
Warfare prayer
Warfare prayer of the soldiers of the Army of Jesus to bind and destroy the works of the devil
Let us bind and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ who has conquered sin, satan, curse and death on the cross
Pro 12:23 The spirit of fools which proclaims foolishness
Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica
Milk food and solid food
Bible talks about milk food and solid food in Heb 5:13,14
"Ask, and you will receive.”Mat 7:7 is milk food. We have heard even 50 years old believers sharing testimonies about the material and spiritual gifts they have received from the Lord. In the same chapter verse 12 gives you the example of solid food.
“Always do for other people everything you want them to do for you” Mat 7:12
How many times in a day I expect my brother, sister, comrade, mother, father etc to do certain helps for me and I blame them for not doing it. This is a perfect example to measure my walk with the Lord.
Whenever I expect help from others, think of the ways I can extend the same help to them. For eg. If I expect my sister in law to look after my child when I am out f the house for some emergency. I can voluntarily go to them and say, “If you have any need to go out, you may leave your child with me. I will look after”.
If every Christian start practicing this verse, this earth will be made heaven. Everybody will come to accept Jesus Christ. That is why satan very conveniently hid this verse from the notice of believers, even pastors.
Covenant Women
“Now gather yourself in Troops, O daughter of troops, he had laid siege against us. “ Micah: 5:1
A wonderful opportunity for ladies who want to serve the Lord
A movement to raise the status of Women in India
Both in history and in the Bible Women’s role is very important in a nation.
During the crucial period of our Lord’s visitation of India (2007 – 2014), He wants our fair sex mass play a vital role in the transformation of our nation. In order to train them up, a 12 hour training Programme is given by the Lord. KHRDC has started implementing it.
This training session covers the following subjects
- Fallen nature of women and restoration by Jesus Christ
- Building relationship
- Finance Management
- House Maintenance
- Exercising the authority of parents
- Behavioral patterns
- Common sicknesses of women and Medical checkup.
- Civic Sense
The Lord is in need of "6 filled Jars" to accomplish His work as He did in Cana. (John 2:1-11 )
The jars should be filled with the Holy Spirit!!
The Lord will add to it colour, odour, taste, value etc.,
People can draw wine from the jars to give taste, strength, love and value to the women of the world.....!!
"" Oh Dear Covenant woman, “ARE YOU A FILLED JAR??” If you are a WOMAN FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT the Lord is ready to make use of you to bring taste, joy and love to the women of our Nation ""
Find out the jars who are simply sitting outside the houses and synagogue for washing purpose!! (Traditional Christian life)
The Master is in need of you???
Are you ready???!!!!!
Troop Church Testimonies
Recently we heard about cyclonic storm Kyant- we heard that this cyclone may hit Vizag and Odisha and they predicted heavy damage may happen as in the previous year. We got this information before Oct 26, 2016.So we as a troop prophesied Kyant to go back to the sea.The same thing happened.t didn't affect any part of Vizag and Odisha. We heard that the cyclone became weaker and gone back to the sea. Halleluyah. As we exercised the gift of prophecy with faith.God protected the people and the land.
As we got Know your enemy Telugu dubbing verification task .God helped us to do it with the help of the Holy Spirit guidance and anointing.This have made us stand firm in the spiritual warfare and gained so many informations regarding Semiramis, Nimrod, discovery of Muslim,Idolatry,Catholics,Horoscope etc.,Thank you Jesus Christ and also we are taking adequate measures and praying for the fulfillment of model mandal vision in Maripeda.
- Sol N.Vaani

Be Formed and Form
Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.
The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to
Email ID : heavenly hostofjesus@gmail.com
Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052
Upcoming BFF Batches
November 14th-19th- Panaiyur-Tamil- Chennai- 9884326080-Sol.Aravind
November 14th-19th- Trichy - Tamil - 9750784733-Sis.Roseline Johnson
Please pray, attend or send participants for this 5 day residential course.
Please confirm your registration as early as possible.It's a unique Christ designed course, transforms souls, delivers people from bondage, enlightens people on true knowledge of Christ and the word of God, Anointing of the Holy Spirit is abundant all through the program.
Come and be blessed and bless others.
Mark 16:17 (NKJV) And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Jesus is alive. How to know He is alive? He does miracles, signs and wonders even today all over the world through His children.
Jesus directly spoke to all the prophets, starting from Abraham. When He was in the flesh and blood He spoke and we have four gospel books namely Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They are wonderful, to say the least.
He speaks now too, directly. Yes, I heard Him speaking to me on 26th February 2010. His voice was lovely clear, firml and audible. Wow. That was an everlasting experience.
2 Timothy 4:3 (NKJV) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
John 8:44 (NKJV) You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.
John 10:10 (NKJV) The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
Revelation 22:18 (NKJV) For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
1) Jesus is the Prince and the Redeemer
Jesus is the creator God who came down to earth to pay the price for sin and become the the Redeemer and King of kings.
Acts 5:30 (NKJV) The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree. 31 Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
Acts 4:12 (NKJV) Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
2) He is the Judge on the Great White Throne judgement day.
3) No person in human history had so many prophecies about him except Jesus. We have seen a few prophecies in the foregone paragraphs. Undoubtedly, Jesus is the Messiah and He is God, the creator. Amen.
John 14:6 (NKJV) Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”.
John 3:18 (NKJV) “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 5:24 (NKJV) “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
Let us pray for the deceived people in our secret place.
Prophecy NEWS Updates..
Muslim Refugees Meet Jesus: God At Work In The Midst Of Crisis
We've seen the video clips of Muslim refugees--many of them from war-torn Syria--flooding into an unprepared and overwhelmed Europe. We've heard accounts of some of these refugees committing ugly crimes and others demanding that the post-Christian societies that welcome them conform to the harsh demands of Islamic law.
We've even read the stories about Islamist terror groups such as ISIS infiltrating the refugee populations in order to wreak further havoc on the West. But chances are you don't know, as Paul Harvey might have said, the rest of the story. It's a story of God building His kingdom in the midst of chaos, doubt, and uncertainty. It's a story of Muslims meeting Jesus. Take, for example, the story of Javad.
A Muslim from Iran, Javad didn't know any Christians and didn't own a Bible, though he had heard some Christian satellite radio. Then in 2008 he migrated to Athens, and a roommate asked him to come to an Iranian church. Javad had never heard of such a thing and, curious, he went. There, in a small, unremarkable rented room, he heard the gospel and gladly received Christ.
Now Javad is sharing the Jesus he met with other Muslim refugees in Greece. Every day he goes to a refugee center, park, or coffee shop to share the good news with Iranian and Afghan refugees. He says that he knows of two or three Muslims each day since he arrived who have trusted in Christ. Working at a refugee center that provides practical aid, Javad says more than 2,000 Muslims at the center have turned to Jesus in the last eight years.
Because many refugees remain on the move, an informal network of new churches for Muslim converts has begun spreading in Britain, The Netherlands, Germany, and elsewhere. One church in Berlin has counted 1,200 Muslims converted in just three years, most of them Afghans and Iranians.
At a Persian church in Hamburg, meanwhile, more than 600 Pakistanis and Afghans lined up to be baptized during one service. According to a report in The Daily Beast, thousands--maybe tens of thousands--of Muslims have become followers of Jesus across Northern Europe. One young woman from Iran told the German magazine Stern, "I've been looking all my life for peace and happiness, but in Islam, I have not found them."
Another convert said the love of Christ made all the difference. "In Islam, we always lived in fear," he said. "Fear God, fear of sin, fear of punishment. But Christ is a God of love." Of course, while all this is good news for Muslims, it's not news to you, if you've been following BreakPoint. We've highlighted the ground-breaking research of David Garrison, author of the eye-opening book "A Wind in the House of Islam."
After conducting 1,000 interviews with Muslims who met and decided to follow Jesus, David says that the pace of Muslim conversion is accelerating. Of the 82 people movements of Muslims becoming Christians since Islam was founded, 84 percent have occurred within the last two decades. Millions who used to follow Islam are now following Jesus.
"In the last couple of decades," Garrison told my colleague John Stonestreet, "we began learning of more and more places in the Muslim world where Muslims are saying, 'We realize we didn't have salvation in Islam. [B]ut we have found assurance of salvation in the person of Jesus Christ.'"
So while the wars and upheavals in the Middle East and Asia have sparked a crisis of, might I say, biblical proportions, God continues His quiet work of saving sinners and transforming lives. As Joseph in the Old Testament said, what man meant for evil, God meant for good, for the saving of many people! That, my friends, is the rest of the story!
Alqosh, the Last Christian Town in Iraq, is Here to Stay
For more than two years it lasted, just minutes away from Islamic State-held territory. The Iraqi town of Alqosh (50km north of Mosul) is the only Christian stronghold in the country that survived IS. Looking for signs of hope for the future of Christianity in Iraq? This town, with its four churches, two monasteries and 500 Christian families, is where it can be found.
For those who grew up reading the Bible, Alqosh might ring a distant bell. It was the town where Old Testament prophet Nahum, "the Elkoshite", lived. His grave, which also houses ancient Hebrew texts, can be visited in the old centre of Alqosh. The message of the New Testament also found its way to this community long ago; since the early Middle Ages this town has been Christian. And it’s determined to stay that way.
"All over Iraq, Alqoshians are known to be strong, tough," Father Araam, one of the town’s Chaldean-Catholic priests, says. Like many Christians here, he is determined to stay, whatever happens. "I am one of God’s witnesses here. God is still here, why should I leave? As long as I am able to give a glass of water to someone who is thirsty, I am able to serve Jesus in Alqosh."
Visiting Alqosh is not easy. Before entering the town, all visitors are stopped at a heavily guarded checkpoint. Only if one of the community leaders will vouch for them are they allowed in.
The safety measures are not an unnecessary exercise; for a long time IS was just a 10-minute drive away. In 2014, IS tried to conquer Alqosh. The women and children all left the town, but most of the men stayed to defend their community, backed by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters. They succeeded; the Christians and Kurds fought off IS, and most families returned.
But there is another reason the close-knit Christian community of Alqosh is wary of outside visitors, Father Araam says. "Our country is almost 90 years old now [Iraq became independent in 1932]. Christians have really never been respected. There has been nothing but war, persecution and pressure." ‘When needed, I will protect myself’
However, the Alqoshian Christian community chose not to be pushed aside by the successive powers oppressing them. The self-implemented rule – that only Christian Alqoshians are allowed to own land or houses in the town – has kept the community safe from other religions and tribes. Over-cautious? Father Araam doesn’t think so.
"I’m sorry we have to work this way, but we have had some really bad experiences very close by," he says. "There used to be more Christian villages here on the Nineveh plain; we lost them all." But until today, the informal tribal law system has granted the Alqoshians the opportunity to keep out strangers, ensuring it remains a 100 per cent Christian-owned community. This freedom comes with a price. The men in the town are expected to play their role in protecting it. Father Araam visits the frontline often in his role as priest, recognisable by his white collar. He opens his phone and shows pictures of himself with Peshmerga fighters.
Often soldiers ask me: ‘Priest, why are you here?’ My answer is: ‘As Christians we pray for you, we pray you will stay safe, that you will be able to return to your home,’" he says. "IS is a killing machine – they don’t see soldiers as people.
"As a church we have a different story, a story of love. I’ll gladly share that everywhere, even on the battle line. I am here to help as a Christian, but, when needed, I will protect myself and my town." In Alqosh the churches and the monastery play their own role. On a hill overlooking the town, the compound of Our Lady Monastery is a popular place for Alqoshians to spend the evening.
The prior, Father Gabriel, sees an important role for the town’s clergy. "For me as a priest, I see it gives people hope as long as I am here with them," he says. "Even when IS came in 2014, we didn’t perform miracles. Just the fact that we stayed here as long as we could was a testimony, a living hope for the believers."
‘Their community is vanishing’ The prior says he feels called to do everything he can to keep the Christians from leaving the country.
"Christianity in Iraq is like a big tree," says Father Gabriel. "It has been here for 2,000 years, but today our enemies are many and they want to cut down the tree. They want to get rid of us." When Iraqi Christians move to Europe or North America, trying to "re-plant" themselves there, their faith is in danger, he says.
"There already are a lot of Iraqi Christian communities in America and Europe, but they are all melting, becoming part of those cultures," he says. "The next generation will not be recognisable. Their faith will disappear because the community they belong to is vanishing."
Fr. Gabriel is doing his best to make the place feel safe and hospitable. A small shop sells refreshments for visitors. A young couple just got married and are celebrating outside the monastery gates. A children’s birthday party is celebrated near a farm maintained by the monastery. Here it’s possible to forget about IS, the threats and the problems for a while.
"My whole family, except one sister, all of them left the country," Father Gabriel says. "These people are my family now, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I have committed my life to this church, to these people. Once you give a gift like that, you don’t take it back. "When Jesus went to Jerusalem, the people were planning to kill and crucify him. Peter tried to stop them, using violence. But Jesus said to Peter: ‘Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword!’"
"Christianity in Alqosh is like gold," says Fr. Araam. "It is tested in the fire. It hurts, but the result is that the gold will be purer. I see people changing, not just in faith but also in their behaviour. They have felt for themselves that, when everything could be taken from them, God is all that remains. When the government soldiers leave you, when IS comes, when you run out of bullets, who do you cry out to?"
‘We need international support’
Both Fr. Araam and Fr. Gabriel call upon the international community to support the Christians in Iraq. They say that without political and even military protection of the Christian minority, life will be very difficult for Christians, even if IS is defeated completely. Fr. Gabriel compares the position of Christians to the state of Israel. "All the Arab countries are Islamic countries; they are all against Israel," he says. "And yet, Israel is strong, stronger than the Arab world. Why? If the international community can guarantee safety for Israel, why not do the same for the Christians in Iraq?" He calls for a UN-protected safe zone for Christians. "We need international support. Our enemies are many, we are just a small group," he says. Father Araam agrees with him and says he is grateful for the many humanitarian organisations already supporting Christians in Alqosh. "Many groups support our work here. There is still love left in the world. That helps us in keeping the hope that we will have a life and a future," he says.
Know Your Enemy
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:11
Section 1 - The Old Testament - The Jezebel Spirit
The Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit
You will often find the Jezebel spirit trying to get close to those who already have control. Proverbs says:
Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways, Do not stray into her paths; For she has cast down many wounded, And all who were slain by her were strong men. Her house is the way to hell, Descending to the chambers of death.
Scripture emphasises that the intended target of this spirit is ‘strong men’. It primarily targets men with leadership skills or powerful positions such as Nimrod and Ahab. But in reality she has a deep hatred of true spiritual authority and will always seek to replace it with illegitimate authority. She will do this through emotional pressure, witchcraft and obsessive sensuality. But make no mistake; lust and sex are merely tools to weaken others in order for her to accomplish her goal. The subtle persuasions of femininity are used only to gain influence and get close to those in control. She then uses this position to gradually dominate. In the Hebrew, the name Jezebel means literally "without cohabitation". She will not live with those she cannot dominate and control. She will have no equals. We saw evidence of this when Semiramis ordered the death of Nimrod and plotted to do the same to Tammuz. There are no ends she will not go to in order to gain and keep control. It is what Jezebel wants more than anything.
Domination is always satanic and stands in contrast to the example given by Jesus, the servant king, “who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.” (Philippians 2:6) Even when Jezebel appears to be submissive, it is usually out of a carefully wrought plan to gain influence. In 1 Kings 21:8 we read "Jezebel wrote letters in Ahab’s name and sealed them with his seal, and sent them to the elders and nobles of the city." This tells us that she prefers to remain concealed in the background, while she manipulates situations and leaders. A hidden hand behind the public figure. Just like Satan is the King of Tyre pulling the strings behind the Prince of Tyre.
Demonic Depression and Loss of Vision
The power of the spirit of Jezebel should not be underestimated. For seven years God had carefully and miraculously protected Elijah from Ahab’s armies. God had even commanded ravens to feed him in the wilderness. He had super naturally met all his needs.
In the Mount Carmel showdown, Elijah called down fire from heaven and resoundingly defeated and killed the priests of Baal. All Israel fell at his feet in repentance worshipping the true God. Elijah was one of the mightiest prophets of God that the world had ever seen. He was vindicated and victorious. And yet it took a single threat from Jezebel to send Elijah spinning into anxiety and even depression. He fled to the desert and begged God to kill him. Think about this because naturally speaking it makes no sense. Elijah enjoyed supernatural protection for seven years, watched fire fall from heaven, saw his enemies defeated and still Jezebel could bring him to this condition with a single threat.
This is an example of Jezebel’s power to intimidate and strike fear into the hearts of men, causing them to withdraw. Jezebel will try to steal your vision. Jezebel will even make you depressed and anxious when there is nothing significantly different in your circumstances. If there are difficult circumstances, this spirit will tell you they are insurmountable, impossible, and overwhelming. Jezebel will make you feel like dying when in reality, you are God’s man of the hour.
Spiritual life may seem irrelevant and pointless. You may lose the desire to pray and the faith to try. Demonic voices will tell you it’s all hopeless. You may suddenly find yourself in unreasonable anxiety, fearing tragedy or death. Pessimistic and cynical. Much of what is called "depression" is Jezebel. Jezebel wants to paralyse with fear, condemnation, depression, apathy or whatever it takes until we withdraw. The only answer for those under Jezebel’s attack is perseverance in battle and remember, the God who resoundingly defeated Baal on Carmel can do the same today.
Mark Fairley
National Worship Centre (NWC)
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National Worship Centre (NWC)
Per day 12 worship teams will come to worship from different parts of the Nation. One slot consists of 2 hours. Do you want to join this praising Army?
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Mobile : 7708505152
National Worship Centre is a centre where the Lord of hosts, the Lord God Almighty is worshipped in His majesty all the 24 hours.
Address :
Father’s House,
4/364 E, Anna Salai 1st Cross Street,
ECR, Palavakkam, Chennai – 600041.
- When I was worshipping I saw a few people going to heaven led by a man wearing a long white robe. Many people were crying and shouting at the bottom where there was darkness.
- God put a strong sensation in my heart. God himself is going to come down and break the bondage of this nation and the strongholds of satan personally. God reminded us the promises of the day Genesis 28:15 that he is not going to leave us until he fulfills all the promises.
- When I was worshipping God reminded me of the promises of the day Genesis 28:15 and told me He is going to rebuild his tabernacles and make us his memorandum.
- Presence of God filled my heart and I felt the Spirit of God hovering over this place. That time an unexplainable joy filled my heart. And God gave me a burden for my country and my area. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful experience