Volume 4 Issue 24


for War and victory over satan and his agents. It Enlists soldiers in the Army. Trains the   soldiers to proclaim the Word of God which is sharper than two edged sword powerful to shatter rocks into pieces and burn forests. It trains and forms evangelists .

Trains them to pray and wait upon the Lord to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to   proclaim the Good News with signs and   wonders. Offers fields of apostolate. Functions in cells of ten each.

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

with all lowliness and meekness

Once I had to transfer to the connecting flight.  Since the time of interval was too short, after getting down from the first flight I asked somebody at the airport to direct me.  He directed me to the wrong side.  After walking about 200 meters inside the airport, I found out that I had  ended up in the wrong place. I was doubtful of catching the flight  since time was running.  Again I had to walk  a pretty long  distance, go up the escalator,  stand in queue,  undergo the security check again, go down  the escalator  to find  gate no. 24 .  I had mixed feelings of fear, guilt, disappointment etc.   while I was panting for breath,  the temptation of the evil one to lose hope of catching the flight was added .   I was praying to God  to delay the boarding.  Thank God finally I reached the destination and joined the queue  for  boarding. To my surprise , I was given the same seat 25F and the person sitting next to me also was the same person who travelled in the first flight.

I turned to him and verified whether he was the same man. I was correct. When I narrated my story, he told  me how easy it was to reach gate no. 24.  Then only I realized my folly of not talking to him after travelling in  the flight for 2.30 hrs sitting side by side. Since I kept silence he thought I might be praying, he said.  He was very much willing to help me in every way possible. The indifference of mine made him turn a deaf ear.  I was reminded of the Bible verse

“I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”.  Eph 4:2

Advanced Study in Troop Church Training (ASTCT)

“In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill” (Is 30:25)

These days the Holy Spirit is working in lightning speed and looking for people who will cope up with his swiftness in the operation of the strategy which the Lord has dictated to transform our nation India.  The Lord has entrusted us with the ministry of equipping those who come forward to do this. “Advanced Study in the Troop Church Training” – a 30 day study of 2 hours each is meant for this.  

ASTCT classes have been converted into Troop Churches in many places. Those who want to start ASTCT classes and start troop churches

Contact – 04465453245

Gift School

Jeremiah School of Prophecy

June 28 – 29 (Batch 1 – Level 2)

Bethesda School of Healing

July 2 – 3(Batch 1 – Level 1)

Paul School of Deliverance

June 18 – 19 (Batch 2 – Level 1)

 For further details contact

9840577293 (Dr.Albet)

9952040052 (Sol.Johny)

Prayer Points


1.Job, 39:9 Pray for the whirlwind from south for the Hill horse

2.Pray for the whirlwind from North-Desert horse to be defeated.

3.Pray for the war of ENHF to be fought valiantly by the Hill horses.

4.Pray for Jehovah’s Army,the army sent by God to conquer.

For the Hill horses from South to fulfill God’s plan.


  1. That the opposition members act responsibly.

2.That they involve themselves in constructive discussion aiming at people’s welfare.

3.That they cooperate with the government in carrying out worthy projects.

4.That they encourage social reform.

5.That they observe discipline and divinity during assembly meeting.


1)      Troop Name : Tzvaot (Lord of Host)

Name of the Soldier : Priya Chattani

Testimony : I had the attack of evil spirit for last 7 years. In the Night time evil spirit use to beat me and there were marks of nails all over my body and the marks of evil spirit beating on my body. I completed my Shekinah and Eshcol . Whenever I was in Shekinah Compound I didn’t had any trouble but when I came back to my house again problem use to start. After that I started Troop Meeting in my house miraculously just within 1 week I got completely delivered from these issue. It is almost now 6 month I don’t have any such problem. Now I got my engagement and very soon I will be married. Glory to God.

2) Troop Name :Tzvato (Lord of Host)

Name of Soldier : Veena Chattani

Testimony :  Before Troop Meeting my whole house was in big trouble because of witchcraft and black magic done by my relatives over my house and my family. We were in big debt and we even didn’t had good savings. Our house was not even painted for last 15 years so ugly was our house. When we started the Troop in our house my daughter got completely cured from her evil Spirit attack and my Son got a new Job and we came out of our debt and even we have painted our house. Now the witchcraft and black magic which was upon our house is no more working. Glory to  God.

3) Troop Name : JeevanJal ( Water of Life)

Name of Soldier : Suman

Testimony : I had a tumor in my stomach. Weight of the Tumor was 2.5 Kg. Doctor said it is not possible even to operate and to remove the tumor. I had severe pain in my stomach. I didn’t had money to go for treatment. After Starting the Troop Meeting I got some money and I started the treatment for the Tumor and 3 months before I got operated and Doctor removed my tumor from my stomach and now I am completely alright. Praise be to the Lord Jesus.

Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can   apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to


Email ID : heavenly hostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

5 Day Residential Training Camp – Batch 40

The 40th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Palavakkam from June 21-June 26 2016. The Lord sent ten persons from Tamil Nadu to be formed and to form others in their respective places. The curriculum included the Spiritual Courses like Character Formation, methods to engage in spiritual warfare and Personal counseling. From this batch theory and practical training sessions in the gifts of Deliverance, Healing, Prophecy were conducted which was every useful to the participants.God’s blessings and anointing was there throughout the training period. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the teachers who have put in their best to equip these trainees.nbm n mnvhvhbhnbAdvfsdvf

Upcoming BFF Batches

Batch 40 - June 21-26-Trichy– Tamil – 9894254933 (Br.Johnson)

Batch 41 - June 21-26-Ernakulam– Malayalam – 9447060404 (Br.Vijayan)

Batch 42 - June 22-27-Goa– Hindi – 9822181817 (Br.Aravind)

Batch 43 - June 27- July 2 – Hyderabad - Telugu –8374412377 (Sis.Vani)

Batch 44 - July 06-11-Panaiyur– English-044-65453245 (Sr.Roger)

BFF – Testimonies

Miss Lucy Cardoso

Testimony: I came here to know more about the word of God and also to receive healing from my sickness such as spine healing, heaviness in the chest, deliverance of fear and pride.

What touched me most: After attending the BF&F study circle camp i got tremendous knowledge of the Bible the word of God for the first time  and also the importance of reading the Bible growing in the word of God.  I received healing from my sickness and also received the water baptism and the Holy Spirit.  All the preachers were very good and informative and really enjoyed all the healing, deliverance and anointing sessions.

Visited patient: Name Radika, with kidney problem

Visited 1st patient: Name: Kamalakan Dreolar.

Sickness : He met with an accident and was hospitalized. Could not move his legs for eight days.  When we prayed over him for healing he slowly moved his legs and showed signs of healing.  We asked their family members to believe in Jesus and gave them the word of God and prayer for healing.

Miss Lydia Pereira

Testimony: Before coming for BF&F, I was totally confused.  I used to ask God why you created me and I had lots of questions.  I was confused and everything was going wrong but I used to have the desire to learn about God and my daddy told me to go for BF&F.  So I thought let’s try what is BF&F and I came.  When I came here I saw the teaching.  It touched me. God started giving me answer but in common sharing or to talk in front of people, I was getting afraid.  All were talking so freely and why am I all the time in fear.  I started asking God.  The next day God gave me the answer and I felt good.  Then I asked the question to God and he started giving me His answers. I was unaware of many things which was in Bible, the truths and about the Holy spirt and so on. The best thing I got here was that within the little span of time I got the brief idea and knowledge of God.

Actually everything touched me the most because being a Christian, I was unaware of all the things and gifts which heavenly Father have given me.  The most thing which touched me is that earlier I used to be dark but when I hear that God suffered much, much, much more for me, he took everything upon Him to give me a new wonderful life.  Lord changed my life and brought me into light.  He took away my sin, my shame and all things by listening these words, it touched my heart.

Every session was beneficial for me, most to know about my enemy.  The gifts and authority given to each believer, how to stand for God.  I also learned about deliverance and so on, which I was unaware and every session was the most beneficial session for me. As for the explanation, nothing was difficult because you all have explained so beautifully, that the explanations went into my mind.

Practicals in the Goa Medical College, Bambolim

Visited 1st patient: Name Piedade,

Sickness: Diabetes, Hypertension(High blood pressure) and kidney problem.

We prayed on her and she has got the hope of getting healed soon.  She has faith in Jesus.

Visited 2nd patient: Name: Shantabai,

Sickness: Diabetes, and kidney stone.  She has faith in Jesus and when we prayed on her, she was weeping bitterly, held our hands and not ready to leave. 

Prophecy news updates.

Frightening Warning About Approaching Solar Flare Destruction Revealed Within Revelation

The scriptures tell us that the earth will be destroyed a total of three times. The first was by water during the days of Noah to purge unrepentant man from the earth and restore God's order. The next time the earth will be destroyed is during the Tribulation period through a series of various events; several of which are clearly described as resulting from fire in which the Lord will once again purge unrepentant man from the earth. After this second restoration (Isaiah 65: 17-25), the Lord will reign on the Earth for 1,000 years. The Book of Revelation then states that after this period, the world once again turns wicked and God executes the third destruction. In this final destruction, the Earth and heavens (the entire universe) will pass away with a fervent heat and a new heaven and a new Earth (of a different kind without day or night) will be created to last for all of eternity.

The Scriptures provide the framework by which the end-times will unfold and describes a world where there must be a convergence of religion, economics, and leadership. Right now, we clearly see these new systems and ideologies merging and most surmise that a one-world financial system will emerge as nations' economies become more unstable. The Bible also talk about the characteristics of the last generation and we are the first generation in human history to meets all of the conditions described in the Scriptures. The Bible also states that during these last days there would be unprecedented Christian and Jewish persecution of which we also see the framework being laid today for such a scenario. There is scarcely a day that passes in which we don't hear of events around the world which continue to lay the foundation for the final days as described in His Word; however, the scriptures also talk about geographic and cosmic events within the Book of Revelation that will devastate the earth and result in the death of millions or billions of people. The truth is that the foundation for these cataclysmic cosmic events are also being laid today!

In this article, we will be focusing on only one of the fire-related destructive events described within Prophecy during the Tribulation period, and new discoveries made that are foreshadowing its passing. We may not know the day nor the hour of such events, but we can clearly see the season approaching. Many are familiar with the prophetic event within Revelation that describes 1/3 of the Earth being burnt up along with 1/3 of the trees and grass (Revelation 8:7). John's wording is compact and precise and tells us exactly what he's seeing. Based on the wording of the text, many theologians and astrophysicists claim that what is being described could be the occurrence of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun hitting the Earth!

The surface of the sun consists of dense, super-heated Plasma. Think of the sun as a ball of liquid FIRE - burning at around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and not as having a surface that is on fire - but is literally fire through and through (i.e. like a lake of fire and not a lake on fire). CMEs are always being emitted from the sun, but should a large one on an unprecedented scale directly strike the Earth; this dense superheated plasma would push away part of the Earth's atmosphere. This would expose the stratosphere to the -150 degrees Fahrenheit temperature of space which would instantly crystalize all the moisture within the stratosphere. As the CME pressure wave continues to push through the atmosphere, it would compress the ice crystals into hail balls. This is exactly what is being described within the text of Revelation. John described that before 1/3 of the Earth was burnt up, "there came hail and fire"; seemingly contradicting states of matter. As the CME continues into the tratosphere, it would then vaporize all planes, birds and flying insects which also complies with the next description from John that the coming of hail and fire was "mixed with blood". The CME would then continue to the surface of the Earth where John clearly described that this hail, fire and blood is then, "cast upon the earth" - burning up 1/3 of the trees and grass! As you can see, John's description is specific and intended to be in chronological order; describing exactly what one would expect if an unprecedented CME did indeed strike the Earth.

Some may believe this is nothing more than theory or speculation of what events could occur within the end times, but the reality is that various governments from around the world have realized this approaching Biblical event is entirely real, and they’re already preparing for it.

What Governments Don't Want You To Know

Since God commonly utilizes His own creations to carry out judgement as we see this time and time again throughout the Old Testament, then we know if this CME scenario is true, we may already be seeing the foundation of this event unfolding today. First, something has changed within the last 10 years regarding how governments are planning for continuity of operation; they're now thinking global. Recently, governments all over the world have built over 1,000 doomsday seed vaults to ensure the survival of the human race. The largest that we know of is the Norwegian vault on the island of Spitsbergen in the Arctic Circle. In addition, governments have begun building massive underground bunkers and small underground cities carved within the bedrock of mountains for their leadership.

But the most frightening signs are the ones hiding in plain sight...

First, unknowing to most, Earth's magnetic field, which normally protects us from high energy particle emissions from the sun, is collapsing! With a reduced magnetic field, solar radiation and CMEs will now have a greater impact on the Earth than ever before. In fact, the European Space Agency recently launched a satellite array that monitors solar activity and the impact it has upon the Earth. During the first 6 months of operation, it was revealed that the Earth's magnetic field was not only indeed collapsing, but that it was happening 10x faster than researchers first realized. In addition, recent discoveries by astrophysicists in Japan have revealed that our sun is in fact capable of producing what is now being called a "super flare" which is 20x - 1,000x more powerful than any flare witnessed on our modern age. They're referring to a CME that would be substantially larger than the one which occurred in the Carrington event of 1859. The "super flare" being described by researchers would be so powerful, with Earth having a weakened magnetic field, it could truly penetrate the stratosphere; causing the events described by John in revelation.

The Lord Has Already Warned Us that This Is Coming...

We are told to do look for the signs for the end of our age, and it appears that the Lord has already warned us that the event described by John is indeed coming soon. During July, 2012, a massive CME ejected from the sun and crossed Earth's orbital path; missing us by only one week! This partocular CME was unprecidented in size (X-class), and if the flare would have erupted just one week earlier it would have hit the Earth square on. This CME blast was so massive that NASA referred to it as "The Solar Superstorm of 2012" and believe it would have knocked our civilization back to the 18th century - leading to panic, war, starvation and disease. This near miss was so shocking to various unaware agencies, they kept the event SECRET from the public for one and a half years before finally revealing it to media at a recent space summit.

Following Europe's early flare detection system, NASA has also recently launched their own CME detection satellites, named "STEREO", which will gives the US Government a 12 to 24 hour notice in the case of an approaching catastrophic solar flare.


Know your enemy

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:11


Section 1

The OldTestament

  1. Semiramis
  2. The Mystery Babylon Religion


One of the key elements of the Mysteries that I also want to emphasise is the hierarchical structure that they contained. The secret illuminating knowledge from the serpent was not to be freely distributed to the unworthy. You would have to become initiated into the religion and then work your way through ascending degrees of revelation and knowledge. This ascension through the levels was considered to be a journey from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. A process of enlightenment. Progression was propagated by a hierarchy of priests and priestesses and were marked by fearful rites of passage and oaths of secrecy, which, if broken, would lead to death. Similar oaths of secrecy are sworn today by other hierarchical institutions like the freemasons and Jesuits. More about them later.

The further along in the process you were, the more enlightened you were considered. The more enlightened you were, the more you could look down your nose at the unenlightened. The hierarchical structure of the Mysteries was designed to create inequality amongst men based on what they knew. It can itself can be best visualised in the form of a pyramid or ziggurat again. Wide at the base and increasingly narrow as you rise through the levels towards the peak. 

The idea is that there is an average mass of people at the bottom of the pyramid who are ignorant blind fools with an increasingly small number of enlightened people towards the top. The very top, the capstone as it were, is


Lucifer himself, the giver of the light. If you’ve read or seen Harry Potter you’ll be vaguely familiar with this concept. In those stories, the name ‘muggle’ is given to the majority of people in the world who go about their lives utterly oblivious to  the wizarding world that is actually all around them or at least very close at hand.

We are encouraged to think of muggles as idiots and indeed the Oxford  English Dictionary has even picked up on the word and defines it as “an individual who is clumsy or unable to acquire a new skill.” Those who were born into a muggle family but have been awakened to wizardry are called ‘mudbloods’ i.e. half bloods, and this places you on a higher position than a muggle but a lower position to those who have centuries of pure wizardry in their ancestry. JK Rowling here, as in many aspects of her books is actually giving insights into real occultism. The word “occult” means “hidden” or “concealed” and it is the modern name by which the ideas of the Mysteries have come to be known today.

When you have people involved in the occult today, the information, knowledge and power they are trying to tap into, is the exact same as that serpent knowledge  which originated in Babylon.

 The idea of occultism retains the concept that there are a powerful, enlightened or illuminated few at the top who see things as they really are and the rest are kept in the dark. Mere ignorant fools. The enlightened few consider the average mass of people to be almost sub-human. Like cattle, who deserve to be led like cattle and treated like cattle.

This knowledge hierarchy is replicated in almost all occult societies today, like freemasonry for example, and it fulfils an important function of allowing Satan to pervert by small degrees. Those at the lower levels of freemasonry have no idea of what they are actually involved in. It is only as they slowly rise through the degrees that they have the true information revealed to them. By perverting in small stages and in the passing of time, people lose sight of just how far they’re straying and can be led to accept things that they would have otherwise flatly rejected if they had been given the full revelation from the start. Just a little change here, a little change there…it’s not so much. And yet with enough small changes and with enough time, a person or society can be completely transformed without even realising it. This is one of the reasons why we must have a zero tolerance policy

- To be Continued

National Worship Centre (NWC)

Visions and revelations

1.When  I started worshipping in the Centre Jesus came  near me. I felt his presence and saw light shining .He spoke to me like this” I have come as a light to shine in the world. You have been chosen to be the light to everyone and shine in the world and you will be a witness to me.”

2) At the time of my worshipping in the Centre God spoke to me like this “ All the deception of the enemy will go away. The servants of God have all turned away from me and now started  leading  wordly life. Immediately go and preach my  words  to  the people.”

3) As soon as I entered the worship centre I felt the presence of God. When  I started singing ,  my head, two hands and legs started shaking and felt a power entering in to me. Again when I started praising I was filled fully with power.

 4) God showed me how he is protecting me and the family in all the critical situations. God clearly told me to wait patiently for His coming (Rapture).


Praise God for the successful completion of 9439 slots in National Worship  Centre with a Non Stop   Worship (24/7)

Kingdom Gazette Volume 4 Issue 23

Kingdom Gazette 


for War and victory over satan and his agents. It Enlists soldiers in the Army. Trains the   soldiers to proclaim the Word of God which is sharper than two edged sword powerful to shatter rocks into pieces and burn forests. It trains and forms evangelists .

Trains them to pray and wait upon the Lord to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to   proclaim the Good News with signs and   wonders. Offers fields of apostolate. Functions in cells of ten each.


Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

For Your meditation Pl

Jg 13:16 "The angel of the LORD answered Manoah, “If you detain me, I won’t be eating your food, but if you prepare a burnt offering, you’ll be making a sacrifice to the LORD.” The angel of the LORD said this because Manoah didn’t know that he was the angel of the LORD.

 Manoah wanted to thank and glorify the angel who brought a good news from God. The angel refused to accept hospitality (food, drink etc) but in turn asked them to offer a sacrifice to the Lord.

This is the true characteristic of a servant of God. He refuses glory, hospitality and all benefits that comes out of the ministry and ask the beneficiary to glorify the Lord by offering Him burnt sacrifices.

Burnt sacrifice = body as a living sacrifice (Romans 12: 1,2).

Manoah did not grasp what the angel said.

 Jg 13:17(ISV) Manoah asked the angel of the LORD, “What’s your name, because when what you’ve said happens, we’ll glorify you?” 

He again wants to glorify the angel. Look at the foolishness of human nature.

The same thing is repeated today also.

People want to glorify the servants of God. If the servants are true to God like the angel, they will refuse to accept any honour and glory. Will ask the people to give it as a burnt offering to the Lord.

In the burnt offering, the offering burns and becomes ashes. The giver's name will not come out. His offering and name will not be recorded on earth.

Again Manoah will not leave the angel. The angel got angry. Instead of asking about the giver of the gift, he tries to honour the servant through whom it was sent.

Repeated - what is happening today. Instead of thanking the giver, people want to know more about the testimonies of the servants of God and give them much publicity. 

Jg 13:18 but The angel of the LORD answered him, “Why are you asking this about my name? It’s ‘Wonderful.’” 

Jg 13:19 (ISV) So Manoah prepared a young goat and a grain offering and offered it on a boulder to the LORD, who kept on performing miracles while Manoah and his wife watched continually.

Jg 13:20 (ISV) When the burnt offering was engulfed by the flames that sprang up from the altar towards heaven, the angel of the LORD ascended in the flame that came from the altar. When Manoah and his wife observed this, they collapsed on their faces to the ground.

Jg 13:21 (ISV) The angel of the LORD did not appear again to Manoah or to his wife, and then Manoah knew confidently that the visitor was the angel of the LORD.

He did not appear again.

A true servant of God after conveying the message or doing the ministry, will disappear from the scene. Should not visit that house again for any benefits of his own unless the Lord directs him to go .

Advanced Study in Troop Church Training (ASTCT)



“In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain every lofty hill”.

These days the Holy Spirit is working in lightning speed and looking for people who will cope up with his swiftness in the operation of the strategy which the Lord has dictated to transform our nation India. The Lord has entrusted us with the ministry of equipping those who come forward to do this. “ Advanced Study in the Troop Church Training” – a 30 day study of 2 hours each is meant for this.  

ASTCT classes have been converted into Troop Churches in many place.Those who want to start ASTCT classes and start troop churches Contact – 04465453245

Gift School 

David School of worship

June 11 – 12 (Batch 2 – Level 1)

Jeremiah School of Prophecy

June 28 – 29 (Batch 1 – Level 2)

Bethesda School of Healing

July 2 – 3 (Batch 1 – Level 1)

Paul School of Deliverance

June 18 – 19 (Batch 2 – Level 1)


For further details contact

9840577293 (Dr.Albet)


Prayer Points


1.Pray foe our country to be cleared from all the abominations in the worship places of idols.

2.Pray for our country to be cleared from the sin of Gay marriage.

3.Corruptions in every department to be eradicated.

4.Our country to be cleared from adultery , rape , etc..

5.Illiteracy in our country to be eradicated.


1.That India creates good infrastructure for foreign investors.

2.That the investors give first place to peoples’ financial uplift.

3.That they never extract much work for less wages.

4.That they fix just wages and work time.

5.That the company’s gain be shared with the workers.

Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can   apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : khrdcchennai@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

Email ID : heavenly hostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

Upcoming BFF Batches

Batch 39 - June 13-18- Arunachal Pradesh – English – 9436041167(Br.Santo)

Batch 40 - June 21-26- Trichy– Tamil – 9894254933(Br.Johnson)

Batch 41 - June 21-26- Ernakulam– Malayalam – 9447060404 (Br.Vijayan)

Batch 42 - June 22-27- Goa– Hindi – 9822181817(Br.Aravind)

Batch 43 - June 27- July 2 – Hyderabad - Telugu –8374412377 (Sis.Vani)

Batch 44 - July 06-11- Panaiyur– English - 044-65453245(Sr.Roger)

BFF Testimony

Miss Laleta Rosa Pereira

 Testimony: Before I had no knowledge of Jesus when I came to BFF.I learnt many things here. I learnt a lot about visions, how to heal the sick and about the armor of God.

After this camp I decided to proclaim the word of God to my friends, relatives etc. and encourage them to attend BFF to gain more knowledge of God

The session that touched me the most was about the healing. How to fight against demons, visions.

BFF Testimony

Mr David Chris Dias


Testimony: I was used to be lazy, I hardly pray, I had many doubts. I had no faith in God. I was really bad before, I was a worldly person. I had no gifts or fruits activated. My spirit man was dead. I never shared my room with anyone else before. I did not know how to adjust. I could not get up early for prayer. After I saw my faith increasing progressively, I came to know a lot of truths about everything, I became more disciplined, I grew in the spirit, I got the gift of prophecy, because I tried not to talk to anyone.

 What touched me most, is the session on deliverance which enabled me to see how my anointing is delayed, why and how to rectify the problem. I felt in this session I was cut to the heart.

 Practicals in the Goa Medical College, Bambolim

We prayed for a diabetic patient. We told her to ask for forgiveness of sins, also to forgive anyone who did wrong to her.We saw in the spirit evil forces working through her house. We confess and believe that her daughter will change in the name of Jesus soon as her mother was healed.

Know your Bible

TEACHING: The second attack – “ Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you”  By Bro.C.Umashankar


     Let us know the Biblical truth about the “second attack

     Before that let us read the following verse which gives the revelation on this issue:

     John 5:14 Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.”

          The truth about the “second attack” is very important for everyone of us to know so that we remain alert to protect ourselves. We have a responsibility to warn others too.

     What we are discussing here below is the universal principle on which the Lord God runs the universe. The Bible contains all the universal principles with which the Lord God administers the earth and the universe itself. We need to dig up and find out these universal principles.

     Let us remember that the Lord God-Jesus seldom violates any of these principles. Because He is the author of these universal principles. (Only when His children or friends petition to Him, he intervenes and applies brake. Otherwise this principle is not disturbed in the normal course.)

     The devil and his dark angels also obey these principles. They have no power to alter or ignore these rules.

     Let us know what is the universal principle behind “the second attack”

     In simple terms, when a person is afflicted with a disease and the Lord God is gracious enough to heal him/her of the disease, such a healed person has to be careful about the “second attack” principle.



     The universal principles regarding sickness can be seen in God's description about Himself to Moses in Exodus 34:7 and Exodus 15:26.

     Exodus 34:7 ….keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.”

          Here, the Lord has laid down the universal rule that He would punish upto four generations for any inequity or sin committed by a person! The punishment may come in different forms. The Bible describes how the generational curses act on individuals and the word of God also tells us in Galatians 3:13 how the Lord God, Jesus has paid the price for the general curses also. One of the methods of punishment is affliction by various diseases.



   Let us study Exodus 15:26 to know how the diseases are connected to such generational curses and also as general punishment.

     Exodus 15:26 and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.”

        A simple reading of Exodus 15:26 shows that the Lord God has put in motion a procedure for “crime and punishment” as a part of His universal rule to administer the earth.

     It means, when a person sins or violates the law laid down by the Lord, this universal principle takes effect – the person gets disease.

     Look at the word of God, which is unambiguous. This is the universal principle to punish sins and inequities.

          When human beings commit sins or inequities, the punishment follows.


     In other words, a prudent person, can prevent any diseases by understanding this principle effectively by obeying the word of God. Amen. 

     Now our purpose is to know about the “second attack”

     We have seen from above that diseases are caused by our sins or inequities. In such a scenario, when the Lord intervenes and heals the sickness what happens? Yes, the person gets healed of the disease completely.

     The question is, “is it a permanent cure?” - yes. But let us look at the rider clause here below.

     Let us remember that the person got the disease either due to his sin /inequity or the sin /inequity of the forefathers which we call generational curse.

     When the Lord God, Jesus breaks satan's hold and releases a person from the disease or generational curse, such a person has to use the grace wisely and gratefully. Because, the person who is healed is not eligible for any such relief but the Lord God, Jesus has given him/her as a grace. If the receiving person abuses such a grace and goes back to sins/inequities the punishment becomes double.This is called the “second attack”.The universal rule laid down by our Lord God, Jesus is “Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you”

     Majority of the Christians treat the words uttered by Jesus as something “ordinary”. But the fact is that whatever Jesus has uttered and recorded in the Gospels and also the Book of Revelations are absolute rules that govern the universe. Amen.

     Jesus, in fact is the most fearsome God. He never violates His rules (Rev.19:11 … and in righteousness He judges and makes war). 

                                                                                                                                         - To be Continued

Prophecy news updates.

The Cemetery Of The Giants


 "There were giants in the earth in those days..." Gen 6:4

It seems that mankind has questioned the reality of the existence of giants at least since giants were mentioned   in Genesis.Nearly every place around the world has legends of giants dwelling in the land. Greek and Roman   mythology mentions the Titans and Norse mythology contains stories of the Frost giants of Jötunheim.

Well known first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote about the history of the Jewish War in 79 AD and spoke of giants:"There were giants. Much larger and shaped differently than normal people. Terrible to       behold!"

Many of these stories are not limited to the ancient past but are also part of our more recent history.When         Abraham Lincoln made his first visit to Niagara Falls in 1848, he wrote of giants in his notes:When Columbus   first sought this continent - when Christ suffered on the cross - when Moses led Israel through the Red Sea -        nay, even when Adam first came from the land of his Maker - then as now, Niagara was roaring here. The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara..."

In his autobiography, "Buffalo" Bill Cody wrote the following words about a legend recounted to him by members of the Sioux tribe.It was taught by the wise men of this tribe that the earth was originally peopled by giants, who were fully three times the size of modern men. They were so swift and powerful that they could run alongside a buffalo, take the animal under one arm, and tear off a leg, and eat it as they ran. So vainglorious were they because of their own size and strength that they denied the existence of a Creator. When it lighted, they proclaimed their superiority to the lightning; when it thundered, they laughed.

This displeased the Great Spirit, and to rebuke their arrogance he sent a great rain upon the earth. The valleys filled with water, and the giants retreated to the hills. The water crept up the hills, and the giants sought safety on the highest mountains. Still the rain continued, the waters rose, and the giants, having no other refuge, were drowned.It is interesting that much of giant lore includes descriptions of a flood sent by God (or the gods) to destroy these wicked people. Could it be that while the Bible contains the true history of our past, these groups are simply repeating their own distorted versions of world history prior to and perhaps after the dispersion at Babel?

Many such stories contain exaggerations but is it reasonable to automatically reject every one of these traditions, or, like most legends, is there possibly some truth behind the them, as is often the case?

The Biblical support for the existence of giants is overwhelming although many details as to their nature and number are still debated. What is perhaps more controversial today is the quest to find giants remains.Many claims of giant skeletons have been made over the past few centuries, especially in the nineteenth century.One such place can be found in Ecuador known as the "The Cemetery of the Giants".

Father Carlos Vaca was a priest in Ecuador in 1964 when villagers contacted him to examine some strange bones that had been found. The bones were eventually taken to Austria for further analysis and would be featured in an exhibit, Unsolved Mysteries.The bones were deemed to be human and samples contained a complete shinbone. Whoever belonged to the skeleton stood at a whopping 7.6 meters tall (25 feet). The site of the skeletal discoveries was named Cemetery of the Giants by the locals.

Almost fifty years later, a 2012 exploration team discovered an ancient pyramid network in the Ecuadorian-Amazon jungle, a site unknown to anyone, including the locals. Author Bruce Fenton, also a researcher, believes the site is the Lost City of the Giants because of local legends of giants who once lived in the region and the giant tools found in the area.An internet search of giant skeletons will prove futile because of the photo shopping over the years. Apparently some jokesters are determined to mock the many Biblical references to giants, because they deem the stories as mythology. However, discoveries continue.Below the surface of Death Valley, a 1931 discovery unearthed human skeletons approximately nine feet tall.


A January 2015 discovery in Bulgaria at the site of the ancient Greek city Odessos came as no surprise to some of the locals. There was a 6,000-year history full of stories about giants. The accidental discovery of a skeleton described as "very tall" and "impressive" offered validity to the legends.Giant footprints have been discovered all over the world. "Goliath's Footprint" in South Africa measures 4-feet. A 1926 edition of The Oakland Tribune reported 5-foot long footprints on a cliff in San Jose, California.Christian researcher L.A. Marzulli has been at the forefront of leading the charge to explore such claims around the world and believes there is startling evidence to suggest that there has been a massive cover up of what he believes are the remains of giants.

Christian News

Muslim Bomber Blows Up WORLD’S OLDEST CHURCH Where Three Wise Men Roamed in Turkey

The ferocity of the blast smashed all the church’s windows, and with the church lying between two Christian villages there are fears of more atrocities from jihadi forces.

Erdogan’s Turkey. A homicide bomber killed five and caused extensive damage to the world’s oldest church. Islamic supremacists are happy to die to eliminate any other religious history. Just this week I reported that Muslims in Turkey were demanding to pray in one of the most iconic, historic churches in Turkey, the Hagia Sophia. It’s all about erasing what’s not Islamic.


Christian man, top police official’s wife brutally killed in Bangladesh

Latest attack on minorities and secular activists by Islamists, woman targeted as her husband busted many militant outfits .A Christian businessman was on Sunday hacked to death by unidentified machete-wielding men near a church in Bangladesh, hours after the wife of a top anti-terror police officer was shot dead by religious extremists in the Muslim-majority nation which has seen a string of brutal attacks on minorities and secular activists by Islamists.


Know your enemyUntitled 55

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:11


Section 1

The Old Testament

  • 1.Semiramis
  • 8.The Mystery Babylon Religion


As we’ve already noted, the religion created in Babylon by Nimrod and Semiramis is known as the Mystery Religion or

simply The Mysteries. At its core, itwas an inverted re-telling of the fall of man in Genesis.


In the Biblical account of the incident, the serpent caused Adam and Eve to sin

against God by suggesting they eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Because they acted in disobedience to God who had specifically told them not to eat from that tree, sin entered into the human race and all the misery, disease and tragedy that makes up human history stems from that moment.

In the Babylonian inversion of this event however, the serpent is portrayed as the real good god. He was worshipped for opening the eyes of men and for infusing the woman with his passion and lust. He was seen as a liberator and an enlightener. To them, he illuminated the minds of mankind by revealing to them the secret knowledge that God had tried to keep from them. Look again at the All Seeing Eye. Notice that it has rays of light emanating from it. This represents the illuminating secret knowledge that he claims to offer. The secret serpent knowledge that could provide mankind with their own salvation and which would see them become gods. That is why the religion is called the Mysteries - Because it claims to harbour this secret knowledge that was offered to Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden. In the Mysteries, the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Yahweh, was portrayed as a wrathful Deity of hate, who was guilty of opposing freedom of choice.


Because Nimrod and Semiramis set themselves up as the sun and moon gods, the religion also made use of a corruption of primeval astronomy. It was believed by Noah’s righteous ancestors that the stars told the story of Satan’s rebellion against God in heaven, his fall, subversion of mankind, the promise of a Messiah who would suffer and die to lift the curse of sin and then be installed as Lord of creation and conqueror of Satan. These stories were widely known amongst the people of the time.

Semiramis however, again inverted the story and so in the Mysteries the stars of the sky told a different story. In the Babylonian version, Satan was depicted as the rightful lord of the universe, whose throne has only been temporarily usurped by God. One day an anti-Christ, a seed of the serpent, would be born of a divine mother, would become god himself, replace God and return rulership of the world to the serpent. Semiramis claimed that this was the real hidden truth concealed within the stories. This corrupt and satanic version is the origin of astrology, which still exists virtually unchanged today.

The Babylonians didn’t just believe the stars told the story of the universe.They believed you could divine the future of individuals through them as well. If the stars told the stories of things that had passed they could also tell the stories of things to come. They would therefore divide the sky into sections and give meanings to each section on the basis of the stars that are found there. According to the theory, a person's destiny is said to be determined by whatever section or "sign" he is born under. This is the origin of horoscopes.

In times to come, astrology would pass to the empire of ancient Egypt, which is the location we most associate with pyramids today. The ‘sacred mountain’ pyramids were constructed with certain mathematical relationships to the stars. By the time Moses led the Jews out of Egypt in Exodus, astrology had also infected the population in Canaan which was the land that they were headed towards. Hence, some of the strictest warnings in the Bible against astrology date from this period (Lev. 19:31; Deut. 18).

The Biblical denunciations of astrology identify the practice with demonism or Satanism in the sense that Satan and his hosts were actually being worshiped in the guise of the signs, planets and stars. And as mentioned previously, the leading lights of the sky – sun and moon – were worshipped in the form of Nimrod and Semiramis.

Very significantly, a third leading light was identified in the sky that was 23 times more luminous than the sun and therefore was considered to be the most important star in the sky. It is known as the “dog star”, “Sirius”, or “The morning star” because it is still visible even in the morning light. Remember in Isaiah 14:12 Lucifer is referred to as the morning star. When allied with the sun and moon, the dog star completes an unholy trinity of lights personified in Satan, Nimrod and Semiramis.

- To be Continued

National Worship Centre(NWC)

Visions and revelations

  • I heard the voice of God, “I will do a miracle in your life and give you wonderful things. Amen.
  • In the last days, satan is trying to take hold of believers’ lives by hovering over them with a black cloud like thing. But as worship and Praise is offered together in unity, the dark cloud bursts away and the believers are freed from all bondages and problems and they size up together to shine for His glory.
  • The God said, “My people shall sing forth my praises.”
  • Every child of God should know that he/she has been created to praise the Master always. Let’s praise without ceasing.All Glory to God.

Praise God for the successful completion of 9439 slots in National Worship   Centre with a Non Stop   Worship (24/7)

Volume 4 Issue 22 June 1, 2016

Message for reflection

Bold as a lion

when  KingAhasuerus promoted Haman, all the king's servants who were within the king's gate bowed and paid homage to Haman, for so the king had commanded concerning him. But Mordecai would not bow or pay homage.  Then the king's servants who were within the king's gate said to Mordecai, "Why do you transgress the king's command? Now it happened, when they spoke to him daily and he would not listen to them, that they told it to Haman, to see whether Mordecai's words would stand; for Mordecai had told them that he was a Jew. Esther 3:1-4

Mordecai was so adamant  in his belief that he should not bow down to any human being except God his creator.

“The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion”. Proverbs 28:1

Towards the end of the book of Esther we read that

“The Jews gathered together in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm. And no one could withstand them, because fear of them fell upon all people. And all the officials of the provinces, the satraps, the governors, and all those doing the king's work, helped the Jews, because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them”. Esther 9:2-3

How bold are you in your belief?


What is Troop church

There is an earnest search among the believers across the world for a real Church where a person can commune with God and relate to his fellow brethren. After trials and experiments the Indian Church is forming “Troop Church”.

The Army of Jesus was experimenting with the “Troop Church” for the past 17 years. Started in the year 1998, it has so far registered 18,676 troops . The experiment with Troop Church has been successful.

  1. It has 18,676 independent first line Troop Churches. Second , third line numbers of Troop Churches are not known.
  2. It has raised many leaders, pastors, prophets, counselors and other ministers and gospel workers.
  3. It has no visible leader or hierarchical structure
  4. It has no office, no full timer, no paid worker etc.
  5. No organizational (hierarchical) set up.
  6. No money collection or transaction.
  7. No election, board, Committee etc.
  8. Every Troop Church trains up believers in their gifts like worshipping, preaching, prophecy etc.
  9. Since the mother troop disperses and starts new troops after 2 months, there is no stagnancy.
  10. No pollution or corruption with money or power.

11.The two wings of Troop Church are Decentralisation and Multiplication .

Gift School

School of worship

June 11 – 12 (Batch 2 – Level 1)

Jeremiah School of Prophecy

June 28 – 29  (Batch 1 – Level 2)

School of Healing

June 4 – 5  (Batch 1 – Level 1)

School of Deliverance

June 18 – 19  (Batch 2 – Level 1)


For further details contact

9840577293 (Dr.Albet)


Prayer Points


1.Prayfoe all the Hill horses to arise and shine(Is,60:1)

  1. Pray that the Southern Army should arise with zeal

3.Children of God should identify the power of darkness

4.They should confront the power of darkness

5.The Lord should appear above them


  1. Those political parties which were not successful in the elections honestly evaluate themselves

2.That their disappointment do not be a hindrance to good government

3.That good leaders are formed in our country

4.That people are formed to live and work to achieve a good purpose

5.That the expectation of eternal life be the basis for everything.

BFF Testimony

Testimony:  Before I entered the campus I was not prepared to be honest .Specifications were not clear. No message was sent I thought I was a drop out.  Address given over the phone being a residence close to my house I thought I was able to go home thinking it was compulsory. thought it would be a usual retreat with morning Mass, Blessed Sacrament, Music Ministry etc.

But to my amazement I knew I did not come here by chance, everything was upside down churches closing and we getting ready to start new Troop Church.  Time is short.

 To be honest after attending so many retreats I got the opportunity to 1) converse with the preachers during sessions/meal breaks 2) dine with them in the same arena and all washed their plates as well.  They consumed their meals after we were served.  3) It was a non-profitable organization for Rs 2500/- for 5 nights 6 days.  4) Disciplined us by cleaning our class/rest/wash rooms, 5) contact numbers sent to our people because they cared for us.  6) Gave us opportunity to visit the sick in GMC/pray over, 7) All material/slides/videos/teaching clearly indicated sister Angelica Mission/prophecy by Jesus to her was true and very urgent for India 8) I was warming my ass for 25 years sitting on my gifts view no fault of my own and His Spirit spoke to me “Enough is enough Norman will you help me? He never commanded or forced me.  I said Yes Lord in tears for I could see Him my Master who gave me life.


All the sessions were of interest because they were not pastors and each made notes and taught us with humility and patience because they were anointed.  Deliverance done by Sr Larraine with authority and confidence on new members.  All were amazing. Baptism touched me because 6 people came to baptize me with love and affection.


Practicals in the Goa Medical College, Bambolim

Visited 1st patient - Ward no. 139 – Name of the patient: Sanket. Sickness: Motto neuron disorder.  Wife’s name: Pallavi – Mob no. 9890357375, Father-in-law’s name: Shamba.  Mother-in-law’s name Jyotsna (to be bound).

 Jyotsna mentioned if my son do not worship me I will kill Him.  I am a god.  Met this patient 1.1/2 year back.  (Dr said max 7 days).  I pleaded with the Lord and prayed every month.  Today his legs/hands were in pain and could not raise them.  After praying pain was gone from legs/ hand. Legs were free but hands lifting up but falling.


Visited 2nd patient - Ward no. 139 – Name of the patient: Govind.  Sickness: legs, shoulder crippled. Admitted 15 days back.  On entering his bed started screaming. Had the spirit of anger/un-forgiveness and serpent spirit.  After praying Dr visited him after five minutes and said he will be discharged tomorrow.


Sol.Norman Joseph dias

BFF Testimony

Testimony: I was born again and saved in the year 2008 and attending a church meetings regularly.  I used to pray for people and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and was a part of the ministry for 8 years.  Many ups and downs were there in my life but I never gave up.  I was under a pastor but I left that pastor and their ministry 2 years back. One brother introduced me to BF & F ministry.  And when I came here it was extraordinary which I never knew for the past 8 years of my ministry.  A new revelation about formation of church and building up the Lord’s church which we never knew.  After all the sessions it really encouraged me, my work for the kingdom of God to be a soldier of Christ.

All the sessions and speakers were good and delivered their message beautifully. The session which touched me very much is the law of creation about body soul and spirit and the growth in China.

Practicals in the Goa Medical College, Bambolim

Visited 1st patient: Name: Sister Anupama.  Sickness: Heart attack.  Suffering for 8 months

We confessed Jesus Christ to her.  She is a nun and two other nuns were with her.  We prayed and she felt better.

Visited 2nd patient; Name: Deepati.  Sickness: took poison.

We confessed Jesus Christ to her and prayed.  Tears started coming out of her eyes and repented her mistake and I had a pocket bible with us, the New Testament which I gave to her.

Sol.Mr James Nunes


This is a five day children program conducted by BFF students April 25th to April30th.


55yrs old she was suffering from back pain, Doctor demanded 1 lakh to undergo operation.At the end of healing class students prayed for her healing.Praise God, she was completely healed. Another student too was healed from a critical body pain for several years.

-Student name :Anusurya

More than 52 children attended this camp. 43 children received visions, heard the voice of angels playing music. When children prayed for healing.so many were healed.So many saw Jesus Christ, Dove, angels moving.Children were between 4 years to 19


They were moulded by the HOLY SPIRIT

-VaaniSanthoshfrom Hyderabad



     Matthew 7:21 (NKJV) “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.



     1 John 3:6 Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. 7 Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.

     1 John 3:8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

     1 John 3:9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

1 John 5:17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is sin not leading to death.

     1 John 5:18 [ Knowing the True—Rejecting the False ] We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.



     Romans 6:1 (NKJV) What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?


PATHOLOGY OF SIN: The next angle.



     The end time false preachers are busy with the above slogan. “Sin no problem for Jesus”. This is far from the word of God. We have already seen in the above analysis how sin causes problem between God and man. Sin is the single most stumbling block between God and man. Sin causes man to move away from the presence the Lord and go closer to satan. Sin gives authority to the devil to torment man. The word is very clear that a child of God who does not sin nor disobeys to the word of God is fully protected from the attacks of the enemy. Exodus 15:26 and 3rd John verse 2 are the guarantees.

     Despite the word of God being very clear on this aspect, the end time false preachers are busy making money by telling that sin is no problem at all. They directly encourage the children of God to indulge in all sorts of sins through a lie that the Lord has paid for the future sins and so everyone has a licence to sin after taking water baptism!

     What an horrible subversion of the word of God.

     Yet, the end time believers also want to hear this type of soothing words. We see it in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. The sinners in the end time church want to believe this false statement. That is the reason for the roaring success of the fraudulent book.

     The Lord calls those who backslide again and again on the same sins as “dogs”. The Lord says,dogs will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.



     Revelation 22:15 (NKJV) But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.


     2 Peter 2:22 (NKJV) But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,” and, “a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.”


     2 Peter 2:20 (NKJV) For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them.


Fiery indignation awaited.

     Hebrews 10:26 (NKJV) For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.




     Hebrews 6:5 (NKJV) and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame. 7 For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God; 8 but if it bears thorns and briers, it is rejected and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned.



CONCLUSION: “Sin no problem for Jesus” is false.


     2 Peter 2:1(NKJV) But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lordwho bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.


- To be Continued

Know your Bible

Work of Nicolaitans (Contd)

Nimrod’s one-world government ideology — How this will be carried from one generation to the another, until its final fulfilment.

  • People should put their trust in men and not in God.
  • Remove the dependence of men from God so that men can depend on men for their needs.
  • Appoint rulers, princes and judges to rule over men. By this, man shall depend on appointed governments of that land for their needs.
  • Build towers all throughout every generation that will replace the worship of the true God of heaven. By this way, man will start honouring and worshiping other men, deities, and idols as their god.
  • Build high-raised towers everywhere in the world as a reminder that men rule over men and we are not ruled by God.
  • Bring back the world under one-world government: so that man can have one government, one language, one financial monetary system, one religious system, one healthcare system, one housing system, one education system and one system to rule over all men. By this way, man will no longer depend on God for anything. Desecrate and destroy everything that God made perfect.
  • My (Nimrod) plans should be carried from one generation to another in every walk of life (finance, housing, education, healthcare, food, religion), so that one day it shall come true in its final days.
  • The aim of the plan is to banish the name of God forever and destroy God, so that man will not worship God anymore because He (God) destroyed our forefathers in the great flood.

In conclusion, what we can say from this study paper is that God never ordained a government and this whole notion of government came from the Father of Nicolaitans, Nimrod. We need to ask ourselves whether we want to be a part of this modern-day church/synagogue system before this whole system falls and burns to the ground. Judgment is coming as given in the book of Revelation to this system that has put men into slavery. That is why Revelation 18:2-5 says:

“And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, ‘Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!  For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.’

 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.  For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities’”.

- To be Continued

Compiled by Bro. Samarpan, Mumbai

Prophecy news updates

Shocking NBC News Report - Someday We Will Be Microchipping All Of Our Children



Would you allow microchips to be surgically implanted in your children if that would keep them safer? 


This is already being done to pets on a widespread basis, and a shocking local NBC News report is promoting the idea that if it is good for our pets, then we should be doing it to our children as well. As you will see below, the report even puts a guilt trip on parents by asking them this question: "How far would you go to keep your children secure?"  Of course most parents very much want to keep their children safe, and a microchip would enable authorities to track them down if they were lost or stolen. 


But is this really a good idea?  And where is all of this technology eventually leadingthe reporter says that our children could be implanted with microchips "the size of a grain of rice" and that there would be "little to no health risks" involved.


And near the end of the report, she insists that "we could see those microchips in everyone" eventually.The report also quoted an electronics expert who claimed that testing of these microchips "is being done right now"...


The piece flips back to pushing the idea when it quotes electronics expert Stuart Lipoff, who asserts that microchipping children is safe and inevitable."People should be aware that testing is being done right now. The military is not only testing this out, but already utilizes its properties. It's not a matter of if it will happen, but when," states Lipoff.


Of course if widespread microchipping of the population does start happening, at first it will likely be purely voluntary.  But once enough of the population starts adopting the idea, it will be really easy for the government to make it mandatory.Just imagine a world where physical cash was a thing of the past and you could not buy, sell, get a job or open a bank account without your government-issued microchip identification.


Will you allow yourself and your family to be chipped when that day arrives?


If not, how will you eat?


How will you survive?


What will you do when your children come crying to you for food?


I am certainly not saying that you should allow yourself to be chipped.  I know that nobody is ever chipping me.  But what I am saying is that people are going to be faced with some absolutely heart-breaking choices.Just recently, I wrote about a new form of digital currency that is intended to replace the physical dollars that we use now and also replace alternative currencies such as Bitcoin.  It was unveiled in front of about 100 top Wall Street executives recently during a secret meeting in New York City.  To give you an idea of just how rapidly the concept of a cashless society is advancing, I want to share with you a brief excerpt from an article that I recently wrote about this new technology...


Last month, a "secret meeting" that involved more than 100 executives from some of the biggest financial institutions in the United States was held in New York City.  During this "secret meeting", a company known as "Chain" unveiled a technology that transforms U.S. dollars into "pure digital assets".  Reportedly, there were representatives from Nasdaq, Citigroup, Visa, Fidelity, Fiserv and Pfizer in the room, and Chain also claims to be partnering with Capital One, State Street, and First Data.This "revolutionary" technology is intended to completely change the way that we use money, and it would represent a major step toward a cashless society.  But if this new digital cash system is going to be so good for society, why was it unveiled during a secret meeting for Wall Street bankers?  Is there something more going on here than we are being told?

None of us probably would have ever heard about this secret meeting if it was not for a report in Bloomberg.  The following comes from their article entitled "Inside the Secret Meeting Where Wall Street Tested Digital Cash"...


On a recent Monday in April, more than 100 executives from some of the world's largest financial institutions gathered for a private meeting at the Times Square office of Nasdaq Inc. They weren't there to just talk about blockchain, the new technology some predict will transform finance, but to build and experiment with the software.


By the end of the day, they had seen something revolutionary: U.S. dollars transformed into pure digital assets, able to be used to execute and settle a trade instantly. That's the promise of a blockchain, where the cumbersome and error-prone system that takes days to move money across town or around the world is replaced with almost instant certainty.So it is not just Michael Snyder from The Economic Collapse Blog that is referring to this gathering as a "secret meeting".  This is actually how it was described by Bloomberg.  And I think that there is a very good reason why this meeting was held in secret, because many in the general public would definitely be alarmed by this giant step toward a cashless society.


Right now, more than 400 billion cashless transactions are conducted around the world each year, and that number is growing very quickly.And when our system becomes entirely cashless, there will be no more stuffing your mattress with cash and we will all be forced to deal with the banks.What that day arrives, all of a sudden the government will be able to serve as the gatekeeper for who is allowed to access the system and who is not.


It would be very easy to impose a tax, require some sort of loyalty oath, or mandate some form of microchip identification as a condition for participating in the cashless system.When we get to that point, what will you do?In the end, that is something that we all need to be considering very carefully...

Section 1

The OldTestament


7.Tower of Babel II (Heaven)

The first word they say to each other is “come” and this establishes a unitybetween them. There was a co-ordination in what they were doing. It was carefullyplanned and considered and the project was undertaken in the full knowledge ofwhat it represented. When they say “come” to one another they are comingtogether for four things.

  1. To build a city.
  2. To build a religious temple.
  3. To glorify themselves or to establish their name/reputation.
  4. To stop themselves being scattered over the Earth.

We have already established that the city of Babylon was Nimrod’s secular actof defiance against God; a kingdom of man, by man, and for man’s glory. We havealso already seen that the location is especially significant as it was built on ornear the location of the Garden of Eden signifying an attempt to return there tocreate a new Eden, a new humanistic or satanic paradise, separate from God.

We have also already established that the tower was a religious temple built inthe shape of a sacred mountain from where Nimrod could rule his domain.This brings us to point 3; their intention to ‘make a name’ for themselves. TheEnglish translation again partially masks the true meaning of these words.

According to Roger Christopherson the Hebrew text "let us make us a great name",reads, "let us provide our own salvation". In other words people were attempting towork their own way to salvation independently of God. This is the mark of everyfalse religion; the idea that you can provide for, or work your own way towardsglory by your own efforts. Christianity is the only religion whose adherents realize their need for a Saviour and their total dependence on him for salvation.

Finally we also read that they were trying to stop from being scattered over theEarth. This may appear to be a harmless desire that we should feel sympathytowards but remember that God’s original command to Adam and Eve which hehad reiterated to Noah after the flood was to multiply and fill the Earth. I believeGod at least partly gave this command because spreading and diversifying wouldmilitate against what Satan was trying to achieve - unity under his false religioussystem.  When the people chose to come together in one location under onesystem of governance, that was itself an act of rebellion against God. Especiallysince that location was back at Eden from where man had been expelled.

We now need to explore the Babylonian religion of the tower in a little moredepth.

- To be Continued


National Worship Centre(NWC)

We know that India is standing on the threshold of a total liberation and is now going through an unprecedented, historical transformation which is absolutely navigated by the hands of God Almighty. In order accelerate this, the Lord inspired a few of His children to start a “National Worship Centre” in the spiritual capital (Jerusalem) of India, i.e. Chennai. The preparation for this could be traced back to the year 2010. Finally it is being fulfilled. All glory to God. The National Worship Centre (Zion) was opened on 13.4.2014 at



 Father’s House

4/364 E, Anna Salai,

1st Cross Street,


Chennai 600041

National Worship Centre is a centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is  worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Continuous worship will be going on. Per day 12  worship teams will come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of NWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against satan to bring this Nation under Jesus Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?

 Book your slots

Tel : 7708505152

Visions and revelations

Glory to Jesus and the Father

Like Revelation chapter 4 verse 1,2. I saw a vision of the throne in which the Al-mighty Jesus was sitting but I couldn’t see the figure but the throne in which he was sitting was in golden colour and it was filled with God’s glory and snow like presence filled the room!!


In my second vision I saw a vision of the skeleton in a dark place. It looked very scary and on the feet of the skeleton, I saw big snakes on either side. That skeleton was in brown colour. When I saw this vision God filled me with His glory and I was speaking in unknown tongues about that vision.


I saw people beating Jesus and I couldn’t bear that scene. He was falling on his back. There was blood all over his body. Before he could get back on his feet they would beat him again. The scene was un bearable.


Praise the Lord

I saw heavens opening. It was so bright. God was seated on his throne. He came and wrapped me with his white cloth. It was too bright and thin big cloth, which he was wearing. Thank God for taking me to his righteousness.


Praise be to the lord God Almighty!

As we were worshipping as a family in the throne house, I was moving around the stage, worshipping my Lord freely without any restrictions and conscious feeling. Suddenly in front of the right side of purple screen I felt the Lord’s presence as a rushing cold wind. I felt chill all over and knelt at that place and glorified God whole-heartedly.

What a mighty God we have!!


Praise be to God.

We worshipped the Lord with humility and love. We saw God’s presence in our midst. Thanks be to our God.


Praise be unto Adonai, Alone!

It is really an encouraging word, what God spoke to me today in the throne room. He is coming back soon. All who have ears, listen and be encouraged and do what he said, 1- go(spread), 2- disciple, 3- baptize. Jesus asked me to write a book on “SABBATH” and complete it as early as possible. Because he(Jesus) is coming soon. In the throne room he said “be fast”, “I’m coming back”. So all who believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross, kindly slumber not. He is alive.


Praise the Lord! Jesus Christ!

I saw Jesus sitting on the throne in the centre of the worship stage. Listening to our songs. He was extremely happy.


Praise God for the successful completion of 9355 slots in National Worship    Centre with a Non Stop   Worship (24/7)

Norms to be followed


Any Indian or foreign languages.


Any child of God who is promoted by the Holy Spirit can conduct worship at NWC.

Those who want to lead the worship should apply in the prescribed form.


No individuals will be allowed to gain prominence here.

Focus is on the Lord God and not on the worship team or the audience. The worship team is expected to conduct worship, praising the King of Kings,  whether audience are there or not.


Uninterrupted power environment. A stage for the worship team and seating facility to the audience (to accommodate 144 people ).

Fully air conditioned environment. Sound proof.

Audio system, befitting the hall.

Mmusic instruments, including keyboard,  guitars.

Racks to keep chappals / shoes at the entrance.


STAGE  AREA : Brightly lit with white lights.

AUDIENCE  AREA :  dim lights.

11.05.2016 – ISSUE 19

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Cast out as a branch

Once a brother was sharing with me how  he built eight Churches out of his own income to honour God and the ninth  one was  under consideration. I tried to convince him that he was doing a wrong thing because God did  not dwell in buildings any more. It is true that Solomon built a Temple for God.   But after Jesus’ death and resurrection, He dwells in the heart of human beings and no more in buildings. Wherever people worship Jesus Christ in (Church)  buildings , they are grafted to an organization and a denomination instead of being grafted into the body of  Jesus Christ.   I could not convince him.   

Few months later the same brother informed me  that  he had to vacate the “Church building” which he had built and entrusted with a  Church head, for some serious reasons. 

How truly Jesus said,

“He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.   If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned” John 15:5-8

Instead of making people abide in Jesus,  the denominational Churches make them abide into their own organization. Result? They become barren and don’t bear fruit any more.

Are you grafted into Jesus or into a Church Organization?

Advanced Study in Troop Church Training (ASTCT)

“In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain every lofty hill”.

These days the Holy Spirit is working in lightning speed and looking for people who will cope up with his swiftness in the operation of the strategy which the Lord has dictated to transform our nation India.  The Lord has entrusted us with the ministry of equipping those who come forward to do this. “Advanced Study in the Troop Church Training” – a 30 day study of 2 hours each is meant for this.  

ASTCT classes have been converted into Troop Churches  in many place

Those who want to start ASTCT classes and start troop churches can 

Contact - 04465453245



The Lord works wonders beyond our imagination. He inspired Sr. Angelica to start a home for the senior citizens. He further revealed that the home must be christened “Sap and Green Home (SAGH)” He confirmed it through Ps 92:14 - “They will be full of sap and green.”  Dear friends, SAGH is ready to occupy at Panaiyur main road, Chennai closer to VGP Golden beach and it is just two minutes’ walk from the seashore. It is equipped with necessary facilities for our seniors. Well trained and experienced nurses, visiting doctors, trained counselors etc. are special features of SAGH. We serve you with warmth and love, and we help you to grow gracefully in the presence of Our Lord.

Come and grow with us..

Gift School

 School of worship

A training program on worship was held at Palavakkam on May 7 & 8 

 01 02

School of Deliverance

May 14 – 15 (Batch 1 – Panaiyur)

For further details contact

9840054421 (Dr.Albet)

9952040052 (Sol.Johny)

Covenant Women

“Now gather yourself in Troops, O daughter of troops, he had laid siege against us. " Mica: 5:1

A wonderful opportunity for ladies who want to serve the Lord

A movement to raise the status of Women in India

Both in history and in the Bible Women’s role is very important in a nation.

During the crucial period of our Lord’s visitation to India (2007 – 2014), He wants our fair sex mass play a vital role in the transformation of our nation. In order to train them up, a 12 hour training Programme is given by the Lord. KHRDC started implementing it.

This training session covers the following subjects

  • Fallen nature of women and restoration by Jesus Christ
  • Building relationship
  • Finance Management
  • House Maintenance
  • Exercising the authority of parents
  • Behavioral patterns
  • Common sicknesses of women and Medical checkup.
  • Civic Sense

Annoucements – BFF Upcoming Batches in various languages


Batch 36-May 17-22-Malayalam-Tiruvandram, kerala-9447060404

Batch 37-May 20-25- English – Goa - 982218817

Batch 38- May 23 -28 - Children BFF- Panaiyur - 9380768828 

Batch 39- May 24-29 – Tamil, Trichy - 9750784733

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 days short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF  training , the Church awakes and arises, shining in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to 

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

BFF – Batch 34 ( 02nd May to 07th May 2016 )

The 34th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Ranchi from 02nd May to 07th May 2016. The Lord sent nineteen persons from Ranchi to be formed and to form others in their respective places. All the trainees under-went the training and have come out with flying colors. The curriculum included the Spiritual Courses like Character Formation, methods to engage in spiritual warfare and Personal counseling. Theory and practical training sessions in the gifts of Deliverance, Healing and Prophecy were conducted which was every useful to the participants. The memorable incident of this batch is practical healing session at hospital. God’s blessings and anointing was there throughout the training period. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the teachers who have put in their best to equip these trainees.

1 2

BFF – Batch 35 Report 04th May to 09th May 2016)

The 35th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Chennai from 04th May to 09th May 2016. The Lord sent Twenty persons from Tamil Nadu and Mumbai to be formed and to form others in their respective places.

3 5 4

Work of Nicolaitans (Contd)

YHWH then says in Jeremiah 23:16, “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, they lead you astray. They speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of YHWH”. In Jeremiah 23:16, God is telling people, “Do not follow these false prophets, they say that they are sent by me (God), but they are not from me (God)”.

Then we read in Jeremiah 23:21, “I did not send these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied”. God’s people were facing the same problem even in the time of Jeremiah. They were all being deceived by false prophets/priests. This is the same situation we have in this generation.

Jeremiah the prophet, a man sent by God, has a stern warning for today’s ministers and evangelists who claim to be appointed by God, but are not, and are appointed by men. Read the whole chapter of Jeremiah 23 to find out the judgement pronounced on modern-day ministers by YHWH.

Ezekiel the prophet was inspired by YHWH to tell a message to the shepherds of Israel who claim they are appointed by God.

“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Yisrael, prophesy against the shepherds of Yisrael, prophesy and say to them, Thus said the Master YHWH to the shepherds, ‘Woe to the shepherds of Yisrael who have been feeding themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock?’” (Ezekiel 34:2).

Ezekiel 34:2 is a slap on the face of modern-day ministers and evangelists. That is why when they (today’s ministers) come to Ezekiel chapter 34 they skip that chapter, because they know that God is talking about them. We have a big problem with verse 2. It says, “Should not the shepherds feed the flock?”

When was the last time the minister in your congregation asked you, “Do you have food to eat, do you need any sort of financial help from me, how can I help you to get you a job, and how can I serve you”? You will not hear this from your minister. Why? Because as long as they get fed, and they have a house to live in, that is all that counts. We strongly recommend you to read the full chapter of Ezekiel 34, as this is the judgment pronounced by God on the modern-day evangelists and ministers.

We need to ask the question, what did Yehoshua HaMashiach tell his disciples when they serve His people?  Matthew 20: 25 to 28 is an instruction that God gave to all of His true disciples on not to practice a Nicolaitan hierarchy and to be true servants.

                                                                                                                        - To be Continued

Compiled by Bro. Samarpan, Mumbai

TEACHING – Bro C.Umashankar IAS




    Adam and Eve enjoyed the presence of the Lord in Eden Garden everyday. The good story came to an end the moment they committed sin and refused to repent. It is not only the case of Adam and Eve, even today, when one commits sins and does not repent, the immediate result is that such a person loses the presence of Jesus in him/her. The Holy Spirit cannot reside in a polluted environment. Amen.

     When the Holy Spirit leaves the body,evils spirits (sin) take over.

     Genesis 3:8 (NKJV) And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

          Such people open the doors to the devil to attack them. They lose the protection of the ring of fire which is promised in Zechariah 2:5. When the devil attacks with serious ailments, let the “hyper grace gospel” preachers come and heal such persons.


Why Adam and Eve hid themselves from the Lord? Shame of being naked!

     Genesis 3:10 (NKJV) So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.”


     You may notice in the above verse that Adam says he was afraid as he was naked. Sin brings fear and fear is from satan. Fear leads one to hell. Those who fear have the seed of satan in them.


     Revelation 21:8 (NKJV) But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”


     John 14:27 (NKJV) Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


     Revelation 3:17 (NKJV) Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.

                                                                                                                                                                       - To be Continued

Christian NEWS

Orissa, evangelical pastor slain and thrown under a bridge

Rourkela (AsiaNews) - The body of Abraham Biswas Surin, pastor of the Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church (Gel) of Khunti in Jharkhand, was found dead in the state of Orissa. Reverend lay in a gutter under a railway bridge near the city of Rourkela, had his throat cut and several wounds all over his body. The incident is shrouded in mystery, since the minister was supposed to attend a meeting in Ranchi in Jharkhand, but then the victim was found in the neighboring state. Investigators have ruled this was a robbery, because the body all the personal effects were found. Sajan K George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), told AsiaNews : "The murder of AB Surin pastor is a mystery. He was found with a deep gash in his throat, his body mutilated and covered with wounds to the head and stomach. The GCIC pray for the soul of the shepherd and asks God to bring consolation to the widow and family ".Biswas Surin Abraham was 64 years old and belonged to the Adivasi ethnic group. On 5 May he left his home in Khunti district, directed to Ranchi. Eliazer Topno, general secretary of the Church Gel, declares: "We are shocked by her murder. Perhaps the pastor was killed for particular reasons. We asked the Lutheran Evangelical Christians of Rajgangpur to take the matter to the police and the government of Orissa ".

Madhya Pradesh, Hindu extremists stone Protestant church

Jobat (AsiaNews) - A mob of 500 Hindu right-wing activists have attacked a Protestant church damaging the entrance and throwing stones at the faithful. The incident happened in the early hours of this morning in Jabat, in Madhya Pradesh. Hindu extremists reacted to the alleged damage to the saffron-colored flags (the symbol color of nationalists) exposed outside the church on the occasion of Ram Navmi festival ( which marks the birth of Rama).The president of the local branch of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, the Hindu ultra-nationalist ruling party), has been reported to police on charges of riot, damage to a place of worship corruption and violence against women. Meena Chauhan, superintendent of Alirajpur district police, said that "the problems started at nine o'clock last night, when some people came to us with a complaint against Nirmal Raymind Nigam and his brother, accused of damaging the saffron flags they had placed near the church on the occasion of the festival ". The police immediately registered the complaint, by sending a patrol to arrest the two.

Meanwhile, says Pastor Emmanuel Ariel, " RSS activists [Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the Hindu ultra-nationalist paramilitary group ed], the BJP and Bajrang Dal [youth wing of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, VHP] led by former district chief, threw stones at members of the community, attacked our women and broke the church lamps. " The most shocking thing, he adds, "is that all this happened before the eyes of the police officers, who stood by as silent spectators." The pastor denied that they the faithful of his church damaged the flags: "They were probably torn because of the wind".

According to Sajan K George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), the episode confirms the deterioration of the situation: "Religious tolerance and freedom of worship in India are deteriorating and violence is increasing."The first 100 days of 2016 have already witnessed more than 50 incidents [1] of targeted violence against Christians in India

Know Your Enemy series

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:11

 Section 1 : The Old Testament


Before we look more at the city of Babylon itself, there’s a character we have to quickly introduce ourselves to - Nimrod’s wife and queen. A woman known today as Semiramis. It’s important we learn about her because in many respects, she may be an even more important figure than her husband.Like Nimrod it’s hard to get an accurate idea of Semiramis that is untainted by legend but the story goes something like this.

When Noah’s ark settled on dry land again after the flood, the eight people on board began to spread out and fill the areas of modern day Iran, Turkey and Syria.  After probably another 500 to 600 years, they spread still further to Iraq. Some reckon this was simply because of increasing populations and others say it may have had something to do with rivalries between the family lines of Shem, Ham and Japheth – Noah’s sons.  At any rate, modern archaeology confirms that the people who occupied these areas were of the same race and culture and the most reliable research indicates that it was from this region that animal husbandry, agriculture, metal work and citification spread throughout the earth. On this point, science and scripture are agreed. The only difference is the timescales involved. The Bible clearly states that these elements of civilisation existed in the pre-flood world but due to the unbelief of science, they have created a mythical stone age several millennia back in time to account for the evidence.It was in Iraq (Mesopotamia as it was referred to then) that the first major post-flood cities were built. There were seven major ones in total and the name “Land of Seven Cities” was often referred to in ancient mythology. These are the seven cities cited in the Bible as being conquered by Nimrod to establish his empire. We can gather that he probably came up from Ethiopia with his army via the gulf on boats around 1000 years after the flood.

It was in the middle of the conquest of the area that Nimrod apparently met Semiramis. Tradition has it that she was a brothel keeper in the city of Erech. Although we don’t know for certain that they met in that brothel, we can reasonably assume that their initial meeting was in quite unsavoury and seedy circumstances.
Nimrod made her his consort and his queen but of course, it wouldn’t do to have a prostitute as queen so a story was invented that she was in fact a virgin that had sprung from the sea when Nimrod came ashore on his conquest of the area. This no doubt gave her an air of mystique and intrigue. Semiramis is actually a Greek form of her name which was originally “Sammur-amat” which means “gift of the sea.

- To be Continued


First, what is the difference between sheep and horse?


  1. The sheep needs a shepherd to guide him always.
  2. Whenever hurdles or dangers comes, he needs help from the shepherd.

War Horses

  1. War horse needs no leader, because he is the leader.
  2. Whenever hurdles come, he easily comes out of that and needs no help.
  3. No animal can catch him, because war horses easily escape from the situation.

Why do we need to know this? Because most of us are living like a sheep.

We always need a shepherd and whenever problems come we can’t solve them. We need others help. If there is any sickness or disease, we run to the shepherd.

In Exodus 16:2 & 3 Israel was grumbling against Moses and Aaron for food. Also in Exodus 15:24 &17:3 they were grumbling for Water and in Numbers 14:2 & 16:41 they were grumbling for various other reasons.

The people were grumbling for worldly things like food, water, status, etc. But why did they always grumble? 

Again and again they put God to test; and vexed the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power the day He redeemed them from the oppressor (Ps 78:41-42), because He led His people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron (Ps 77:20).

Bible clearly says Moses and Aaron led Israel like a flock (herd of sheep), that is why they were grumbling. Most of us grumble for status, food, and other worldly things. Because we are still like sheep.

In Exodus 20:18, 19 People of Israel feared to hear the voice of God. So they said to Moses "Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die."

 Why they spoke this way? Because they were still sheep, but Moses was the leader, the War Horse. That is why he was able to hear the voice of God.

Why did God Create a Leader or Shepherd?

Let me explain this better with a story. One day we brought a young pigeon home. We had to prepare a box for the bird or a nest for him. All that the little pigeon needed, we gave. But after a few days we saw the little pigeon dead? We could not understand why? Later we found the answer in the nest itself. All the food that we gave the little pigeon was in the nest only. The little pigeon didn’t eat, because it not know how/what to eat. That little pigeon needed help from a elder pigeon on how/what to eat. That’s why God created a leader. All food is in the bible. For the new born Christian, they don’t know how to eat that food. They need did help from an elder or a leader.

But what is happening? God is questioning the leaders. “When a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually? Does he keep on breaking up and harrowing the soil?” (Isa 28:24)

God is giving the solution also. God says “you are always feeding that little pigeon. You never allowed him to grow.” God does not like this. God says, in Isaiah 28:25-26, “When he has leveled the surface, does he not sow caraway and scatter cumin? Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, and spelt in its field?  His God instructs him and teaches him the right way.”

Thus says that Lord, “you are always plowing, when are you going to sow the seed.”

Problem with the leaders is that they are always feeding the sheep. That’s why people are still like that little pigeon. God wants that little pigeon grow and should go and feed other little pigeons.

Now do you understand why we are still like sheep? On the day of Pentecost, all of them were filled with mighty power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1). Why is this not happening in our church today?

Because in the early church everybody was a leader and disciples of Jesus. But today its different.

That’s why God says, "My anger burns against the shepherds, and I will punish the leaders, for the Lord Almighty will care for his flock, the house of Judah, and make them like a proud horse in the battle.” (Zechariah 10:3)

When are you going to be a war horse?

 By Sol.Paul Vasanthan

National Worship Centre (NWC) – Visions and revelations

  • I enjoyed and delighted in the worship as I sang. God reminded me Zephaniah 3:17
  • I feared when I entered in to throne room. I cried when I was worshiping. Now I feel great. I am so happy. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful experience.
  • I saw Jesus walking down the steps sitting and listening to the song I sang .I was amazed to see Jesus listening. Thank you Jesus.
  • The presence of God filled me like fire. I saw the light .That time my body shivered. God touched me. That’s really great. Glory to the Lord.
  • I was filled with the presence of the Lord. I felt nice, I got a word zech3:8. Thank you Jesus.
  • I heard the voice of Almighty God, that open doors are kept for me and no man can close it and he is going before me. I praise God for bringing salvation and restoration to my society and his people.

Praise God for the successful completion of 9095 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)

04.05.2016 – ISSUE 18

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Consulting  a medium for guidance

Very often I get phone calls asking for prayer. Some will be direct prayer requests, whereas some will be to know the will of God. when I tell them, “You pray and He will reveal His will for you”.  The usual reply I get,  is this “Sister, God will not speak to me, I have never heard his voice”. I feel pity for them. Why such a condition among believers? Won’t God speak to His children?

We see an example in the Bible. Saul was anointed king by God. The minute he was anointed, God granted  him a new heart, the gift of prophecy and  many signs for confirmation of his being anointed as a king. But when he disobeyed God, the communication was completely cut off. Saul  could not hear the voice of God any longer. Then he started seeking a medium to communicate with God. Today the same is done in all the Churches. Believers are made to believe that God will never speak to them and they can communicate with God only through the medium of   pastors, evangelists, prophets  and Church heads! This is utter falsehood and even abomination to God.

So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the LORD, because he did not keep the word of the LORD, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. 1 Chro 10:13  

Are you in the habit of consulting human beings (prophets, evangelists and pastors) and seeking God’s will through them?

Advanced Study in Troop Church Training (ASTCT)

ASTCT classes have been converted into Troop Churches  in many place

Those who want to start ASTCT classes and start troop churches can 

Contact - 04465453245



The Lord works wonders beyond our imagination. He inspired Sr. Angelica to start a home for the senior citizens. He further revealed that the home must be christened “Sap and Green Home (SAGH)” He confirmed it through Ps 92:14 - “They will be full of sap and green.”  Dear friends, SAGH is ready to occupy at Panaiyur main road, Chennai closer to VGP Golden beach and it is just two minutes’ walk from the seashore. It is equipped with necessary facilities for our seniors. Well trained and experienced nurses, visiting doctors, trained counselors etc. are special features of SAGH. We serve you with warmth and love, and we help you to grow gracefully in the presence of Our Lord.

Come and grow with us..

Light houses night prayer was held at Palavakkam on 30 April 2016

1 2

Gift School

 School of worship

"And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments..." 2Chron 20:22.

May 7 – 8 (Batch 2 – Palavakkam)

For further details contact 9840054421 (Dr.Albet)

School of Deliverance

May 14 – 15 (Batch 1 – Panaiyur)

For further details contact

9840054421 (Dr. Albet)

9952040052(Sol. Johny)

Covenant Women

“Now gather yourself in Troops, O daughter of troops, he had laid siege against us. " Mica: 5:1

A wonderful opportunity for ladies who want to serve the Lord

A movement to raise the status of Women in India

Both in history and in the Bible Women’s role is very important in a nation.

During the crucial period of our Lord’s visitation to India (2007 – 2014), He wants our fair sex mass play a vital role in the transformation of our nation. In order to train them up, a 12 hour training Programme is given by the Lord. KHRDC started implementing it.

This training session covers the following subjects

  • Fallen nature of women and restoration by Jesus Christ
  • Building relationship
  • Finance Management
  • House Maintenance
  • Exercising the authority of parents
  • Behavioral patterns
  • Common sicknesses of women and Medical checkup.
  • Civic Sense

Know Your Enemy series

"Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:11

Section 1 : The Old Testament

  1. Babylon

The city that Nimrod built was Babylon.Now the name Babylon occurs in the Bible around 354 times, mostly in the Old Testament, and is in fact second in importance only to Jerusalem throughout scripture. Biblically it is always viewed as the Devil’s city while Jerusalem is viewed as God’s city. They are regularly contrasted with one another and seen in opposition to one another. So we need to understand more about it.

By all accounts Nimrod’s Babylon was the first great city of the world which in turn was the capital of the first great empire of the world. In fact we have reason to believe that Babylon was the greatest empire of all time. The Babylonian Empire had two eras of prominence but they both come in times covered by the Old Testament. Its first era of prominence was under the kingship of Nimrod himself and then later it again came to the fore under the kingship of a man called Nebuchadnezzar. In 539BC, the Babylonian Empire was attacked and captured by the Persian king, Cyrus the Great. This ended Babylon’s status as the most powerful kingdom on Earth and although there is evidence that the city remained an important cultural centre, and evidence that there were several rebellions by Babylonians against the new Persian Empire hoping to re-establish Babylon’s superiority, it was never resurrected. The physical empire of Babylon disappeared long ago.

This is why when we get to the New Testament, which records events around 500 years after Babylon’s demise, there is hardly any mention of it at all. Out of the 354 mentions of Babylon in the Bible, 342 come in the Old Testament. By the time of the New Testament it had been long gone. Indeed on the few occasions when it is mentioned, it is often just in reference to Old Testament events except for one notable occasion where Peter uses it as a code word for Rome. This is because by the time of Jesus and the apostles, The Roman Empire was the new dominant power on the world stage and the ‘Babylon’ of its day.

The curious part of the whole thing however comes in Revelation, which prophesies the events that will occur at the end of time. God reveals the future to the writer, John, through a series of visions and in Revelation 14, 16, 17 and 18 we find frequent references to Babylon. Given that Babylon had been long gone even by the time Revelation was written, it’s intriguing to find God referring to it in the future tense. For example in Revelation 18:21 we read:

“Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said: "With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again”.

Will be thrown down? Future tense?

Revelation 17:5 perhaps has the most famous reference to Babylon.


God’s wrath and fury at Babylon is palpable in these passages. He is ready to crush it with such terminal violence that it will never again see the light of day or have any bearing on the world again. He calls it the source of the abominations of the Earth. The language being used to describe it just couldn’t be any stronger. In Revelation 16:19 we read:

“God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath.”
Fury. Wrath. Violence. These are the words that describe a God filled with a terrifying and righteous anger. God utterly despises Babylon. But again, wasn’t Babylon conquered over 500 years before Christ was born?

Revelation clearly and intriguingly shows that there is an element of Babylon that has survived until today and will survive until the end of time; something which is still influencing people, causing abominations, spiritual prostitution and adultery.

Annoucements – BFF Upcoming Batches in various languages

Batch 34-May 02-07 –Hindi - Ranchi  - 9934393619

Batch 35-May 04-09- Tamil - Paniyur, Chennai-9380768828

Batch 36-May 17-22-Malayalam-Tiruvandram, kerala-9447060404

Batch 37-May 20-25- English – Goa - 982218817

Batch 38- May 23 -28 - Children BFF- Panaiyur - 9380768828 

Batch 39- May 24-29 – Tamil, Trichy - 9750784733

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 days short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF  training , the Church awakes and arises, shining in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to 

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

BFF – Batch 32 Report (25. 04. 2016 –30.04. 2016)

The 32th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Kerala from 25th April to 30th April 2016. The Lord sent nineteen persons from Kerala to be formed and to form others in their respective places. All the trainees under-went the training and have come out with flying colors. The curriculum included the Spiritual Courses like Character Formation, methods to engage in spiritual warfare and Personal counseling. Theory and practical training sessions in the gifts of Deliverance, Healing and Prophecy were conducted which was every useful to the participants. The memorable incident of this batch is practical healing session at hospital;An elderly person of 81 walked in the name of Jesus after many years they cured the patient’s sickness instantly in the name of Jesus. God’s blessings and anointing was there throughout the training period. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the teachers who have put in their best to equip these trainees.

5 3

Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 days short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF  training , the Church awakes and arises, shining in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to 

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

Work of Nicolaitans (Contd)

What did Elohim teach about serving His people?

We can understand from the study of scriptures that Elohim did not create a hierarchy where men will be ruled by men. All of these ideologies came from the father and founder of a hierarchical form of government, and that was Nimrod. In today’s modern-day version of Christianity, ministers behave like tyrants who abuse their power under the banner of “I am appointed by God” and end up as abusive ministers who disfellowship those who do not conform to their manmade laws and standards. They rule their congregations like they are “god” and like to say, “You do what we tell you to do as we are appointed by God”.

Let us now look at the scriptures and see the issues that God has with ministers who under the banner of shepherds were ruling over God’s people unjustly in the Tanakh (Old Testament) and in the Messianic writings (New Testament).

“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture! says YHWH.  Therefore thus says the YHWH God of Israel against the shepherds who feed My people: You have scattered My flock, driven them away, and not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for the evil of your doings says YHWH” (Jeremiah 23:1-2).

We can see in Jeremiah 23:1-2 that these shepherds (modern-day ministers, pastors, evangelists, prophets, priests, pope, bishops) were not doing their duty of being a servant. They were ruling over God’s people unjustly and not attending to their needs. They were only attending to their needs. That is, as long as these modern-day ministers have food to eat and a house to live in, that is all that matters to them. What did Elohim tell to these ministers? He will take revenge on these unrighteous ministers for the evil that they do to God’s sheep (God’s people).

“For both prophet and priest are profane; Yes, in My house I have found their wickedness, says YHWH. Therefore their way shall be to them Like slippery ways; In the darkness they shall be driven on And fall in them; For I will bring disaster on them, The year of their punishment, says YHWH. And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria: They prophesied by Baal and caused My people Israel to err” (Jeremiah 23:11-13).

In Jeremiah 23:11-13, we can see that YHWH is accusing both priests and prophets for being profane. The reason is that they are telling wrong things to the children of Israel and are causing them to sin. This is the same issue we have with modern-day ministers and evangelists. Their teachings are totally contrary to the inspired scriptures. As long as you are part of their social club, you are safe. The moment you start questioning their teachings, you are marked to be disfellowshipped.

                                                                                                                        - To be Continued

TEACHING – Bro C.Umashankar IAS


I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. (Luke 5:32)


     Matthew 11:28 (NKJV) Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.


    After availing the grace once, there is no licence to commit the same sin again and again. Grace does not extend for wilful repetitions of sins.

     John 5:14 (NKJV) Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.”

     This should put to test the false preachers and the hyper grace gospel fraudsters. In the next sections, we will see more from the book of Revelations on these “dogs”.


     2 Peter 2:1(NKJV) But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.

     We have already seen that the churches today are controlled by mammon spirit -tithes. In order to retain the tithe money, pastors automatically become false preachers. We have already seen that no pastor speaks about Matthew 25:31-46 in which the Lord has given clear instructions regarding charity to the needy, without which one would not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Giving is the key in New Testament. No pastor speaks on this for apparent reason. If they speak on this, they would lose their tithes. For them tithes is a lifeline and not faith. Once mammon spirit (Luke 16:13) occupies, truth exits. That tragedy has already happened. So, if anyone needs the truth, necessarily it is available outside the church only and NOT Inside the man/mammon controlled churches.

     So, in the end time there would be more focused preaching (they call it deep messages – deep deceptions) on everything else but sin. In certain churches they speak against sin. If you are speaking against sin only, that is part of the story. You need to give clues as to how to get out of it. The Lord has ordained His servants not only to preach against sin but also repentance. A clear way has to be shown to get out of it so that sinners can make a complete break from the bondage. Amen.

     Each one is a creation of Jesus. We have already seen that Jesus loves the sinners. So, a preacher of the word of God has to show love towards the sinners to enable them to get out of it. Amen.


Basically there are 2 kinds of people in the eyes of God: a) Person still being used the person for His work. b) Person whom God Stopped using.

So what is the difference? How to find out if we belong to category a or b?

Category a

A person who is close to God and not stopping all the work the Lord gave him, belongs to category a. For example in Exodus 3:2 God called Moses, trained him daily and did mighty miracles through him. God said lead my people to the land of Canaan. He did some mistakes on the way, but finally he finished the work in Deuteronomy 34:4.

How can we say that Moses belongs to category a?

He had a close walk with God daily. God initially spoke to Moses through the burning bush (Exodus 3:2). Later God spoke to him face to face on Mount Sinai (Exodus 33:20, 21).

Again God spoke to Moses in the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:21, 22). Even in the New Testament Peter and other 2 disciples saw Moses speaking with Jesus Mat 17:2, 3.

Exodus 24:2 clearly says, “And Moses alone shall come near the Lord: but they shall not come nigh; neither shall the people go up with him”.

Here God said Moses alone must come near. So every day Moses was going close to God. That’s why he is a vessel who is still being used and hence belongs to category a.

Category b:

God stopped using the person for His work, but used him in the past.

God called a person Jonah to rescue a nation and sent him to Nineveh (Jonah 1:1, 2). He fled to Tarshish, but God brings him back to preach in Nineveh (Jonah 3:1,2). Later God didn’t use him anywhere else and was done with Jonah.

Why God didn’t use Jonah?

 After he went to the great city of Nineveh and proclaimed the message of God, Nineveh believed God. They declared a fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth. Jonah 3:5. So they turned back from evil ways. God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened earlier. So all went fine and issue was solved, but Jonah was angry with God (Jon 4:1).

 Why angry with God?

 Because Jonah’s words did not come to pass. God saw Jonah’s heart and wanted to explain him. After the message was delivered Jonah went out of the city and God made for him a shelter. God provided gourd and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the gourd. Jonah 4:5-11

Next day God sent worms and destroyed the gourd. This made Jonah angry. God said,

“But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?" Jonah 4:11.

Two things to be learnt from Jonah, 1) His heart was not burdened. If you don’t have a burden in heart, you will not be a vessel to be used by God. 2) Jonah wanted his words to come to pass, but not God’s word. If you want to be first and God next, then God will surely not use you.

So we saw two categories of people who were called for rescuing nations. One of them was being used daily and other person was used only once.

What category you choose to belong to?

  Isa 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"

Christian NEWS

Andhra Pradesh: Catholic bishop kidnapped and beaten for hours

Msgr. Gallela Prasad is the bishop of Cuddapah and was returning from Kadapa district, where he celebrated Mass. The car in which he was traveling was stopped by unknown persons, who blindfolded him and beat up the driver and the prelate all night. The Telugu Federation of Churches filed a complaint and asked the authorities to register the case to "ensure the safety of Christians."

Secunderabad (AsiaNews) - The Christian community of Andhra Pradesh is again under attack. This time, one of the local Church leaders has been targeted: Msgr. Gallela Prasad, bishop of the diocese of Cuddapah. The bishop was attacked by unknown assailants as he returned from Karunagari (in Kadapa district), where he celebrated Mass. The Federation of Churches Telugu (FTC), the apex body of various Christian denominations in the United Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, strongly condemned "the cruel aggression" against the Catholic bishop.

Muslims will soon outnumber Christians in Europe, a Belgian minister has claimed.

Speaking at a hearing into the Brussels attacks, Koen Geens said the European Community may not realise it “but this is the reality”.His comments were followed by Belgian deputy prime minister Jan Jambon warning against Europeans “making an enemy of Islam” describing it as “the worst thing we can do”.Spare a thought ... the survey of British Muslim opinion, What British Muslims Really Think, will be published in full by Channel 4 later this week
Speaking at the EU Parliament, Mr Geens said: 'In Europe, very shortly we’re soon going to have more practising Muslims than practising Christians' Speaking at the EU Parliament, Mr Geens said: “In Europe, very shortly we’re soon going to have more practising Muslims than practising Christians.”

Cardinal Zen calls on Beijing to end religious persecution in China

Hong Kong Diocese petition calls on pope intercession on freedom of religion.
Retired Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong leads a prayer service calling for an end to religious persecution in China.Hong Kong:
Leading a prayer service in front of China's Hong Kong liaison office, retired Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong called on Beijing to end the persecution of Christians and allow religious freedom.

"Facing all this persecution, we cannot take it for granted. We cannot stand idly. If we keep silent, we are accomplices," Cardinal Zen told a group of about 100 people who attended the April 24 service.

To view more news regarding persecution click here


National Worship Centre (NWC) – Visions and revelations

  • All Glory to the King of kings! The Lord showed me a crown.Surely it belongs to our Lord of hosts, King of kings, our living God. I praise my Lord for this wonderful experience.
  • I felt a mighty power of the Holy Spirit leading me at midnight worship slot. The Lord led me throughout the worship showing a vision of the Cross and I was taken towards the centre and a bright light came down from above in the form of a dove, and I had a joyful anointing of worship by the touch of the Holy Spirit. It was a very powerful warfare worship. All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • When I was worshiping I saw a cross and a burning candle. Although I don’t know English when the fellow members were singing I was able to understand that clearly. I backslided in the past. But today I was restored .I am very happy .Thank you Jesus.
  • During praise and worship. The Lord told me “Daughter I love you”
  • When I was worshiping I saw a vision. Water was gushing out of a mountain and flowing down. I started calling many people but no one came. Then I saw a white dove coming over me and went.
  • I saw the great glory of the Lord on the stage. Then I felt fire burning at the altar. Lastly I felt someone dancing around me.

Praise God for the successful completion of 9011 slots in National Worship  Centre with a Non Stop  Worship (24/7)

27.04.2016 – ISSUE 17

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Worship in vain

While we were in Kerala for conducting APT, one believer who is  an auto rickshaw driver shared his experiences. The Lord has given him a special gift. While he is driving his  rickshaw, he is shown certain incidents in the lives of the  passengers. Once the Lord showed him in vision one of the famous actors in Kerala who is invalid and bedridden now. (He has acted in the largest no. Of films in the world) He saw in vision  one  pastor(by name)  visiting this man and he is sprouting  up on his feet. The rickshaw driver didn’t have access to this pastor. The Lord connected this pastor and one film producer who is a believer. They went to visit him. The Lord did a miracle. When the pastor prayed, he started weeping. Till then, he had no feelings, no reactions. He was moving on a wheel chair. This gave tremendous hope to him and to his wife.

He had been taken to many temples and to many human gods. Nothing  could  help him. His wife noticed the change and started weeping. The Lord  has this comment about majority of the worships which are taking place in this  world today.

“They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.

You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men." Mar 7: 7, 8

Advanced Study in Troop Church Training (ASTCT)

ASTCT classes have been converted into Troop Churches  in many place

Those who want to start ASTCT classes and start troop churches can 

Contact - 04465453245



The Lord works wonders beyond our imagination. He inspired Sr. Angelica to start a home for the senior citizens. He further revealed that the home must be christened “Sap and Green Home (SAGH)” He confirmed it through Ps 92:14 - “They will be full of sap and green.”  Dear friends, SAGH is ready to occupy at Panaiyur main road, Chennai closer to VGP Golden beach and it is just two minutes’ walk from the seashore. It is equipped with necessary facilities for our seniors. Well trained and experienced nurses, visiting doctors, trained counselors etc. are special features of SAGH. We serve you with warmth and love, and we help you to grow gracefully in the presence of Our Lord.

Come and grow with us..

Light house, Dharmapuri

1 2

Light house, Salem

3 4

Light house, Namakal

5 6

Light house, Erode

7 8

Light house, Karur

9 10

Gift School

The school of worship

"And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments..." 2Chron 20:22.

The school of worship was conducted at Palavakkam on 9 & 10 April 2016.

Covenant Women

“Now gather yourself in Troops, O daughter of troops, he had laid siege against us. " Mica: 5:1

A wonderful opportunity for ladies who want to serve the Lord

A movement to raise the status of Women in India

Both in history and in the Bible Women’s role is very important in a nation.

During the crucial period of our Lord’s visitation to India (2007 – 2014), He wants our fair sex mass play a vital role in the transformation of our nation. In order to train them up, a 12 hour training Programme is given by the Lord. KHRDC started implementing it.

This training session covers the following subjects

  • Fallen nature of women and restoration by Jesus Christ
  • Building relationship
  • Finance Management
  • House Maintenance
  • Exercising the authority of parents
  • Behavioral patterns
  • Common sicknesses of women and Medical checkup.
  • Civic Sense

Know Your Enemy series

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them”

Ephesians 5:11

Section 1 - The OldTestament

From Adam to Nimrod (cont)

But when the Bible reports that Nimrod is the first mighty man in history; a fierce warrior and a great hunter, we should avoid being tempted into thinking highly of him because the Hebrew root of the word for “mighty man” actually translates into English as “tyrant”. The Jewish Talmud calls him a ‘hunter of the souls of men’ and the famous Jewish historian, Josephus also talks of Nimrod as a tyrant or dictator. Indeed his name “Nimrod” literally means “let us revolt” or “the rebel” and unlike the other descendants of Ham who mostly ended up in Africa or China.

Nimrod (who it was believed was born in modern day Ethiopa) headed towards the Tigris-Euphrates valley – that’s right, the exact spot where the Garden of Eden had been. The fact he was returning to the scene of the original fall of man to build his empire is significant in itself. He clearly meant something symbolic by it. Perhaps he was identifying with that scene of original rebellion. Perhaps he was metaphorically trying to build a new Eden by his own power and apart from God.

Perhaps he was identifying with Cain by stubbornly returning to the area he had been banished from. Perhaps it was all of these reasons. But it was here that he built the city of Babylon. He also built the city of Nineveh nearby and conquered the others that already existed in the area, thus creating his empire.  As the first to learn the arts of war, Nimrod ruled and subdued his empire with  an iron fist and was noted for his use of sorcery and fire to gain his victories. Like many men of renown in the ancient world, myths and legends arose around him to the extent that it’s impossible to discern which are true and which are not. You may recall a scene from Braveheart where the Scots are about to go into battle with the English and many, upon seeing William Wallace for the first time, refuse to believe it is the man they have heard so much about. In the legends that have arisen around him he is 10 foot tall and can shoot fire from his behind. This is the kind of thing that surrounds the legends of Nimrod.

- To be Continued

Annoucements – BFF Upcoming Batches in various languages

Batch Numbers




Batch 32

April 21-26



Batch 33

May 2-7


Ranchi, Jharkhand


Be Formed and Form (BFF)

Be Formed and Form is a 5 days short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF  training , the Church awakes and arises, shining in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to 

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

BFF – Batch 31 Report (19. 04. 2016 – 24. 04. 2016)

The 31th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Trichy from 19th April to 24th April 2016. The Lord sent six persons from Tamil Nadu to be formed and to form others in their respective places. All the trainees under-went the training and have come out with flying colors. The curriculum included the Spiritual Courses like Character Formation, methods to engage in spiritual warfare and Personal counseling. Theory and practical training sessions in the gifts of Deliverance, Healing and Prophecy were conducted which was every useful to the participants. The memorable incident of this batch is practical healing session at hospital; they cured the patient’s sickness instantly in the name of Jesus. God’s blessings and anointing was there throughout the training period. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the teachers who have put in their best to equip these trainees. 


TEACHING – Bro C.Umashankar IAS


     A formal teaching on the pathology of sin has been long overdue. Bro. Justin attempted it two days ago. This paper is intended to shed more light into it and it is also intended to thrash the false preachers and their false preaching’s.

     Jesus is the ONLY holy God. He expects His bride to be holy. Unless we are holy we cannot reach His presence. In simple terms, in a sinful environment (heart) this Holy God (Holy Spirit) cannot not reside- HE WILL NOT RESIDE. The question of these sinners listening to the last trumpet sound does not arise (1 Cor.15:51,52 and 1 Thess. 4:16-17).

     Before going into this vital topic, let me quote the qualifications of the “bride to be” of Jesus.

     Ephesians 5:27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

    The Lord is coming down to rapture his spotless and wrinkle free bride – a pure virgin. He is not coming down to pick up and wed the rotten one. An adulterous bride will go into the lap of the king of adultery, Satan.


     Let us look at the preaching of the end time preachers. Recently I attempted to read a book written by a famous pastor cum preacher of a western nation, titled “Sin no problem for Jesus”.

     I read only a few pages of that dirty book and thereafter I got so wild, I threw it out. This book is supposed to have created waves in USA. Oh yes, USA creates waves and ripples all over the world with its triple ex rated porn movies. Now USA, including its illustrious President advocate homosexuality as the norm. No wonder, this adulterous book also topped the chart.

     But the surprise is that the book was recommended and gifted by a young woman to my wife saying that the book contains the “real truth” and my wife should go through that! This young woman is a believer of our church (AG).

     She had a running battle with my wife, trying to convince my wife that Jesus had paid the price for all the future sins as well and so we can do any amount of sin and finally enter into the Kingdom of Heaven! Pure serpent thinking! No wonder that the Americans fell for it. Any sinner wants such soothing words to comfort them and Satan feeds them enough. The Lord allows such stumbling blocks as He never wants junk to enter into His Kingdom.

     My wife countered her with the word of God (supported by me) for a while and thereafter the battle became silent. My wife does not discuss about this battle with her friend any longer, meaning the battle ceased with both the sides holding their turf!

     End times are like this. People would want to do all dirty things and hope to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. False preachers also would side with them because if they tell the truth, the believer would not give tithes. It is a good deal between spirit of Jezebel and the spirit of mammon. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)



      Jesus has made it abundantly clear that He came down to the earth to save the sinners. He never loved sins but He always loved the sinners. This love was meant to save them and not meant to encourage them to continue in their sin. This aspect has to be clearly borne in mind. Jesus is the ONLY Holy God and none should play around with Him and His grace. Amen.

     This is a never changing position of Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Amen. (Heb.13:8).

     Matthew 9:13 (NKJV) But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

Mark 2:17 (NKJV) When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

- To be Continued

Work of Nicolaitans (Contd)

And those members of the body which we think to be less honourable, on these we bestow greater honour; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty, 

but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given greater honour to that part which lacks it, 

that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. 

And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured, all the members rejoice with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. 

And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. 

Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? 

Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 

But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.

Translating the Greek words of 1 Corinthians 12:28


English Word Used in Bible

Greek Word

Concordance Number

Actual Meaning of the Greek Word




Elohim (God)








Called out




Messenger or a sent one




Foreteller or an inspired speaker. This means someone who is sent by God with a divine message.




An instructor who teaches the things of God and the duties of man.




Workers of miracles




Spiritual gift












To guide




Diverse (race)





Corrected Translation of 1 Corinthians 12:28

“For Elohim has placed among the called out people, first messengers, after them, inspired speakers, after them instructors, after them workers of miracles, after them spiritual gifts of healing and helpers, and guides, and diverse languages.”

When we read 1 Corinthians chapter 12 in its context, we understand that all of the messengers work as one to bring people into the body of the Messiah. Everyone is to look after each other and help each other. 1 Corinthians 12:28 is not talking about a hierarchy; it is talking about the gifts that Elohim gives to “His servants” so that they can support other members of the body and thus we all become one in the body of the Messiah.

- To be Continued

Christian NEWS

Christian Girls Kidnapped in Pakistan, Forced to Convert to Islam and Marry Captors

Five Christian girls have been kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam just this month, according to a human rights group that monitors ongoing abuses of religious minorities in Pakistan."In April in the area of Kasur alone, five Christian girls were kidnapped and converted to Islam and forced to marry their captors. These girls are denied the legal protection of individual rights," said Sardar Mushtaq Gill, a lawyer with Legal Evangelical Association Development in Pakistan.

Fides News Agency reported Monday that the latest victim was 23-year-old Laveeza Bibi from the Kasur district in Punjab, who earlier this month was kidnapped by two Muslims who stormed her house armed with guns, kidnapping the girl and threatening her parents. One of the abductors, identified by the name Muhammad Talib, reportedly forced Bibi to marry him and become a Muslim.

Sarwar Masih, the girl's father, reportedly went to the police, asking them to register a First Information Report of the crime, but officers had to be persuaded by Gill and a local pastor before finally agreeing to do so. Gill said the 'phenomenon continues to have unacceptable proportions,' with many cases every year of Christian girls being forced into Muslim marriage going unreported.

Lead has vowed that it will continue to fight for justice for women in Pakistan, especially minority religious populations such as Christians and Hindus, which Gill said are the most vulnerable and defenseless people in the country. There have been several different reports this past year of Christian girls in Pakistan being targeted, injured, and even killed by Muslims for refusing their sexual advances.

Back in January, the British Pakistani Christian Association reported that three young Christian girls were walking home at night in Lahore, Defence Colony, when they started being harassed by four drunk Muslim men in a car. After the girls rejected the lewd advances of the men, the Muslims crashed their car into the girls, seriously injuring two of them, but killing the third, 17-year-old Kiran.

"All three families are really shook-up, Shamroza and Sumble are grateful to God for saving them but have been inconsolable at the loss of a close friend. Other girls in the local area are now too scared to travel at night and are being accompanied by the men in their families. The community wants justice for poor Kiran and seeks an end to the targeting of young Christian girls," Naveed Aziz of the BPCA said at the time.

Other persecution watchdog groups, such as International Christian Concern, have also warned that Christians are "considered second class citizens" by the Muslim majority in the country, with Christian girls and women especially subjected to violence and threats.

Muslim Brothers Turn to Christ After Watching Slain Mother Beaten for Converting to Christianity

The sons of a slain Ethiopian woman who was beaten mercilessly by her husband after she converted from Islam to Christianity last year have given their lives to Christ after witnessing their mother's strong faith in Jesus.

According to global Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors USA, a Christian convert named Workitu, a mother in her 50s, was killed by her husband and a neighbor at the end of March in the Addis Ababa after she refused her husband's demands to sell government drought relief aid.

Christians in the Muslim-dominated town told Open Doors that Prior to Workitu's fatal beating in March, she had already endured a number of relentless beatings from her husband after she converted to Christianity last August.

Not only did she endure regular beatings from her husband, she also received threats from community members who demanded her to return to Islam. The local Christians also explained that Workitu's husband, who spent most of his time with his other wife, had promised to kill Workitu unless she renounced Christ and returned to Islam.

Church officials in the town urged Workitu to tell the local police about the threats that she had received. She did so by writing a letter to police in February that explained how the threats made her fearful for her life.

Open Doors' report states, however, that local police ignored her letter and denied they ever received it. After Workitu was beaten badly by her husband and neighbor in March, she was taken to a clinic located in a nearby town. After spending a few days in the clinic, she was referred to a hospital. Unfortunately, Workitu succumbed to her injuries while being transported to the hospital. Police have arrested the husband and neighbor and charged them with homicide.

Pakistani Christian Man, Pregnant Wife Burnt Alive in Kiln Case: Main Suspect Granted Bail by Court

One and a half years after a young Pakistani Christian couple were tortured and burnt alive in a brick kiln after being accused of blasphemy, a court has granted bail to the prime suspect in the case, which had caused national outrage.

Yousaf Gujjar, who was granted bail this week, is the main accused among more than 100 others who were charged with beating and burning alive Shehzad Masih and his pregnant wife, Shama Bibi, parents of four, in the same klin where the couple worked as bonded laborers in November 2014.After the bail hearing at Kasur district in the province of Punjab, the victims' family was in tears, according to a Pakistani Christian non-profit, Legal Evangelical Assistance and Development.

National Worship Centre (NWC) – Visions and Revelations

  • It was a good experience in my life which I will remember forever. God strengthened me and the presence of the Lord filled me when I was worshipping.
  • When I was worshiping the lord with a burdened heart, Lord assured that he will open doors for our state Karnataka to win souls for Jesus. God gave me these word Ezra 4:11 and Isa 19. All the glory to Jesus and Victory belongs to Jesus.
  • The Lord took me deep into worship. He gave me the spirit to worship and praise him. I thank Jesus for strengthening me in spirit to praise and worship. When I was worshiping I saw a light blue sky and a long narrow gate. I should pray and ask Jesus about the revelation he showed me. Thank you Jesus for this wonder full experience.
  • Thank you Lord we are lucky to be in your presence. It was a very nice experience. All glory to the Lord.
  • While worshiping I felt the great presence of God and i saw that angels were singing and praising along with us. That time I felt so cold. I thank the Lord for this wonderful presence that filled me.
  • The Lord our God is a living God .He is “El Shaddai” the Almighty God. After singing some worship songs, i was filled with Joy and gladness. He made my heart and mind very clear and strong. “Shalom in the Name of Jesus”.

Praise God for the successful completion of 8926 slots in National Worship Centre with Non Stop Worshiping (24/7)


Kingdom Gazette Volume 4, Issue 13

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

We are very glad to release our 13th edition in volume 4 of our magazine *Kingdom Gazette*.

Due to some technical issues we have sent the Kingdom gazette in PDF Format.

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The Magazine Team,
*The Army of Jesus*

Kingdom Gazette Volume 4, Issue 12

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

We are very glad to release our 12th edition in volume 4 of our magazine *Kingdom Gazette*.

Due to some technical issues we have sent the Kingdom gazette in PDF Format.

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Send your feedback to kingdomgazette@gmail.com

The Magazine Team,
*The Army of Jesus*

Kingdom Gazette Volume 4, Issue 11

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

We are very glad to release our 11th edition in volume 4 of our magazine *Kingdom Gazette*.

Due to some technical issues we have sent the Kingdom gazette in PDF Format.

Click here to download


God Bless you !!!

Send your feedback to kingdomgazette@gmail.com

The Magazine Team,
*The Army of Jesus*

Kingdom Gazette Volume 4, Issue 09

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

We are very glad to release our 09th edition in volume 4 of our magazine *Kingdom Gazette*.

Due to some technical issues we have sent the Kingdom gazette in PDF Format.

Click here to download


God Bless you !!!

Send your feedback to kingdomgazette@gmail.com

The Magazine Team,
*The Army of Jesus*