TEACHING: Arise and Shine – Dont sit and cry – Dr. Arun

One Morning as I was reading Jesus suffering / crucifixion / cross

I started to cry thinking about the torture He indured for me / us.

Minutes later I heard an inner voice:

📌”Why are you crying thinking about my suffering for you? You have to think about the Great Commission I have commanded you.

 📌I am the Living God positioned right inside you, I am no more on the Cross. Instead of looking at me inside you you are looking at the Cross and crying.

 📌If your love for me is true  you will keep my commandment of Love and work on discipleship-(John14-15, 1John5-3)

 📌I am the God of mercy and grace, and I do not expect tears (crying looking @ theCross) from you,

I expect your Obedience and love by doing what I said (1Sam 15-22)”


I was completely shaken hearing this, because this is the written treeth.

We are not Tammuz generation to sit and cry at the north gate of the temple. (Ezekiel 8-14)

We are the Royal Priesthood, Heir-ship and Authority holders and Warriors of the Kingdom (Mark 12:33, 1Peter2-9).🔥

From that moment, I started to look at Jesus inside me with the Word – My life Changed.

His Word says – I do not expect your offerings or sacrifice , I expect you to love me and carry audience my mission in Go make disciples all over the world baptise them in the name of Father Son and Holy Spirit.

(Matthew 28-19)

Anyone who blocks you from carrying out His Great Commission cannot be from the Holy Spirit.

If it’s not from the Holy Spirit – you know the answer. Think about it,

Shake off your dust, Arise Shine and Inherit ✌👍🙏



  Who are these foolish men who built their house on the sand?

  Just take a look at the man made traditions in the churches. Wherever such man made traditions are there, they are places of foolish men. Those who have prescribed these traditions and the followers, both of them are foolish. Because both of them miss out the Kingdom of Heaven at the end.

  Child baptism followed by “Conformation” lint day fact , harvest festival , Christmas carols Devotion to Mary and saints, veneration for statues and pictures etc , are all traditions not based on the word of God or just contrary to the commandments of God

  In verse 26, the Lord calls them all “foolish men (and women)”.


     The Lord has clearly defined the foundation for a solid spiritual life that can fetch one the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus, Jesus alone is the foundation. None else and nothing else. If anyone builds his/her spiritual life on the foundation of Jesus (His word), he/she will be called wise. Rest of the crowd is called “foolish” by Jesus Himself.

     Do you think Heaven is a place for this type of fools?

Work of Nicolaitans (Contd)

The Bible says of a time of restoration of all things (Acts 3:21), which means going back to the original phase of creation. We believe that this has already begun, as this age in which we live closes for the grand finale of the return of the Righteous King and Saviour. The choice is before us. Do we follow men or the voice of YHWH who we hear through Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), the comforter of YHWH which will lead and guide us in all truth? This is the test of faithfulness, whether we will follow the twisted teachings of men or the righteous word of YHWH. You choose your path.

From the law of creation, we can learn that there was never a hierarchy put in place. Man and woman walked with God and listened to the voice of God. Because we chose to listen to the serpent (false prophets/teachers), judgment was pronounced by God. This is why God’s faithful people can never be part of a system, church, government, and synagogue. They live a life of obedience to their Master and are ruled by their Master Yehoshua HaMashiach and are led into the truth by the Ruach HaKodesh.

How many times do we find the word “government” in the scriptures/Bible?

Let’s check how many times the word “government(s)” is mentioned in the Bible. If God indeed created a government or hierarchy in the church for men to rule over us, we can be confident that we will find many instances where the word “government(s)” is mentioned in the scriptures.

Word Chapter and Verse Concordance number
government Isaiah 9:6 4951
government Isaiah 9:7 4951
government Isaiah 22:21 4475
government 2 Peter 2:10 2963
governments 1 Corinthians 12:28 2941

Going through the whole scriptures/Bible, we find that the word “government(s)” is mentioned only five times. We now have a big problem. In the whole Bible, how can this word be mentioned only five times?

We will now look at the verses from the scriptures where this word  is mentioned in its chronological order.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

“Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:7).

“And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah” (Isaiah 22:21).

“But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities” (2 Peter 2:10).

“And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:28).

National Worship Center (NWC) – Vision & Revelations

  • When I was worshiping .I saw the stadium full of green grass on ground and no one was there .I was the middle of the ground. Thank you Jesus for this experience .
  • I saw a vision Pallavakkam ECR road left and right full of evil spirit Then I saw all coconut trees and firing angels firing the all the places.
  • Praise the Lord .Greatly felt the presence of the Holy spirit.It an awesome place to experience the presence of God through praise and worship.
  • Praise the lord . I felt very happy when I was worshipping and my heart was filled with happiness, joy and to worship my King of kings. God  spoke  with one verse Isa 40:11 .Thanks to Jesus for giving this opportunity.
  • God the Lord almighty said that difficult days are coming for Jharkhand but he will protect and multiply his people.

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Destruction by devil

A  mother came to  pray for her son. A twenty year old son stopped his studies, does not mingle  with  anybody, never comes  outside and  is confined to his room.  Even worse, doesn’t take bath, it’s 5 months since he changed his dress. Doesn’t allow to clean up  the room. Mother  decided to take him to a doctor but he adamantly refuses. He does not even allow any visitor to come to the house. The mother was in tears. Is it sickness, psychiatric? Arrogance? She had a lot of questions.

The Bible clearly answers this question.

“The works of the flesh are manifest which are these; ………..uncleanness……..” Galatians 5:19  Strong’s definition given for  this verse is  uncleanness – physical or moral.

What is the remedy? Obedience to the Word of God. The Lord has proved it in a  similar case. One sister called Sitalakshmi, about 60 years had a satanic attack in which the victim had passed 240 days without taking bath and changing dress. In prayer the Lord  revealed to go to her house and pray with verse Acts 16: 29-31. Just reading the Bible word in her house rectified the problem.

Unless fenced, the thief will enter into any house  (body) . Jesus said, “He comes to steal, slaughter and to destroy”. Only Jesus and His Word can give deliverance.



Joshua 6:1 (NKJV) Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in.

I would like to share my experience cum testimony. I was a Catholic and 6 years back a born again brother brought me to the light. God blessed us with twin daughters. During their school admission times, we wanted to put our daughters in a renowned Christian convent which is less than 100 meters from our gate. Standing from 12 am to 10 am in a long queue I bought the application. In the interview they didn’t open their mouth and my applications were summarily rejected. We were denied admission several times by the principal (who was one of the successful principals who bagged many laurels for the school) whenever we approached. Completely fed up and I did not know what to do and where to go. Somehow I arranged some recommendations.


One of my colleagues who saw my nervous behaviour and tried to help me. She knew that I was aiming through heavy recommendations. She said simply, “JESUS IS THE BEST AND POWERFUL RECOMMENDATION, PRAY SIR”.


The same day, one of my born again brothers told me that JESUS has some message for me in the book of Joshua. From the evening till midnight I read the book of Joshua and completed the entire book of Joshua and found nothing for me and slept. But in the dream I was pushed by a thought to follow Joshua.


In the following morning I took my daughters and went round the school 7 times. Everytime when I cross the main gate, I halted my car and asked my daughters to say loudly “Jesus thank you daddy for admitting me in this school”.


In the same week these things happened:

  1. The principal was transferred
  2. New principal checked all the new application forms and found “No admission on my daughters’ applications”
  3. She (new principal herself) called me over phone and asked me to pay the fee. I praise God for innumerable wonders in my life like this.


We are all the legal heirs of the almighty GOD through JESUS CHRIST. The Bible is our registered will. Christian prayer is claiming the will by confessing it using JESUS name to the HOLY FATHER and receiving. My understanding after experiencing lot many encounters, we should not bother too much about worldly matters, because our GOD is a possible GOD and HE will give us the best. Less anxiety for world matters and more curious about heavenly matters. (Matthew 6:33).

Christian News in India

India – Not safe to be Christian? Catholic Forum Report on Indian Persecution 2015

 The Catholic Secular Forum (CSF), the Mumbai based minority and human rights activist NGO has in its annual report for 2015 highlighted the quantum leap in persecution cases during last year. Justice Michael Saldanha, retired judge of the Bombay and Karnataka High Courts released the CSF Indian Christian Persecution 2015 Report, brief information of which is as below. Joseph Dias, CSF founder and general secretary, pointed out that USA and the European Union have placed embargoes on nations that failed to protect minorities and endangered religious liberty, while asking the following questions:

  1. Is any other religion persecuted as much in India, as Christianity – which is the world’s largest religion?
    2. Why is it that PM Modi’s government is unconcerned about world opinion & allows persecution?
    3. What would be the reaction from other faith followers, if their community was treated as such?

Persecution Across Over 23 States

8 Believers Paid with Their Lives for Christ

1 & 2. In Odisha, a Christian couple was killed by CRPF (July) after being branded as Maoists,
3. In Odisha again, Jeejo, a missionary was killed (August) by Maoists after complaints from other locals.
4. In Chhattisgarh, an Evangelist Sadavir of the Koya tribe was attacked & killed (January) for his faith by fundamentalists.
5. Pastor Krupaiah in Telengana was brutally assaulted died (July) of internal wounds, which finally proved fatal.
6. Pastor Martin Luther from Tamil Nadu was attacked (September) and killed, while his wife sustained serious injuries.
7. Pastor Saji Panikar in Maharashtra was found killed (September), with his wife saying he was murdered.
8. Pastor Chamu Hasda Purty was shot dead (October) in Jharkhand, reportedly for his evangelical activities in the area.

Minimum 365 – An Incident per Day.

Reports from almost every state in the union have come in. In the last year we could highlight at least 200 major instances of being targeted for being Christian and an equal number is estimated to be unreported. There is agreement among all those working on Freedom of Faith or Religious Liberty issues that 2015 is the peak so far. The Secular & Minority NGOs, Persecution Christian Watchdogs like CSF, Catholic Bishops Conference of India, Clergy from all Denominations and Evangelical / Pentecostal / Independent Churches agree that freedom of religion has never been so much under threat, as presently in the country.

Madhya Pradesh Tops as Rogue State.

The sheer numbers and all pervasive nature of anti-Christian violence reports coming in from almost all districts and across a wide spectrum of persecution categories as mentioned below, notoriously qualifies Madhya Pradesh for the most persecuting state top slot. The anti-conversion law was amended in spite of there being no issue arising out of religious conversions to warrant it. The punishment for forcible or fraudulent conversions was increased to more that one-year of rigorous imprisonment and also cash fines. This has served as a signal and pretext to the Hindutva foot-soldiers that the BJP state government wanted the needful to be done.

Telangana & UP in Top 3 States where Christians are Persecuted.

A pregnant Telangana believer lost her 4 month old child, as she was beaten until she bled from her genital region and the state is noted for targeting Christian women. In UP churches have been desecrated with a dog’s chain put around one of the statues, while reports of reconversions continued. In both states there was a marked increase in violence, with Easter, Christmas and Sunday Worship services being targeted. Many pastors are known to have been beaten brutally and a cemetery near Meerut containing Briton graves was also not spared. Schools and institutions were also attacked, with complaints of the police acting on false complaints.

 Top 10 – Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Odisha & Delhi.

In Tamil Nadu, a pastor and his family was attacked by armed persons, resulting in his death and wife being hospitalized with grievous injuries. In Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, pastors and believers were killed too. In Haryana, a cleaner lost his job in a government primary health center, burial of a Christian was prevented and the Hisar Believer’s Church was demolished. In Delhi, churches were vandalized around the new year, 200 Christians including nuns and priests were arrested and pastors were assaulted. In Odisha, there was little hope of justice to  2007 / 08 riot victims and in the central India states of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, Christians continued to held under anti-conversion laws and socially boycotted. In many places, Christian worship was not possible. In Rajasthan, Christian families had to flee villages, police participated in persecuting believers, Christians were forced to worship idols and Bibles / religious literature were confiscated.

  • Ghar Wapsi Goes Underground. Bahu Lao, Beti Bachao.
  • Maharashtra – The Maximum Potential Hindutva Lab.
  • Spike in Anti-Christian Violence Against Women.

Click here to view in detail  http://www.persecutedchurch.info/2016/01/

TEACHING: Anxiety Disorder – Dr. Arun

Medical researchers have proved that anxiety is the reason for all diseases, most of the patients collapse due to fear, panic & anxiety than the actual disease.

Satan’s Target

Why does he induce anxiety ?

Eg:­ Anxiety­­­—Fear­­­­—-Panic—­­­­Restlessness­­­—-Vitals Unstable( High BP/Heart Rate)­­­—-Stroke.

What does the Bible say??

Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.(1Peter 5:­7)

Do not be anxious about anything (Phil 4:6)

Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body (Matthew 6: ­25)

But What do we do??

We are always over anxious about the enemy and deceived. We are not obedient to the WORD.


The Holy Spirit always wants us to stay calm, stand firm in Faith and allow Him to perform the act.

But many times we don’t stay quiet, we become anxious and turn the situation worse destroying the platform for a miracle. (Gal 5­: 17)

A believer can stay calm without anxiety in worst situations with WORD Power.

The Word says” Nothing will harm you”(Luke 10­:19)

Situations are like Passing Clouds to pose for a Selfie with a Big Smile





      End time is confusing time.

     Men who are after money and lust try to twist the word  of God so that they can live in luxurious houses, driving Audi/Benz cars at the expense of the poor sheep.

     Only the word of God can set anyone free, including the gullible sheep. As of now the sheep has proved to be a sheep only. The sheep is supposed to be a sheep for Jesus and not for men. No man can call himself a shepherd or Good shepherd. Jesus alone is the shepherd and Good shepherd. The men who have arrogated themselves with the role of a shepherd and good shepherd have twisted the word so much that the sheep is totally confused.


     Each child of God is a child of the Lion of Judah (Rev.5:5, John 1:12, Galatians 4:6).

     For the Good Shepherd, Jesus, these are not only lion cubs but also sheep. But the same is not applicable with any men. When pastors look at the sheep of Jesus they have to look at them as lion cubs and royal priests (1 Peter 2:9). They are never the sheep of the pastor to be butchered and eaten. What has been happening is that the unscrupulous men have subjugated the lion’s cubs into harmless and useless sheep, thus stunting the growth of the Kingdom of Heaven.

     King’s children have been made beggars! What a pity!

  As the sheep of Jesus (lion cubs) are too lazy to read the Bible, it has become all the more easy for these unscrupulous men to twist and turn them for their advantage to keep the lion cubs stunted in growth. Only when they remain stunted these lion cubs would remain a sheep. Once it understands that it is a lion cub, the game is over. But the lion cubs remain sheep till date which is very very unfortunate. All the powers of the lion are hidden. They simply eat grass whereas their food is different and their area of operation is also different – not the cages but the wild forests!

   In the wild, these lions have plenty of food (souls of sinners). But the unscrupulous men have caged these lion cubs!

   Thus,  the King’s children have become slaves to these unscrupulous men. (Heb.5:12-13, Galatians 4:1-2).

  Bible is a large book. The lion cubs were not taught to read and understand the word of God directly from the Bible. Rather they have been taught to come on Sunday and listen to the oratory skills of the preacher/pastor. Like a circus tent the lion cubs also shout “Hallelujah” – similar to the cheers any circus performer receives in a circus tent.

  It has become easy to manipulate these lion cubs to tell them “reading the Bible and understanding it is a difficult task. Only the qualified can do it”.  What a lie!

  The word of God says only the Holy Spirit is the teacher and no man can teach and make someone understand. They can teach but they can never make someone understand unless the Holy Spirit decides to do so.


      1 John 2:27 (NKJV) But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, AND YOU DO NOT NEED THAT ANYONE TEACH YOU; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

     As a result, the lion cubs are dependent on these unscrupulous men for the word whereas each one has the ORIGINAL word in their own Bible! They have the original teacher, the Holy Spirit. They need to give scope to the Holy Spirit to teach. These unscrupulous men do not allow the Holy Spirit to take over His rightful role. It is all because of money, money, money…

– To be Continued