunaseelan : I am a BFF teacher.After attending the prophetic classes it changed my life and I felt that I can speak to God and hear the voice.I feel happy on this and Glory to God.

I attended the class under compulsion. I never speak to my elder sister who also attended this programme God touched my heart and felt joy when I see His glory and I forget my anger with sister and started speaking and reconciled with her.Glory to Jesus.

Br.Sampath  : I stopped going to the church  and started a Troop Church.This is a turning point in my life and I am able to hear the voice of God.

When I prophesise I felt a sort of power emanated from me and when I opened my eyes the person fell on the ground.This training helped in getting a direct link with God.

We are clear in my mind what we have to do for the Christ.

One muslim girl  said that Jesus spoke through her and  she is confident that she can stand and work for Jesus Christ.

In the prophetic healing session our Lord Jesus Christ healed some of the diseased persons.

Two Troop churches get strengthened and added some new members.

Agreed for starting 2 troop churches and those who attended the programme have joined the troop church.

Bethesda school of Healing

Activating the gift of healing through the Word of God

Luke: 6. 47: Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: 48. He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.

Wow, the word of God says that we need to hear and practice the word of God

Luke: 9. 1: Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. 2. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.

Preaching the gospel and healing the sick goes hand to hand

Mark: 16. 20: And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.

Come exercise your gift of healing , let your  talents multiply by preaching the gospel and healing the sick , let's take the love of Christ to our neighbors with power and authority

Mark: 9. 1: And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.

Come exercise your gift of healing in Bethesda school of healing*

*Date : 27, 28 May 2017*

*Time: 8:30 am to 6:30 pm*

*Venue: 236, J nagar 1st* *cross street Panaiyur*

*Opp to Janakiraman dental clinic*

*Registration: Rs 300/- for days scholars ( lunch and tea will be provided). Rs 500/- for residents.*

*For registration  and queries kindly contact Bro Beno ph :+91 8220-123810 or Albert 9840577293*

Sis Angelica and team

Deliverance Ministry

Body, Soul and Spirit 

Is correction needed in the Church?

Paul took the authority of a spiritual  father of the Church. He loved the Church members as his children. That is why he could exercise this authority.  Hence he commanded like this. After taking the decision along with his Church to  hand  over the body of the adulterer to satan, he writes,

“ God will judge outsiders. Expel that wicked man." 1Co 5:13

He does not take the authority of judging the unbelievers, but with regard to the believers, he does.

Since Paul  knew that he deserved eternal judgment, somehow or other he wanted to save this soul.

He concluded here that  in order to save him from eternal perishing, let us (the Church)  inflict pain upon his soul for some time so that he might  repent and come back to be reconciled with God. When he is expelled from a gathering, his soul will be in pain, because he will lose the fellowship of his loving brethren.  This might bring repentance in him.

This punishment by the majority is severe enough for such a man. 2Co 2:6 

He might confess his sins to God and  get redemption.

Even in the secular world we see such incidents .

Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? Heb 12:9 

For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?  Heb 12:6,7

Today many Churches  have failed in this. This has caused their deaths. They did not help its members  maintain equilibrium between  their  body soul and spirit.

Either the body (flesh) or souls gained  importance and the other fell  a victim  to its master. The  spirit dies.

Unless somebody takes the responsibility of reviving this person, and Church,  it never regains life.  Many believers are deceived today by having membership in the dead churches. They like to  remain there.  There is no correction, chastening or reviving. They are not Churches  at all. They are like clubs or social functions where people come together just for entertainment and social fellowship.

The Lord handed over His servant Job to satan once. 

Then the LORD told Satan, "Very well then, he is under your control. Just preserve his life." Job 2:6 

Satan can touch only that part which is handed over to him. Either spirit, soul or body. In Job’s case first he got permission to torment his soul  in various ways. When he failed he asks permission to torment his body. God allowed both.  Even though we do not know the exact reason why the Lord allowed it, there are enough clues in the book to conclude  that it might be to  correct him from the sin of self righteousness.

David was also aware of this kind of chastisement by God. That is why he prayed to God,

“Appoint an evil person over him; may an accuser stand at his right side.” Psa 109:6 

This is another way of torturing for correction.

 - Sr.Angelica

-To be continued

Prophecy NEWS Updates

The Undeniable Sign Of Christ's Return

Israel in the Last Days

The regathering of the Jewish people in Israel is a miracle in our time. But the prophets had much more to say about this monumental sign of the last days. They said Israel would be reborn in a specific way. Not only would the people be regathered, but the nation would have specific traits.

1) Born in a Single Day - Isaiah said the reborn nation of Israel would come forth in a single day. He likened it to a woman "who gives birth in an instant without labor pains" (Isaiah 66:7-9).

Written more than 2,500 years ago, Isaiah's prophecy seemed ridiculous. No nation had ever come into being in a single day. But Israel did. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion read the Israeli Declaration of Independence, a document which declared Israel to be an independent state. That same day, the United States recognized Israel as an independent and sovereign nation.


2) One, United Nation - When Solomon died almost three thousand years ago, Israel broke into northern and southern kingdoms.  It remained divided throughout the lifetimes of both Isaiah and Ezekiel. Yet both proclaimed the regathered nation of Israel would be a single, united nation - just as we see today with the modern day nation of Israel. Isaiah said Israel and Judah would no longer be rivals (Isaiah 11:13). And Ezekiel said the regathered people would be unified into one nation (Ezekiel 37:22).


3) The Desert Will Bloom - Through the prophet Isaiah, God promised Israel would blossom agriculturally and fill the whole world with its fruit (Isaiah 27:6). He repeated this promise eight chapters later when He said the desert will bloom (Isaiah 35:1).  Through Ezekiel, God said His people would re-enter the land, produce much fruit, and be more prosperous than ever before (Ezekiel 36:8-11). Do we see this today? Yes. In a 1869 visit to what is today known as the nation of Israel, author Mark Twain described the land as "barren," "dull of color," and "unpicturesque in shape." All he saw were "unsightly deserts fringed with a feeble vegetation."  Yet today, the tiny nation is an agriculture giant. The land is fruitful and prosperous, and Israel is one of the world's leading fresh citrus producers and a net exporter of more than forty varieties of fruit.


4) Surrounded by Enemies - The Bible said the regathered people of Israel would be surrounded by enemies. "Come, let us wipe away the nation of Israel. Let's destroy the memory of its existence," they'll say (Psalm 83:4). "Let us take for ourselves these pasturelands of God" (Psalm 83:12). Ezekiel said Israel's neighbors would say "God has given their land to us" (Ezekiel 11:1417), and "Israel and Judah are ours. We will take possession of them. What do we care if their God is there?" (Ezekiel 35:10).


This is what we see today. Ever since the rebirth of Israel in 1948, the daily headlines have included these Bible verses. The surrounding Muslim nations claim the land of Israel for themselves. They have no regard for the God of Israel. The prophets foretold this exact situation more than 2,000 years ago.


5) A Small, Powerful Military - Centuries in advance, the Bible said the reborn nation of Israel would be a great military power. Ezekiel said the regathered nation of Israel would field "an exceedingly great army" (Ezekiel 37:10). Zechariah said it would be like a fire among sheaves of grain, burning up the neighboring nations (Zechariah 12:6).


It would be so successful even the weakest Israeli soldier will be like David (Zechariah 12:8). Since 1948, Israel has fought no less than four conventional wars against its neighbors. Despite being outnumbered more than 50 to 1, and despite being surrounded on all sides, Israel has experienced overwhelming victory every time.


A Miracle in Our Time

The reappearance of Israel on the world stage is a modern day miracle. More than 2,000 years ago, God promised over and over again to bring the Jewish people back into the land He gave Abraham. For 1,878 years, the nation of Israel did not exist. For all those years, the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world. Yet they remained set apart for God.

Unlike the Hittites, Amorites, Jebusites, and other conquered people, they did not assimilate into the nations where they lived. Then, in 1948, God fulfilled His promise and made Israel a nation once again. It was reborn in a single day (Isaiah 66:7-9).

It was unified as one nation (Ezekiel 37:22). It transformed a desert wasteland into an abundant land of fruit (Isaiah 27:6). And in the face of many enemies, God has given Israel military victory after victory just as He promised (Zechariah 12:6).

We are all witnesses to this miracle. How could anyone see the nation of Israel and not give glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? How could anyone deny this is anything less than God's doing? God promised to bring His people back into the land, and He did.

The rebirth of Israel as a nation is more than just a fulfilled prophecy. It's one of the biggest events in world history. Why? Because it's an undeniable sign of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Next to the convergence of all end times signs (Luke 21:28), it's arguably the biggest sign of all. For 1,878 years, Christians could not point to this sign. Since 1948, they can. Isaiah said Jesus will return and establish His everlasting kingdom after the Jewish people return to the land of Israel (Isaiah 11:11-12). Joel said, after the restoration of Israel, God will gather the armies of the world into the valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:1-2). This is a direct reference to Armageddon (Revelation 16:16) which occurs just before the return of Jesus Christ. Micah said God will gather His exiled people and make them a strong nation, and then, God will rule from Jerusalem as their King forever (Micah 4:6-7).

The message is clear. It's undeniable. Israel is back, and Jesus is coming (Revelation 22:20)!

Learn more about the converging of prophetic events at this unique time in history with our brand new DVD release - The Coming Convergence.

Britt Gillette is author of the ebook Coming to Jesus: One Man's Search for Truth and Life Purpose as well as Signs of the Second Coming: 11 Reasons Jesus Will Return in Our Lifetime.

Christian NEWS

Pakistan: Christian Slave Freed after Ransom is Paid

A Christian man who was essentially living as a slave in Pakistan has been freed after a Christian organization intervened. Christian Today reports that Salim Masih was in servitude as a brick kiln worker. He was subjected to torture and lived as though he was a slave. Although slavery is illegal in Pakistan, Christians are often forced into such a life. Masih was reportedly freed after the British Pakistani Christian Association intervened and paid a ransom to secure his release. The organization says it tries to refrain from paying ransom to the captors, but Masih’s case called for swift action. “Though British Pakistani Christian Association is loathe to pay brick kiln owners for the emancipation of slaves which a practice which perpetuates despite being outlawed, we realised we had no option in this instance if we were to save the life of Salim,” read a press statement from the BPCA. Masih praised God for helping him escape: “When the men discovered an NGO had got involved the violence increased and I thought I would be killed. But somehow God saved my life I owe Him everything.” Christians often face discrimination and persecution in Pakistan. The country ranks fourth on Open World Watch List of countries where Christian persecution is most severe.


Christian Killed in Islamic Extremists Attack in Northeastern Kenya

Al Shabaab militants are suspected in the killing of two people, at least one a Christian, in a May 12 gun attack in northeastern Kenya, sources said. Five suspected rebels from the Somali Islamic extremist group targeted non-Muslim quarry workers in El Wak, near the Somali border in Kenya’s North Eastern Province, in the early morning at the workers’ company-owned quarters, a Christian leader told Morning Star News. He said quarry worker Dalama Otieno, a member of an area East African Pentecostal Church congregation, died from gunshot wounds to the head. An area resident told Morning Star News that the assailants used a jihadist slogan during the assault. “I heard them say, ‘Allah Akbar [God is Greater]’, and then followed gunshots,” he said. A second worker, unidentified at this writing but assumed to be a non-Muslim Kenyan like nearly all the quarry employees, died of gunshot wounds to the chest, the Christian leader said. Predominantly Christian workers from Kenya’s interior have been targeted in a series of Al Shabaab attacks that have shaken Christian communities in Kenya’s northeast. Area residents reported seeing unfamiliar visitors in El Wak the night before the attack. “We have warned our church members to leave the volatile area, which has been a black spot prone to Al Shabaab attacks,” the Christian leader told Morning Star News. “This is the area that led to the massacre of 28 teachers a few years ago.” Rebels from Al Shabaab, which is allied with Al Qaeda, have launched several attacks in northeast Kenya since Kenyan forces led an African coalition into Somalia against the rebels in October 2011 in response to terrorist attacks on tourists and others on Kenya’s coast. “These Al Shabbab militants have made some of our Christians to be their scapegoats, as they see Kenya as a Christian country that is fighting to rid Al Shabaab from Somalia,” the Christian leader said. El Wak is a key supply line to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) forces that have retaken territory from Al Shabaab insurgents in Somalia. The jihadist rebels have retaliated with attacks on Kenya’s northeast. Al Shabaab is suspected of killing administrative chief Dekow Abbey Sirat and abducting two police reservists on Monday night (May 15) in the Omar Jillo area, near Mandera, and planting an explosive device that killed four people when their vehicle ran over it in Liboi on March 16. El Wak is about 160 kilometers (105 miles) from Mandera. “The Christians living in Mandera are living in great fear of an imminent attack from the Al Shabaab,” the church leader said. “I think we have to think whether to continue with the Christian mission work or to leave the place. We cannot pretend that all is well.”

Kenya ranks 18th on Open Doors’ 2017 World Watch List of the 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian.

On Oct. 25, 2016, Islamic extremists targeted Christians in the shooting deaths of 12 non-local Kenyans at a guest-house in Mandera. Al Shabaab rebels took responsibility for the pre-dawn attack on the guest-house, where a Kenyan theatre troupe from outside the area was staying, according to the militants’ radio affiliate. An area pastor told Morning Star News that Christians were targeted. “The attackers knew exactly whom they were attacking, that is, the Christians,” he said, adding that survivors told him the assailants were shouting, “Get rid of these infidel actors.”

The theatre group was made up of university students who reportedly travelled to the mainly Muslim area of Mandera to perform plays in local schools. Suspected Al Shabaab militants targeted Christians in a grenade and gun attack in the early morning of Oct. 6, 2016 that killed six people. Al Shabaab reportedly took responsibility for the attack at a residential compound in Mandera, with a spokesman for the militants saying it was designed to drive Christians from the area. At least one of the victims was reportedly a Muslim. The attack in Mandera, tucked in Kenya’s northeast corner near the Somali border, reportedly wounded several others. Among 27 people rescued were Christians who said the assailants shouted that Mandera was Muslim territory and that “infidels” should leave it. The pastor of an area church told Morning Star News that two members of his congregation were among those killed. On Jan. 31, 2016, in a pre-dawn raid on a predominantly Christian area in coastal Kenya, Al Shabaab rebels on Jan. 31 killed at least four Christians, beheading one of them. An attack on a bus and a truck near Mandera by Al Shabaab insurgents took the lives of two Christians in December 2015, and on July 7, 2015, Al Shabaab killed 17 quarry workers near Mandera, including several Christians. On Dec. 2, 2014, Al Shabaab killed 36 non-Muslims, most of them Christian, in an attack on quarry workers near Mandera. The killings came after a Nov. 22, 2014 assault by Somali insurgents in the same area that left 28 non-Muslims dead, including 19 Christians. Al Shabaab claimed responsibility for the Dec. 2 massacre, calling it vengeance for police raids on mosques in Kenya and Kenyan military involvement in displacing the Islamic extremist militants from Somalia. Prior to the Nov. 22 attack, police raided and closed four mosques in Mombasa that they said were recruitment centers for Islamic terrorists.


Report: Attack on Indian Christians Occurs Every 40 Hours

Violent attacks on Christians in India are increasing, according to a new report. The report from the All India Christian Council says that there is an anti-Christian attack every 40 hours as the governing Hindu nationalist party tries to create a “Hindu nation” in India. In 2016, attacks against Christians jumped by about 20 percent, while physical violence is up about 40 percent. "The attacks have become severe and more frequent. Incidents used to be confined to a few states. Now the violence has spread to 23 states," the report said. The attacks are described as physical beating, torching of churches, vandalism, burning of Bibles, death threats and forcing Christians to renounce their faith and convert to Hinduism.

Earlier this month, the Hindu Yuva Vahini, a rightwing young organization, forced police to stop a Christian prayer meeting in Uttar Pradesh. The group complained that the prayer meeting of more than 150 people was aimed at converting people to Christianity. In February, an evangelist in India reportedly fell into a coma after he was harassed by Hindu nationalists for publicly distributing copies of the New Testament. The group threatened to burn him alive, asking him if “Jesus will save you from the flames.” Attacks have increased since the Hindu national Bharatiya Janata Party won the national election in 2014. The party believes in the Hindutva idealogy, where Hindus dominate India.


Christianity Growing in North Korea Despite Persecution, Defector Says

North Korea is the number one country for most severe persecution of Christians, according to Open Doors 2017 World Watch List, but despite the extreme persecution Christians there face, the church is growing, reports a North Korean defector. The Christian Post reports that Kim Chung-seong was able to escape North Korea right before he was to be killed. He now lives in South Korea and is involved in missions work. "The one thing that the North Korean regime fears the most, and is afraid of, is the spreading of the Gospel," he said Friday while attending the first annual World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians in Washington, D.C. "Because the Bible and the Gospel speaks the truth. Once the light shines in the dark room, there is light in the room." "They (the government) will do anything to prevent the spread of the Gospel in North Korea. [But] as you can see, we cannot block the sunlight with our hand," he continued. He said that Christians in North Korea are forced to hide their faith from the government and sometimes even from their own families in order to avoid persecution. Surveillance is ever-present and Christians need to be careful not to look like they are praying or engaging in other forms of religious activity.

"Worship of the ruling Kim family is mandated for all citizens, and those who don't comply (including Christians) are arrested, imprisoned, tortured or killed. Entire Christian families are imprisoned in hard labor camps, where unknown numbers die each year from torture, beatings, overexertion and starvation. Those who attempt to flee to South Korea through China risk execution or life imprisonment, and those who stay behind often fare no better," says a report from Christian persecution charity Open Doors. But despite these obstacles, there are an estimated 300,000 Christians in North Korea. Part of Kim’s ministry involves broadcasting the Gospel message, Christians music, and world news into the country to reach his countrymen.


1,000 Candlelight Vigils to be Held for Imprisoned Jakarta Christian Governor

Rallies are being staged all across Indonesia after the arrest and conviction of Jakarta’s governor, Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama. Ahok was convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to two years in prison for insulting the Islamic faith, according to The Christian Post. His arrest, however, has prompted rallies as people are calling for his release because they believe the ruling is unjust and that Ahok’s arrest was a violation of his free speech. The Jakarta Post is reporting that about 1,000 places are planning candlelight vigils in support of Ahok in various parts of the country and abroad.

Supporters are also trying to collect signature and copies of ID cards to secure suspension of Ahok’s detention. Supporters need 10,000 guarantors ID cards, according to reports, the group has about 9,000 Indonesian guarantors. Ahok was charged for using a Quranic verse in his re-election campaign in September. Opponents of Ahok had used the same verse to argue that Muslims should not choose a non-Muslim to lead them. Ahok said his opponents had used the verse to trick people into voting against him. His speech which included the verse was posted online in an edited and video and soon went viral. Protests were started, including one that drew about half a million people.

Volume 5 Issue 20

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pro  10:17  The spirit which  refuses correction and makes one go astray.

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

I do not condemn you

In Mumbai on a Sunday, I was in a Congregation to share the vision about India. I saw one person  doing all the activities there  and all the members were spectators, for 2 hours, sitting and  standing at regular frequencies.  I asked a few of them how long they have been there.  The number of years varied from 22, 17, 10, 2 etc. That meant they were attending this performance for so many years. Christianity for them altogether was becoming a member in a Congregation and giving attendance  in a building for the performance arranged there once a week,  for 2 hours. There were some attractive elements like a  splendid  choir of boys and girls well dressed,  who sang a few devotional songs, (which you may listen to in a DVD as well).
When I was meditating on Jn.8:11

“………And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

The life of the  woman who was caught  in adultery was spared only because of Jesus. She would have been the no. 1 person to cling on to Jesus lifelong had He started a Church.

What happened to her after that? Of course Jesus warned her. "sin no more".
Was Jesus after her, in order to protect her from committing sin? Did He make any attempt to  make queries about her life thereafter. i.e. to find out whether she lived a righteous life or not? Bible says nothing about it.
Why the leaders of the Church, after evangelising somebody, make them cling to them,   in order to gather  a crowd for themselves? Certainly this is not the Church Jesus Christ established.  
None of the  Apostles did that. They went from place to place, preaching the Gospel. They were never bound to a crowd who were totally dependent on them from birth to death, for the Christening ceremony, wedding ceremony, funeral etc…!

Child of God, if you are tied to an institution (called church) at present, come  out of it! The Lord has decided to demolish such institutions since it works against the Lord’s real Church! 

Upcoming BFF – Contact

May 23-28 –Tamil – Nagercoil – 9487658984 (Sol.Merjit)

May 20-25- English-Goa – 9822181817, 9922910936

May 23-28-English-Chennai-9663362589 (Sol.Dinesh), 9952040052(KHDRC)


Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

New Troop Church , Gudiyatham – Vellore

2 1

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme (FRP)

Message for year 2017!

Luke 24:47--49"And then repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem".

In order to bring the fruits of forgiveness and reconciliation in your personal life and in the land of India, a two days training is arranged

Peace among men with whom God is pleased

Let us pray

The Lord has declared 2017 as the year of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

This month( May 2017 ) let us pray for Christian believers  that they  receive God’s grace to   forgive and  be reconciled  with each other in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let us prophesy and command in the name of Jesus Christ  that  a good relationship  prevails  among all  Christian believers.

Week 3

1.That the peace of Christ  rule  in the hearts of the believers  towhich they are  called in one body. (Col 3:15)

2.That believers have life and have it abundantly.( Jn 10:10)

3.That believers forgive others not seven times but seventy times seven(Mk   18:22)

4.That believers who would be first  among them  be slave of all.  (Mk 10:44)

5. That believers who would be great among them be their servants.(Mk 10:43)

FRP Testimonies

Testimonies of day 1 of FRP conducted at Nallasopara (Mumbai)

1) Neelam sister- Had severe head ache, stomach ache and knee pain. After prayers she was delivered from all the pain.

2) Vinayak- Was never able to concentrate on Bible teaching but today was able to sit the entire day and learn many things.

3) One sister came from Thane she had chest pain and used to be fearful of many things. She was completely delivered from the pain and fear.

4) One lady had asthma problem and pain in left side of the chest. She was relieved from asthma and the pain in chest.

5) Jyotiswaroop- He had severe pain in one of his hands and due to that he was not able to lift his hand. At the end he was able to lift his hands and glorify God.

6) One lady had grievances with her in laws and was not able to forgive them. After the class on forgiveness she ran home and made a decision to forgive them. Instantly she felt the presence of Lord.

7) One lady was delivered from stomach pain.

8) One lady was not able to forgive her husband. But later at the end she decided to forgive and bless her husband. Immediate she was filled with joy and started dancing and praising the Lord.

Apart from this many were delivered from bondages of fear, doubt, worry, insecurity etc.

All praise and glory to God.

Upcoming FRP programs

Forgiveness Reconciliation  Program. (FRP) There will be a 2 days training. 

On 18th n 19th May

Through Jesus Christ, ( 2 Cor 5:19) reconcile India , He is  empowering you and anointing you in this pursuit! March ahead! Mk 12:10-11

Venue: YMCA hostel, Campal, panjim,Goa.

Contact: 9822585665,9822181817

Time 8.30am -5.30pm

  • FRP 12th May at Sawantwadi -Maharastra
  • FRP on 18th -19th May  - Maharastra
  • FRP on 24th- 25th May - Rajasthan

FRP on 17th – 18th May – Assam - Sis Jumi Dora 

FRP – Dwarka,Delhi


FRP – Jharkhand

7 6

FRP – Arunachal Pradesh

4 3


David School of Worship


David school of worship was held at Goa. David School of Worship got over in Goa 44 participated .Many saw visions n God spoke to them.  Most of d people wrote new songs and were surprised they could do it, even in group they composed songs. They regained their personal relationship with God and many barriers were broken. All enjoyed the sessions of the anointed servants of God.  All were blessed and understood what is true worship.

Deliverance Ministry

Body, Soul and Spirit 

Is there generational curses in the New Testament?

In the earlier part of our ministry when I came across many families suffering due to the wrongs  of their fathers or forefathers, I was wondering if there are  generational curses in the New Testament.

"In those days people will no longer say, 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, but the children's teeth have been set on edge.'  Instead, each person will die for his own iniquity. Everyone who eats sour grapes will have his own teeth set on edge." Jer 31:29, 30

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed  is every one that hangeth on a tree: Gal. 3:13

Generational curses are not there in the life of a believer who has accepted Jesus Christ. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.Then comes the question. Why the consequences and aftereffects of the sin continue in the life of a believer?

Answer is again Mat. 18:34,35.The wrath of his Master can “hand him over to the torturers until he could repay the entire debt”  . If the debtor is not able to repay the debt, it automatically passes on to the descendants till it is repaid. In the above incident, it came to the fourth generation. It was such a huge amount. 

Come to terms quickly with your opponent while you are on the way to court, or your opponent may hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison. I tell you with certainty, you will not get out of there until you pay back the last dollar!" Mat 5:25, 26

Believers are the children of God even when they are in prison. They will  not lose their eternal life because of imprisonment. They might even do ministry even in this situation ( bondage in a particular area). Even in this condition the  Holy Spirit might be with them, guiding them in their ministry, blessing them in other ways.

This is like our travelling in an auto rickshaw driven by an adulterer. We never enquire into his personal matters like whether he is living peacefully with his wife or whether he is a good father to his children etc.  What we need is transportation and reaching the destination. You pay the amount and go away. The Holy Spirit can make use of  anybody for the ministry. People who do not know about the ways of the Father may ask questions about this.

These are the ways how the Lord deals with human beings.

He revealed His ways to Moses in the Old Testament. It is all clearly written in the books from  Exodus to Deutronomy.

“He revealed his plans to Moses ……………” Ps 103:7 

But in the New Testament, after sending Jesus into this world,  His ways are changed. We are given a  new syllabus in the New Testament.

“because while the Law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus the Messiah Jn 1:17 

 Those who accept  Jesus Christ as their Saviour  become His sons as per the verse

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,  even to them that believe on his name Jn 1:12

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Rom 8:28 

 - Sr.Angelica

-To be continued

Know your enemy

9Then there is the circular wafer which again represents the sun. As it is held aloft, Catholics are encouraged to venerate or worship it.

After being held aloft it is then placed in the centre of something called a monstrance.These are a few types of monstrance. You will instantly recognise the solar and lunar imagery. By placing the wafer, representing the sun on the lunar monstrances, you symbolically create a sexual joining of the male and female gods. You may also notice that the monstrance on the far right looks like the logo for the United Nations. More about that later.

10The joining of the sun and crescent moon in this way was prevalent in pagan cultures. In this  example which is a pagan Canaanite pillar, we see raised hands in praise of the sun disk within the crescent moon. In this next one we see an Egyptian statuette of an Apis bull which is one of the most complete representations of mystery Babylon religion there could ever be. We have the bull itself which as know represens Nimrod, the sun disk representing Tammuz, the crescent moon, representing Semiramis and the serpent representing Satan all compiled into one statue. This is the most evil statue you could imagine. In this final example we see an ancient depiction of Isis, the Egyptian Asherah, the female goddess, with the same symbolism. She is holiding her son, Tammuz, then there is  the sun disk within the crescent on her head. Often within sun discs you’ll see a face like this.

11Wherever you see a face within a sun, you are looking at a representation of Baal.  Another feature of Catholicism is the crucifix. This is the image of Jesus still nailed to the cross and only Catholics use it. Often depictions are far more graphic in their detail than this and include blood and gore. This is linked with the blasphemous doctrine of the Mass where Christ is continually sacrificed on the altar. By perpetually displaying Jesus on the cross they are continually crucifying him. Another feature of such crosses can be the circle or sun image around the intersection as shown here. It’s particularly prevalent in what are now called Celtic crosses.

To be continued

- Mark Fairley

Prophecy NEWS Updates

The Undeniable Sign Of Christ's Return

The signs of the Second Coming are all around us. When His disciples asked Jesus to describe the signs, He gave them several. The Jewish people back in possession of Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28)...  the Gospel preached throughout the world (Matthew 24:14)... the arrival of the exponential curve (Matthew 24:3-8)... and more. The Old Testament prophets also pointed to a number of signs. An increase in travel and knowledge (Daniel 12:4)... the rise of a united Europe (Daniel 2:42)... the rise of the Gog of Magog alliance (Ezekiel 38-39)... and more. Today, all these signs are either present or in the process of being fulfilled. Yet for 1,800+ years, none of these signs were present. Think about that. None of the signs. But today? Today, they're all around us. Nevertheless, most of the world remains ignorant of the soon return of Jesus Christ. While I can understand why some people might overlook some of these signs, I don't understand how they could miss one sign in particular. It's a clear and unmistakable sign. I believe in and of itself, it not only shows the return of Jesus is near - I believe it proves the existence of God beyond all doubt. So what is this sign?


That's right. The existence of modern day Israel is a clear and unmistakable sign Jesus is about to return. Israel Back in the Land Centuries in advance, God foretold the modern day nation of Israel. He promised to bring the Jewish people back into the land and re-establish the ancient nation. Moses declared God's promise when he said God would gather the Jewish people back from the nations where He scattered them and bring them back into the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 30:3-5). Jesus also foretold the rebirth of Israel. He said Jerusalem would be destroyed and the Jewish people taken away to serve as slaves in all parts of the world (Luke 21: 24). He then said non-Jewish people would control Jerusalem until the Jewish people come back into possession of it (Luke 21:24). The prophets also foretold the re-emergence of Israel. Hosea said the people of Israel would go a long time without a king, sacrifices, sacred pillars, or priests. Then, in the last days, they will return to the land (Hosea 3:4-5). Joel said God will judge the world at the time when He restores Judah and Jerusalem, bringing His people back from among the nations where they were scattered (Joel 3:1-2).

This regathering of the Jews back into the land of Israel is repeated over and over by the prophets. Jeremiah said God would gather them back in the land just before His return (Jeremiah 23:7-8) and restore them to the land of Israel from distant lands (Jeremiah 30:2, 10). Ezekiel said God would call them from "among the nations" (Ezekiel 39:28) and welcome them home from the lands where they were scattered (Ezekiel 20:34). Isaiah said God would call them from "the farthest corners of the earth" (Isaiah 11:12). King David said God would gather them from "north, south, east, and west" (Psalm 107:3). And Zechariah said, though "scattered among the nations," God will bring his people back into the land of Israel (Zechariah 10:9). Jeremiah said a day will come when people will no longer refer to the God of Israel as the one who rescued His people from the land of Egypt.

Instead, they will refer to Him as the one who brought His people back into the land of Israel from all the countries in the world where He had exiled them (Jeremiah 16:14-15). Everyone alive on earth today is a witness to this fulfilled prophecy. It's an undeniable sign of the Second Coming.

- To be Continued

Christian NEWS

China Could Become the Biggest Christian Nation by 2030s

The rapid spread of Christianity in China is well documented, but few would have imagined the communist country might one day become the most populous Christian nation on the planet. In fact, the country is said to be on track to having the largest Christian population in the world by 2030, according to Rodney Pennington who studies church growth for Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF). "We are overjoyed with what the Lord has already done in China," said Pennington in an interview with The Christian Post. "But that doesn't mean the task is finished." While 200 million Chinese believers by the year 2030 may seem ambitious, it certainly gives us a strong goal to pray toward," he added. He believes China could become a major player in the global church one day, but a lot has to happen before then. China's government under president Xi Jinping is becoming increasingly hostile towards Christians and the Christian faith. From hundreds of churches being bulldozed, to crosses being removed, to imprisonment and even torture, the country is in need of much prayer. Despite the persecution, Chinese Christian and activist Yu Jie believes God is far from finished with China. "Neither the dead hand of Communism, nor the cynical imitation of Confucianism, nor capitalism, nor democracy, nor any earthly thing will determine the fate of my land," Jie said.

National worship centre

This Month in NWC we are worshipping for “Pondicherry”.Lets book your slot for worship. No doubt the nation is going to be shaken during our worship. Be ready and prepare for that.

June - Tamil Nadu

Contact Us

Email      : worshipcentreindia@gmail.com

Mobile    : 7708505152

National Worship Centre is a centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty will be worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours.

 Address :

Father’s House,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 1st Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai – 600041.

Praise God for the successful completion of 13300 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)   

Volume 5 Issue 19

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pro  3:5  The spirit which makes one lean on one’s own understanding  

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

BFF – Batch 113 – Panaiyur, Chennai


Upcoming BFF – Contact

May 23-28 –Tamil – Nagercoil – 9487658984 (Sol.Merjit)

May 20-25 - English-Goa – 9822181817, 9922910936

May 16-21 -Tamil-Chennai-9663362589 (Sol.Dinesh), 9952040052(KHDRC)

May 23-28 -English-Chennai-9663362589 (Sol.Dinesh), 9952040052(KHDRC)


Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme (FRP)

Message for year 2017!

Luke24:47--49"And then repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem".

In order to bring the fruits of forgiveness and reconciliation in your personal life and in the land of India, a two days training is arranged

Peace among men with whom God is pleased

Let us pray

The Lord has declared 2017 as the year of Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

This month( May 2017 ) let us pray for Christian believers  that they  receive God’s grace to   forgive and  be reconciled  with each other in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let us prophesy and command in the name of Jesus Christ  that  a good relationship  prevails  among all  Christian believers.

Week   2

  1. That believers strive to enter the narrow door.(Lk 13:24)
  2. That believers forgive their debitors that the Father might forgive their  debits  (Mt 6:12)
  3. That believers forgive their brothers and sisters from their heart that they may not be  delivered to the jailors.(Mt 18:35)
  4. Doctrines and denominations which block believers from being one to be discarded.(Col 2:8)
  5. That believers be rooted in the love of Christ and grow upto His  full  stature. ( Eph 3:17)

Upcoming FRP programs

Forgiveness Reconciliation  Program (FRP) There will be a 2 days training. 

On 18th n 19th May

Through Jesus Christ, ( 2 Cor 5:19) reconcile India , He is  empowering you and anointing you in this pursuit! March ahead! Mk 12:10-11

Venue: YMCA hostel, Campal, panjim,Goa.

Contact: 9822585665,9822181817

Time : 8.30am -5.30pm

  • FRP 12th May at Sawantwadi -Maharastra
  • FRP on 18th -19th May - Maharastra

FRP on 24th- 25th May - Rajasthan

FRP – Arunachal

2 3



Prophecy NEWS Updates

The Handwriting On The Wall: Will You Believe It?

The deterioration of national moral character means inevitable tragedy. That was the message to Belshazzar, the Babylonian King, who was celebrating in revelry, extravagance and luxurious passion when he made a momentous and daring decision. In Daniel chapter 5 of the Bible, it is recorded that at the height of a tremendous festival he ordered the vessels of gold and silver that were taken from the Temple in Jerusalem to be brought. Belshazzar would use them as wine goblets, while in his orgy he praised his own gods. It was an open defiance of the living God of Israel whose moral requirements were known throughout the world. Suddenly, a ghostly hand appeared in front of everyone to write on the wall of the palace banquet hall. It was a message of judgment for a people who were godless in their behaviors. As they drank from cups dedicated to God's service, the irony was that sin's work of dissipation had filled the cup of their lives and was overflowing. 

The hand writing upon the wall was God's own, saying, "Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin" meaning "numbered, numbered, weighed in the balances and found wanting; your kingdom is gone." Before that very night would end, King Cyrus of Persia would attack Babylon; Belshazzar would be slain, and Darius given the kingdom. The truths of this story are self-evident for our own time. To trifle with God, who is sovereign over the nations, is to invite disaster. Babylon had enslaved "God's Chosen People." No doubt, they couldn't have been more marginalized. Their influence was essentially negated. They were not at liberty to worship God freely. Belshazzar thought of God and His people as powerless. Whether we speak of the nation of Israel or spiritual Israel, the Church, let it be proclaimed far and wide that God's people can never be discounted in his scheme of national and worldly affairs. They are always at the heart of what He's doing.

To bless God's people is to be blessed. To curse God's people is to be cursed. (Gen. 12:3) The Temple vessels Belshazzar desecrated were not simply things; they were images and pictures of a real counterpart. The vessels speak of the people of God  those whom God intends to fill with Himself those whom God ordained to pour out His blessings upon the earth. A sure sign of coming judgment to a country is when that which is dedicated to God and reserved for holy use is filled with venality and vice. It is most telling for any nation when the presence of true religion is co-opted in the name of idolatrous practices. Belshazzar, the Bible says, called for someone to read the handwriting on the wall, but only Daniel, the prophet of God, could read it. Preceding the judgment of a nation, those who truly know the Lord those who understand His commands may not be prevalent or popular, but they will still be in demand. Only they can really discern the times. We've all heard the old adage, "Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it." Indeed. But obviously, Belshazzar had not learned this lesson. His father, Nebuchadnezzar, had been a proud man and ignored God. For this he suffered from insanity for seven years before finally confessing, "Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise, exalt, and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, for He is able to humble those who walk in pride" (Dan. 4:37). Belshazzar knew all of this but refused to learn from it (Dan. 5:17-22).

History tells us that twenty-two great civilizations have risen and fallen, and the reasons for their demise are amazingly similar. They abandoned their religious convictions, fully rejecting basic tenants of morality. They were obsessed with sex and its perversions. They reduced the quality and intrinsic value of their money, while also increasing the general price level of goods and services. They no longer viewed honest work as a necessary virtue. They allowed respect for the law to seriously diminish, and violence became an accepted means for achieving both individual and group ends. Will we learn from history? These five reasons for the destruction of previous mighty civilizations are currently rampant in America. Are we seeing the handwriting on the wall? Most definitely! It seems that judgment is imminent! "Judgment? By whom or what standard?" someone protests defiantly. "What right does anyone have to judge me?" 

If he had been afforded the time, Belshazzar might have said the same. Nevertheless, the hand that wrote on that wall was God's, telling Belshazzar and the people of Babylon that they had been weighed in His balances and found wanting. Today people often argue that they have their own balances and scales for judging life's issues, but one day everyone is going to face God as He really is and be judged by the standards of His Word. We won't be able to bring our own scales on Judgment Day; we'll be weighed on His alone. Christ died on the Cross to redeem people of every kindred, tongue, and nation. Dr. George Sweeting, former chancellor of Moody Bible Institute has written, "No nation can rise above the faith and character of its individual citizens. America has a choice to make. Either we turn back by faith in Jesus Christ, or we will join the fate of other long-forgotten nations." Why are we so foolish to believe that we can escape the judgment of God? Why do we continue ignoring the handwriting on the wall? Why aren't clergy claiming this from the rooftops? We will either go to our knees in repentance and faith or be driven to our knees in defeat. Will you trust Christ as your Savior today? Christian, have you fallen into sin and in need of making things right with your Lord? Let us heed the call of Jeremiah 18:8 before it is too late: "If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them."

Christian NEWS

Christianity in Danger of Extinction in Iraq: 1.5 Million Christians Have Fled

The rise of the Islamic State has caused as many as 1.5 million Christians to be displaced from Iraq, which has caused fears that Christianity may be totally wiped out from the region. According to Christian lawyer Josef Sleve, 14 years ago, there were nearly two million Christians in Iraq. There are now only 500,000 to 850,000 left. “This means that over the past 14 years, some 1.5 million Christians have emigrated to other countries," said Sleve, according to Christian Today. Although the Islamic State has been a main contributing factor to the mass exodus of Iraq’s Christian population, many Iraqi Christians began fleeing their homeland even earlier when conflict in the early 2000s drove them out. The huge number of Iraqi Christians who have left their country has caused many Christian leaders to question the future of Christianity in the region.“Given this tsunami of emigration...what future is left for the Church? What will become of our homeland? What will become of our parishes and institutions?” asked Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III in 2015. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, who is visiting the Holy Land this week, expressed sympathy for the plight of Iraq’s Christians: “The Iraqi Christians I met yesterday say they feel the world has forgotten them, because the focus of the international community is now on Syria. Iraqis, they say, are at the bottom of the list when it comes to resettlement or support.”As Iraqi forces, aided by a coalition of allies, including U.S. forces, are fighting to drive the Islamic State out of Iraq, and particularly Mosul, the Islamic State’s last major stronghold in the country, some Christians are returning to their homeland, but with fighting continuing, the future of Iraq’s Christian population remains uncertain.


Fines for Worship, Prison for Bible Study in China

Amid increasing attempts to suppress religious activities, Chinese authorities have detained, fined, and imprisoned Christians for public worship, buying and selling devotionals, and group Bible study. In late April, a court in Xinjiang convicted five Protestants who attended a Bible study in 2016, charging them with “gathering a crowd to disrupt social order,” Asia News reported. The verdict came with five-year prison sentences for two pastors, and four- and three-year sentences for three others. They plan to appeal. Earlier in April, authorities raided a Christian concert and arrested those attending. Taiwanese Pastor Xu Rongzhang was singing “Jesus Loves You” when the raid took place, China Aid reported. Before releasing them, officials forced the Christians to say they would not organize large gatherings again and told Xu not to hold any meetings of more than 10 people. A Chinese court also recently convicted prominent Christian human rights lawyer Li Heping on charges of subverting state power. Judges sentenced Li to three years in prison but suspended the sentence for four years. If he does not reoffend during that time, Li will stay out of prison.Since 1997, Li has defended dissidents, victims of forced evictions, and members of the banned Falun Gong religious group. Officials detained him and nearly 250 others in 2015, in what Amnesty International condemned as a nationwide crackdown against human rights lawyers and activists. Amnesty said the Communist Party’s official newspaper described it as an attempt to destroy a “major criminal gang.”Several of those lawyers and activists remain in detention, even though Western governments urged Beijing to release them. Earlier this year, officials in Xinjiang targeted a network of Christian house churches and arrested more than 80 people. They fined and later released them, according to China Aid.All these incidents illustrate the worsening persecution of Christians under President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on religious activity and human rights. Critics say he wants to eradicate any potential opposition to the ruling Communist Party. Because religious freedom in China continued to erode in 2016, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) called on the U.S. State Department to keep China listed as a country of particular concern in its recently released 2017 report.USCIRF reported China’s government revised regulations to more tightly control religious groups, increased penalties against “illegal” Christian churches and activities, and formally prohibited any religion from harming “national security” concerns. A campaign to remove crosses from churches has continued, and officials targeted and imprisoned Christians who spoke out against it, including Pastor Bao Guohua and his wife, Xing Wenxiang. Not even members of state-sponsored churches were safe from persecution. China also continues to suppress other religious groups, including Uighur Muslims, Tibetan Buddhists, and Falun Gong, while continuing to forcibly repatriate North Korean refugees, according to USCIRF.“It is crucial that the U.S. government not only integrate human rights messaging—including on freedom of religion or belief—across its interactions with China, but also consistently make clear that it opposes Beijing’s overt violations of international human rights standards,” USCIRF said in its report.



Chandan Devi lay on the floor, her shoulder bruised from the blow she had just received. The door shut with a loud bang. Did her husband scream when they dragged him out of his house? We didn’t dare ask. 35-year-old Chandan wipes her tears away with the end of her sari. She is a child of God, mother of four and now, a widow for Jesus’ sake. Welcome to India. Pastor Aadarsh (40), his wife Chandan and their four children lived in a village in Central India where Naxalite militants are very active. This Maoist group fights for the rights of tribal groups and often views Christians as traitors to their cause and informants of the police. In the last ten years, thousands of Christians have been attacked, beaten-up, kidnapped, raped and killed by these Naxalites. But it’s the individual, smaller stories that are the most heartbreaking. Aadarsh was a faithful pastor and led 25-30 people from a certain tribe to Christ. All of them were previously animist believers. Chandan describes him as a prayerful person who specifically had a heart for youth. “He encouraged them to not join the Maoists but instead finish their studies to achieve something in life.” The Naxalites were very upset with his activities, and a group of 30 men forced their way into Aadarsh and Chandan’s home. None of the children were present. “They shouted that they were going to kill him. I begged them to end my life too. When they dragged him outside the house, I clung to him. They hit me hard on my shoulder and I dropped to the floor. The door shut and they disappeared into the jungle where Aadarsh was then murdered.” It took the villagers a few hours to discover his lifeless body in the bush. Because of the remote location of the village and the dense forest, the police were unable to help and villagers were too afraid to interfere during the assault. The funeral was led by the wife of a pastor who had led Aadarsh to Christ and was a spiritual father to him. None of the Christian men were able to come due to the high risks.  Shortly after his death, volunteers sponsored and trained by Open Doors visited Chandan, who had fled her village. “We first bought her groceries and clothes,” a group member says. “She had left her village with only the clothes on her back and was in desperate need of practical help. This comforted her.” The meeting was intense. Chandan was obviously still in shock. She recounted the story with bursts of short sentences. When she was asked, “Do you consider leaving Jesus?”, she replied, “I’d rather die.” The Open Doors volunteers tried to encourage her with God’s Word. They read Jesus’ words in John 15:18-20: If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.” “She listened silently,” one of our group members says. “When we prayed over her, she cried. She was comforted by our visit and prayers. We stay in touch with Chandan over the phone and she told us she still feels very troubled. One of her children is married, the other three are in boarding school. She is under a lot of pressure.”

Know your enemy

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:1

The Old Testament - Roman Catholicism 

Catholic Symbols II

In this photo notice the numerous symbols of the sun, moon and stars above the windows.

Further evidence of sun worship can be found in the dome of St Peters.

Notice the sun at the centre of the dome through which sunlight comes.

A little known fact is that Catholic churches were traditionally built so that worshippers stand facing the East. Although churches may arbitrarily face in any direction, the prevalence and consistency of this practice in Catholic churches suggests that they meant something specific by it. Just as the Jewish Temple had worshippers facing to the West and the Tabernacle likewise had its entrance on the East side, it is strange to find this has been reversed. But then we read in

Ezekiel8:14-16 He brought me to the north gate of the Lord’s Temple, and some women were sitting there, weeping for the god Tammuz. “Have you seen this?” he asked. “But I will show you even more detestable sins than these!”

Then he brought me into the inner courtyard of the Lord’s Temple. At the entrance to the sanctuary, between the entry room and the bronze altar, there were about twenty-five men with their backs to the sanctuary of the Lord. They were facing east, bowing low to the ground, worshipping the sun!” Catholic churches were traditionally built facing the East because it represents turning their backs to the Lord and instead worshipping the rising sun.

Mass in Catholicism is something other than a simple remembrance of Christ's suffering on the cross, as it was intended to be. The Church of Rome has perverted it into a re-enactment of Christ's sacrifice. It is claimed that the Catholic Priest literally sacrifices Christ each time on the altar for the sins of those present and those who have died. The idea is that Jesus’ death and resurrection wasn’t a once and for all act, but that they need to continually crucify him over and over to keep atoning for sins. Pope Pius X described it as follows: "The Holy Mass is a prayer itself, even the highest prayer that exists. It is the Sacrifice dedicated by our Redeemer on the Cross, and is repeated every day on the Altar." The blasphemy of the Catholic Mass is that they claim to kill Jesus every day through the ritual, causing him perpetual suffering. Nothing could be more obviously from the mind of Satan than this. It is also full of bowing, crossings and genuflexions. This is a far cry from the practice of Jesus or the Apostles.


To be continued

- Mark Fairley

Deliverance Ministry

Body, Soul and Spirit 

How  we can  help others regain the  balance


The duration is “Till” he pays all his debt.

Now let us reflect on  his condition. He is thrown into prison.  How will he earn money to pay back his debt?

He is already in prison. (Torturer has the liberty to throw him into any prison. Prison of sickness, failure, literal prison, unemployment, chased by enemies, natural calamities etc.)

One day I went to a place called Tirunelveli and met a family which was in such a prison. When we prayed, the Lord revealed Is. 57:17,18

“For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and smote him: I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart.

I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners.”

I asked them what it meant. They did not know. Again we asked the Lord. He showed an  amount 80 lacs.

They could not give an explanation. Went on asking the Lord. The Holy Spirit went on giving  verse after verse, and explained how even the last installment of the debt was paid and  the time has come for their deliverance. He guided us what to do for it.

It was a debt  for four  generations. 

The Lord reminded them of all the incidents where their money was wasted. The last installment was one year ago, while coming from the airport, missing money and jewels by forgetting to take the wallet from the auto.

It was a surprise for all of us when the Holy Spirit exposed the history of  4 generations step by step.

Finally the last response of the Holy Spirit gave them lot of comfort.

I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners.”

Since now, all the installments were paid, they are to be brought out of the prison of debt.  The Holy Spirit guided them as to what to do. Within one month they were delivered of  all the problems. 

- Sr.Angelica

-To be continued

National worship centre

Visions and revelations

  • When I was worshipping, I was filled with the mighty presence of the Lord.God showed me a group of doves that were dead.There was lightning and thunder.That light came upon the doves which became alive and flew away. When I continued to worship God blessed me. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful experience.
  • I saw Jesus standing on the stage holding my sister’s son who passed away on February 2016.He was smiling. I was very happy to see him with Jesus. Thank you Jesus.
  • I felt a mighty presence of the Lord. When I started to read the psalm as thanks giving, tI found the in-depth meaning of the words. So I was filled with joy and I felt this was full hearted worship .Thank you Jesus for revealing to me your mighty words.

Contact Us

Email      : worshipcentreindia@gmail.com

Mobile    : 7708505152

National Worship Centre is a centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty will be worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours.

 Address :

Father’s House,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 1st Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai – 600041.


Praise God for the successful completion of 13300 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)   

Volume 5 Issue 18

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Mark 7:22  The spirit of pride

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

We have been living in Panaiyur for nearly  2 years now. Since most of the time we are travelling, I was like a stranger without establishing any contact with the people over here. Under the “Trans-India” project, we sisters  started some projects like taking  tuition and teaching tailoring. Within one day, I noticed such a big change. For one hour tuition, students of all classes, from Play school , L.K.G.to 12th Std were there. We three sisters and other teachers were there. Since teaching was our basic profession, we were able to manage the students. After one hour tuition, while we were coming back, mothers, youngsters, teenagers in the streets, came to us venerably with various requests.

“Will you admit my child also for tuition?”

“Can I come for tailoring  I didn’t register my name yesterday. I was out of station”.

“Do you conduct computer class also? I would like to get admitted”  

For almost an year I was breaking my head thinking, “How can we be of some help to the people of this area where we live?

Surprisingly I came to know the truth that we have been wasting our talents of “teaching” all these years. Teaching English or other subjects  for one  hour is a hobby for us.

I regretted, “Why  didn’t we make use of this talent  which the Lord has given to us when there was so much of need for it.

Jn 6:12  When they were completely satisfied, Jesus told his disciples, "Collect the pieces that are left over so that nothing is wasted."

Jesus does not allow resource wastage among His children.  

Believers, are we using our talents for our brethren, who are in need of it? I thank Jesus for revealing the project of “Trans-India” which brought a turning point in our life!

Transformation India

On 5.4.2017 the Lord revealed the “Transformation India Project” for the Troop Churches. It was shared with the Troop Churchers on 6th itself. Thank God all the 13 members who attended it started working at it. On 23rd it was given the final shape. Trans-India was launched on 1.5.2017 in two places,

  1. Eekaadu, Thiruvallur
  2. Panayur

This is a project by which every Troop Church member has to spend minimum 2 hours per week in social service.

Transformation India Project

6 7

Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

BFF- Batch 112 – Nagercoil


Upcoming BFF Batches

May 23 - 28 –Tamil – Nagercoil9487658984 (Sol.Merjit)

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme (FRP)

Message for year 2017!

Luke 24:47-49"And then repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem".

In order to bring the fruits of forgiveness and reconciliation in your personal life and in the land of India, a two days training is arranged

Peace among men with whom God is pleased

Let us pray

The Lord has declared 2017 as the year of Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

This month (May 2017) let us pray for Christian believers that they receive God’s grace to   forgive and be reconciled with each other in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let us prophesy and command in the name of Jesus Christ that a good relationship prevails among all Christian believers.

Week   1

  1. That steadfastness have its full effect in Christian believers. (James 1:4)
  2. Christian believers to have love for one another that all men will know that they are disciples of Jesus Christ. (Jn 13:35)
  3. That believer’s walk by faith not by sight. (2 Cor 5:7)
  4. That Christian believers may be one. (John 17:11)
  5. That all the Christian believers   be with Jesus and serve Him that the Father may honour Him. (John 12:26)

Upcoming FRP programs

Isaiah: 42:6 “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. 7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

You are invited for a special deliverance school (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Program) on 06-05-2017 (Saturday) to 07-05-2017 (Sunday) from 9am - 6pm.

Venue : Dr Charles Elders Community, 36 K V R Nagar Main Road, Vinayagapuram, Chennai 600099.

Please pray, attend or send participants.

For registration Contact : Sol. Benjamin - 9003021979 / Kavery - 7358610357                                                                                                                  

May 6 & 7 -  Choolaimadu, Chennai – Contact : Sol. Benjamin - 9003021979

FRP Classes held at Gudiyatham

2 3


Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

What is Troop Church ?

There is an earnest search among the believers across the world for a real Church where a person can commune with God and relate to his fellow brethren. After trials and experiments the Indian Church is forming “Troop Church”.

The Army of Jesus was experimenting with the “Troop Church” for the past 17 years. Started in the year 1998. The experiment with Troop Church has been successful.

  1. It has independent first line second and third line Troop Churches
  2. It has raised many leaders, prophets, counselors and other ministers and gospel workers.
  3. It has no visible leader or hierarchical structure
  4. It has no office, no full timer, no paid worker etc.
  5. No organizational (hierarchical) set up.
  6. No money collection or transaction.
  7. No election, board, Committee etc.
  8. Every Troop Church trains up believers in their gifts like worshipping, preaching, prophecy etc.
  9. Since the mother troop disperses and starts new troops after 2 months, there is no stagnancy.
  10. No pollution or corruption with money or power.

    11.The two wings of Troop Church are Decentralisation and Multiplication .

Gift School – Prophecy School for Children

Prophecy School for children was held at Maripeda. So many received visions, sensed God's touch, prophesied to teachers. They are still thrilled. Classes had been extended for two more days. I thank God for his outpouring anointing among children from the state of  Telangana.  (Sol.Vaani Santhosh)

4 5

Christian News

Ezekiel's Bones Live - Israel Prepares To Celebrate Independence Day

More than four-fifths (82.0%) of Jews and 57.5% of Arabs said they identify with the State of Israel and its problems to a large or moderate extent, while 13.4% of Jews and 16.6% of Arabs said they identified with Israel only slightly, and 2.5% of Jews and 21.9% of Arabs said they did not identify with Israel at all.
Both Israeli Jews and Arabs tended to said they were optimistic both about the future of Israel. Nearly three-quarters (73.4%) of Jews said they were optimistic about the future of the State of Israel, compared to 60.8% of Arabs, while 22.2% of Jews and 32.1% of Arabs said they were not. In certain specific areas, Israeli Arabs were more likely to regard Israels efforts as successful.

While just 18.6% of Jews said Israel was succeeding in reducing social gaps, 49.3% of Israeli Arabs said Israel was succeeding. Nearly three-quarters (74.5%) of Arab said Israel was doing a good job maintaining economic stability, compared to 59.8% of Jews who expressed the same opinion. Close to half (45.9%) of Arabs said Israel was attentive to what citizens want, while just 22.1% of Jews agreed.

Study: Evangelicals, Charismatics are Most Prepared for Persecution

A new study explores the connection between various Christian denominations and persecution, including how prepared certain groups are for it. Evangelicals and Pentecostals tend to experience persecution the most and to be most prepared for it. This is often due to the fact that these denominations focus on evangelism rather than assimilating with antagonistic cultures. “In response to persecution, evangelical and Pentecostal Christians are more likely to engage in strategies of survival or, on rare occasions, confrontation,” the report says.

Christian Pastor Detained in China for Singing ‘Jesus Loves You’

A Taiwanese pastor was detained in China for the crime of singing “Jesus Loves You.” Christians in China have continued to face increased persecution for various displays of Christian faith. Xu was never given an explanation why singing “Jesus Loves You” was deemed illegal. Xu’s situation has been becoming increasingly common for Christians in China. Many have been arrested or worse. Back in February, five Christians were sentenced to three to seven years in prison on the charge that they purchased and sold “forbidden Christian devotional books.” Several Christian persecution ministries have warned that Christians in China are facing increased threats from the government. China’s President Xi Jinping has reportedly been cracking down on Christians and Christian churches for the past few years. Many prominent human rights lawyers and pastors have been imprisoned and some have even been killed. 

Christian persecution seen in more locations across the globe, new report shows

In the past year, the persecution of Christians has not only increased, but it has also spread to more corners of the globe – with incidents occurring on every continent, according to a new report. The advocacy group Open Doors USA recently released the latest edition of its annual World Watch List, which ranks countries based on the treatment of their Christian populations. The group said the increase in incidents considered persecution was alarming and only getting worse.



The report comes on the heels of another study by the Center for Studies on New Religions that showed nearly 90,000 Christians were killed for their faith in 2016 and that as many as 600 million were prevented from practicing their faith through intimidation, forced conversions, bodily harm or even death. Curry said the group has seen an uptick in persecution in various countries throughout Asia, driven by governments and Islamic extremism. Christians in that part of the world have been targeted by nationalist religious movements -- Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist -- in such countries as Pakistan, India and Myanmar. Many of these groups increasingly view Christianity as a foreign, "colonial" import, and believe its practitioners are doing the bidding of the West, experts say.

India saw some of the highest increase in incidents as Hindu nationalists battered Christian churches ever since the election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in May 2014. Since he has been in office, Modi has instilled Hindu nationalism, and experts say that has had devastating consequences for Christians in India. There was an average of 40 incidents per month of Christian persecution last year in the subcontinent, including pastors beaten, churches burned and Christians harassed. Eight Christians were killed for their faith.  Of the 64 million Christians in India, approximately 39 million experience direct persecution, according to the Open Doors study. While Christians continue to be targeted by ISIS radicals in Syria and Iraq, the religion is also under threat in other sections of the Middle East – with incidents of Christian persecution on the rise in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations.

Surprisingly, North, Central and South America are also seeing increases of Christian persecution – even though Christianity is by far the most practiced religion in the region. In all, 23 Christian leaders in Mexico and another four in Colombia were killed specifically for their faith. While Mexico is considered more than 80 percent Catholic, a number of priests have come under attack and killed in the country the past few years. 

Know your Bible

Body, Soul and Spirit  Part 1

Deliverance Ministry

How we can help others regain the balance

“And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.” Mat 18:34, 35

Here one word is noteworthy. “Till”  till  when?

It shows the duration of this torment ( sickness, unemployment, any prison of physical or mental torture)

It is a period of time tillhe should pay all that was due unto him”. The already forgiven debt is brought back to account now. What was written off  his account is now added to it.

Let us go back to the same parable in Matthew

Mat 18:23  "That is why the kingdom from heaven may be compared to a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.

Mat 18:24  When he had begun to settle the accounts, a person who owed him 10,000 talents was brought to him.

Mat 18:25  Because he couldn't pay, his master ordered him, his wife, his children, and everything that he owned to be sold so that payment could be made.

Mat 18:26  Then the servant fell down and bowed low before him, saying, 'Be patient with me, and I will repay you everything!'

Mat 18:27  The master of that servant had compassion and released him, canceling his debt.

Mat 18:28  "But when that servant went away, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii. He grabbed him, seized him by the throat, and said, 'Pay what you owe!'

Mat 18:29  Then his fellow servant fell down and began begging him, 'Be patient with me and I will repay you!'

Mat 18:30  But he refused and went and had him thrown into prison until he could repay the debt.

Mat 18:31  "When his fellow servants saw what had happened, they were very disturbed and went and reported to their master everything that had occurred.

Mat 18:32  Then his master sent for him and told him, 'You evil servant! I canceled that entire debt for you because you begged me.

Mat 18:33  Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?'

Mat 18:34  In anger his master handed him over to the torturers until he could repay the entire debt.

Mat 18:35  This is how my heavenly Father will treat each one of you unless you forgive your brother from your hearts."


Suppose the man in  v 24 is  Edmund and the one in v 29 is  Richard

Let us translate the owed amount  in the case of Edmund as   Rs. 5,00,000 and of Richard as Rs. 5,000.

Edmund was forgiven fully by  his Master. Since he refused to forgive the debt Rs. 5,000 to Richard, the Master got angry and passed a judgment on him. Earlier when he was  brought for trial  a sentence was passed. Some disaster  which was about to occur to him, his wife, his children and everything he owned.

When he pleaded mercy his Master showed favor to him. He received two favours.

  1. The disaster which was to come upon him, his wife, children and everything he had, was averted.
  2. His debt was written off. He was relieved of the debt forever.

But  his  refusal to  forgive his fellow servant Richard,  turns to be a greater disaster for him. How?

  1. He becomes a victim and target of the terrible anger of his Master.
  2. He is thrown into prison
  3. All his cancelled debt comes back to life. He becomes a debtor of Rs. 5,00,000
  4. He is handed over to torturers.

The duration is “Till” he pays all his debt.

Now let us reflect on  his condition. He is thrown into prison.  How will he earn money to pay back his debt?

He is already in prison. (Torturer has the liberty to throw him into any prison. Prison of sickness, failure, literal prison, unemployment, chased by enemies, natural calamities etc.)

 - Sr. Angelica (To be continued)

Know your enemy

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:1

The Old Testament

Catholicism Symbols  (Catholicism – The Mysteries With A Mask)


The Great Mother, The Virgin Mother, The Celestial Mother, Mother of God, The Eternal Virgin. These are names given to Mary that are also given to Semiramis / Ashtoreth.

“No wonder I am so angry! Watch how the children gather wood and the fathers build sacrificial fires. See how the women knead dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. And they pour out liquid offerings to their other idol gods!” - Jeremiah 7:18

God hates this reverence for the so-called Queen of Heaven and yet the Catholic church now states that Mary was perfect at birth and without sin. Catholics are taught to pray to Mary as she has in her hands the work of our salvation. In other words, she is idolised. She has been deified. The catholic Mary, is in fact none other than Ashtoreth with a Christian façade. The Catholics didn’t get rid of Ashtoreth; they simply gave her a new name. They even crown statues of Mary like this: 

You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” – Exodus 20:4

Catholic doctrine states: “The One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church as led by the Bishop of Rome, successor to Peter, the first Pope, has always venerated the blessed Virgin Mary including her sinlessness; for the Church follows Scripture – especially the New Testament which She, Herself, compiled – as perfectly as She follows Her Tradition.” The most obvious blasphemy about this passage is that they claim she is sinless and therefore nothing less than a goddess. But also notice the more subtle capital letters given to the words “She” and “Herself” which also denote Mary as a goddess. Scripture has even been deliberately corrupted in Catholic texts to identify Mary as the person who was said to crush the serpent’s head in Genesis 3: 15

“And I will establish a feud between thee and the woman, between thy offspring and hers; she is to crush thy head, while thou dost lie in ambush at her heels.” 

Mary has become a false goddess in the Catholic church and an anti-Christ. Pope Pius IX declared that Mary was immaculately conceived, suggesting that Jesus was only divine because Mary was divine first, as the mother of God.

“You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me” – Exodus 20:5

- Mark Fairley (To be continued)


National Worship Centre (NWC)


Book Your Slots For Worship at

National Worship Centre (NWC)

We know that India is standing on the threshold of a total liberation and is now going through an unprecedented, historical transformation which is absolutely navigated by the hands of God Almighty. In order to accelerate this, the Lord inspired a few of His children to start a “National Worship Centre” in the spiritual capital (Jerusalem) of India, i.e. Chennai. The preparation for this could be traced back to the year 2010. Finally it is being fulfilled. All glory to God. The National Worship Centre (Zion) was opened on 13.4.2014 at Palavakkam

 National Worship Centre is a centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams will come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. Do you want to join this praising Army?

Contact Us

Mobile    : 7708505152

Address :

Father’s House,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 1st Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai – 600041.


Praise God for the successful completion of 13300 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)   

NWC Third Anniversary

The third anniversary celebration of National Worship Centre - was celebrated on April 29 2017. 12973 slots have been completed so far .

2 Chron 20:21 And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth forever.

The celebration stared with worship for two hours in the throne room. BFF trainees, troop churches, NWC regular worshipers took part in it.

Trans – INDIA program was introduced.Troop church members are let by the Spirit to undertake service activities in the area.

"Go and do likewise."(Luke 10:37)

2 Chron 20:22 And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten.

No doubt the nation is going to be shaken during our worship.

Volume 5 Issue 17

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pro  16:12  The spirit that makes  kings to commit wickedness

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Pick up your mat and walk

Bible tells about a  pool at the Sheep Gate at Jerusalem, which is called Bethesda, having five porches.  Bethesda represents the  Institutional Churches today which have not only 5, but many Porches  where all kinds of sick, blind, lame and  withered, are waiting for the moving of the water.  They are left there like destitute, looking upto some other help from outside.

For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and troubled the water. Then whoever first stepped in after the troubling of the water was made whole of whatever disease he had. Jn 5:4 

This  angel of the Lord are the  convention speakers, healing crusade speakers etc. The  believers  are waiting  for them who will appear once in a while.  Only one  or two persons will be healed of them (i.e. 1% healing only will take place) But people are  waiting there for years together.

Jesus cured a paralyzed man there. He said to him,

“Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!”

Mat was his only belonging in that place. He had lost everything else. His wealth, health,

contacts, house,  family, relations etc. The only thing remaining was  his mat.

Lord asks him to take all his belonging and walk out of the  place!

Believers, Jesus only can cure you of all your sicknesses and problems. The  first thing Jesus

Is asking you today is

  1. Getting up. From your deep sleep in the Churches
  2. Walk out from these churches. Renounce your membership from these Churches. Go out

into the world to fulfil the great commission.

  1. Opposition will come from your own leaders.

They will quote verses from the Bible....to command you not to walk out of the institutional

Church. They will try to tie you  up again with the fake Churches. Be bold, If you  obey them, you will never come out it and obey Jesus!

Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

BFF- Batch 111 -Panniyur

2 1

Upcoming BFF – Contact

April 25 - 30 –TamilNagercoil – 9487658984 (Sol.Merjit)

April 30 - May 05  - Delhi, Gurgoan - Bro Ivan 9717234137 / 9765891173 , Col.Gita 8851667670        


Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

GIFT SCHOOL – David School of Worship

David school of worship - Coimbatore

By HIS grace we finished the first batch of DSW. 12 people participated. Here comes some of the testimonies.

Everyone saw visions when they worshipped, Everyone regained their personal relationship with Jesus and heard HIS voice and the Holy Spirit revealed himself to many. All their barriers had been broken and understood what true worship is. In the classes a pastor who attended shared these words “After many years I personally felt the touch of God. Something inside me felt like I should open up and cry out loud as we worshipped. I could feel the lead of the Holy Spirit.” Everyone wrote songs and rejoiced that they could also write songs.

The Lord has declared 2017 – as the year of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

This month (April 2017 )let us pray for the Family Members  that they receive God’s grace to forgive and be reconciled with each other in the name of Jesus Christ. Let us prophesy and command in the name of Jesus Christ that a good relationship  prevails  among family  members in India and all over the world

Week - 4        

 1.That family members learn to use  tender and   kind words  instead of words of anger.

2.Well to do brothers and sisters  lovingly help those  in poverty and in  need

3.Youngsters pray and ask God for guidance to choose the partner and listen to the elders  in stead of  following their self will and desire.

4.Family members who are well off invite other family members of  low income and status and develop good relationship with them.

5.That the inlaws treat one another with true love and spirit of sacrifice leaving one’s own interest aside.

FRP – Khammam


FRP at Dabal, Sanvordem

4 5

FRP – Bangalore


FRP – Goa

7 8

FRP – Chhattisgarh

9 `10

FRP Report- April 7 & 8 at Khammam

Around 34 participants attended. God blessed this programme. Participants felt the presence of Holy Spirit in the body. Almost everyone accepted to start troop church. Many participants felt their burden has been removed. They learned how to bind the evil spirit , how to pray. Khammam FRP program was going on Khammam public school. The school owner’s father was suffering from throat cancer .They were waiting for khemo injection for a long time. But when this program was going on the school the owner’s family was just thinking that if the injection is available they will sponsor for FRP. In matter of few minutes a phone call came telling that the injection was available, They were happy and .They sponsored for the 2nd day programme. Then the school owner was trying for IIT foundation permission for the school for several years, but during the FRP programme ,IIT people came to school and granted the permission for the school. Many participants were able to forgive their people.

After the programme, one troop church was started in Khammam. Prophecy writing was taught on that day. 6 th standard school student immediately wrote a decree about Khammam revival and world revival. He was so curious to take responsibility of troop church. All glory to Jesus Christ.

- Sol.Vaani Santosh

Know your enemy

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:1

The Old Testament - Roman Catholicism 

Catholic Symbols (Catholicism – The Mysteries With A Mask)


I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus”. – Revelation 17:4-6

13Interesting to note then that purple and scarlet have been adopted as the official colours for Roman Catholicism.

Below we see them celebrating Easter around the Ashtoreth (or Eastre) pole. It is significant that they would gravitate to this location at this time. Notice also the ‘groves’ of trees around them. The church is always referred to as a woman in the Bible. The church is in fact called the "Bride of Christ". Therefore, a prostitute is an apostate church that has abandoned it's 'husband' and committed adultery with others. The Catholic Church has prostituted itself with the world for centuries in order to acquire land,
12wealth, power and prestige. It is the richest institution in the world and much of that wealth was gained by immoral means.

The Bible tells us some more about this women saying: “She held a golden cup in her hand”Revelation 17:4

Mass in Catholicism is always taken in a golden chalice. They allow the outside to be silver as long as the inside is plated with gold. As for being drunk with the blood of the saints, Christians have often been systematically persecuted whenever the Catholic church has had supreme power. The Catholic church refers to Mary as 'Queen of Heaven' and she was recently given the title of 'co-redemptrix' meaning that she is as responsible for our redemption as Jesus. Now we’ve heard that title, Queen of Heaven before in relation to someone else. Her other titles should remind us of that same woman.

- Mark Fairley (To be continued)

Christian NEWS

America is Abandoning Independent Christians in China

When Xi Jinping and Donald Trump had their first face-to-face meeting earlier this month in Mar-a-Lago, the plight of Christians in China could scarcely have been farther from either leader’s mind. The Chinese State Council recently released draft laws and regulations it plans to process in the coming year. They include revisions to the Regulations on Religious Affairs, potentially threatening the ability of millions of Chinese to practice their faith. The regulations come on the back of a two-year campaign in eastern Zhejiang province to remove crosses from the tops of churches and signal the end of a period of more relaxed control over religion.For the 60-plus million Christians living in China, churches must be legally registered with their local governments. Currently, this can only happen through the Protestant Three-Self Patriotic Movement or the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association. Churches that do not fall under the jurisdiction of one of these bodies are technically illegal. However, over the last few decades, unregistered, or underground, churches have been permitted to exist in a legal gray zone, not sanctioned by the government but tacitly permitted.

While the proposed regulations do not ban such churches outright, the worry is they can be enforced to achieve that outcome. Already reports from central Henan province indicate that some local governments have shut down unregistered churches in line with early drafts of the regulations. Christians in China face a dilemma. Most of the theology coming out of the underground church movement is predicated on a belief in an absolute separation of church and state — and a willingness to suffer for that belief. For Reformed (or Calvinist) believers who cannot in good faith submit to local government “guidance and supervision” in order to register, their churches could face summary closure. Underground Chinese Catholics face a similar dilemma of authority, as many place their religious identity and loyalty to the Vatican above a national identity. These beliefs put the majority of Chinese Christians on a collision course with the state, and with the state church system, which has developed its own brands of Protestantism and Catholicism in line with China’s socialist vision. Restrictions under the new regulations are not limited to one faith. Local legislators have already banned burqas in cities in northwest Xinjiang province, which has a large Uighur Muslim population. But now it will also be illegal for students, whether Christian, Muslim or Buddhist, to travel abroad to attend “unauthorized” religious training, or even conferences. Religious news websites must be examined and approved by authorities. The proposed regulations make it difficult for Christians to form churches or register religious organizations outside state channels, construct their own theologies, ordain their own clergy, or receive funding from abroad. At the same time, a new group of highly educated and vocal underground Protestant church leaders have emerged, several of whom have law degrees. Many have been foremost in the campaign to open up civic space in China. Given the detention of lawyers who have defended churches against forcible cross removal, the position of religious activists is increasingly insecure.


UN Council Accredits Christian Group after Years of Deferrals

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) accredited global religious freedom advocacy group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) on April 19 after a UN committee deferred the group’s application for eight years and denied it in February. The consultative status will give the Britain-based nonprofit access to attend open meetings and present at the UN. Human rights advocates described the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations’ repeated denial as a political game by member countries with a bias against human rights groups. ECOSOC’s 54-member council voted 28-9 with 12 abstentions. Kankhwende said the NGO committee often blocks nonprofits that work on controversial issues such as human and minority rights. “We know that the right to religion or belief is one of the underrepresented rights within the UN system,” she said, noting that their new accreditation “allows us to provide this right more.” Some of the member countries that voted against the application in February, including Pakistan, Vietnam, Turkey, India, and Burkina Faso, argued ECOSOC should not override its decision since CSW failed to respond to all the committee’s questions. But Britain’s UN Ambassador Matthew Rycroft said CSW met all the requirements for accreditation and responded to more than 80 questions the committee leveled against it. In a move to provide more transparency, ECOSOC also voted to webcast all public meetings of the NGO committee. “This change will bring to light those countries that seek to block United Nations organizations that defend press freedom, that provide legal counsel for political prisoners, that document human rights abuses committed by their governments, and that call out discrimination of all kinds,” said the United States mission to the UN, which co-sponsored the resolution.


Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses in Crackdown on Religion

The Supreme Court in Russia has banned the Jehovah’s Witness organization and the Justice Ministry has requested the group be labeled “extremist” and that the group be dissolved. Previously in Russia, the organization was subject to bans and arrests, but the new ruling means that the headquarters and chapters of the group will become state property.According to a report from Reuters, Justice Ministry attorney Svetlana Borisova said the Jehovah’s Witnesses “pose a threat to the rights of the citizens, public order and public security.” They do not recognize Christmas, birthdays, Easter or national holidays. They also do not serve in the military and discourage voting. Finally, they also reject the medical use of blood transfusions.


RSS converts 53 tribal families to Hinduism in ‘Christianity-free’ campaign

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s infamous Ghar Wapsi programme has returned to threaten the right to religion of the people of India. The organisation claimed that it has performed ‘Ghar Wapasi’ for 53 tribal families in Jharkhand. The initiative was a part of the RSS’s Christianity-free” block campaign in Jharkhand’s Arki, Hindustan Times reported. According to the RSS, these tribals were from Sindri panchayat which has been “hijacked” by Christian missionaries over the last 10 years. RSS leader Laxman Singh Munda, who is spearheading the campaign told Hindustan Times that the outfit will establish a Christianity-free” block. “You cannot call it conversion. We are only bringing our lost brothers and sisters back to their religion.” The families underwent ‘Shuddhikaran’, or a purification ceremony performed by Hindu priests. Munda alleged that the tribals were lured into Christianity by the missionaries. He also claimed that the Ghar Wapsi programme continue through the month of April.Jharkhand, which has a significant tribal population has seen an increase in those converting to Christianity. According to the latest census data, of Jharkhand’s 3.2 crore population, 67.8% or 2.2 crore are Hindu and 4.3% or 14.1 lakh are Christian. RSS and its affiliate groups have been performing Ghar Wapasi, which they say is not conversion, but returning to one’s original roots. In 2014, the mass reconversions had sparked controversy over allegation of intimidation and threats by rightwing groups on minority communities

Know your Bible

Body, Soul and SpiritDeliverance Ministry

How we can help others regain the balance

Church is the body of Christ. We are  members of the body of Christ.

But now are they many members, yet but one body. 1Co 12:20 

Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. 1Co 12:27 

As an individual we are obliged to maintain equilibrium within our body, soul and spirit by obeying the commandments of God. In the same way,  we are obliged to maintain equilibrium in Christ’s body too.  Christ’s body, the Church is  the collective entity of individuals, who keep their body soul and spirit  sanctified and holy. In  other words, a collective gathering of those people who keep this equilibrium between body, soul and spirit. If any of its member misses this balance,  there will be maladjusted growth. It will hinder the proper functioning of the  Church. The spirit in Christ’s Church (Holy Spirit) will move out of the body (Church). The soul of the Church, which is the seat of

  • Mind
  • Will and
  • Emotions

will suffocate.  Mind will be  under bondage. It will be blocked by satan from functioning.

Emotions will be frozen. Church will not react to any stimulus. Will be silent towards any disaster.

The Church in Corinth faced such a problem once during the time of Paul.

And you are being arrogant instead of being filled with grief and seeing to it that the man who did this is removed from among you.  1 Co 5:2

When it was brought  to his notice, he immediately reacted. He tries to bring this equilibrium back to the body, the Church even by taking a drastic step. He says,

Even though I am away from you physically, I am with you in spirit. I have already passed judgment on the man who did this, as though I were present with you. 1 Co 5:3 

“In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus” 1 Cor  5: 4,5 

He asks the Church in Corinth, (body of Jesus Christ) to hand over the flesh of such a man to satan in the name of Jesus so that he might come to his senses during the torment, repent, confess his sins,   and thus save his spirit for the last day.

Here we see that even when the children of God are handed over for torment by satan, God is mindful of them and He does it for good.

“And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.” Mat 18:34 , 35

 - Sr.Angelica

-To be continued

National worship centre

NWC- National worship centre,  3th anniversary celebration & Troop churches All night prayer to be held on 29th April 2017 at NWC from 8:30 PM to 4:30 AM you are invited. NWC team & AOJ team it's starts with dinner 8:30 PM



  • When I was worshipping I saw an angel standing behind me.Thank you Jesus for this wonderful experience 
  • When we were worshipping I saw a white cloud lifting us up.
  • Due to absent mindedness and forgetfulness I felt empty, Suddenly the Lord lead me back to come here to worship, Him and made me complete. The Lord showed me His love and took complete control of my tongue, and spirit to worship.

Lord Jesus showed me Is 6:1 and 2 King 4 and also felt the present of him seated on the throne. Lord showed me a vision of grapes from the grapes bunch; even through it snatched away, it fall on the ground ; grew to bear even more fruits and I saw myself seated on a house and riding on a desert landscape.

I was completely lost in worship and Holy Spirit took control over me in love and lead me giving new songs to worship my love Jesus and rejoice in spirit.

Praise God for the successful completion of 13300 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

Volume 5 Issue 16

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pro  11:18  The spirit which makes one do deceptive work

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

We are aware of the war and its consequences in and around Israel for the past 69 years. Israelites are bent on rebuilding  the Jerusalem temple. While Jesus was living on this earth, the Jews were proud of their temple. Jesus said,

Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Jn 2:19

They thought He meant  the Jerusalem temple and hence immediately responded,

Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?Jn 2:20

He mentioned His body the temple. He raised it in three days. Today Jesus is building up His body i.e. His Church in  you and me.

Yes. The temple of Jerusalem was under construction for 46 years. He is building his temple in me for the past 64 years. How many years in you?

What all parts in you are completed? Were all the final touch given? What portions are yet to be touched, yet to be worked out? When the work is completed, He will  manifest His full glory in you and lift you up before all the nations! 

Till then He will continue his work of removing the fleshly image of yours and carving Jesus’ image in you.  The speed with which Jesus works in you depends on the amicability you exhibit. In other words how user friendly you are in His hands! 

New Troop churches

Praise the LORD ,  The first troop meeting of Timothy troop was started in Kandoli village, Dehradun on 8-4-17. There were 8 members in all.

The MARKUS (Mark) troop was formed in Karanpur , Dehradun on 11-4-17 with 9 members. The other troop DAVID was formed in Dobhalwala , Dehradun 13-4-17  with 7 members.

Nagpur- Maharashtra


Troop church Testimonies

One pastor was casting out a demon. Demon screamed. " You cannot, I will not go. If Susheel, Marcus (Troop Church members) command I will go ". Then pastor sent word for the Army soldiers. They came and cast out the demon.

Glad tidings! Let us thank the Lord!

The Lord has declared 2017 – as the year of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

This month (April 2017 )let us pray for the Family Members  that they receive God’s grace to forgive and be reconciled with each other in the name of Jesus Christ. Let us prophesy and command in the name of Jesus Christ that a good relationship  prevails  among family  members in India and all over the world

Week  3

 1.Family members forgive one another any mistake committed in the works but help each other to set  it right.

2.That family members donot make  much of others mistakes but forgive and accept them with love.

3.Family members forgive others  before the seen goes down in case of any dispute or quarrel  causing mental pain.

4.Family members gather together to pray  and eat at least once in a day

5.That family members limit and keep in control the use of T V,mobile,Internet etc.that they escape being in the danger of  falling in sin.


 Week -4        

 1.That family members learn to use  tender and kind words  instead of words of anger.

2.Well to do brothers and sisters  lovingly help those  in poverty and in  need

3.Youngsters pray and ask God for guidance to choose the partner and listen to the elders  in stead of  following their self will and desire.

4.Family members who are well off invite other family members of  low income and status and develop good relationship with them.

5.That the in-laws treat one another with true love and spirit of setting one’s own interest aside.

FRP Testimonies

In Kolkata FRP, troop Church one lady cried because she can't read and write. The troopers prayed with burden. Prathibha from Gujarat had an inspiration to check with her  after prayer. She showed her Bible & asked her to read. She could read . Thank you Jesus!

FRP Classes held at Itanagar


Upcoming FRP Programs

Level-1 ( FRP)

Wednesday the 19th and Thursday the 20th April 2017, from 9:30 to 5:30 pm.

Venue: Danika Chambers,  BT-4, Pequeno - Madel MARGAO ,  Goa

Pray for the flow of the Spirit to teach.

Pray that no fear to persist.

Pray for wisdom.

Pray they receive conviction of sin and every stronghold be broken.

Contact : 9404756620, 8830027259

FRP in Cuncolim Goa – 21&22 April 2017  - Contact : 9404756620, 8830027259

FRP in Lingrajpuram, Bangalore– 19&20 April 2017 –Contact : Martin: 9035343996 , Roopesh: 9008898066

FRP in papumpare , Arunachal Pradesh 21th  and 22nd  April    - Contact : Sol.Dora 9856331659

FRP Classes held at Kerala

3 4


Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

GIFT SCHOOL – Bethesda School of Healing


Luke: 6. 47. Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: 48. He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.

Wow, the word of God says that we need to hear and practice the word of God

Luke: 9. 1. Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. 2. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.


Preaching the gospel and healing the sick goes hand to hand

Mark: 16:20  And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.

Come exercise your gift of healing , let your  talents multiply by preaching the gospel and healing the sick , let's take the love of Christ to our neighbors with power and authority

Mark: 9:2 And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.


Come exercise your gift of healing in Bethesda school of healing

*Date : 22, 23 April 2017*

*Time: 8:30 am to 6:30 pm*

*Venue: 236, J nagar 1st* *cross street Panaiyur*

*Opp to Janakiraman dental clinic*

*Registration: Rs 300/- for days scholars (lunch and tea will be provided). Rs 500/- for residents.*

*For registration  and queries kindly contact Bro Beno ph :+91 8220-123810 or Albert 9840577293*


Upcoming BFF Batches

April 18-23 - English - Goa – 9822181817, 9922910936 (Sol. Arvind )

April 16-21 - Tamil - Chennai – 9840394103 (Sol.Rithish)

April 25-30 - Tamil - Nagercoil – 9487658984 (Sol.Marjit)

Know your enemy

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:1

The Old Testament - Roman Catholicism 

Catholic Symbols (Catholicism – The Mysteries With A Mask)

The following is also a symbol for Ashtoreth.

8This is called the Sun Sign. If you were to look down from directly above the Vatican obelisk, this is a fairly accurate representation of what you would see. A dot within a circle. What does it mean? Well remember the mystery religion is obsessed with sexuality. In this symbol the phallic obelisk is represented by the dot in the centre. The circle itself is the feminine part or the womb. By placing the phallic pole within the circle, it represents a sexual union between the male and female. We see pagan symbols replicated time after time in Catholicism.

9Notice the symbol of Baal on the Papal stole. The following is also to be found in Rome. It supposedly depicts Peter. However this statue was actually removed from the pantheon in Rome where he once represented Jupiter, a form of Baal. He is one of those renamed idols I mentioned earlier. You will notice the sun wheel on his head and the symbol for Baal behind him once more. You may also notice that his right foot has been worn away from the kisses that people have placed there. This practice of kissing idols is also borrowed from Babylon. 

5“Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel-all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him." – 1 Kings 19:18

This perhaps gives us deeper insight into the words Jesus spoke to his betrayer in the Garden of Gesthemane:

“…but Jesus asked him, "Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" – Luke 22:487

Was Jesus at least partly so disgusted with this act because it had a blasphemous connotation, placing Him on a level with Baal?
 When we refer to Revelation 17 which talks about Mystery Babylon in the last days we read… 

“The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. This title was written on her forehead:

- Mark Fairley

Know your Bible

Body, Soul and SpiritDeliverance Ministry

How imbalance occurs 

“Life” remains in the soul of a man

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Gen 2:7 

We already mentioned that “Soul” in a human being  is the seat of

1. Will

Gen 34:3  And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob.  He sinned  by his deliberate will. It was a deliberate decision of his soul.

Gen 49:6  O my soul, come not thou into their secret: 

Jacob warns his soul not to favor the decision of his   sons and  not to be partners in their sins”

Luk 12:19  And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.


2. Emotions

Gen 42:21 And they said one to another, We are verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the anguish of his soul,

Mat 26:38  Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.

3. Mind

Mat 12:18  Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased:

When the equilibrium between Spirit, Soul and Body goes wrong, sickness occurs. In other words sickness  is a sign to show that there is imbalance between these three. 

Every man (believer) should see that he maintains this equilibrium between his body, soul and spirit so that  he lives in perfect health in his body, enjoys  a sound mind, and a healthy spirit which is directly aligned with heaven and to the Holy Spirit.

The Lord has entrusted the Church with the Deliverance & Healing Ministry.  Deliverance and Healing Ministries are nothing but bringing back this equilibrium between his spirit, soul and body  in a man whenever it is in disorder.

Disorder occurs for  2 reasons

  1. Sin (He would have opened an  entry door  to satan) 
  2. ( Has allowed satan to  put  you in prison)

Mark 16:17,18 makes it mandatory that every believer has to  take up this ministry right from the day he accepts Jesus Christ.  He should go into the world (to neighborhood, workplace, cities, towns, villages, hospitals, roads etc) and find out people who are in misery due to suppression of satan. Jesus was a model for this.

God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, and because God was with him, he went around doing good and healing everyone who was oppressed by the devil.  Act 10:38 

We, believers also should help people reset their balance between spirit, soul and body and help them live a liberated life with the grace of Jesus.   

 - Sr. Angelica (To be continued)

Prophecy NEWS Updates

Syria And The End Times

With all the events taking place in Syria right now, many people are asking, "What does the Bible have to say about Syria and the end times? Is this the beginning of World War III and Armageddon?" Those are legitimate questions, but let me assure you, this is not the end. How can I be so sure? Because the Bible says Armageddon takes place at the end of the seven year Tribulation (Revelation 16:16), and the Tribulation has yet to begin.That said, I believe recent events in Syria have great significance when it comes to the study of bible prophecy. This doesn't mean you're guaranteed to see the immediate fulfillment of any specific bible prophecy. However, it does mean you should pay close attention. Why? Because, at the very least, these events are setting the table for the fulfillment of multiple bible prophecies.

Just look around you. The signs of the Second Coming are everywhere. The restoration of Israel (Isaiah 11:12)... The Jews back in Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28)... The Gospel preached to the world (Matthew 24:14)... An increase in travel and knowledge (Daniel 12:4)... The rise of the European Union (Daniel 2:43)... And many more. Jesus says once you see all these signs come together, His return is near (Luke 21:28). This means the Tribulation is close, and you should expect to see the fulfillment of many end times prophecies in the near future. Below are two prophetic events especially relevant to the ongoing events in Syria. The first could take place at any moment. I believe a careful study of the Bible reveals the second event will take place sometime after the war foretold in Psalm 83. Either way, both events could be very close to fulfillment. While both could still be several years away, breaking events could lead to their fulfillment in this very hour.

1) The Destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17)

Chapter 17 in the Book of Isaiah paints a sobering picture. In it, the city of Damascus is a pile of rubble. The Bible says it will disappear from the face of the earth and become a heap of ruins (Isaiah 17:1). At the same time, large parts of northern Israel will also lie in ruin (Isaiah 17:3). Now, before you say this prophecy was fulfilled during Old Testament times, keep this in mind... This passage says Damascus will cease to be a city (Isaiah 17:1). It will be utterly and completely destroyed. Yet, Damascus is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities on record. Its history goes back more than 5,000 years. At 2,600 years old, the Book of Isaiah itself is new compared to Damascus! This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled.So how do current events in Syria relate to Isaiah 17? Following the U.S. strike on the Syrian airfield Shayrat, Syria's allies issued a joint statement saying, "What America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines. From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well". While this statement was clearly in response to a U.S. bombing, these nations made it clear they will respond to any nation they view as an aggressor. This includes Israel. While it hasn't been a major news story, Israel has also been bombing Syria. They're bombing Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists operating on the northern border of Israel. If Syria and its allies view their situation as desperate, they may decide to use these bombing raids as an excuse to launch a chemical attack on Israel. This is because drawing Israel into the war could rally the Muslim world to Syria's side. Saddam Hussein tried this same tactic during the first Gulf War. In 1991, he fired Scud missiles at Israel in an effort to draw them into the war and break up the coalition aligned against him.

Read more : http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=1171


National worship centre (NWC)

  • When I was worshipping I saw a vision that I was crossing water flowing heavily from the dam without any fear. Thank you Jesus for this.
  • I had a strong feeling about the Chechoslavika country. I had vision of seeing a park and water is flowing in a small river and wooden bridge over the river. I saw a vision of a soldier riding on a white horse.
  • A vision about Argentina country. A white bird was floating in the river which I saw yesterday. I saw a vision of a soldier carrying modern weapons and were going underground. Doing protection work.
  • Had a vision about Siberia country where icy rocks falling down and the birds are migrating to other areas. In the vision I also saw Morocco country under idol worship and saw people sacrificing animals (like pigs).
  • I saw a vision about India. Because of rash driving in a fly over of the city, I saw buses, Lorries and other vehicles are falling from the bridge. I was asked to hold these events in prayers. I could see Tamilnadu in dry and droughty conditions. The Okkanekal dam also dry  without water. The Cauvery Delta lands were droughty and dry. Children are playing cricket in the Kallanai dam. People will have to learn to take bath in one bucket only  and  a situation robbing drinking water can happen .I was asked to pray for the above adverse conditions in Tamilnadu.

Praise God for the successful completion of 13139 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)   

Christian NEWS

Australia: Christians Experiencing Increased Attacks from Muslim Extremists

Christians in Australia are facing increased persecution and are especially being targeted by Muslim gangs.CBN News reports that recently, a Greek Orthodox Christian man was targeted for wearing a cross necklace.A group of Muslims reportedly stopped the man and his girlfriend. They ripped the necklace from his neck and stomped on it. They then proceeded to inflict physical injury on the man, kicking and punching him.When the man’s girlfriend tried to intervene, she was reportedly also punched and kicked by Muslim women who were part of the group.The man reported afterward that his attackers were “Middle Eastern in appearance” and said they referred to “Allah" and blasphemed the name of Jesus. The man also claimed that five railway transport officers witnessed the attack but did nothing to help. Train officials, however, maintained that their employees are not authorized to take action in the case of an assault.Baptist Pastor George Capsis says this attack is cause for concern for Australian Christians. Capsis noted that this was the fourth such attack on Christians in Sydney in the past six months.Christians have been cautioned against displaying Christians symbols, such as crucifixes, in areas dominated by Muslims in order to prevent further attacks.


Churches targeted on Palm Sunday, Modi stays silent

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been criticised for condemning the Palm Sunday attacks on churches in Egypt but failing to condemn attacks in his own country. On the same day that two churches were bombed in Egypt, five churches in India – in five different states – were targeted. Church groups have called for extra security to be provided for churches in the run-up to Easter, and for the perpetrators to be brought to justice.“Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemned the Egypt bombings but is not bothered about the blunt intimidation and assaults on Christians under his care,” Rev. Roger Gaikwad, general secretary of the National Council of Churches in India, told World Watch Monitor.“Modi as usual wants to maintain a good international image. Such a statement [condemning attacks in Egypt] also bolsters the stereotype of Muslims as terrorists and Christians as people who are attacked because their proselytising activities are inviting problems for themselves.” The Evangelical Fellowship of India released a statement today (11 April), in which it criticised the “targeting of Christians on special days of worship, such as Palm Sunday” as “condemnable”. We urge the respective state governments and the central [federal] government to not only take note of these violations, but also to take action to curtail the non-state actors who function with impunity,” the statement read. “It is important, especially now as we are in the Passion Week, for, going by the trends so far, it seems the incidents may escalate during Good Friday and Easter. It does not reflect well on the world’s largest democracy, if incidents like these continue to hound religious minorities. “We also request that the state machinery be held accountable and responsible for enforcing the rule of law, so that minorities can live in peace and without fear,”

Four of the five states in which the incidents took place are ruled by the Hindu-nationalist BJP – Modi’s party.  Meanwhile, so-called “anti-conversion laws” – which on the face of it protect against forced conversions but in reality discriminate against minority groups by forbidding them from any evangelism – are in force in the central state of Madhya Pradesh, where one attack took place, while they are also soon likely to be introduced in the western state of Rajasthan, where another incident occurred. Such laws also used to be in force in another of the affected states – the southern state of Tamil Nadu – but were repealed after the ruling party lost all its parliamentary seats. The National Council of Churches in India said the sudden spurt in anti-Christian violence is a “signal” that Hindu nationalist groups like the BJP and RSS “are going to use the communal card in the most blatant way” – by teaching majority-Hindus that minorities like Christians and Muslims present a threat to the Hindu nation. Activist John Dayal added: “The rash of violence against Christians, disrupting Palm Sunday prayers, speaks of a heightened impunity, and, we suspect, a more direct collusion of police and local authorities.” 

Volume 5 Issue 15

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pro  12:20  The spirit of deceit which is in the heart of those who devise evil

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

We are conducting Forgiveness and Reconciliation Program throughout India since this is the message given by the Lord for the year 2017. One subject is “Can evil spirits enter and live in a believer”. While this class is being taught, some of the Church leaders get offended. They ask questions and finally get cleared of their doubts.

While I was learning my Bible portion today, it read

Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. Lk 22:3 

If satan can enter into an apostle of Jesus,  there is no doubt satan can enter into anybody if the doors are open. He immediately went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them. And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money(Lk. 22:4-5)

Money was the weakness of Judas. Satan entered into him through the open door of “love of money”. Satan made him blind, and so he went  off his senses until the time Jesus was condemned  to death. (Mat 27:3) After that he came to his senses and regretted but in vain. Today, many Christians and believers are blind, off their senses  because they are left ignorant of the activities of satan. What a pity!

Most of the Christians are deprived of the joy of salvation today because, they live with satan. He has crept into their lives in a very subtle way through their sinful inclinations! They are ignorant of it, and by the time his works are exposed, much irreparable damage would have been done!

Believers! Beware!

The Lord has declared 2017 – as the year of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

This month (March 2017) let us pray for parents and children that they receive God’s grace to forgive and be reconciled with each other in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let us prophesy in the name of Jesus Christ that a being relationship prevails between parents and children 

WEEK 1         

 1.Family properties are to  be settled  and divided  between children in a peaceful  way  and they exhibit  the spirit of contentment

2.That children grow in a spirit contentment.(1 Tm 6:8)

3.The head of the family to pay attention to gather  the family members together once in a while to offer  the sacrifice of praise, thanksgiving and repentance

4.That every family member  be keen on fulfilling  God’s will

5.That parents live and bring up  children in the spirit of sacrifice, ready to give up one’s own interest in favor of others             

FRP Classes – FRP – Kolkotha 10,11



Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme (FRP)

Message for year 2017 !

Luke 24:47--49"And then repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem".

In order to bring the fruits of forgiveness and reconciliation in your personal life and in the land of India, a two days training is arranged

Upcoming FRP Programs

You are invited for the 'Forgiveness & Reconciliation Program' (FRP) on Maripeda – April 14 (One day class)

It transforms souls, delivers people from bondages, and enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the Word of God. Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program. Please Pray / attend /send participants & be blessed to bless others.


FRP Classes – Khammam – April 7 & 8 2017

2 3

Covenant Women Meet

 “Now gather yourself in Troops, O daughter of troops, he had laid siege against us. “ Micah: 5:1

A wonderful opportunity for ladies who want to serve the Lord

A movement to raise the status of Women in India

Both in history and in the Bible Women’s role is very important in a nation.

During the crucial period of our Lord’s visitation of India (2007 – 2014), He wants our fair sex mass play a vital role in the transformation of our nation. In order to train them up, a 12 hour training Programme is given by the Lord. KHRDC has started implementing it.

This training session covers the following subjects

  • Fallen nature of women and restoration by Jesus Christ
  • Building relationship
  • Finance Management
  • House Maintenance
  • Exercising the authority of parents
  • Behavioral patterns
  • Common sicknesses of women and Medical checkup.
  • Civic Sense

The Lord is in need of "6 filled Jars"  to accomplish His work as He did in Cana. (John 2:1-11 )

The jars should be filled with the Holy Spirit!!

The Lord will add to it colour, odour,  taste, value etc.,

People can draw wine from the jars to give taste,  strength,  love and  value to the women of the world.....!!

"" Oh Dear Covenant woman, “ARE YOU A FILLED JAR??”  If you are a WOMAN FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT the Lord is ready to make use of you to bring taste,  joy and love to the women of our Nation ""


Find out the jars who are simply sitting outside the houses and synagogue for washing purpose!!  (Traditional Christian life) 

The Master is in need of you???

Are you ready???!!!!!

Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

Upcoming BFF Batches

April 18-23 - English - Goa – 9822181817, 9922910936 (Sol. Arvind )

April 16-21 - Tamil - Chennai – 9840394103 (Sol.Rithish)

April 25-30 - Tamil - Nagercoil – 9487658984 (Sol.Marjit)

Troop Church Testimonies

Troop Name : Worship Him in Truth and Spirit, Porur

Date of troop meeting : 6th April 2017

Sis.Tamilarasi (Hindu) - 10 year old hip pain healed in Jesus name instantly.

Daughter Deepika (Hindu) – Disk bulge healed in Jesus name instantly.

This was the third sitting of the troop Worship Him in Truth and Spirit_ troop. This is the fourth troop started at our home. The third troop was disbursed on 16th March 2017. The present troop was started on 23rd March 2017 with an end date as 8th June 2017. As usual, the Lord has brought members for the new troop. The house was as usual full with new members. Glory to Jesus. Amen.

A Muslim girl, a two Roman Catholic women, a Hindu mother in law of a member and a Hindu family of four participated for the first time. The hall was filled with members. The entire Hindu family became members of the troop church. Glory to Jesus. Amen.

Sis.Tamilarasi (Hindu) - 10 year old hip pain healed in Jesus name instantly.

The Hindu family belongs to the class mate of my son.The lady of the family Tamilarasi had 10 years of pain in the hip. Someone had to help her to get up from bed. So, the offer was made to the family if Jesus healed her, would they accept Jesus as their sole savior and God? Except the father everyone agreed. Now two the troop members, viz., Sis.Ruth and Sis.Lydia Laxmi laid their hand and commanded the hip joint pain to leave her body in Jesus name. Other troop members raised their hands and supported their prayers.

And Sis.Tamilarasi was healed by Jesus instantly. The women members took her to the bedroom and verified whether she was able to lay down on a mat and then get up on her own. Yes, she could do that without any pain. Her daughter Anandi witnessed the whole thing. As promised, the three members have agreed to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Baptism will be given to them in the coming week. Amen.

GIFT SCHOOL – Jeramiah School of Prophecy (JSP)

Prophecy Training for Children

First Prophecy training for children aged between 5 - 10 was conducted at pannaiyur ,Chennai on 8-04-2017

8 Children attend the 3 hours training, which made us understand that God started using children powerfully in these last days. God make us discern that gift for some children is already working .This course encouraged us to take the necessary step to upgrade the syllabus for the upcoming classes.

6 5 4

TEACHING: Truth about baptism – Bro C.Umashankar IAS

TEACHING: Truth about baptism –  baptism, “it is a counterfeit currency”, thus says the Lord. Can the believers escape hell fire? What happens when a blind leads a blind? (Luke 6:39)



Revelation 22:18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.    

Any addition or deletion in the word of God would result in hell. RC/CSI and the like dead churches have altered the gospel according to their convenience. Hell awaits them as per these two verses.



 9(2)The cursed (are those who twist the gospel):    

Galatians 1:6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel,

7which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.

8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed   As per the word of God, those who promote the counterfeit baptism are enemies of the Lord.

And also those who take the counterfeit baptism under them. Both the categories will land up in hell.



Nowadays, the churches have introduced 3-4 session training before baptism.  This has no Biblical base. The Bible shows that the apostles showed an extreme urgency about baptism.

We see it in Acts 16:33, the leader of the jail and all his close relatives took baptism in the dead of the night itself!  

We see the same urgency in Acts 8:37-38.     Because salvation means accepting Christ as son of God followed by baptism. Without baptism there is no salvation (Mark 16:16, Acts 16:30,31)


In the Eden garden, it was the fruit of knowledge. Thereafter, it was conscience. After saved from Egyptian slavery, it was the Moses Law.

Later, it was baptism given by John the Baptism. And now it is covenant baptism. What is it all?   

These were / are the touchstones to find out how much we love the Lord through obedience. In other words, these are stumbling blocks, including baptism. It was a very easy stumbling block given by the Lord to Adam and Eve to retain Heaven in Eden Garden.

Conscience was also easy to follow up. Thereafter the Lord gave the Israelites the Law which was more severe, in fact the severest stumbling block to reach Heaven.

The Lord eased the gentiles from the rigours of the Law and made it easy to reserve a berth in Heaven (Acts 15:18-31). But still there is a stumbling block that tests whether we love and honour Jesus or men. That stumbling block is baptism.

Those who have no love for Jesus stumble at this and go to hell. Those who have real love for Jesus, they do not stumble but comply with the water (baptism) covenant.    

The word of God says in 1 Timothy 2:4 that the Lord “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”. But the underlying reality is that the Lord does not want half spirited and double minded people to inherit the Heaven (Rev.3:15,16).

–To be continued

Prophecy NEWS Updates

Should we take out Assad?
Do we really know what’s going on in Syria?

Secretary of State Tillerson says that Bashar Assad is guilty of using chemical weapons against his own people. Former Congressman Ron Paul says there's no way Assad would do this at this point in time. A report on Infowars claims that Syrian rebels are responsible for the attack. President Trump blames Obama's inaction for what happened in Syria. Senator McCain rips Trump. Do we really know what's going on in Syria? And even if we did, should we try to remove Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad?

According to Rex Tillerson, "There is no doubt in our mind and the information we have supports that Syria, the Syrian regime under the leadership of Bashar al-Assad are responsible for this attack and I think further it's very important that the Russian government consider carefully their continued support for the Assad regime." According to Ron Paul, "It doesn't make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gasses," he continued. "I think there is a zero chance he would have done, you know, this deliberately." According to Infowars, "the White Helmets, a al-Qaeda affiliated group funded by George Soros and the British government, reportedly staged the sarin attack on civilians in the Syrian city of Khan Shaykhun to lay blame on the Syrian government."

Who's right? Obviously, the Trump administration has far more intel than any of us, and America has already launched its first attack on an airfield in Syria. But our previous missteps in the Middle East call for caution. We should not act unilaterally until we have a long-term plan. Think back to Iraq. We may have had the best intentions in removing Saddam Hussein from power, and he was certainly guilty of horrific crimes. But his removal created a vacuum of power in the region, contributing to the rise of ISIS and the terrible persecution of Christians (and others). What happens if we take out Assad? Right-wing commentator Paul Joseph Watson expressed his concerns in one tweet: "Regime change in Syria = More dead children More terrorism More refugees ISIS taking the entire country Possible war with Russia. Disaster The problem is that the sarin attack is so ghastly that it feels criminal not to act. Who can forget the images of the gassed children? Who can forget the picture of the father holding his dead baby twins? If war is hell, the war in Syria has been a special kind of hell, a literal inferno of suffering. Yet this latest attack has crossed yet another line.

But for that very reason, we must act cautiously and carefully, especially now that we have struck our first retaliatory blow. Hundreds of thousands of lives have already been lost. Unspeakable atrocities have already been committed. People have been blown to bits, ripped apart, maimed, tortured, and more. Children have lost their parents and parents have lost their children. Whole families have been destroyed in a single day. The peace-loving have been butchered side by side with the terrorists, and really bad guys are present on all sides of the battle. In short, while the sarin attack crossed a definite line, other lines have been crossed time and again (do you remember President Obama's red line?). And so, we must act, but we must act prudently. The most recent atrocity, as appalling as it is, cannot force our hand. What then do we do?

First, if we are not 100 percent sure that the Assad regime is responsible for the chemical attack, we must continue gathering information, even after our first strikes. The lasting controversy over WMD's in Iraq serves as a cautionary warning. Second, we must think through the long-term regional implications of whatever actions we take, lest our actions lead to even greater suffering and instability. Third, we must do what we can to support the best players in this bloody drama (if such players exist) while doing our best to protect and aid the innocent, like Syrian Christians who have been caught in the crossfire. Fourth, we must pray for God's kingdom to come to Syria, in the words of the Lord's prayer. Only divine intervention can bring real healing to that ravaged nation.


Christian NEWS

Hindu Group Claims Christians Tried Forced Conversions in India

Yogi Adityanath, the new chief minister of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, during a news conference last month in Lucknow. NEW DELHI — Police officers in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh were called to a Christian church in the Maharajganj district on Friday by members of a Hindu youth group who demanded that the officers investigate a group of Americans they believed were engaged in forced religious conversions.

When a team of police officers, led by Anand Kumar Gupta, arrived at St. Andrew’s Church in the village of Dadhauli, about 230 miles east of Lucknow, they found about 25 activists from the group Hindu Yuva Vahini with a written request for a police inquiry, Mr. Gupta said. Inside the church, the police found nine foreigners, including American tourists, and a group of villagers involved in a prayer service, but no evidence of efforts to convert Hindus to Christianity. After checking the passports of the foreigners and ensuring that they all had valid tourist visas, the police allowed them to leave. “We did not file any complaint as we found no such activity happening there,” Mr. Gupta said. The incident left the foreigners and their host shaken. “We were all shocked,” said Dev Raj, a member of a Christian organization in New Delhi who had taken a group of friends, seven Americans and two Ukranians, on a tour of northern India. “My friends said: ‘Is this what normally happens in India? That you visit a church and are mobbed by a group of men?’ ” The encounter underscores the tensions between emboldened right-wing Hindu activists and India’s minority groups, particularly over missionary activity. Concerns about this issue were reflected in a decision last month by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his governing Bharatiya Janata Party to shut down a Christian charity, Compassion International, because of suspicions that it was engaging in conversions.


Two Christian Churches Bombed in Egypt on Palm Sunday, ISIS Takes Credit

Editor's note: The latest reports put the death toll of these bombings at 43 (USA). Christians in Egypt request our prayers after two churches in Northern Egypt suffered bomb attacks during Palm Sunday services on 9th April. The first bomb exploded inside Mar Girgis (St. George's) Coptic Orthodox church in Tanta, in Gharbiya governorate in the Nile Delta region. The bishopric has issued a list of 26 names of people who died in the attack. According to the Ministry of Health, 71 people were injured. Later during the morning of 9th April, a suicide bomber was intercepted and detonated his device outside St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria. According to a statement by the Ministry of Health, six people were killed in this attack and 33 were injured. Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadrous II was presiding over the Palm Sunday celebrations in the cathedral, but he is reported to be unharmed.


Christians in Egypt ask us to pray:


  1. for God's comfort for those who lost loved ones and for full recovery of the injured
  2. for comfort and encouragement for the wider Christian community and for God's protection over his church in Egypt and over other targets of these kinds of attacks
  3. that the perpetrators of these violent attacks and the instigators behind them will be found and brought to justice.


The above report is provided by Middle East Concern

According to CBN, Bishop Angaelos, the General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, expressed his condolences in a statement. "While it is still too early to determine responsibility, what is undeniable is the senseless and heartless brutality that can lead a person or people to indiscriminately take innocent lives, especially at the most vulnerable hour of prayer.... Today we suffer with our sisters and brothers who have experienced losses in London, in Stockholm, and as well as those who continue to suffer on a daily basis across the Middle East. We pray for them and their families as well as their suffering and struggling communities," Bishop Angaelos said.


Nigeria: Boko Haram Has Killed at Least 500 Priests

Boko Haram continues to terrorize Nigerians and especially Christians. It is estimated that at least 500 Catholic priests have been killed in the country due to the violent Boko Haram militants. According to a report from NAIJ.com, the 500 priests were all killed in Borno state. In addition, 250 Catholic churches were set on fire by Boko Haram and as many as 80,000 Nigerian Catholics have been made homeless. Many have fled to Cameroon as refugees. “The battle against Boko Haram should not be limited to the physical realm,” said Rev. Oliver Doeme, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Maiduguri. “It needs to be fought in the spiritual realm for it is a demonic attack.” Just this week, Boko Haram militants kidnapped 22 Nigerian girls. In 2014, the militants had captured 276 Chibok schoolgirls in Nigeria which turned into an event surrounded by a national outcry. Several of the girls have since been released or have escaped. The extremists particularly target Christians and schools. The name “Boko Haram” means “Western education is forbidden.”


Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has been cracking down on the Boko Haram extremists. Although the militants are losing ground, they still pose a threat to Nigeria’s people.


150 Christians Forced to Stop Church Prayers in India Amid Accusations of Conversions

A Christian prayer meeting, which was being attended by over 150 people and 11 American tourists, was stopped by police after a Hindu nationalist group, which was started by the new chief minister of the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, lodged a complaint alleging it was aimed at conversions to Christianity. Hindu Yuva Vahini, a rightwing youth organization known for arson and violence on minorities, filed a police complaint against Pastor Yohannan Adam of an independent church in the Dathauli area of Maharajganj district in Uttar Pradesh, claiming that Hindus were being forcibly converted, the Indian newspaper Hindustan Times reported. "No prior permission was taken before the meeting. We stopped the meet after a complaint was registered. A probe is underway and appropriate action will be taken if the charges are correct," a police officer, Anand Kumar Gupta, was quoted as saying. Speaking to the newspaper, Krishna Nandan, a leader of the Hindu group, said, "The presence of U.S. nationals indicates that innocent and illiterate Hindus were being converted by the missionaries, who lured them with money to change their religion." The U.S. tourists, however, had required documents and visas and were allowed to go. Police also confirmed no conversions were sought at the meeting Friday. "We did not file any complaint as we found no such activity happening there," Gupta told The New York Times. "We were all shocked," Dev Raj, a Christian and a friend of the tourists, was quoted as saying. "My friends said: 'Is this what normally happens in India? That you visit a church and are mobbed by a group of men?'" Adityanath assumed office of Uttar Pradesh state's chief minister last month after the victory of the BJP in that state. Attacks on the Christian minority have increased across India since the Hindu national Bharatiya Janata Party won the national election in 2014. Earlier this year, the same Hindu group attacked the Full Gospel Church in Gorakhpur area in the same state, alleging conversions. In February, an evangelist, 47-year-old Dr. Kusuma Anjeneya Swamy, reportedly fell into a coma not long after he was harassed by Hindu nationalists for publicly distributing copies of the New Testament in the southern city of Hyderabad. The group of men threatened to burn him alive and questioned whether "Jesus will save you from the flames." Although there was no evidence of physical violence, the evangelist apparently suffered a brain hemorrhage and slipped into a coma hours after the incident.

Last month, more than 100 members of Congress wrote a letter to India's interior minister, urging him to allow U.S.-based Christian child sponsorship organization Compassion International to continue its work in that country. The charity ended its programs in India amid an ongoing crackdown by the BJP government on nonprofits that receive foreign funds. The Indian government's treatment of Compassion International has "caused serious concern within the U.S Congress," said the letter addressed to India's Home Minister Rajnath Singh. "We are writing because we believe the Ministry of Home Affairs has issued an inter-bank circular preventing all commercial banks in India from processing CI's wire transfers without prior Ministry approval. As a result, Compassion is unable to process the funds it needs to continue … to the detriment of the hundreds of thousands of children Compassion serves in India. Many of our constituents, who have built emotional attachments through years of building relationships with these kids, are devastated by this wrenching cutoff," the letter continued. The Indian government alleges that Compassion was funding religious conversions.A representative of India's chief Hindu nationalist group, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, which is connected with the governing party, sought to engage with the charity through back-channel negotiations. "You think, 'Wow, am I negotiating with the government or am I negotiating with an ideological movement that is fueling the government?'" Santiago Mellado, the group's chief executive officer in Colorado Springs, was quoted as saying.

Know your Bible

Body, Soul and SpiritDeliverance Ministry

Now  body (flesh)  is consumed  away, body weight goes down, to that extent where muscles are not at all seen . In our language, we say “he is only skin and bones”

Diseases like tuberculosis where body wastes away.

Only bones will be seen. They protrude.

His flesh is consumed away, that it cannot be seen; and his bones that were not seen stick out. V. 21

Yea, his soul draweth near unto the grave, and his life to the destroyers. V.22

It takes him to a stage, where  he nears death. At this point, the destroyer (satan) may approach God to claim his life. It  happened to  Job.

At this stage, if a mediator intercedes God for him, He will have pity on him.

If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness: Then he is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.  V 33:23, 24 

This is what Jesus our Redeemer did to us. He stood in the gap between the Almighty God, the righteous judge and  the perishing humanity. He paid the  ransom and  redeemed humanity from eternal damnation. Now every time satan claims right on a sinful man, if he turns to the Cross at Calvary, confess the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, rebuke satan, he can  claim victory.

Healing and deliverance comes instantly

His flesh shall be fresher than a child's: he shall return to the days of his youth:

He shall pray unto God, and he will be favourable unto him: and he shall see his face with joy: v. 25, 26

He comes out of  the prison of sickness. The whole body becomes like that of a child.

 In the Old Testament Namaan  had a miraculous healing like this.

Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean. 2Ki 5:14

When man  comes out of the  prison  with a testimony  like this which brings glory to God and His righteousness

 “I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not; v. 27

In the above incident, we saw how the Lord delivers the soul of a man. He is not only concerned with his spirit but also the soul and body of man which he created.

He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light. V.28 

Lo, all these things worketh God oftentimes with man,   To bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the living. V. 29,30

Sickness of man can be interpreted as setting right. the imbalance of body, soul and spirit.

 - Sr. Angelica (To be continued)

Know your enemy

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:1

The Old Testament - Roman Catholicism 

Catholic Symbols  (Catholicism – The Mysteries With A Mask)

This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire. – Deuteronomy 7:5

Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places. - Deuteronomy 12:3

They also set up for themselves high places, sacred stones and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every spreading tree. - 1 Kings 14:23

(Again notice the links with high places and trees which are rooted in the Adam and Eve story.)

He did evil in the eyes of the LORD, but not as his father and mother had done. He got rid of the sacred stone of Baal that his father had made. - 2 Kings 3:2

They brought the sacred stone out of the temple of Baal and burned it. - 2 Kings 10:26

They demolished the sacred stone of Baal and tore down the temple of Baal, and  people have used it for a latrine to this day. - 2 Kings 10:27

He removed the foreign altars and the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. - 2 Chronicles 14:3

When all this had ended, the Israelites who were there went out to the towns of Judah, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. They destroyed the high places and the altars throughout Judah and Benjamin and in Ephraim and Manasseh. After they had destroyed all of them, the Israelites returned to their own towns and to their own property. - 2 Chronicles 31:1

There in the temple of the sun in Egypt he will demolish the sacred pillars and will burn down the temples of the gods of Egypt. - Jeremiah 43:13

I will destroy your carved images and your sacred stones from among you;  you will no longer bow down        to the work of your hands. - Micah 5:13

Another Hebrew word is used for "sun images" or obelisks; the word chamman. Again, here is the Strong's definition- a sun-pillar, idol, image. ‘Chamman’ is used in the following verses:

They will not look to the altars,   the work of their hands,   and they will have no regard for the Asherah poles  and the incense altars their fingers have made. - Isaiah 17:8

By this, then, will Jacob's guilt be atoned for, and this will be the full fruitage of the removal of his sin:        When he makes all the altar stones  to be like chalk stones crushed to pieces, no Asherah poles or incense altars  will be left standing. - Isaiah 27:9

Under his direction the altars of the Baals were torn down; he cut to pieces the incense altars that were above them, and smashed the Asherah poles, the idols and the images. These he broke to pieces and scattered over the graves of those who had sacrificed to them. - 2 Chronicles 34:4

So we can see from the multitude of verses that not only were they were extremely prevalent in ancient times, but that God utterly despises them and would have them destroyed and turned into dust because they represent the satanic Baal and Asherah. And yet the Catholic church have set one up right in the middle of their plaza. This particular pole was taken directly from ancient Egypt were it was worshipped as the dwelling place of 'the sun god'. It is the largest in existence and now it takes pride of place in the centre of Catholic HQ. Now why would a Christian organisation take a sun god monument that God repeatedly says should be destroyed, and set it up in the middle of their city?

-Mark Fairley

National worship centre (NWC)

In the year 2006 June 16, the Lord revealed His plan for India. He is going to visit the nation India in 14 years. The first 7 years (2007-2013) will be years of Abundance. The second 7 years (2014-2020) will be years of spiritual Famine in India. In order to save His children from famine, the  Lord ordered  the Church to segregate  20% of  its resources (material, spiritual including souls), preserve it in the safe places (Central and State warehouses). During the famine period, the Church in India will go to the underground. The saved 20% will be used as food and seed not only for India but for the whole world. After the 14 years India will be declared a Christian Nation.

To work it out the Lord gave another vision, “Model Church” in which the Lord showed how the Church throughout the world today has gone astray totally from His plans. He challenged the Church heads as well as believers to forward to build up the Church as per His model. Those who cooperate with Him will be blessed. Those who refuse will be thrown out of ministry.

On 19.8.2013, the Lord gave the final warning to the Church in India, and extended a call to the believers of India to rise up and build His Church where every believer (instead of only Pastors) will be trained and equipped in the  gifts given to him/her, they will start doing ministry in their work places. Many such Gift Schools were started from September 2014 onwards. They spread like wild fire because they achieved the  rekindling of the gifts in believers.

In  the year 2008 the Lord asked a question, “Is there a place where I am worshipped 24/7? In 2010 March He gave the specifications for a National Worship Centre. Even though we did not have money, place or people with us to execute this, we told the Lord that we are willing to fulfill His desire. During the end of 2013, when the Years of Abundance were coming to a close, the Lord revealed the strategy of the National Worship Centre (NWC). About 100 believers came forward to take up 24 hours prayer for three months continuously. As a result, the NWC sprang up like a bud on 13.4.2014. It was a miracle of 7 days. Everything happened in 7 days.


The Lord had already foretold  that when the NWC is opened, the spiritual war to win India for Jesus Christ will start. The opening of it will be a trumpet sign and a war cry for the children of God.

The testimonies written at the NWC prove it to be true.


  • I saw Denmark in my vision They forgot that their already blessed by God and the entire country was covered in darkness.
  • I saw Belgium country in my vision and saw a cow mulching itself.
  • I fely in my about Cambodia country. A mud pot was found in pieces and tribal man not wearing any shirt looking like sitting on a buffalo.
  • I could feel about the Uruguay country. Vision of affected by famine and drought.Looking dry and food shortage.

By Sr.Angelica and team

Praise God for the successful completion of 13139 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)   

Volume 5 Issue 14

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Jn 5:44  The spirit  which makes  receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God 

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

No longer steward

There was a rich man who had appointed a manager to look after his property. Complaints were received  about him that he is wasting the goods.  The rich man verified it and found it to be true . One day he called and enquired the manager and kicked him out of job.

2016 years ago, Jesus came to this earth, shed His blood, showed a new way for humanity to attain eternal life. He entrusted with His Church,  the work of showing the true  way to the people.  He did not establish  a religion, or an organization not  even  a movement. But entrusted it with individuals who love Him and willingly  establish a personal relationship with Him.

Church was  supposed to show this way to the whole world. But complaints were received that  the Church is not doing its duty properly; Instead was wasting the resources (gifts) in every believer.

So Complaints were filed  to the upper court in  heaven about the church in India.

  1. The money believers pay to the Church is wasted on buildings and lands.
  2. The leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ, are not perfecting the saints for the work of the ministry,  (Eph 4:11,12) the primary work for which they were 
  3. Nobody is permanently sent out of the Church for ministry (Eph 4:11,12)
  4. Signs of the believers mentioned in Mk. 16:17,18 is not seen in any of the believers.
  5. Even after Jesus Christ has abolished mediatory priesthood system on the cross, it is brought back into the hierarchical  system of the Church which divides the believers into 2 classes, priests (pastors) the all powerful leaders  and  believers  who are deprived of everything.
  6. Instead of connecting the believers with the owner Jesus Christ, leaders  are connecting them to themselves

Many are the complaints ….

Heaven has taken up this file for trial, completed the hearing, and passed the judgment.  Here is the judgment:

Lk 16:2 “Give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward”. 

The Lord has declared 2017 – as the year of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

This month (March 2017) let us pray for parents and children that they receive God’s grace to forgive and be reconciled with each other in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let us prophesy in the name of Jesus Christ that a being relationship prevails between parents and children 

WEEK 1         

1.For the children to come out of the spirit of rivalry but to grow in love.

2.That children pull out  envy and  bitterness from their hearts and accept one another  in love.

3.That family members receive and grow in  the knowledge of the word of God.

4.Through this knowledge   they be prudent, discerns the tactics of  satan and run away  from that.

5.Those who are strong bear with those in the family  who are weak and manifest  a helping attitude 

FRP – Buldhana, Maharashtra


Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

Upcoming BFF Batches

April 18-23 - English-Goa – 9822181817,9922910936 (Sol. Arvind )

BFF – Batch 105 – Panaiyur, Chennai (5 Participants)

1 2

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme (FRP)

Message for year 2017 !

Luke 24:47--49"And then repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem".

In order to bring the fruits of forgiveness and reconciliation in your personal life and in the land of India, a two days training is arranged

Upcoming FRP Programs

You are invited for the 'Forgiveness & Reconciliation Program' (FRP) on                      

April 7-8 ' 2017 (Fri-Sat) from (9am -5 pm). ( 5 sessions per day)


It transforms souls, delivers people from bondages, and enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the Word of God. Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program. Please Pray / attend /send participants & be blessed to bless others.

Contact :

Mr D.KISHORE KUMAR, 9959959355, MR M.VENKATESHWARLU 9705877963,

MRS.VIJAYA NIRMALA      7288894199

For contact details - 8689896938 (Sol.Rachel)

April 7 & 8 –Ernakulam,Kerala- Br.Ujin:9846674535,Br.Tenson:9447747929

FRP Testimonies

  1. FRP held on 30.3.2017 and 31.3.2017 in Buldhana, Maharashtra  . Everybody who participated in the program testified  that peace and families  restored. 2.Many saw visions.
  2. A child of 17 yrs who was handicapped. and who couldn't walk from birth got delivered and spoke the word of God meet finally was able to stand on his own leg and  walked. The people who were present when this miracle took place now believe that Jesus is the only God .
  3. The AG church head want us to come back for conducting this programme again so that  all the members of the church could avail this program.
  4. All are ready to take this programme to more districts .and people have adopted many districts. Glory to God.

Gift School

David School of worship

Did you know worshipping the lord can heal your sickness

Hold on! This is just  beginning

Matthew 8 -  2. And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 3. And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.

Be blessed

David School of worship level 1 is  open for registration for classes on 13th & 14th may 2017

Time: 8:30 am to 6:00pm

Venue : Mount carmel soc 209 E wing Nera Road, Row House Lane, chiple, New Panvel - 410206

Contact No : 02265580008

Bro Jagdish 9930804564

Sis Jevika 7021735318

Bro Sathya 9967199426

Reg. Fee: Rs.300/-  please pray & send participants please call & register your name in advance seats are limited

TEACHING: Truth about baptism – Bro C.Umashankar IAS

TEACHING: Truth about baptism –  baptism, “it is a counterfeit currency”, thus says the Lord. Can the believers escape hell fire? What happens when a blind leads a blind? (Luke 6:39)

The uncomfortable question #1 8(1) CAN A BLIND LEAD ANOTHER BLIND (LUKE 6:39)?     

Without the Holy Spirit in them, the preachers lack the essential qualification – the Holy Spirit!     Without the Holy Spirit, they are spiritually blind. A spiritually blind person can lead others to hell only. Luke 6:39 And He spoke a parable to them: “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch?    

Do we need any further clarification before fleeing these blind men? BEING LED BY THE SPIRIT – AN EXAMPLE Let me give you an example to convince you to flee (run away) from these blind driven churches. When I was writing this paper, I wanted to make a comparison of the fake baptism with the thing we use in our everyday life. Instantly I decided to ask the Holy Spirit. I asked him for an idea. In a flash the reply came “Child baptism is like counterfeit currency as you cannot buy anything using a counterfeit currency, one cannot get into Heaven using child baptism”! Cool.     This is what is called “being led by the Spirit”



2000 years ago massive crowds came to John the Baptist and complied with baptism requirement when it was a new concept. The Law given through Moses does not contain baptism. But when the Lord introduced it, whole towns came to John the Baptist to take baptism.


Matthew 3:4 Now John himself was clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey. 5 Then Jerusalem, all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him 6 and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins. 7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?    

2000 years later, when we have access to the word of God in the form of printed bible and with so much of information available from various sources, if we say baptism is not in water, what would be your defence when you stand before the Son of Man for judgment?   

No one can mock God (Galatians 6:7). No one is allowed to teach the Lord! (Isaiah 40:13, Romans 11:34) 

Isaiah 40:13 Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord, Or as His counselor has taught Him?    

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap    


The uncomfortable question #3 8(3) DO YOU HAVE THE MARK OF A BELIEVER? MARK OF A BELIEVER (without these marks one cannot be called a believer):   


Mark 16:17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”    

This is the mandate from Jesus. By the grace of God .A am granted all these qualifications. So, I am bold to write that Jesus asks me write. Now let me ask you whether you have any of these qualifications? If not you should know that you are not a believer of Jesus but His enemy satan. The Lord has made it very clear that one who is not with Him is with the enemy- satan (Matthew 12:30)      The Preachers in churches do not have any of these marks of a believer. They are not even fit to be called a believer. How can they be Pastors or Bishops?     Abomination.


The uncomfortable question #4 8(4)


Luke 6:47 Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like:48 He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.    


The uncomfortable question #5 8(5) DO YOU FEAR JESUS OR THE CSI/CHURCH DICTATES?     

Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bond servant of Christ

Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.

- To be continued

Prophecy NEWS Updates

Londonistan: 423 New Mosques; 500 Closed Churches

"London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together", according to Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, one of the Islamic preachers who now lead "Londonistan", as the journalist Melanie Phillips has called the English capital. "Terrorists can not stand London multiculturalism", London's mayor Sadiq Khan said after the recent deadly terror attack at Westminster.The opposite is true: British multiculturalists are feeding Islamic fundamentalism. Above all, Londonistan, with its new 423 mosques, is built on the sad ruins of English Christianity. The Daily Mail published photographs of a church and a mosque a few meters from each other in the heart of London. At the Church of San Giorgio, designed to accommodate 1,230 worshipers, only 12 people gathered to worship. At the Church of Santa Maria, there were 20. The nearby Brune Street Estate mosque has a different problem: overcrowding. Its small room and can contain only 100. On Friday, the faithful must pour into the street to pray. Given the current trends, Christianity in England is becoming a relic, while Islam will be the religion of the future.

In Birmingham, the second-largest British city, where many jihadists live and orchestrate their attacks, an Islamic minaret dominates the sky. There are petitions to allow British mosques to call the Islamic faithful to prayer on loudspeakers three times a day. By 2020, estimates are that the number of Muslims attending prayers will reach at least 683,000, while the number of Christians attending weekly service will drop to 679,000. "The new cultural landscape of English cities has arrived; the homogenised, Christian landscape of state religion is in retreat", said Ceri Peach of Oxford University. The change is already taking place. "Londonistan" is not a Muslim majority nightmare; it is a cultural, demographic and religious hybrid in which Christianity declines and Islam advances.

The British cultural establishment is rapidly capitulating to Islamic fundamentalists in accepting their demands.

British universities are also advancing Islamic law. The official guidelines of the university, "External speakers in higher education institutions", published by Universities UK, provide that "orthodox religious groups" may separate men and women during events. At Queen Mary University of London, women had to use a separate entrance and were forced to sit in a room without being able to ask questions or raise their hands -- as in Riyadh or Tehran.The Islamic Society at the London School of Economics held a gala, in which women and men were separated by a seven-meter panel. After the attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the head of MI6, Sir John Sawers, recommended self-censorship and "some restraint" in discussing Islam.The British ambassador in Saudi Arabia, Simon Collis, converted to Islam and completed the pilgrimage to Mecca, the hajj. He now calls himself Haji Collis.

What will be next?


Know your Bible

Body, Soul and Spirit - Deliverance Ministry

God speaks………

“In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;”  Job 33:15 

Why does he speak?

In order to open his ears, to make him withdraw from his own ways, and to take  away pride from him.

 “Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,  that he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. (Job 33:16, 17)

Pride was the first  sin by which Lucifer fell. It is the common sin found in majority of human beings. Lucifer is the origin of this sin.  He rebelled against God and refused to worship Him.   Pride will  result in the  violation of the first commandment, i.e. ,

“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength”: Mk 12:30 

When a man forgets God and becomes proud, trusting in his intelligence, wisdom and achievements, the Lord immediately interferes so that he may not fall like Lucifer.  He comes to the  rescue of that  man.

“He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword” v. 18.

“Perishing by the sword”  has got specific  meaning.

Sword is the Word of God. (Ps 149:6, Heb 4:12, Rev. 1:16)

Word of God is the Constitution by which the  final judgment is made for man  on  the last judgment day.

Perishing by the sword is the eternal damnation  i.e. being cast into hell. 

He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. Jn 12:48 

“And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works”. Rev 20:12 

In order to save a man from eternal hell, the Lord sends four   kinds of  sicknesses

“He is chastened also with pain upon his bed, and the multitude of his bones with strong pain: So that his life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat. Job 33:20, Ps 107:17,18

  1. Strong pain in the bones ( Doctors may name  out the sicknesses attached with this symptom
  2. Pain while in bed (sleeplessness, can’t lie down and rest
  3. No appetite, hating food 
  4. Cannot take tasty sumptuous  food (Sicknesses like cholesterol, High sugar, Blood pressure etc.  restricts the intake of food  or have to avoid all fatty, oily, tasty food. Even can be  problems with digestive system where one is  allowed to take limited types of food or in less quantity. Eg. Ulcers, and other sicknesses where doctors prescribe a diet.  Hence he abhors food. Even if he feels like eating, his system does not allow.

 - Sr.Angelica


Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

Christian NEWS

Pentecostal pastor arrested in Tamil Nadu for criticising compulsory yoga in schools

The clergyman had praised the benefits of yoga for body and mind. His Church welcomes Dalits and the poor held down by the caste system. In Uttar Pradesh another Pentecostal pastor was beaten and arrested. A pastor and five members of the Life Worship Centre were also detained but later released. Lucknow (AsiaNews) – Police in Tamil Nadu arrested a Pentecostal clergyman for criticising yoga. Speaking to AsiaNews, Sajan K George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), said that Rev Mohan was jailed for speaking out "against compulsory yoga in schools and elsewhere”, which “forcibly promotes a Hindu lifestyle." The pastor "is a leader involved in civil society,” George said. He “works in favour of Dalits and the poor in Tamil Nadu’s rural remote areas." "Many people,” the GCIC president added, “go to his Pentecostal church seeking refuge and comfort from the oppression of the caste system, which is still strong in South India. By contrast, in his church, they are treated equally and with dignity."

Rev Mohan was arrested because of one of his sermons "in which he spoke against the use of Hindu terminology in the practice of yoga." However, "the clergyman has praised the ancient Indian practice for its beneficial effects on mental and physical health". This incident did not happen in a vacuum. George said that other arrests have taken place in Uttar Pradesh, a state where a radical Hindu recently became chief minister. The first incident occurred on Wednesday, when a Pentecostal clergyman in Kushinagar was first beaten and then arrested. The second took place in Agra, where police jailed Rev Mahesh Chand and five members of the Life Worship Centre Church. They were all released later without charges. “Christians were not doing anything unconstitutional,” the GCIC leader explained, noting that “Our founding fathers and the architects of the Indian Constitution granted minorities full freedom of religion and freedom to practice, preach and spread their faith. Instead, we [Christians] are still forced to suffer intimidation, verbal and physical abuse, detention and harassment."

China: Imprisoned Pastor in Critical Condition is Refused Adequate Medical Attention

A Christian pastor in China who is being held in prison under inhumane conditions is reportedly suffering serious health issues. Christian Today reports that Pastor Yang Hua of the Living Stone house church in Guiyang was arrested on December 9, 2015, tried later in the month, and then sentenced to two and a half years in Nanming District Detention Center prison. Yang is suffering from severe inflammation affecting his legs. He is reportedly barely able to stand and has described the pain as “truly unbearable.”“I haven't been able to walk or go to the toilet by myself during this period,” he added. Although he has alerted prison guards to his condition, the medical help he has received has not matched the severity of his condition. He has been prescribed painkillers and penicillin, the later of which the detention center clinic does not even have. Yang’s condition is so severe that his legs may have to be amputated due to the blood vessel inflammation. China has been increasing its crackdown on churches and has jailed many pastors and church leaders, as well as human rights lawyers. Government officials have also shut down or even destroyed churches which are not government-sanctioned. Yang’s lawyers say it is imperative that he receives medical attention immediately for his critical condition.

6 held in Agra for forcing woman to convert to Christianity

AGRA: Six men hailing from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh were arrested by police on Wednesday on the charges of forcing a woman to convert to Christianity. The incident took place in Gopalpura village under Shamshabad police jurisdiction on Wednesday. The accused were identified as Michale of Icchapur in Chattisgarh, Sanjay Lodhi of Balaghat in Madhya Pradesh.

Know your enemy

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:1

The Old Testament - Catholic Symbols  (Catholicism – The Mysteries With A Mask)

 Here is a pagan chariot sun wheel designed for sun-god worship taken from the pagan temple of Kararak in India. This temple was associated with the occult and astrology.

Some suggests such things are what 2 Kings 23:11 was referring to.

“He [Josiah] removed the horses that the kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun, at the entrance to the house of the LORD, by the chamber of Nathan-Melech, the officer who was in the court; and he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.” 2 Kings 23:11

Now look at this aerial image of the plaza at the Vatican, Rome. You should see an identical pagan sun wheel on the ground. The following photo is of an artefact described as a “basalt offering table, pillar-shaped, with a carved symbol of Baal on its side. That symbol was a circle with a cross in the centre."

So here we have an image that represents Baal. Now let’s zoom closer into the centre of the sun wheel in the middle of the Vatican plaza. You’ll notice around the base of the obelisk, the symbol for Baal. This symbol is quite often represented in a more simple form, like these:

Many pagan traditions consider this to be their main symbol for ‘transmitting the energy of the goddess’ and claim it represents the sacred earth. It also represents power and supremacy. So through this symbol they are declaring the power and supremacy of the pagan goddess (Asherah). The Catholic church may also see it as declaring their own supremacy over the Earth. And what about the obelisk right in the middle? The obelisk is a phallic symbol of Baal and is mentioned several times in the Bible. In Hebrew the word matstsebah means “something stationed, i.e. a column or (memorial stone); an idol: garrison, (standing) image, pillar.” The word matstsebah is used in the following verses:

“Do not bow down before their gods or worship them or follow their practices. You must demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces.” - Exodus 23:24

Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles. - Exodus 34:13

Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God. - Leviticus 26:1

- Mark Fairley

National Worship Centre (NWC)

In the year 2006 June 16, the Lord revealed His plan for India. He is going to visit the nation India in 14 years. The first 7 years (2007-2013) will be years of Abundance. The second 7 years (2014-2020) will be years of spiritual Famine in India. In order to save His children from famine, the  Lord ordered  the Church to segregate  20% of  its resources (material, spiritual including souls), preserve it in the safe places (Central and State warehouses). During the famine period, the Church in India will go to the underground. The saved 20% will be used as food and seed not only for India but for the whole world. After the 14 years India will be declared a Christian Nation.

To work it out the Lord gave another vision, “Model Church” in which the Lord showed how the Church throughout the world today has gone astray totally from His plans. He challenged the Church heads as well as believers to forward to build up the Church as per His model. Those who cooperate with Him will be blessed. Those who refuse will be thrown out of ministry.

On 19.8.2013, the Lord gave the final warning to the Church in India, and extended a call to the believers of India to rise up and build His Church where every believer (instead of only Pastors) will be trained and equipped in the  gifts given to him/her, they will start doing ministry in their work places. Many such Gift Schools were started from September 2014 onwards. They spread like wild fire because they achieved the  rekindling of the gifts in believers.

In  the year 2008 the Lord asked a question, “Is there a place where I am worshipped 24/7? In 2010 March He gave the specifications for a National Worship Centre. Even though we did not have money, place or people with us to execute this, we told the Lord that we are willing to fulfill His desire. During the end of 2013, when the Years of Abundance were coming to a close, the Lord revealed the strategy of the National Worship Centre (NWC). About 100 believers came forward to take up 24 hours prayer for three months continuously. As a result, the NWC sprang up like a bud on 13.4.2014. It was a miracle of 7 days. Everything happened in 7 days.

 The Lord had already foretold  that when the NWC is opened, the spiritual war to win India for Jesus Christ will start. The opening of it will be a trumpet sign and a war cry for the children of God.

The testimonies written at the NWC prove it to be true.

By Sr.Angelica and team

Praise God for the successful completion of 13039 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)   

Volume 5 Issue 13

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pro  13:3  The spirit which makes one  open the lips  wide and have destruction 

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Moses was very angry

These days we are going around, teaching about “Forgiveness and Reconciliation programme”. “Getting angry” and lingering in anger  is allowed in New Testament only upto 24  hours. (upto sunset)

Moses said,

“Please do not accept their offering. I have not taken even one donkey from them nor have I hurt even one of them” Num 16:15

Christianity is not a religion, but a way of life and entering into a loving relationship with the Creator. Bible narrates many sweet experiences of this loving relationship. When an enemy betrays you, the first thing a natural man does  is,  reporting about it to the best friend so that he too keeps himself away from the enemy and  cut off all relationships with him to show his integrity towards his friend. Moses did the same. He even clears his position so that God can punish them right away as He likes.  He need not wait for any bonds to be cancelled since Moses did not have any issues with his enemies. 

But Jesus led us to a higher step and taught us differently. Your anger should not hurt your enemies in any way. So what do we have to do? Forgive them, bless them and pray for them.

Mat 5:44-45  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite fully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.

Human beings after the sin of Adam lost the glory of God and became worse than animals. Their sinful nature could lead them to any extent. So the Lord in pulling them towards Him and transforming them into His image again, took various steps, thereby moderating their character. In this pursuit, the last attempt was sending His own Son Jesus Christ, who accomplished the final stage of transformation of human beings into the divine image. Only His teachings can transform a man into the image of His creator, God almighty. Christianity as a religion has totally failed in teaching  this to the world. Only a personal walk with Jesus through the Holy Spirit can accomplish this in a man.

FRP- Delhi

1 2

The Lord has declared 2017 – as the year of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

This month (March 2017) let us pray for parents and children that they receive God’s grace to forgive and be reconciled with each other in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let us prophesy in the name of Jesus Christ that a being relationship prevails between parents and children 


  1. That parents bring up their children in good discipline even from childhood (Ps 23:13)
  2. That parents be careful to be strict and to correct them (Pr 23:14)
  3. That parents bless their children and pray for them
  4. That parents lift up the name of Jesus Christ over their children (Ps 34:3)
  5. That parents reflect God’s love to the children by their sacrificial love.

Upcoming FRP  program

Isaiah: 42:6 “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. 7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison  and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

You are invited for a special deliverance school (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Program) on

01-04-2017 (Saturday) to 02-04-2017 (Sunday) from 9am- 6pm.


Venue: Dr A C ARULDAS HOSPITAL, 56 Venugopal St, Perambur, Chennai 600011.

Please pray, attend or send participants. 

For registration Contact : Benjamin -9003021979/Kavery-7358610357

April 1&2 – Palghar  For contact details - 8689896938 (Sol.Rachel)

April 7 & 8 –Ernakulam, Kerala - Br.Ujin: 9846674535, Br.Tenson: 9447747929

Lord gave this message for this year and this message should be reached throughout India.


Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme  meet (FRP)

 Message for year 2017 !

Luke 24:47--49"And then repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem".

In order to bring the fruits of forgiveness and reconciliation in your personal life and in the land of India, a two days training is arranged

FRP- Ambernath

5 3 4

FRP Testimonies

FRP - Gujrat- Goa

  1. One lady was healed of her hand movement not being proper
  2. Another lady was healed of memory loss she could not remember
  3. Two boys who came on second day experienced d power of d Holy Spirit and one was convicted to be the teacher for FRP
  4. 6 persons came forward to be the teacher of FRP
  5. One young boy was healed of chest pain
  6. Hindu man who came to the centre for some other work spoke to our teacher who had knee pain in both d legs n could
  7. not sit n stand properly and could not climb d stairs without help after prayers was delivered n healed
  8. Man came from 8 hrs travelling from far on the second day was delivered of demonic powers
  9. 75yrs old man was healed of chest and body pain so also his wife
  10. A lady from Nepal attended and wants to take FRP to Nepal
  11. Professor of University was convicted of unforgivenss and understood we can restore others by forgiving
  12. Many were convicted of un forgiveness and Wen they forgave they experienced joy
  13. One lady leader in the church said there was tremendous power of the Holy Spirit presence during classes
  14. College student forgave and reconciled to her old friend on the  phone
  15. A school student after prayer felt some power came in her and something went out of her, she was delivered of anger.
  16. The translator was healed of stammering. And many more testimonies all glory to God alone

Gift School

David School of worship Testimonies

Two days of worship was joyful for me .because I learnt how to be close with God . Also I learnt what music is and eagerly learnt how to sing songs with rhythem. (Ms. Anbu) 

I am Ms.Pusclcilla Pehacke attending the david school of worship for the first time all the session were very useful and life transformation. Two days there are Jesus in my life in a new way .I have a clear vision regarding me and ministry now.I am refreshed and strengthened my life  with Lord Jesus. (Ms.Pusclcilla Pehacke)


Bethesda School of Healing

Bethesda School of Healing was held at panaiyur ,Chennai with 5 students.

Covenant Women Meet

 “Now gather yourself in Troops, O daughter of troops, he had laid siege against us. “ Micah: 5:1

A wonderful opportunity for ladies who want to serve the Lord

A movement to raise the status of Women in India

Both in history and in the Bible Women’s role is very important in a nation.

During the crucial period of our Lord’s visitation of India (2007 – 2014), He wants our fair sex mass play a vital role in the transformation of our nation. In order to train them up, a 12 hour training Programme is given by the Lord. KHRDC has started implementing it.

This training session covers the following subjects

  • Fallen nature of women and restoration by Jesus Christ
  • Building relationship
  • Finance Management
  • House Maintenance
  • Exercising the authority of parents
  • Behavioral patterns
  • Common sicknesses of women and Medical checkup.
  • Civic Sense

The Lord is in need of "6 filled Jars"  to accomplish His work as He did in Cana. (John 2:1-11 )

The jars should be filled with the Holy Spirit!!

The Lord will add to it colour, odour,  taste, value etc.,

People can draw wine from the jars to give taste,  strength,  love and  value to the women of the world.....!!

"" Oh Dear Covenant woman, “ARE YOU A FILLED JAR??”  If you are a WOMAN FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT the Lord is ready to make use of you to bring taste,  joy and love to the women of our Nation ""


Find out the jars who are simply sitting outside the houses and synagogue for washing purpose!!  (Traditional Christian life) 

The Master is in need of you???

Are you ready???!!!!!

Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

Upcoming BFF Batches

March 22-27-English-Goa – 9822181817,9922910936 (Sol. Arvind )

April 18-23- English-Goa – 9822181817,9922910936 (Sol. Arvind )


Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

TEACHING: Truth about baptism – Bro C.Umashankar IAS

TEACHING: Truth about baptism –  baptism, “it is a counterfeit currency”, thus says the Lord. Can the believers escape hell fire? What happens when a blind leads a blind? (Luke 6:39).

 7(2) Innocent question #2  “We are happy and blessed, our children are really blessed; your gospel is wrong!”   

The Kingdom of Heaven is not viewed through worldly blessings.     

Matthew 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.    

Romans 14:17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 15:19 (NKJV) If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.

As the believers of these dead churches have not complied with word of God, the devil deceives them into believing that worldly blessings are the real God's blessings, thus making them complacent about the Kingdom of Heaven. They do not bear any fruits for the Kingdom nor do they know how to keep them Holy and thus enter the hell once their life on earth is over.



Matthew 10:37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 

As per this commandment of Jesus, you would not be eligible to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven if you stick to your church for amenities such as marriage hall, graveyard, school, hospital, employment opportunities etc.     In the next verse the Lord explains the additional qualification to inherit the Kingdom. One has to carry the Cross given by the Lord.     


Matthew 10:38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.    

If you are sticking to a tradition loving dead church for amenities, you would end up in eternal hell which is a fiery furnace.      Prudence should dictate that you should run away without losing even one day. Of course, you have your freewill, to choose death over life. So, choose whatever you wish.


 7(4) The innocent question


You are a partner to their evil deeds. (2nd John verse 9 and 10)  2nd John 9 Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him;

11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.

The word of God is very clear that you are a party to the sin and fraud and you are equally involved. Along with them you would also lose the Kingdom of Heaven.      What should I do? - Run away from these devil's churches as fast as possible. You should not have any connection, such as membership or payment of offerings/tithes. Make a complete disconnection and then only you are away from the devil / eternal hell.


 7(5) The innocent question #5 HOW CAN I REFUSE TO OBEY CSI RULES?   

Entry to Heaven is NOT administered through CSI rules or the rules of any such church denomination. The word of God is the only rule which is applicable there.     

John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments.     

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.     

Loving or abiding in man controlled church rules defying the word of God will result in losing your chance to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven forever.

-To be continued

Prophecy NEWS Updates

United Church of Christ Continues To Promote Anti-Israel Agenda

The United Church of Christ (UCC), a liberal Protestant church with roots that go back to the Mayflower, is at it again. During the first few days of July 2017, the denomination's deliberative body, the General Synod, will gather in Baltimore Maryland. The General Synod will approve the denomination's budget and vote on some proposals that determine how the church's national bureaucracy will be reorganized.

The synod will also vote on a number of resolutions that call on the denomination's officers and local churches to advocate for particular social causes that the assembly deems important.There are 17 resolutions on the General Synod's agenda, one of which deals with Israel's treatment of Palestinian children in its detention centers. As of this writing, there are no resolutions on the agenda dealing with the massacre of huge numbers of people in Syria by the regime led by Bashar Al-Assad, who has killed hundreds of thousands of Sunni Muslims, many of them children, since the beginning of his country's civil war in 2011. There might be some pushback within the denomination against the resolution, which portrays Israel as guilty of crimes against Palestinian children. There should be. The resolution, which was submitted by a number of churches located mostly in coastal "blue states" such as California, Oregon and Connecticut, makes no pretense of holding Palestinian leaders accountable even as it invokes the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which the Palestinian Authority signed in 2014, to justify its condemnations of Israel.

In particular, the text makes no mention of the crimes against children perpetrated by Palestinian leaders in both the Gaza Strip and West Bank who teach children to hate, nor is there any reference to Hamas' tendency to put children in harm's way by using schools and hospitals as storage stations and launch pads for rocket attacks against Israel. Nor is there any reference to the use of child labor in smuggling tunnels between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. Every one of these actions is a crime against the welfare of children. Not one of them is mentioned in the resolution on the General Synod's agenda.The whole point of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child is to protect children from exactly the type of misdeeds that the PA and Hamas have either perpetrated or allowed, but the resolution on the UCC's agenda ignores these issues altogether.Such behavior is dishonest, but not surprising. Advocating for children really is not the point of the resolution put before the denomination's General Synod.

The real point of the resolution is to use a de-contextualized story of Palestinian suffering to focus peoples' attention on Israel while the rest of the region goes to hell.A while back, people horrified by resolutions like this passed by the UCC and other mainline denominations hoped that "the people in the pews" would rise up and revolt in response, and insist that church assemblies tell a more honest story about the Arab-Israeli conflict to their denominations. This turned out to be fantasy. Some church members fought back against resolutions like this, but eventually, the people in the pews who disagreed with the falsehoods their national assemblies said about Israel and other issues of the day simply left their denominations, sometimes bringing their local churches with them.

The results have been devastating for the UCC, especially. In 1960, 12.4 out of every 1,000 Americans were members of the UCC; by 2010, only 3.2 out of 1,000 Americans were members of this denomination.This process of decline has been going on for years. In 1965, the denomination had more than 2 million members; in 2016, it had just over 900,000.This decline has had a tough impact on the ability of the denomination's local churches to survive. According to the Institute on Religion and Democracy, one quarter of the denomination's churches are without a full-time pastor: "Many churches, especially in the denomination's New England heartland, are facing a difficult choice between retaining their buildings and employing clergy, with many opting to rely upon retired and non-stipendiary clergy instead of full-time ministers."

Jeffrey K. Hadden, author of The Gathering Storm in the Churches: A Sociologist Looks at the Widening Gap Between Clergy and Laymen, published by Anchor Books in 1969, warned that this would happen.Hadden declared that lay members of Protestant mainline churches were growing increasingly alienated from the clergy who ran the denominations they belonged to. To be sure, the mainline clergy who supported the civil rights movement in the 1960s had good reason to fight for civil rights in the American south, where blacks were being murdered. They had justice on their side and could look the laity square in the eye when they supported the civil rights movement.But these days, the bureaucrats and activists who set the "peacemaking" agenda for churches such as the UCC have to misinform the people in the pews to justify the passage of anti-Israel resolutions. They have to minimize the dangers faced by Israeli civilians and soldiers. They have to omit Israeli efforts to reduce the harm done to Palestinian teenagers being arrested. And they have to ignore Palestinian violations of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child that they use to condemn Israel.The people left in the pews in the UCC probably have a good idea they are being misinformed, but do not expect them to fight back. They will just continue to leave.


Know your Bible

Body, Soul and Spirit  Part 1

Deliverance Ministry

But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. 1Sa_16:14 

And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. 1Sa_16:23 

And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of the house: and David played with his hand, as at other times: 1Sa 18:10 

And the evil spirit from the LORD was upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand: and David played with his hand. 1Sa 19:9 

The Lord sent an evil spirit upon Saul to torment him. This was an effort on the part of the loving Father to save him from eternal damnation. God did want to save Saul from perishing. At the same time He sends David also to refresh him and to make him well. Saul should have made use of this opportunity to get reconciled with God. This happened many times in his life. But he did not utilize it.

About the principles of God in dealing with human beings whom he created, the book of Job says:

“Why dost thou strive against him (God)? for he giveth not account of any of his matters. For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.    In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed;   Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,   that he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.   He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.   He is chastened also with pain upon his bed, and the multitude of his bones with strong pain:  so that his life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat.    His flesh is consumed away, that it cannot be seen; and his bones that were not seen stick out.   Yea, his soul draweth near unto the grave, and his life to the destroyers.    If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness:    Then he is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.   His flesh shall be fresher than a child's: he shall return to the days of his youth:    He shall pray unto God, and he will be favourable unto him: and he shall see his face with joy: for he will render unto man his righteousness. He looketh upon men, and if any say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not; He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.    Lo, all these things worketh God oftentimes with man,  To bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened.”  Job 33:13 -30

This passage clearly says that when an imbalance occurs between your body, soul and spirit, (i.e. when your priority order between body,  soul ad spirit  goes wrong, )  the Lord adopts certain measures to bring it  back to balance.


Let us try to analyze the above  passage closely 


  1. For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. Job 33:14


God speaks once or twice through dreams but man does not understand.

When  does God  speak?


“In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;”  Job 33:15 

Why does he speak?

National Worship Centre (NWC)


Book Your Slots For Worship at

National Worship Centre (NWC)

We know that India is standing on the threshold of a total liberation and is now going through an unprecedented, historical transformation which is absolutely navigated by the hands of God Almighty. In order to accelerate this, the Lord inspired a few of His children to start a “National Worship Centre” in the spiritual capital (Jerusalem) of India, i.e. Chennai. The preparation for this could be traced back to the year 2010. Finally it is being fulfilled. All glory to God. The National Worship Centre (Zion) was opened on 13.4.2014 at Palavakkam

 National Worship Centre is a centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams will come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. Do you want to join this praising Army?

Contact Us

Mobile    : 7708505152

Address :

Father’s House,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 1st Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai – 600041.

Christian NEWS

Nigeria: Christians Denied Aid in Refugee Camps

Christians in Nigeria are facing trial upon trial. Not only were hundreds of thousands forced to flee their homes due to terrorist group Boko Haram, but many have been denied sanctuary and aid in displacement camps.The Christian Post reports that several displacement camps have communicated that food and other aid “is not for Christians.” Christian persecution charity Open Doors is monitoring the situation in Nigeria. Bishop William Naga is one of the many refugees seeking aid. He recently told Open Doors, "The governor did his best when the Christians had to flee in 2014 and 2015. But when the care of the camps was handed over to other organizations, the discrimination started. They will give food to the refugees, but if you are a Christian they will not give you food. They will openly tell you that the relief is not for Christians." Emily Fuentes, communications director for Open Doors, explained further: “Christians often get pushed to the back of the line. Because Muslims are the majority there, even non-extremist Muslims, some of their neighbors are typically going to get preferential treatment by those providing food and assistance because of their Muslim faith. Christians might be discriminated against and some of those cases have been reported. It's just preferential treatment because they are not the majority religion in that part of the country."  Nigeria ranks twelfth on Open Doors 2017 World Watch List of countries where Christian persecution is most severe.

Muslim-Turned-Christian-Apologist Says Jesus Appeared to Him in a Dream

Nabeel Qureshi converted from Islam to Christianity after Jesus revealed himself to the searching Muslim man in a dream.Christian Today reports that Qureshi is currently battling stage IV stomach cancer, but that hasn’t stopped him from sharing his faith. In a recent vlog, he talks about the dream he had of Jesus. "A lot of people who are leaving Islam and become Christian do so because they have seen Jesus in a dream or a vision. I did receive dreams and visions when I was seeking the truth about Christianity and Islam but I never actually saw Jesus in a dream or a vision. I saw things that led me to the Gospel. I was thrilled to have seen Jesus in a dream. I had been praying for it. I had been asking for guidance and I think I got some," he shared. Qureshi also shared what God has been teaching him through his battle with cancer. He ultimately concluded that, although it is sometimes a challenge to have faith, God has everything under control and has a good plan. "Now, that doesn't mean I can't pray for healing but I shouldn't be motivated by fear," he said. "I think I was letting that happen to me. This disease is in my Father's hands."Qureshi has written three books on Islam, Christianity, and his conversion. They are titled Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity,  Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward, and No God But One—Allah or Jesus.  

Know your enemy

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:1

The Old Testament - Roman Catholicism

In autumn there was a harvest festival that honoured the goddess Pamona and  st this became ‘Christianised’ as All Souls Day with All Saints Day coming on the 1 of November to again honour the Saints. It is better known today as Halloween; the night where evil is celebrated most overtly. As a night to honour the catholic saints, it is effectively a night to honour demons. The practice of bobbing forapples originated with the celebration of Pamona who was the goddess of fruit and trees. In this we may also see a link to the Tree of Knowledge. Can we say bobbing for apples is a re-enactment and celebration of the moment when Adam and Eve ate of that tree? As the Roman Empire spread to Celtic areas where the Mysteries had become Druidism, the date became a night to honour the god  Samhain. Note the similarity between the names Samhain and Satan.

What this all adds up to is simply that when it was made legal in Rome, Catholicism did not Christianize the pagan religions but that the reverse is true; the pagan religions polluted Christianity to produce Catholicism. Catholicism gradually became nothing more than the Mystery Babylon religion with a Christian facade. Now this throws up a lot of questions. Should we go to church on a Sunday? Should we celebrate Christmas and Easter in the light of this knowledge? I know some people have uncovered this information and now don’t. My advice is to do away with the Catholic saints and don’t pray to them as they are in fact demons. Also, Halloween should always be completely off the agenda for a Christian. It remains from all possible angles nothing but a celebration of evil, witchcraft, sorcery, darkness, divination, occult activities and demons. Christians should have nothing to do with this holiday as it has never been rooted in anything else other than the occult. In fact it has been said that asking a Christian to celebrate Halloween is like asking a holocaust survivor to celebrate Hitler’s birthday. That’s not too far off the mark.

With regards to other holidays and days of worship the best advice I can give is from the Bible:  “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Should we boycott Christmas as a celebration of Christ? You don't have to. You should just make sure that you celebrate it ‘unto the Lord’. We should be careful not to get sidetracked with the secular side, which is ultimately not of God’s kingdom. But we are in fact free to celebrate Christ's birth any day we like. So when some choose to make Christmas about Santa we should choose to make Christmas about Christ. When some choose to make Easter about rabbits, we should celebrate it ‘unto the Lord’ and make it about Christ. If you want to celebrate his birth and resurrection on any day, then do so freely.  I would however encourage that we stop calling it Easter and instead get into the habit of calling it “Resurrection Weekend” or
something of that nature. Remember that in all things there are two competing kingdoms, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Whenever there is a secular parallel to our Christian holidays, it can be guaranteed that the secular parallel is coming from Satan to take attention away from Jesus. Whatever we undertake and whatever we celebrate we should do it unto the Lord, shunning secularism in the process, which is ultimately just a part of the kingdom of darkness. You are also free to worship God on any day you like, as I will explain in a later series. You may still think I’m being too harsh on Catholicism, so in this next section we will start to uncover its symbolism in more depth.

-Mark Fairley

Volume 5 Issue 12

Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil

Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross

Pro  12:1  The spirit of the  stupid who hates correction

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Joyous report

Wherever I go, I used to send testimonies & photos of the ministries to our people in whatsapp or mail. These days the Lord taught me a lesson regarding this.

The seventy disciples came back and joyously reported “Lord even the demons are submitting to us in your name”.

The immediate response of Jesus was,

“I saw satan falling from heaven like lightening” Lk 10:18

Disciples in their innocence came and reported the miracles Jesus’ name did through them. Jesus was warning them about satan. Why?

There is a danger in the “joyous reporting of demons submitting to us” of amateurs.

Perhaps, “us” is the dangerous word here. Even though they added, “in your name”, satan knew that disciples took pride in casting him out in Jesus’ name. While sharing testimony, we should pray to the Holy Spirit to put words in our mouth. What we are “proud of” will come out automatically in our words. Satan will come to know our weakness and our achievements in which we take pride. He will ask God permission to test us in that area. God also will grant him permission in order to make us strong in that particular area. It happened to Job.  He did not even spare God in His testimony about His servant Job. The Lord was proud of His servant’s uprightness. As soon as God testified Job’s uprightness, satan wanted to test him in that area.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme Meet (FRP)

Message for year 2017 !

Luke 24:47-49 "And then repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem".

In order to bring the fruits of forgiveness and reconciliation in your personal life and in the land of India, a two days training is arranged

FRP - Santa Cruz - Goa 


FRP- Rishikesh,Uttrakhand


FRP – Pale, Ponda


Upcoming FRP  program

Isaiah: 42:6 “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. 7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison  and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

You are invited for a special deliverance school (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Program) on 01-04-2017 (Saturday) to 02-04-2017 (Sunday) from 9am-6pm.

Lord gave this message for this year and this message should be reached throughout India.

Venue: Dr A C ARULDAS HOSPITAL, 56 Venugopal St, Perambur, Chennai 600011.

Please pray, attend or send participants.

For registration Contact: Benjamin -9003021979/Kavery-7358610357

March 25 &26 – Latur

March 30 &31 – Ahmednagar

April 1&2 – Palghar

For contact details - 8689896938 (Sol.Rachel)

FRP Testimonies

FRP - Ponda 

  1. The very first day of the FRP on 25th Feb 2017 at Pale, Ponda was a success.The people invited actually did not come but the Lord sent people who were not expected. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. The owner of the house where we had 2 days of FRP was without job and was asked to call later to know about the placement. He was little disturbed and had no job at that time.He was called by the boss of the  same firm to join work on the same day of the  start of the FRP. Glory to Jesus as He opened up his house for the Lord and the Lord rewarded him with a Job feeding his wife and 3 children.

 FRP - Santa Cruz - Goa

  1. A lady manifested of witchcraft and when prayed the demon was casted out  in the name of Jesus Christ.
  2. One of our teachers after class went home and some relative who had misunderstanding with her came to their house and reconciled after 4 yrs.
  3. Mr Polly Feds working for 5 star hotel had given resignation letter as his boss was troubling him, during forgiveness class he forgave his boss and then went for work. The General Manager called him and gave  him a letter and he thought that it was accepted letter of his resignation  by the  management To my surprise  it was a certificate of excellence having gold diamond and platinum stars Very rarely people get all 3 stars.He came and testified this message on the next day.
  4. Gracy was very angry with a person who owed her a big amount and she was avoiding her for a long time. Gracy  wanted to curse them or to go to their place and fire them but during the class she forgave her and  instantly within 5 min the same person called her. She wanted to attend only half day but then after this she attended  both the  days along with the  children
  5. Sunil was not able to sit for 2 hrs but he attended both the days, He was not able to forgive his brother God gave him grace to forgive
  6. A Roman Catholic lady came and confessed to us that after going home she made a list of people to forgive and gave forgivemess to all these people.
  7. A lady who was not able to forgive someone insulted her several times and was not talking with her for a.long time, she forgave her and the next day she met her to her surprise and she even greeted her

 All who attended the  FRP  were convicted of forgiveness. All glory to God

Covenant Women Meet

 “Now gather yourself in Troops, O daughter of troops, he had laid siege against us. “ Micah: 5:1

A wonderful opportunity for ladies who want to serve the Lord

A movement to raise the status of Women in India

Both in history and in the Bible Women’s role is very important in a nation.

During the crucial period of our Lord’s visitation of India (2007 – 2014), He wants our fair sex mass play a vital role in the transformation of our nation. In order to train them up, a 12 hour training Programme is given by the Lord. KHRDC has started implementing it.

This training session covers the following subjects

  • Fallen nature of women and restoration by Jesus Christ
  • Building relationship
  • Finance Management
  • House Maintenance
  • Exercising the authority of parents
  • Behavioral patterns
  • Common sicknesses of women and Medical checkup.
  • Civic Sense

The Lord is in need of "6 filled Jars"  to accomplish His work as He did in Cana. (John 2:1-11 )

The jars should be filled with the Holy Spirit!!

The Lord will add to it colour, odour,  taste, value etc.,

People can draw wine from the jars to give taste,  strength,  love and  value to the women of the world.....!!

"" Oh Dear Covenant woman, “ARE YOU A FILLED JAR??”  If you are a WOMAN FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT the Lord is ready to make use of you to bring taste,  joy and love to the women of our Nation ""


Find out the jars who are simply sitting outside the houses and synagogue for washing purpose!!  (Traditional Christian life) 

The Master is in need of you???

Are you ready???!!!!!

Upcoming BFF Batches

March 22-27 - English - Goa – 9822181817,9922910936 (Sol. Arvind )

Gift School – School of worship

David school of worship was held at paniyur with 12  participants


Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

Delhi BFF Batch 101/10


Know your enemy

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:1

The Old Testament - Roman Catholicism

Catholicism Absorbs Paganism

I’ll give you an example of what I mean. One of the main differences between Christianity and paganism was that Christianity was monotheistic while paganism was polytheistic. Trying to get the pagans to give up their multiple gods proved tricky and so, in order to merge the two systems, the Roman church began to suggest the idea of Patron Saints. In effect what they said was, ‘you don’t need to stop praying to all these various gods and goddesses. All you have to do is call them by a new name. Instead of a god of the travellers, we’ll appoint a saint of the travellers. Instead of a god of the sea, there is now a saint for seafarer etc.’ Where there had previously been a pagan god or goddess assigned to aspects of daily life in the Mystery system, the Catholic Church merely replaced these gods with Saints who were to be prayed to, revered and looked to for guidance instead. Because many people had carved idols of gods and goddesses in their house, they weren’tasked to discard them completely; just to revere them under a new name and identity. All the many pictures and images that existed because of the Mother and Child cults of the day and which originally represented Semiramis and Tammuz, were simply renamed Mother Mary and Christ. The paganism wasn’t removed; it was just given a makeover. 

Another problem for affecting change was the festivals of the day. People’s years were marked by religious holidays much like our own are today. Imagine trying to get everyone in the world to give up Christmas this year. It would be a nearly insurmountable task! People love their holidays. The Catholic church decided that instead of abandoning the old pagan holidays, they would simply adopt them under a new meaning.


The winter solstice festival called Saturnalia (The Feast of Saturn) in Rome  the occurred in the week prior to the 25 December and the day itself was called  “Natalis invictis solis” which means “the birthday of the unconquered sun.” Indeed 25 December was widely regarded by all Babylonian religions to be the birthday of Nimrod. It’s a date that crops up frequently. In Egypt, Isis, who was worshipped as The Queen of Heaven was said to be born on this date also. So what did the Catholics do? Effectively they said, ‘keep your festival, let’s just adopt it as the birth date of Jesus Christ instead!’

Similarly the Spring Equinox festival for the goddess of fertility, associated with regeneration, was adopted as Easter. The name Astarte/Ishtar became Eastre in gaelic and it is from this name that we get Easter. Eggs that originally represented fertility were Christianised as a representation of the stone that was rolled away from the front of Jesus’ tomb. It was also a result of merging Babylon with the church that the idea of Lent was introduced. Lent has no Biblical basis whatsoever but was merely an essential part of the Babylonian spring festivals that Catholics adopted under a new meaning.

- Mark Fairley


Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.

Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.

Come and be blessed and bless others.

Know your Bible

Body, Soul and Spirit  Part 1

Deliverance Ministry

Deliverance or casting out demons from human beings is an important ministry which Jesus gave to His disciples.  How  do demons enter into the body, soul or spirit of a person?

If you want to do the ministry of deliverance (every believer has to, because it is the first sign of a believer) one should learn about this and should have a basic knowledge .

Mar 16:17, 18  “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

Demons cannot intrude at will into a person. It should have permission either from God or from the individual. We already learnt it in the first level.

Another source we are going to learn here.

“In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” 1 Co 5:4, 5 

I was stuck to this verse while reading the Bible,  not able to proceed further. The Holy Spirit gave me a curiosity to go deeper into this verse. I am writing here the revelations I received about this mystery today.

Will the Lord Almighty hand over His child to satan? I have taught that  He may not do it but He will allow it. The Lord hands people over to satan for various reasons.

 - Sr.Angelica (To be continued)

Christian NEWS

Hindu Radicals Attack Delhi 12 Churches' Joint Worship, Beat Up Pastors, Ransacked Venue

Mob attacked Christian worship event in Delhi beating up pastors, leaders and ransacking the venue of the event on Friday, 24th February 2017. A mob of Hindu radicals disguised themselves as worshippers attacked the peaceful two-day worship event organised jointly by 12 churches in Badarpur, Delhi, beating up the pastors, choir members, injuring some and ransacking the place in the process last night. The worship event called "Delhi NCR Peace Festival," a two-day event was organised by the youths of 12 churches in Delhi and Faridabad border at Krishna Garden, Nala Road, Near Love Kush, Jaitpur, Badarpur area in Southeast Delhi on 23rd and 24th February 2017 from 4:00pm onwards. They have invited Pastor Michael Fernandes from Mumbai as the main speaker of the event; and Pastor Sunny Vishwas and Pastor Vijay Kothwale from Pune were leading the worship with the theme "Your sorrow will be turned into you" taken from John 16:20.

According to one participant, the first night of the event went peacefully. "Many received the grace of God and new hope through the gathering as God's words was proclaimed and many people felt really graceful and lives were touched and changed," he said. "But on the second night, as the worship begins, Hindu radicals – comprising about 15 of them who disguised themselves and sat among the crowd suddenly wake up and straight a way they went to the stage and started beating up the pastors there and also the choir members and anyone on their path," he said. "They were using sticks, iron bar and anything, and beat up the believers mercilessly. Meanwhile, the police were watching the attack without intervention,"

A mob allegedly from RSS and Bajrang Dal attacked Christian worship event at Badarpur, Delhi on Friday night, 24th February 2017. "We were surprised that police did not stop them and they were watching the mob attacking the Christians and the venue boldly. The permission to host the event was taken from the police and they also came to guard the event but they were not doing their job," he said. The event was reportedly attended by over one thousand believers from 12 churches in Delhi and Faridabad. The location of the event is in Badarpur, Delhi, near Faribadad border. The attackers are allegedly belonging to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Bajrang Dal - known for their frequent attack on Christains and have interrupted many Christian events in different parts of the country. Another participant said that they hit everything on their path – leaders were especially targeted, some incurring injuries as well; and broke the speaker's lectern, tables, chairs and any articles on it.

A mob of Hindu radicals attacked Joint Christian worship event beating up pastors, and faithful injuring some and ransacking the venue on Friday, 24th February 2017. "It is sad that Christians are not allowed to hold event like this peacefully," he said. One pastor who participated in the event said, "This is basically to intimidate and frighten pastors and leaders from preaching the word of God and Christians in general from witnessing it to others. It only strengthens our faith in Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world," he said.

Prophecy NEWS Updates

Ezekiel 36:8 Prophecy Is Coming True In The Galilee!

One of the benefits of living in modern Israel is physically experiencing Biblical prophecy coming to life. Two families who moved to Israel's Upper Galilee town of Yavne'el from Canada daily witness Jacob's blessing to his son Naftali, one of the twelve Israelite tribes, coming to fruition right in their own backyards. "Yavne'el is in the portion of the Land of Israel which Jacob blessed to be fertile and for the fruit to ripen quickly," explained Rabbi Shmuel Veffer, owner of Galilee Green, a leading producer and exporter of high quality extra virgin olive oil from Israel. "When we and our business partners Nili and Arnie Abrahams experienced the blossoming of the region around us, we realized that we were watching the prophecy of Ezekiel 36:8 comes to life, 'But you, O mountains of Israel, you will put forth your branches and bear your fruit for My people Israel; for they will soon come.'"

The Veffer and Abrahams families recognized the unique blessing of the region when, several years ago, they joined the local community's olive harvest. They picked the lush olives and immediately pressed them into an amazingly high quality oil which far surpassed anything they had ever tasted. This lead to their realization that people all over the world would benefit from God's blessing of the land and thus, Galilee Green was born. A quick tour of the greater Yavne'el region reveals many archaeological digs with ancient olive presses. In Biblical times, olives were grown for oil, not for eating whole. The oil was used both for food and in lamps for illumination. Today, olive oil is commonly known to be a healthful addition to everyone's diet. Additionally, Jewish people often use olive oil with floating wicks as lights to welcome in the Sabbath. "Galilee Green fulfills many purposes. Besides sharing the blessing of the land and delicious extra virgin olive oil from Israel with the world, we also help support immigrants living locally who are struggling to make a living," said Rabbi Veffer. "Purchasing Galilee Green extra virgin olive oil is also a way for people all over the world to fight the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which unfairly targets Israeli products."

The Bible teaches that there is a unique relationship between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. According to prophecy, the Holy Land will remain barren until the Jews return to it. Then, the land will flourish and give forth abundant fruit. Indeed, this is what is happening today. "We are blessed to live in the Land of Israel, produce a Biblical product and share these blessings with the world," smiled Rabbi Veffer. "We feel that we are fulfilling Biblical prophecy and Genesis 12:3, 'I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.'"


TEACHING: Truth about baptism – Bro C.Umashankar IAS

TEACHING: Truth about baptism –  baptism, “it is a counterfeit currency”, thus says the Lord. Can the believers escape hell fire? What happens when a blind leads a blind? (Luke 6:39).


Matthew 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.    



John 4:23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.24 God is  Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”    

Nearly 2000 years ago our Lord Jesus has laid down the foundation to worship Him in Spirit all over the world, these tradition loving churches controlled by evil men keep the truth and spirit of the Lord away from the churches, thus leading the whole crowd to hell. In CSI churches and similar tradition loving churches, there is no Holy Spirit and there is no manifestation of the gifts of Holy Spirit. They are in the control of the devil who is called darkness.

 7(1) Innocent question: #1 


Do you give any value to a counterfeit currency?

Even if the counterfeit currency is a bag full of 1000 rupee notes, it has no value. Similarly, child baptism and sprinkle baptism are counterfeits. They have no value at all.   

But the Lord is very kind for you. He has given you the word of God in this regard. When Paul went to Ephesus, he found the believers did not have the Holy Spirit and they were not aware of the existence  of the Holy Spirit. He found out the problem – counterfeit baptism. He directed them to comply with baptism in Jesus name. And they got the Holy Spirit along with gift of prophecy!

Acts 19:1 And it happened, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul, having passed through the upper regions, came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples

 2 he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.”

 3 And he said to them, “Into what then were you baptized?” So they said, “Into John’s baptism.”

4 Then Paul said, “John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.”

5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

6 And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.    

These disciples had taken wrong baptism. That was corrected. As soon as they complied with the genuine baptism, they got the Holy Spirit with gift of prophecy. Please remember that the baptism of John the Baptist itself was immersion baptism. These disciples had taken the immersion baptism again. Only thereafter they were anointed.  

Today, the churches do not have Holy Spirit in them because they have sold themselves to the devil through counterfeit baptism.Jesus does not respect the rules laid down by men for His body (church).As a result, these churches are devoid of Holy Spirit and the fruits of Holy Spirit. They are dead in all respects.

- To be continued

National Worship Centre (NWC)


Book Your Slots For Worship at

National Worship Centre (NWC)

We know that India is standing on the threshold of a total liberation and is now going through an unprecedented, historical transformation which is absolutely navigated by the hands of God Almighty. In order to accelerate this, the Lord inspired a few of His children to start a “National Worship Centre” in the spiritual capital (Jerusalem) of India, i.e. Chennai. The preparation for this could be traced back to the year 2010. Finally it is being fulfilled. All glory to God. The National Worship Centre (Zion) was opened on 13.4.2014 at Palavakkam

 National Worship Centre is a centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams will come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. Do you want to join this praising Army?

Contact Us

Mobile    : 7708505152

Address :

Father’s House,

4/364 E, Anna Salai 1st Cross Street,

ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai – 600041.