Work of Nicolaitans (Contd)

Why is the word “government” used in Isaiah 9:6 and Isaiah 9:7?

The word “government” used in Isaiah 9:6 and Isaiah 9:7 comes from the Hebrew word “misrah” (pronounced as “mis-raw”), Strong’s concordance number 4951. The word “misrah” means an empire, even though the concordance scholars have also added the word “government” as an alternative.

The problem we have over here is with the English language (a West Germanic language), which in theory is a pagan language (influenced by Celtic, French, Latin, Greek, Dutch, Spanish, German, Italian, Indian) that deteriorates itself from one generation to another. Let’s look at two examples in order to illustrate the issue with the English language:

Example One: King George had an empire that reached its majesty in 1922.

Example Two: King George had a government that reached its majesty in 1922.

When we read examples one and two, we see the differences are pretty big. The first example tells of an empire that reached its majesty in 1922 of King George. The second example tells of a government that reached its majesty in 1922 of King George. The second example completely diminishes the enormity of the message that the original writer wants to convey to the reader, even though the difference is just a word. Again the problem is with the English language.

The corrected translation of Isaiah 9:6 and Isaiah 9:7 should read as:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the empire shall be upon His shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

“Of the increase of His empire and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the YHWH of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:7).

The word “empire” used in the corrected translation of Isaiah 9:6 and 9:7 means “the power of the empire”. When the Kingdom of the Most High is established on earth, His empire and power would stretch from one part to the other part of the world and there will be no end to His empire.

Why is the word “government” used in Isaiah 22:21?

The word “government” used in Isaiah 22:21 comes from the Hebrew word “memshalah” (pronounced as “mem-shaw-law”), Strong’s concordance number 4475. The word “memshalah” means a realm or rulership, even though the concordance scholars have also added the word “government” as an alternative.

The corrected translation of Isaiah 22:21 should read as:

“And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy rulership into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah” (Isaiah 22:21).

The world “rulership” in English means a territory over which a person rules.

Why is the word “government” used in 2 Peter 2:10 (Messianic Writings, New Testament)?

The word “government” used in 2 Peter 2:10 comes from the Greek word “kuriotes” (pronounced as “koo-ree-ot-ace”), concordance number 2963. The word “kuriotes” as per Thayer’s Greek definition means dominion (rule), even though the concordance scholars have also added the word “government” as an alternative.

The corrected translation of 2 Peter 2:10 should read as:

“But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise dominion. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities” (2 Peter 2:10).

– To be Continued

What is National Worship Centre (NWC)

“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees thee.  Therefore I retract, and I repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42:5-6.

Are you a worshipper? Hunger for worship. Come and praise the King of kings


Heavenly Atmosphere, Overflowing presence of God, Mighty healings and visions.

What is NWC ?

NWC is the National Worship Centre where God Almighty the King of kings and Lord of lords is worshiped nonstop 24/7, day and night.

Everyday 12 worship slots (2 hours) take place like:  12-2am, 2-4am, 4-6am, 6-8am, 8-10am, 10-12pm, 12-2pm, 2-4pm, 4-6pm, 6-8pm, 8-10pm, 10-12am…

Thank God for the successful completion of 7000 slots in NWC.

We dont have a more important calling or duty than to worship. This is what we were created for and it is our destiny. It is the essence and measure of our relationship with God and the bible tells us that God is actively looking for those who will worship him. He is not seeking servants, ministers or workers… He is seeking worshipers. Come and get His blessing in your life. Praise God.

Gear to the time and anchor to the rock…

Booking contact: 7708505152

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Running race

A girl whom I know  shared her experience like this. “I want to become an athlete. But my parents don’t like it. In order to practice, I get up at 4.00 am in the early  morning . While all are sleeping, , I  get out of the  house without making any  noise, taking my shoes and  go running. I do this daily.”

Those who run in the race, practice daily, submit their body to discipline. In order to win the prize one has  to run with competent persons. 10th std child cannot run with 5th std child and win the prize.  As you grow in age and experience, the persons with whom you run kmk change. If it is a school, one starts with his own school, get promoted to  inter school competition, district level, national level etc…

“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run but one receives the prize. Run in such a way that you may obtain it”. 1 Cor. 9:24

 As you grow in faith, the  Lord will take you to higher levels to test your spiritual strength and entrust more responsibilities with you.  

Soldiers of Christ, with whom are you running today? With the  same children from  the day you were born?  Are you sitting in the same Church along with the 60 year old believers, 50, 40, 30 year old dead Christians?  What I notice today is, 90 % of the Christians have not even registered their names for  or entered the race field. Many are sitting in the gallery and enjoying the race others are running. commenting on the runners, criticizing them, appreciating them, applauding etc. Many of the Christians while coming together have nothing to share about their adventurous race, but proudly share  about  their pastor’s  or other believers , achievements. What a pity!



👉 Was a shepherd boy

😔 Rejected by his father and  brothers…

🎺 But always praising God

🎁 Wow… Anointed as a King


👉 Special for the father

😔 But became a slave by his brothers

🏊 Holding on his holiness

🔐 But the reward was jail

🙏 Still he was pure and humble

🎁 Wow… Became the Prime-minister the country


👉 Was in a Royal family and Genius

😔 But became a slave in Babylon

🏊 But had a resolution to be pure and holy

🏊 Nothing stopped him praying

😔 But the result was lion’s cave

🏊 Still fought for holiness

🎁 Wow… Got a throne next to the King


👉 Was the richest man

👉 Had every blessing of the world

😔 But lost everything in the same day

🏊 Even wife insisted to curse God

👍 But was thanking and praising God

🎁🎁 Oh… Wow. Got double blessings

 Oh my friend…

😔 Struggling to live holy?

😔 Lost everything?

😔 People rejecting you?

😔 Feeling unloved and sad?

😔 Afraid and confused about your future ?




🎻 You just praise and thank Him always

✨ Blessed be the LORD: for He hath shewed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city.

*Psalm 31 :21*

– Complied by Sol. Mercy J

Christian News around the world

North Korea Tops World Watch List as Most Dangerous Country for Christians

According to the recently released World Watch List by persecution watchdog group Open Doors USA, North Korea remains the number one oppressor of Christians for the fourteenth year. The Christian Post reports that, despite the increasing threat of the Islamic State, Open Doors still puts North Korea at the top of the list for the atrocities it commits against Christians. Open Doors CEO David Curry told The Christian Post in an interview why North Korea remains the greatest threat to Christians. “Getting information out of North Korea is notoriously difficult. That is what makes the fact that it remains number one on the World Watch List even more amazing. We don’t even know how many Christians have been martyred in North Korea. Yet, it remains at the top. That’s because it uses all of the powers of its government to suppress Christian faith, to punish even the most basic of things such as owning a Bible,” Curry explained.

Curry added that North Korea imprisoned over 70,000 Christians this year and executed many as well.

“You have executions — we don’t know how many, but we know of enough. There has been no let up in persecution in North Korea,” he added. There are also reports of labor camps in North Korea where prisoners are kept in horrific conditions. Parents in North Korea are refraining from passing on their faith to their children for fear the children will be careless and speak of it in hearing of a government official.

Jailed Pastor Saeed Abedini among Prisoners Being Released by Iran

(RNS) Saeed Abedini, a pastor jailed in Iran since 2012 for allegedly trying to set up house churches, was one of four Iranian-Americans freed on Saturday (Jan. 16) in a prisoner deal with the U.S. linked to the nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers. Abedini’s cause has been championed by Christians in the U.S., especially evangelicals, who have pressured the Obama administration to work for his release. The president was frequently criticized for not making Abedini’s release a condition of the pact aimed at preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. But for some of Abedini’s supporters his cause was complicated when his wife, Naghmeh, last November revealed that her husband had abused her physically, emotionally and sexually, for years and was addicted to porn. Nahmeh Abedini was among the first to report his release via Twitter. Iran first announced that it released four Iranian-Americans, and in exchange the U.S. said it would drop or stop pursuing charges against seven Iranians for violating sanctions against Teheran. The first prisoner to be confirmed was Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, who spent 18 months in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison. Iranian media then reported that Abedini, 35, from Boise, Idaho, was also among those freed. The two other two freed are Amir Hekmati, 32, a Marine veteran from Flint, Mich., imprisoned since August 2011; and a man named Nosratollah Khosavi-Roodsari, whose imprisonmnet had not been publicized. The other Iranian-American who had been known to be in Iranian custody, Siamak Namazi, a businessman in his 40s, who has been held without any known charges since October, was not included in the deal. American officials had pushed to include the release of the prisoners in the nuclear deal worked out last year but were unsuccessful. There were expectations that improving ties following the deal could lead to their release, and Saturday’s developments came as the International Atomic Energy Agency prepared to certify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal. That it turn triggered steps to lift U.N. sanctions against the country and return an estimated $50 billion in frozen Iranian funds. Tens of billions more in frozen funds are to be used to pay Iranian debts.

GOD’S CALLING – Bro C. Umashankar IAS


      Dear brother Prince Xavier (Restorers’ group), your write up on God’s calling needs a review based on the word of God.

     At the end of the write up you have summed it up as follows: “It is our responsibility to ask where and how our talents and our work can be most useful to God”.

     99% of the born again believers are happy to read this end. Because, they are “waiting upon the Lord” to reveal their calling and to deploy their talents. Many of them are waiting till their “end”. I come across such people “waiting upon the Lord to reveal the call” at times. They are waiting for not less than 10-15 years and in the meanwhile they do nothing for the Kingdom.

     Our talents need to be deployed while doing the calling.

     Let us understand the calling from the word of God as follows:

     Mark 16:15 (NKJV) And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

     This is called the “great commission”. This is the global call to everyone who comes into the Lord and undergoes the genuine baptism. (counterfeit baptism takers, please excuse – you are not children of Jesus)

    The Lord God confirmed it through Peter as follows:


     1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV) But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

     A genuine child of Jesus cannot shut his/her mouth from proclaiming the name of Jesus to the non believers. It is impossible to keep the mouth shut. It automatically starts proclaiming the praises of Jesus once this person comes across a non believer. This is an automatic call. If someone is tight lipped about Jesus, then that person does not belong to Jesus but the old serpent.

THE TRUE CALL – MORE – Manifest the power of the Kingdom

     Apart from the basic / global call to proclaim the name of Jesus, every child of Jesus has to manifest the power of Jesus, the Kingdom of Heaven.

     The Lord God has given two types of authorities to the believers, viz., the power to bind and loose (Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18) and the absolute power over the devil (Luke 10:19). The Lord has given His full authority under the Heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18,19).

     A true child of Jesus would automatically start manifesting these powers. While exercising these powers, the next call becomes operational.


     Matthew 10:8 (NKJV) Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

     A true child of Jesus exhibits his/her originality through healing the sick and casting out the demons.

     Just before ascending to Heaven, the Lord Jesus has made it clear that His genuine disciples would manifest His power, their Master’s power as follows:


     Mark 16:17 (NKJV) And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

     Let us make an introspection whether we are true believes of Jesus or someone else. If we are unable to do signs and wonders as described in Mark 16:17-18, then who are we? Who is residing in us? Holy Spirit? – Let us not make wrong imagination please.



     The one who operates on the above call of the Lord would use all the talents given to him/her in the execution of the true call. For example, I am using all my computing skills, typing skills, video camera skills, video editing skills, English language skills, communication skills, etc for the Kingdom of Heaven automatically. These talents are incidental to the basic call to preach the gospel. Everyone has the basic call to perform without which they may not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven in the end.

     The one who executes the basic call of the Lord would automatically becomes the salt and light of the world.


     Matthew 5:13 (NKJV) “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.


     The Lord has made it clear that He would manifest through signs and wonders to confirm the word preached His disciples child.

     Mark 16:20 (NKJV) And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

   If someone follows the basic call of the Lord (Mark 16:15) then one can expect the Lord to manifest Himself through signs and wonders wherever this child of Jesus preaches. Mark 16:20 has made this abundantly clear.


     If a so called pastor or child of God preaches and it is not accompanied by signs and wonders that means the Lord is not with that person. In effect, that pastor or the so called child of God is on his/her own, preaching the word using serpent knowledge. The serpent would not allow any signs and wonders because his basic role is to steal and kill (John 10:10). The serpent also would drive these pastors and the so called children of God to preach lies. Because satan is a master of lies (John 8:44). That is the reason we find many pastors and preachers preaching the false gospel about tithes. Because they are sold out to the serpent, they insist on the believers to pay tithes and they threaten them with Malachi 3:9 which speaks about curse. All curses of the Law as defined in Deuteronomy 27:26 have been removed on the Cross (Galatians 3:13) by His precious blood and life (Ephesians 2:14,15; Romans 10:4).

     These liars, who are actually servants of the old serpent tell a blatant lie to the believers justifying the tithes and they also collect the 10% through duress.

     No wonder there is no manifestation of the work of the Holy Spirit wherever these serpent’s friends preach.

     Unfortunately, without any signs and wonders, the deceived sheep go there and lose their saltiness and light.


     Now with lie they run the ministry. Through duress of quoting Malachi 3:9 they collect tithes which is a mammon spirit in the New testament (Luke 16:13).

     What could be expected from such servants of God?

     Lie would beget lie as sin would beget sin.

     These liars have successfully confused the masses on “God’s calling”.

     As a result, the gospel of the Kingdom had been completely hampered.

     God’s precious children who are princes and princesses as per 1 Peter 2:9; who have been already elevated to the level of Kings and priests as per Revelation 1:6 have been degraded to become beggars by these liars (Heb 5:12,13; Galatians 4:1,2).

     Let us escape !!!

Work of Nicolaitans (Contd)

The Bible says of a time of restoration of all things (Acts 3:21), which means going back to the original phase of creation. We believe that this has already begun, as this age in which we live closes for the grand finale of the return of the Righteous King and Saviour. The choice is before us. Do we follow men or the voice of YHWH who we hear through Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), the comforter of YHWH which will lead and guide us in all truth? This is the test of faithfulness, whether we will follow the twisted teachings of men or the righteous word of YHWH. You choose your path.

From the law of creation, we can learn that there was never a hierarchy put in place. Man and woman walked with God and listened to the voice of God. Because we chose to listen to the serpent (false prophets/teachers), judgement was pronounced by God. This is why God’s faithful people can never be part of a system, church, government, and synagogue. They live a life of obedience to their Master and are ruled by their Master Yehoshua HaMashiach and are led into the truth by the Ruach HaKodesh.

How many times do we find the word “government” in the scriptures/Bible?

Let’s check how many times the word “government(s)” is mentioned in the Bible. If God indeed created a government or hierarchy in the church for men to rule over us, we can be confident that we will find many instances where the word “government(s)” is mentioned in the scriptures.

 Word Chapter and Verse

Concordance number

Government Isaiah 9:6 4951
Government Isaiah 9:7 4951
Government Isaiah 22:21 4475
Government 2 Peter 2:10 2963
governments 1 Corinthians 12:28 2941

Going through the whole scriptures/Bible, we find that the word “government(s)” is mentioned only five times. We now have a big problem. In the whole Bible, how can this word be mentioned only five times?

We will now look at the verses from the scriptures where this word  is mentioned in its chronological order.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

“Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice.

– To be Continued

Be Formed and Form (BFF) Training Report

Be Formed and Form (BFF) is a 5 day short time course. This training is a benefit to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Eph 5:26,27 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training, the Church awake and rises, making the world shine.

The Last batch of BFF training was held from  Jan 05th to 10, 2016. 9 participants attended from different parts of Tamil Nadu. They were fully transformed in christ. That means their mindset about the structure of the Church was corrected. After that they take a strong direction to build the Church according to the of original pattern. Our Lord was doing miracles and wonders in his Church. They were all living the whole period of training, in the Most high God presence. They were all received many revelations form God. Now a call for you. Come!! And sit to know I am the Lord. You will be changed according to the will of God.

Next Hindi Batch will will be held from  Jan 21st to 26, 2016

Tamil Batch from Feb 02nd to 07, 2016    

English Batch from Feb 9th to 14, 2016

National Worship Center (NWC) – Vision & Revelations

  • I saw a statue, sitting on an elephant. When I praised God in NWC a whip appeared. With the whip the elephant beat the statue and made it run away from the area.
  • When I started worshipping for the first time along with my family God filled mind fully with joy. I also felt that all the youngsters were receiving the power of God.
  • I saw a black spectacled face and a Skull while I was worshipping.
  • While I was worshipping I could see that the Christians of Northern country will be persecuted by a party floated by him. Indian churches look very weak like a polio affected leg and unable to fight back.