Message for reflection – Sr. Angelica AOJ
Sin is trading with satan - To get dominion satan needed to trade with Adam
He needed to get them to legally exchange their dominion for something that he gave them.
The only thing that satan had to offer was sin. 1 John 3:4, 2 The 2:3,7 He can offer sin in many different forms, but sin is the only "product" that he has with which to trade.
Violation of God’s laws and Commandments is sin. 10 Commandments and New Testament Great Commission. Mat 28:19-20, Mat 13:41
Temptation takes you to the Trading floor of the enemy. The moment that the enemy tempts you, you are standing on his trading floor.
You have to choose whether you are going to trade with him or not.
He is offering you something, but to get it you need to partake of sin.
The moment that you choose to partake of sin and take what he is offering, you have entered a trade with him.
You have accepted the sin he offered and now he has a legal right to take something from you.
Mat 26:41 Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Eve chose to say yes to the enemy.
She chose to trade with satan. She disobeyed God and partook of sin.
The moment that she (& Adam) sinned, satan had a legal right to take the dominion away from them. Adam and Eve had freely taken the sin that satan offered to them.
Satan now had the legal right to take something from them.
He took the dominion of the earth.
Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden, sin entered the world, and satan had the start of his demonic kingdom.
Since the time of that first trade, satan has continued to trade with mankind.
He offers us sin, in all its myriad forms, and when we take it, he has the legal right to take anything from us.
Our acceptance of his sin signals the acceptance of a trade. Every time we choose to sin, we trade away a part of our godly inheritance and destiny.
The things that he takes from us are blessings, opportunities, strengths, and gifts that God has made available to us as His sons and daughters.
He wants to steal these away from you so that you live in so much less than what God has for you. Sin is so deadly.
People today consider sin to be a small matter take it light and take it for granted. Man’s weakness, nature, attitude and guilt feeling stop him from turning to God. For a man to turn to God, His grace and mercy are required. Without the working of the Holy Spirit, man will never have a conviction of his sins. When a man turns to God, he doesn’t just realize that he is a sinner but feels that he is the greatest sinner among all sinners. Until one realizes sin’s horrific nature, he would never realize the greatness of the cross of Calvary. When the scene of the cross takes hold of us, we will see the cruelty of sin as seen by the righteous and holy God.
Exo, 20: 7 - Pharoah, Numbers 22: -Balaam
1 Sam, 15:24 -Saul, 2 Sam, 12:13 - David, Job 9:20, 42:10 -Job
Sin’s BIRTH: Isa, 14:12-14; James 1:14-15.
Through Adam: Rom, 5:12; Gen, 3:1-6.
Continuation in the next issue…
Sr. Angelica AJ
Allahabad BFF Training Testimonies:
- Sol.Babu: I have been a member of a big temple called Paris MCG for the last two years. It is located in Jalandhar. I am a car driver there. But I did not get real spiritual healing. I got real healing only after the BFF training here. Glory to God.
- Sol.Lakshmi: During the healing class in this training, I was very weak. I fell. They asked me if I had done any wrong against the Lord. When I confessed my mistake, the Lord gave me physical, mental, and spiritual healing. I thank God.
- Sol.Rani Devi: I had epilepsy for many years. On the first day of BFF training, when I came to the training place, I fell. I also had a fever. I fell frequently and got injured. I got delivered during the FRP class. Due to certain bondages, I used to get bad thoughts, but through the healing class, I was delivered. When asked if you got delivered during the class then I said; I had already received it. Glory to God!
The meeting started at 09:00 AM on 02.11.2024 at the YMCA Hall, Ernakulam. 45 people including SMPs, SMLAs from 3 parts of Kerala State attended the meeting. After the opening prayer, pledge, and bible reading, a parade was held declaring that Jesus is the King, Lord of lords, King of kings. Sol. Koshi hoisted the flag. Then, they sang a song and marched into the hall holding the flag. The choir team led the worship. Divine message was delivered by Sr. Angelica. She explained Exodus 34:10. When we do what we have to do for God, He will do terrible things and prove us to be His own people. Many more things were mentioned. The Lord's Supper was conducted by Sol. Ponnan. After the Lord's Supper, the soldiers expressed their peace and love.
After lunch, testimonies were shared. They glorified God by mentioning the miracles he had done through the morning worship. Followed by the discussion the main topic taken was about adopting and inheriting other states. The way opened only after putting one foot in the Jordan River. They prayed for God's help to put one foot with courage. Sol.Suma shared about the Shekinah class and how God used her to go to Delhi and pray with great fervor and continue to start the first classes there in 2016. Similarly, Sr. Angelica mentioned how Sol.Sindhu came to Chennai in 2016 with the Kerala team and attended BFF, and then God used her to start this training in Kerala that same month. Everyone realized and accepted the great revelation that God uses everyone to adopt each state and give freedom there by trusting in God alone.
The news that Sol.Arvind (Goa) went to Manipur in the past days and conducted FRP level 1 there encouraged us. Places like Rajasthan, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar were adopted. They prayed specially for these states too. When the lot was cast for other countries, the lot fell for Israel. They planned to take that too and pray for it. They adopted in the beginning of December. They decided to go to the nations. Glory to God!
Sol.Nirmala led us into heavenly court. Many people will lose their properties through the Vaka law and face loss. An appeal was made to stop this policy that is spreading throughout the country. They received many revelations. They prayed for the speedy implementation of the revelations given by God.
Competitions were held on the basis of the scripture. They participated with enthusiasm and got marks. The meeting ended with prayer at 5 pm. Glory to God!
Fellowship meeting was conducted in Arakkonam constituency, Chennai.
- Sol.Anandhi: God spoke to me in the morning to attend the fellowship meeting conducted in Arakkonam constituency. By his grace I attended it.
- Sol.Philomena: God helped me to start troop church physically in Kodungaiur, my longstanding prayer was heard.
- Sol.Mohanasundaram: God gave grace to complete 3 troop churches and start another 3 from these. Totally 21 soldiers attended through these 6 troops.
- Sol.Sweety: God revealed a soldier name “Sajitha” during the intercession prayer in our troop church and then God helped to start troop church in her house. A great peace was given by God in Sol.Sajitha’s family. Glory to God!
- Date revealed for gift schools through this Fellowship meeting.
- Visions and revelations about Children bible school (CBS) location was revealed through this meet.
- Jothi was healed from knee pain.
- One to one with God in the most Holy place.
- Can feel the Presence of God
- Kissing His feet.
- Many gifts may get activated.
The history could be divided into 3 sections. They are2nd June – 19th July, 2014 History:
- On 2nd June,2014. The voice heard, “Wind up the present ministries. Concentrate on the new one which I am going to show”.
- Mental preparations started. Did not know what the new project would be.
- 21st June, 2014 – Confirmation of the same message through a team of servants. Through them the Lord confirmed it and gave a clue that this is going to make an impact on the Church for the next 40 years. Perceived in the spirit it is something connected with the transformation of the Church.
- 5 days allotted for prayer in a remote place from 27th June- 1st July. First day itself the message was confirmed. Received many specifications and details.
- Returned to Chennai on 2.7.2014. On 3rd July, 2014 - 40 hours of prayer started for the launching of the Model Church (Troop Church) which the Lord will establish in India. Started maintaining a diary on the revelations received on Model Church (Troop Church).
- From 3rd July 40 hours of prayer were declared for this intention.
- On 6.7.2014 Sunday. Revealed the first message – Fig tree (Mat 21:19.20) and Vineyard, Shared as Sunday Message. (Is. 5:1-6)
- Command was received. A meeting was held on 19. 7.2013 and the participants were chosen through prayer. The Lord started giving the contrasts between the on New Model Church (Troop Church) and the existing Church.
- The new model and the present model Churches – A bird’s eye view – was given on 8.7.2014. Command to appoint the preparatory team for organizing the meeting. 3 members selected through prayer. They were informed. First meeting was conducted in Padapai on 10.7.2014 from 5.00-7.00 pm.
- Prayer started on 9.7.2014. Morning and evening 2 hours each sister and two families praying together for 9 days. On 9th according to Judges 7:21,22 we could see changes. Political, religious, social systems are changing in India. At this time Gideon Army should start the war. Enemies will ask you what is your authority to start this. Like David we have only one credential. Killing the lion and the bear which came to pull away the troop system network and merge it with the Church structure and to register us also as the Church members. Thank God. Now Troops were revived in APT.
- 10.7.2014- Prophesied on the Model Church declaring Bible Verses Eph. 3:17, Col 2:6, Ezek 17:9- 12, Ezek. 37:3-5 and on the present Model Church declaring Is. 41:15,16, Ezek. 34:1-5, Malachi 2:4-7.
Sol.Albert: We prayed about the digital fraud that happened in Tamil Nadu and God has marvellously answered it. The Cyber Crime Wing of the Tamil Nadu Police has retrieved ₹2 crore that fraudsters stole from a general manager of a private firm. The scam involves cybercriminals intercepting and imitating legitimate business communications to deceive victims into making unauthorised payments. Email spoofing is a technique used in spam and phishing attacks to trick users into thinking a message came from a legitimate person or entity.
FRP (Forgiveness and Reconciliation Programme) TESTIMONIES
Jesus gave us incredible promise John 14:12-14, when he said: "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the son may bring glory to the father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."
I am from Kerala. I am working as a missionary in Bihar. I came to the worship center in Perambur and stayed there from November 14-16 and worshipped. I had a problem of frequent urination. However, after coming here and worshipping, God helped me to worship without interruption for four hours. I believe that God has blessed me with complete healing. Glory to God.
After God created the universe, the earth, plant life, and all animal life. He created a new creation that was different from all the others in one very important way. He created humans. Humans had fleshy bodies like animals.They were formed from the dust of the ground. (Genesis 2:19), but it was God who breathed into man’s nostrils the ‘breath of life.’ And man “became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). By this act, God gave humans a small part of Himself, thereby raising man from a mere, impermanent animal to a permanent, part-physical, part-spiritual creation. Thus, humans belong to both the physical or natural realm and the spiritual or heavenly realm, possessing a soul and a spirit that come directly from God and are eternal like God. This spiritual body feels, thinks, and relates to the world like God.
This is what God declared in His Word: “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness” (Genesis 1:26-27, 5:1).
As a spiritual being, man is thus able to communicate and have a relationship with God. In fact, He is in needed. In essence, man is like an animal that has the ability to connect with the heavenly world, but if he does not connect with God in the spiritual world, if he lives his life in the physical world, he has failed to live up to the full potential that God created him to be. Then he falls short of the glory of God and lives only as an animal and falls short (Romans 3:23).
The Psalmist asks a question
What is man that you are mindful of him, and the sons of men that you visit them? You have made him a little lower than the angels; you have crowned him with glory and honor.
You have given him dominion over the works of your hands. You have put all things under his feet
(Psalm 8:4) Man, because of his body, is only "a little lower than the angels." But he is not lower than the animals, which are only physical. Thus, man is a kind of, among living creatures, a kind of spiritual being.
Included in the image of God is the ability to possess divine qualities. This includes feelings such as love, joy, peace, security, compassion, and other positive, divine qualities.These include high intelligence, curiosity, complex desires, the need for companionship and relationships, the need to find meaning in life, and a place to worship.
Continuation in next issue …
Morning Worship
Morning Worship is going on online (Zoom app) from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in Tamil Nadu and many other States in their own languages.
For details please contact
Sol. Shakespeare - 90037 71216, 62833 81962
Be Formed and Form (BFF) Info
Sapphire University
Those interested to know/join the university, for further clarifications and to know about our work may visit our website.
Dear soldiers,
To keep information accessible we have made few web pages in the name of aojinfo.in, kindly store this address in your browser so you may access it any time. The addresses of the web pages are as follows
1) http://giftschool.online - Gift school schedule
2) aojinfo.in/beryl - Announcements of AOJ
3) aojinfo.in/wheel - Message
4) aojinfo.in/tc - Troop Church method, English
5) aojinfo.in/tcm - Troop Church eight week messages, English
6) aojinfo.in/troopchurch - Troop Church method, Tamil
7) aojinfo.in/tcmessage - Troop Church eight week message, Tamil
For Information
International Worship Coordinating team has been directed to collect any revelation/inspiration received during worship, (both personal/troop prayer atmosphere).We are expected to report these revelations every Sunday, scheduled meeting online.
We need to prayerfully move ahead asking the Lord for further directions to bring Divine Governance in our midst. Hence, we welcome you to participate in Kingdom building and restoration process. Kindly message the revelations with interpretations (as per the leading of Holy Spirit) on personal chat or Shield West group, by Saturday or before.
NOTE: Worship is the key to Prophecy.
Jesus said, “let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Mt : 19:14
ADMISSIONS GOING ON FOR THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR 2025 for both old and new students*.
Classes : 1std - 12th std
ONLINE CLASSES through ZOOM or Google meet.
Kingdom Human Rejuvenation & Development Centre (KHRDC)
A Section 25(Not for Profit) company which focuses on Training and Skill Development in all the States of India.We provide training and equip them for workplace evangelism. We raise reliable, sincere and trustworthy people in the workplace like Joseph and Daniel who put God first in everything they do. Interested people can attend the Trainings. For details of Training, visit the Weblinks given above.
7 fold Agenda for the Global Churches/Church Leaders/Evangelists/Missionaries … (given on 27.10.2014)
To safeguard them from the evil one and solution for their Livelihood (Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)
- No mention about money or tithe offering (via online also) in the Churches
- No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
- Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
- Graduation of six months old believers
- Dividing the Church into small groups of 10.
- Pastors should look for jobs and get employed.
- No full time pastors for the church.
No.70, (Old no 41) F1, First floor,
Bethel Enclave, Baba Foundations, (near SBI Branch)
Siruvallur High Road,
Chennai 600011.
International Worship Centre is a Centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours. Per day 12 worship teams come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. The opening of IWC also turns to be the trumpet sign to start the fatal war against Satan to win the Nation's for Christ! Do you want to join this praising Army?
Book your slots
Tel: +91 81489 13271
Praise God for the successful completion of 46,831 slots in International Worship Centre with a Non Stop Worship (24/7)
Southern California was bracing for more dangerous winds on Tuesday as new wildfires broke out across the region, which is continuing to grapple with the major fires that have ravaged Los Angeles communities.
Forecasters warned that strong winds would hit southern California for at least two more days. The winds had eased somewhat on Tuesday afternoon after peaking at 60mph (96kph) in many areas, but gusty conditions will return on Wednesday, said Ryan Kittell, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service’s office for Los Angeles.
The fresh high winds – that are coming amid still bone-dry conditions – mark the end of a break in dangerous high fire-risk conditions that have allowed the beleaguered city’s firefighters to largely contain the disastrous blazes that have burnt thousands of homes. The fires have killed at least 27 people and destroyed more than 14,000 structures since they broke out during fierce winds on 7 January.
“If a fire were to get started it could grow pretty fast,” Kittell said. Red flag warnings for critical fire risk were extended through Thursday at 8pm across LA and Ventura counties.
The weather service had issued a warning of a “particularly dangerous situation” for parts of Los Angeles, Ventura and San Diego counties from Monday afternoon through Tuesday morning due to low humidity and damaging Santa Ana winds.
“The conditions are ripe for explosive fire growth should a fire start,” said Andrew Rorke, a meteorologist with the weather service in Oxnard.
Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles, said on Monday that the city was prepared for any possible new fires and warned the strong winds could disperse ash from existing fire zones across southern California. She urged Angelenos to visit lacity.gov to learn about ways to protect themselves from toxic air during Santa Ana winds.
Cal Fire and local fire departments have positioned fire engines, water-dropping aircraft and hand crews across the region to enable a quick response should a new fire break out.
Several small fires started in San Diego County. Evacuation orders were issued for the Lilac fire, which had burned about 50 acres (20 hectares). It was growing “with a moderate rate of spread and structures are threatened”, the California department of forestry and fire protection posted. Firefighters made progress on the Pala fire and it was reported as stopped, the agency said. Another blaze, the Friars fire, ignited near a highway on Monday afternoon, prompting a quick response from crews, the San Diego fire department said. Authorities ordered nearby residents to evacuate while others were told to shelter in place as firefighters work to contain the fire.
On Monday, Los Angeles fire crews quickly put out a small brush fire that broke out south of the iconic triple-domed Griffith Observatory.
A man suspected of starting the fire was taken into custody, said David Cuellar, a Los Angeles police department spokesperson. Firefighters also quickly extinguished a brush fire along Interstate 405 in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Granada Hills that temporarily closed the northbound lanes.
Fire crews aggressively fought a blaze that also sparked Monday afternoon in the city of Poway, in San Diego County, and stopped its forward progress.
A small amount of rain is forecast for the weekend in the Los Angeles area, though more gusty winds are expected to return on Thursday, Rorke said. More rain could fall during localized thunderstorms, which would be a “worst-case scenario” if it’s enough to trigger debris flows on scorched hillsides, Kittell said.
Authorities urged people not to mow their lawns to prevent sparking a fire, nor start any fires that could get out of control. They also urged residents to review their evacuation plans and ready emergency kits and be on the lookout for any new blazes and report them quickly.
David Acuna, a spokesperson with the California department of forestry and fire protection, said the biggest concerns are the Palisades and Eaton fires breaking their containment lines and a new blaze starting.
“Don’t do things to start another fire so we can focus on the mitigation of the current fires,” Acuna said.
More evacuation orders were lifted on Monday for Pacific Palisades and authorities said only residents would be allowed to get back in after showing proof of residency at a checkpoint.
FYI: Information's to be forwarded to the State Secretaries: Please work with your core team and get this information for publishing in Archive portal.
We require Testimonies from Gift School/Troop Churches, Report works for Documentation, Plans for the month for your State-20 Point Program Execution (word document), Praise Reports for Regional Meetings, Shadow Parliament Reports, any others...
SMP, Smla lists (updated ones).
Data should be sent forth to this email address - weekly - Regional allocation Email so it can be uploaded to server. Otherwise it can be sent to me personally in WhatsApp, will forward to IT wing.
Any difficulties in Documentary creation also please feel free to reach out, we will try to work it.
We will try to make all things documented for the month of July, August, and September.
Documentation is vital to show where we stand. Amen
- South Region: southindia@aojarchive.com
- West Region: westindia@aojarchive.com
- Central Region: centralindia@aojarchive.com
- East Region: eastindia@aojarchive.com
- North Region: northindia@aojarchive.com
- North East Region: northeastindia@aojarchive.com
AOJ Matrimony
Are you searching for a suitable bride/bridegroom for your loved ones? Do not worry. AOJ is providing you with free counselling and help through AOJ Matrimony Team. The Matrimony Team will help you to search for a suitable match for your loved ones, pray for them, guide them, and assist them and also solemnize the marriage.
Please have the enclosed profile application duly filled by your prospective bride/bridegroom and send it to us.
Feel free to clear your doubts and enquiries through phone or WhatsApp message or email.
Contact Particulars:
S.No. | Name | Whatsapp No. | Email ID |
1 | T.Leslie | 9444907772 | theoleslie@yahoo.com
2 | Johnson | 7358549693 | Kfcm1995@gmail.com |
3 | Sol.Amala Arunachalam | 9942203525 | |
4 | Sujatha Madhuram | 9884892025 | |
Postal address | Bro. Leslie
No.EA-402 Bollineni Hillside Phase 2,Near BVM Senior School,Perumbakkam Road,Chennai 600131 |
NAME (in block letters) :
Date of birth :
Height/Weight :
Complexion :
Languages known :
Qualification :
Job/Business with details & Income. :
Your present address :
Your permanent address :
Resident of :
Your Cell number and email ID :
Name & address of Troop Church :
Father’s name & Profession :
Mother’s name & Profession :
Siblings :
Your expectation :
Signature of Zonal Coordinator of your Troop
S. No | Name of Gift Schools and AOJ Operations | Coordinator | Mob. No |
1 | Troop Church | Sol. Mohan Parmar | 8320447525 |
2 | Worship | Sol. Joan Medonza | 7045527368 |
3 | Deliverance | ||
Deliverance Level 1 | Sol Laxmi | ||
Deliverance Level 2 | Sol Mini | 9306399335 | |
Deliverance Level 3 | Sol Sunitha Zambre | 9892401026 | |
4 | Healing | ||
Healing Level 1 | Sol.Lissy Mol | ||
Healing Level 2 | Sol. Andrea Mary | 9941903069 | |
5 | Prophecy | ||
Prophecy Level 1 | Sol.Shankar | ||
Prophecy Level 2 | Sol.Kasturi | ||
6 | Financial Discipline | Sol.Kamalesh | 84708945663 |
7 | Family Building | Sol.Renuka Soleke | |
8 | Hospitality | Sol. Geeta Rani | 8587913980 |
9 | School of Administration | Sol. Rohit | |
10 | BFF | Sister Anita | 9094921714 |
11 | Morning Worship | Sol.Gopal | 9889292359 |
12 | CBS | Sol.Christy | |
13 | Daniel Academy 2 | Sol.Richa | 8851667670 |
14 | Evangelism through Business | Sol.Dr.Mohan Parmar | 9998666856 |
15 | Archives | Sol. Neha | 9560058874 |
16 | Fullness in Christ (FC) | Sol.Leelamma | 9962999201 |
17 | Matrimony | Sol Subramanian | 7708831082 |
18 | Funeral service | Sol Govindhan Joshua | |
19 | Ezhuchikural | Sol Victy Mythula | 6380817938 |
20 | Kingdom Gazette | Sol.Felix | 7358420497 |
21 | Night Prayer | Sol. Vimala Grace | 9444006772 |
22 | International Gift Schools | Sol. Tony | |
23 | Troop Church in other countries | Sol Tony | |
24 | OTP | Sol Dr.Sujata | 9677192227 |
SUNDAY | North | Sol. Ajaypal (70658 85778) |
MONDAY | Tamilnadu & Kerala | Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) (Tamilnadu) /
Sol. Sabina (98471 76553) (Kerala) |
TUESDAY | West | Sol. Savitha (97026 24364) (Maharashtra) /
Sol. Ratna (88052 05676) (Goa) / Sol. Malathi (96013 53166) (Gujarat) |
WEDNESDAY | East | Sol. Yesumilan (86581 31635) |
THURSDAY | Central | Sol. Reeta Gokhle (96659 83740) |
FRIDAY | Karnataka/Andhra Pradesh & Telangana | Sol. Preethi (74060 87324) (Karnataka) /
Sol. Dr. Pradeep (90478 99746) (AP) / Sol. Innar Reddy (77020 63937) (Telangana) |
SATURDAY | Tamilnadu | Sol. Menaka (80726 53915) |