Be Formed and Form (BFF)

5 Day Residential Training Camp

(15. 11. 2015 – 20. 11. 2015) – Batch 19

The 20th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Panaiyur from 5th January to 10th January 2016. The Lord sent nine persons from across the country to be formed and to form others in their respective places. All the trainees under-went the training and have come out with flying colors. The curriculum included the Spiritual Courses like Character Formation, methods to engage in spiritual warfare. From this batch theory and practical training sessions in the gifts of Healing, Prophecy and Deliverance were conducted which was every useful to the participants. God’s blessings and anointing was there throughout the training period. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to the teachers who have put in their best to equip these trainees.img

National Worship Center (NWC)

“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees thee.  Therefore I retract, and I repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42:5-6

What is NWC?

NWC is the National worship center where is going on nonstop 24/7 day and night worship of the king of kings and lord of lords.

Everyday 12 worship slots take place, every slot 2 hours like:  12-2am, 2-4am, 4-6am, 6-8am, 8-10am, 10-12pm, 12-2pm, 2-4pm, 4-6pm, 6-8pm, 8-10pm, 10-12am.

  • Are you a worshiper? Hunger for worshipe Come and praise the king of kings.
  • FREE… Worshiping OUR AWESOME GOD.
  • Heavenly Atmosphere, Overflowing presence of God, Mighty healings and visions.
  • No disturbance.


  1. Full air conditional hall and Sound proof.
  2. Power audio with 8 channel mixer. Shure mike and music stands.
  3. PSR s650 Keyboard, Acoustic Guitar and etc.
  4. Red carpet Floor, 24X18 Stage, and 500 audience seat capacity.

Gear to the time and anchor to the rock…

Book your slot in: 7708505152

The Secret Place (Contd) – Bro C. Umashankar IAS


Now you are not only a child/bride of God, but a warrior too.

You will have angelic ministry manifested this moment onwards. Warrior angels descend from Heaven and start protecting you and your belongings. The more you get into the night time warfare backed by preaching gospel outside, the more warrior angels would join you in the Kingdom work.

John 1:51 gives details that angels would start ascending and descending from you once you are into this one hour plus, warfare prayer.

What does this signify?

You would start doing outstanding miracles in the name of Jesus, just like Jesus started doing miracles after John 1:51 (Matthew 16:19). His miracles started only after this. Jesus had to open the Heavens through secret place prayers. He wanted to set an example to us. He did not take short cut, though He had all the powers as Son of Man.

You will be able to exercise complete control over the devil (Luke 10:19 and Luke 11:20). You will have the ‘finger of the Lord’ anointing – Luke 11:20.


Matthew 26:41 is your guarantee. You will be free from trials and tribulations (in the sense that the enemy’s ability to hit and hurt you is fully neutralised) – pain, diseases, death and destruction etc. The attacks of the enemy will be blunted because of the extra angelic protection you get out of the Secret place relationship with Jesus.

Now you know what is a secret place. And you also know what happens when you go into the secret place regularly.

           Go on, why are you waiting. Get into the Secret place relationship with Jesus today itself. Amen.