Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Planted and built

I know a man who built a big house in a village. It was a modern house with all the facilities inside. Even though he was greedy, one of disrepute, who did unrighteous things, after building the house, people of that village treated him in high regard and revered him. After two years he fell into the trap of heavy debt and after disposing all his property one by one, he had to sell his house too.

“Unless the Lord builds the house its builders build uselessly” Ps. 127:1

History proves that whatever the Lord has not planted or built in this world will be uprooted in the course of time, whether it is Governments, Kingdoms, Cultures, Civilizations, technologies,  all have to face the same fate.

Hitler asked his people to record every single detail of   holocaust which made the whole world tremble at one time so that it remains in the pages of history. Now all efforts have been made to erase it out of the pages of history.

In 2016 the Lord gives a promise to His children,

“I will watch over them to build and to plant” Jer. 31:28.

Child, of God, wherever you are sent by God, you will be planted, will flourish, bloom, and will bear fruit. Let the decisions be made only after discerning in prayer, where the Lord is sending and planting you.

Troop Church Testimonies

Shankar, Goa : Was  not feeling well and did not want to attend this meeting.  He prayed and after coming here, he felt good.  No more headache. He applied for loan of 9 lakhs. There was lots of problems. After praying, God granted his loan. Praise the Lord.

Sandra, Goa : First time attended Troop fellowship and re-collected the vision given by God  and confirmed the things that is happening in Troop fellowship.

Had a vision in 2010, Two hands like gears coming together, praying together. She started praying about this. Then she narrated this to some other people and they were 8 who started praying together.  Now she understands, Troop churches are starting in Goa.

Luiza, Troop Margao : A young muslim girl, Meca was bleeding for 15 days. She comes to sleep at night with Luiza to give her company, Luiza is alone and Luiza shares with her the word of God every day, they sing songs and talk about Jesus.  Luiza told her about the lady who was bleeding and was healed by Jesus and asked Meca if she has faith  that Jesus can heal her, she said yes  and instantly was healed.  Praise the Lord.

Now, Meca who is still not baptized talks about Jesus in her office, prays for others even when she is travelling or at the bus stop. One day a lady who was in pain, asked Meca to pray and instantly this lady was healed.

The Secret Place (Contd) – Bro C. Umashankar IAS

Midnight is the time when the power of darkness fully takes over. All evil occurrences are planned in the devil’s kingdom only during this “hour”. In other words, the devil issues and carries out his evil commands mostly during this hour of darkness. The Lord wants us to remain awake and pray at least one hour during this hour of darkness. The hour of darkness is between 0 hour and 3 a.m.(Out of experience I am giving this clue).  If we look at Luke 23:44, the earth was under darkness for 3 hours.

This is the time a child of God has to have private fellowship with the Lord and also fight against the enemy, along with the Lord using warfare prayers.

This is called night time warfare intercession (NTWI). This is also the time for courtship with the Lord (the groom) with laughing, crying, singing, dancing, yelling, etc.


There are many ways one can do the warfare prayers. Let me tell you how I do it.

For a good warfare prayer you need 2 hours time. It automatically takes two hours and it is very difficult to stop it in   between. One has to do the warfare prayers, preferably during the dark hour (0 – 3 a.m). Women are exempted from this dark hour if their husbands are averse to doing the  NTWI.  If you are a married woman and your husband is not willing to do the prayer in the midnight, you can safely pray for 1-2 hours, alone during the Lord’s prayer hour – 3 to 6 a.m (Mark 1:35) and you must do the prayers if you want to be called by the Lord His friend.


1) Start with repentance prayer and praising God. (10-15 minutes)

2) Speak in tongues if you have baptism of the Holy Spirit. (10-30 minutes as the Holy Spirit leads). If you do not have the   gift of tongues, it does not matter. You will get it in due course. You are already a chosen warrior. So, move on to the next step.

3) Recite the prayers against backlash. (5 minutes). If you dont have it, please write to me on my personal whatsapp. I will send.

4) Do the intercession prayer for various prayer points. (as per the prayer points the Holy Spirit prompts you)

5) Warfare prayer – (20-30 minutes) rebuke and bind various evil spirits mentioned in the Bible in the name of Jesus Christ. Pray and rebuke the evil spirits that have bound the non-believers and believers in idol worship, Muslims, Buddhists, other worshippers.

6) Praising God and closing the prayers.

Such prayers should always be followed by preaching the gospel in the open. Now the powers of the Kingdom will manifest through you.


This prayer is also equated with your one to one relationship with the groom, Jesus. So, this is an opportunity to express your love and all your feelings to Him, one to one. You are free to have conversation of your liking which is called the courtship – laughing with Him, crying, singing, dancing (no one except the angels are there to watch your dance with the Lord. So, do not worry). The Lord wants you to come aside alone so that He can have a one to one relationship with you. (husband and wife can participate in the secret place prayer together as the Lord calls husband and wife as one flesh – Gen.2:29, Matt.19:5).

What is Be Formed and Form (BFF) Training ?

A 5 day residential training which includes

   Spiritual Courses – Character Formation, How to engage in spiritual warfare and Personal counseling.

 Theory and Practical in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. ( Healing, Prophecy and  Deliverance )

Motto: Trainees are formed as disciples of Jesus and will be sent out to form disciples for  Jesus. Mark 3:14,15

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply. Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to  our address.

Registration Fees : Rs 2500, Send it through DD in the name of  Kingdom  Human Rejuvenation and Development Centre (KHRDC) to our address  

Registration : Should be done 10 days  prior to the commencement of the  course.

Admission  : Candidates will be selected and informed.

Reporting : Selected candidates should report at the centre at 4 PM on the 1st day.

There will be no translation into other languages

Email ID :

Phone Number : 044-65453245, 9952040052

Address :

No.236, J.Nagar, 1st Cross Street,  ECR, Panaiyur,

Chennai – 600 119.

Training Dates

February 21  – 26 (HINDI) in Chennai

February 23  – 28 (TAMIL) in Trichy  – Contact Sis Rosy Johnson  9894254933

March      2    –  7  (HINDI)

Be Formed and Form (BFF) Testimonies

Shared about her experience in BFF, spoke about Aravind Jeysingh, it was after attending the session on healing, he felt nothing would happen and thought he would fail.  There was a young girl who came to him with a fractured hand, she came to Arvind and all that Arvind did was prayed in Jesus’ name and asked if she believed Jesus will heal her and touched her hand. That moment she was healed.

Lorranine also shared on the Power of Prayer. In the complex where they live, there is a flat where a lot of illegal activities going on.  She and her husband Oliver, took up this and continuously prayed on their knees. The matter was also taken up with the flat owner, but nothing was done. One day, that entire flat caught fire. Nothing happened to the adjacent flats. Till date no one knows how this happened, but knows that some power is working. No one interferes with Lorraine and Oliver any more.

There was a Hindu girl who was baptized, she went out with some of her friends for a boat ride , who were not Christians.  They happened to meet a boy who was good looking, but this girl could not see and hear that boy.  The girls had a long conversation with the boy except for this Christian girl.  The girls were telling her there is a boy sitting, but the boy told them, the girl will not see him because she is washed by the blood of the Lamb, the other girls could not understand anything what he meant. They went by bus and all got down at the bus stop and asked the boy to come with them, but the boy said “we are not allowed to go that side”

Lorainne, Goa

After the BFF,  he had a burden to pray for women’s issues and narrated to Bro. Charles about the teaching, that women are illegally in pain at menstrual time and how they have to rebuke in Jesus name as they are daughters of the Most High God. They are princess and they have to rebuke in Jesus name. The next night,a lady  Babita 41 yrs old with 2 children had a problem of white discharge for 3 months and called Charles for prayers, The doctor had asked her to remove the uterus. Charles explained to her whatever Arvind shared. And the lady rebuked the pain in the name of Jesus and she was instantly healed.  Praise the Lord.

Aravind, Goa

Know Your Bible series

GOD BREATHED ( 2 Tm, 3: 15 – 17)

That is, God himself or through the Holy Spirit told holy men of old just what to write.  The Bible, then is the word of God. God is a person and can both write and speak. He wrote the two “Tables of Testimony” on stone. Ex.31:18; 32:16, and on the wall of Belshazzaz’s Palace. Dan 5:5, specifications for the Tabernacle and its furnishings and all the Levitical law and order of service. He spoke at the baptism of Jesus (Matt.3:17) and on the mount of transfiguration. Matt.17:15, and one day when Jesus was talking to the multitude. John 12:27-30. But God not only spoke directly to men. He spoke to them through the scripture Tim3:16. Matthew and John’s gospels contain 49 chapters, 1950 verses, 1140 of which, almost three-fifths, were spoken by Jesus, and he claimed that what he speak, not of himself, but that the Father which sent him, gave him commandment what he should speak. John 12:49,50. We see then that God can both write and speak, and therefore can tell others what to write and speak..

Christian News around the world

US churches under constant attack, but ignored by media, government

San Francisco:  Christian churches in the US are constantly under attack, but the US government, politicians and major media ignore them while focusing on such incidents in India and elsewhere. A survey of local media for a random period of a month between Thanksgiving Day, November 26, and Christmas that was conducted by IANS found that there were reports of at least 45 attacks on Christian churches, ranging from beheading or removal of sacred statues to shooting at churches. Except for five, none of these made it into the major national media. The New York Times covered only a string of attacks on five nativity scenes around Christmas time. The nativity scenes display statues showing the birth of Jesus in a farm shed for animals after his parents could not find a place in Bethlehem’s inns. ” The American media do not cover vandalism in Christian churches the way they do vandalism in Islamic mosques,” William Donohue, the president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, said. ” Much of the bias is a function of political correctness: there is more sensitivity in the media to anti-Muslim bigotry than there is to anti-Christian bigotry. This is also the fruit of multiculturalism in the schools where Islam is elevated and Christianity is denigrated.” While the incidents during the period were confined to property damages, in two cases the attacks took on an ominous turn. In Tennessee, two churches were shot at during the Thanksgiving weekend. No one was injured but the buildings’ windows were damaged.

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Pastor Shane Idleman Shares Why He Believes Churches are Dying

Pastor Shane Idleman recently revealed what he believes is the reason for low church attendance and the closing of many churches. According to Christian Today, Idleman wrote an article for the Christian Post in which he addresses the fact that around 4,000 churches in America close every year and over 3,500 people decide to leave the church every single day. “Church is boring, and many churches are dying because the power of God has vanished from the pulpit as well as the pew. Like Samson, they ‘know not that the Spirit of the Lord has departed.’ (Judge 16:20). But there is hope if we once again seek God,” writes Idleman. Idleman also wrote about the need for revival in the church. He called on church leaders to apply 2 Chronicles 7:14 which states, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Idleman says that attempting to draw people into the church through marketing techniques and entertainment will ultimately fail. Instead, Idleman calls for “humility, vibrant prayer, and heartfelt worship.” “This isn’t meant to discourage, but to convict,” the pastor       continues. “Conviction is a wonderful gift from God used to turn the heart back to Him.”


NWC Visions and Revelations

  • When I was worshipping Jesus spoke about Love (1 Cor 13) ,Praise the Lord Jesus
  • From the beginning of the worship. I had a great thurst to glorify him more and more. From the morning I did’nt have any food but the Lord Jesus gave me energy and stamina to worship him for a complete eight hours.I thank Jesus for giving so much energy to love and worship him.I also pray to him to strengthen my body, soul and spirit to worship and praise him more.
  • When I was worshiping I was filled with the Spirit to worship him. I felt the presence of the Lord.I was deep into worship,I was put into a pure white and bright area, where I could see nothing, but I surely know, it might be the way to heaven
  • We had a special worship today with the brother of NWC. I felt the touch of the Holy Spirit. I had the cold touch of the Holy Spirit. I had the cold touch of breeze now and then . I was filled with the Spirit to worship him.
  • While worshipping I saw a white dove coming down from the golden clouds. The dove had a piece of bread in its peak. Praise the Lord Jesus 

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Who is your Teacher?

In my spiritual journey, the Lord made use of a number of servants to enlighten me on Bible truths. Like a small child I relied on them and believed whatever they said and taught because the Lord used their prophetical gift to reveal many things to me. But one day  I perceived a deep pain in my spirit while a particular servant was  ministering. I knew in my spirit what he was doing was wrong.  It happened two three times. I did not have the courage to share it with him or with anybody for fear of slander. Neither could I bring this matter in prayer for fear of Romans 14:4   Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. I was struggling in my spirit. Reading  my heart,  the Lord gave me a dream one day with an interpretation that I need not look up to him thereafter but should focus on God who is the only Teacher of all human beings.

When I look back, I thank God  a million times, for allowing that incident to happen in my life. But for that I would have followed him,  a man,  throughout my life,  a mere man whose breath is in his nostrils, instead of following the only Teacher, Christ.

“And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. Mat 23:10  

Child of God, who is teaching you  the Word of God every day? Jesus Christ the Teacher or human teachers?

Christian News around the World

Christian Persecution Increases in Philippines

Christians in the Philippines are facing persecution on the level of their brothers and sisters in the Middle East, says a missionary priest. According to Christian Today, Father Sebastiano D’Ambra said in an interview with Aid to the Church in Need that 14 people were murdered on Christmas day and a grenade was thrown at a chapel. Nine Christians were also killed on Christmas Eve. The violence was perpetrated by members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters who have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. “In some areas of Mindanao we are experiencing exactly the same thing as is happening in Iraq,” said Father D’Ambra. D’Ambra has been in the Philippines nearly 50 years and is an experienced missionary. “The situation is a worrying one. It is difficult to establish for certain whether the violence was directed specifically against Christians, even though everything points to the fact that this was the case. Without doubt our brothers and sisters in the faith are at least one of the targets of these fundamentalist groups,” he said. He added that although persecution makes his mission more difficult, it is “more necessary than ever at the present time.”

Mexico: Persecution Forces 30 Christians to Flee Their Homes

Thirty Mexican Christians have been forced from their homes due to persecution, according to Christian Today. The Christians, who are Protestants and a minority among the Catholic-dominated country, were victims of a raid that destroyed their homes on January 4. Christian Today reports that the perpetrators of the violence are thought to be the commissioner of the community, Jimenez Hernandez, and the municipal agent, Francisco Jimenez Santiz. International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that “in the rural areas where we see persecution, many villages and their councils are dominated by adherents to syncretistic Catholicism.” Syncretistic Catholicism is a religion that mixes Catholicism with native beliefs and rituals. Since Protestants are a minority in Mexico, “they have no access to the financial, legal, or political resources necessary to end the persecution they suffer,” according to ICC advocacy manager Nathaniel Lance. Lance stated that persecution often begins with “financial disagreements, where village leaders want the Protestants to pay for the religious festivals, and other things used for syncretistic Catholic rituals.” Although Protestants face persecution in Mexico, Catholics do as well. In 2014, more Catholic priests were killed in Mexico than anywhere else in the world.